Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1954, p. 1

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Mam an mommy Manxr wing Church Gives Good Dividend If Supported 90th YearNo 133 There is no Investment that cost 50 lhue nnd pays so much dlvldend themrisuan Church Charles Newlnn declared In his nddrcgs the Kiwanis Club 01 Banla Monday on the occasion Suppom nl Chumhcs prazmm Hi Midics was uuem Spending our The church is our Chrlrtlnn Multan he said it had not buen brought to our wcslcm world we would be living in slavery and pcsfllenne It is our Christian or ale it we an no support it we can lose our hcrlialc just as last as we can lose our buslmu or our cnplial We musi keep nur capital mind It musk be soundly lnvcsl edlo pay good dl id nds The spcnkcr pointed oul hnl one 01 me mnln characteristic our dcmncrncy In random Fm dom ol movmcm Freedom exqrcsylons Frecdvm wonhl am in whatever church wlsh he pulm ld om Thla Is dflvldcnd ol the Cllrlmlnn church that many or dunol wcm lo apprepi Amulet ypc dlvldcnd he summed up under the words We can our brothers keepers By hclng an active layman In your church wn nccnuln way to re celvc the dlvldend the cum llnq Vchumh We are dribbling away our Chrlsllln humane he pointed out Remember the seventh day to Map It holy now much morn can we nuord dribble away without papurdlzlnu our Chrmlun PQngJmeny of hmi um um Nell Mncfionnld was chulrman or hu prolrfim which begin with mlnutcu silence for lhm who gave their llvcs In two world wars Ray Heap led the sinuxonl with Charllo Smith 04 the pllno Tom McCrrou extended thank the club to Mr Newton or lnaylrIng mcmzn Gums the dinner Included In followan member 01 Barrie Dlllrlcl Mlnklerlgl Asmclatlon Rev NewmnSmllh Rev Erin Rev Veils Rev Nuxlmcycr Major the luv miller REV Pike Rev Clcmrnu Rev Drond semn Rev Unslmd Ca HIE av Shcrrlnl Rev Luck Rev Wanlm Sr Mljur Cooper IMi Klwnnllnl Rev Jam Forliison and REV Ernml Lcwll Eligible Citizens Here May Claim For Flood Damage Citluns 1n Barrlc whose homel were nllcdcd Ilructurnlly by flood wnlcrn rum mnln crack nr trlhumlu are ollllbla lo Aubmll clnlms or compcnlnllon to the llurrlcnnc Home and Eulldlngs Ammnco Board Tammy rccclvcd In Dur rle by the wwm Dcpurlman Munlclpnl Dulmlnz an Wednu any Cmmu wllhln Informnlnn Ire ukcd contact locll wel lure ofllccr Bcn Smuuhnn It the lawn olll clnlxm mun In In by Dec but cman an rcmlndcd um dnmnlc lrom lurlncu drumn Ind lclvlllfi example when wmr nu and Into baman do not come under one he alums cllulllcnllunl It only nppllu result 01 crnrk uvcrllowinfl ll blnkm rum are 1le Ivnllublc 1m uwn olflce or uwnun mill bmlnum whulc prlmlnu Wm muclurnlly Mlcflcd by the lame lull The Aulmlnco Dulrd ml Illa lnlurmcd lho luwn lhll marchMl can clllm lur mlrchnndllc rulntd by Hood wulm 1mm uvcrllowlnu rrcrkl NllJu nppllullunl hvw rvrr have In bu In by Nov 20 but It ll undcnluod um An exten Ilon of mu will be urnnml or form rumlnu mu ninja 0m lumu urn lho wny arm ll Dirfltlll llmo 1m cmvwenxnuun lur alum and urnlturo dnlnnlcd by lhu laud wnltrl Crossword Puzzle Now Reaches $150 llvu wreu wlllnml wlnntrl xhz Unrrlc IIImum Cruuwunl luuln Cunlm lhll cvrryuno lllhlnl about ll up lu mud he DEM uugh nounlnzly Ilmplr flu puzth In drown wllh plu mum lhu lhuumul or well conluunu nuw knuw mm nv pnulm Illrlul 10 wuhl no Irma In been nnly one winner Min Alph MCIale II 5quan nhrln lull men thn bun mllllfluul ulhorl wllll in mInkgn Nu MumI ol rhlnn or lucky draw Invmun Every rur mt lulwrr wllu prim an mm In unly mm the WIN wll bl um ml wrvk mm In mm lhuume rurrecl mnwer ml wll dvldul lvtnly nw ulnmuut wlI th umpllu wqu whkh Inclxlenlmy mum Imm nuth uplvu Ill week bul lhc Inwummll 111 Emnlner My man AM la nn uul wlurwy lh cumm wll runllnue unlll mnmnu win an 15mm 51 sxga enjoywlp hum wlvln tnmlmr Cmmvrdl am We ond mu win yuu DIM nev enl mm The nmlner um um deMn Inio Ahl Cmme AND COUNTY OF SIMCOB Since 1864 MAURICE Joans president at Vespm Branch of thecanadinn Legion which will be holding its 25m anniversary celebra tions this wgekend is seen standing beside the Vespru War Memorial in Sprlnzwatcr Park The branch today has member BROWN who was tho first pm idcnt the Vespm Branch of the Can ndlnn chlon In 1929 In seen 1m with Robert Peacock Korma zone commander and presidan In 1935 nnq 1040 and Bob Wnllwln presunb vlcuprcaldcm of the brunch In racosnlblon or hla outstanding work the branch has honored Mr Brown wllh Hiemembership In mo Legion Mr Peacock served In the First World War lnnislil Township Building Olficially Opened This Week Marks Municipalily Progress prourcuulvc slop Iorwurd In municipal government In nnlslll Townamp was taken on Wedncndny utternoun wlth the omclnl openlnx the new munlclpnl building which hnn been erected at Stroud on the west nude or Illuhwny 11 Hurrcunluflvu lmm llw lndcrnl nml urnvhwlnl unvnnmunll hum 81mm Cuunly Couucll and mm number nl nrluhlmrlnu munlcl vnllllu wuxu prawn lnr ln uyun nu cmumuy lu mmlllun lu mnuy ruhlrnll llm lawmth OHILIHI uurnlnu lha buthIIK wu wrluruml by IL lnhmr ha Jumrhnlnl Municipal Ml Ilm wlm Irhrml NW curly MI lury munlclml uuvmnurm In Cumin In an nddnn he gave cunurululnlnl Hm lumey wumu nu nm nlup Mm mum Ill lrlulrlnl lhn bulldllll lur tlwlr um nut nuulmn In In rrllulll day cmmrll unvrm nu llm nymnllun munlclpll lly he Illnllfll whlrh III MtHI In hlu lmllnru lu he IIIlnl my mhl Imml IKII Wm IVIiIIblo mo mumn nm erlllmlnrnl umm ruwmhlp um lluv In yrm mun llu nm 1mm ul munlclpnl luv mum ll 11ml wlmhl lu lllVlf mam challrnur nw mruul uw lownlmlv who wuuhl lumn Iunl In NH Ullll Ivlvlrrl ml llm tumnlll luuunlnnl wnrk llw wrn llulnl uml Illrlr wulll lwulfun In ll uverIll Irwlummul the munlrlxmllly wuld run he umlormlmnluh ruuuwm lho avonml mn nny dullullun nrvlu wu galaan I1ylml 041w5m Fur Ilmul Ieven pm me Im lmn dlmmlnn vnrluul mu Ilmul lho lumep muhlnl pluper munlclpll bulldlnl bul lht Im Chunk Vespra Brahch Canadian legioh 25th Annivérsary miJmi unwind Sm elm Inn I1 ml 9mg anufl om héflarrfiz mullcr wnI Ihcvrd unlll curly HI cur wllm uuunckl drrldud mm mumfly ur Inch pul pom Thu pmwnl Inllluma qul burn Mugml hy Hurl Mulhullmul Vsuoml Mlh View In It bclnl uprxml IIIVku nlnllun wllh ruluurnnl und muncll mt ll wuuld Iult Hurlr mlulrcmnnlu wlm nllnhl llruclmfl mmxlnu ML The nmruury nulhurlly wnl uman mum llm Immmr Ind lhu lnlllnlml will vurchmu mu Iuwnlhlp hulllllnu In Hm um uuurll mvmbcrl lllvu IMVIIINI lu lllflcrclll IIVLI llulll wllllln In luwlllhlp lmhl their rnunlur munlhml Ind um nuw ummrmrnl Imvlnu pn mum nurlluu an wlll lm MI unl only lo um cuulh Clllnr hul Illu lu llln Ilrrlml whu hka hulnru lu lumncl wllll mu luwnnlllu of Imudllu Inlgn Hm nuw Imllnllun ruulllludlmu Ind hum llllml ml In Mlllllll prncllcul my umcloul umu uml Muullml mum Inuk out on In ll luuhwny wllh Um umtllll mm Iml mnlcll rhlmher Id III II lh Inf lllt bulldllm lrnrnl mrmhrn Inuhnl lrurnl mrmhrn Inuhnl Count er Alln TvdlL Druily viva Hlylhe hlchnhv Im rmmrlllnll Tum Cook Iml Cnmvhtll TownMu clerk In Him lulu who Illnml lvum cumwll In lcrepl Hull 90 Allnn rumor clo um II lthmIqur Oum memhou cl Ill no Mlu Mn Bloln Ind Elllnbnlll Klmlnt shtp of 25 and some of the charter mem bars are an active in the work the branch During the war Mr Coutta served overseas with the Cnnndlpn Highland Light Infantry wlth the Royal Orcnndlera and In the lost wnr wlth the Royal Cnnndlnn Englneore In the Second World War Mr Wnllwln served wlth the 2nd Armoured Reglment lat Huunra The Veapm brunch ls under stood to be the only rural brunch In the Ontnrlo Command Apeclul dinner and concert ln the chlon Hull Mldhurat wlll be held tomorrow night no part at tho brunchs 25th nnnlverenry cclobmtlona BARRIE ONTARIVQ CANADA FRIDAY NOVEMBER 19 I954 VON Campaign Is Now Over $2000 Result of Blitz Wllh pm at Um hmlncu cum luwn tn be cunvnnm and wllh numurr ul Incompleln ulurnl lhc Vidnrlnn Order Nurnl hmdulllnu blllz hold all Mum day uu cum 130 up lu hll Inornlng Thll wlu rrwrlfd by Will Illd Icy tmnunlun chulunun who wlulrd mil Ulnl and purllon Nu Iuwn bunlncn xrlhm lm yo lnbn tllanIlld The VON Ubllc an ll $3000 Tu help nld lhll dllvl wlllcll vllnl lmpmlnnce In mnlnlnln Inn the wumkHul mumuully nr vlcc ltlldfltd tho VON cll mu whu may nvn been Inlmd durluu hr DIN clnvnu on M0n dny nro ukm lo rumcl lll ol nu wud rumum or Mn llldley ll DI Dunlap Hltfll FAIL lu make lhrlr donlllon Thu cnmpnlnn cummlltru hmI nIIu ukud mu nny unvauan whn not ynl completed ml unvm won poium um all Mum can In com birted Continues Mllcl Partly Cioudy No Extremes Tm wuum 1m 1mm Ind lnr mml III wul nul Indy IndIrIn mnnnpd mild Ivut pul cloudy Ind yo alumni Inn old mill MM hour Aan lurk wdlln to elmy dawn Mun ha lull IllAnny Nov Nov ilth Temperlua II my Agunrtet oi century ago small group of exServicemen Swhohhad tetumed to Vespra Township town more pick up the threads at lite which had been cut as result theflFirst World War decided that they wished to maintain mmeqhihg of the companionship they had Iound during Ithose warv years Only Rural Branch In Ontario Vespran Legion 25th Anniversary Marks Milestone Great Progress MmImportant um they wane wmkc sure that the supreme Junketh had bun mm by that New men in the war wyuld myth fltqnzly remem mred and 4M they would do vflun Lhuy couldo he lhclr cam mcs who came home me 1918 nlnn the scar at he conqch mpnrum Mlletam Now 25 your Inter he high dealm Ihitlnsplrad ha orlzinn map of men will sac vdcram romv the Two Wax1d Warn sit lawn modal dinner Ia mrrrow night 00 mark an Impou zm milestone of proarm In the nzaqlzatlon which wul formed ugk In 1929 VflvEI Branch Canadian Legion The occasion wul be mnked by 9an dinner and variety ancerl withpmlcglnflnl nrthu rom Toronto taking part which will be held In tho Milon Hall ll Midhum anuary WW hc first mve lo have some organization vclcmm up saw the arm Illonol Saldicrl Club In Min nlhl 1n the lollnwlnl year on Nov this club was rcorgnnzed and expanded to 13k In Mldhum and he lurmundml district It win then mMmcd Vespra Sol dlcrl Club The um prcsldent of flu rc urgunlud group Wu IL Lane who was at am time the Superin tendents the Mldhunt Rummy ShanonL However In Dumber 1973 MIG lane lcnlha dillrict Ind new Ilalu fleet wu eluded with Percy Drake as president Mr Drake lncldanUy Is now mambcr he Bum Brunch Lb Canadian mm laln begun Ha contlnucd In olflcc unul Aprll 1m and at 111m time Alex Shieldx omunlzcr or the Cnnndlm Lcmlon vlslwd the club Ind 101 luwlng hl vlaflffl was orginllcd into an ncllva branch 01 he Lel lon and chumr was tuned lhn mlluwlnk member Kh mckmb Brown Monmlh Lwlms Martin Day Lessor Mama Drnkn Armnmnu IL Peacock ll Mme Knapp Adam The election at offlten or the new branch took place In May IMO and IL men became the first pruldonl In the your whlch allowed hll Dulce wnl held by Armslmnl Miller Day Monlcllh lL Puch McDowclL Tmcy lms Ind Cauw Tho ham wa prmmed by Ministers Wife Dies at Service Husbands Church The lmlnl duneflan ur vlte II Una Ilrll Chmllm lu ormrd much an BL Vlmnt lured on chmmy awning lnllcllly lnlomlpted by the Inddan dellh Mn Dell llronduma wllo Inc min lller tho church luv Iran1mm Abuul lullwy lhroulh lhn urvlcv whlch wn ukndad by Inn connenllnn Mm randemu who mine ram Ind Dldl erhll lipn1 wlth hurl Btu M1 remand to mom km and 9v Mr wllo nun lhnla nbmfl two you no mm TarInk lo rlmn the rellllnul nr vlru lulnl conduer Iov Ilulfll llmlllol IIVIM In mm mm mw thflldl nllly mum Ilmu no Ind on Int pervch hold Hurt an tho landI1 In Orlnhrr AMONG nlofll mum 19 this olllolll oplnlnn who onlclnlly opened um building und lhomw Innllm Township munlolpuhuudlnlxu Humid Warden amuu Campbell Representative pn Wednemy wormlmmmmamm Alunloddmfln munchpnlmu Ind represenmuvnu or BI mull tho llon ml mum DuflmnGlmooo Uouncu were ulna mum at thu cmmunm wllllmorq My WWMMMU was Mglor Knowles lo Prcddem Brown on June ll 1929 Ind 11 mulled Lhmmll was big day ending with supper and me Lhe Mlpllulst Township rteant Memhénhlp Mnmbershlp In the branch to day ll about 25 and the preslclenl ls Maurice Gaulla who mved ovcmma wth he Canadiah 111th land ugh lnlanlry ViceProl Idem ll Bob Wallwlm who amid durum the Second World War wllh the 2nd Armoured neslmem Hussars Honorary prestdenlpl Lhe Branch Scone John ston ME for Ccnhzg Slmcou It was In 1941 duLVespxa Town 11119 Counctl an behalf vi the pen plu or the Iuwmhln prescmcdfine Brunch leh the color which it MW hasl Ruben Peacock former Zone Commander who was pruldnnt In 1933 and again in me has palnled out The branch wlnhu to uk this opportunity at tha hlxloric pain In development of 2x pmmlnz 1L Hunks 10 the people at Vcapru or um wondurlul lup pnrt whichlhcy have always ex tendodmthc Capadhn Lezlnu ey we always bun very zenemus on Poppy Dly and dur lnz the Second World er fihe did extolch work In sendinl ya con overgwllb nur newlna mm Wllhoul the support which hm Ilwayn been rccclved rum nu lownxhip dleens our mk wuuld have been Just that much more difficult Durl the First World Wmv ML Peacock Idrvcd wnh the Royal Grcnldlcuund In the last war he wanth the lsfiFlcld Survey Company Royal Conudlln Eng lnun New Muiniapal Boilaffig fa Ihniflsrii Tdeship Opened mmwz ALLAN TODD mm seen here unalaung humor of mu Dcmrlmem Munlclpnl Mmlrn when he afllclnlly opened mo new Innlnm Townnhlp Munlc Ipnl nulldlnx Btroud on chnundny Mtcrnoon The now bulldlng purchased coat of 322150 nccommodntcn um nunsr cm Nullm cqu um mu mum at clmllflm vonly 11ml Bnmh Amxmuh mm latte bnhdu Vesprn has an disunéuon at be lnx believed the only rum bra In the mark Command Itwas Ibo Lnrulmetnunwnm In naming the lanmtlon at Les lon branches in Goldwater Elm valc 11d Kearney Mr Brown who was the first preside at the branch and who am vae in the brancha work was honorad couyle or years no when on the highest recommenda tion of thebranch he wa given litemembership So known he the only Leghm member In 1th dutglot wth exception 01 Mafm Trumanmwu Hams secretary at the Barrie lax931m whq hnsbeenlyo hggorcd Mambmlup hr the Vcspra Brunch has never been large but It has played useful pun 1n Lhe cmnmunfly Ind 1n adqdmon lccurlnl pcnslons or needy veter am has been able to arrange or Immediate ald fur those who met misfortune We donating vanhm nuns many unsolicited and unpubudzed to local and other chamm 1n I950 the brunch spammed he Hm Mldhurat Troop Boy Scouts The nap in now going strong and In doing 1L1 own share good deeds other olflcm 1n the branch at the prtscm time are John ston sergramatanns Adamsv apart nwcar IL Brawn Poppy Fund chnhman and Bowensccmlary4rcasurcr branch wound be pleased to Mar mm qny vmrIn resident in prm wXIowoqu like to be member bpuusc by canUnulng to oonsolldllc the enviable regula ilon II hnl ovur wide area by virlue lo the publlcspimed work has always done the branch ll tonfldént um can Conllnuc to uphold It already proud lrndl Momu pctvice The hclppg other vmanscauld an important factor Sn mnetlnlmal chnxlengc ln lhevyem came whb onlclnlly apancdrum building ind Wornmn Warden Bth Campbell Representatives of ndlulnlnu munlcgpnlmunnd my 91mm County clerk Mu treasurer Mnensor mnd super lnlcndont nnd conullna the council clmm bar The bnncmrnt ll occuplcd by lho lnnlnlll Tuwnnhlp lollco while the ndjoln lug sumac In used to honu Lhu Iro truck and the nuxlllnry wulcr truck MONDAY wgnNDAY andrnmv 5c tingle copy Tobacco Pricg48c Of Angus Grower Equal Delhi Top 16 Pagesqu Sectlons In th past weak the tableau mnrket was on and must the crops were sold The hlzhut price was received by three taxman In pm Delhi dim1c oi Nortolk and one In 51mm County at 4a mu pound The Shncoe County crop was grown on the arm of Eli fiaflay Angus rm Tobacco at last cumin into Ls awn in 51111an Caunly This should be and lo SLm coe Cqumy me also Ihpw um 1h area can gmw 31 good crap the older Delhi district Lowest price recelvcd was 33 earn pound Ml nah 1mm nur wandering womens editorthu week Wrfl lng from Ottawa she mm Am 5min up In bed nulslng hole In my gum where math used be flqd cmvydlnz mum 15km on nsony How can go holiday Cm Icross some alumnim literature lhc alhbr cvunlnzone at those weird myslery comic books mam away cuursc everyone will gasp my law meninllly whlch Is no In dbpulc butbhl particular slory had puny cum plot Th1 lelllh was manInd to an old mum wife but he was 100 smnrl 10 try and dispose of her in case he would wind up In the ald ulccklc chair etc In Iddluon In being an old battleaxe his win had mun at canceling lllllc mlniuure fiz urcs at anlmnla and anything cl 1mm an Wall now one dly the husband Xx Ilcnu ln the house nnd he hap Tum to 9319 two gleam The Last Column By scam TAYLOR Elevating Literature envy lhese people who wandering of lcnjoylng mm mm pulllnx And

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