Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1954, p. 4

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Wm 34 nm is We have got to learn to live together said Walter QFtshcr President at an International In 1943 In hlanmhinz Ididrnss Nov the Barrie Dlstricl Colleglate Board entcmlned the mail then adILxand other guests Native 01 Quecnsion Oanln Mr Fisher received um Mine BSA 1mm Guelph before he was and Joined his lather 1n carrylnz on large run arm In the Niagnm man He Jnlned St Ollharinns Lions Club in 1933 and Was elmlcd pmsxdcm In 1941 Eight years mm by unanimous vole he was naniod to the highest office of an omnnlzntlon Wilh 40W 000 members In 8000 clubs in 30 world countrles Instead of lrylng lo flth Com munism hr sum we shuuld wurklng to sell Christian demo racy to the people the world He pulnlcd out um now lhn world had acquired the power of hc hydrogen harm to destroy Itself IL was time to do some deep funk Ing allow the way God In right Hvlnl Mr Fisher an eloquent speaker pointed out that no person amounted to anything as an delduIl but only as am group worldng logmhcr collective ly The Collegiate Board planned the eveulnz so that slat mumbm and trustees could bccomu belle nuym Vlclurln ll pllnl Bank on NW 1054 LAC and Mn Html Hal Sunlurd 51 mu Chrlulfln Jomum TODDAl lilo Huynl Viclarla uuspunl Dnrrle on Nov 11 105 la Ml llrld Mrl Todd Cum Harden 11 um wnn AKHIIAI Ulc lluyll VIC lurlu Huspllal Barrio on Nnv ID 1051 IU Mr and Mm lclur Whmnkcr 30 Qumf mn John AVALmm Vulk Cuuny Hun mm Nuwmnrm nu WLUIIII Iny Nuv 10 um smmuu Cw yo lu 11 jfllllhxrnruhmbqnd IE9 Inuyal ym gm Innyll ylc LEFT T0 RIGHT George Johnston MPP chairman Bnrrle District Colleglate Board Mrs Johnston Walter Fisher uAanEvm Tornnln an Nov 11 1054 lo Mr and Mrs su waxd Barllny 29 Lallnn mm Tumnlo daughter alstrr or Jl 710 nibwugNGTu ma In Juwivmnc Lnlldndlv and Inllur HIqu Sud Duty and Mun ur munm Ind rrnndlnlhvr Hnymunll link nl UII Lulhnnuuvallkrnn Iulllnll mm ilnluw Ill mm Fuuvlul Frldly II 830 am In Ilnlf Mlulynl Lllllrch lur nqulrm Huh Hum ul am Inlvunrm Human Cnlhullc Ccm rlclf llrutllnnl mm humn hmnr Cu Hm lurulnr Nov um Ltqu Ier Irr unr lullhuml n1 LNHM Ihl III Mlh yr Iulrnnrnl lilluvnlu Cvmrlrry Nnv uspllal Barrlc on Nov 12 1954 MCI and Mrs Yvon Chlassun 220A Huronlnrlo 5L Cullmgwond son ODDAl the Royal Hospital Barrie on 1954 my Vlctum Nov 11 nndMrL Edward ADOUCERAl he Raynl VI Iorla limpllnl Barrie on Nov 10 1951 la W01 and Mn Lcn Lnauurur 105 Napk Drive WcKCamp Harden son Wllllilm LvuL IAYEIlAl lhu fluyul Vlclurln Huspilul Burrlr on Nuv ID 15 In Mr nml Mrl Kcllh Mlycr 40 Boy SL daugh Cnthnrlnm mm Muupunx iiérm Nuv IL WM Mn um Mrs Km nulh Whllclldo IIubrrl ll son ROWNINGAl lhc Ruyal Vlc lonzl HosplluL Bamch Nuv 10 1054 In Mr and Mn nusucll nmwnmg Churcnlll daugh Guod In Elmvnlc Vas nun Beach daughmr Bel Indl Gayle gmugpnfm gm Raynl v1 50 MDNHIIIIH FOHDUH 52mm An oulnlnmllnx cur wlm many ulrM lully wln lcrlml IIIIII plnrnnltnl flu and drlvr III car at BULLOCK Phone 6696 LOCATIONN No Hwy at lmulnh wind Mum llnnlu MOTORS LIMITED BORN Collegiate Board Entertain Staff at Dinnet DIED acqualmed Miler the chairman had proposed the ions to The Queen Frank Higginson Em gave he lnrvomflon The delicious turkey dinner was prepared by Mrs Amber and her stall Afler Prlnelpal Bow magi hit ruccd he teaphngsta Empke introduced the mom bcrs of the Bwrd and Mumburscn Sunnfldale Intm duccd the custodian of the school lmraducllon oz special guesLs was made by CHJ Grimm The speaker was lnImduccd by BATESIn loving remembrance 01 Bales who passed away Nov 1941 Pcacclully slccpfing resting at last Ills weary rims and troubles are push In silence he suflcrcd In pallcncc hr bore TH God ancd hlm home to sui rcr no more Lovlnuly rcmcmbnrcd by wllc Maude and family and grandchil dren 110 GIBBONSln lovlnu mcmory of my dear sister Geurglna m2 bons who died Nov H1461 For God no lovcd the world that gave only bugmlcn Son that whomever hullnvclhlln Him should nul perish but hnvu aver lusting Ifle Juhn 315 Sadly missed by lstcr Sarlagud Mway1 dmcmbcrod hy Mud cllnc Art and zrzndchlldtcn 130 IN MEMORIAM GIBBONSm ldvlng mcmnry ol dear mother and grandma Georgia Gibbons who passed away Nov 1918 Looking back with mommy Upon he Kath you trod We him years we had with UUV Andipavo lhc ms wllhrGo LAKINGIn loving memory of dear Ion Ind brulhcr Blll LIK lrggg who passed away Nov ll in zone but not lurgollcn And dun momcr year In our lnncly mm thinking Thougpls p1 hlmarc nlwnyxncgr rLovlnnly rcmcmbcmd by Mom Dad John Jim and 101190 LOCKHARTIn lovlnl mcmnr husband nndJnlncr Lotkhm who passed uwn Nov 15 1950 Nulhlnu can ever nkc aw 1m ova 1Nan hold Fund memorch mm llcnlunllzmglcc krona hlm dny an Luvlngly rcmzmhcrcd by Mn and lumlly 130 WILMSHOHIflnln luvlnu mem ory my firm wlfu Uuur lnn wnu passed away Nuv ow chcl memnrlu wlll llnucr up chr ThlIL cannot change lhcm lll lruc Venn lhnl may coma cannul ICVEI My lovlnfl rcmcmbgnncq yluu Luvlny renumbered ny hcr hulhnnd Irry 130 WILMSHOFE ln luvln mom nry n1 nur dear menu and urundnmlhcr chrullln Wllnu hm whu palm nwny Nuv 30 Asleep In 6011 boaulllul fnnlcn Away mm all Iurrow nn pill Sum dulywhm lllel journcy Iw Inhicmbvrcd bynu no Cm mu nmuy no Morn 1nd more pcoplc are mnkln Dutch IInlry melt centre or Home Baked Hptclulllu SIHUIAL IO THIS WEEKEND CREAM HORNS each 015 for 45 DUNI FUIKUITI 10 TH NOR Hill HIMIIAI Infill EMU11 Dunlap Opposlle amn Nomi mm DIIIHI llnhy llcnuhnld Ink Ivvndrnl FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ORDERS IN BY PM DELIVERED THE SAME DAY DUTCH IAHIIHIEH CUP CAKE CAKE DUNS DINNER HULL IKAIHIN IIIIHAI HOME MAUI2 mum COOKIE Ill NI HILLIVEHIIIN NI IMI AIHIIINUON Tho Tons ol Iho Town Mrs Smith H15 Worship Mayor Hebe Smith Sinclair and thanked on babe 11th present 13 Flytgn Mmfical enteruMmcnl consisted at vocal solos by Victor Knox of he Collegiate stall and Carolyn Payne 01 he Glee Club accom panlcd at me piano by Sue Walls STEWARTWord cannot ex pres adequately cur deep apprc damn the mnnx kind and sym pathetic acts that came to nl me name our recent Indv uncx packed bereavement The hcauuml lower with their message at can dolence were also especially grcclnlcd by Mrs Clayton war and tamlly 130 Lam here was mund and square dancinl mg new gym to the mustc of Fisher inr the Collegiate orchmm CARD OF THANKS Camera Club Hear Outline of Color Photographic Assn The Barrie Camera Clulx regular manlhly meeting in ht Barrzc Publlc Library on Wednu dny evening was given an nulllm of What would be onunm hrnuzn he club assoclaunx wllh me Colar Pgolozrnphlc Association of Can Speaker during lhe evenirTg wax Mrs Slark at the Humber Vlllcy branch of me CPAC who pointed um um Canada had me onlyna Honll color woclnuon ma world She explained the Advan mm at he Barrio Club Jolnlns me assoclallun and how IamIIy membership coum mnkv mm In leruung and cnjnyablc club Following this addxcsl MTI Slark and her husband held dim on color slides submitted by Ihc members and Mn Surk nhuwv ed number of colored slides Inken on the theme Day at the Clrm The monthly project In black and while phaloxmph or the club pwlugrnph or pcmnn at work hnwcd definite lmpmvcmum mm previous months work Durlnz lhc cvcnlnz mm new awllcmlun or memburhlp ware 5ubmlucd by nu ucrculry Dob quda Ind were nppxavcd by the In nmle Ian ZuluIva Yunkr whn mnku And nll lun unly LARGE ELECTION DIAL HI lugInn ncmochIInx Cold mm lllfiAHONAll WIEGINS RIBS BIKING ALL YOU PHOHEMS NATINIIHITION GUARANTEED TORONTO ClunllIl ICES manna rvv 1112 p111 mu be gamma II ntfldd at the Cum Ontario Dunn Loam flhly on the night 41 the final pcrflarmance Sumt giy Nov 27 mm Adjudlclflon could lend to the lemon the Ian Iran tor mrllcipatlon tn the Centul Ontario Drama IMqu Mum allan whkh be Wnu wmudlon Hm We Came Gamahr mark the first entry Ion thuqu tiny Iqlo cgIvy WHEEL Iheatfe Guild Ihh Dorunldo Clumr lul muny Ipeclnlly ntlucllve tjhflll Sta the hindy mulc Inl Inol urrler vhlch LI over cluner Ilka Illa him of IIIL but due lhn clelntl In Illa mhldle of your mum Ind clun ll around The levll II pill 01 he hole not In clean Full DI IpecIl lulu And Illrlcllvely priced HEREIN IS Make Home Cleaning pléusure withlhe ifCORONADO Swiygl Top Canister Elguner T011 qulllly urvlnl lelu n1 llnul IletL Thll II gm wllleh would hlvé lullnl um um Ive pm nucum From $395 To $850 CARVING SETS held In um HomTonm10 mm 10 Avril 55 This Mal an prelimlnlry lo the Dommlon Dunn luflvll which to be held next yen in Cllury he Burl Theire Guild munber ht Cenlrll 0mm Drum lame which Include nu ellglbh groups rurcm 1mm of the cm bawun 0mm Ind Oshawa Slncra high standard of per iormnnc desired preatlval screen awomted b1311 mum cxccuflv will prevch all play COIIN IOIIHII JIIII In emclent an henInf whola flmllh will enjoy IMI lndnnll all hr mm whzn nub may um $595 murcdfllnd lnvlhflum cam iciéfixi issued 531m Feb ms upon the zenenl excellence of pednrrmnce hlviu renrd to ad lnx includlnl chandemauon mulls tenure makeup dic Unn and andihflfly produdian Including teamwork mammalian tempo Ipd growing mg pram uuan Including mung prover fln thflnl and costumes and dramatic enterprise Trophxea ind mus nwardad ma lenival Include crunch mundjudicmog will 99 meg 32PIECE DINNERWARE SET An newly wed will wel co one then Illrullvl dinner Icls Mlny Ilzllhlllll dqslms In plane the eyt Junlnr ulll lltvll Allyn min unm ull blcyclu Io why Ilol III III mu nml In Ilul II lludtn flock Yen Iomu ml or hlm pm or Junlor Mh too $1556 BOYS BICYCLE $5950 COOKIE PRESS SET This Cockle lrcu Hal wlll dcum Iuy chr mklu In my In nuke main who nuny 13 Illm Imlmc llgnl no lnclud $l15 nu mm mm mm magnum 12 Ians my And cash prize we do nned by Calvert Dllmm unfl ea or the best premium Jullaud guy Elna Tm tn the ban vLml mucu Ialhn the Samuel French chil lerte know In the best prenu huon play by Canadhn Author the mmmcwmm mud for wmnnuon to the lu Pm the b5 CanIdLIn play In he anvil the Pruldzml lwud or but new and actress Tobin awards or the but cmm clur my wllh huvy luxurloul nnpunnte Thun nu llne IHI lnr In no Iunn Ind Ire non Ibly prlcn ll you Illvlnl Illrkd YOUIL Chinmas lhl Io In llIGllT AWAY Wlle lhnpp luvs ltllnul lhll It my to Ihop urly btcnusem unwa Ill um umlleal Ind uIIr lec um III haul Also by nllnr our convtnlcm LnrAwly pln yuu un hold my llem unlu cmlalmu ASH TRAYS in me 080 1hrAfouln no no Ilur any mm mm um mm and wlll willmm qulle In ol mun nu 0M nu munl papalr armuh mud II From $269 to 5235 WII 20 nllurlfl llnllh vnnd hllfl Ind lulln renqu cum Allah lull line Illnd Ircunlrll 1nd undu Incl my ham wlll he mm In hive Ilul Inca hu llhln APPLE lABm 11man 21 the United King dom market or Canadian apples mum to mark turninz palm In the Ohnagans long Jight or rnstnnflan more normal ma rehflOhShIqs 5099011111 aunt and 10km the Edgar Same challenge lmphy in he be dimdibn Wham at the play and constructive lead ership the man TM heavy Iype steel rank er mgla mmellcd um wlll min In Ideil xllt to the ulnar cook llu Iell bul Inlnnd hlsllnkiatk Ion Ind wlll Iaku lb owl ENAMEL ROASTER LAZY SUSAN $595 Iluun Ium mm mu hum pawn plltnl ma $269 TM Llndy Thu momeler mem ly ilnlxned hr randy mnklnl and mun ur my Mullen ll cllp Io mm In pm mo lye lnr IIInn up Candy Thcrmumulcr lZI2Clltl7 IOASTIZII $385

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