Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1954, p. 13

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Moonstone Store rem FRES auAiIIv Ariows rulersL Ill 11331 Wars town Pliers ii center III iAsI butt at town PM tiuvamrtr III llii CQIYETlloisriitrnsIIMIiro Fire Serious Blow to Village WINE Ilium When Moonstone general store was burned to the ground Sunday noon it was not only personal It tor to ownerlioyd Dunlop an lamin but to the entire com munity For aiarge part or Mednntc township the store at the cross roads has been meeting place lor the past hundred years For time most at the central part or tho1 village was gravely threat ene Shortly oerore noon ilre broke out in the garage The outbreak spread lurlously and Allan Ban bury passing on his bike was asked to sound the alarm He quickly spread the word to II group or men at Percy Shannons acroos the road and to others Villagers were quickly on the scene and began carrying large new electric stoves relrigeraturs ilreezera and other applianceslo safety outside it was also possible to get some at the downstairs lurnishings out belure the raging lire enveloped the store Mrs Dunlap got her son Doug las is tram sick bed and ana thcr son $lmmie it to saiety and helped get what papers and other valuables she could in the smoke illled building As the store and attached bulld ingl contained large supplies at palntand other combustibios vnl untaera choked on the black bel lowing smoke whlh was tanned by strong southwest wind Loss Over 350000 The main stools including elec trical goods groceries dry goods building supplies and the large quantities ol used equipment stored goods and most household and personal clients were quickly engulfed Loss was estimated al well over 550000 part at which was insured Coidwater lire bri gade was but on the scene and was later Joined by Victoria Har bour and Elmvale After the wa ter was used trom Coldwater Pumper firemen were unable to do much to curb the outbreak due to lack water nearby well helped douse nearby buildings Serious as the loss was it had its encouraging lealures Younlt Douglas Dunlop was confined to bed with an attack at asthma He might have been trapped by an cxpioision of gasoline and oil sup olies in the garage or been over come with acrid times He was able to slice in his pyjamas be larc all exits were cut oil Fire nen prevented an oil tank explod rig As the tire progressed tlames leaped nearly 100 rot in the air and tanned out across the road towlrds Shannons blacksmith shop where bucket bri de threw water on the building he intense heat kept firefighters at considerable distance Fear For Dulliilngs During the height ol the tire township ollicials and spectators in general reared the Moonstone Community Hall the new town ship oliice and sheds with cxpen slve road equipment and possibly the Shannon shop and residence and other homen might be destroy ed The wind was blowing to wards the hall and only wooden driving shed separated the hall and store Reeve Fisher Ganton and mem bers or council and other lucdonta oilicials and employees and dis lricl residents were removing equipment and papers and docu ments trom the threatened bulld ings Alter the store root caved in the tire lost its intensity and the endangered buildings escaped The scene was one at pandcm enlum as combustible such algae and all palut supplies and am munition exploded and hearing llasnes blasted the entire tront oi the store onto the road Tele phone and telegraph wires were ablaze and tiremen were kepiv busy keeping motorists Ind ped estrians clear at the danger Owner Lloyd Dunlap had left only the morning belore tor Sand Lake region near Algonquin Park lor deer hunting with party headed by Gordon Leatherdale ol Orillia and including Medante Township Clerk Howard Robin son at Moonstone Bruce Loatherdale oi Orillia boarded piane at Drillia and new lathe huntingcamp to re urn Mr Dunlop to Moonstone Although disheartened by the lestructive lire which levelled the store post oilice garage and warehouse and burned the sedan saw Mr Dunlap was thanklulJIis lamlly were all sale The store had received new lront only year ago It is anticipated Mr Dunlop who is young man will build again as he had developed one Iorth Toronto itwouldseem trange lor the Dunlops not to GREAT NEW TISSUE MACHINE at The Eddy Com panys Lnurier Mill in Hull produces tissue titthe fantastic blgggflappliancebusmesse rate 01 229000 rolls per day Mill building features every modern devicelor quality control and sanitaryproduction HILIsoAtE lean Visitors Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Emerson Rogers were all Eileen Dimere of Toronto Mm Harry Wilmot and filed Soth ampton Mr and Mrs Gordon Gillespie and 1amin ol Vidorla Harbor Mr and Mn Fred HIrlter and Mrs Turner Midland were Sunday visitors with Misses NL and Tamer llere tor Passerst Mr and Mrs Eugene Warfiner Peterboro and Mr and Mrs Wil rod Wurriner on the weekend to attend the ion eralol Herman Porter Mrs CllLlord Porter went to Peterboro or visit while Mr Pater is away on hunting trip Mrs Bill Douglas and Sharon are visiting relatives in Oshawa while Mr Douglas is hunting mm mm nrantlora Master Michael Conneli was home tmm anlfmd or the week end Mrs Moore apcnt theweck end in Toronto rhoto by Iasiar Keswlclr were here mouunsr Tina Form on My Farm Forum will mad at the lame of Mr and Mn George 10qu on Monday Nov 15 at no Topic Who la the lanaers stare at the consumers dollar an it be moaned Vlsitl Grandmother Little Karen Eobuison is visit ing her gmndsnother Mrs Coulis thk week Home and School Nov No image of date The Home and School will meet in $9 No 17 on Tuesday Nov iii Topic Emotion Mrs Newson in charge Sauit an arms Visitors Mr and Mrs Megxirenn Sault Ste Marie visited Miss Mabei Wattle last week Itoon East Forum Midhurst East Forum has cen reorganincd or another our Group leader is Maurice Coulis mums ION uu summonsesAla abundant East of with rasraa mimenew Iron Grands mlnlrsl trial bottle nun IslId or ram bath Dont lulu war drudstiuDlthmlfll Builders Contractors or Farmers No and No Hemlock Spruce and Pine Lumber Rough or Dressed Delivered on the job by truelr Write lloi prices Led the store 17 years remain closely identified with Moonstone where they have opera The prn vious oWner was Lloyds lather trthur Dunlop who was with his vile visiting Mr and Mrs Gcorgo rice Jr in Midland when the tire occurred Alwsya llelp Others Lloyd and his will are identified with practically every community rganization and have always been Imong the first to helpwhcn oth ers mct trouble They are en ieavoring to llnd living accommo iatlon in Moonstone Tragic News One dear hunter who recently received tragic news at his camp was Wallace Walton oi Toronto Ivhoco wile and tour children were nurncd to death in their home ILIV ti Mrs Walton was the tor aicr Rita Fa an who lived at one llnI directly across thLl road lrom Dunlops store in the building now used as warehouse by Carm aobinson She went to school with Mrs Lloyd Dunlop Mrs Dunlop expressed her ap preciation or themagnltlcent way in which friends pitched in to re move equipment lrom the path of the tire and do everything else possible in the emergency it was the second serious tire to hit the Dunlap lamily Some years ago Arthur Dunlops Moonstone iint took fire arid Mr nuniop was almost burned to death He escaped train the burning house Just in time belore uulloring latal burns and alter long treatment regained his health Mr and Mrs Dunlcp are now living in retire merit in Goldwater but keep close contact with Moonstone Mr Dunlop is still secretary at an area school board NEW PICS At Allenttood Fowl supper Among those who attended the annual lowl supper nl Allcnwnod Lot on Friday evening were Mr and Mrs Alex Finlay Mr and Mrs Archie Vaniess Mr and Mrs Lloyd llawn Mr and Mrs George Smith and their tarnliics Mr and Mrs luck Cameron Mist Doreen and Master Kenneth Smith Miss Marion llall and Murray ILIII Visited lriends and relatives in Barrie and Acton over the weekend Bchnmberg Visit Mr and Mrs Cline Dawn and Larry and list and Mrs Steve llawn vlsltt tit Schumbcrg all Sunday willt Mr and Mrs John Wilson Farm Forum llerlns marathon The ilrsl rnccilnu iii the Farm Iiiaflttttsruiis 00llllill 5W7W Illnnty Ielers III England didnt win the rare at the Ilrliinli Empire Camel Hill by sheer unbelievable our age he won something more durable Ila set standard new rril badge III rears that will live throughout Ilse years when Innniler retains the economy at operation for which Srmlct LOWER PRICES HIGHER POWER STYLING FEATURE 1955 STUDEBAKERS The 1955 Studebaker Commander Regal 4door salon with the lowestmt VIta on tho markernetn new hill ltrrmarlce standards with its mwcrlul new litLhmscpnwrr seller cttglnc Willi tlita sharp llrcrtuac In IItIrIcptswcr the Cl er iuirrous new birtth anti runmiiIrM of appearance Joiiicsl wills high niyling and the elegance nrinrcrlor nnil ulcriosupfmlnlmcnll give the Commander scrica an utlraellveiiesl unpnm lelul the industry Nine solid color and nine twoInna eomlnnatl are available with harmonlslng iulcrlurcolorl and upholstery materials Forum Was held at iiutha School on Monday evening Nov or ticers in charge for this season arc Chairman Mrs om Kenny sec retary Archie Wanlcss holding card party School on Friday evening l2 the proceeds lor lloud reliel IMPORTANT OFFICIAL The intendant was the French government oiiiccr in New France who superintendud Justice police and llnancu PLEASANT llAillT The custom ol nltcrnoon tea fil Mills was introduced in England by the NDV Duchess of Bedluril in the lilth century In Party on Flood Iteiiel an Flos Woinensvlnslitutc is WMS Meet at Miss Itowats Womans Missionary Society held the meeting Tuesday evening ml Miss Bessie Rowats Mrs Ale bent Thompson opened with pray er Hymn 330 Miss Bessie Rowot gave the Scripture reading and prayer The mission study was given berrs Robert Martin and Mrs Charles Jamicsun Roll call was onswcrtd by verse on Sal nation duet by Mrs Harvcy Johnston and Mrs Horbcm Gedn dard Topic Peter Marshall Ser mon was given by Mrs William Thompson missionary letter was read by Mrsiyson Rowat Meeting closed with ltymn 37 followed by the lords Prayer Miion Byrd and Explorers The first meeting at the Gotorth Minion Band and Explorer groups will be held on Saturday aller nDon Nov 13 In St Andrews Presbyterian Church under the leadership at Mrs Moore and Mrs Harvey Johnston misting will be Mrs Isles Copeland Mrs Newton Train Mrs Rowal This is lor children between the age of live and i2 All are welcome FOR nxasnr REPAIR WORK llllIlICIL MlllilllS YOU DODGE 8t DESOTO DEALER 75 Bradlord St PHONE 59 lMPORTANT MESSAGE secretary Ronald Coutls nt leader Lynn Russell MAGNIFICENT GEM garnet weighing 69000 carats about 42 poundslound in Brae III is believedthe hintst of its quality ever discovered IIIIIPPIIIITIIII LUMBER 10 Port Losing Ontario Silesiitlists in Metal Worlr Modern Equipment Experienced Stall Expert Work to Your own specifications Blilllllll WELlllllti MACHINE cu ii Muscasrcn sr DIAL mi RAoIo TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS Coops highly trained technicianssre fully qualitied to service any radio or television set guaranteed to give you satislacllon and save you money COOP Barrie Television Experts PHONE 2429 259 iIIIiisriI sr To Motorists Who Pa PremiumPIice F01 the names at winners are lorgotten wm rummum iht niilnu the winner 1000 Olympic marathon at Lulululll Very low we think Ilui ovuryliuriy rs members the Immortal story ul ltillllltlll the littly itnllnn pnsliy llill who illlllil llllil IItii lliiilfil llltllillll the truck in lllt wiuiiu lllrlcllull lll llit iiInI iin of llttI IIIIIrIIllIIIn alilguirttl ut cvrry IchI and Will ltitit Imm liiiliitg only lIy tlIt uninun in Llals DursIIilo was ilisituiillllrii and Johnny Ilnyn oi the Unitrii Status ricclorvti the winner 11 Dorando story pairs lrraide that in Jim letrrs Iliil lirhroeder iha grrai Arnrrlran wuria lIIstiiuilhIt ilrima lllll mines ii the greatest show nl Itturssa luv mu In any sport The aims Foundation will rrruglrlsa Irtus by giving him an award lar the greatest Illplay muragn in Illlt arui lirltl history he aalil Ioterl tnlltr IIIlu View Illl illl llllltll lIiiilinlt iliilt lllr Villltuii ttir illsiilunt Ilillllillll like it llllllltlll IIIiiI Ill wliivrrl lllllll Ulit shit liteJorltvulwltlt tluwlilllll iiItIliliIl lamp Iu lllL illllll As he llllCIlltl the level tllstlt lit lill lIiIl Iilr IIIII line He got up and then tell on his tiarlt hitting his imnl till the ground IIII nun who obviously had aullevrd alrIIItrulth and mild not rrswlcd along on ltamia and Irma Again he got up only to all again NIM le he tell in the llarlt IIIIaIIy lie minus crawl to may mi Just put In wit marking llll regular finish NM like the suite Illdlilllt quard dash Apparently he tiIauglithe ltlll peami the llllll line Yittaily in mi ununn and um inrlnu Iimwnnn wily inI sllncl turIIrii llllll around lIIit he ataggrrrvl again oiul llll ltIIIIl Innogrr ran out and csught lllill In his mus this wu Iboui zoo yarla short of Ihn Itnlsh and Ietus naa aimImus mum lruliuui who hadnt enunsm stadium was sveniualiy declared the winner Ilui the heroism ul Ilmrny lallrsmlll lira In memory as lung aa sport Indus no summit ends mm let this InlIIIM will in national liner Mien Celmt News Venn IL Ieranta WWIWN ONIMIG When you pay up in lo estm per gallon for pIrIIIiIIIII gniiic ustulinc you want and Iicntinii Ilic vrry but pcrlonusncc your cars engine can dclurr With your uni Inny Ire rctnmiuryainnlilum llim lon IIIIttuind pctiutnulnte unurs tlIsl lull ptmrr in putup iiIIlllinml ruminch Ncmtlwlm yuiiicrlalniyrlunt mutt lllllttlltl llumry Iimirtrwirily llIIis Miy this inrxtagc is Important onnu llluc hiinmovior raII Canadas IIIIUI ltlglt lrst liitulindrotlcrs you nimiiiy llial rituals or will gm punI Wm liluc bniiiuu yuu tan now art the tlml tIIIIiglItrtt Ituulity na tlrlutml ui now 4qu Iu Jr In Him mutiny runny at the Iriiicyninie now paying lurmniuilrst Ily switching to ltluc Sumnu uu tan rainy now lIInrc Inich nl prrmium twilmmsnre per tlnllsl llluc hmuxo Is euginrrrcri tor todays high umpicsxion enginesegivcs top peiiiuutancc in tllltii Its qualily has not tun ulilngcd rim lllr Illte was milked liuin premium on regular giatic Incl Ilrioa why we can ollrr you lith rrnratlahio valuo hliit pmdixxs only one grade of gnuillne highltrst lllno honour lhn mulls in savings on slmlgc tanlil umnnmi puIIIpI Aisu tnlltplos tlan otSIIus nrw Canadian Irtincryand pipeline llstli other IIIrnIiunt hrsniis Ivar mm MN 11 rnalvlrs III to supply llluc honour to Canadian tlralm mine Itlllillllltdlly time saving sir paixcil on to you In the form till prrIIIlunI quality gnroliuo al Irguiar prtoc ll You Now Buy Regular or Number Two Grodo Gasoline lilac Sunmunlluayuu iiialIirsi turmium nuslily unbeatable mummy plus the aiivantsgrt or Inn pinniiun priiurinamc in yqu Sunotu Links SUN Oil COMPANV llMlIID Savings Up To 3¢A Gallonchr0iltcsfilligliflbsi GliSOllilCS TOP Grade HighTest jGasQline Lil IIIInizix Gives You HighTest Premium Quality Al Regular Guslricc tun

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