Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1954, p. 11

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fix34 Nlcmmm oRnERaauunsEsmmML cAMflgu in St Josephs mun Mrs Thomas Bamm Jr and Jamm Tough an pallenls in St Josephs Hospllal Tomnlu at time of wrlling Mm James Henderson is enjoy ing holiday wilh hervson and Ilmlly Mn and Mrs Juhn Hend ersun Toronto Reaches Ccntnry Mark Congratulations to Mrs Crccdnn Sohombcrg who was 100 year of age on Nov 10 Mrs Creedon makes her home with her daugh Ier Mrs Mike Form Open Ncw meuc nan Womans Association 01 the UH ited Church served hot bee supper to 150 Masons who met here for the opening of heir new Masunk Hau also celebrate their 50th anniversary During the banqum bcnmilul birthday cake was cut mark the masian WE HAVE nmse 0mm Super Funds let you Eat and Grow Young To YOUR Better Living 70 DUNLOP ST Ill 952 Millet Scsame Sunflower Seeds Unprocassed pure blossom honey unpaslurizcd The Food Bit THE KEY IIIIIIIU TELEVISION Every lllllllllunn snpervlsed by our cchnlclln News of rottenmm CRUSIIED CONCRETE GilWEI PIT RUN CONCRETE GitWEI CHUSIIED ROAD GIMVEL SAND FILL REFRIGERATION co DUNLOP 51 npeclnllud lrnlxllnl program when you my rrmnln fully rmploycd flurhu lmlnlnl And yet mrlvn the pmcllrll lrnlnllu Mld rundeuce 1m ntrusnry or rm ployment In he lilrclrnnlc lmlmlry LE IL TRAINING lYfllEMH HAVE BEEN IJUIILYINO mmnomc HIECIALIUHJ 10 INDUUIIW HINGE 1035 For full lnlnnuntlon and Free Ilonklrt MI upon IkEw nr llmnu ToroMo EM GMM $3000 ll BET BEABYFOB THE633L112 MONBHYNOVEMBEBIE SPECIALIZED Phone 3050 Mflflflflfifl ALI MAKES 0F INDUSTRY ILHle CllYING NIHill WHl PROPERLY lllAlNlil TECHNICAL llfllSONNfi EAST END GRAVEL PIT Phone 2059 SERVICE Na lrrvlnuI lixpcrlrncc or Tmhllnz Nrnlrd In In In 1hr Ground Hour In Ihlu lnslhuwlug lnduxlry TELEVISION URGENTLY NEEDS LOADED AT HT DELIVERED 11750 167 Shnnly Buy Rd GARRETTS TORONTO TV SHOPS Professionally Trainiad WE TRAIN YOU In er Mmlcn FRIDAY NOV ER 12 1954 Euchre 5L Francis very enjoyable euchre was Mm In the basement 51 anA cis Church on Monday evening last with 15 mm playing This euchrc was the second series of iuur planned Womens Institute mm Tuesday afternoon 4112 home Mrs Herb Knm with an average attendance The insurer Mrs Prinsl report ed subsmmial balance in the bank Im the usual current silica The mm 01 standing enmmans were heard and the mnulcs read and adopted Plans were made for flu hutmaking cuurse be held the latter part at Nuvcmbcr under me supervis ion Miss Nora Cmka of the da pmmem Mrs mhely gave shun ulk on the menu Thoughts for Romembmnce Day Mrs Wick canvcner of community Hvillcs and public rclnlluns gave paper on Leadership Roll call was answered by an impmmptu speech inlurcsung as well as humorous Thu hostess assisted by Mrs Pelt and Mrs Ellie serv nd lunch Remembrance Sermon Rev Jl Veais preached Remembrance scmmn sunny morning Next Sunday the Sac rament oi the Lords Supper will hr obscrvud Fed ation RepresentIll Cunzra ulntlons to Mrs Ward Gondicllnw who was appointee Federation rcpruentativn Sim coc County at the area conven lion at Simone County Womens Institutes last week Maslr Jack McLean Ennlc and and MRS James Rupert Barrie upnnt the weekcnil with Mm nupcn WA Plan Quilting The Womans Associatlcn held the November meeting at Mrs Joseph ans with an attendance i7 Roii Chii was answered by verse with the word Peace Mrs Giiicn Mrs Ward and Mrs Dickenson were appointed nominating commiliuc Arrange monts were made ur quilling on Nuv l1 and bake min on Nov 21 Mrs Maw gnve ru port oi the semiannual PrnsbyA Icrini at Vaubaushcnc Mrs Dirk cnsan gave reading For Mus oi Pnttagc and Mrs Aub my Gliion read an article on The United Naiiunsl Mrs John Mc Nabb sang sol llavc Bean mm 14 WW In lhe Garden With Jcsua Mrs Canaan had reading cXpInlm Inn The Colnmbo Plan Al clnsc lunch was served by mrm bus the west side Thornlmry vmm Mrs Penn Thornhury Womens Institute EDENVALE Rupert AI Elmval Anniversary Mr and Mrs Gillan visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Gor don Giflen Elmvale and attend ed anniversary services in the United Church Baby nay Arrives Cungrntulmions In Mrnnd Mrs Couchman nee JuyinPan ridge 0n the arrxval at nbzhy boy in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie an Nuv llunor Two Cuuples Over 90 friends nndneghhon gathered at Mr and Mrs Douglas Gitfens last Friday mm to honnr Mr and Mrs Newman Gfltnn and Mr and Mrs Gordon Giflcn Alter an hnur of social inter course and cards an address wns read by Mrs Carsnn and Mn and Mrsd Newman Gillan were presented with elephant lable and chair balhmnm hamper Ind desk lamp Robert Gvudicllow read another address and Mr and Mm Gordan aimedwem prasenl ed with an cecasinna chair and magazine rack Bum replied sull ably and everyone sang For they are Jully gcvd fellows Lunch was served by the ladies Euchre Club Elect Officer The euchm club held its flrsl meeting or the season last Mun day night and voted in favor of changing pamcs Wednesday night on account of the Farm Forum on Monday The know mg ulficcrs were elected Presl dem Dougnld McNabh vicepres Idcnl Donald McDonald scum QJYYUCJSUICI Mrs Ailnn Mc Nuhhd Young Peoples Annual The Young Pimple hold their first meeling mmhc winter In the church Sunday evening The 1011A owing oiiiccrs were elected Pres ident Robert GoodtnliowVice president Knnneth Manbb sec rctnryAtrcasurcr Wilma Manbb convencrs Citizenship Arthur Maw Missions Kenneth McNabb Christian Fellowship Alex Mc Nnbb Recrentlnn Shirley Cui ham Films Margaret Goodlcllow Pianisis Wilma Manbb Marg arci Goodiciluw lann Forum Open Farm Forum opening mneling was on Monday night at Cecil Wards with an ailcndance 15 SKI SUIT wllh lmndolccr nnvynndrcd bmld wxm llvnvd by Irvlnx Montrcnl to mow whnl Cnnndnn new lxmo mm lurylcnc pun do in mum nnd hnrd wmrznn snurlnwcnr The mum of 50 Tcrylcnc blended with wnnl drlvs qulckly Mlcr tumble In the wow la excep uonnlly 11mm In uplle 1m Hum wclgm nnd realm wrluklvu cvvn when dump Theres wncculcd pocket In lln uL 5mm Ind the 71mch collllr IlLx Imlwly her sister Mrs Zeeman Smart HardWearing Sportswear Nnd momy In dawn pyml n1 npln on In mun dawn plynwm on Inn nil wonky pumad The sublec dscusscd was Farm Forum in the Communfly Next week the meeting will be hem Rumell SagcxL Subject Whfl ls lheFnrmers Share of the am sumers Dollar Everyone cl come Mu Manage and Mlss Coltrcll attendedn cachers con lnmnce Vln Humglton last Edday 927 Mfg VIHubben dubndcd leechers conference 4n Hamxmm on Friday Mrs Blundell cnlcrmlmd some ladies fll domonslmuon panyl Mrs Margaret Williams Toron to spam Wednesday with Mrs Thomas Calder Scouts llold Boxln Shaw unique event took place Wed ncsday nlght when the Boy Scouts and Won Cubs smgkd boxing Tucllzn Conxerence wmu nuldlr plan broom clam mum vaool ol mmhtp On nwwn mh ma you boy yml car than gym In Mn ST PAULS This Funny World 315mm Inne pom Show The boys were wgll mam ed and mnged in age mm eight In 15 years Dun Wallace was the capable referee llhere was good turnout and $15 was mlsed fur cqulpmem Imlllan Vlsllon Walter Stundon 515 Bob Clark and mend all Hamilton were meant visitorswllh Mr and Mrs ndcr and fa ly Mrs Waller A2561 mm To ronto for dgy wuh Mr and Mrs Mammon and family Frank Kennedy hnd Sale arm slack and lmplemcnm last Week Wfinam McFadden aha Delbert lm for me mm with um hunt lng group last Salurday morning Mm Paul Carson is visiting her mother in Barrie this week while Mr Green 15 away hurMng iricnlil Womens Aluminum WA met at Mrs Dnbsons Nnv with 18 present Mrs Ford led the devntionnlt Mrs Everard Harris rend the Scrip lurci Rev Finnnee Hunter in imducod the new study book and gave an interesting taik an lhfi first chapter Various repnrts were given Donations were received inslcnd ni towi supper Member wcru pinaseti to have Mrs Crump join Mrs it Pm gave flu in icrcslinit report the WMS rally at Ardtrcn quilt wns quilted Christmas meeting will be It Mrs Vt Howards Lunch was Served by the hostess raving For Edenvlio huge number at friends rmd nelghhom gathered at the sehoul Saturday evening to spend au einl hnur with Mr and Mrs Dexter nnd iflmlly beimc they ieavu or their new hnmn at Eden vnic They were prrsentd with Iflktnl of esteem by their many They wlil be missed greatly in me work the church 1L Dubson rend nn nridrcss Ed Howard and Nurmnn Scott Pit senietl Mr Mid Mrnr Duccr with nest of nice Mari tiar pmcnted Juan nnd Jnycc with nip and saucer Rnnnio itnrris prurntcd Percy W1de nnleu gm with It clips in hemll of the community The recipient replied In in few won at unpre riniinn tor the lovely film very rnlnynhiu cveninlt WM spent pinyin mini and tinncinu Gren rln Ins ll Ftlcnvnlcl Knln Ali uuml wi 510 Mm them to their new hum fltvtn hblel Eurhm Suvrn nblu were on lmud nl nu ruclm ul Um mmmunlly ren lrv Frldly Ladlfl Muh xcuro Tunl rounnlrnny Iml lnuprnlvely Ivy mudnn Huma Null Jvnm hm Tllnwnlllllun Vhflhn II mm lmkny um or wnhml In Monltul NIA hill at Indlur yuull Irh your dullmllon nulrlly nu ulely In tumultbl COHEHES FOB CHARTER hm GBEEHTHHNSPOHTATION 60110 mom 5941 wuss CLUB CHAPTER GHDUP GRENFEI APTO tqlfqgtfr Commute Elected To WI Posh In area lnsdlumconvcnuan at Burrie Mrs Lane of Goldwater was elected ls vice presldcm and Mrs Murray Yohn ston a1so this village was namm convcncr 01 Junior WI ac tivities Convener flame Eco nnmics and Health 15 Mrs Bever luy walker Coidwnter 1117pY and Mn James Ball Coldwnlcr RR was Elected resoiuUcms convene whicth llevlslon Cran Matchednsh TownshipCoun Revlslon reduced S1cphcn Clarks ssemmem 5100 and $150 reduc tion was allnwcd Mrs Dpsjard an bu ohms Assessment were sustalned on propertlcr or Benny and Mr Balme In up holding the Rummy usacssmenl lhe courtnskéd the assessor to man thorough check me properly next year Eleven names were added the mlL lhe assessur was instructed L0 assess our properties to be added 10 the mlL Councfllor Mrs Bernice wilylamson ncled chair Hume Cnurt Here the resumed Court Revl slun Assessor Henry Worm stated he had made an error In not taking Imo account 15 re iucucn fqranunflnished he Alvln Ho rvsldcnce the court put through hls racam mcxdcd reduclion $225 brlng lng lhe house assessment down from $1425 to $1200 Further cun sldcrnllon had been glven to requested rcducflnn ln $00 Issess men on is Lane land Cuurl ngrccd wllh the assessor mm the valuallun was cancel or hc class land under conslderu llon The second henrlnz nu pcals completed the courts work or Ms year Trampnfl Hospital Coal llccl ol trucks ls paaslnl lhrough Cnldwalcr lransporllnl will In Orllllu Onlnrla llospllal Cnnlranl at about 12000 Inns 7000 lor Orlllin nnd 5000 Im lcnelang Onlnrlo Raspllal wns ohlalncd by lluronln Coal Camp any of lcnclnng by lendbr the Onlnrlo Deparlmcn Health Ralph Oiburue ls manager at lh Pcnclung flrm C001 brought lo Midland by Valley Camp boil and plcknd up lhcrg Manuela opumui DWHUL To Merl Premler flu Bypass Commencement speaker at Part lllchcnll lllgh School Fxlday nlghl Nuv 12 will be Lloyd Lulh crby MPP Thls week ME Leth vrby has mccllngs scheduled wllh Mallhednsh and Orlllln Iowmhlp counclls The Cnldwnter member will mlss hip to Wnshlnxton wllh lnglslatlvcccmmllle No Mrs Frank Holmes Mens Game Harris Raymond Dohson and Ernlc Hnrrl Ed 01 lane hands Ernie picked HID hlflh card to LORNE LEHIEEDY Yan run my more hul ynu rlnl huy hall GALLON SAVE Wllll CUUl Wm he must b2 an hand to by virluh Em Slmcnc COOP m9 Ihect Premier mun hostwhen he comes to Orlllla Ngv 24 my urthcr discusslnns on bypass np prnaghei and other matters Speclll Qohncll Meetln At special cquncll meeting last wzekk Clerk Chester Marthi wast Instructed in get pouon new fire slrgn Au the present he warning devlcc isdclectl Goun one Which man he henrd inunli pnris oi the villager Reeve Andrew Dunlap saidwhere was about $1500 in ihe 15 budget to carry the village through tribe and ui the year which might allow ex penditure on siren at cost estimated at up to 3800 Mr clerk and hydro gremen Cllii Woodmw were asked tn ur nixh figure on inntaliing siren On iup oi in court house inutcnd in the tower Plans in repair the river bank on the Robinson arm were again discussed and it was decided to continue in cnnicr with Mndonte Council in the hupe oi reaching suiinhlc arrangement with the iarm owners mm um Councillon Ar Swnilc agreed to gel in tbuch with Ortun at he Highways Department 10 see 11 snow fence could be pinced on Charles siren to prevent drmlnz dnwn 1n Highwgy 12 leA my Mrs Ward wrokc protgsfilng $ows Milk REPLACER and SUPPLEMENT for Baby Pigs Rollo IlllonInnood of ll HIGH STREET Tho Sclenlific Modorn Way In Bigger Pig Profit nhudgdAllmImv ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILINGS FWW ncxw AND mum your ruscmmox WE WILL GLADLY CALL AT YOUR HOME temple modem nnmr to your pin leading pmblams Blulahlmdl FlaFab more nulrillov mp lavI milk In led DRY and plqloh no III Iwuelenud log wk comp ole place or Icwl milk Wear um dfll With PIGFAB you am now wqan young plql an 10 day and brnd your ww IOH day altar unowlnn You can go Man In one your lmluud ol 2und wllhoul now lolan wlghl nunlnu largo lillm Add i400 In your EIBIII IOWI whh linen Imluud ol add least $400 lo your prom You win IV many plal whh lower wwl and flu mm Mad Inn and lo do ll loo wIIh Ian mam lllhm an no pm In unduyou an yahoovphun pun wiIhwl lam Plgn mm mm wvo llmo and labour You can law on com and Iabogr Bluldllordl PIGFNL hd dry 01 per pig On le nnln bum on PKHAB mm lo ml 50ml menu New economical BlakMovdn PIGPAH bulldl baby nlql lnvo muvhal hour tallulmlcrlor blguu pmml IlulIv Marla New Hs New Hs Economical mammal wonxs um wnsun BELL Your Friendly IDA Drug Store COOKSTOWN rllb IrICIALInvl ran ovnn Iuo tum STEEL FOR SALE any unusual DRUG STORE as nayuem Next to Free Estlmntcs 3000 III Hsa moneymaker ucepnge Into her hasnmcnl nnd uncloied bill or $6132 or work ddne In correct faulty draining Councillors Tom Seymnur and Luwrcncq Devlne were appointed BIa tchfords SA RATHBUN Dunlap an Investmnle SUN Lle ASSURANCE cp dem humrum Dial 3537 mom 5046 Loblnwa Phone 6451 33

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