gm 90th YearNo 129 Tomorrow Thursday November ll 1954 is Remembrance Day It is day when our hearts and minds should be turned to those gallant men and women who gave their lives in the cause of freedom in two world wars that we who are left mlght llve In this day with the world in such an uncertain state it seems lttlng that greater attention should be placed on Remembrance Day Remembrance Day 1954 The publlc ls pronc to lorgel all too qulck 1y The orlglnal Armistice Day on Novem ber 11 1918grnduallyfucled lrom memory as the years passed umll another conllnzm tlon engulfed most of the world The name Remembrance was substltuled alter World War Two Today at new menace faces the world The Comnmnistlc forces with the backing of Russia constitute enntinuni threat to peace and ls the reaitenuse the unrest that prevails ut this time To overcome this threatening dangerthc peoples of the democratic countries must forever keep in mind the sacriiicesthnt were made by those who served and those who died and those who were maimed as result or these two wars It must be remembered um these wars were fought to mulntaln llberty and peoce or the lovers of free world of peoples The Communlsllo doetrlne does not predlct free people or free world but one that would be dominated by contlnual four and blood purges to hold the domlnntlonPcople would be dlcmled to as to Lhelr whole llves by the state they would be slaves of the slum together wllh all thelr belongings While no actual lighting war is being waged the moment the cold war oi nerves is perhaps us lmd because of the continual uncentaintynnd car of unprecedented at tack on some part of the world without warning The piling up at formidable weap ons far more horrible than any witnessed in past wnrime could ii unleashed cause the destruction of civilization It Is well therefore that nll of us take hood and keep 1n mind the gran um havrhcehhudb 1n mm afx endeavor to banish war We must remem ber that to us the torch was thrown to hold 1t high If we all in this We have not kept ulth with those who died In Flanders Fields where popplcs grow and the crosses ure row on row No longer are wurs lougm by soldiers nlunc the entire people of unllon are at war today It would be total war This being the case the people or all nntlons must be bonded together to keep the pence pence und wuerolh need slacerIvlcEs urc we In Canada wlllng to muko the suc rlIlcux Remembrance Day ubscrvnllon culls or HUHIO sucrlflcc on our purl we must be wllllng to take the thnu nnd thus keep uur Inummluu Ircle It Is xmnuns own mull IL ls from wnnL ul me hlx mlnd grown lorpld In uld ngc Huluucl Johnson Buy Canadian Books Must Jnnudlnus nrc renders rulhor than wrlum and In Hun scum consumers Iulher llmu provlucm the printed word Hut nlnrl yvur the wrllor Inm hln lunlnxu durum lmok wulrk OcL 30 in Nov when nllvnllnn Ih manned nn bunks nulhoru und Hm phummu ul ruudlnu In Nntlmml nuuk Week mulcm hmr mum bout nquu muku nnd uulhuru than nuy ulluvr Hmv the year lllln In mnmbly mmd think or whlln umd bunkn know no nullllcnl hmnnlnrlcs we nrv pulnum nnl nu mmlllnr wllh our own wrllvrn nu we nuqu be And Whllu In lruu lhnl mnlvru do nut new to know nnylhlnu nhnuL nu nulhnr In order to enjoy 556565$55$$5$5555$$5$55$x5$$$55$h Inml WALLI Imlllrnl Ehitnfrial lï¬agtuf marrie Examiner hls wrlglng at the sampume it adds ma satisfaction reading tnhnvé some of the background ï¬lled in Middlé men between writer and render arc publisher and bookseller To these the public library should be added for Cnnndlnn readers are bookborrowers rgther than bookbuyers It would be interesting to huve the statistics on thy ambunt we spend per cupitn on books for relaxation is com pared with other types of pleasure spending Pelarburu Review The strlkc vole at our blg CGE plant on Park street has taken musl unusual lurn Judglng by the mnuunl crlllclsm circulnllng among the CGE cmployus lhls wcck ll looks very much as though the UE has lllemlly slll lls own lhro because at the pecullar mellmd nl caunllng an announcing lllc rcsulls he ulrlkc ballot taken lhrnuxhuul CGE plants last week Empluyccs in Pctcrboru am up in arms and rightly su over the very undemocratic manner in which the rcsulls oi the vote were nnnnuncedfl when ï¬nal rcpnrt wax given by UE no mention was made oi the number ui votes ior and against Nu brcnkdnwn was given for each plant so that Pclcrboro ior instance could evalu ate it own voting strength Actually at this mom ent iocai CGE workers have nu way at knowina whether they voted or the gtrikoor notl There are low authors In Canada who are able to wrlle only for living wnnout somo supplementary employment yet book sales are Im rom saturatlon point There is an obvious connection The more Interest cm uted in books the better or everybody from author to render OPINIONS 0F OTHERS CGE Peterboro Strike Vote Fopulntlon increases alone In the last 10 years mean morn Canadian readers and the Iuturc books ls promising The mere fact hat lhe ballnls were rushed to Toronto and counlcd 1n secrecy by he UE wllhaul dlslnlcreslcd lhlrd pnrly being presenthm shaflmcd what lllllu conï¬dence CGE employee had In lhc UE an once In the whole dlwuln have me 301 workers been mvun chancn lo nlalc their views openLy and above board Ballot ave been hollymuumcd union uul trr mfmILFfloin nercxï¬rrrmï¬ï¬‚ Mw Just the same It might bcyan Idea to buy Canadian book during National Book Week Thur we have the nbsurd slluullnn of Red llnlcd union led by leader who known for hls Communism leanings cnnlmlllnz the Iulurc carnlnus lhousands at workcn 1n Pelcrboru and throughout Ontario Juu by the more wave of hand Jackson IE President can pul 36 workers on lhc siren and actually llurup Pclcrbnro nnd olhcr ccnlnl In cuslly dlsaslrous lengthy slrlkc why do wurkcrx In lcluboru nnd abe whore stand or his SD of Cd dlclnlorshlp This has been one the bin labor myslerlm lb pm dmldc UE and nod lnhur bosses have been 05st out 01 prnullcally all American plank Why must 1le workers in Onlurlu conllnun lhclr luynuy lu Jnrksun uml hls grouplT Fullnwlnu llm 1qu of man um 41 nullullnl prtlhhnl of Hm Conmvnuw pnrly lh mm nppoluhurnl may b1 lutnmlml ulllhnxlyn llw mm mm un yuullL Mr llhww II mu Hun Em lluwr wlmxu vlvwlmlnl ml nl llw om 1mm mu mp ï¬lm may Imvc ummm mlllmk nuy rnlr IN MI nu llnpmlum nml my nmn Mk below hlm dmmly dmmm yuunu man llmllrd puuum rxprrhnn lrrhnm may hnvv mm wllru ulhvr mvu mum the Mk Inn UHlllflll Thls lulwllvu may be answercd vary illortly ll UH undvnvura lu um Ila slrlkc demands upon an unwllllllu unlun mcmhcrahlp lrlkl mould 2va over llILI horilun llxlu ncwwupcr dmlbls wry scrlously It CGE employer In Iclcrboro wuultl mocky lay down lhch null and uubmlt lo m3 dlclylarshlpy flngnrdlus the mern bchlml such Ilrlkc nu me III II dclnocrnllc cmmlry ounl has llu right In pm on vulin labor um out work uxullul wlkhm Russlnn 11ch will never be lukrulud by CUE wurkul In Pen11mm ur elm winw Iuronlo In Srplvmlmr IV lUlLkl Hr rrsï¬ziucxl Imllnnill Allrlclnr he Imkrnl lruxrtlalvc Cun Mrvnllvu purly uflrr IIOIIIIHK ofllce hr ycun The poll hill blfll Vntunl ever lillu In IDSU Kkhl win nppuhllcd llnlluunl Muclnly bul lul April Hull um nlm bctunm Vllliml lllruuxll Mr Khld nJluluxllun ll LI nuw nulwullltd lllnl llurc In In br II unw nnhuxnll I1Irclur4 WIlum IkrwlV JOyrur um hlmcuv lumur wlm 10 yum ur lu nu rultwd Mumdv Ml l0 ruin luwylr hut frll hr qu llln arm nlul dlrl llul llllh III IIIW cmnnn He xrlvod wIUI lll CAI um Wlll Illl yrur VIrural He II mum on 11mm wnlk 1hr Ill mly In Hu Iul rlvcllon Young Mr Rowes Big Task BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 10 I954 For Parents Only Wehave new mi sol andwrlc Knlght and My Friend our two children lmvcnL luukcd Fllcka by Mary OHara are among booklnr two tunnth They the must prIch books with the mud go to the library ovary slory 91 dog or horse is week Have you heard par meme on 1ng hi7 ll Mnmnï¬v All my my will run 15 lhe funnlcsimd he Wnstcs his time reading every cumic buck he can lay his hangs on He Jusl doesnt seem inlehslud In good bucks an mother said regretfullyH Wall at least hes rcadlng something llcr riundr replied Ever since my daughlvr muth hcr Eons she wants to Spend all her leisure Hm and money on gnlng lo 10 movies Thu only books we reads all year an the supplementary reading ohm or teacher inslsl the ul must hand In Wrillcn rcvlc un thug nr celebrnlc Buck Week in our family by vlsillng Book Slum and each or us buy lng one no buck thlrd mn thr sukl We Ullllk budgeting fur books Is the be way lo almw uur clllldrtn we value mu lluwdcnn maul uncunrale In Invn banks The rzralikm ulnre or Miler or molher who cnlvys reading bound have all ï¬nd on buy or girl noun or later Il hnukl ï¬nd place in Illa lamlly budlcl ll reading enjoyed lvypown up Ind llle vulumcs In he lmukcasa In uken rum lhelr placu and run clllltl vlll mlurllly thlnk IIII ttadlnx In In en Juyahle neflvlly ï¬nnly rud ln Ihnllhl be In great dcllxm nM hard duty Ilcadlng aloud IA bod limc custom In many humus belure childnII all In school Vhal plly Illa good hnhll In kin aIlLn droppch mully can have won nu fldml nlnud book which my all ully ur nhurl EEC luxm 1mm luvurnc volume or brltI 900mm Oncnn buynr nlrl has luamm mu Oncn buy Ul nlrl has learan lo mm do glvc him In appur lunlly lu mrl nluud Invlu llmc In llxm In It llmm clrclcLcl ynur 1th vhnmr lhc nhuy he wuulrl llke lu rJInH VINI lhr lam lly ilw him your llndlvldcd hllenllun WLIIE hr in rcndhll tum lulu hm rloyxnlll ma cvnva vhlrll he wxlm plclum and pmlm hlm lnr mullV well Illllo Imnkshrll In rhlldn mom nu Mrrlltlll Mrm An mm mm my In undpnprrrd mu pllnlrd by yuuuuhr In Iqu Iqu hum mim nul um mm mammary Imuk 1qu mm mu only luv mm Al nunInn mm on Mm ulm ma lmukn IlmuM mm mm or llrlu mu 11ml mum mm mm mummm null uhlr ur Irvrl ml Innml llvrly yuunulu IIm rmlrl mm In luwkn llmn IIH llnm Hwy mum lhv uhxlm hum ï¬wrllru rnmvq hrI um huuulnlu lllr mevlmllll AIL vrulmrn ml 1mm FHmu Ihv Tlmc Muukrlm llnm My Ilu mhhn IIIIII WIIIIIIIIIIVI llrllll uw my Invrly Inme Imvr rmnv hm Ihmm mm mm mm Iunvzn $qu Im Ilnb Ml lur llny mu munlu Klau lryn Th anrr II VI llnlml Imuln xhwrniunx rmuuu In lmul Mud munI Imam HIhluwll num nw vmml hy mnk mm mm mm mm mn by US wllhIu IIm mluml In lvy Ilvhll AIIhvr MK II un wlluu mulh wumh xglllnu wlnlr lunuxmnlu lmu Hrknkln by Mom I6 NIL muullnu nlury llw unlunmlmu mum hr AIIINIHIL Why llllllll HHIIII hvmm lmlrk muunhum mum uuuy Hm cup mm hrlr wnlkl Vllvv llw errrerrr lmvl PM Im nr Allu In Vnmlvxlund ivlmmn Inlu Vl Ilmlmr NI IIIN plmnll mlwnlmrl lluu ow llxhl lunuh vi pnrhy In Mllnnn an Wr Ala Mix Ilnlml mm Hlvvrnsun mhln wmlm me ur wnlln Ilv Mun5 hymn mul Vmuw VIII Klpllnnl Jvul Shula nlul 4mqu lrahnmrn Thu Wlml In lha WIIIan lmvr hnnurl nunlA In IIIIIINI Ind hnw Hunlll TMHnglnnu lrnnul mu ml Mnk lwnlrm Advnnlule Tum lie Cum llama la llllllKS flND mun EHILD This Fuhï¬gwaild nmn 1an llold lll By Nancy Cleaver llw hrl AIL lhv Im llrllll mle or blnmphy shown In older boys and glrl whn appmcllta such Ilorles The ma llnudlnl by Bcryl Williams and Samuel Epsteln Leonardoda Vlncl by Elln bclh Why or Cornellll Malll lnvlnclhle hauls tho story hauls May Alum who wmte Lulln Women um um fllnm tho Ilory llcnry KEI aey lhe real Causaln Punlo Explnnr by Ollvc Knox In rccenl book by Josclle Frnnk Your Childs Heading To day lho wrllcr says books are 31 he background our 3c meulalcd knuwlcdgc nnd cul lure This Is truebut whclhcr at nm buy or girl claims 1M3 treasure depend very much on pnrcnls Are you llclplng your child to 1m mle mm is the uBly Frenchspa lug republic he wmcm nemL when cupyflnhl fine In tho snmo Mil Uml LRLING Hiker signin nlnndnnl of known vnlur no in this AJLU emblem ioymbul of FAUIfl about Hm circulntionn of nowapnpcm mnl lmriudicnln II in tho emblem of membership In thn Audit Huron of Circulnlimm and in mmlnuncn lo mlvcrliwrn that tho cirwlnllmm nf mnmbcr pulylicnlionn nro mennnréd auditor and rrporlcd in nccmdnnco with Mic rigid nulndnnlu tlmt lmvn heenmulu nlly npprovcd und mloplod by mlvorllneru and publlnlmru Hown why uur membership pQrculahoy Production The Barrie Theatre Crqu 01 ucmb opened its eann 1m Tunsday Nov with the spon mnhlp oi Canndhnllayers lwhinl production 01 Bermud Shaws Saint Joan Mthauzh the Baffle Dlsuld ponczlate Immute nudllorlum we only lllllc beau than halt lull the audléme Wax goodand spanded lothemaster1ul lmerpre tation oi the drach tragedy with understanding Ind flnsse We ourselves fecl lhzt lle splendid monunlly to View theaim best was medaled by those wha were able Wand the indomi ame and that an must in llve stage was zrpallw stlmukled In Barrie result Now three weeks Inc the peer less performance oi the Canadian Naynm we are producing our own play Here We Come canning by Philip Kinzlnd Anthony Ann Itmnl This play fellome close ly on previous King play See How They Mn which ran the gamut or peflumanm both in boxAdan Ind New York also ha all the making or being an equal rly summland hilariou com edy Pihiiip King Is master of comedy not only of manners sit uatiom and dialogue but at char acter welL and he manages to weave into his plots heterogene ous conglomerazlm social ml um who when mmnied with one anoihcr react in such way an in pluvoke one sidesplitting isode utter nrmheri At this paint do not propose ta spoil wur enjoyment by ailing any speciï¬c examples from he play Let it Euflice that can guarantee to each and every one of you lull evenings iun and enjoyment as you witmm the trials and tri bulations Lin Kellaway on their moving day Apart from the comedy appeal hawcver the Barrie Theatre Guild had ancihcr more challenle rea son Inr selecting Here We Come Gathering so Lhulr openlnz play of the season Unlll Jud recently within three months this flay was no avail able far amateur groups tn pro duce and to due in nur knowl edge In Canada has only been done by one other amateur com pany Accordingly In producing Here We Come Gathering we In all Iman and purposes at tunpï¬ng near premiere presen laMan and such In need with numcmua itchnlml dltflculdm whleh In yet hive nut been mlved for when of amateur compan lcs such ours By YVONNE MC Cumin AW Premium 1hccn Hos lhechéllenxi énd auhough 2mm in lhu dark It were wilhout any authorized Id THEATRE GUILD MQï¬ly hi the uxban municipnuues they have set ulda the orenoon olThursdayNov 11 holl day This is tn enabla those to meet at thoCepotaplland mm wlth heads bowed 1n mzmory at those suns lathe bmhers and other who gave their llvcs that thlg wrest land of our should12mm mean in innisfli wa him coupie of hundred veterans oi the two great wars There also branch of th Canadian Luginn nda Vet uana Ciuh Those are the men who ahouid he with the othenl1 at the Cenotaph in the County Town at Barrie what the whoin southern lace oi the enotaph is taken up with name of thus irom thin community who mud the supreme aacriflce wreath has been ordered by the munici paiity and walhopa that another will he placed ivythe veteran or lhcir organizations They should aische part oi the parade which is under the leadership of the Barrie Branch 01 the Legion but ii is open to any veteran who wishes to swing inw step and march to the Post Oiiice Square and pay his rcspecta to comrade or iricnd to do so vice we eel £1121 we are swing to put on good Ihow The very fact uni we are tempting prem iefe produciivn has been great impiraunn to the cast and produc tion mat to do their wimosi to make Here We Come Gathering In Barrie he mush hit was iniended to be when tuned by 115 author Now wllh just two week in go before cumin night wcare conï¬denl have managed to overcome mos oi the pmbium at one time appearing quits over whelmlnzi Wu have In infective stage set in Linai 1mm con situation Ind iha cam il busy ting the ï¬nishing polish an heir pegoymamu Tickets now nvalhhlc for sale and will be hmdltd either lhrough member or by Couw Real We Owen Sum me dllcs you are walling for are Nov 24 25 16 and 27 and wc would llko lo xcmlnd you that all moccch tram Wednesdays Nov Â¥4hslmw wlll to to the flood relic Tm ishn dayipiha year in liloARC in inlporinnt lo ourmivcriiscm nlnl ourmlvcn regular inlcrvula one of tin Burcnnu largo skill of experienced circula liun unditorn nmkea thurlnlgh inï¬pcclion mni audit of our circulation rccordfl The result of thin exacting mnlii show how rnucir circulation we him where it goon lmw itwnl obtained and Innnyallwr FACTS hut mlvcriiicrn need nn wumi lmnin for their ndvcrlinin invcninrcnu This nuriiicd information in publisin by tho Buran In currylarcnrl AI1C rrqurln which nru nvnii nbln to our mich mumshf FBnnmn EXAMINER Section 2Pagesiirt3 If um needs to hninded hi the hearts allhose whn luv can back to enjoy the prospexfly to ï¬nch the many sacriï¬ced their Townshi Elected Put Bac To January At their meeting Mona laxi Innixiii Township Council passed bylaw which will set the coming township election back in the extreméiime which 11 uwed by ihe Act in hold name This in iha am Monday in Janu ary The past 1ew year thn dm has been on the ï¬rst Munduy In December with tho nominatlon an the Munday precedln In No ember This move to change the 1clan back to January after the varlous auggcstlnnu mm the lku shore ratepayersW usaclulunl that the election should be eul ler In theme would appeal to he move on the part uthls council to make lt as Inconveni ent for them to get up to vote as vesslble when the elections were held on the January date It usually happened that storm around the New Year lelt thu road hnm thg highwu to the varlw polllng booth lmpamhlo It could be that this will Input he again In 195 hough elncled members 10 no aka ufllcs up the In auguration council In Jimmy the electinns some es lefl ma at the sitting member with in ï¬nal month in ofllce altlr CM had been voted out by tha rate payus Thh year council when they adjourn an ihu Dem 15 meeting will do so with their business of the yen tuiiy mm acted and will tau the lectorl at thu numinntlnn on Dec 27AM day following the Christmulch ldny The elccticn will then 101 lluw the New Yearl holiday Thu Unltcd Beaches AssadMon are planning to have repmanlr tlun flu nomination and underxlood that they are Inland in encourage mah membm 12 take an active part Kn thq ah onu Thh uxlendon of monthWm give averyone who may ha term lug out candldnlu more um Jo let their cumpalln undar m3 qtyl would rumembpgng Mued primal ï¬nd shoadd no be yledled or use