Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Nov 1954, p. 10

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mention on as Worship Magistrate Barlrcm presided Municile Sgt Morley Wright and Col An drews ot OFF District HQ were oncourtr duties and acted or the prosecution in part Wos Too Close Charged by PC Ni Chuddock OPP with ioilowlng another vehi cie too closely on Sept 13 in Bar rie young man Robert Chappcll was convicted and fined $10 plus costs or $450 Two vehicles were involved in an aCCitlent with minor damage Cor Smashed Atter an investigation oi an ac eldent nn Octti in Fills on the sixth lincra chargewas laid by PC EMcCrone OPP againstElrl Seaglcs tor tailing in give right at wayus he was proceeding with his truck cast it car of Jan Tjeendcr New Canadian whose vehicle was strpck on the leil tront wad upside down and pracs ticuily wrecked The truck was til Jett away Speeds were to 40 on ihc gravel roads it was rainingnt Uic time The detenec stated that no stop signs are placcdat iheintcrscctinn of 15 sideroad line ni $10 plus $150 was imposed LCA Convictions For havingllquer in place other than his rcsidcncc on Oct 15 in Vtspraulcnneth Smith wilh lined lOpius costs at $450 on charge laitl by PC Campbell OPP Following disturbance ina de icnce instabllhhmont on Oct to charges were laid by tilt Provost Corps ct chmn ourden against Ilussell Minnikin who was in thlved in dispute with another rivilian in car and waslined $i0 plus Still on anintoxieatitln charge and air plus $45m on the disturbance Earl McNeil annihcr clviliallt was iso iound guilty li lniuxiea tion in delellcc establishment and linen $10 plus $450 To Stnil Sgi Smith oi the Pro VIIdt Corps His Worship commend ed thel regular etiicieney or that branch and regretted that they should be called til Separate civ iiians lil tlell disturbances they have plenty to rln ntitcrwut with the armed iurcus tut lcuulilr tluty SA Tokes Charge Charged willt vagrancy George Walls no and utidrllss was hunut tn bain uun health anti was John NIAGARA Suggests NIAGARA lOAM WILL HELP YOU PLAN your way out of debt llilrn to H500 liteinsured at no extra con to you IAGARA LOANS rilc wasort BUILDING Put Ollie HQ HAIKHIK Phonl AMI taken care or by the Solution Army to receive assistance The charge was withdrawn Lengthy Cole Detended hy Boulton Earths QC or Oriilia John Maloney pleaded not guilty to charge at Ireieu driving on Aug 25 in Bar ric PC Poppin OPP live evid ence that he had been at the in tersection ot Sophia and has streets ii that night and had lounti man Victor LaVerdiere lying l5 tect west or the north west corner at the lntenection ind tour feet tram the curb He had broken leg was given first aid and taken to the Royal Vic toria Hospital HE had an odor oi liquor on his breath lBSl car was standing 85 Get away on Bass Street and tour tect lrorn the south curb JohnMoi mey driver admitted that he was the cause or the accident Mr LaVerdiere who had sull red injuries to his iett leg and the muscles at his lett side rc qulrlng days in thchospital gave evidence that he had that light been walking west on Ross Street on the south side and cut across to Sophia north and was llmost across when rte saw car lrilm west goingeast Dn Ross and in the ccntreai the road He was struck ml the lcithip and thrown sideways against the curb and lay there ora While The car swung across torthe south side He ad mitted having four beers while out to arrange eorn roast and gathering lit was six feet from the curbwhen hit and had hcsi tated tor the moment couldnt make the ctlrh and turned back The car was doing about 25 miles In hour he thought John Maloney stated that he was illng 20 ill 25 it was dark and from his own side at the road lie tow the pedestrian start in cross but not at the point that LaVer dicru stated but he was 200 teet lway and it he had not hesitated the accident would not have hap pened lllaloney put onhis brakes and swerved the car to miss but being excited lid nut keep them on in cross examination by Mr Livingston he said he was wearing his glasses as usual lie was tak ing Miss Ruth Lucas to her home larthcr east and her evidence cnr rubtlraled his Mr LaPiantc 11055 Street was also witness oi the accident and stated that LaVerdi rrl had probably nrlt been seen by the driver and the car had swung to the right and back lelt illtore hitting him Defence counsel dwelt upon the act that the pedestrian had hesis rated and moved back and was the author Hi his own misiartune and he quoted ruling that the walker must take care ui his own saiety lie rcgardcd thc happen ing its straight accident Mr Livingston agreed hilt called at ielltillll in the 28 not roadway ills Worship ruled tor comic thin with fine Ill 315 plus costs tli $20 5t Case Dismissed charge against Francis Watson of careless driving on Sept l4 on Highway DO llid by PC Chad rtnrk one was heard at some length collision had occurred at the intersection lit lnnlsill and TiLiln Sis when llarry Livingston titling east on 90 wits struck from the side by the truck at the ac cused There was bus itanillng at lite northwest corner at the time and it is btlsy corner On the evidence defence coun sol loss Cllwnn claimed non ll Magistrate ilartrclns sum mary was that in his nplnlnn thr trllck driver was nut su caleiul an he might have been but as in tln charge them was doubt and lil dismissed the case AlsoDismissed It charge against Jlilnrr liarciay ulltilzr the lllitllwily Trulllc Act illllnwillu collision with truck Wlltti by Mr llchinrlnn at the ltrnriillc corner in illllhway 00 ill ocltllitl was lltllftl on Thursday Oct in he was dvienlittl hy ituethrrn QC Judgment was Phone 3050 GARR 167 Shortly liuy lid ETTS EAST END GRAVEL PIT lltllSlIIZli JONtlltlITIZ GitWilli HT ltllN leNtlltllili GltAVlill liltllfill Itoll tiltWilli HAND Fl LOADED lli IIT Oil ltlZlilViiltlll given later that day and on the evidence Ind drtenoe the ene was dismissed by Magistrate Bart rern WHJNBSDAY NOV His Worship Mlglltnte Gordon Foster QC wu luck tram vo ntion and presided Aubtant rowrt Attorney Livingston lvu present and court duties were taken by Municipal Sgt Morley Wright and Cpl Andrew at District HQ Adiournmenrs serious chirge againstAlbert Morris of Aug 21 in Essa was idjourned to Dec for hearing Represented by John Allan loronto Douglas Walkers case with three charges under the HTA was adlourned to Nov it ecause at PC MacDonalds ibsence on vacation charge or careless driving lgalnst Robert McNamara or the Armed Lorces as oi Oct Si in Essa Nos adjourned tor three wceks as crown witness is still in hospital charge ot raise pretencui against Olaylon Carmthers was also adjourned one week teoi Collision Flooding guilty to careless driv ing on Oct 27 in Vespra Leonard Hudson was convicted and lined $10 with costs at 515 Evidence of PC itoy Ruhcrts OPP was that proceeding west behind oth er traitic he had collided with the rear cl vehicle driven by Murray Wagg Crossing 400 New Canadian Klass Kort deicndcd by Gordon McTurk pleaded guilty to careless driving on Sept 29 in innlsiil as charged by PC Campbell OPP who told at investigating an accident at the intersection oi Highway 400 and Anne Strcet Barrie where Kort proceeding west on that street had started across the high way and nto car causing it to roll er ice on lhat con trolledaccess highway with much traiiic For the ostence it was hrought out by cuunsei that the accused had stopped to allow an other car to pasu and as his car is iormer army vehicle with right hand drive he did not re the other car in time Kiass is un Om iarmer and did not own the vehicle which was also hfldl damaged lie was Inund guilty and lined $25 plus $1450 casts Impaired Driving Several cases came up uhder this section including William iiaggas who won observed on Highway ii in Oro on Sept 11 by PC Roy nobors where he had run into the southwest corner or the bridge at Sun Valley just com pieted and in use partly at that time lie was seen alterward in restaurant there and gave indica tions of partial intoxication was rather talkative and even abusive to the oiiicer He had three but ties at wine in his car an English model and had part small bot tle of liquor in one pocket Replying to deiellce counsel hiaeLaren QC the uttieer said that the roadway was still rough on the bridge Regarding blow on thc torcllcad rcceived by Hag gas when hi struck the bridle and was thrown against the Wino sllieid Roberts said it wu nut noticeable and no complaint was made at the timc to him Mr Livingston called attention to the tears statement The accused had been in custody rur two oaya and three nigth beiore ball was arranged and with that considered he was convicled and dried on the impairment charge $70 plus $1450 Tile other charges were with drawn and liquor conilsealed Another case was that at Cpl William Culweli of Camp iiorden who was checked by Cpl lowcll Di the Provost Corps when the latter driving tu Camp in the rain had stnrlpcd to pick up soldier on iotii Just then Culwell urnve up and accused Puwoll oi pour tirilllll and that ho lltd stopped in iitml 0t him Later the olilcer had illell the same car and driver iravclling lit high speed anti llad chased him tor it distance Ill 75 in HO miles an hour and finally took him to llarrie Oll itcglonnl tlilice oi L50 mu as lit Will llUi Ill it condition to drive in euurt PC Kclioltg who was present when Filwcll arrived ill llle tliller rurriiboraieri thtl irrlvilsts Itinltmtlli illld that Col will Wll an average of nllilily in drive impaired by alcohol lass union in tltr car had also litn drinking Culweil whose lllllllt il in Nova Seiltia was tllll vltltli lIIIil lllllti H00 plus coils of start or trli days Allutllrlr chum was withdrawn Still another similar charge it hid Illnst William Mill in Braorord on Oct so by Cpl Biidieii RCMP Camp Borden jlte was also observed by Pro vost Sgt Bert Oliver and was weaving on the road His coun ul Gordon McTurk pointed out that he wu in costume ISJIE had seen attending Heliowecn party before being picked at Convicted on aid iy impai be watt lined 5100 plus costs at or to days Also at Bradlord John Fitz teraid was charged by PC Crcorlte aurbidge with careless driving on he same night when he was seen iriving on the wrong side or Hail and Street and collided with an other car and was travelling at excessive speed lie was convicted and lined $10but will custsnl £2350 or it days intoxication cherai were convrcted on thld charge some or whom where in Ercdtord one Vespra and one on Essa Road All were filled from rain convicted on causing dir turbonce on Oct 31 was fined 20 plus $5 This wnsal Braditlrd Wiliul Damage Accused ot damaging sign owned by Harris Motors on Oct Murray Gilmcrwas convicted and dried $15 plus so in charge iaidby Seaman OPP The damage had been paidliy Giilncr whois tram Duwnsvicw Kingston Term in judgment given on Tuesday Nov by Ills Worship Magis trote Foster Emcsthraham alias Herbert licrmau who has hccli held on remand at Barrie jail for someltime was given two yearsncrmite and un intionnitu period thcrcatter in Kingston Pen itentiary lie was convicted on numbnrui rllicnces auairtht Ellillir chtilmth Cat rCought Harries own dot catcher Illlill Pearcewhil has been doing good Juli on that undesirable wtlrk tor about two ycars ran into little trouble on Oct 25 when happening to see dog withlltlt iag and barking at store door he had plckhtl it up and taken the animal to his car across iill mad Meantimcthc iitlic owner John Morris came across iron the stori and raised Li complaint and lit templed to let thc nun out or the cur Eventually thc uuy was chased around lllt vehicle by Pearce and itll according to two witnesses he Slapped llit elillu wilh the back ill Lincllade alter he had alien Later when accost ed by his mother Wilt had full owed in her canhe hall apologized for his action which was evidently lrlrlc hastily lit thought that he had spoken til tlII lad before but this was denied flatly in the int ters evidence iii Worship cummentrd that the work helm done by Mr Pearce is nnt happy neeunnthm but is required in Barrie How ever although it is dliilCult till it need nut call rnr term in the carrying out hc added 0n the assault charge he ruled tor Ctln viclion and line ill 515 plus cost oi $1150 which Mr Livingston years service Failed to Stop Perhaps icw realized that the mattcr ur leavilltt llll scout iii an accident is serious Dillii bill this was brought home to izarl ll Vandoraa on convtctiun or alter striking parktd car doing dunuce oi tint and their turning all his lillhts lt watt tléit pm and Went iln lie was ltllllitl later by PC it Beamall Oll lit the home tit his partills nut at town had been drinking illlti had Kulle to bed The olilter had checked on his car and ruuml paint stains mm the vehicle he llild itrtlclt ltller hearing the tvldcurr Mr leanstnn stated that is dllii elllt lu estimate the drnltc tlt Ila bility in shell mom liallility which he was trying in manna lit suuncsled nlle tli ilt least 00 Hit Worship humd clllswii the ultenee as very srrinut and drink in was no excuse In eunvlr tion eltnrard lllr nllt was tthl with custs Ill nr il rthyu Charge Withdrawn rwn yuunv hnrirtn nun lettin aid and Kenneth lannanl havi llitll iii lilllillltl 1hr some time ill rhann nl iirrllkim and entry with then hilt hum mrunt in rllurl were ly nlirrerl lu rvu was wltlu not null Illry um like to in Your Life Story in this back liltyilllr your own littlllr iiilnllllilk ylltlr riliitimle rdllrlllillIIytlur ltiltfl ill rcllrilintv lllally Uni will all ll tllriltllll in your shrill llrlIlLnlllit Stall yiltir llrltilly nttlllllll today at our liramt llrnllrlttilrro lilo more than 030 in acrvr you 4suiawsnuscia clueuw flinwllu no to $15 with costs Guy Bert rcn and is classed as sexual psy considered as out tielilltls in wit tolling to stop lln Nov in Barrie The Miracle nitric finish tests you nothing eitirii iii tilhit tuna uni No coomEJ cmr GO OVER THEWE YOU COME 0N801Ivc 501 TNE HOUSE ALLTO MYSELF man WONDERFUL oPDooruNtry to WAKE NAP in nr yam stir mm limuiee QWIf 10 wrap rs one narrate mutants Manson homo testii NliSEiiViCE Val COME OVER HERE tout as For Pickup Delivery Dtii mi Sta Nu wrote riotirl nova By Chick Young CANT SLEEPN Too Qurer AROUND HERE ll Now DONT KNOW WHETHER IM SUPPOSED ro GO OVER THERE 0R sucs suwoseo TO COME HERE Alla lap54 lr DOE cementing FOR nun DIRTY rAcalt norcm MVi Mtg2

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