Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1954, p. 4

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BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY Noveimee 1951 sort SALE WOODTORSALE HELP WANTED one LICENSED FORD MECHANIC wonderful right man APPLY BOX The Barrie Examiner 311512 Iapportunlty for the ATTENTION Men wanted to represent well organized association Experience not necessary full training given lf you wish to Increase your In come on yearly repent businch ropositlon contact as immediate Pleasegive lull particulars Trans Continental Automobile Association Limited 3339 Bloor St West Toronto 1115121 WOMAN 1545 for general house work and plain cooking non smoker adults must be able to assume full responsibility when employer away Iilghest wages Mrs Stephens Richmond Hill Ontario 1125 AGGRESSIVE Salesman compet ent with figures wanlc by local firm Willingness ta to respon sibility necessity Permanent position with group insurance and has Ituilzation coverage Transportaton supplied Apply in handwriting to Box 36 Dorrie EX amlncr giving pertinent particu lars 1125110 POSITIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED French stenog rapher desires position filing and typln bilingua years experi ence law office BOX 33 Ear rIe Examiner 2125120 WANTED Ph 6331 Pb am HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP MLIAIE BATTERI We also sell pipes beams angles channels and rcinlorcing rods INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dunlap St Feradsle Phone 0331 or 6487 375tf for Barrie Metal Cr Salvage DEALERS IN SCRAP IRON METALS FURS RIDES RAGE BATTERIES FEATHETIS LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will all Iiighui pricedpaid Spccisi prices paid Ila ilvercd Phone Darrin 303 0612438 MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY thd and Office Ira Tillin st SItitf SCOTCII Ilne Christmas trees wanted any quantity Cnuh down payment Lorne 13 Wilson 432 Incslng collect 312i120 Sisyner Accommodation Wanted REWAItD fur accommodation near Camp linrtien or In llarrie Ilcnte phone 2723 ZtlZfl IIDOMS or apartment heated or unheatcd Must be reasonable rent Widow ties to busincss 11th 211 Danie annilncr IIIztm AIRMAN and family with one child tieIre house or arimcnt furnished by rod of uvtrnber flux 31 Ilarric Examiner IIlRIIlZfl == Property For Sale or Rent ii 1100M House for rule or rent Modern throughout Irnlrlrdlatc possctslun Close to Iiarrir liIono Initih iPfllltIIO W2 PERSONAL 17 CONSIDERING mlrril con suit Marriage Wilflru lier all by mail Ellbllslird 1000 Over 0000 clients rich and pour msrricd Il rcsdy ticrupulnus Icrrery film mom flux 11 Dickrnl iort Ofilrc Winnlprg IllDill FARM EQUIPMENT NAME Your Price Cockshuit 30 iraetor complete with live power takeoft also Oliver Harrow ra dcx plough Will sell above an completeunit Oliver 60 tractor excellent shape Call 640 or 57 John St 311125127 CHICKS Early Hatched HyLines WILL MAKE MONEY con YOU They hit peak production when prices arc highest next summer and fail you order before November 15 YOUCAN save $400 PER 100 iIyLines available out of all hatches Chicks bred like and hybrid com Write or 17 one GILMORES HATCHERY Phone 2135 Barrie 24124130 =g PROPERTY FOR RENT LIGlll housekeeping room Adults only Phone 0483 15124115 APARTMENTS unfurnished Ad uits Phone 3371 15119 FURNISHED rooms with kitch enette adults Phone 4056 15125117 artment bright ery east cn 360 Blake St one 1518 15124125 OFFICES or sample rooms near bus station and new Post Office at as Collier St 1540 FURNISHED rooml rcnt tog her or scparateiyiltchen priv iicgcs Phone 4737 15125120 ROOM newly furnished In busi ness section of Aliandalc Apply at 16 Granville St or phoné 72 181 UNPUIINISHED housekeeping rooms central Suit business cou ple Phone 3391 after 530 pm 155123125 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms central Phone 3232 Mrs Kelly Is McDonald St 15124120 5703 ROOM unfurnished apart ment private bath and entrance Available Nov Phone 01gb FURNISHED APARTMENTS and unfurn ished rooms close to town ftent reasonable Phone ma evenings 15125120 IIOUSEKEEIING room warm and enmlortabiy furnished very cen tral Adults Pcci St Phone 4008 15125 IIIIDDLEAgtd couple would like apartment by Dec No children Absiaihcrs Box 35 Darric Exam Iner 115115121 BRIGHT front bedsitting room suitable for two Only abstainers ntcd apply Phone 2272 180 Dun lop St East 15115 COMPLETELY furnished is art mcnt for months Dec ed rooms Adults only 3100 Box 32 Barrie Examiner 15125110 ROOM unfurnisth housc clcc lric and icle hone miles north Barrie on lighwa ll Apl Edgcrton Crown IIIII ifrIJZIIZS APARTMENT Furnished bedsit ting room kitchenette bath near Post Office overlooking bay oil heated Phone Mr Cifton 5300 15124115 ROOM heated apartment furn ished or unfurnished use of bath hot and cold running Water Mru floss Coukstown phone ilfl 15111115 UIIIIII Du lcl bedrooms liv Ing robIrI Ii nutle bathroom kitch rn sunburch oak Ilpurs water heating Adultl Lion 17 Barrie Examiner 15115 NIIW modcrn bachelor and arnom apartments with bath Completely furnished or unfurnished runtlnu our hot water Iaundr facilities Adults only Phone 260 15124111 COMFORTABLE bedrooms sult IIbla for business Kelllitlrllri three blocks front Iinwntuwn Milli for car parkln Located at llcrcly betwrrn ulller and Dunlop ur phone 0101 IsIiru APARTMENTS worm and CI lcre baiii cnrh builtin cup bards private entrance One iur tilsilrii tine unfurnished Ilus llup acrosl the street No objection to one baby 170 Iiilltc Ht 10115 AND IIooItI iicatctl spart rnrnts furnished and unfurnished qu rent into to woman wlnilrtl housework In plrt payment for rrnt Np objection to man baby Arms tunn IanIn Iiuma ma ldlHlZU RATES FOR IIDIEI COLUMNS Dcsdllnc for Copy530 pm week any preceding issue ADLIIYI MAY IlilllIONltu T0 OITICE mm It We word mlnlmum 80c Following consecutive insertions re word minimum one CASH RATE word minimum 600 It word minimum 100 sIUIII rIr IAll wmr onunl IIOX NUftllllillll or replies directed to this office extra COMING EVENTS LOCALE AUCTION SALE NOTIIIHB to word mlnlmum It to word minimum 09 Following consecutive insertions so word mlnlmum fao IN MEMORIAIII CARI OP TIIANIIII IN APPRECIATION It word mlnlmum I100 ENGAGEMENT NOTICES 00 Ma sun and ins styifl in mtIbslay Ilsatad my be mum through no lxlrnirllr sdvsrtlrrn departend whit lt examm en te rmt mun Jam McGINNESS MOBILE HOME TRAILERS are now even better lg NEW LOWER PRIC Write teleghone or visit us and see our 57 F1NANCEfiATE5McGDI NESS MOBILE HOMES successor toOlIAWA TRAILERS LIMITED Pine Trailer Park Angu GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL moron LOADING Septic Tanks Purpped DENNIS MORAN ARRIE PHONE 2m rssu RCA VICTOR RADIO PHONO COMBINATION Beautiful Condition $01100 Used Washing Machines EXCELLENT VALUES From $1000 up USED ELECTRIC RANGES As Low As $3900 litany To Choose From Used Master Piece Range For Coal and Wood Complete with Reservoir and Warming Closet $5000 USED 10 ADMIRAL TV CONSOLE $14000 COOP WHERE PARKING IS NO PROBLFJVII 159 lnnlsfil street Barrie PHONE 2420 7115 SPACE Heater large size Ken more Apply Isa Pcnetsng St 7125121 DOMINION Circuiatnr coal herit er chrome finished sood condi tion Best offer Phone 31110 7124115 itEMNANiS of tire cry fabrics at small fraction price Dorrie Tent and Awning C0 14 Ila field St 71 5127 Gltihllil Champion evaporator sire 4x12 In good condition Ap giy llodgcr Pickering 12 Con unnidaic 1125127 ADDING Machines and writ ers sail enlsls repairs Imcoc Business chines so Toronto St phone cm 7de USED Furniture Buys at Clarks Ilomc Furnisiiln 40 Da Held 51 Tables chairs estcrfiel all at bargain prim 7125127 CRAIG ilanicr can give you ser vice on Master Iccds lrosl Fence Graham lows and frm supplies Phone Jra Strnud 7110137 SUFFERING from Dackaches ilheumatic iain Sciatica Lum ba is over it you let Ilumarnps be you to relief Ask your druf gist 71 LINCOLN Weidcalsr now and used welders electrodes accessor lcl Arc welding taught dagoor night Andrado and nl hone 10rlt Siroud Tilt No troud Inszi JONES used furnishings II Fins Ittmd Allandaic tilt Antique and modern good used furniture Many useful and Interesting Items to choose from All Ill lovely undi iitm Came In and see us Also at 17 Cllpprrton 5t 0401 712tIJT ALASKA Fur Coat sIro 30 In good enhdliion also 4picco stulr rrl stoic built are In txcritllt coritiillurt lemon for Ufiiilil Ap ply to Mrs Charles ilumii Nurs Home Inquire for Mrs Irwin phone UPI Coukstown IlZJIZI Business Opportunities BTOIII Wanted suitable for cloth ing htlIInILI Write Mllrrs itle DIrII IIIII Station uliino 1042420 IF YOU are Ilittlflild III In Into house building as partner anti have $1000 stariiuif capital Lots and quwrinn III appruvnl Ileady to alert Write In llsrrle Irls ailllli 19121 II mm mauuoINo TRADES LI notice NllAVLA Approved aInlonc WITIona Enquiries invittl Cslslrgurl frut II 11 Wild an rIIllI Ihnno HIV ruilorL MTPil nAA Doo AND 955 WE IlAVl lovely purebred ficnlrli fullleou wrclu nlu Very mi sortable Iiiurl Pl Ill1111113 LILACK Imund part II gle rtti unlrr Walls Tlmmour II Cmmurs phonl an MW 3011 Pubs for aid Parents Chiphsm phone Ivy llrtl NWSYEAEPLANat 220 Dredtord 5t DRY Body Hardwood hardwood slabs and snttwood slabs sawed any length and delivered Dennis Moran phone 2901 0119 ROOM BOARD ROOM and Board for gentleman Apply IBI DunlapSt 12125 ROOM and Board Centrally locu ledGood meals Phone 2344 110124125 NEWLY Furnished room for man or lady in Aliandale tric Phone 3782 or ppply at in Gran villeSt 12113 AUTOMOBILES 35 HONEST JOE WILLPAY Highest Prices POE CLEAN AUTOMOBILES Liens paid all and we Irlli trade We do CROSSTOWN MOTORS Phone 30 tsitro TOW Truck with power winch and hand winch Phone 0509 137th POULTRY 100 PULLETS SussexHam months laying for sale hone 80211 Barrie 14125127 2100 HYLINE Pallets laying Ap ply George Moir Cookstown phone 73r33 141124125 35 ROCK Pulieu ready to lay for sale Fletcher Thornton Phone Ivy 2r12 14125 500 HAMP Rack laying hens for sale Sanford Con Inntshl 2nd form west 11 Highway 14424115 RAMPflock Puliets ready to lay $150 each 11 Donnciiy 11 mie north Churchill east side iligh way 11 14124115 100 HENS late hatch last year now 15 months old Rack sd llnmp 100 pallets months od Light Sussex Will Elliot Elmvaie 14124125 =1=== MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS No collection No charge Credit Bureau of Simon County Box as Orllile adad BULLDOZING Excavating Backfilling pnoiun senvrce our BAlEMAN 43 Anne Street Phone 2501 5123l25 CHAS THORNTON Licensed Auctioneer 106 Naywuh Streett ORILLIA Phone collect on auction sale orders to Orlllls 15101 Terms reasonable 07574 FLOOR COVERING Armstrong Floor Covering Llnolcums Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied and Installed Free EIIIXIIIIN WOLFENDEN Dcrcry St Phona 11105 5090 LOADING GRADING BACKIILLINO LXCAVAIINO DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS TOP SOIL Oil TILL STEWART Phone 15081 FLOOR SANDERS TO RENT An our floors shabby lie our 11 it Speed Floor Hlntlc an refinish like new Reasonable rated All type of floor finishes Iiisbh DOYDB PAINT AND WALLPAPER 19 Clapperan St Ph 5206 01 FERGUSONREID Floor SerVice TILE Vinyl Allirslm Asphalt Lina lubber rum liutlc Wei YAIII cumin UNerIItv YAIIII ILonon Ctnmrrzu men rmrut rIANIIINo CAltlm IInIIVILIt Mairrill Supplied Inltsilsd IlliJ ESTIMATHI IlIONl stirou IsIIIt iVY rIaaii MIMIDtIlIAIIllNO AND IIlbIIG siennapm nni be non Coli uropto fit but was 5qu liAiiON We me No rnr wool Will give you In ssll Terms 70 down All wdrh fully mm491m or phone III neslnd cuisri Btotl Mair ItIZMIAWM Insulation Hisas Phone 4152 LOST FOUND SIRAYEDFrom but 12 Can Vesprs Red Steer Melville Bul mer 11R Barrie phone 2182 11124125 LOST l25x20 tire tube and wheel off Motor City Transport Please notify Graves Bron 3533 found 17125173 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fs to FIGS and weeks Apgiy McCarthy Brentwood 91 51713 WEANED Pi Appl Merv Martin Ivy pfine 1di4 912HZS DURHAM Cell also team of hora res Switzer phone Wriz Barrie 0125120 WELL Bred Holstein heifer raring calves Apply Pedwcll Poinswick 9125126 10 HEAD of bred Hereford Stock crs from 400 to 700 lbs plsy Pifer stayner Phone all ts ner 01231 PUREBEED English Yorkshire hear 10 montho old Stuart Mac Quarrie milcsouth Fennclls Vi mile west PlZSlifl CLEARVIEW Yorkshire young boars rcadlyI for urvice young gifts CarscsddenL hone 32r4 Stroud 4121 JERSEY Cows years old pure bred one with call weeks old one due months 9110 each Miller RE Thornton Phone Ivy lIrIi 9125 SHADY Lawn Farm offerin graded Cheviot ham Lambs an 10 yearling Ewes Serviccsbie Yorkshire Boers Priced to sci Sproulc Stroud 0124120 REGISTERED Hereford Bull it months old also 1952 Ford one ton truck with rack Would take iivLrtock as part payment It Brnokwcil Stayntr phone 520r23 9124121 AT CREEMORE Beef Sole Tucs day Nov Failed Hereford females one with first calf at foot sired by Domestic Moor the recently imported bull wit lung line of polled blood The other bred in September to same buil These females will make splendid foundation cows for rag lstercd oiled herd chance sc dorn of cred at boot auctions The ball calf Is the makings of real herd sire Innislil Pulled Herc fords Roy Goudlcllow Straud 0124115 ==I AucrION SALES Every Thursday at 130 pm Eirnvale Community Sales Arena Phone Whitton 101 Elm valc 119th Wednesday Nov Auction sale at farm stock implements iced and household effects of Frank Ktflnldy Let Con Fins Townsh one mile east Apto Garage off Highway 27 ale at 1230 Terms cash Ierry Coughi Auctioneer 120125 Estardsy Nov Auction sale of arm stock and implements over 100 pigs 1in young sheep bus oats 75 tons hay slos for hIcCart Lot 12 Can chumscth ale at 1230 pm sharp Farm sold 123115 AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Implements Food Household Effects The undersigned has received instructions from FRANK KENNEDY Lot Con Pics Township One hills Pint of Apta flsrsgo off Highway 21 To Sell by Public Auction on WED NOV 19 TIIE FOLLOWINUF CATTLE Iltrcforti Cow caIu old call at four Durham ow cars old cal It feut Durham my years old calf foot Durham Cow years old call at fool Durham Cow cars aid call It feat Durham leifcr Ii years old caif at foat Durham lleiler old call at Ityrshrc ow years old at foul llulstcin and years old due to return Durhsm Cows It and cars iltli Ilrgistcrcti Shorthorn all years old Hereford Dull months old Durham yesia oid Lilcrelard rsr old Durham chr urhaIn Calves Ii months old IIOS Yorkshire saw and 10 Figs It works uid Yorkshire Bow and Pill weeks oh 0V but Sweet Clover licrd 20 ilus Tail 11K llillLtilthlrl IClIIlnIcrl Tractor and bu aw rumpiclc iIlI Murrow Iluw illII Ilurtuw Disc Hal of It rtor linrruvw toil Bet pl Derrin Tractor Dis Bel of illslrl IIritIiIull Tractor Disc 20 pin Cockshult Manure liprcad During liiIItler left rul veering Ulndl 111 cut Deer IIIg ruuwm liuIerIor mi Drill Ia dilu lluh eihtirrl WlloIIs Iy Nov no pin rI llnu oi Wagon Illrit III II Ieam lIuw Ilurruw rleur Chopper lo Itlr omprmnr no It pressure list of Wood llch hr of Tram Ilsrn Clover luller Iiurtklll Nu Chslhsm rennin ltlili iluuvtr Iutllo DI lcr II lion cutting on Turup Iuiprr Iu ilIIirrhrr ho Isl Engine 110 It 7inch liubher Dell Inc fl 1inch IItItIIltr Iirit TUIINITUIIE llsll UprI ill llnuu oOIl at Wiilllms right In 10ml raisin quali tlty at unisehnirt sflrcls too numerous ii thltn Chains Irnutsielreu san many other sull ciu no mom in mentihn hilt KII um us form and Mr Kennedy give stmln sharp limit Civrhi Jrrr Gauth llii Auctioneer plume llsrrlfi Maurice Msctaren Elected President Kiwanis Club 1955 This Is Key Club night at Bar rie Kiwanis For the dinher at Community House the chairman will be Charles Crease and the speaker Murray Robinson of East York Collegiate Grade Nu dent Mumy will tell how they have run High Haven which Is the st York version at Barrie Teen lawn Guests will include members or Barrie Collegiate Key Club and delegation of Kipanions and Key Ciuhwrs from East Yorit plus five members ol the group which organizes Barrie Teen Town It was announced at last weeks diner that Maurice Madmen was presidentelect by aociamation for 1955 of Ban1e Kiwanis Club with Emerson Swain Ist vicepresident and Dr Edwin Wilson 2nd vice Gordon Needharn continues as treasurer Election will take place today for the board at directors BORN ADAMSAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Oct 31 1954 to LAC and Mrs Jordon Adams Angus daughter Deborah Constance ANDREWSAt York County Has Ital Sunday Oct 24 154 to Ir and Mrs Harold Andrcwu of Eradtord daughter Dianne Cheryl sister for Debbizeg BECHAIIDAt the Royal Victoria Hospltol Ifarrle on Oct 31 1954 to Sgt and MN It Dechani 135 Coiilcr St son BUSHAt the Royal Vicloria Hos pital Barrie on Oct 30 1954 to and Mrs Elliott dash 121 Ea field St daughter EIITAt the ho ol Victoria Hospital Barrie on ct31 1954 to Mr and Mrs Gordon Colbert 59 Duiferln St Ian Gordon CHAPPELAt the Na at Victoria Ho Ital Barrie on ct II 1954 to Ir and Mrs Maurice Chap pei 181 Pccl St daughter Brenda Jane MILLIGANAt the 110 hi Victoria Hospital Barrie on et 29 1954 to Mr and Mrs James Milli an Phelpsten son Francis er nerd ONEILLAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Oct 27 1954 to Mr and Mrs Paul ONeill id Samaron St son ROBE TSONAt the Royal Vic toria liospltai Barrie on Oct 30 1954 to Mr and Mrl Robertson nco Ruby Morrison Oakwuud son VEZINAAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Oct 1954 to Pm and Mrs John chlns SMO llCAr station Edgar daughter Denies At Burton Avc Anniversary Several from this community attended the anniversary in Dur on Avenue United Church Allan dalc on Sunday Oct 24 and en ioycd the services very much Tbe Leis Mn Loashecd Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Bert Loughccd and son liaiph in the ricth of the arm crs mother Mrs Leughccd lil lanaaic WA To Meet Nov 10 WA will meet In the church basement on Nov 10 at 210 pm Program Mrs Keiccy and Mrs Kenwcli Lunch Mrs Dye and Mrs Johnson Everyone welcome SAIUEANT LOSS 010000 Firemenchoked on thick clouds of ammonia lama for two hours early one morning last week while battling More caused by the ex plodon of an Icemaklnl machine at Saricant Furiand ice Com pany at OrIliIa Ono waiitoi the buian was blown out collar Ins on nearby hobre with Iittlo danmgc to 0m house Plant is is estimated at more than 820000 COLLINGWOOD CONIIIAIILE linbcrt lryrr young Coihng wood adtiotc wan appointed cons table on the Ciiiiriawooti Niles Force Itr will succeed formrr Constable Ilarold Kcnncy who resistant in accrpt the police chief position at Elayncr Constable Pryor was mrmbcr of lhtre OIIA championship team and star smmrt bamnan with Cullingwood baseball lNIml fur the past several ycnrs PROPERTY son SALE LACEY REAL ESTATE I70 Dayfielti tit Ill 520i MondayFriday am pm Ilnttirdsy IRI ll pin iIEIiliJIENTATIVIJI noon czuwou III none BIECIALIZINO 1N neIu EDTATIE may YOUII LISTING APIRFfiltllzglll GORDON STOUTT LTD ftcsl Estate broken Aurora limit Oshilla DAIUIII It DIBTIUCT GEORGE WRIGHT Ihone Ilprrlc 41100 or 4031 Dunlap at cm Member llsrrie District Real him 154 NEW nungsluw sll connntonrs 10 Cuulins Bl lwue lrrcr for 904d ENGAGEMEle Mr and Muslim Hsndy of Dalston with to announce the engagement of their eldest daugh ter Meryl Joan to Lloyd Thomas Fletcher soh at Mr and hire Thomas Fletcher Oro Station the marriage to take place in Dalston United Church on Saturday Nov 20 1954 at three octack In the afternoon 125 wd DIED BANTING lnVancouver on Thursdlg Oct 25 1954 Salon Bertha antin beloved sister of Ida Mrs Ja Watoonr Anna Mrs Agnew Toronto Effie Mrs II Wilson of Bradford and Edith Mrs James Stewarti Vancouver Interment in Vancouver PORSALE SMALL house trailer suitable for construction or hunting ply Pearson Guthrie 71 Notice Re IIuaIIIcIIIIr lillil H001 ilIiIIIlIIiE Tecumseth Township Persons having loss or damagc coated by the hurricane and flood of October 15 and 18 are advised to secure printed forms from the clerks of the vlrlous townships adjoining the Tewnshi of Tecum scth from the Agricu tursl Repre sentative in Alliston or from the Post Offices and the clerks of the municipalities These forms are for the purpose of ascertaining the extent of In dividual damage and lass caused by the hurricane and flood Forms are to be completed and returned to the cicrks offices not lisptér than Saturday November DuK HARVEY Clerk OILROY Reeve 124125 56 ELLEN ST IleIeIs whit lots of folio tit IIITIINA dalr opusten rd or Your rntsrtlsn an the at the rurlos lieuIris rum Theyre fillcraItiixrd COMPARE COMPARISON IIIthIiH IN MEMORIAM commonen loving memoryoi dear Dad and Mother who passed away Nov 1930 and Nov 1951 reopeetively Not ust today but every day In s1 once we remember Eisie Ken Hazel Ruby and Doug and families 125 THOMASin loving mcniary of dear husband and father Nar man Thomas who passed away petsI 1950 We lost dad with heart of gold Who was more to us than wealth untold Without farewell he fell asleep With only memories for us to kee We have plost but Can has gained One of the best dads the world contained Sodiy missed by wife Mabcl and Family 1211 NOTICE01 ItlIIIIIIII MEETING The Liquor License Act Illlii LICENSING DISTRICT NUMBER TAKEINOTICE that the Annual Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario Ior Licensing District Number it camnislng counties of Dutierin Fcei imeae and Districts of Muskoka and Parry Sound will be held at the Court It use Council Chambcri In the own at BARRIE In the County at SIMCOE on Tuesday the 13th day of NOVEMBER 1954 commencing at the hour of in oclock In thcfarcnoon at which time it will hear and detennlne applicationsfor the renewal of licences in accordance with The Liunr Liccnsc Act 11140 and rc gu atlons thereunder AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any ersan resident in the raid iicens ng district obiecting to any such application shat file his grounds of objection In writing with the Acting dc uty registrar at least ten days be are the meet HILLIIIIEST 51111001 3111111111 Wednesday November 800 pm full report on the activities of the Ileg Producers lrtd the Crn trsl Estes Agency will be given by members of the Ontario Exrru live together with mum at the red sliasilan itiW ItIiPIIllIIINT HT ing II EROWNE Acting 55 Fleet Street TORONTO LUMIIER COMPANY LIMITED HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR LUMBER AND BUILDINCI NEEDS Peanut2517 BARRIE SEMIANNUAL MEETINi 01 THE Simcoeilounlyiliag Producers WILL IIII IIELD INv It takes so little milk to pay the difference for hlshrr quality fruit IIIIIINA OW IIIOIV CONCIINIIIATII Mt mlr one bag with bass of grain Lowest price in long time IIIIIINA MIHK ZIIOIV 10 rampletr dairy rs Iion nothing to be arid fIltiiV tlluau an of lime dairy utisnl whirls er IT MORE MILK AT IIIIIVI worlds most fllnoul dairy herd BARRIE FARM SUPPLY MARKET SQUARE IIIONP 20 Listen to CRIB at In for Regional Weather Varuul

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