SA RATHBUN wm mum In 01m An autumn wedding was 501 cmnlzcd hrs Matlhla5Anllchn Churnh summer at 230 oclnck on Saturday afternoon Oct when Geraldine June Wall Dunlap Luvts For Markham Dec Word has been received by Ravi ngby recur of Caldwaler Anglican Parish including North River and Wuubnushcne for the past we yours that he wiil lake up dulicx Markham on Dec Mr Wixby came here irom Ever ett and succeeded Ravi Fell eiier Mn and Mm Wighy have two sons um baby daulhicr During his period in Goldwater Mr Wizhy formed in mens club in SL Matihiu Church and inv lmduced olher changes He was prwidcnl or he Bible Society inst year and has given leadership in the music lemivni nnd nLhcr com munity prolccis AIITIBTE HUIIIJIZU IICIURBH MIRRORS 83 DUMB ST Harry wuni 11ng iawn er estimntm his log from flood dmnale at $2000 in $3000 and Mr andMmi Cliflord W00de lost similar amount Mr Cawan say steps must be taken in nie uuard his property in ulure or he will be iormd to movni it will take an estimated $1500 to $2000 in ill to class the ravine caused on Cecil Robinsons farm on the uuLskirLswhen the river broke out at iLs regular course Funnel Evnnieliat Here nov Ciliflnrd Smith Shei burnc klllcd in mnior accident at Woodbridgc recently with his sister Mrs Fern Aitkcn and son Paul also Iatalitics was an evangelist in Goldwater district some years ago Flood Vicllln From Feutrton Among flood victims tor whnm funeral services were held lust week at Weston was farmer Fessmon rcsidenL She was Mrs Philominn McGarvey iii whn with her son Donald ill and daughter Jacqueline Were swupi to their death nil the mo their homLI on Rayman Drive Mrs McGnrvey was he former Phllunina lohnslan and attended coniinuation school at ColdwalLr While rcslding ln Fossermn She has noni relatives living L1 Wau baushenc 171mm Pllm New School Coldwnur Sohool Board In lpedcn Km Ema and Gibson and Paul Pentlnnd Itchi tact met In discuss proposed skach Goldwaters new public school number change were approved and an upwdm sex of dmwlngs Is to be prepared containing mvmons These will be presented 10 the Coldwnxcr trustees and Mr EllLs In the near future and will be lurwnrded to the Department or Edummm or nnpmvnl LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE coldmter comntdry unu BARNEJXAMINER mm SUN LIFE ASSURANCE C0 ENHANCE THE BEAUTY OATES Mus Hayward Future will LEIIIEBBY HIZII Tllli COMPLETE IMNGH OF NEW PAITlleNH AND COLOIIH WALLPAPERS HUNWOHTIIY lull HlINTliHTHI Phone us Mtdonle Rand Dlmlu Reeve Fisher Canton Mmlonc IerI has mud nrcmnn Wood hul mtlmnlcd flood damage to Medan made All $10000 nfme flood wncm orxilnmd mm mm command the mm or 1700 Mrs 1mm Reblnmn mm for her husband and her self declined conlflbutc any amount unul obudnlnl expat ud vice Al lhll palm was cur IIdlnd hnpomlblu ta procch Ind the mcuunx ndjcurncd Emergency Malling In an auempl meet the emergency whlch shut down the mill Jam moulnz was held Tuesday nlzht attended by Cold wnter and Medome wunclln Ar gyle Watt Mr and Mrs Cecil Roblnsun and Lloyd Mklmby MPP My Luhcrby who hnd taken the lnMlatlve Io get wmc lhlnz done was asked to explain the atuaMan lo the mcetlnt He suggested ihe minlmurn ner work necdul llll In the break ln Ill Ich bank would be $150 In $2000and sold hpd obtained mmlsc 3560 1mm Wbllc Work Mlnlicr Wllllnm Grlcslnl er pmvlded counclh and album lmmedlalnly mound ooapcrnlcd to Infklcjhe emtrgcncy Medonle Contribute AlmauthMcdama Council rc cenuy11us1 lawsull lnvalvlnl Ccll Roblnwn and anohcr rule pnyc ovnr drama of part ol lhu very am under dlacussmn mzre may be an animal and has olhcr axpnym hard nu by the rlvcr chanxlng course 0019 poan was armed to put up $200 pmvldlnx Lhe mlll owner and flublmnns each conLrlbulud $200 nlm wllhln wccld Lou Councll Oller Goldwater Gounch ollcrcd lo mm $1 or every 31 men by Madame ln whusc lowmblp man OF YOUR HOME BEFORE THE COLD OF WINTER SETS IN Camuvlllon Authurlly Ovnr 10M period at yum Iurlnz whlrh Coldwnlrr vnllry Continue Chuppln Service Mr EvilM and son Arler have been continuing 10 provide chop ping scxvlce or farmers of Cold watur area by Lruckinz grain lo an Orlllin mill and back The poldwatcr mlll ls headqunntcrs or estimated Ml Inï¬nch In Tny illedunle Mmhcdash and Olilllc townships The lrade the harm families bring to this village vital wank 1mm Switch To Electricity As an Illcrmnlh ol the flood which hit Coldwnier the grit mill operated or hundred year by water power has been forced to swilnh to electricity Decision to make the chattile was made by owner Charles Folett Wednel day OcL 20 allowing media the previous night which failed to carry out plan which would have allowed the mill to resume use of water power Not long ago the mill installed electric serviee to turnish power tor the grinderr The chopping mill and elevators were still powered by water 1mm sluicewny oil the dam Sincr the flood cut wide swath out 01 the natural course oi Goldwater liver into Cecil Robinsons hock yard in Madame nmr Corawnter removing dirt from one corner oi the barn and leaving deep ravine north at the river bend DplLlts withheld damming the water for the mill In case it would ill the Robinson diiioh and pos sibly ovnrflnw onto the flats lend to Oowans Mill and Highway vunur dimmer of Mt Ind Mn Ben Wm 01 Conwaler beam the bride of Ink Melville We ucond zldm ann at Mr and Mn Garï¬eld EU 01 Orlllla REV leby pafmmed the car emony The bride wore pile blue nun wm navy mama and carried bouquet red Mel and white muml Exldesmuld was Mm June Skachan To mnlv Ind the Kmomsman wu Mr Dunn WhtL manner of the bride ï¬lm the weddan recep on was held in Goldwater Legion Hall Guesu attended mm flam umn Tommo Orilflfl and New mar 32 The oouplewill reside in 0mm PHONE 3270 ocronm llillllumuedlmnrxumurflmdl IHEWIESONIUIlDING manicm knit Dmdllne fur tandem lnr opera tlun of Coldwuler rlnk ml selmn was set at pm on 27 The ï¬remen have held the lease Ir cenlly and wlll llknly bld I11le and the Llons Club wlll sub mlulnz tender Among those who have operated the rlnk by lcndcr were Andy Dunlon and Gordan Dunlap Mnln acflvlly at he rlnk duran the wlnler hlhe schedule for Em Slmwe Rural MP1 Busy Agendl Dust Simcoe MPP Lloyd Leih crby is mis week cmmpunyinl the Legislature Committee ubtnin in Central Registry inlnrmauon by plane lo Albany New Yor Harrisburg Pennsylvania and Trenton New Jersey Mn Leiher by attended he lcslimoninl dinner in iommo 1o mmer Famin Harry Nixon 0n Nnvi and he will amend the annual menial ai the Ontario Conservatives box or the new Wharton club Frank Wllllnms brought public school principal Ruben Lem as guest Mr Legal plan to jam the club ma Helson pubulsauom mm ngex ox Mldland Prue PressHer Ild spoke Goldwater Lian Club Dell 18 an mum The musket had up to dale lnlorma ion on Goldwater essesxment flz urea and slated that the vlllage was In cnmpamble posltlnn lhe rest he counly wllh the equallzed 1155an pald zen yams ago Mr Helson explalned he ofï¬cials cnnmmed and pro cedure Adopted lh arrlvlng at equalized nmssmem mles or municlpalifles He was lnlroducl ed by 11 Lane and llmnkLd by Lloyd Lelherby MPP who can zraluhled the speaker on hls zmsp of hls sublch Llnns om Accnmmadauon Club president Bill Wylla sald ll Goldwater Llans ofler of placing Z5 chlldrcn from the devastated Toronto mu Coldwalcr homes he wauld arrange for their Iran portallon Dr Hughes con ducted mule box shell wnn by Albenl Onion The money was turned uver to the anvcnllon camrnlttce The winner re sponslbleflor next mecï¬ngs raffle The ncuvlllcs commlllee was auth orized Io submll tender or oper mlon of the rink this wlnler Cold wnler cluh wlll urnlsh the line In ynu our IMMIth of In Illmunl money In on hm llnl up in at ur hpn yml In Inn do you hum Ilm your mm um lulu wmo pmplu III II uplul whkh In um 74 lot null We In Inc In lee nunn lmnu In my quid ll lmnulmn Inhl unly wuny mlnum omplul lunI vny Ilmple II In lurwlrd wly mum Le 7qu cu um mm ou pln ml nl lmnl no you on ml will ml all lnwu um our oth pl My nu In mm um dulan yum nu It you nu mum Ind ll um and It qunnfy pm In will can with yrovlndll no enmem latharid on an mun Amman townships mly take pm In the proposed Mhlml whldl mid include measure or dam mlna flood water And an reform Ition pmgmm Ynu un pay more hut you can buy helmx dme flood Lhyd Lenteth WP ruidem or Coldwllu over 29 year has stated he mu Ind the way In lumplln hIVG mnicmuon lutbot efllhulhgd 101 Ml mm JOHN NIAGARA Mk aboul nlldlanl been Harm bunny mun would bi 454 gm £91111 tn ellmlguu or anuon SAVE wml cuur Fast way to get money Tender Rlnk Openllon AUTO lOANS nu 0n Amman COOP Angnun Llymenn Hlllldly laymans Sunday wlll be served ln Ouldwnlcr Angllcnu Par lsh on Oct 3L Ron Mace of mem and Hall Stevens Cold wmnr wlll offer prayers Chester Maxlln and Funk Willlams burl cl Goldwater wlllmd lzssons luv Juckmp 01 you Can In wlll dollver he semmn at Oaldwalcr Anglican Church at pm Sumons Wauhrmshcnc sundae 11 am andlMalcnndash 910 will be glvnn by Rev 11 Al WIzby Incumbent mum at the Prlsh Til late Mn Wllllllll Hikes Mrs Willlam Hughes 57 Danls who was kllled ln motor accldem near Sturgeon Falls last weekend came tram Coldwaler dlstrlot She was the former Lu Apprnvn Bchool Plans LRuleed plans of the MW Cald walcr Publlc Schunl wrrv nnprnv ed speclnl School Board mael lnx wlth all members present held thehome of Trustee Mrs Hall The drawings are being lnrwardcdtd the Dcpartmem ol Bducatlon or nppmval Depart mental Munlcipal Allulrs has ad vised the vulage clerk Lhnl adl Vance fun tvr the newschoul wlu be nvallalglc when the Doparknem FAugnllan ndvlsc the former that silo has been th or the new bulldlng As an Mumuon Department ofï¬cial was pusth when He sltn Hell Onswell prapeny was npprnvcd ll 15 expwtvd early action will be taken to arrange advance ï¬nanc lnz Culud Fur Jury Suvlcn Names at Goldwater ciuzens haw been selectml 1m our divl 510M JuryJervlce Only law may be callzd for duty Names are chum by ClerkTreasurer 51 Mama ï¬ssï¬sorflenry HO Goldwater In applied or sub ddy on 312103 pald on villure mt Subsidy 11 paid on 50 lo 80 the gun submitted which flows holdback In cube Worn 51 and Reeve Andre Dunlap hum wm wane5 an mm pm mice St Andrew PM bytean Churth an Nov mm App1 wen made from pub 01 Ooldvlltr churches Sundl or mntdbuflonl lowrd Humane Re leoldmlcr Lexis and lame whld drain mun hm run MANUFAC1URED BY ABIIIBI POWIR PAPIR COMP PM 1191 Beaver Lumber Co 56 ELLEN ST flbiï¬bi Annnonnb DnnkleyLawlan Nuplmn wedding meme was per fcrmcd at St Matlhlas Anglman Church Goldwater on Saturdxx allurnmn 0c 23 Rev Wm my Up chenlnru Caldwater telephone debentures have been all paxd up Final pay men of 5337735 in pfindpfl and Interest for this yearv $15510 was turned over to Norman Dummnl holder of the debenture The last payment or the public school de benture has been paid to Coullrr Geornelown ll amounted $50156 muniu Mennclub Mens Club 01 St Mauhias Church at their meeting last week nodded in have the parish hall furnace overhauled and will pn gngeDon and Don Peder in do the 10 Rev IL Wilby dJS ousted his nomination oimnsicr by Lin Bisnop and explained Pro vision or line Prayer Book dealing with morning and evening ser vicu Plans were made or lay menl Sunday Oct 3L Earl Dublt was chairman Herb Stevens was appointed chairman or lhe Nnv 16 meeting the weldan are New om an lhb dflven jay Mn Hullles mm Wluhm In ID Th autn overturned In ch with lnmmnz the munmu out Taken my pm with Injurlu were Mm Huber husband Willllln 81 hi son daughter Concern Wm liam Monger 15 Bank Ind Jas eph HungeL 19 Capreal be Dumlard and mu born Bar Creek An le lawnwhip Fur numbzr or yuan nhu was Jdem Coer lavlnz 1111 II um no she 56 ELLEN ST BEAVER PHONE 2517 SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER The Cabinet Shop 245 nnnnronn 51 LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED lIEDQUARIERS FOR ALL YOUR LUMBER ANDBUILDING NEEDS an COMPANY IIMIIID by oulclallng when Betly Pamlull Lawton daughter 01 Mr and Mrs Edward Inwmn nt Waubaushcnr wns unlled lnlmumane lan Lodge Dunklcy Toano son ol Mr and Mn Grenville Dunkley at Nottingham England The bride was slven ln mmflage by her lath er Her principal nllnndzlm was Sylvln Duncllfle ol Waubaushene mild or honor The mommm was Patrick Tynell ol Bramptoul Mrs Wlsbysang Perkcl Love The organlst was Mm Normun MacDonald recepuun followed the ceremony the Odd follows Hall Wnubnushcnc Fol lowing rip to the United States the couple wlll reslde ln Tomnlu Potan alcklng 15 about over In 1M district IQ Mm Brbtow and nonth an an Vishnu her pargnu here Baby 0er Arrive Cangratulaflonsto Mr and Mrs JohnWood Conmtulaflom la Min Jayne Wood and George Jana Mm were marrkd In Dalston chumh Ocl ZL Kemplvfllc Wilton Mr and Mrs Whlll Kemp vlll were weekend vlsflars wllh Mm Handy Sr and mhur ma lives Return to bullion Mu Bouncy Inn rdumed In her horn ln Hnmlllon alter vim Inl relnflvn here Mr And Mrs Cal French New mnrkeL spam the weekcnd Wilmnl Mb Yvonne wxlwn spin the weekend It 5L Arms we gensaébna fleww Al last you can gel alllnc navnmngcs you wum in building boardwith revolutionary new Abilibi Woodgmin llurdbonrdl You gel the dislinclivc bcauly of natural woodgrain ï¬nish cnmhincd will the easy handling and easy ï¬nishing of hurdbonrd and you get all lhcsc udvnnlngcs lawn mm Imu ynu would um um Imughl rumble The big 4fuolwidc panels um DALSTON Pagan Flaked IMDRMRD BARRIE 49118 ADDIIII CI OI 10W NAIL Kcn Ros on he arrival baby girl at Royal wmm Hosp lln juu live pm Abhlbi lnlul nlwllynulsclf rum lull nl uxclul lnlnuunllon uml helpful lllu on wmklnl wllh Alvllibl llunllnmd For your Im copy In your lumber dcnlcr or In lllh coupon lo 40 Unlvmlly Aunt 19mm Mm Payne 1nd Helen and Mn It ourme Mr Ind Mn Georg Jnmlmn Palnnllck Ind ML Ind Mn Peacock Ind John mama Sorry to Kmart Mr Hill II II at 1h home 41 Ill let Mu Teller Emery In ï¬anie Allflll Ill COMPANY llMlIlb ms BOO17 BEE Cuu Bards Ll mun Hf Ind Mn Cull AIIIIII HARDIOARD In ym building lohll ROBINSON Mikey 3mm aim Ind GARRETTS EAST END GRAVEL PIT onusnan coNcmm mng RUNCONCRETE anvan cnusmm ROAD 01mm sum mL MAbED AT PIT ORVDELIVERED CRAIGHURST Phone 3050 than Strand 52 Collect or Barrie 2031 227 ELEVATOR and FEED MILL easy apply and he closecxlurcd surface is wonderfully nsy ï¬nish You use no plimcr or ï¬llerone coal olslain or wax urn wipcvofr ï¬nish docs bcnuliful job For every kind of in lcnor panellingfor living Ioomx dcn libmrics rumpus roomsnew Ahilibi Woodgmin llurdbonrd gim beautiful rcsull nl amazingly low cosl Ask your lumber dculcr lo show you samples FREE DELIVERY Denis Sheurd ma PAINSWICK ONT were Mr ini 167 snumynny 11E Humurnme FRENCH MOTORS vovu DODGE plasma puma 15 mama st mom 5911 FOB EXPERT REPAIR WORK