Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Oct 1954, p. 12

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ConstableKell Nuptials are Held In Gilford Church John Cunslnblu nl Churchill wm urnumsmun lur hh hruthr and the UH15 YIH William Cun 5luhl1 III THHHIM lumlwr Ill lhv grnnnh and mm Kcll infant hxulhrr HIP hrlllv llrlplloll lul um umdml wvavlnu Illnrk nurzwtllx mu mmhlur Whlll munum llu urumnu mum wlm ncrlvuvl was am Huph and Wm wrnrlnu hlnck mcumllm mu mum 1mm mm mm Lrurlvm ml wmmmu Uh In an Yqu cm 1qu mmluuu In Mm Imx um wrnrlnu uvllmwhll nrcrmrlrl 1an mu lilrnuhml mm mm lev uluvrt Ihvlr nlum hxulhrr HIV hrllh urnpllon lur uursl lulluwrl numlly Hull thu lhc DIME ncrhlvl Mark mu mumur wqu unmun mum wlr lenn In marriage er Ldu brnlhtl William Krll the bride was wczulng guwn at wth French lace sylcd with long sloovcd med bodice lm rounded neckline applluucd with pearls and Irldcscunls and the skirt all lnx lulu ngraccml Imln Her nn gcrllp vrn was caught lo snlln llnm cmbmidrrcd with man and brilllanls and 5111 was carrying Imuun uI luwny gum mm whno null mms null altpharmlis Her Mknllnnls were lur sislcr Mrs Lmlli Mmizuly illlnrd n5 mnlron of honor nnd Mrs Dnnuld unity If Ncwlnn Hubmwn and mm JnyrI MCK1nzlv New T4 rnnln as bndmnntds They wcrr guwml iku bmuzo crysmn um InIr owns Myhd wllh mumhd mvckunr ml nuy wuxo Imddrc Al lunlutl hrumu muuw ml curHId Lnscvnm brunlu mums mman by yellow Glllord Unlled Church decora ch with baskm at yulluw mums was the selling for wedding of wide Interest on Saturday 0cm bcr l6lh WM two uclnrk 1n the allcrnvun when Miss anlnlll Shirley Kull daughlcr of Mrs Kell and he late John Kell ol Giltord was munled lu lllakc Mlllu Constable sun of Mn Constable and he late Alex Cnn stable at Churchill The marrlage ceremony was purlnrmrdby Ruv Sanders and Min Pnul Ru scll played he wedding music and nccumpanlcd he snlulsl Miss Sylvla K0 in the singing DI Weddlng Prayer and the Jun lor Farmurs Choir min the dlrv cclan ol Mrs Gurdun Tudd In the lnuing ul Purlccl Lava Principals in two autumn weddings in Barrie Collier Street United Church sign the register following their mar riage ceremonies Mrs Linton is the former Loris June Stew art daughter of Mr and Mrs Harvle Leonard Stewart or Wuubnushenc and her husband is the only son of Mr and Mrs Linton oi Barrie They were married in double rlng ceremony and are making their home here following Prilncipals in Autumn Wedding Ceremonies in Coilier StreetUnited Church THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY OmnflliflulIMfl Bfllllfl TELEVISION any lnllllllhm nunnlml unwuulumrum 20 III UNLOI FT Phone 1059 MONHRCH SPECIALIZED ALI MAKIIH In our lvrlmlrlm SERVICE AND MRS GORDON GILCIIEIST GIFFEN um Iundnll mum rum Uu mnlhcr xmu Mr and Mrs Constaqu will be nnAklng thcir home In Fonnells The bride has been In Dmplnycu the regional office of the Hydro mean Power Cnmmlsslun On tario and lhe groom is well knnwn as 50mm pllchnr or Fennel MISS Eva Rumble Illllsdnlc playcd the wedding music and um cnmpanlcd lhe 5010151 Tvm Ross of 0m Smuon In the singing nl The Weddlnfi Pmycr belnrc he urlmuqy nnd nvcausi durlng the signing lhv ruglsicr The brlrlc ulvcn In marriage by her falhtr war rhlle sir ICES nuwn of chanull lace The full kln WM styled wllh scalloped ma rudlngoc Ivor plum nylon lullc nml sxltln Ilnd th mnlchln jnn Jacket hm hm palnul 51w Mhlhvpcd collar and cav lrcd humans mulching lwnd drv mnlmul with 11ran held her Hugtrlu of hrldal llluslnn Shz currlud hmun my wllh mumms ending 1n ms mm and worn Wustrand pun THKT lhc all mm 1hr numm Mm Murmur McConnell To rnnlu n5 mum In honor and MIA Alvx Spuncl shlcr of he ummn and Miss flnhy anl Imr Ill Um brinlr hulh EIIHVHIF Iu brldrs Outultnwn guns ding were lrom Niagara ms NY Oshawa Toronto Dalston Allislun Kcswlck anmarket Is lingmn and New Ton0mm 1Nupfialls aré Held For Irene Wood And RR Whefham Gladlull and mums romcd the setting for the wedding Ms Irunc Adeline wm elder daugh Mr and Mm Lloyd Wood of Elmvalc R055 Roy Whuxhnm mam sun 01 Mr and Mrs Iiuy wmmm Orr Lake new Gluzer sulcmnllcd lhc manch In the Unllcd Church ancrloy un S1urday Oct nm at two oclock In the nncrnoun THERE IS H0 CHHHGE FOR THIS SEHVICE VALLEY TAXI 2433 EXAMINER LATE WAIT UNTIL pm and if your AND COPY WILL BE carrier boy has not arrived than DELIVERED to Your Home By AuditHWY unm ul un wed dhln Vln rum Mllllzmd H1nlr Tmnulu mGm Wulkumm Gurlle Mud Nlumr PIll NY Lminu nn wrddln lrip lu Cedar Gxuvn Imlms and pnlnts north Um brldv Imvrlkd III II puwdcr hlm lmrn unss sun mm rod who ml and navy Iccma mnm mu mm at mm Mr mu Mrs vmnmn wm bu makmnlhrlr hqu On We wedding trlplo Ottawa Quebec and otherpolnts east Mrs Gwen is the former Gwyneth Elizabeth oven daughter at Mr and Mrs Owen of Barrie and her husband is the son of Mn and Mrs Newman Girlen 0t Edenvnle After wedding £er to the United States they are making their home In Edenvale 4mm nenu Rooks buUcI lunch for about seven five guerls allowed nl lhe mien Hall in Elmvalc Whflre he molhcr the bride ruccivud wanting bclgc nrlon and wool Jersey dress with brown accuser1r and cap sane mwny unld mu and bronze mums The mums mo her will 150 ruculvfld was wear nu nuiuxnn plum mm dress my uuscsmrhs and am saw cream colored nst and MISS GIEnda Edwards Vascy mom of the groom was flower girl She wore guwn Qt whimnylon not ovur lnflcla wllh round col lar shun pull sleeves velvet DOW and skirt cunslsung but mus She nln won while nylon gloves and hurlshaped head dress and carrlDdn mmialum hou qucl red rascs Rnbcrl Archer On mkewns umnmsman and the mhcrs wcrc Orvnl Edwards Vascy brullmr mvlaw the unmm and Arne Whelhnm DI Orr Lake bwlhvr of he gmum maids worn waltzlength SlcEVclciS gowns ln wedgnwood blue ny lon chiffon over laflnla and nylon not The lmdiccs were fitted and drapcd mo shoulder drapes 1ylng we back and hangmg lo the horns DI the full gathered sklrl 1pr worc matching gloves and headdress The mald honnr was walking while llncn sham and carrlul while carnaucm The hnidcsmalds won wvarlng plnk linen shoes and canlcd mulchlng pink carnnllunsl CALL THE EXAMINER FOB IlllNllAfrIIIONB 2H1 MIL AND MRSWILLIMI JOHN LINION 1111 AN 19min wm An PHONE 2m Allumlule Hardware Phone 2944 MILBUBN YOUR LOCAL PURE New annuon 132 Dunlap Phone 2812 Repuu Remodeling Elmage Ind Clanan panning Sm repuIlnEifia yuI uh LOW DOWN PAYMENT 24 month to pay Floor Furnace Oil or Gus WE PICKUP AND DELIVER YOUR PRESCRIPTION with lylnimml uml ml mm butqu 14 tom to cm you mm mm Mom In In Inn NI Ioul WI IlndIl In 1m II um um Can II IMO IN lowml cmluu Wm 49m by Hen Rooks VYOIVII Friendly IDA Drug Store HOLD AND INSTALLED DY OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGB BAY LIVINGSTON DRUG STORE 56 Bnytleld Next to Loblnws There will be general agreement with the acuon taken by Chic Justice McRucr Kn inslsuns lurom at 1he Bell murder can wcruwm Meet One Week Early On November 1n Bellefille properly HM Jury muan Dane mom The monme mens Chmuan wm be held or 11ufllil dyy me usual day Nov Th metthftu be hum of Mn Perry Slrcm Rev Fla ler wfll be the medal three OClOdL nexiih three oclodl Everyone wl omed Coma noon an Nov open1L mm commenced number Lh HISTORIC he Channd anth coast have square miles Sellmada men are uxuallyra horrible example of mm labor claim Hannah Dial 3531 mamn iN comm will be general agreement the acuonlakcn by Chic appearnd clothm Tremun hi be held the r1 Vaughan 48 Rev Florence Hun Lhc pcdal weaker at will be shluilé ll be warmly 5nd cnjay an meeting he Ternpqrapce VJ Cburlcr Bell murder can uld attmd court As thn grand lls deliberations lumrs on the It court wealml Islands wal ISLANDS wéek me Advocate wnl the may qincim 071 Maple leaf loilefi Soap Slur Ammonia Powder Many Flowers loileI Soap Success liquid Wax muoummog llr Bullmds Health Food 10 Dogs Dr Bullmds log or In Food mom Bullurds Mculies or Dog Biscuits Hr Bullurds Mculies or Dog Biscuits 32 Rinso Delergehl 39c New In Soap Powder m1 38c New Blue Belergenl uuuucmm 40 New Blue Duz Delelgcnl mnumwu its Tide Deal mommumnlu 53 626 Palmolive Beauty Soup 19 CA CnshmmBouqueljoilel Soup 29c CAKU libbys Fancy Wants mama 51f Nubob lnudiujed Coffee Smilhs Shutvheny Jam my Golden Bow Cheese mm 0erqu Monarch Cheese Swifts Swiflning NEWPOI FIIIffSPREMwM MCKAGE Grimsby Sweel Mixed Pickles Purity dull Robin Hood Whiie Cake Mix Salado llmnge Pekoe Ieu Robertsons Orange Marmalade séovcu DZ Gerbers Junior Foods Gerbers Chopped Meats Ogilvie Vjiu CRISP CRUNCHYL lARGE ClUSIERS Red Emperor Grapes Ciiellis Noodles SPECIALI FIRM GREEN AND TASWNO GRADE YOINI BEEP SIEW 15 IIOIIIIIJJEII NIAAEAINNE mum Iliumond BNINIEN WALNNTS UNIFORM PEEANS mum Aylmer FANCY PUMPKIN 2m Silver Ribbon Emmy Tomqu Juice NINEIITS Choice PEAEIIES rmwss xsn Sinkelys INIEEN BEANS mm cur mm Eudney ASPAAAEIIS IIPS mm mm HABITANT PEA SfllIP m1 Colgule Chlorophyll Toolh Pusle W99 Colgule lfllllll PASTE Colgate TOIJTll PASTE llElll ohm Colgnle TOUT BRUSHES HurdoxMadxum Colgule Childs lflfllll BllllSll SNOW APPLES ONTARIO GROWN FANCY GRADE CRISP JUICY COLGATE DENTAL PRODUCTS REAL TREAT FOR THE KIDDIESI SHELL OUT WITH BROAD OH Ni POUND P0 IAG rouND 19c awe ll mom BAG IZFL 01 m1 Giam Tubu Lamath lllNACZ non Ill CIN 507 IAJL OLIAR no IIOL PKG 1502 11 buy It has 3607 01 PKGS 7K0 DIANI 522 9° mu 20 32 59c $3 210 25c oz 11m TIN EACH EACH Tube N5 Eiuwfioctmuu Eo umm Vrll HNS HO CAKE Tim Th 29¢ Tin 33° 33 89c 35c 25 296 640 36c 21c 41c 35 29c 32c 31c 29 63° 19¢ 45 34c 25c 39c 53° 43° 37° 28c 186 29° 37° 15° Eveiywhmuhs Magazine mu Prideolflmbin Inflee Pictorial Encyclopedia VOlUMl woman liggc Candy Kisses KID OR unsucm NOLLDAF will IIOWN CIACKID WM IN Silfll culisffxa 256 wIlAW GUAM EONVIOHED IIODUCI CEl20°Pz€m ND SIZE Queen Anne Chocolules léx 83c culaffm 25¢ cslLgolfko Jelly Beans Duled Daily Bread liheny Magazine mu Gum Drops ZEx 29c AKSOIIED HAVDUIS HI no OBMWS COHAOE IXAND flufloween Candies uléfxe 25 Hosless Ice Cream Canadian Home Joumal sPECIAu OILAWS IAMOUS Chrislmns fluke 59c OILAWS MESH GROUND NOVIMIII WI NOW ON All Blunched Sulled Peunuls Peanuts lAcN NEW WOIlD lOILAWS IOIMWI DBIAW 109c 20c 15

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