Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Oct 1954, p. 10

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mummy wk and xnndwlch were uch by the luuirss and the lunch Innlnmrr duran Hm llh Juynbln hlrlhdny puny The mmlnu timed with lhr lenh numdlcllun lulluwlnx Whlvh the ludch wrrc prlvllturd In llcnur Mn luru ml ur mnn day Mm Jury trad II ulna putm lelnl and um and Mr Knupp had me Mllllule pinning comic on Mrs Warm The nrxl mrcunu the WA wlll br hrld In Um church Vuhy ml Friday Nov 11 230 Ill leI succlnl nuts nprnker Mm Doldn spoke on lhc Unllcd Church Trainan Schoo In Tummu uman that church wu men nnuu he nmnny 1mm Immmd um my wurlhy my thanked Hm members at BIL1r help In mnklng flu ruccnl open house at Hm new mnnsc such wuss This Friday Odobcr Nth wellknown Barrie couple ML and Mm Sdephcn Gnrsldu at 200 Esa Road are celebrating their godenweddlng nnnlvcrmry and High idem In town loin in ex nndlng best wishes 10 them Than chtldrcn Hugh of Battle Creek Michlgin Mrs McManus Laban 01 Ottawa Mrs Ivng Anne of Newtunbrook and otwell Eemha DI Ply mouth Michlnp and twelve irandchlldren were home ovm Thanksglvlng weekend nn Octo be XML 10 celcbmle he annivers ary at that time and this week they will be obsurving the occa slon very quiet nnlnd in Suulhport England on Octaber 29m 1904 Mr and Mrs Garslde came lo Barrie in 1908 and have made their home here ever since Many towns people know Mr Garside best as mail carrier He camcd lawn malls for Rudyone years bcIorc rellring in 1045 The new Chrhllnn Relorm Church in the northeast and or now had us first wcdyung on Saturday when two recent immi grants from me therllnds Miss Janet Vim Dalen daughler of Mr nnd Mrs Dirk Van Daien Cumberland Street and Jasper Capeile were married by Rcvl Brnndscma 1h church miir istcr in our oclock alternoon ceremony reception Ioilowcd in the church basement which is the only pm 01 flu church that still needs some ranching up the rm oi the building has been complcied in slightly less lhan ymr with the hulp 01 great deal of vuiumner labor from the Dutch ixmnigrnnls who form the congru Hanan of three hundred ea in church opened tax services on Oclobc 3rd and although there has been no formal dcdka tlon is cxpeclcd that core mony will be held in Lhc near The business Eccllun at the mort lnu commenced with hu reading and nduleng of he mlnum lhc his manna was dcrldcd thnl lhc annual bnlnur would be held on Wednesday Dec 230 pm mw mum or was warmly wel comm nlunu wllh mu wllc of the IIlrenn Central Senior WA Will Hold Annual Bazaar Dec There was good attendance Ombcr mccunx he Senior Womans Association Cemml United Church hold the home of Mm Ehlknnox on Pfiksldc Drive Wllh he president Mu Jory pnsldinx the maelan open ed with the anglnx or the theme song willsMn new as pianisl The repealing Thc Lords Prayer in unison and Hymn 502 Whnl Friend We Have In Jesus was follnwcd by lhu dc vnuonnl under Mrs Partridge who contributed vary Insplrlnx Thanksfllvmg maxsdgc Her ex wns Giving Thanks mm 100 was read and It was used the Thunksgivlnx Is he background and prndomlnnnl note Chrlsllnn we linguod hlng glve hnnks unto me Lord Mn Partridge led 1n prnycr to be lhnnklul 10 all the nogd lungs In 1115 30min mums EXAMINER WEDNESbAY 0017721 mi as noymld 5r you In Inluuled Ill lnlylnl IrMy chumed Flrll lmle Hill In lullInd by lhll llnn II Ilmu la In ulllllrloly 9m Inllnwln II IlI uhm II mny ht punluau or nlm In llurla IAULDI OIOE ION VIA Illa IUINI Moo IOWLINC AlllV Il BAIIV CNIIIYII IllA CIYV CHI DUCNIII OIDE common an Vlllnufl HIDE MIN common all IIAIIVIIW mm IIVWI MW nu Iqu wuummnu unvn luv Au IND nunr menu can wnv um um colon aloe mm mama so AROUND TOWN NOTICE By JANII uAulNfllll moo uuvu um unouv mun Murry cum MCKIDNI mun 5n conn ul anul Mac uuwn cum 14085 LAMBS OTTAWA CWaan 11me are Inn at hlrlh than 1mm n11 mm mum cnmblnrd accordan an nurlruhure dcpnrlmcnl report of lurvry rumluclrd In Onlnrlu The mm mm pcr com or death wax mm 17 com 1mm an nnd wulm In par cum rum dlv cum nnw var rrnl rum unknown umer and IV ll cull mm ll Anyone having not whlu cullnn or ann ur mum arming wnl mm have 11 with Mrs Collins on Na no Highway luml numb Gmn 1NCumbcrlnnd 51 Mrs 1F Bebb l3 Brpck Mrs Ed York 50 Brnck 51 Mrs Hardy Kcmpcnlnlt Der MrL Goddcn 83 Taronla 51 Mrs Willoughby Strand Mm Smllh 29 Clflpptrunfit Mm Wnlkcr 123 Mulcaster 51 Christian Churchill Mrs Herc 5011 Amclla Ann Hickllng 42 Brock SL Mrs Gofdon Hobbs Zl llcnry SL Mm Mllus 85 Shanty llny Road MIL Doreen Heinrich 118 Culller MIL Seadon BO Wnnlcy SL MIL Dor othy Armstranl 68 Pnrk SL Mu IL Sumhwnod Evelyn Qulnlnvx 137 Owen Si Mrs Andrew II me new cum svondlnu urcrnlnry and Mr cyan men convcncr The mxl rxccullvc menUni will bl hrld on Nov 15 the home at Mm Mrfluxh Thu nuulnr Inccum wlll he held on Nuvl1 Wlnners or bugs groceries on the final day of the Free Loblnw Cooking School held at 1hr Roxy Thernre lust week were Mrs Gor don Brown 84 Drury Lane Mrs Laidan Ferndale Mrs Gosncy ll Pnynlz Mn Lyons 94 Mary St Mrs Couchmnn 26 Henry 51 Bank Mrs nrrner 102 Gunn SL Mm Lorne Nay Mldhursl Doris Dowlhwnlte 97 John 51 Mrs Gouxh Shnnly Buy Mrs Buchanan 63 Mary SL Mn Macmillan 131 Toronto 51 Mn An Dyer 91 Owen Sl Mrs wru lem mnnfle Cundl Lynch 193 Toronto SI Mrs Ennis Pee SL Mn Green 1NCumbgrlnnd The Angus Cnlhnlln Womcnl Lcnuuc lnccunz was held on Wu nuday cvcnlng at the hmne Mrs Iortln was dDEIdLd hnl Mrs Vlrl nnd MNL Fuflln would runlncl um new thallc tumult ol the distrch fulure Sammy wedding mupxe came rum Houand 1953 and are going make their hmnl in Barrie They are lwu of the younger members 01 he congre gnllon that aflend the Duwh English services in the attractive new mm mme church huildlng that has been the subject at Invv arable commend bcwpse simple lines which are stillery bcautflul with lovely arched win dows and 12 steeple that can be seen throughout the fishch Mrs Fortin Hostess to CWL Of Angus Village The Drillin and DMIlCl Film Council is again this year snnn soring program nl special mo tion pictures Film Fare start ing nii next week wifli is showing Genevieve the highly ruled English comedy about race of vintagemodel cars Demand for seasons tickcLs or the munihly showings has been heavy in the neighboring lawn and dvsplle an increase of manlyiive 1n sealing capacity in the public library it is cporlcd that last years waiting list has taken up all availnbl lickcLswhich pmves Hint peuple will back showing of special illms despite all warnings to the contrary Winners Groceries Final Days Loblaw Cooking School The program of autstandlng films Includfls Monsieur Vincent December Cnnqunsk olEver est In January Great Expecta juns In February Chekhov Festival In March and The Magic Bow in April ululc one nu rucl Ivum nlllll ml Nam no anon Im loan mun nAIIv IvanI II gm can wuummnu unvn an my mum wnv Inn In wumn Phom 4443 Mr Hrcnn ovumll allowlnfl In nppml 1m mnrnlnz luvlto an hc Sunday lolluwlnn mo llan lruck load and rccolvrd Ind tllllvtrtll dlndly DndIDId Ihnl nurmmm nnd rxprmul nthfcanIln In all whu donated urnvroully mu mm mm noun chrml boxu of sullnbln duth nu donulcd In the Sunicl Group tur lhulr rmmnnflu Inln whlch Wu pclmluled fur mu uvunlnu Ind mornan me Huod warn Ior wardcd the Hullnnd Mllth load vlcllxm was ArmMy hm mm to Karln The October met1n 01 the Woman Mislon ry Auxllla Cantml United urch was held at the home of Mn Jorynn Thursday Oct 21 230 pm with good nlltndancc 01 member and visflors Angola Mission Report Interests Members of WMS An lnviLatlnn had been extended la member of the Dalston ILIX larym be guests at his mcclinx but owing to the rush work wuh he clearing wmther many were unable nlmnd Thnsc who were prescm were hardly wel comed by an wllh special ward llom Mrs Lennox wellknown to he Damon lndlu In the absence of the prcsldcnl the meeting v11 conducted by me vlccprcsldcm Mm Fell In gpcnlnm hp hymn In Chrlst hcrc No Ens Nor Wm WM suni followed by prayer and The Lurds Ijrnyzr rcpmlud 1n unlsvn hm x811mn had each member replyan wnh the number of hooki mud and vlslla mudc Mlnulox am last menumz wcrc llrard nml buslnlss was conduclrd wns rcxmrlcd by he Iupply stemmy Hun two boxu of clolh lnu hm been lurwnrded dlrcclly MIL AND MRS ROBERT HUNTER mANDALL whose marriage took place quietly at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Craig 55 Feel Street earlyrthls month The bride lsthe former Ammmfcnurnl was made nllhc Making Their Home inToronto aften October Nupfials me PEEK FRBANB Colourful lrurnlnllon Tim at cmnmn lnunhIh lo 01 Appreciation to all who mmch wllh he moullnl was expressed by Mrs mus All mulled llnh Jesus Unlud By Thy Grace and flu magflpz cluxcd with pmyvr soda um ya in tnjoyud Ind cup cl lu wm served Mu Mman that sale ad home bakan wll be held by lhn mcmhm on Nov 25 Furuur In nounctmcnls wm be mndc Inlvr dnl Cenlfe ISchgc Woman chnry Socky 1m be held at Ardlrm United Church oday and deluzmes were uppoml ed to utlmd Mm Allen conduded Ihon devoflonnl on the LhemeY The InfluEnCE Christian Laden Scriptura reading vm by Mrs Vnunhnm Jchn 14041 43 45 InH John 63340 Tm hyflmv min the Power Jesus Name was sun and dcvuflonl closed with pnyer Many point or lntercs In con nchlan wuh the work Anxnh were mentioned wit ppcclnl emphasis placed on lhewondcrlul results chimed in enchlnl lhc Hlllamm In read by the method malnan by Dr Laubuch wfilch now being used In many counm rlcs with 1mm success TmnkoUcrInu was rccelvad ImL dcdlaalcd wlm pmycr by M7 Brmn Rev Brenn he mlnblix zavu In lnAeruUnl uvlew Ihe highllghu 11 message zlvnn by Rev Ferguson missionary In Anzoln who Wu npenkcr ll lho WA Prosbytpry meetan nanny n1 Wnubaushcne BISGUITS Frances Lou leg The groom la the son at Mr and Mrs Hunter Crnndnll Mom ton New Brunswlck They are making their homeln Toronto Wllh Ihe oxcc her lnsplraHun and resolve aha carries before her lhc wank Dnuphfln Charles hls cnufl and even lhc Mopllcal Arth hlshup In military manna am In equally succuurul al Orlcnns Julgum Mcunu maunncy and may and personally crowns her klnx In tho cathedral al Hhclms Butane mnvcs Do Inst Social loan Are dreamer In ldnnllsl person who virunlizcs ihc shining goal from aiar but lIlLs to see the practical problem provoked by her envirunrnenl and the people in it The daughter at urmer during the period 01 the English invasion she believed that faith cauid conquer Ill nnd car ried with her in her conviction Captain Robert de Buudricuuri who controlled the nearby Castle Vlucuuleursr an In con ence and hall in despair he sends her to the Castle of Chinun in Tourrninc where the heir la the lhrunc the Dauphin resided with his court The Canadian Players produc tion Salni Juan an Tutsday Evening Nov will brlnx 1m lingo he BDCI Auditorium lhc story one the most fascinat ing and tragic aura of recordad history Barrie Theatre Guild llllllwlilN KIHHIEH AND IIIMH JELLY DEANS llnlluwnon Cnmllun Wlth Pumpklnn Jaw elc Complolo Assl Masks and Coslumes nu ro TMRIFYVV CANADIANI FRESH AND THSIY CANNES By YVONNE LACE Tract Trick ZELLIZIW LIMITED IHJNHII HTV it ARR Alhlu cnwen Toronga FWTAO Regional Meeting Here This Saturday The developnienv studies related 10 1h teachll and CHM by member at the Federa tion at Wbmcn Tugcherl Am muons 01 011me will be me of the 11min Lapin or discussion the all conference for 1th mv Linn Region bclu held at King Edward School here on Sat urday Oct 30 cammenclnl lhlrILnn provlnclll conferences are helm mnnsored by the Fed lemuon mu mnnLh Last Smut day 001 73 and thl camlnl weekend delegales rum lhe we nssnclnllnn groups wlufin the 15 500 megnbcr organlzatlons repre sentlng every publlc schcnl wo mqn anther ln he provlnce have and will meet Oct 23 confer ences were held ln Blenheim SAraLlnrd Sl Catharina Bmnt mm Lindsay nontmw Kirkland Lake and Sudburyl Conferences ths Saturdayle be hLld ln Owen Sound lomnln Iroquois and Ken ornas well as Hume Mn Janet Barr1nd is homes secretary far this man prcsldcnt PW Mm Ken nclhe Goodwyn Kcnom says In addition to intensive study 01 the 1mchu and child WL in Federa tionnre engaged in number shudy pmlqm We are continuing to smdy the qualificaflnns 01 On 1ariu pubflc school leathers and In addifiicn are cndeavorlng to ascertain the rccrcalionnlreacung habits of Omarln public schoo children The 1mm project of course ls pan at longterm uro lmm At our nnnuai meeting cariier this year the Federation iniumud five bursaries to be awarded in dcservinl wuan student en rolling in Onmrio Tcachcrs Cui ieucs These bursaries also 10 be discussed at the cunierhnccs are prooi oi our desire to support strung recruitment poilcy iar Onv lnrio public schooi warms Mis Goodwyn pointed out Camménting on he cénfcrances the theme all wnferencu being Prolcsloml the customs change slamhr and she has passed beyond the contra and comprehensian her allows She become dangerhnol la the ting nah only but to the French sensi tive the structure and content of Fcudallsm and the Camellc Church Nowhere is ths more in evldcnce than in the charges laid against her at her trlal where she appears nok as the saviour France but as the challenger at the Church Ind Stale She is led ut to her an nnr nok as the sav our ancc but as the challenger at the Church Ind 5mm She is led nut to her denlh shouting bravely at her an cuscrs X11 ways are not your ways He wlll um go through he lira in ms bosnm1or am Hi child and you are nut in that xhnuld uvg among you muwu In tancllul ending Shaw brmzs oznlhcr the mnln element In Joun 1ch and deplcu he as suming her salnLhond n3 ImpatlcnI ly as she had assumed her knlghl hood vlslonnry an Idealist Mi misunderstood sml inflexible in Mr rcsnlvc saying find hn mndcs hls beauufu earth whén will be randy 10 receive Thy anlnls How long Lord how iung $9M um consnmmn lousutsi Inin niacin1m hflp up hm DR MDRSES PILLS 15° 290 mu 110 lb londl Hullnhclory Your Money llrlunded Y2 each 350 lb School Medical Examinations Paying Dividends The Simone County Heallh Un lll school program or IBM35 In remain rulmively unchanled fromAhe previous year The aim In school health service in to have every child rim schoul 1n the best pussible condfllon and through health Lnstmcflon and supervmon tn ne to that he maintains mnxlmumJelltlL The empham plug on com plete medlcal and dental axamln lng of the child entérlng school forlhe first llme ls Saying dlvl dends In many nrenwellovcr 90 per cent offliese children lmVe had at complete medicnl examlm gon hy pull gnmllyphysldan much smaller percenlazemns had similardental checkup There xs still much to be accomplished ln dentill publlc health and dental care reports the unit The public hcanh mime depEnds greatly on cnuperauun with my parents and Lunchnr tor Hue ac complishment ujthese objenuws Hume vaits made in regardlta school children were 531n5ep Lumber whnc conferences wjth principal 5136 tcaghnrs or plan nlng In so on program an conferences regarding individual children numbereddw Conferen es wllh Inspectors numbered Aside irom these teachernurse conferences in the interests 01 schonl children there were 188 nursing inspections and 57 vision tats done in the schools Fnur children were placed under obser vation or possibledciccls or 13 who were being runbservedJDr defectJ iive dciecu were correct ed or subsided Nlne children won sent home or excluded for nmor or Arum cummunicabie dis eases was whh Inspcbtors Ihree Oven Rudy Cllllumln Maul Funh CIIIII ICEBERG lETTUCE an In Annu GRAPEFRUIT va BlullOulFlncy SNOWAPPHS CIlHomI Na Frnh Orun BRUSSELS SPROUTS 1501 Jami For Juice Fnrhll Na Mnnhfludl Bln cynic Gunny ORANGES NAllnwnm Chr Clmlu Quality Hllv GREEN BEANS 220 PRODUCE FEATURES SWIFT PREM JIM Plrklr JIM hrhr Gold POUND CAKE Sultan Inn Dlieluul Clnnul Mul Allml Hairu Fm MindMn ORANGES PEANUT BUHER AP PEAS AaP PEACHES 02 1h AéP SALMON MEMBER PICKLE APPLE JUICE BHISIH PIE KISSES RITZ Pric lloulvl MINCED BEEF BEEF BOLOGNA lluml huml HEAD CHEESE lly 1h NI SPARE RIBS BACK BACON Iumr HIM Vllndlon lmuhl SIDE BACON hm Lun cm Mm lulleu Culc or Ileul llr Mu SUPER lllGlll MEATS CHICKEN mmxnmmuxwwn JOIN All mos WHO The member were happy to welcome guest Mrs William Brmow uoluIst and Mrs Fad den planm who entertained with muslc and song Both performan ce wen cnjnynd by Ill The club appreciates the Mme and talent spent an the members hehalL TheWedncsdfly memoon meet lng 01 me Samar Citizen Club was held on Ocl 20 with land attendance Senior Citizens Enipy Musical Entertainment The Senior Citizens regret the loss Mrs Elderfleld Ihcir old est membmj Hnr main plus rg was to attend he club and scat 101 lime bit at sunshine wher ever she wnnl ISLAND MINE AREA PORT RENFREW EC UP Gold and tungslen mIning indus r1es may allow complcuon at reads an he west must of Van cauvnr Island to Port Renflew rm area has been smiled with such developmer In mflnd GIMIII Famovcd lb SAVE atAP Your Name Imprlnlad banks In Incl mm WEAYMOUTHS REGULARLY um um lb 53 PERSONALIZED 30 Dunlap SL BOOK STORE 01 um ll 27 down 49 llb tella pkg M35 nuplqas 100 linx 1001 lim 2001 Ihu qlbazk 1001 In 1004 1602 in 801 pkg 1601 in 21029 lnx lin 1529c SPECIAL mh29v 25 Mil each SPECIAL SPECIAL spacm SPECIAL SPECIAL 25 um 11

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