Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Oct 1954, p. 6

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AVON Products have openings In Barrie Shanty nay strand Dal ston Hillsdale Thornton and via inlly Write Mlss Tuwcrs 1852 Buthurst SL Taronlu llZZlZl ACT NOW to establish youysell In business at ynur own with good uturc Oppnnunny In manage rural Wnudns Dcnlershlp No Investment necessary you are bemeen 25 and 55 and hava Dr could oblaln car write Dday cr information to DepL OH5A The Watkflns C0 350 SL Roch 5L Mnnlreal 11321 YOU have tried the rest now sell the bust The only company with genuine room nr advancemnm and pmo of posluvc cnrnmgs No experience needed Complain comJo given free Afternoons or cvenlngs No canvassing For pur sonal Interview wrltuMrs Rama Mchmbs Treasure Cosmcllcs Bax 33a Walkcrville 0p mm In and 1mm Imp nordcn wnnlch st vmcuu mm Mus In ramp by 21 thick Plume am 3122423 BOY wanted or market HF uen wark No night or Sunda work $40 plus mom and hour Phone Elmvgle 571 1122 START earning munoy for Christ mas NOW Avon Products have npenings In Barrie Struud Hills dale and vicinfly Wrih Miss Tow ers 1302 Balhurst St Toronm 122124 for large auto dealersml can rn loomed Good uppflrlun ly in per mnnnm posmon with gnnd salary and working candiuuns Some ox pericnue prelcrrcd Apply Harold mllLidu 55 Dunlop SL West HIGHEST PRICES PAID for SCRAP METAIB BAIIERIES We also sell plpes beams anqu channel and relnromlng rods Barrie Metal Er Salvage DEALEm IN SCRAP IRON mm FURS HIDFS RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LlVE POULTRY Llem pnld on and will nude dawn BOQKKEEPFIE mm wpmgd Ph 0331 Dunlo St Ferfidile Phone 6331 or 6487 Our trucks wlll call rlrcd paid Spec dc livend SCOTCH lmc Chrmmns True wnnlcd any qunnmy Cash dawn Rnymrnl Lorne EL Wilson 432 Ilnrsing fullvcl JllUWJZllgl 220 Drldfurfl til an mzncunv In nm rlnn cun nmnn Wuulvl nmm mm trunk pan vayuwnL runn llnrrlr 13120122 Ilullllll culnlllluu rm and IM IN TXIH le Huhtfl DIYIIHII ll Ulnulu Ivy 11 BTHE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAX OCTOBER 25 1554 EXPERIENCED ma pans clerk erln Box 20 Barrie Examiner 1122124 FOR CLEAN AUTOMOBILES iow Tmrk wm pnwrr winch um mind wlnLh lhuno 5500 137911 um lmc AND COMPANY Yard and Dulce 156 Tmln St axsu CROSSTOWN MOTORS INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL MAX PUSHKOFF IN MKMOIUAM CAI OI TilKNEE IN APPRECIATION It word mlllmum I100 ENGAGEMENT NOTICE 00 DOX NUMIIIZIIH or npllu dlncltd lo Ill olllto 150 mu momm Mm Norwm FARM mlnlmum am rollowlnw conuocmlvu Inneruonu an word mlnlmum 7M llcndllne or Copy510 pm well any precedlnl luuu AuLmu MAY Im TELEPHONE 10 omcn MIMI ml 46 word mlnlmum 80c Following consecutive luncmonn do word mlnlmum 600 CASH RATE word mlnlmum 600 2c 11 won mlnlmum loo var nu IAlll wml mumr COMING EV LOCAL wnnI mlnmnm 00 Iunlw um an cueMu lav cm mum Dov ht am In nu nip mu 01 Damn RATES FOR ADlH COLUMNS WILL PAY Highest Prices HONEST JOE HELP WANTED AUTOMOBILES hm um In nlylfi natalBl film 1mm nu InnInn Mum WANTED can mth 5mm prim pnqd lhonl M30 131510 Ph 6487 1122 122124 Slayner DMZDB arm 32 High St home cellcm re pfllr iiving mom dining rcnm kitchen on ihe first bedrooms and tiled bath on 2nd floor Stairs in unfinished attic Healing is by new GE oil fired air candllioning unit Aitanhnd garage and lovely grounds Terms liberal 17 noéMMu€a on Multnsur an Lvmrnlly 10mm lmmrdinle puss rwiuu Apply on Amcll REALTOR 98 Euyfleld St Ph 5298 nm9 pan MondaySaturday Reps Carson AlRose SALES LISHNGS APPRAISALS GORDON STOUTT LTD Harold Forster 4465 Ted Culhben 6389 mumsmu STREET Neal roamed house mile from Barrie very Iuw Iaxcs good water supply very close to school and industries DUPLEXES 55700 lull rrlcu nr this DUPLEX which is 1y rented mile tom Camp Borden shunted an acres on good land Taxes less than 10 yearly Call anon about Ms one GUTHRlE W1 hnve benufllul home at Gulhrlc lhnt ls nnw made Into duplex and is brlngblnr me uqulvallnl 01 $150 This uldlnu would make an Ideal home gr nan prapdsmun for mum upcralur On the mam huhqu with huge lronlauc ll the per ccl spot or Mukl ur cabins ROOM HunhIUW hardwood Hours Bchc Dulhmnm hullIln cupbuunls In kllchln full 3111 himmull nml lurnnu musl he sold 100 ucm Inn 75 wnrknblu 25 nlrndld bluh good burn and Ink huusr bulhroum ballmlnl ml hluhwuy mlch 1mm Slay ncr nrar nclwul Tmm nrmnurd ll mind NAME llunl Cull lnuwuml Onl 2M ROOM and NIH lmanl lur wmnnu ur ulrl IDT ulHIr il Ihllnr JUJII 11122 WILL Hunnl Illlfl baby by wuk nr Amt flux 15 Dnnlr Hum llmr HHlIZJ him m2 Fully rented one localed on Mul casler Street one on Blake Stucl possession either of these would rulum you EmER man 207 not Allractive home complete 11 every respect This house guml buy $0100 lull pricc with very small down payment mum bulldlnn made In to up his ml bullumg so sllunlcd mm wlll be In ccnslnnl demand huh mum llruposmun and an an office ur store nrupurly Luculrd the rumor of mu Dzlrrlcl busils HorstEmma lhlu Luuld be used or nlmusl nny husl mss 1mch mm Real Estate Brokers Anton Bax19 Olkvflle BARFIE DISTRICT REP 34000 down This bcaullful but brick bunznlnw has large bed ruumu allracllve living roamd In mum cumblnautm led bam ruum lull bustmum nlr cundl llunlnu and many other extras NEWLY rummml mum tnr mm mun 1me In Alhuulnln umch ughm or npvly nl 131n PROPERTY FOR SALE CLIFF BROWN REALTOR Phone Barrie 4800 or 4835 150Dunlnp Mamba Bunla District Real mm Band GEORGE WRIGHT NEW BUNGALOW ROOM BOARD BARRIE BUSINESS DISTRICT LACEY $21000 DOWN ALLAN DALE MOTEL SITE Evenings Cal EVERETT Phone 2678 wmm IzIuu m45n im HOCKEY Iqulpmlnl and pnlr uonl undfl all In uni mndtllon lhnnn ur may noon at 13 FA ADDING Muchlnu Ind Ty owrlt en Sula rcnlnh repIn Imwl um Muchluu Toroglo AUTOMATIC draught cnnlrnl or hul wulcr or nlr lnmnrn 1n guud cumilllun um uny mm lhuIL 354 cvcnlnxh 71 1121 cnuu um um Ivt yuu vm nn Muller cnly rum rum Urnhnm vluwn and mm lumfllu Imm min umcr mum mod clrul uml Innllum We mm mm mm uullull nml Ilmf Jmm Unwl Funllhul 11 hm phunl um Lu 1mm see our NEW YEAR PLAN FINANCE RATES Mch HESS MOBILE HOMES successor In OTTAWA TRAILERS LIMITED Pines Trailer Park AnguV PR run concrete and mew unvch Concrete and Get the but 01 23 Frlced as cheap as paislble Low down payment and my term Good selecllon always avallable Free delivery Phone Woodbrldze 418124 nr take nghway 400 In Highway turn wesl cross to first gravel road then turn aouth pas Drive1n Theatre 400 ml we are lucalud 300 yards Arlher 7117124 USED Furnace lhcln III also flrll Htlfl Wmlll cnnl lllc 10 mm ma cnndillnn lhunu 30W 712212 mII mm mm pulnl um Ink yum lmuuhL haw nM Inmi mmllllon mume Cunkxmwn 7112 Mum man CERTIFIED lluvhrny CHI Ln lblm Vllllnl TWINI numu Hwhmbrr Mldlwukl Cholu Ilnck All Vlvllllrl rllflud Ind wumvnd by luvrmmml humm um MIMI Ill now will the Iupply lull ur III twin danury damIn Iluh lu Inllnl Mllmllu lhoM 111 Ml yum 1lflIN Write leg Thousands of rélis of sparkllng to lhe mm ljpapcr or iaur poman fiifltlllljtl muffinser inane 1r I4c14cms nm 519w ym KITCHEN lvnry nmlyrlluw Ilnllcnlu whip mull ru II LlHCOhN Wvldrnler new um um wuhhnl mud ncrumr In In wrldlnu mm 11 or mum Andlndn um um hum mm Hlmud nu VESPRA SAND GRAVEL Phonn 807124 PHONE 7901 yau would like demolishIlium or turther details call ROBINSON HARDWARE Kn Includné 1o 11an Wnllpnpnr Yards Bordnr Body llndwood Michnod IIbe um lunwood mm nvml my kuglh ml dallvmnd Dmnla Moran phum WI 01 NEW Cr USED MOBILE HOMES AND TRAILERS Life is lot easier with these Home Aids IFILTER QUEEN HEALTH UNIT OJUNO FLOOR POLISHEE OELNA SEWING MACHINE McGINNESS MOBILE TRAILERS Dccamw nn ROOM LOTS AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES DENNIS MORAN 1H Dunlap SL Eaxl Barrie 720123 Mam comm mmm HOYS DICYCLES Phone 71101 GRAVEL FILL ANDTOP SOIL TRACIOR IDADING WOOD FOR SALE now even better bu NEW LOWER page PHONE AUTUMN WALLPAPER SALE Septic Tlnh human ROBINSON HARDWARE ROY TRACY a1 Mlple Avenuo FOR SALE $650 nveraxc mom or Mule us lnspncliun mar LmIiz Lilan1 Ir 1010 mu 1m1 7m yuurc nchu 7122 he Ningnra Heaiih Unit relieves arthritis sinus phlebiiis varicose veins cunsilpnuwn insomnil im prove blood circulation mums F0 FURNACE and chlmnc clunan rnll noblnmn nml 9H uhmlu 4331 51174 IUSUIATION We Um No rock wan wm ulvu you an ml mnlm Tenn 20 dilWIL All wnrk muy quunmmi wmn nr mum 7H Mmnhil rulrcl Urn MulrV Alrllu Inlulnllnll Hrv 0H9lZfl nr Aunmrl ui lIO Tim wlh lull Navy 1ng 34 noon mma wanted by couple with lent Phone 6310 FLAT ar Apnrlmenl wanted or small anally Phone 535 BIG con Clmp Borden 1112mm No Dieting No Exercise vv N0 Dlsccmfnrt No DBroblnl LOSE FOUND TREATMENT matmenu $500 IF CONSIDERING man can sul MarriageWelfare Spec all by mnlL Eslnblbhed 19W OVBI 8000 aliens xlch and poor manled al ready Scrupulouz secrecy 51m mons Bax 71 Dickens Pm office Wlnnlpez IOWd Barely St Mnrkcl Squirefxvimda i212 snmz Mmzoomrqu MD pgbua Bumu hy Bum nu en Coll In omnm 8L Dunn man 118 oun mu Cunlu hnuunnnl mm hnhl or bunlnun lulununllun unlml In Mr HIMI HMIII numbm such llculdl dun mrnln lnll EIIPIICII uIpll urnmmlu yhm XIUDIIIIIJIOIIIF huh unlonl III or my vlll In mmnllun whlcll mum IN MIL nvm yurly mum Wllln for toluplrln Inmnmuou Fllnlly rnhm llrtvlru llul Kumoy Umnrln nnom ml rlr ll nlc Yqu wurk mullell nr you wl mnlvn nu humII up nulnlun wh lhur II an be nutlu mlr hlt Iml huw lu mil ll Hum Ian II per lhuu wunll mlnllllum will Icvlvl llnuk lmllh lurly mum nuI lu N1 lmmlvcd humml Won My rmnmlnlun on IIII ten per um l1 um um mum on IIIr mm man uIchpu hnok uulhl the an llm um um um um ultIdvlmm um um vtlm ml Mler In Inhl nu mammal or you nn null MI wul rhuwl llvmnlmu Hugh 14m II nowmm Ill um 511 nncxrmmu EXCAVATINO DEMOLITION OF BUILDING TOP son on fifikwmh St Barrie Appointment phone 3992 aoxoem OArmnnonxs Flam Covaflng Linaltuml Rubber And Asphalt 111 Plum wall We Malerlnls Supplied md Immltd Fun mumta Phone 5051 An our floor Hubby Rem our an Spud Floor Sundu Ind mlth like new Remnlble nlu All types at nom nnhhu Ivlllnhh Vlnfl Albums Alpha Llna mun Slyra Pluullr Wan YARD GOODS UNDERLAY YARD PLYWOOD COUNTER TOPS FLOOR SANDING CARPET SERVICE FLOOR COVERING WOLFENDEN HSMAKJNO sex 66 0111111 BOYDB PAINT AND WALLPAPER l9 Clapperton St Ph 5206 518 Accommodalion Wanted Pegg Reducing Salon 17 Dun wnflh St Barri Fhona collect on Auction Illa orders to om fllfll LOADING GRADING FLOOR SANDERS FERGUSONREID START REDUCING FOR BEIIER HEALTH Mntcrlnl Suppllcd lnflullnd FREE ESTIMATES fillOND 21313 Ml IVY DlMll CHAE THORNTON Licensed Auccloneer 108 lewuh Shut ORXLLIA No Eollecdonr N5 iiilo Cndn Bunu n2 Simone Cuuqu MISCELLANEOUS Floor Service TILE COLLECTIONS STEWART Terms nnfimzla PERSONAL Phon ml Phone 5155 539 nrlment x1ch Ur 57574 Blrrle Hm 32x fllflh Sl 1951 FORD Tractor n00 warklnu hours plough culuvatnr ullcr buck rake zen and manure load er Or exchange for Sulfulk Ewe or Stocken An Keys mncl nonh Ednr Moumtoneflllg NAME Your Price kaahutt 30 Tractor complete with live power lakenit also Oliver BIunow in plough wm sell nhnve mplete unn Ollvor 60 tractor xcellcnt Ihape Call 9484 or 51 Hahn SI 149121123 nnd mom hnuse wilh car gur uge Store doing Aimmi H000 wecidy situated in Barrie fur awnylrnm Chain flora in be profitable Slum nil nxluru in cluding Breirigemed counter house and nil the property can be bougm with Jim $5000 32 High St IF YOU are lfllertlkd In no lnlo house building In partner and have $3000 Ilnrtlflfl capital Lou and blueprinls NHA approved Ready to sum Write Box 19 Barrie Ex aminer 20122121 100 Acre at level Clay lnnm ronm brick house 120 hunk barn and other bulldlngl mile from Barrie Full price 51000 wllh term USED 0rd Tractor molar n1 re condm ned 1n flmt class shape good rubber Fordson Tractor on eel good shape for power planY pm $75 Phone BEOrll Enr rle or Moonstone 19r31 39119124 FOR LEASECompletely new and modern scrvlce station Ind snack bar lncntcd In central Barrie Im medlntn poxsmslan Box 18 Barrie Examiner 19122123 WELL mug nlggclll belle Spring axlvcs Appiy icdweil 9121122 wnIl my 10 yucki old milc mum Fame11 V1 mile west BIZIIZZ TEAM heavy Percheron bums good at any Job $100 for loam all Sutton Snnnly BEL phonn Om 10 121122 FRESH and Springer llomelm nude and purebredLIIkgply Jose Cochrnne Ind Sénl mm Phflnn 11 Strand 91154 BROOD Sow due nm Week Nov mbcr IpprnxlmnlelK 506 llllcr Apply Allan 1011 car ner Can llNo ll Ilderund inn fll nflcr pm DlZllfl STOCKERS and Feeder by car loads or lul ulrcct frnm lhe Wm unlundcd nl Allluun Conufl Glenn Andcnon Lu 22 AXxlh Hm Mano norm Onnzcvlllu Phuno Mum Ml ML 0121121 William Mair RR Cocksluwn 3121112 REGISTERED Gucrnsc m7 yell oqllr£h Slum Quarrkf BROOD Sow glue flrltrmgk Nov LIVESTOCK ron SAfE Business Opportunlllou 56 ELLEN ST Annqu Meeting FARM EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION THURSDAY across 28 Library Hall 8pm Farm Or Sale FARMS FOR SALi CLIFF BROWN REALTOR CLIFF BROWN GROCERY STORE BEAVER 11mm Famer 4435 Ted Culhhen sues Evenlnu Call Harem Forster 65 Ted Culhberl 3885 Evenings Call REALTOR PBHGRESSWE CONSERVATIVE PHflNE 2517 Phone 2678 Phone 27 asmin HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR LUMBER AND BUILDING NEEDS LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED BARRIE 29122 822 TOY Manchester Terriers puppie and grown stockr GlenAubm Kennels 10th house onv Aubrey Ava south aide OakridgesL CHRISTMAS Puppies fur sale Choose yours now Mrs Benny Bumadnn Kennela Le froy 33121123 Sbgectlon ismuu bnhy Pnoxié 87 after pm 1512122 ROOMED furnished apartment for llth housekeeping Suilnbla fo null Phone 50 15122 ROOM newly furnlshed in bus nel section of Allnndale Applg at Granville St or phone 782 1511311 FURNISHED bed3min mom and kitcheneue exlmbedrnom re ulrcd 0H heated Ahllaxner rlvnle name Phone 3808 15122 ROOM unturnhhud house hydro and telephone on Highway ll mile north Burrle Ed ennn Wander anlcy 15 2l122 ROOMS Ind 2plcce hlth will rent lozerhery or separately Non maker and Albumin preferred Adults Phone 5064 15121123 15 ROOM hnuu either furnished unfurnlshed Blh Line Vupm house on rumhand Me on 90 Highway Mrs Snltmnn RR Ennln 15122 UNFURNISHED Apartment hen cd freshly dammed rooms and ball an prlvnlu nnlrnnco conllnuow ol wulcr 375 month Iy Phone 237 15122 comonrABLE bedréoml mu nblu or buxineu Icnllcmln lhltfl bluck rum downtown xpncu or car parkln Locnud nl Barely bfiwnn Lulllnr and Dunl at om 91 Caelmsa 1m wud Balis Orlll Phon 272D cullecL 357 ROOM Apartment 88 Mulcnster St Phnnebiflz 15112 APARTMENTS turnlshcdmnd un lurnlshnd Phone 3371 15119 FURNISHED front bedroom cen tral location Gentleman prelarred Phone 3425 15121122 AlARKMIIIIIV unfurnished ll room and bath heated hat and mid water Phone 3104 l5122 ismsun mum wl prlvllegu Suitable zenllcmnn Phone 5281 énldhfiouwkeeplng roam tur nlahed or unlumllhud Sullnble tar huslnm woman Phonce41 ROOM modern house one mue north Churchill nnd one mile well at 11 Highway Can To be seen Snlurdny 0mg 121122 TWO 341xde hnnled npnrlmcnll wllh bum One lumlshcd unc un umlshcd Dlruclly ncmu um DriveIn Thunue No nbgecllon Imnll bnhy Phone 5Q ROOM unlurnlahed nrtment 24 Burton AVE 122123 FURNISHED iedman llzhthouxe keeping Apply EB Maple Ave Phoner2fl24 lslzzm OFFICES ox umpii rooms nui bu mum and new Pmfitflce II as Comer St 154 Erfilzmlxl imm Mnnmvzr GERMAN momma Lunonburx in Novn Scum wm nm mum In 1151 by German DOG AND PET STOCK PROPERTY FOR RENT HOMES NHAVLA Approved GARAGEE 00111023 BUILDING TRADES with idlchen or Indy nr aL 15122 BARRIE 1511242 151214 357578 38122 LOCAL WOMAN DREW HORSE Banlo woman Mm Mary Mc Kenzle drew horse In he list nt aanhzuan floketholders releas ed last week yr the Irish Sweep stake The mce will be runpn WEdncsday Oct 27 ALCnmbrldzeA xhhe track Newmnrket England Us was cabledFxlday rum Dub lin to MonkenL Mrs McKenzie under the nZIm de plumeml Nu cnple Ann hardnughtLr Drlle winning LnbmdopReMever drew theAenlry fiEiberlus rated at 100 cunuNG IMNQUEI 1101 21 The annuan mena hanque ol Barrie Curling Club being held lnthr renovated club mam nn Wednesday Oct 27 11 730 Mom but and prospecflves an lonkln orwnrrl 10 he bluestund best season or curlan Judm new rink which rated as tlhggflnglslum Ontario now width of the met rdpnllkan centres Every Thnmby It L30 ump Elmvnie Communin Sales Arenn Phone Whilion 102 Elm ivnie 5911M iWednesdIy out 21 Aucuan lulu livestock Dimitry hny nnd min and implements or Justin uiliuyle Can Sunniv dnie Township miles nurih went New Loweil Term cash Sale 1230 sharp eny Caugh lin Auc oneer 111122 Wednudxy Nov Auciinn sale at tum lluck implements teed and household mm Funk Kennedy Lo Can F10 Townsh one mile can Apia Garage all Hi hwny 27 Sale at ilZJO pm arm cnsh Jerry Coughlin Auciinnflnr 120125 and McIntosh also éooklnfl Van efles Godlel05Sunnidal Rd Phnne 5t 20119124 VEGETABLES for wmrrkeepr Knit cnhbnues carrots Jumlp Henry Knnis and Sons Phelnsion Can F105 Phone Elmvale 57x14 201712 Tender are lnvitodmr LNSUR ANCE on Schoul Buildings and Contents Schedule as to Coverage clc may be muted from II Louashecd Pnlnswlck om FRUIT t7 VEGETABLES INNISFIL TOWNSHIP SCHOOL ARfA N0 AUCTION SALES hum op In Irom mu In mm duly mm by Ilnw mmlul nuluu mm mm mym III Mir II My an AILWIMII numlnrnl lull llulo Im Ill Inlll muhl DONI IIMJ Th numhtr Hill HIM In MIIA IMH IN ONE THREE NOT LWHEII ULTLO PRODUCT onusuEn concuma mum mm CONCRETE GICAVEL 0111151151 now GnAvcn SAND m1 LOADED KT PIT 0R DELIVERED GALLON Phane 3050 67 Shunly Buy Rd GARRETTS EAST END GRAVEL PIT Whul Illa Public has NOT been lold uhonl ANTIFREEZE SAVE wmI COOP $909 JUSTIN GUILFOYLE Lot Can Sunnidalo Township mm Northwest of New Luwell To 5211 by Public Auction mi Horse 11 yefis ald anyMarefia year aid Set of Breechlng Har gorse Collnrs Curur Burr yeExs all mqung well bred mam Holslcln Caw year old njllklng well mg agq Hnlsmgg unw ears nid milking weli nmd nsa and Durham cow year nid due ojreshen in Janu ary Grey Durham Cow years old milking well bred ngain Red Durham Cow years Did milkinl due in freshen in Janu ary lied Durham an years milking well bred again Red Durham Heller year old milk inx weli bred nza Red Durham Cow years old milking well cred again Hereford Cow years old cnit at nut Ruan Cow years old ml It tool Einck Heifer year oidcaif at tool Durham Heller mm nid open Durham deiler yenru old due to freshen Dec Heretord Heiler years aid open Hereford and Durham Heifers and Steers yearlings SP 01ch 0115 Irons Timothy and Al lalla Hay IMPLEMENTS Fordsnn Tracl tor motdr complelely overhauled So Dcarborn Dhlc new Purd son Tractor flow good as new MH Cultivator MH Binder 11 cm MH Disc Hnrrow pine hnrsrdrawm McCD Mowe Slee Land Roller MH Hay Loader good repair Set 54 Drug nrrowu Hurraw Walking Plow 516 PlowLFnnlnI MHI Set of lb Scales Vega Crenm Sop nrnmr 150 lbs ca 45¢ Sloop Slalxha Set 01 rke Sleghs Democrat Culler Colony en su 10x12 Broader Stove Forks Chains Doubletrees and many omer nnlrles loo numerals lo REMARKS There dennllely wlll be no rmcrvo as Mr Gullloylc has been slck and has In live up larmlnz Anyone lnlercsled In good cnlllc would do well ul lcnd Ihlsnln Terms Cash Sale at 1230 sharp Dnneld Dub Clem Jena PIGS Yurishire Sow York 75 lbs and SHEEP Oxfurd Ewes Ox Iard Ram POULTRY Lnylng Hens l59 eyRu nstera Farm Stock Implements Hay and Grain The undesgncd hasremvud Xmlrucllon from FOLLOWING Honsps Axum Ea L83 Horse Callus A111 urhnm paw AUCTION SAlE WED OCT 27 QUART phune 49 122 mm 2414

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