Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Oct 1954, p. 9

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Mlny llrldgn Walled Oul Thu hmvy rnlns nnd wlnd the weekend wnmm out many hrlduu and whom 1n the lawn Dlnhp II haqu ml MI UI FIRST For Inlunnoo ALL KINDS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Ii STEVENSON INSURANCE Roxy Theatre moon gym HERES THE BIG FUN SONG SHOW THAT KIDS THE PANTS OFF THE WEST FEATURING BIG SONGS TONIGHT BREATHLESS IHRIl AND SATURDAY mamsAuntflsAm1mI CLEOPATRA 5561 DECEITFUL DESMABLE ml Loves as cu Hm IRISIIN IEI ll I= WI RONALD REAEAN SIEVE ERNEST DEWEY MARIIN LAST TIMESTONIGHT AND SATURDAY CLEOPATRA DECEITFUL DESMABLE mum WN6EXN508E Vauu nmr mu Anything Elm Ill mm mm For Movie MonyGoRound Tuno In CKBB at 540 pm dqlly EVERETT PLUSTHESE TREATS EOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE ALSO IN CINEMASCOPE CORONATION PARADE PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT EVENINGS ADULTSJSC TAX INCLUDED MATINEES ADULTS 50c TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25 TAX INCLUDED nun FEEHMEMR film 24$ smuno mwo CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 230 pm PLUS LATEST WARNER BROS NEWSREEL CONTINUOUS SATURDAY FROM 230 pm mlon Axumu mm Wulucnl Aullllny llm dln Lulu Arc huhlhu lmmu nu Nuv ul nu Lrlluu mu In Ewml vm wrry lu mm at llu llmn wrlllnz Mrl Julhu Clmbln my Ill ML and Mn Gournu lcncnck nlrnl llu worker wllh Mr nnd Mn lnl ODoncll anunlu and ullrndcd wedding whlln them my Boy Anlvu ConKrlulnllnm Mr Ind Mu thn Glbbl ananlu on Ir llval baby boy Mn 11be lhu Innunr Vrlmn Wlllun dmuhlcr of Mr and Mn Hurry Vllxun EVLIML Mr Ind Mm Lu um baby Mid Hm Vlrnnn He vandhm va any wlm Mr and Mn Calvin llddlllk Ihlp Fun and Tusurunllo The Tuwmhlp If Tunornnuu we can My wnI very lucky III Ion will not be no hcnvy III was ulhcr lawnhips ENTERTAINMENT Mrl Cronhla Vuy III Al 1mm wmaln Vlenm Vllflnn SHINTS fill FRIDAY FOXMOVIETONE NEws smuno mcuo mm mm LOUIE HAYWARD ADDED FEATURE STARTS THIS MONDAY Mn mulyil rmlu Imbulwm Drlllln mum Humlny wlll Mr nul Mr mqu vulmmum Vhll Now york am Mr and Mn Vlclor mm ne rumlmnlcd by Mr nnd Mrl cv mu Cough and Cathy llnrrlc mm mm lnyl In Aume New Yurk and Buffalo Fannzr Tucher Will Cruulvh Turunlu former len hcr SH Nu II Vhllcd lrluldl In Um village uver tho wtckcnd lilmvllu Vllllnrl Mr nml Mu Orvlllc Mclmhur nml Wnyne III Ehuvnlu vllllcd rlcmll horn on Sunday my AN uxnminm WANT An Sun0cl3l 0R0 STATION BUNBERT rlllll Vhllnrl ROXY THEATRE GRAND HY IIMHHH CITIZENH HAND VARIETY Tlm Iclmlnrlhlp wlll enllllu one my In Cnuldn lu nllrml the am cullurnl HIIDKH nl MI rhqu or luuryur ucrlud pruvldcd he winnrr Itcum nl Irnu ICCUIIII clan hmmrl In EMII Illa flrll llvu born nullvu 1n mm munly Junior lnrnur ncllvllicn um put Icvrml mm mm THE SCENE flare 1m Fri dny evening About odock May has lust rushed In out of the min wllh 10a of brand undcr her Arm She mu Iht brod clown put away her cunt Ind Luke her place hchlnd the counlcr Amnn cnlcrl presumably her huxbnnd and addresses her HE Terrible nluhl SHE Iln nwlui HE Whntl for upper SHE Well you can like this broad along and lhlnk muml mme pic Ion and oh you can have name can or somclhln Ron flown Elmvnlc lnmlllnr figure In all Nurlh Slmmc Junior anncm lln bccn Icchxud the cnndldulc mm Onlnrlo lur Ihu Enlcxl Cumpnny Axulcuuurnl Scllolnrllllp Maul wllh Clfldl dam rum llm nlhcr pruvlnm Run wlll bu lmmluwcd by we cml cumlnlllte Ill lhc mo mo Royal Wlnkr lalr wllcn lho flnul lclccllon will be made HE Vlun an you 1016 to slap ml dnmnunucnm BY JAMES HANCOCK Hoard In Passing Ron Rowal Sciodud For Eaton Scholarship Special Competition ounc learned he Workmcns Compensation Board making unhcr Inquiries In the case Guam Blzg warble Inspector who sutlercd serious hack trouble since an CHEM the course his duties The clerk will lnquhe from the dlslrlct cnglnecr municipal subsidy ls avallablo on new cul verts Into driveways Tenders lnr snnwplnwlng cqulp men and or wgmannre be ln lhc township omEcmi or mini Nov It pm Reeve Fisher Gnnlon and the balance of Council along with roqd superintendpnt Fred Wacdv attended Farina repairs are in bumnd Mrs John Dunlnps on lhe 91h concesslnm due to road slidel Orr Lake Hatcpayers Aisocia tion has been formed with McKnnzic ui Tarantu prcsidlmt in connection with letter from the group they an be Advised the On Lake garbage collection icnucr cnmm up or consideration in Jnntiaryi Charlie Rawson will he advised ESLd gulvcrt Is not nvauahln Gravci isfltu be Vpravidnd spit non firth FaXaps axm Total hill or llveétock killed ln the month lncludlng 321 Valu atlnz mounted to 3245 Thus with losses went Clllllel Benton one sheep 513 George Wyley one sheep $20 Robert Mann five sheep $95 Patterson two sheep 33f Mervin Farls two sheep $38 Lea Burlhelotte une sheep $19 Accounts passed were Town shlp $83719 Telephone Company 315 townshlp roads 3123112 development road $393 Lineman Allan Burt was auth orized to or er one on of tele phone wlrc The swltchboard operatnr and lineman were each allowed $l5 to attend canvcntlon Independ ent Telephonc Operator Tar nngu on 2122 MOONSTONE Mma October meeunl ox Medan CmmclL wn decided to hold the nut rezuhr union rpm Nov Ind It ran Com Mfldnn win he Council will pmld Court with Aflmol John Drury pre denL Increase of 318000111 Ieumem Iceounkd or unmth new construnllnn Total use men or 1955 $1130491 There are two unveil lo be heard Flnal vllldllian was recelvgd for 10year dehemures on the new tworonrn Warmlnslcr public school tor $31300 at per cent lncrufl cheque or 336708 was re celved from the Ontafla govern men Wellare Department repre senting share Chlldruns Aid costs lMedonte Council Sets Date For Court of Revision 30 pm five two two une mac wmrley séhonllar public Ipcnklnl culnpcllllon on Thundny Ocl I4 under flu rhnlr wlmcr he learned wuh Tom Ross to carry North Slmcnu lo lho scmlflnnls In the provincial Jun lnr Farmer dchnllng competition Previously he had presented Elmvule Junlnr Fanmm In two clounly public Ipcnklng compul tonl He has taken full ndvnnlnza 01 the opponunluu Ind rnlnlni afl crcd by Elmvllc 4H CI Club Centre Slmcoc 4H Swim Club nnd Elmvnle 4H Trnclnr Mainten nnce Club In 1051 ha won the Cnnldlnn NI llnnnl Exhlblllnn Shlcld for llock Judllnl by being Um Ml nuvlcu judle In lhn county compe Illun Rosa Ind Dun McGr lh were chosen In 1053 ludg n1 learn rlpruém Ccnlre Slmcoo Ml Swim Club In flu provlnclll Interclub compnllllnnl II OAC They placed 1er man the learn compnflnx Hero and Then with JuniopAvound County yAsrgy 4ND Should Ron bu Icleclcd for lhc schnluuhlp he hm chulcn the On lnrlo Agrltullurnl Cullen for ur lhcr ludy Set Up Camemlinn Mr Lethcrby slated Monday he wuuld lake the lead In trying 10 he up conservauon nrxantmflan for Goldwater arm almcd at meas ures annual Ilnod waters Water held back at the dam at Ken Wells Olecn nt Crelzh ton finally gave way adding to the floods in Goldwater are Ind carrying tons of gravel and silt on to farmland Many small bridge In Mcdontc were tam aslde by the angry Inmnl At Its pelk the water rulhlng over th dam It railway lines were under water In Tay Township and flood lng and brnken bridge near Vlc tarln Harbor lcvcrcd Contact with Midland by lilghwuy 12 Mednnte Road Bad Many Mcdonlc Cullen Iurncd out to 7ch up mad out he lawnshlp where possible There was no lraflic betweenMoonslone and Hllhdnlr when both railway andhmnway lrntlic was cut at hen or uv era day 1Lcrcated unique In Iton The arrest ova the bridge from Main Street to Relnbhd Street flnodlng collars and putting out has Among hose who had to navlgale dcrp water to get to the road was Lloyd Lethalby MPP FRIDAY OCTOBER 22 I954 Worst Dunne in Hillary Prsclicaiiy nn one realized until ioojnic that the steady rainiuli starting Friday would send the Coidwaier River over in banks with by far ihe seven5t damage knuwn in the man than 120 yearn history 571 ihL vilingci The 700 robbery Oct 12 Man ning Hardwnre was allowed hy the death at ymmlnent citizen Eplcn and the presumed drowning Stocking Wnubausheno SEASON TICKETS FOR BARBIE nnun SKATING CLUB Hurricane Causes Heavy Damage ColdWaler Hil Worsl North Parl Series offMisiorlunes iniDisfricI By MINE LETIIEIIBY Goldwater nnd distnct residents agree wllh the viewpuflnt of Reeve Andrew Dunlop that the mmmun my was fénunate to escape wlth nut 10 of ME during the floods but are sml dazed by thpseric 01 mkfortuneswhlch began early last week afld built up to widespread duaster Enjoy skill on Tuudny nllhlu tlll 1030 pm Drum Amu Four Tucnday num Ilnrllng Nov EIIM Tutday lulu flurllnl 1m Allmlulon Ilmn lllflllfl by lulon Ilclot only 00 per palon Numb ul Ilrloh fold will In llmlml Io Ila nuwllng ALLANDALE HARDWARE WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE BAAAIE ARENA CALDWELL DRUG STORE flhr Tfiarriv Examintr Tlckon Avallablo at HON DHUHY will Iddrul In IWM dinner pllnncd by Elm vale Dlllrlcl Llunl Club Ind Flnl Axrlculluml aucluly 1n Elmvnlt Communlly lhll an Thundly ava nlnl Oct 223 Thu dlnnrr II In honnr 01 Ml Club membm ol Elmth Dlllrlcl AT THE COUNTY COMPETI TION Vulcy and Elmvnle repu nenullvu wlll mm In wlnnen lrom Glcnuro and lulODan clubl COUNTY CHOIR PRACTICE havn been Knlnfl onL Thu 35 vnlcn choir undur um dimHon 01 Alex Dauuhmy Mldllnd wlll mnkn HI an lppcmn th counly Junlur nrmtr luvlce 1n Elmvnlu Prubylnrlnn Church on Sundny cvcnlnl Del 31 MV Young chaplain at me Dnlnrln Agricultural Cnllcle will be lhu lpcclll lpllktr mnnshlp of mm Janel chk Jonu reprucnlud Vney Ind Don Mchlh Elmvnlc Judge Junk Rumble and Bill McClunz dccldtd In favor of Don McGrnth Really the campeuuan WII wumun or the county competition whch bclnz held Guthrlu on Silur dny evening Nov ncd lhclr publlc Ipuklng compe llllon or chnwdy 02 17 Ralph Hlyu Ind Blll Johmton will Mule 11 out lur toy honan Councnlor Andrew Smile and when pmsed the work of volun lccrs Mr Swallel Ian Clem Gray Street ruldenc had our head at cattle rescued from pot at high ground where the coun cillor had puruhlo mllL Each animal wan Med wllh rope and lowed In my by Freddie lawn in hllOulbDIId Twopl weigh Inflbnll 200poundl Mined by Swallelnd reported drown ed were Xound rate Sundy Kn Va hay mow Extensive destruction war caus ed at Cowanr Planing Mill on Highway 12 at the western en trance to Goldwater Four to live feet of water cavered the high way at that paint and inundated the mill yard and buildings Wlter was up near the root on Mr Cow anl sedan which got stuck in the driveway Friday night Lumber and auppliu were being carried away in the swirling watera Mm bers of the lire department the Llons Club and other came to Mr Cowans aaslrtance Numereul electric motors and other mill equipmfnt was damaged Bualueu Placer 1M Business place on Inn West aide at Main Street paralleling the river were hard hit when the urging river poured into buremenll Loss was vnrtleulurly heavy at llcrb Stevonx grocery 300 Turkey Drowned Hydra Sum C1111 Woodrow alone was reported to have sullexed hm $3000 when nearly 300 lur keys were drowned and Ma Gray Skeet home flooded Us Oulbonrd Numerous Gray Strut East resi dents lncludinz member 01 the Swulu family and Mr and Mrs CltLt Woodrow were taken irom their home by firemen uncl other volume In outboard matonmaLs punts and canoes Many residents Bush Strict had to evacuated 1115 Lorne Sallows mllywexe being run partnd In canoe which upset but the occumnu were meued Slime residents of Ihe village awoke to find water flooding Into their homes and places 01 busi Eplens ml in Goldwater Hindu lhe rlvu belnw Ilmast level with the dam 311k to Elva Sheep suwm Alderman of Eady risk ed his life on horseback trying tn rescue sheep but saw 14 his flask carriagaway He rescued 22 QLgnpno Jymonq havu plun Wnncr and Horace laverln lo WA Montth mean 1m WA met It Mn Mc MalterA Wednuday OcL 13 with NI pru Vlcemddem Mn Evmnd rm ml in char Devotional WII mm by Hank Ms Detect read an 561M Mn Clifford Hurll land poem 11 Jolly Pmor mvml MAJ lhe Jan chow lnlhuwdy bookL Mu Parn wu appointed delegate to attend the WMS autumn nlly Arm quilt we nunan Lunch wu urnd by he mm Novanher mellnl MMn Dabonl Len Far 0mm Mr and Mn room Murphy 1e qr Ottaw on Monday Alter Ipcmflnl week with Mr Ind Mn SCUM omdnl recardlnn by Cnldwnler Walther afllclnl Jame Lamnhy lhcre Wu rnln all at our Inches on the level from Friday morning In Saturdny morning Another hallinch ml by Sunday mornlnz since Oct Ihcro hu been six And onemu Inch of In or roads Ind uracil hm explnsu the entire vll lnn were updar water Ilka extended rm tenth meby to near Gray sum Includinx the ah nroundl Ind nrdcnl Ind pro perllu the rear 01 home And business pllcu Much Repair on miiwuyo it wu repoer Sunday night that there Wu much repnir work needed on CPR iinu west at Mid hurli which would not be lixed before noon Monday at the soon ut CPR min tom the north which go through Madame Simon were wailing It Mmier Cold water urea wu unueuuliy quiet without the customary inrzc num ber oi pmenzcr Ind reiuhl min gdinz through particuiuiy on the CPR innsgonlinonui linen Firm Crops oruahed Fnrmm in Coidwnier vicinity including Norris Wlikcr Georgi Wyiey and Lloyd Taylor who imi been unabie to get or in ow ink to ihe ion we opeL saw any hope ofhnrvestlnx them crushed hylhe floodl Many residencu such that of Charles Eplett Ii Lb corner of Eplefl and Mill streak which hld nevcr before suiteer 1mm per lodlc poldwnter floodslud their Vcellm inundated and fires put oul By Monday morning the now work clunlnz up Ind Inching luu wal well undenwu Condi flom helm to return norm Monday with the resumption of travel on Highway 12 mm Mich land Grimm has Crux Down mlple tree crashed down north n1 Frank Buchananl home nnd hug willaw tell Andrew Lover this but n6 damage was dam to building ul resident Laue limbs were blown from other trees during the gusty period 9de midgzht Frldxy uled uivu the mm and car rled than to £211 In Wheel barrow II thek Mun Sine North fnq mnkulvln flannel Vcry succelftu rmnkulvlnl GEORGE gum II1AW 111115 111112 111101 11111111011111M Tues Oct 26 pm BINGO IOO°° Numbers to be Called GENERAL 115 RESERVED 3225 Tickell IVIHWIG II Caulll Hell 5mm lfl Games 15 Games GRENFEL Admlulon 35 Irouwun llelK mm 01 mm HELP KIN 3T JOSEPHS AUDITORIUM THE STRATFORD PLAYERS THE CANADIAN PLAYERS DAEMB TIIEATREGUILD um um pleuuu 1n lponlorlnu In touring company pmenunz pm Section 2Pages to lg Icrvlccs were held In Grenlol United Church Sunday Oct 10 The church was downted with flowers run and vegetable Knnncth Guy at Stmud was In chum The mlnincr Ruv Flar ence Hunter we unable to be unsant win to No 90 mzhway being cmcd Mr Gray kindly eonmed to hike bmh servich which were very lnsphlnl with chalkan menam The cholr provided spcdal music Anne and Gmrflna Cole nanrn duet TH 11 My Father World The chalrl anthems were la The Work Somobodys Praying For You and Ho Keeps Mn Slnzinl Man To Burl Mr and Mn noch Richardwn nnd nun Harald have moved to Come wm 5mm drink In smbln 4140 the lath century Min Helen Ehnnnhln helpl tIl superintendent reeeived nulli orizntion ior hemeli and name of her hurling mi to Miami the Ontario Hospital Convention IL Toronto next Monday Tuudly and Wedneldny Ocil 25 13 Ind 21 Rev James Feriuxon board chairman Ind Cameron homltal manner Ind Mn Montugu Leeds member of the board will be attending lensinnl union with Mn Roy Chriltia president oi the Womens Hospitel Auxiliary Ind Ievml oi her member Onu oi lhe discuuinns at the rezuIr monthly meeting oi iii Royi Viciorin Hospital bnard tmltccs Monday aiternoun It the new nurse residence centred lround xccurinl of remcltlhr or the hospital it wan hit that it was necessary piece of equipment mm the board is investigating thn possibility oi purchasingiie itemj The resulcltalor would be lined in cue at Iuphlxllllon of any des crlplinn drawnlnz narbun mon oxide pollnnlngrlultoullon 1mm mnke etc The medical mu or the hawk tal hll lppmved in principle thaIr Kart the new bylawr tor Imlll usilall tuned by the Ontario Da partrnentql Hgallh RVH Discusses Purchase Of Resuscitaior now mm In Barrie HELP KIDDIES

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