Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Oct 1954, p. 4

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Border ramicqu nuns mul glhu have mama loullyPres enl Monument be commend time thus who conun uallx bunk the law were mad aware In at In deflnfl om Ind ind on they cannot get nwny wllh ll EPLETTS ELECTRIC 145147 Dunlap SI Phone Bnnlo 6442 In Orllllu at West El 80th MIaIna mu muck flour Eplefll Electric ynm leu nlnlrlbulan no up lament lhls Iohtdule of CELT Prolmml than than wzekly or Inn con venlenn at vlewm In hula md mmch SUNDHY 630 DJ 0mm DI the Flu and Grand Foxks me mime 410 My Wluvd no In Haven no mm And In 00 Yh lunlu nmily 10 thaid no can himinn ma Wmdnw an Vanua ma mm 5mm no wm III Michal no no Anmmnc um church luv cmiunmn mu Lle 110 In no row with gm Mann Tam to an rumm um II in none 40 mum cumin ao lulnrlnu mm rv BIZIIMCE 1M Dunlap HL Emit ALD JADDISON MGGLINII 0mm Exclusive CROSLEY TV Dislribuloxs smwwn NOT lixcumzs Mm DEMan mm mm LOW ovuiumnns HAMcs AND Hrku TELEVIHION ONLY mm mam Human mum ler 2mm CIIHTOSIIISII CONFIDENCE AR IN DICATED IIY CONHIRTIZNT Ill llNM ECORUEBNIMTIONH INTRODUCING THE REVOLUTIONARY ALL NEW CROSLEY TABLE MODEL TELEVISION Mull Cummflleo DUES TV GEORGE GET THE VOLUME 01 SALES CELTTV Wluvd Haven mm And In pm fiynlu nmily Chunnelfl Toronto SATU RDAY SUNDAY OCTOBER 24 FRIDAY 01 In Bun Hockey on the Iir It the old Friday night time 10 Oclock and this typewriter puncher will him in the gandoil tryng to 1m Dave Wrizht shoes with piny by piay dewtpuun the game Thats SevenUp hockcy on the air then heztnninx tontxhi nt 10 oclockhns Hap Emms Barrie Fl ers swing into action against the Biackiiawkstram Glit since It the schedule tells us too that the Flycrs wiii enicrtain the To mnto Marlboro next Wednsday nvenlng at the local ice palace Ind broadcast time will be 315 yponsorsmfi NV SevenUp In the wall of inst weekends disaster we understand that plans are under way or the Barrie Lions Club in spomor an evening long flood relic iundraisinx pro gram over the local air waves The Show is scheduiud for Monday night and allcmpts are being made we hear In import some iopnolch iaienllu help put 1hc show even The fund oi course is in aid of the hnrdhii districl flood victims hodkny get under way in rie 1M5 evemnl at our Barrie Flycrs play host 10 Lh GI Bllck Hawks in their first lugue game 01 he 59330 in prwlnus years C1033 will carry phyby play descriptions ohnll gums ex cept than pluzd in tha Tommy Maple Leg Gurdznsl under the 7TOBER 23 um In rmnu um clc Tlllvlllan um IIIBIII1 curler lhov yimmn You It lhona 02H ICTOBER 23 0qu nunon um mull nu nunm lhnwlml Mtu lhgmk for all the kind too Ink in Show lquIl WHY may TV HHIWICH MOST COMPACT FULL 11 TELEVISION SET EVER DESIGNED WEIGHT ONLY 53 LBS Smnll enough 19 handle Mth cnouxh to carry mm 7551 We will put Sparton In your home on trial without obllgatlon See hear SPflflTllN Cuuom Built l9 Tuba Sm Tube Functlon Thi cluk whlrh In only min Imhcl II hvurlln pluu Whnn ha Wlllll had lubfldld llxlu Yum out mum luvn plated ruupo lnrflo mm In In uprnlnl Hvrn lhlu lnumlnl hero plrnly qum for mu Enunlry In whcmtr brlxlxc would bu plum In In nuw Dntnlnl Indlu lul lhnl wnl nu llkrly me warm Irldxu cumldenbly mum of llm ncw cul II II chlmud um lllo lnwly Imundkoz II um comrlbutor Io lhn dulrucllun mnl hnppem In my fllll They lllldlrmlnl hmku with helm film when Mm wanr rim ll luv Ihmulll Ind mun hm nmll openlnu whlch uulckly rnllranl lulu lnrrcnl ruler lhnl nub he bunkl down all However whan he eleven bent plllng III In plum lhnn ll wlll no Ilka long In push Illa llll hum lhe can lulu he unplug holr Conlinued 1mm 19 one planed lhrrc by mu rs mm Ind wheelbarrow WII done lutcr Him the repIn were bclnx mndu now REPAIRS BEING MADE ON CNR RAILWAY LINE The Last Column Just finned hack Ind commenu recalvad mom CKBBI 5901 coverage at the flood which certainly use pmmm dlraclor Bob McLemu1d yamI through some rather unus patients in ny he leasL rdu 330 In the fliernoon The new shvw under the caplble radon of womans edllur Bubnn Wheel er ulvu complete weekly round up of rummage saiu amund the dishch Conllnued from page one all Chm1 Taylor has been re cognlzed us 10an dodhoppln sodblmln Son at the South and he shall damn it an honor Ind prlvlleze to be referred to ConnnIlckln Rdbel Ind When he will nevgr slll course by compass lhll polnu north Ind ll he vcnl res beyond the Muen Dlxle wll rlde the southend northbound mule And ll he Indulge ln hard llquur shall guz zle pure mountain corn mm hull Jar oltexlanhare or bever ngc to lumlnlne company In Dlxlc cup Ind om an In rescue ball with Al HnrrL Barrie Just as dawn was breaking an Saturday mornlng and as we were having prelly rnugh passage amid lhe debris we suddenly hcml the sound of Aircraft coming up mm the dlrccllnn or Toronto Time wen none of he plane which had been called in to lur vcy the dlmnlc Ind Al mlurlly being an exRCAF we Ihouled over to me In the bolt fluln always the way Stony whenever me trouble he force always right In thcrel undo mu grumlnu sound Ind lhnugm In myself Well wnuld be drnui hard 10 gel de slroycr or somelhlng 1n hen Jun then one the ludJnl plane In Ihe lommlon must hive cnuxht sluhl of our little hon he runs hn peeled ram hll for anon and came roaring down have look In Ila loomed over In Iboul 40 cot and he dld an he Wlfllcd hls wing Ind lhnre It was In Word NAVY underneath MI wlnll And when he will address fellow Admltub as Suh qu Sainhern Ladle Mum Imi dmynnkee DAMYANKEE ls hereby amnmlssluned Admlml by Order Chic Shall Don Weft and Flu Admiral Nulen Wu Ill expect mm mnre 125pm around rm plnce now After 11 it isnt evnry lvwn lhlt can bout least mm Admirals Incldenlally while we seem la be on the Navy Ihcmu Why am qune kick on or one um lncldcnt whldh occurred during the rescue opemuons Holland Marsh during the weutend Bumimn Roundup LI the name haying prolnm whch Whmnr you to than mun rv animus 1035 King Eiiplhswe Flnish Nets Fifth Field Day Title Further down Um rnllwny than my nlhrr wnlwull Then In holnl rr nlrcd by Irucklnl my lncnl Am ll ILL In 9n CI In mule nn lhu lyr ll vrmul One the mm Iw mom was by Allan Drury of Hlllcrut who wired 11 lent one Inch In the sen Ior runnlnx broad jump Ralph Knlw also 0Hlllcreu corded lock 10 Inch In the Intermedi ate ILCNOII Knapp showed well an 31 track loo WW 91 ucnnd vlclfizry in he lntcrmcdlule 75yard ins or nuckcr nuhlnl Ind the bridge under the lrncku would Illuw nnhnrmnn mm through How to much wnlcr mo an high Ind In 143 lrlhule lo lhu llorm and downpour when the WI broke lhmulh the truth It curried cvcrylhlnl helnro ll Ruth Inl down lhn creek bed look nul Iwu lnrmm lune brldxu ch hyunnds 1011ng wmre thecmk Eunu mi 019 in ul lhuJuId took the whole rundwnyou yeplh our or five rel plcu Fur er down ll vccuu the Inulh Ind wuhtd haul Me the old Ind plkd many new Illlml II On to lnkl couple uhlnl were lurmd ovur And It the more In nil piunn to he like it fut buck mo Ihura or many cc Hulda HI muy rnllwny re pllrl lha Inwmhlp hvc ntnrly ml of road In recllim Thty have pul an line In work In pull II much poulblu flu rival hick lo mud and bullduzrr la 11th Ind level much nl cln bu rnclllmcd INN EJfifl Hullllhrkrflll éqmfi IIWIDAV AI mu if wu um no not In fact the llrl made very mun ahmvlru In lh meet Jun Chown lenlur lundinu brand Juhp mark seven och on Ind onePull Inches Ind Eleanor Cor bctl leaped eel ll Inthu in 10 Icnlor runnlnz hronpl Jump The senior gm 75yard duh nord held ulnuy by Eleanor 00r btfl of King Edward Ind Jenn shown at Hlllcrutrwn Andwlll probabli mud or Yamné ycm Io coma Scoring two mm and one second In the flnalevent the anemoon the Intermediate aha senior relays King Edward School roared from behind to capture the Barrie Pub and Separate School track nndtleld championshn Wedngsclny at Arena Park The victory or Kin Edward market the mm lme they have held the chumplonshlp in the brlafl nineyear history mu event They 1er the flue In M849 and In 105 meet opened with higch our By hnme King Edward Hill iresh Cadrlnxlun Ind Prince of WI were domlnnunl me early wins But lence 01 Wales loan ell back of the pace and the duke wpre clicked on devel mcd lntn Lwowuy mule be Hlllcren and King Edwnrd Doug Havcrsnn Prince Wu heaved lhe senior lulLbnll IE1 Ice and m1 mlrk will likely take some bullnu over the yam An Mher solfibull throw that look very menu was made bLDarfoan Jenk ln of Kln Edward who cmbllxh ed In Intermediate mark at 122 ha Inches The 1954 champions compiled 85 points over the aim noohs evean but had to overcome stubborn challenge from mllcxgst who finished second with 79 points Last years title holders Codrlngwn finished well back In third place wtth 35 points whlle Prlhce of Wales wgre Iourth with 48 Oakley Park making mm the Held day were placeq on Codrlnglunl Brlnn Caliper up 010 unit KOOyard duh In 12 sec ndl flu and lhiu mark equals the uvenlh time in In annufllBDCI Held day CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 Hlllcres huld me mm unlll 1hc ntcrmedlale and senior ulrIs mn mll brown and the relay dlnchcd he verdict King Edward zlrla swept both he Intermeth and enlur wins All mllkl recorded in the ilcld Lay Ipunsorcd by me Banl Roi iry Chmhave been placed in ilchl record bunks and will be up or competition next tensonl This the in iima in the aventl hil my Where We measure and mp niches brome In lmporiunl iiemi nd omu olthe mllkl established will ilk13 stand or new yemi ratio dueto no sehlor mixEx and cameGfiVvIlh 111E posltlon with 286 while St Maryswere sum with 21 points caunu um IIva cml 04 NH mm dilu WW mom III 63 Emma TM luv Ill luv MI in when ml bl one ll Nan nol luv hut nundam no uni In Incl an Mm nm Ill lml noo mun nun mum emii nluk mmui no arm nm on II II Km mu mm Wumv IUIBAV gun on min oluu In uuIul unuuu my InMNI mm mm mm my mu Inch IIINIAV Hlnlur Evcllnu Rlv Emmi IW bell KE Dlllnnce thfihfl nrogd lump rrlmury 1vuunCorkn 1m Slcphlnle Merrlck 5L Dorll Shlnuzhnuly DIIlIncc It aznlor 115 ylrdnl Jun Chown Ind Eleanor Come KE filed Mnrllyn Eurduue Thy Ircondt Unllblll Throw In Intumadllla 75 ynd Role mlry Mcurlde 5L Drlyno Hark KB Gull Oliver KE Time 01 scrunch lllmlly Llndn Eberhlrdl PW Beverley Doormln K12 Elgnngr Love Dllllnce 41 Klrnn llure Kb Bevarlly Shlnkl ll Diane Phil 11ppw gxapncu In lnmmealm klnl KE Donnl pmch Shaver Irene Rnwn at Prince Wales nrnduced good prhmry grk In the running brand with 35 mt flvelnchea and Pauline Webners junior um cl usccond In he 50yard dash appear Iamldw Prtmlry 35 yudl Doug Smith 92 Jim Currigli 5L David McCiymom Time 55 lecondn Intern nIDP Warren Mullen KE Bob Linen HPlllln¢e 13 IL 10 In Senlor Allan Dmry ll rlln Cooper BuryDunn hllnco 11 IL ln Relay lnuumeam ymll mn crul King ward SI Mnrys T151 41 seconds Eenlorriloo ymh Cudrlnl Inn mumuh Prime Wnlcm Time 53 lecnndl lrlmlry 85 yudl Dnlo Doh bene OP Beverley Boonman KE Irene len PW Tlmn Iecondl lunlor 50 ylrdl Pauline Wzbsler MIrllyn Gritlhhl Shulln Humor K2 Time 53 sec ondl Junlor so yltdl Jim Penney KE Paul Ono Dan Amos The 15 seconds nicermedIi 15 with Ralph Knapp Alex ansley Wgynp Bag11KB Time 137 seconds éenlnr mo yudx par Wayne Hodzson K1 Righurdfignew Time 12 sec an 3mm Thruw Dnug Haverson Bury Dunn Brian Cooper Distance 137 din mold Jump Junlor ny Thompson PW Joe Saw bl Paul Otlo Distance ll ln Intermedlm Cnrnon Olm nend Pem McCloskeyy SI Ralph Knapp Distance ll In rumryL Dav1dr McClymonL OP Loni Laverane KE Terry Lon IL Dmagnu ln iiirrllor Polar Slnclnh Frank Guest Ray Thump sag PW Dhlnnc 11 II In sillnt Prlmir Ken Femr Ki Glen Courtney KE Don Mkln not Dlmmcc 101 an Jimlox Ray Ehnmmn PW Peter Sinclair Marlhlll Man HLDlslnncu Duo In luluham min Elllnn PW Llurlu Baxran 0P John Fellugun Billing 14B In VIrlmny 13ch Arnold ICE Don Alklnsun Terry Loni HUIlnnnu 11 8V in Benlor Allan Druryv Brian Cooper Richard Agnew Distance In Runyln BroII Jump uglyl 51ml McKlnnon Bl MM fill mu 11m EEK 1n uumv and woo com Imm mum Im Mu may 70 II II hum In ur mim mu mm loom Ind mum mm nu ma MI Tu Thu Ink GIRLS BOYS nonuv AI 5mm pw Dllllncu 122 Elunhor Can fl In Incl KE nunm Jen nK IL MarllynGl¢tiLh Muy yin 318mm PW DMIDE It intermedme Barbr Kuh ner UUe Lennuh OP Joan where Distance 10 Samar Jean Chown Eleanor Corbett KE Muuyn Burdfllv mmnu IL IV In Baum Bro Prlmry Ir Rawn FW Dorothy Shluzhnessy Beverley Boorman Km Distance 10 In Junior Marilyn Grimm Shirley Wamn KE Kucn ligrg ICE ylgume 12 it ln inieimeaIu when Kash ner Donna Smllh 11w Km $hryn Hart PW Distance 13 Eenlnr Elfinor Corbett KE YunChuwn Lorraine Ln Crolx PW Distance 14 11 In Rel Klnx Edward 85 polnls Hlllcrest 79 points Codrlngton 65 painu Prince n1 Wales 48 points Oakley Park points St Marys 21 point Inlanpeams 06 mm Km Edward mum Prince WEI Tin fluconds sum 06 yum King Ed ward Hulaest Codrington Time 41 second In cued lhll would have muunl um lmwth of the town wauld hnve colM to an absolute smud mm ll pronunnwan had not been taken New Sewage Plant Officiallyl Open Confirmed lrom page one lncrzuad Capully rm new plant has ln size clghl times the capaclly of the old plum whlch was lnsLllled your ago In actual fact the new plan wlll hIVE 75 llme the caplclly 01 um old ll worked under similar pressure condlllonsl Lou Caldwell plant nperalor Is In complete chum HM opera tion the plum and has taken special course In me allied sub cha connected with this so that he will have firsthand knowledge the modern manner of xcwauc disposal and nnHpolluflun meth od He has been doing an ex cellent Job under the condition the past decide wllh plant loo mu Im Lhe demand Last year the lawn was laced with In order from the Ontario Dcpamncm of Health Ihnt It must confirm addltltmal sownle Ladl Me And that no further sub dlvtslon would be permitted unul xuéh plant was contracted In Ihn pas considerable menu has been m1 ln3lnd qiu mini buIWnn bf cse wera Im plgmentod The main urnumcnt ccnhcd an whether build completely ncw silo or Idd In the cxminl Includes Exln Coll me lnnnclll point 0vlcw would have mat more 1qu nnw silo nnd would also hkvr c014 much more for It yurly opcrnflon the raw ieWBKLI would have had la pumped much Mcr distance In addmon engineers enumntcd mat the present silo we me enough la bqu plum lhcrmn or clly wllh mpulu lion of loam 50000 That was crlucLun or bulldlnl such lime plant nn Um type 01 so which not loo solid ln um nreu bul wkh ndnuulle nillnl 0hr hwu has bun assured NIXON BUILDINGPBOIIIICTS LTD l53 TIFFIN STREET CONGRATULATIONS TO TIIH TOWN ON THE INHTAIIATION OF TIME InIIOllT ANI ADDITION TO Tllli IUIILIO UTILITY KEIWICII OFLASTING BENEFIT TO THE CITIZENS OF BARRIE READY MIX CONCRETE 11w rnnllrurllnn vllnl undulllln wu nrlllmud lmnuw nl Hm IVIIIINII mnflymlud MINI WI MI hnnuud II lule hf ulnlul ivy Iln runtnclou Io his gun In In comlmcnom nn hlnmt qunllly mull wn uml Illnuflulul IM lunch mm In Iml atonomkl unlu tmflnl the Turn nuylr THE NEW SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT FOR mum Fm 3mm mmg Chief Observers Awarded Wings For Proficiency war wuded the Blnle Ana RCAF Ground Observer Cuxps the Barrie FH tcr Centre onWednesday evening Them chic observer Ire re spvnsihle or the mannlnz the various obsemuon pom etch with 10 observers In the Immed mu Barrie area The an that they now have their winy show they hnve tompleted Choir 2mm Inl Ind hive done their put in keeping heu various obsemuon posts organlwd Ind randy for don lrhcse nlnervaflon p051 are the people who telephone In the part to the Barrie Filter Centre of Ilrcrafl flying over the em There the inlaxmaunn is evaluated the spcdzl swam commute hu commentedzfwxm scwnzé plum that is boLh adequm and sum cient or puma Mada well is mr me mum growth of on cummunlly we are In unuzl con dldon in also receive nddlllonll industry pmvlde work and prvspcrlly lm our growing pop lulon and hfldren as hey uale mm our school Syslem mm the new plant will be 01 sound construction muld bull anywhere Ald wan Klnde chairman Gold www SEWAGE unsposm mm COMPLETE SEWAGE INSPNSAL PLANTS WATEA SEWAEE PUMPS DIESEL ENGINES and STANDBY SETS extend congratulations Tawn ol Barrie upon the opening 01 Ihe new Laurie and Lamb BARRIE MONTREAL TORONTO Engineers lo the mus cu UNIT The quartet ujn musical com posluan for our inétrumenu or singers originated with Joseph Haydn About 1755 Whom 22771054 11le 314 and Mix Bushey Mldhurst Cralghurfl Hon lcclu Following Lian Fucked wk recognltlun lty mp taco they fly over Also lnclu was film an Pearl He the eventual Ignited Stales Flying Oil in HLppiesion nni nounccd duri the evening ihnl mum vniunien no needed in the am represen ed Anyone in Gian cairn Strand Bay Point Camp Borden Midh xrsl and Craighmi area whu wo id be intertslcd in Joining the CAF Ground 0b scrver Corps civilian voiunm leer is ask to write orfielnl phone Gmun Observer Comal Barrie PHONE 3890 Four lhulfl the on nlmfiltrtcuznl hell rlhVShr Ind us Thm Mum wm now once munch to servers an opporun lze lhesq mum he am sxmpun Strond Big Buy Point Cpl Borden Bowgn Mrs Joy lump flle WInu presenta nu He lawn It the am the presentation Ina KM wlnu £0 Mnlnfl 5121 ngncalin My In the prugum the mack by up or and the Mary 91 recapture by um

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