Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Oct 1954, p. 11

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mmmm BAX among 1235441 1w SIGNING TilE REGISTER following their recentnutumn wedding in Central United Chfirch here hreMr hnclMrs Bruce Currie MN The bride is the former Marlon Elizabeth Bradley daughter of Mr and Mrs William Bradley and the groom ls the son Di Mr and Mrs Wellington Mawof Schomherg They will be making their home in the Schom hen district borne Watson director of music It Brnndon Collrge Emndnn Mnnllntm conducting touch crs workshap under lhe nusplccs no Barrie Branch the On 1an0 Rumored Music Teachers Association In the Library Hall on Wednesday Oclubcr 27 Mugamne Jilin Wnlsnns illc since he began his smdlcs at he age at five as vlolin smdcnt lumlnfl the next year to lhc study of the plum He was granted scholarsth to flu Nronlo Cun svrvntury of Music on lhc rmm mendnllnn Sir Ernest Mnch Iun andstudled than with me vmlncnt plnnls firmst Scilz and with um Canadian composer Dr Hrnloy Wllnn He Wun LhL gold madnl when he grndunlcd from the Canscrvalury wnh the Llccnl me dam hen Shullul In New York on scholarshlp wnh Hm dlstlnuulsh Bath nulhurlly nnd lcnchnr Rosaiyn Turnck In career was lnlcrruplud by the war In which he served radar officer wth the RCM lulcr lhc wan he entered lhe Univumlly bl Tumnlo laklnl an hunnr du urnc 1n mush 1n IWL dlrcclur 01 muxlc nl Brandun Cullen he has bmuuhl urcnlvr reulmum ul muslc all wllh whom he has come In cnnlucL as lcacher conducwr exnmlncr lur Ihc Inan Conscrvulory ul Musk ol Ibmnlu and ndJudIcnlnr nl muslc Inllvnbn well us ln hl many comm unflaurmcnls across me wunlry Emineni Concerl Pianisl Teacher RCMi Examiner Will ConducIMusic Teachers Workshop Wednesdays Mr Watson hru rrlurnld In Btndon College uncr years leave nbsvncc In New York Dullnl hr hold BMW CoupleSign Register After Wedding BARBIE DRIVER2M III as mm 51 mm 2772 TILDEN mracnk SYSTEM MIND CAIIIIIINI II WI MDNIIIAI IOO Candle Ivorythu Inlulng mu II my Io Mn won an mm am My In hm MM max on Mm mu Do mu mm mm in NW am lmvom um and may wnnouv no MIL lo 99 by no Lnhni mm Cu milMK IN DANIEIllIEII MOTORS LTD nmmmn 0M Ml FOR TILDEN SERVICE IN BARRIE RENTACAR mm HAVIONI IN OVII II CIHII FILEEN of destination shln in Gradualc School of New York Unlverslly and uludlcd undvr the cmlncnt mualcolollm Curl Sacks and Gusluve cue Lnsl season rvlurnbd to Cun nda ur cw Nnccn engage mvnu ms nppnnranccs In lhu Epsl and In the West lncludlnl hr Womens Musical Club In Winnipw and Brnndun worn re tolwd with 1mm Inmm and lnthurJnsm Durlnn hs Fall he bdrm hmrd In wrckly broadcast mm ch umndun In Semmbcr he cumluucd onchcrs warkflmp which was ntlcndcd by lho tnrh Brandon and Iurmundlnx llslllcl In Oclubrr hn II Mn Irchuln nnd canducllnu luuhm by train on plane WATSON mum mu PNFM INWKMCI NEW MRS 0W ME JANluau nmxmure éfim xiii iii Thinkouennx uh 0n Tutday 0610 Mn Mulr he pruldrnl was In chime the math Ind wel comal rum 1mm St Andrews Burris Strand 51 atoms Anz fim Ina Bunion Avcnue Unmd churchu The protrlm ws armnzed by Mn Church and Mn George Pagan iand procesz with he cnll township Hymn 139 re aponflve 195111 from Palm 115 scripiure portloq from Timothy Chum nunluxlvlng med mum Tugi by Mrs Alvin lckcy and prayer ledhy Mrs nml Dwn John by ML Dun1 Kenn were particularly appraprlme and enjoyed Womah $fLiderit AddressWMS Fall Thankoffering The Wanna Manny Sod 54 39W Rev AUC CL Muir fintroaucLd the weaken4 Mm Hugh Nugenl natural Onllua nawa student Knox College who ha spent twu summer as missionary thu Frqnch Roman Camellcs 1n the Mint Qunhnc Mr Nug enhxnve agennrul nutune at the warkhelng done in Quebec and he pmzress made up the pm em timex He went on to tell his own pxpercnbc In French spaaklnlcnmmurdw and how his knowladze the French language hasproved mgrem blmlng to many Atter Hymnjflfi Mr Mxfir clam ed um mteung with the benedic Llon Heireshmvnu wcm serve 1n the Sundny School roam with MfiHllUud Webb and Mrs Al vXn Dickey chime workman in the West in Winnl p91 and as north as EHn Elan and in he East WMI the conclud Inz reclul In Eaton Audlmflum Tomato on Oct so Mzmben ofthe Barth Brunch who W111 mend 0115 workshop are President MLu Dorothy Jnhmun past president Mrs Alice Booth viceprcsldent MI Audrey M1 ligam accreury Ann Rms lreasurpr Mrs lpxer Agrson is Rudmm fiiklicssxe arym M13 Elsie Chulhlay Mrs Mclpnls Miss Eva Rumble and Hum sirety depends on the ntflludc or drlvm and attitude derives from education trnlning ind ggorgemeg mu meme Nn and No llemlpck Spruce and Plnebumber Rough or Dressed Déllveréd 5n the Job truck Clnyherton Lumber C0 Port Luring Ontario Plncher Creek Alla Ed BUILDERS CONTRACTORS 0R FARMERS Write or prices 10 muvmp NM HUM sfddeht WMS offering MEN7 59d owxng Io IIAI mnvmuon In Nnyumr ruler parrlgwdngenl lnstflube will haw than bul inen meeunl before the birthday party on no 730 pm at the home Mm Donald Jacobs 223 Bayfleid Slrpck Barrie Womens Institute Birthday Party Wed Please mm min your nami wlchu 11 HIGH STREET Wonhchs Institutes NNM ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILINGS WE WILL GLADLY CALL AT YOUR HOME nannlifiidfiinnxs STEEL FORSALE Some of navuvasms complicated sfrucfures occur In the smallest form of life This asIoniihing sea creature lhe Rudiolarian for exampla can be seen onlyupder highpoworgd microsoppe Free Estlmntes AMANDA Nenbm Mnnoo MomIn voloma cumin IDMALINOOII Ajuvmmenlnpofl nthqu the avennnet Income of Brn hh denim wrunz 11mph 11m gar mume vrmmamonuu PHONE 5046 Aylmer Cut Citr9nPeel 3955ka21c saxonialiluct Pineapple alcovem 19° CutMixedFrufls 121 Shellgd Almonds Shelled Walnuts me 1219 IBlanghedAlmdnds Mn2 Woodmmjs Horseradish It at In 26° Heniey SweétBluck cherri951CH61czlsl$LTin 22 Allens Apple Juice zo1oinn 219° Aymer Choice 45 mid 20 my 20¢ Australian Seedless Raisins Australian Currants cumm Californiaseedless Raisins Sunmaid SeededRaisinsi mi Cut Mixed Peel few Aylmer Cut Citr9nPeel 994 saxonialilm Pineapple Asano CutMixedFruits Shellgd Almonds vv Shelled walnuts we an BlanchedAlmdnds Ileinz crehmoi IfomluSouip Shirrifls Pie bust Mix liptonk Tea Bedhhel libbfsltgplued Musiuid New llaméslic shbliiehing $olp Mdrgdrihe MKS WIIHPéRKANIi cmqsAucl DysohsSweéthmkins live muses rlgur =7 Junk ASSDIYED HAVOUII Tomatoes Snowflake Ammonia Powder nos Maple leaf Toilel Soup CAI Woodburys facial Soup CAKH Cashmere Toilet Tissue nous Sunlighl Soup am areale wuummcmom 25 Rinse Soup Powder Deal PKO Cumuy loilel Soup CAXl Blue Cheer Full Deal 69a Hinx Cleanser um Chow Girl Copper Sponge mu Miracle Copper Sponge mmmumuau an Chore Goldylocks PolCleuner ve llElllllOSBwspbngO 01 ucn 61w cum WJIMW McIntosh Reds Iceberglefluce Brussels Sprouis ONTARIO FANCY GEM CRISP JUICY CALIFORNIA GREEN SOllD RED RIPE FIRM GREEN MONDAYv TUESDAY mummy 900am 600 pm WEDNESDAY 500 mm 012 man mums 330 mm to 900 pm SATURDAY 81011 600 BAKING SUPPLIES STORE HOURS GUA IOX romp 19c AIDE SllE HEADS or 5kg on 927 flQUARY IASKIY HHO PKG 1on 01le 01 rim Vrll ms ML om HI cm HI cm zon Quins wn nun ILD no OIANV CA 10 PKOS rxos 21c 33 90 52 19c nous 25 Am 23 25 410 my 65s 31 19c 25 390 ms 21c mu 23 19c ucn 290 menme oil 213 37° 339 531 Ich 21 390 356 31c 21 23° 23° 27c Privdeolflmhiu Eolfee VOLUME VIN NOW ON ll SAC NO 5115 ACM unified Baily Blend SICED DR UHSIICID none 3mm new KACKW WHEAI Sliced Cheerc No slz No1suz EACH IACH Tusly Trent Ice cream 12 250 ASSOIYKD HAVDUIS $PE€IMI MLCOIMICKS Ilsflllls Junkerffluls $553 259 01 10 7X0 ltmious Ehrisimus Cake 5910115 QUICK will 1H 01 Bose Margarine IOIMWS REM GIOUNII 14 no mmws gumsewn McLurens Princess Mullaws 01 Ill CYN 51 vaumn swim rmsmo amnunu iomws Olives plum ucnuws Ill 169 99M i213

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