Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Oct 1954, p. 10

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OCTOBER 22 1954 Swlmlu cannula The lwlmmlnl pool commlllee hair meeunru lhe Hlludale school home Mn Mfume presided Mn Fergusnn of Elm vnle read the minutes me Eprlnl meeting and Mu Alvln Brennan nve the treasurer re port and mild nearly lb group Phone 5729 DISPLAYS SHOW CARDS sum PAINTING nmmsnma mm umznma 56 ELLEN ST 30 Dunlop St Tnnl canvcnjefilly Ind lnuptnlvely by madam shuttered and mm 0m Tnmpnrlnllon When uncut hockey um or wtektna In MannMl Nlnnrn nu nr Vlnfllofi youll rm your dullmllon qulcldy um uluy In cémlumble SHEERTRANSPORTATIONcmn man 5941 bum CDHEHES FOB CHARTER BARRIES FAVOURITE USED CAR MARKET mm 2311mm CIIIWSHIII WIND JIMMYS SIGN SERVICE lODEE CLUB CHAPTER GROUP BO fllIIMN IMHO 50 PLYMOUTH COUIP 50 PONTIAC COACH 49 IOlll COACH 49 PLYMOUTH EIECML BEIMN 49 AUMIN BEDIN 49 METEOR CLIU COUIP DHSOTO CUSTOM SEDAN HlLlSDAlE PARTY COTUMES Weuymoulhs Book Store CllflYflLEfl PLYMOUTH FARGO TRUCK DEALER 55 Dunlap SI Isznm PHONE 2517 BEAVER LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED HEADQUARTERS fOR ALL YOUR LUMBER AND BUILDING NEEDS Ind made Lhelrdomuon or thin yelr Min Loqu Culley county recreation direct reported 101 children too lesson um year Hillsdlle mimmlnz yool Mnnltoba vmcon Mr Ind Mn Mmhnll nuner nndndlulhtcr Muriel Enndm vxuned mauve In the vmuq 11m week Mr and Mn Rehme and ery lane of Toronto vlslled Mr Hind Mrs Ememon Mum ynd Mrs leckihanku relumad with them Mr and Mrs Stanley Hill Tu rnnla and Willlnm Laurle of Acton were recent vbflnrs with Mr and Mm Buuer ML und Mrs Rullnnd Elmvnle culled Sunday nlhef Dave Jnmleson Mr Gordon Rownl returned home Saturday nner npandfln few Lwlth Mrs wunam Beck Grim To Wlnler In Florida Mr ahd Mrl Edwin Hay lefl Inst Thursday for Florida where they will spend the wlnler months 0p¢fitldn at Micheh Mr and Mrs Hurry Trtw are In Toronto when Mr Trcw un derwent nations opernflon ntst final Homflnll Mr and Mn John leon ma ML and Mn Jlm Nixon Tn HALLOWEEN MASKS DECORATIONS SERVIETTES GREETING CARDS ll CHEVROLET COACH 47 MONAnCII BEDAN MERCURY SEDAN WILLYR ITATION WMION CIIIIYSLEII WIND 80 SEDAN PONTIAC HEDAN 40 BUICK SEDAN co PLYMOUTH BKDAN FORD TON IANXI HAROLD HILL ALL UNITS SPECIALLY PRICED Evuylhln youllv need for bluer man exclllnl party Phone 4055 BARRIE LIMITED Elrlck on her Medonte Council Get Information RanCivil Action en waived the Addition warm nflon munled mm County Juan Harvle at Bank on whlch he bmd hLI ruling um the township In clvll sun In whlch Mednnle tried to count men ment orDnhl No can mum Cecil Roblnmn and Lullhifln lennbn twn ratepayers un Ihe fimn In conneciion with Drain N0 in which mi againn the town xhip in pending Council was en deavuring to arrange through Lloyd Lelherby MPP to have action taken ihruuxh the Privaie Bills Committee at the Lozinniure in have drnln No reverted to nniunll wnier caurxe Aflcr study the Judzes find lnll lawyer or the township le decide Ahey will proceed with an Inca onto Mr and Mn John Funnier and children Paul mu and Su snn Branunrd were recent vil llorx wIIh Mr and Mrs Mntlhew Nixon Enurln Wl Saurln Womens Inltltutc held rthclr regular heoUng In the school house an the evening at Oct Home Eccnumtcr and Hmlth We the toplcr vlth Mrs Gordon Enllc tan convenert The ladle were honored to have Tufi McCarroll preeldent at Slmcoe County Can cor SacletyMrI Brennan chatrman at the Welfare Commit te9 and Dr Allrcd Crosflnnd Harriet They explalned how the money was collected for cancer and wax spent five demonstra tion on dressings tor cancer yntlmtl also two reels educa tltmal pictures explalntng how to detect cancer lhcre were 17 vll tun caman tram nellhboflnu lnalltum Mrs Ingletnn reported an the swimmlnz claws and movEd $5 be sent to Hlllsda Oammunlty Club Saurln W1 caterlug for turkcy Iuppcr tn the Community Hall Nov 10 Committee or thlaz Mn Howard filtchlu Mrst Gordnn lnlleton Mrs Gcorlc Graham Mrs Ken McQuarrte and Mrs Vasey Beard sall Delegates tor the area con vcntlan ln Barnz Nov and are Mrl Gordon Stmth and Mn Cecll French oummlttee Mrs Whltc Mr Bumstend Mn McArthur and Mrs Geame chklnson are in charge at lunch at Mr Mcltrthurs sale deIon wna passed that the WI would pay halt tare for any one member to attend Rural the Conlerence at El Chic Lodie near Orlllln Nav 456 Mrs Beardsall Ind Jacobs attended the MM Land Hnspltal Auxiliary meatan and bruught back report len dollar to bc sent to the Salvatlon Army Members totalled 21Y my menu the rolhcfllL hmlvlm hint to the home nurse Meeuut cloud by rtnxlna the Qucm and lunch wnl scrvcd by the com mtttpe CALLTIIE EXAMINER NI PRINTING PHONE MM l82 Bmdlonl SI MOONSTONE Madame 1min Hum TON PANEL ID Poll 55 TON PANEL lfl IMO TON PANEL ll CHEVROLET 15 TON TELEPHONE BRIL VICE BODY THUCK Il MERCURY 15 TON TELEPHONE BEHu VICE BODY TlllICK 07 HBO SCHOOL IIUS 42 FARGO TON EX lllEflB Evlvy mlIlium unpervlnd by our luhnlclm RADIO TELEVlSlflN F0 QUICK SALE néfiuhmnlou co DUNLOP 5T MBNHBCH SPECIALIZED ALL MAKES 0F ElMVAlE Phono 2059 SERVICE One the busiest working new In the in din have been the em one Goldwater depo the hllhwnyr deplrlmml weekend flood uuud nu emlrlency conditions usually not ede until the am mownorm Plume Drowned be new swag lhruulh Counter 1nd amrm unuy In the ellect um slacking had been found nnve Ind well Mlnnico camze Mr Stocking 90 in presumed drowned in Gear Inn Bay nenr Wnubauxhene where hh cabin hone wu ound namnx special meellnz of Goldwater Publi School Board was caller 02 19 lmdeal wlkh skekh plun lor lhe new schooL Public Schon lnspecmn Keh Ellis and Gib son and Paul Pcntlalld nrchnecl were among those unendlnu Ununcll Inspect Dmxh Goldwater Councll madé tour the village Monday lnspecung Wood dllmllIE cub Sell Apple Coldwater Cuba anld Ave bushels apple on Salurdny The Late Min Eplefl Samuel Mllton Milt Eplett felon rosldent of Goldwater passed nway nt Soldlm Memorlnl Hospllal Orlllla ahunly alter mld nllht Thursday Oct 14 In 13rd year The wellknown Maln street merchant had undergnne major aperatlan few days prev oua He was born here In 1882 hi lather the late Samuel Drew Ep lelt havlnz bean one the early resldenta at Goldwater Mr Eplelt had been lncnl buslncmnnn for over 50 years and was wldely Ic qualnled He was Mason and had heldmnln otllm ln liymenA posts of SI Matthiasl Anzllcan Church Many of the frlend he made came about throulh hl llle lanz lnlemt ln mom He played hockey and lacrosse ln hll youth and WI spectator at hockey banball lacrosse aonball and har ness raclng He was In ardent flahfllmln and was one at the first Caldwaler men In malntaln cob Inn on the Severn River Mr EpthJook close luluest In local and nnllcnal allalm nd rel dam forgot face or fact to nccled with the early history all Coldwuter and district 01 riendly nature he was held in high regard by district residents 13nd others He was married to line former Matilda Wlllison iPembroke who survive Oiher Immediate survivors are ran Hurry Eplett oi Oriiiil one daugh tar Mrs Hugh Kennedy Mar jorie at Regina and three zrnnd ehildren Mnrinrie Epleit 01 Cold wnler Dorothy Epiett Orlliil and Warren Kennedy Regine iurxo concourse oi relative and lriendv attended the funeral service in St Mallhlns Anglican Church Sun day afternoun Oct 17 conducted byRevl Allen wizby lnlermenl was at Caidwnter Cemetery Pull bearer were Liuyrl Leiherby MPP William Sheppard REL Tinw piM HubCnswcilrMelvllla Tunt ner and George Wyiey United Annivernry Anniversary Iervlces ward ennv ducted nt Coldwnlcr United Church on Oct 17 by Ravi Arthur Creuwell BA of Queen Streei Uniiud Church Lindsay Rev Run Cumman at Coidwnter took anniversary service at the Lindst church Speciei number were run by the Junior ehnir II he YSATfichaem WW Belhel Penlecoslul Church BAMK SCHEDULED PROGRAM dont mix ill COLDWATER SPEEIIII EIIILIIIIEIIS MEETINGS WWW MON OCT 2510 FRI OCT 29 at 415 pm 158 BUIIIIHEESI BEAUTIFUL FlANNEL MPH PICTURES 11mlle RTOIIIHE COLLIER ST BAPTIST wnwmt QMW yumny FELLOWSHIP 0F EVANGELICAL BAPTISTS REV NULLMEYER PASTOR 945 hmBIBLE SCHOOL ll amGONE FISHING pmwmr GOD HARDENED PHAROAHS HEAR iPLUs RUTH COPELAND IVIOLINIST AND MMHMIHST BROADCAST OVER cKBB The other day we got to wondering why it 15 that the gentle man whose duty or delight it is pull the switch and plunge the town lnw duknesspnd impotence while repairs are made the hydro never pulls it to suit our convenience An expert once showed us coil copper wire which weigh ed about hundred pounds Pick that up he told us carry it from your eeiiur to your attic up and down three round trips and then you will have good idea of how much work hydro does for eaoh and every cent you pay for it Happily wegot good idea of his point without having to make the experi ment Imagine servant wdrking as cheaply as that in your home and with mm kind of energy And not one pair 01 Hands but twenty qr Ioriyr as many as you have outlets and no tea brenk no hailday on no Sundéys away And talk About skillsi This modem servant of ours pumps water that flows out our taps shaves gs warms us cools us makes our toast percolntes our genes cooks our dinners freezes our desserts lights each or our houses with more candle power Ith kings and queens used to be able to muster rot their royal balls does more things than the servants and slaves of bygone dny and to quit in the middle or ii for couple of hours every three or six months nafiurnlly is most idisconcerting to us and causes us no small inconvenience and annoyance Now mere is theologicni angle to this whiz intrigues us not little How is the modern man going to be suited with the appointmean or heaven We have fear that his habit of vocal impatience here is going to get him into some em barrassing situations later on morning servlcunnd at the even ing serving Mn Lloyd Lethcrhy church orgnnls and senior¢holr Head sang The Lords Prnyu GIRLS AND BOYS T0 FULL GOSPEL PHSTIIRS CONEBEEHTIONS unnrmows 13mm mum SAT OCT 30 pm TERRY lawel or bath mu with loop at mrruw eIuUn uwed cattycorner an point nuke vncllul cover at your babyl chum uhlu Even ullve to unt nnk It out of plue It en or you to Inn on hint emum nu Imu mm ht Mothers Helper BE SURE TO ATTEND num Yum Am Up REV ORAL ROBERTS CAMPAIGN III lnlemled penom In ukod to lend wlthln ndlu of no talk from halo MEETING IN THE BAILIHE AREA wlll bu held In the connmln Named unex Louis IX 01 France Lnula 1n Mlssnurl was ounded tradlni past In 1m CAUHOUS APPROACH OHAWA 1CPlIf Dy meni direcior of engineering or lnannndn Air Lines is mm hdlcoplem or lrnnsparls wlll nui be in cxienslve use by com merclnl alrllne in Canada or lens six yam He old the Can dlnn Aeronautical lnsillule ihnl heiicnplers will no my limit way until at least I960 Sunday 730 pm LOYAL mun nun HAIL 19 man STREET Sunday mnmlnl nrvlee In ml mlulvnu lllllflhlldm un talln mlnhle 0mm lulu Ihe Ick um llfllcled Eleni blessing Iwm you any hymn tlnxlnfl GOSPEL MEETINGS EVBRYONE WELCOME FRENCH ORIGIN FULL 11 8h Cecil Bnnm EAL Mr Wmn Muluu ornnm SUNDAY ocmnm 24 1954 315 umJr mien Ind Sr Church Schwl so comm mm st Mnjumud Mn Cooper Ccnlnljcnnllflltlnn Io wonlilprll Cnlller skeet 810 pmYuunxPeoples Meeun mmm Retlur Rev NewtonSmith BA 300 LIL0L COMMUNION 1100 himMORNING PRAYER suunu scnoox pnuEyliNlNG PRAYER SUNDAY OCTOBER umllollnm Meellnl Tha Salvation Army nlblé 61m pmEvlnnlhllc Servlce AND nnfin us CAME Nursery Bellman Ind mth Church School Penmqu Ammhllu at Club 20 MULCASTER 5T BARBIE REV IL BURGESS PASTOR SUNDAY OCTOBER 24 195 unSundy Schnul and 1qu Ohm Bélfiel Pénledbslhl Church Tnudly pm nn MICHELSON hwy Judle ludlu Mlnlslu llehmw Chrllllln our ALL WELCOME CLAPPERTON 51 AT WORSLEY HIV LUCK BA Bl Mlnmu MISS CLOUGHLEY Orlunhl MO uniSUNDAY 801100 ALL AGE ll nil11 FLOOD 91m OWE IIEHTRICTIONH EVERYONE WEIXIOME HRSTBAPTISTCHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICE AT comm STREET pNImnnculgncLI CENTRAL UNITED VESPRA ll Allll and 3A Lflm 200 InnEVENSONG SUNDAY ll un pm REV MRS OBRIEN Gaul Speak Inlmll0 MIXKHHB LIGHT PRAISE 51H FORTH THY LIGHT HOPE 045 nlnfidunlnn lnlmnrdllll Ind Iknlnr Dupln 00 all Nuvmy Klmhrlulm Iml lrlmnry Hath HITTUII thmOMN LIGHT TINT41m THIN Ill Churn IIHWAKU 10 0V WM um nu wucn mu bluum mm Annnun meltI IO MY vJAY IN Tm SIMNfllll OF THE mm ran 11 MOUNTAIN SHALL 11 Mr Vklm Knox NAME ANDLITILE MOHE mm SAINT GEORGES CHRIST CHURCH EVERYONE WEmOME Coilier Slreel United Church 1Mvmlvlwmnl EIUI Trln Mn Cuuth Mu II Bujunl Mu ll Armllmnl RRRIVERSRRY SERVICES Mhllnnd wlll proch mumlnl nml WHIan Mlnlllu Rev Lewis MA nn omnln um Chnlrmallur Lloyd mmm THE CHURCH SCHOOL HUNDAY OCTOBER 24 1054 REV AULD 24 1954 26 IBM pan dimmaxsmzéunnine Ur wilhqqt not usurp 1M right by making murder wuwm them like Ibsoluidy certain you know whit youre shooflnl at this coming hunting mun bdqxe you queue 12 Hugh nzv nn wsmm Mlnlsler HAROLD nmrsu 0mm SUNDAY 0610mm 24 libSUNDAY SCHOOL 1100BEGINNERS DEW 11 In Ind 1mm Speck Spun REV MISS FLORENCE HUNTER or Anxux ilouy smlm wllhdnwn Bur ton Ave Anplvengry pmEVENING wimsuur ouihmini 761mmqu SUNDAY OCPOBER 24 IBM 11 LamMORNING WORSHIP Suh1$ The Minister ul bolh servlncs amElks Flreslde Mnllng ll InaChurch School FE REV mum 1m Minmer MIL FRANK DUICHER 0111mm ISL Andrews Presbflerian Chuvch Owen and Wnrslcy su SUNDAY OCTOBER 20 10M 45 InnCHURCH SCHOOL ll lamNanny Ind Klnduxulen School 00d of ana Ind the Bhutan ol Llle no pinnurse Avenue United Church Annlvenuy umYum Peopla Meelln Everyone Welcome 1100 REV JAMES FERGUSON 11A Mamet uh mans Russ AnillclnY 21 Colllcr Slrccx ll Allln field ILL L111 llov mom sharing Ml7 VJX Mn Ilium Chnlr Dlnclu Llymenl Bundly no mllnly Cammnnlon HM umMlllnn and Herman Imchm MR ERIC SIMPSON 100 plIIEvtnlung Ind Human PIQIIhIP Mn ARTHUR MDRIIUW Immorulm 200 Blyfleld at SUNDAY OCTOBER 24 1054 REV BRIGHT 1000Sundly School 1100 7J0 Preuhln EVERYBODY WELCOME TRINITY XIX SUNDAY WHEN IDTII BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH Coma ma wmhlp wllh the Blfler and Ille Swlel Enri rnnm Out Time Yau Ire cordlnlly welcome FREE METHODIST CHURCH TRINITY CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH COME TO CHURCH wemfexwnn mum Arkhanlrlnky llnwluyl Illnlnkluwl IAmmmIm 24 1954

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