Lain Ottawa Scout cummissioner Denies Movement ls 0ut0fDate AtMeetingOfAssociationHere To have sucécsslul local ussocIallnn and Scout mnvcmnnt rcunrcs good plnmï¬ng on the part of everyone Commissloncr McGrenor said The CUmmLzsinncr who was in imduccd by Ian Weismnn district commissioner said that from repent he had heard during he evening there was every indica lion happy aimosphcre and considerable prozrcss in the local association Imporhm Funtljun An annual meeting was an Im purtanz luncllan Uw speakcr said because allowed the ofllclnls to review their work ovEr me year and let them plan heir activmcs or Ihc mum Fortyseven years ago when the Scout movement was stapled it was very simple ihinx cunslst In small group of buys and an adult leadcr Today however he movement had gmwn Into van urganlzollun and wiLh that Erowlh was required more crun umkln so that more could be done fur the boys It was clenl III In Lhe various lmups to have cnonflnlled plannlng One pmblem mm me move mcm today was the difï¬culty 1n finding adequate accnmmodatlnn or the 1mm and tmnpl They had duly to see that annulus were pmvldcd so that young boys wï¬nvme nbwbelngkhmc 1wa because lack moulan places coLIJd bq npvcntcgljflto Scouuln Commissioner McGrcKul sald he could not undonflnnd the crlllcliln wlllc wns wmcllmcs levelled at he movement um ll was ouluIv data One had only cxamlnc lh Ideals and princlplcsnl Scout lnn lald dnwn by Lord Baden PowelL 90th YearNo IZI Crltlclsm that the Scout movement is out of date 15 with out nnyloundatlon because today it Is governed by exactly the same principles and Ideals whlch Were the busls for the organlzatlon when it was estubllshed 41 years ago by Lord linden Powell This was one of the main points made by JohnMcGregor Executive Commissioner ï¬r Training Canadian Headquart eis Ottawa when he spoke at the annual meeting and banquet of the Battle Boy Scouts Association in St Andrews Presbyterian Church nail on Wednesday night nuuu or scum One of he first things that Seoul must subscribe was Lhc Dr Bilkey Heads Scouting Movement Here Al the annual mccflnfl he BurricBny Seoul Assnclnnon held In SI Andrews Pmbylulnn Church hnll nn chnuday nlxm Dr mlkey wn rcclccud prcsldcnt for nnulhu Icrm Exrmlllvn mrmhuu MW 11 WIer Munrr llny mm mm Dr Wnndmr Hrlnury Olhnr nmmlnhnrnu rrcmn mend hy nmnllullhvuumunlb and nppmvul Um mum wrm Inlluwi Dlxlrlrl Cmmnlvhmrh Ind Wcll man my nccluvunllum vlcupml drnl an no nmmlulrtl hum new urcunvm mmlnry Jmk mm mm lmmllcr Juhn yhlnlwr VON Campaign Poalponocl To November 15 nun nvmn mm crimpll mm mm mmluma nm Inn 11 has her waser pmï¬mm mu muml mm rnmpalnl nl Ill Milli hunch Ihr Vlrlnr Inn nlvr Nunrl IclmlulNl lm mm huhwl mm mm ml Nuv Ivu nmmml 11y Ilw lvnlmmv Ivflry Mlumlln murmmm pm mm mm unvnu lu umfllrl wnh lhe ample Hr rullovllmu ll Inml II when run VIAlot II II Inul hum Ill mu wlll1vu mmmuly My In In hep unry ml the mev the mm 01 ha vmnmn om whkh II In rvay ml drill Wmm Serving TOWN or mm com or swoon Since 1864 law that am ï¬rst duty was to Gad Scouting had dnnE much tov wards malan more pimple ap predate the impnmancc mu 5km No one can say vlhat Ls out of date he commended Thby also had In be helpful In other people and by the Scauls dally good turn my were doin this The Scout also stressed duty to Quecn and country and um could never be out 01 date They also laugtn commonsense and discipline From the Hm he movomcnt sunted boys name to it looking or Idvcnluro an nutur danrs program and good show ship wa on that basis nal ihc movmncnt um consolidated H501 and boy were siill iio inn lo become Scams in the pro on my lur those same reasons Cammlsionér Welsmaï¬l Smuflnl in Barrie Lushlei con tlnuc to grow The seven groups under our arganizauon have In most cases larger number boys onmllcd Ihnn at thlx Urn magcur Boy Scants have 2159 Increased 1n numberl mainly because mare and mbre Cubs are olnfl up in the 1room that some or our Trovps In strength Surciy our movement is nul out date otherwisc why wauLd our number be increasing so rapidly every day he mid Dialrict Report The following mpor was sub mlLlcd lo the ling by Dishk4 Jam cspcclally have Joined In such numbers Lhal lhrce n1 om Packs have ham to divide Into and smflnm Aflhnum than has not been corrupnndlnl mwlh in our nov cr Crew we um expcd bufldup hm I00 prclnnk Scams much Rover In Tnnhllvc plans bolnl made or the formalin at win crew In the district AllTlma Peak In Barrie Dlmm nnw hnl well over 400 Cubs Scouts Rover and lmdcrswmch Is course an nlltlmc pmk The arlc number or and womcn dcvotlnz thclr Unu to the lrnlnlni cur boys the Scout mnvumcm locally load no hope lhnt alhcra wlll be laund they Mu named The mnn nbslncln to even nl hnb mm mm mllundcrslnndlnl the nllulrcv Inan or lmdcrshlp 11m two main llmfllnl radar for Iulure lrthh are adequate lcldcnhlp and more mccdng place Pack and Troop No previous txnorlcnce Cub Scum ur vacr is nuccmu What In rcqulrcd In good chnr ndur mlhusllsm nnd nn Inmm In lhc wullnrc our boy sul Hclontly ltrvnl Ind annulme lu ammo unselth nndcnnununducr vlcc In their Inmnt The pm blcm nIanng places 15 pm bnhly the mom difï¬cult It wlw Mad our mm Iwmmr rd by churchu nnd me many or Inlmuonl mm mum Hm use Chunh ludllflu ml do he Pack and Trmps Ilnwrvnr ll vrry muuh In be rcurpucrl Hut nn muny mullnr rumIna mum cum aunun 1pm wrr wnh Illlln mlulllrriuun Inr lhr flrfl Ill lhe mm lrmlrm nnd Imyl and Im mm lhrlr Illnlnlnli Clllim Ml rnnllnlly Invllrd mend 9min tum 11 In wmn wrlrnuw Mhndrvl It In public 11m wll hm nu hula and rllllvm wlll hnvl Ihu vrpulllllllly ll hrmmu lnrmlnll Um Allmlllllm Allmvllh Hm lhlllhrn Villl IIle nmnl mm will be Man at work um llhlhll wl llr InhA pllrvl In uphln mm unumw mm MINI In llnlnlnfl Th wlll lm Imnh thh llHl rnlnln Ill vlllllvrl wl lm humbly Im pulled Iml Impllml wllh Ihn wumlnlul nnlvml whlch hll hem mm In All Allmllllml lhl II vl Im IIII yo Illcnd 0wa Iluuu In Km 3er khnul Allmulnlr ml Mun day mum mum 11 mm wuvk mum by um linrllu ml Jhlllrl Alwlillhm lnr llrlnldrd Chumm Retarded School Assoc Holding Display of Work Ml mulplmnl whim wn dunv um by Iucnl ICIVICF Club and vllwr vrnlllnllvnl wll be on my ï¬lly Ind In will mml In minu mm In nvvlcu cluln Mn lllmlllnn llbp MldA III anther um DHII IN qvluenl lu uplllu III ulllhlll Mould hp mmm My um vnwluumtly llml luck or 1min ur mrdlnu Munn In nu vx Eh mam iEXaminvr cue for overmenng Packs and Troups The service we do our country our oommunlty and bur boya ls nmmmsurcd by the num ber of buy mmlled but by the quality of the Lralnï¬nl they get In the Packs and Troops An ovu largu Pack am only hope give watered down verslnn the Cub program to its members and the same thflng thMes In Scouu has never been the abbluan of he Boy Scout Assadadnn In enroll every boy In the ooumry between the ages at eight and elghlccn Thin and Inwrexlv vary and thaw whu choose Scum lng as their spare mt activity should be wurcd of Zen1W Scnullng Local Allccllllon Before golng on resume at events the past year some observations on the local assem uon levcl might not be xemlss he local assmaalon pcrsonngl Is made up ol the executive and two members mm each group oommluce In the dishint This In not large bmby cunsldrring the many mlnzs that must shuuld nr could be done In the Interest the movcmcm locally Anyone with slnccrc 1mch In Smlhllng will he mum than welcome us mcmher but much grmtcr pmgrnl can be made and me burden lessch or 0mm whn lallhlully attend mccllngn ll my present mmnbLrs wlll make real cum lo be present our month ly meellnzs Our alm should ho to have many dolng 1mm well Some or our important wmmmcul have fullcd to luncllon betanus of lack of mcmhurs and lt ream un alr mm law would be saddled wth heavy duties hmusn up polntcd repmmlnllvcs all to attend Impamam lnlormnllun ol lnn dnc Ml gm D0 he Krounl whcn they are not on hamll Than remark IpPly equally to Lend who are ollen alluded by decl slons lay members the Assoc lallon Us Camp Our Wildmun Camp was In canilam um mm late June to any smembcr The Dimm Camp was well mended Ind Cub and Scout Camp varytnl lcnalh were held by Barrie Fuck and mm Groups 1mm Cam Burden London Wrston and Sar nll camped mm did Guldu from Barrio dlxlrlct Many 1w pllcatlonl use of the camp had In be mused and the development second camysiu mammal If the popularity of the camp cow flnucl Forulry Clmp The Annual Farcslry Camp wll held hi the min and H500 1m were planted The ur on Indrnhlp ml upon he very low lenders whu were nblc lo be here And uncu this has been the cum mch ycur Ll quseltcd hu In nun nnel Tmup undertake Io plan denu lw number Iran and make Ihtlr own nrrnnxcmcnu or ul unx lhe work donc Earllcr plant In ndvlsnblg and In ml way mum pmlnby be completed by my Cub 11mm prellmlnuy Coumc was hrm ll Camp nurdm meun lcudrn lrom lhrrlc Il Muler the twoday muon under Un lmmmlp FltId Cmnmll sloncr Jnck Atkinmn and Asxl ercullvc Cunvnlslonlr Hub Mm rum Ivrovuncm nud cn nml Danie mu Allumhln lluvrrl M0 he cmmmhnlfllrd on Lluelr new bulld hm llcvmuy Urdu on land Inu ul mm the rnllwny with the lwlp n1 lhclr ruun Oummlurc Ind lumlcxn wll Iw used lhIVtr Dru lml will bl nvllllblc or us by Cubs and Scauln 0L AHHIHIHIu nnd ulllrr mum Tum pm mm mum Arena Concession To Toronto Firm Rog Ayres Manage Cnurrnhm mr Iruhmufl lmulhn mmu Arrnn mu hrrn Hm mm nun 11m nnmum leum lurunlu The mm mumr Hr Aym wrllklmwu Alcwnd Culnmunlly Home and Iormrr mumam wlm mnmlm nu llnukrlprr lur Hm lmrkey xnm llnnlll Amu fummlmun nu mnmmm up ur mum rul work my Ilul lluxr wun number epile nl which HI Thran Cnulrdlum WII um Illlrrrd mull Ivorbun TlIII nllm whlrh hm rmmrrllulu wllh Fnlw qu mum Ilrrldy Im Hm lmulh runrrulunn Il mm In ï¬lmmu Thmmu lirlwlu mm lunun lu mnnnn Imm nlnn Inllmlmll Indoor lllll lllVIn nlltl mm mm lmul uquluul mull lho Ill hunlha All Alma lwn nl llul NHL W0 ll llm le on ll lw lllInl on Um muml llmvr ma lh lull mmnlor lnml upuup Anna mum Wl Allm tlllrl Ibll II II I9 nnnl ynlfly Io luuy nupplln Ill pmdnu Incll whm panL rv mu nmmu wll nml Hull new iml Iddlllnllll Mulpment llu born IIIlulled In than Ia wuvldl luv mvlce lur pulmnl $2 NN $050 $51 DZU OEZO mxm WANTS TERMINAL qumrc TIJlmbcc Imam rude urqu mum hello mum nrw nlr hummer lvrmlnnl how The urunnlmllun cnnlplnlm Uml wamm lrnvclllm Hm Murillmrs uw Unllul smu Ixnul hm go In MnnlrML my AN EXAMINER WANT All ml JOHN lllAlll Deputy Mlnlalor Health or om ntlu In soon have In cm the ribbon to umclnlly open Mrlun new $32400000 wwm dllpoul plant extension yrmnmy allornoon lo mm Omar who wn dopuuahiu for In Wurahip Mayor II 13mm and rluhl Mu Klnzle umlnnnn or the speclnl wwnuc LEGION BRANCH GIVES $500 TO FLOOD RELIEF Barri Bunch of the un adlnn Lexinn wnnunced lnl nlht pl JtJvlllvmko nAo mtlon of 3500 to lheOnlarln Hurricane Mlle Fund Thlr publlcxplrlted slurs Wu mounted by IL Mil un lreuurer the branch who explllncd Ilm the dam on Ind bctn worde am on the bull of one dolllr hr each member Inï¬he bunch hen Mennwhlln dnmllnm Ire lllll belnx mclvtd at nm Bar rlc Exlmlner Olllce Acknowl edged In WednesdlyZl Luna Wen daniflom hmdcd In hare lohllln SIG Since Ian mum 530 lull been recelved from the lollowlnx Mn Ida Mllcomson Pentium 85 Malcomaan 1th EL 310 Jun line Unhlm 1W Mulculcr BL mumn vmuver the Mlnu Held 09 Bophll 3L Well 15 Mr Ind Mn Dan Slinan Dunlap sum Eul 35 Kmunkr 110 Tenth Hlmk Ind Mn Mrbllllln 50 llnlnlo HL One Indy who madn do mllnn mm um uh uh mm manymun IIARROWING nxemrerue which saw her marooned in her home in the Angus Flats from Friday evening untll Wednesday has now ended for Mrs Betty Butts who now homeless and with her husband in hospital in Kingston is being returned to Kitchener to her parents through the aid oi Red Cross oiiiciuls inlEarrie Her home was located on the ilatlund near the area where the Mad River and the Nottawasaga River join Due to the tremendous cur rent which was setup where the rivers met it was found impossible to get rescue bouts throughvto the Butts home where another couple Mr and Mrs Mervyn Bell were also living fIhe house howover had Méther land Cliildren Marooned for FiVe Days by Flood affAnguLs New$324000 SewagePIantHere Officially Opened on Thursday By DeputyMinister Of Health In culflng lhe ribbon over the enhance it Hm plant Dr Phnlr who was Introduced by Reeve IL Greer In the flbSlncc nl Ills Worshlp Mayor Smith In Illuk It gave hlm much personal Lï¬sfncflan opnn lhc plank uni he nmc me ha commLnd he cullan Barrie and lhu mlm her the present oouncll and olhnr mundll which hm wnkcd on the project on their foresight and NUNJRQ It In nhcad Enrrles new $32400000 sewage disposal plant the larg est llnnnclul undertakan by the town was ofllelnlly opened yesterday Afternoon by Dr John Phnlr Deputy Mmlstcr Health for Ontario was mllcstone In mung hullur nthquake mwm disposal town ammo rum Thr mmpllk plum now cousins an ulllcc Immunz nmy plum wmw ll mm wwnuc mm or Um mm hulll ymxn nm clnrllhr with mjmtily nl mom cubic 1m and NuIMLr um um slngo mm vmm Um hulldinn holmv mmqu lrvIl whm 11 mm mm In Irï¬rmer which mnvm mmmnl llkr mm nnll ml In 11km In In valllmls HIL mm panel mmuun Hm nlllnl In In tnnununikm mlmm Whllh um up 1m mm and mm Iulx Um nmunnnu mmnrial throuuhï¬ screen me hem ll Kats Ino he sewage wcll and 12mm fllu Ulrcc pumps 1n lho bulldan which takes 1le wucr underground to lhn nulslde larl or Two 01 um pumps hanch 1500 gallons pLr mlnutc Ind the ulhu 2500 gnllmu In he sew nxe well than syxlcm of out and dvpcndlng on he vol ume In lhe well these long can brim he pumps nulumaurallj 1n lo oncrnuon lo rrmnvc the scwuxe lo the clnrfllcr In the evcn heavy lnlnke IMO er well all three pumps would come lulu upvmllunnl the game lmc urlllln Icvlod ANN ll rnltrx llu clurmerv Hm sown unwed Icmnm mumu plllml ulmnl lmlr luvurx DmInu Um Mule mild sink he lmllnm he hm lnnk Inn by ayJArm Hum uwy nra erpl lnlo Hw mun lhv lnnk ulul llun mnvryzI Um unnmlcn All mm mm Isl lldmlllld hr suwmw wllllt 11 H1 Hu clurillrr WM lvavr tlu clnnlhr Hm man mm mm lhc lhnn mm mks Ur mmmr mum wr hul hul lhr wild alt lk¢ll ltl Hw Harmr it cmnmluu at town council Dr Phnlr anld It gm hlm much plenum In no pmcnt ah um occulon or another mllerwnu belni marked In lhu growth or um wwn run he congratulated tho cllmm and cmmcll members on thelr conrnne 1M arealgm In going ahegd wrlh urn momlon phone communication with the outside Although frantic plea was made that the household was running out oi food no one could get through to them Mrs Butts aided by neighbor tried to get from the house to the village but their boat was just carried away by the current and they were fortunate to make their way back to iheir isolated home When the water subsided they got back them selves on Wednesday Mrs Butts husband was recently discharged irom the Army She is seen here with her three children Christine John and Wayne szï¬m 3m lurul cum l6 P0985 TWO Sections when the water ï¬nally leaves the anks is pmdlwlly clmr 01 any sewage and In In WisHe thmugh he various processnl unlu it ubkdnd lo 1rnlllmcm by chlorine injection whhrl Mil any germs in the sewage belom goes into lhc bay Interelllnz rmm An lnlcrchnx mum of me plant that the mllds whEn they no Into the dincslur tank are nub m1cd lo hm lmflmrm from holler As Ule wlida nru hauled they give 011 Ia and um is pumped back Jo lhc bollor mom and used as Incl lo keep In boiler opcmtlnu Whflh the mild are drlcd nu lhry are taken any mm the mm by Iruck and In used or mm plums as manunm land 0n plan whlch has been mm mm lher maln omce mm also the lulnralnry um um nzlmcs ut lhu mmhm muncll over the pun two yum whu wure mmmcd wm uw rmuuu of he projm Mayor $1th nml HxMnyor Jumu Hm Hrer Grccr Drnuly llvcvc Hnlwmd and Aldvr um mamm mm Clum wnunm lhr mm mundl MdNnur Ix Ynunn Julmwn and Sprlnu ITIIIH lu pnur qur Nuler MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY ï¬nal can Ilwlyl hu happened is Itlll happening Ind will continue Io happen hat whnn Inyane know you have any nnvy connec uun they will humnrously rater you as Admiral when In con Versullun Nnmully lhll In of mm will annoy thy naullcal typel her Inlercstlnx slluaflon has developed In Barrie rccenllyhnwcvcrwhm by lean three people an new claim the Hun Admiral The hm qucsllon that know or Rowe 90 Col Garry Lee and mynfl Our ccrullcuu ol cornmlulun have Jun come Lhrwshnppolm In much at us Admiral In tho Confederate Navy Jth In cue people In buln Mn wonder would palm out that the commlmlnn Ilrlcfly uni organized by one the leu Club In lha USJ undqnisinn venture ll Wll Onle newt an cxNIVY lyvc and past prelmcnl the Barrie Lions Club who hurd abuul Nurse connummns And he mu uwny or one or hlmnll or Col Lce and myself did My pllllcnhr pwlnmuumm Cunhdrrule Nnvy Culfllule ol Cnlmnhxlum nr 11 knuwn lu you REPAIRS BEING MADE ON CNR RAILWAY LINE Tm lerml ha cummlmlon nrc rnlhrr lnluullnx ind NM nu lhcm unn nnmully rulllu Hun Huy conluly mumu from ll om South an mum lhcy nnlunllly wvukl II Wll lhn Cunndcrulc Navy The Lost Column Tum lo ny scam mnon Wm In pan nw plum The Title ls Admiral lly ll anL qur plrnlol