Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Oct 1954, p. 8

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Llfc at nlmn mater has been ins ns actlvcsn here gncs Volleybnll Th Inlerschonl valleybnll cams have been chosen and are as an nws Sunlm Team June Clcule Fnyn Mlllar Juan Snrjcnnl an Wesl mun Norma McClellan Ruth Dan gcrfleld PM Orll Lonaim Camp hcll Karen Jones ith Welsh nll Penman Lorna McLean Terry Paterson Nancy Cnmemn Lnrucn Cnlnllls Gull Cnrnlthcrs Junior Team June Aycrsl Sho lla Man Dawn Campbell Bully Bislmp Belly Mlllnr Gall Knshr nnr llll Smilh Pauline Ford mucus Excll Nollle Rnsnowskl luvWall Belly Nune Webb Carol Watson Pm Hum Mnry Jacksunl That cumplctes lhe 1m except WINNERS OF THE ladies dlsmct soLbnll filaydowns and Copacd Trophy to £th first time were Elmvnle whode1ent ed defending chumplons Barrie Greer Aces lrithe flnnls protqu lodgedpnfthejlnpl game by the Aceswon by Elmvale 75 but the soltbnllcommmee ruled it put Mém bag of the chqmplunshl squhd ure Jan to rightfimck By CATHERINE COLEMAN Brought CPPéwfIbpliiJIfiéfilrfivhlé or the brains at me nutfll nonc nlhcr man Conch Miss Macdnnnld 0n lhe bright sunny uflcrnoon of Wednesday Oct 13 EDCI play ed host Inc Orllliu football team plus huh nuracilvc cheer loaders The Big Game cnmmcnccd nl pm and laslcd or two and Quarter terrmc hours During that film Barrie bccum victors ngnln by score of 255 m1 Football Dunn Club The 195455 executive or lhu newlylnrmed drnmn club 15 n5 follnwszPrcsldLnt Ed Johnslon VicePresidem Maureen Bullock SecretaryTrcnlurer June Gmhum Stage Manager Jim llnnsun Cnn and Properlluanrolyn Payne quolgp Pat Hamilton Lightlng nn wondcrlthe lcnrh gem hong an We th HE EDflChtl Bob Shnmion Inlmducing new member he statl M150 Prltcharg who cache French Ihn Miss Pritchnrds home in To ronto She has taught at Stralh my Ontario and Richmond whlch near Ouawn before coming Barrie Miss Prllchnrds spcclnl micron are young people work and lrnv cmng welcome to DDCI and may you have an enjoyable and uuccgsslul year Thlls llfc or thls week 50 unfll me next lme vnm same In case you dldnl rccngnlzc that 11s Francais row Mel pnrreujmnmngeri AnuenBertxamwidlth Robert son Marg Townes Aanbelle Waplesv Ann Merl Marlo Reynolds RuthAnn Green Cecll Tinney conch Front row thrleyMcKny Mary Barthelobte Mnrleneyrmney Anne EltchkyMnry McFadden Penunnllllu Afmy Air Force Motor Transport Drivers Compete OTTAWA 02¢ 7Army and Air Force molar hamper drivers will cnmpelg ll RCAF Slnllun Rockclmo oulsldn Otllwa Och and 15 In InterCommand Sale and Skilled Derlnl Compeflllnm it was announch ndny by Na tional Delence Hendqunrlcm The drivers nil winners pre iiminnry contest within their own Command represent Army and Air Fem4 units ncrnu Cnnndn and from the RCAFI Air Divi sion in Europe Six llnniisilthru ram each of the two Servitel will quality to enter the Anncd Servicu Divin sum the Annual National Sale Drivinl Comyelition in Toronlo Nov 20 and 22 under the auspice of the Automotive Transport Al sucintion These II will come pole in Toronto or the ArmEd Forces lrophy The fiééiciifle competition wm Include Written 1030 and nclunl driving contests The final will Enmmer mm gv Inm An Invitation lbpular RCMP Officer Retires Cunp Borden cumL 0mg Bnmn last pwuhr ma wdlknuwn member at he com munity In the mm reurumnl on pendona Cpl Peler Five llcli amp Bordeh Detachman llaan Clmdkan Mounled Police Few Indetd were lhc communlty occasions when Lhé tall lure of Bordtna favorite Maunue wu not well to he lure accnmpanled when 20253114 by Mm Puvelldl and daughter AnnRae and Don Pele mvencn wns born In Kenulon Saskntthewnn Ind Join ed he RCMP nl Relinn 1n Navem her 193 Mm tulninpm pm mvlsion Regina he was past ed to Nunska 1n sprlng 011932 From me on Cpl Pavclich served vanous dflnchv mama In New Brunswick belore being transferred Dlvulon find the Orlllla Detachment In 1943 August 1947 law him Iran lemd to Camp Borden go opcn the RCMP Detachment here From then an unm his retirement 1m mnmh Barden wn ofllcc and home Chatting to cm Pmuch about his service in the RCMP brought iurlh exacin the aanie number ihlliiing stories olcxcllcmcni and adventure as dog similar can versnlion with any member or he larcejusiexaclly none Accord ing to the members what lm been described the mast glam orous police lurce on earlh nerv inx in that name farce it as about exritinq VII Spending an evening wilhiyour maiden aunt Mallida and they make mlemcm along mule line wlm poricctly airnluhi race An Bppbnl me just one little story In boxuiic our reader broughtuthnl blank ox nresslanncms me normnily cx presrivc countenance cl Borden nflflinnlMountle and we had to switch the convemuon la ordin ary humdrum malra to kflcp him from tleeinK We did howeven eilcii ill tam 1h ceflain Miss Katherine Tall of Grand Faiis N3 leli Victim lo lhe imaehlnatlnm or he fled Club as represenitd by one Peter Pavei ilch in he year i957 and con aented ahare his joy and wr rows in the mic 01 hi apouae daughter AnnRae young lady at no mean achoiaalic amin menls joined the Paveilch De tachment in 1m and Donna Marie completed the party in 1940 events taking plac in Grand Whfle competition In known Normally In Truck Ended uervlm meter the term Sale and Skilled Driving Compamlnn Mho rampemlon doesnt deter mln who no the most duhlnl rlvm laid one Mr Format lIL The prlzca no base whn score hlxhul In wrlmn nnd uncflcnl mu mm ml and 111qu aran nlmyfiu 1d gm FrldnyLOcL 15 Baton lenvln Bordon Cpl and Mn Paveflch were preunted by the Camp Commander CcL To Become cllgxblu or he corn pallllon der mull have an nccldemree ycur helmc entry SEWAGE COMMLITEE 1M Clxulrmnn Mayor Jnmu IL Johnna my Young Oordnu Sprhm Klmln II Greer ll Glnlwood IL Inddlw Cluh The Mayor and Council or the Town of Bnrrle extend moat courteous lnvlcallon to the citizen to attend the omclnl opening of the new munlclpnl sewage disposal plum on Thursday afternoon at 230 oclock Member or the Sewage Committee wlll be present to conduct gulded tours of the plant By taking lull advantage existing tncllmca and the convenient location at Brad ford alrch near Tmln the new plant WM completed at mlnlmum cost Treatment 5mm will be handled more thoroughly nnd more emclcnuy wmle nclllnl cnpncny L1 In cronicd almost times Without lhcac ncllllmI the contlmlcd growth and prosperity possible The lmprovcmcnc of sewage nclllllcs bccnmo nccuury when the Ontario Depart mcm of Health ordered that no more oublelalom could be approved In the Town of Bnrrlc unless new sewage plum WM bum Work commenced In 1053 and In new munca wnnmn hm nclllmar the contlmlcd row and prosperity of Barrlo would not no IEEBEII SMITH Mlyor Clark D00 with delight fully unusual memento 1mm arm at bray doorknocker mnumed an plaque and nut rgundlnx the RCMP budge The Camp Borden bowling and hockey leagues whlch Peiej was an enthuflnsllc and energetic cmnmmee member and the RCEME owcenMeu Bridge lub at which haul Pete and Kay are charter members are ml the only organization In Camp which sin cerniy regret the depnnure Hill charming family Thclr going is inns in me community as whole and we wish them in bright and happy future wherever they may in To ML Pcior Paveiich district manager or the Canadian Order Foraslen we wilh the best good luck and we hope oi see him at his new nddrcal Na Cinveriey Siren Oriilia Ontario AFHQ Anvnounce Opening of New Training Unit SEPT 29Alr Force Headquar leu today announced In openln new training unit at RCAF sinunn Cllnlan Ont The unit will be called the School 01 Food Stillvices and will open early lhh Under the command at HIth Llculennm Isobel Mncflle lhl new school wlll provide trnlnlng on threu levtln bulc cookery lot thwcwho actually produce lhe meals aupgrvlory inlnlnl or NCO nnd lcnanl lnatruclar or load urvlce nltendnnlm The ball mum is at 12weekl durniion And covert all mum at messinl including in Ipcziniizcd prepamion of homiinl mph The NCO course oi len weeks cover lh same ground irom luervir my pain at view plu inliruciion in pennnnei mungamut Food service unendnml wili receive mining iorJix weekl OpelMed an Ilmulated men undnrRGAF lnflructorl lhn achonl wlll me slundnrd service rnllonl and equipment Rnlhcrthm upc lnllzlng In any one load lralnm will be laugh lho prcpllallnn complcle mcnlll CPL PAVEUCE BFMP finfiku Imam uu ELDON GREEN Reeve RCAF OFFICERS ENTERTAIN AT MESS DINNER mun mmygynsgu on 195411 The Commanamg Otlicu and Oman at RCA Shun Camp Borden enleruflnrd Ihn hononry members at their first lnmml mm dinner Frlday LnL Ammun menu were In charge nu PMC Flight Lleulennm Aflhul Moat hrlel nddrm wnx given by the CO Group Caphfin Syme MBE who slmud the need tar close relallenl between Ill Iervl cu and civil popullllon cult of the vastly dureqem concept AXwmlarll lnhe mic Ige REWAOE COMMITTEE IBM Clmlrmnn KlnylofMaynr Illher 5mm Fl all IL Olrllwoml Paddlmn cum Murray mun Th Bin1e In attendance were Steele Harris an Rodgers PX Empko Dr Johnston Snelzrova ancs Adannon Craig Craig VIEIUE 0F INDEPENDENCE In the day everdncnallnz zovemmemal spoonfeeding of both individual mi bullneu en terprlsu ll 11 lndcezj notewanhy occasion when 11 man seek out an lndepemlcm pnth 3nd strives mnnly to follow immad of zlv Inn way to 15 me Mu Pon ufilon mndn Flfihcrmenl Advocate The magpie about xu bi In pigeon Wettern Canada blrd new only maximally 1n ammo and Qucbtc More nnd more people are makan Dutch Pantry their centre tor Home Baked chclnmes There nuny dmerem klndn homo Inked upeelamu lo be but It Dutch Pintry Crle crunchy braid ovcn balm and nth nudnhyflln Ind caakln mly um men with um thetneuflm only rellly nod home blklnxtm bring And Ian unrlmtnc Dutch dfllclclu mm from Holland Candles hon ham excfllnx Hutch d1th And lot more EH M71131 sin 0mm qhema nomy rhone 2m Dulch Pnnlry Household lllnll In bludcut Rhy Ind Thanh wtr CKBI FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ORDERS IN BY PM DELIVERED THE SAME DAY OVDUTCII PABTBIEE CUP CAKES Or CAKES BUNS DINNER ROLLS ORAISIN BREAp HOME MADE BREAD COOKIES PIES WESTERN BIRD N0 DELIVER WEDNESDAY APIEBNOOIV The Tons ol the Town OIRDWDOD Deputy Reeve PAM EMAIL The law in Denmark mind merging exlxunl mm Into Inter 1mm and emumel the parcel llng out Lhe land Pioxm um Canaan nm public ubmy was Iowade in Montreal 1396 O=NQz EGOU Dm mOKmWOUIN 0592 40 mfifl4 fil Kr 71 178 fiflg Jun

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