uMln JnnlrI Jnhlhlr lml pur llmml hman In Urllhuflmul whwi uhn will lulu up lllhltnm nrxl mumll flrrrnlly Ihr mlrl hmlw nml nnwr pmpmy In llrrlml MII Jnnllnr mm In Itlnll lvvr Illltlmnli lllr Inlv wall nrur Ccrlnr lanL rnlllnl owr An III with Chlel Frinth IIIH Hm nrcldrnl wrrl lull notlld Mm unnl am Inltr va My MM 30 wn Inkln ll SI Alulwwn llmpllnl MldlnmL whrru Luv wm nllrmlml by Dr ll mm lem car umdum nl Cw LH lnlnl on Cu LlD Norlun ur mmhm Illund lmllnn Newman In annlu Grnorul llunlllnl vnllrrlnu hum ll brokcn neck Howmd Illcnrh Tiny Tuwxllhlp anuv chlnf said Friday night Hmhm hull brrn murmur In ur xhlvru by Hnrvry Cuurung MM Cluhllnn Mind mmu mmnn Um whlrle Inn nu Hm um nrur Ccrlnr lanL rnHlnl Grew Doll LIIL Ifnelnnl thC him nwnrdrd cdvrnl lovem lnunl mum at he bulldan ol rlum 101001 lnunchus according xu Amly Morrisun Ronnrnl mnnn mr Mr Mnmmn lhld while ll MM in lawn order will nlonl wlIh Amr wurk being dnno or AmtHm llrnu mlp krrp Hm pldnl xulruz Fire early Monday morning com mllaly dmlmycd Iummer cm me at Dnlm Heath owmd by numxcols Pcnan The man ruvmvd nbouk l1 nm ansml Much 103MB vhu hm uuno uul or cw mln Ls walk bnlurc rcllrmz Mr ansun lmmudlnlnly nollflcd Ihe Iwncr nnd by Ihe llme Mr Bour mrlvcd at the urn an bruuxm Inc bulldinl down lo mum lave 56 mm 57 gout PHOTOGRAPHER want In by canoe to get ï¬rst hand information and pictures the devastatlon 1n Tecumscth 5an sunMEnménm water mm which may be seen the bodies of several flnimals who were mused between the ten LIV IN WILLINHWUUID GET FEDERAL CONTRACT Elm BROKEN IlflE RAZES COTTAGE PHONE 2517 BEAVER Columnist Examines Flood Damage Animals quwhedfFafm$ LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED HBADQUAHTEW FOR All YOUR LUMBER AND DUXLDINO NEEDO NECK HIENCEHVILLH Cyl 1hn 10M rlumplnn pluwmm Fullrm Unluln l7yvnrnld er Hrrhlrr nl Cryllvr Ont fully nuhllnl luclnrflrlwn rlow llnoulh Inmnka ma ml Arm nut hrrr Jnr but mil wmlmllluvl many lhrm wllh lllmlmu rxnvhlrnrr Mllllc lllu rcslgnul runner anlnwnsnxn Town xhlp nlltr 1X yum In that 0mm Ho hm made his HDlh millHunt When npbuInlul 1n mu was lillmhlfl lhc llummlrnd ml he MIDI llnn mulh nt Crucmoru mnvlnx lu Ihe vlllnnu In 1015 GRADUATES NCO SCHOOL Cpl Wrilby Chnrlm L1lrdwmsn wlru mldo In nnnlr wm um candldnlrs run Cummnn wvullh nrmlu who uxndnnml rr tvnlly mm lhr mil Cnnndlnn NCO School In Kan1 mnnbn 1nd Hullnllun Hlntk WnlEh HUIC hr WI snlmrl numd lho Ixwnclu mum In lncllcl mull nrmx dilll manmamm Imnl lrndcruhlp and ulhcr Mined millan lubrclL In mrmlc nulnlu cmmonlnl xhu urndunllnu clan mnrchtd will In Ir Nth and Inn clnu 10 pm lhnnuh lhu lnhllshmrnl Mau Hum $000 men wm unlned Al the uclmul jun lur ludcu during nu lhrro and hull yrnu wu 1n nurmlon Jnmls Jardino from Nolmwnsaga In 1023 when they assumed ll xlullu of nunmar and man Shncuc Coumy Home or flu Aced FORMER OHULIAN KILLED Local pollrc have rucclved wunl hm Jnmcl Thmnpsun Iurmerly n1 onmu Wu Ruled by mum lruln ncnr Pun Arthur They snld he apparently itll lulch on rail way truck nHu drlnklnu haul RESIGNS AH TREASURER YOUNG FLOWMAN BARRIE Township which 15 part the Nonnwunga levehbnsm cea ns they endeavored to swim to high MR AND MRS nAvm wmiisï¬who ground were brought from their farm heme 1n cpnoe Mr Wares arms on the flat land Wnnnr Woudwnrd4 blnckrmllh hlx lwn mm Bruce and Burl wurn In the homo mum up Um lurnllurr whlch hnd bran muvrd ln hnl dny whcn the brrnk came and wuu urrlcd down wllh Ihn Iomnl wnlnrl Earl who managed lo much the wul bunk thl to cum Abrnml who sun In he anrm Mr W00 wnrd mammal mike Ml wny lo Mr llcnnrnx Inuth mluhbor lLucc Inn by Mo brnlhcr Elrl an log lulnu wllh lhn Iloum Thu mu depnlxnnnl wn called and lhcy ornnlml much mm and Iocnlcd hun two hour lhxelWDIIl Not Ml Hera Hurricane 1111er um swtpl through hl part of Onlarlu with grm all of llfu and properly dnmch did nok miss our small lawn or Tollunhnm The dam llhnl has provlded pnwrr to npcr nleu Ilsl mm In pauLyur and up varldny 1n around ml or 1hr hrmerl of HM uurroundlng dLrum xlnce 1505v wen out ubaul lo oclock Friday eveninm The lore it wnlrr unmohd rm and Walk nvuylhlnz In It pnlh Bmlll Homo Llrkd man hnmn vnh furniture nlonn vllh olhcr bulldlnnl wn curried alman ucmu the cuncu lon nlunl with he nwnu cur Mr and Mrs Chhrlel Bryan and mm were rccem Villlors wxh Mr and MrsBrnwley Beelon Born Alum Congmullllonx Mr and Mn Jack Penn onlha blnh at son Slevensun Mcmurful Husplul Alllsjon TV smva nunxop an nu TOTTENHAM BEIWICB NOT EXCUSE PM DEALING LOW PRICE LOW OVERHEAD MILES AND HEIWICE TRLBVIBION ONLY ONLY ULTRA FRINGE AllEA BET HOLD CUHTOMER CONFIDENCE A8 IN DICATED IIY CONSIBTKNI IEllï¬ ONAL RECOMMENDAHONH DDES TV EEOIIEE GET THE VOLUME 0F SALES Clrrlul an Lu OHM Vhllori Mr and Mn Frank Aynm of Mouroflold Ind Mr Ind Mn Frlrdmln Ind hmll of lexon vhllcd monlly wllh Mr and Mn Mel Ayflil Ind lnmlly Dim Flnl llulll 81 The dnm Wlll Hm hum In IBM Inr lhz purpose erupttall slwmlll Than 111 1865 lhl erfl mIlI known as lhe Eureka Fluur M1111 was crowd and Ihn dun bulll Inrnlr and hub Hm lo lieore Pond The pond back lM dlm II mnny wll recall wu place bcnuIy whm nll enjoyrd letha In nan AwhnmInl In mmmer anInz In wInIcr W0 hupc 1h clllmu 0K TuIIunhnm nmI dIMIItl wlll no III Io mm In lhu rcplnc In old Iandmnrk wher has been hen Iur nlmml cru luryI lnler nearly exhamltd In lrco about mun nwnyy whlch he had mcn lb to teach whnn the Inn on which he WM Innllnn lodged 1n bunches He was Immediately Iken to Dr Mull1 omce fur medical mention and then la nelzhborl when he ruled Im the rtn of Ihu nlnhL Mn Woudwnrd and lwo daugh ters lucklly ware spendln Ihe mm wllh friends Mlll Iruvu GRII Lon Anhur Thumpum own the Inlll bul Xur lhv pnxl few years It had been overruled by hls snnx Elmer nnd nnlphv who hnvo cod mul ncss us well the chuman mill and huvo been uvlnn Ihc Mm on who hnve nxprcmd rtn loss wall an Incon vrnlcncn ONE OF THE WASIIQUT ontheioo lélos were dumped into this byldgewnshout highwaysouth or Emu quarmy veh Phano 0H1 WHY STROUD TV flRflVlCB Cullom Bull 19 Tuba Sm no Tube nlncuon We pur Sporlon In your home on trial wllhout obligation See heur SPHHTON GEORGE my AN nxmlmm mm Au pm All womrn urn cardlnlly In vllad The uunswork hm bun rcmnvcd ln Hch yum Modern lmmuxnnnllll hm become 1mm nlvnce nnd an In The wnmnn whn 1x upwdnla un 0111 phase homwnnklnl um umv nnuly Ind many The nrwrrluled lhod cunnlnn wlll be explained by Mln Mary Iurlwpl homo xconunlll he ancn In nllmr mm Ind Home Ecun umch anicc Onlnrio napmmm of Aarlrullurc Thcrc will bu lime or dlmuslom You will In crlvu In upthemlnuu unnm buoklel Scmnlhmg dIHcrcm Family Salcly Rally being held on dny Oct 29 II pm In tho 100 11111 Colllvr 5L for ompoyees Ike CNRInd their 1nmlllex The pmlmm lncludu shorl 31er lnlk nnd Iho showlnu or lllms 1n ml nnd other lines Dunclnu square nnd mund and rcfreshmnnu would make up an lnlorolnna ev enlnl This ml unnunl ovum mUnmrKd hy lhz 5mm Dcmrl 1mm lhc CNR Always Be Cfrrluif Cnnnlnx Onhrlul Fonda Film mm shnwlnu the newer methods cannlnl Ir 1U vega Inhles chican Ind at will be tenured communlly mncllng Iponwrcd by tho Lllllnl nnl Cor nnullon anenn Inslllme In Holly School qn Thundly Out 21 In Funllly Soer Rally Friday Oclobor Z9 In The IOOF Temple HOLLY TV SERVICE Phoï¬os by Slmpkln Innlslll Notes which 13 novï¬ ï¬‚ooded In over bur tee of wnterh Submerged IIYAIINTIII IO and PAC IMTNHHLH I01 DBL Iml UP TRY MIR IAMOUH ll EMPEROR TUIJNI 11EY MAKE YOUR ARDEN IIIOW PLACE CALI VICTO CPDllcmcowncn hcrn man will be allowed do lhcxr nwn plumhl Thu new rlly rudn pmvldt hnt humo ownm may lnku nut nlumblnu perm lb dn wurk In lholr nwu Ellvu Weddlnx Amuvemry Suturdny Ocl Mr and Mrs Dumnnd culchrnlrd their 25m weddlnn Innlvcnnry They began he hnp dny nuendlnl mun Man at inc oclock cele brnttd by Rev Falher Monahln durlnx which lhe renewal or he vow wcro mkcn Aflrr Mm lhelr Inmlly Iclnllvcs and friend mrlnnk huml luncheon at Mr home Mr and Mn Du mund were nl hmm lhrlr lrlnnd nn day In lhc than the com mumly mm1 Iur prngrcnlvc cuthrc nnd ptucmed Ihcm wnn bcnutllul cnblncl ol nllvor An nddrm was mad by Mn Vllmd Davidson Mn Gem smn made the precsnlnlmn on behnlt or he tommunlly Mn and Mm Du mnnd expressed lhnnk or he thouuhuul rrmrmbrnncn and hm to enjoy the mummy mm many rtlnllvu and trlrnda nny lime heir homc Dont Put II Tulipdafladihl1ynclnlh olc IH 054 on AND UP 5000 on 703 IN AND llil GUI IIth BROWN CO BRENTWOOD Since his mum In Cam In am he hasserved nnommandanl the Mr Armament School at luunlllnvlew und RCAF Smuon tenmun where hr bccame com mndinz owner in 1941 in 1918 he nlcndcd to National Delennc College and In Aprll the owlnz year was nppolnlcd lo flu Cnnndlnn Jain smt In London England as this ska ofllccr In 1952 MC Lister was appointed member the direcflnl mm of he Nnunml Durance Collclc Kn Klnzsion and In Aulust 01 um ycnr was Appointed his presem pnxnlan Chic Plan and In tenlumcc at Mr Force dequm Mrs MnCurley 0f Cedlr Island Road is home agnln after 51 wmks Inur the James Bay not where she vlsked hcr daugh ter Geraldine and sonlnlnw Slrumn whn 15 mil manager of Ike Hudsnn my Co at F0 Mr and Mrs nay lelnznan and Mr and Mrs Howard Living sum vlslled uvm lhe v1quch vllh Mr and Mrs Harold MHIL Kkngslon and called Bellevllle hospllnl in see their sister Mn Bruce Frlcc Lions Apprecme Help Cooksxown and Dlslrm Lion Club wish to thank ullthase who donalpd clnthlng fwd mm bag lsbles Iur Brndlardfleod vIcllmA During the canvass on Sunday nanrly on oltood baking Vege lahlw and cluhmgwem damned The cnlhusluuu and sponnnnnus rcxbunse lo their appeal urcnuy appnzlnled by the Hum Club Appointed T6 The Rank of Air Commodore Ounwa Octuber lzUmup Cap aln Murray Lislu 41 01 Cal znry has been anpalnled lo lhn ank Mr Commndnm it was nnounced today by Forcc ludqunrms AC Lister was cducaled ath 10an Mllflnry Cullen and receiv Vd his commlsvlon In 1M RCAF nr 1935 um his pikuls wings hve lollowlna year During lhc war VC Lister sgwed at Ivnrlaus raining cemrcs In Curmdn below zlng nvcrsbfls In 1943 when hn med nlRCAF Overseas Hond xunncrs In London IllTux Imam Wm WENESDAYLOLIKZO use In mum at Wm in Math mum In IM rum us 1451470111110 SI Phone Hume 6442 Epic llouulc you Oralay TV Dhlrlhulm In to Mini thin lehzdnlo can Pronun limo umu weekly for an cun venhm vlawen In Burl And Iquch Lu Mr wum In Va huh And hmm wm mu taxman ion Panama mow ny no Luth Amul 1mm him no run In mull wan In 1m Wuld 00 Anna am 10 mm mm Clnul 500 AMlun mm mm COOKSTOWN Exclusive tnosm TV nxsmhuloré ln Banlo INTRODUCING THE REVOLUTIONARY ALL NEW CROSLEY TABLE MODEL TELEVISION EPLETTS ELECTWCJ CELTTV mu Channel Toronto WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20 THURSDAY ocronsn 22 FRIDAY iTOBER 23 Dr EdMn Wlllon of the WH Im Oslcrmlzlhlc mlnlc Harm 10 Sunday for Klrksvllln Mlssourl logflllcnd the 1054 Fnundcrs Dav observanto al hn Klrkavfllo Coll mm Oslconmlly and Surgery an Oct ll nnd 20 when Iraq cul ly members wlll lm Ilbnnml nu Mrvlcu special lealurofnl Ilw proumln ndlllnnully mulklnu lho lnllndlnxnl the Cnllogc nnd hunt orlnu urammm 50 25 um lD yunrs ago All three men Dr Hardy Du Grover SlukEy and Dr Seln Thomas were nmunx Dr Wilsons professors and an knnwn lhluuglmul hc ohm pnthlc pralcsslon for he excell nncc or their clinical norvlco nml clmsmnm lnxlrucflnnu 0n 011 11 and 22 Dr Wilon plum on visllllg he Cllnlg nn Neutmmluculnr ll cnsus conducted by Dr ll Mn arm the Kansas Olly College Dalonpnthy and Surlcry when sne ulril amnunn ls lmlng mm the lrcnlmcnl ol pollo Dz Wllson vlll rrlurn by WW Des Molncs anfl Chlcnuo nrrlvlnq back In Ear rlo awards the end of Oclnhm leIII Vt Olnl Fulï¬l leaun Aw 1h Gem4c McCuxlcy enjoyed her trip II rnnspnrlallnu was by alr She report that the coun tryvh beaulllul and III lakes and Islands Sm saw lhnumnw wild gram Dr and Mrs Bruce Juhnslon hnve returned Iromnn lxkenslva Mp uuough the Skyllnl Dun Vlrlinlm scum by way the flue Illng Parkway Greens ville South Caroflnn weal through In Cherokee Indian Reservation and the ï¬rm Smokey Mnunlalns of Georgia and North Carolina noflh thmugh the hHLbllly 9mm Irx at Tennessee and lhe beaumul nrmlnnd of Kmtuckx anyvls led rlendsin Dnytun Ohio nnl Senna returning by he ElucWn urHIghway In Bunlo uw Tllcmhn Mm ll lltviu in nu cmm Iu nnun Illm In um lulu yum ii IlI im mumv nu mm rilm Na 90 Hwy At Ferndule Market Squngc Burrle HI car beauty Low mlle III 8200 BULLOCK 52 MORRIS SEDAN MOTORS LIMITED Zuu DOWN about $800 per week Phonic 6696 LOCATIONS MOST COMPACT FULL 11 TELEVISION BET EVER DBï¬IGNED WEIGHT ONLY II LIIS anll enough lo handle mm cnouxh to carry Mon 1651 air s23