Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Oct 1954, p. 4

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Dancing from 9130at on Orange HallFrldny lull Orchestra Lunch pnnsorud by LOL Na Ion 50c Rummage mic Burton Inltcd Church nusplcu II GrougiFridny angrnl Rummngc snlc at SLvAndrewu Lecture liqlL corner Worslny and Owen 513 Friday Oct 22 uncr nnon and evening Donn open npm 12o nummage sale Saturday Oct 23 mm IOOF Hall Collier SL Barrlc Auspiccs Eugnr WA 12 Rummagesalc Legion Hull Qwen SL Saturdny Oct 23 at aim Ausplm Lndlcs Auxlllnry Canadian Legian 113420121 Rummage sale Oddlcllom Hall Collier 51 on Friday Oct 21 pm7 pm Sponsored by Lad IEI Auxiliary Lions Club ms hrm postponed from Oct 23 South Shncoe Plowing Match LaOcL 30 no HAMAI the Rnynl Vlclorlu or pllal on Oct 19 1054 in 10 and Mn James Hum 10 Mary 5L daughter Nancy Elizabeth MENSOURM Prlvule Pillnml Pavlllun Tuxunln General How Xal 0n Del 13 1054 to Mr and Mn Memour ncL Ecr nm Baldwlm 1011 18mm Mlchnch PRICEM mu Hellcvnlc General yIluspllal ml 001 14 1034 In Mr and Mm HHML Price HIE Helen Livinmum mm Daug LH Allen MORANAI he nnynl Vlclnrln llonpllnl on OLL 18 1954 In Mr and Mrl Willlunl Mnrall 10 Wunloy 5L Inn WIGGINSAt the loyal Vlctarln llulnllfll on Oct Ill 1054 to Mr and Mn 5chth wluim Eugenia 51 dauzhler Wanda mm aster SL Splclfll speak Mr Fendlcy Sn at Bmmvtun showing plumu xudcm al Engiandanfl the Cnmlnz Eve me welcome Rummage mic Burton AVLnuc Inltcd Church nusplcu at Good IHI GrouppFridny allcrnnnn nnd vqnlmz Oct 22 and Saturday mmlng Out 23 120 SFENCEThc nmlly the me 5mm Lavllla Spence wllh 10 prreu hcrllcll man In lhcir rhndu and nclzhbau fur In any ncu ul klndncu and luau ul Allornl lrlbulu rectlvcd nur lhclr Hch bexcnvcmcnl 120 WEBBMn Charles wan and Imily rx mu llwir urnlllndu l0 vxryuml qr ma Mixed dnnclnp cvrry Friday and amtday Plnc Crest mllcn north Barrie on Highway 27 or Hes south Elmvnlc Musk by cptonm Admission 50c DZIIWF Hallnwcun euchre and dance mud Community Hall Frkhy cL 20 Door prlucoatume pr Mull by Mulhalland niche in Admhslan adum 75¢v chfld 50 Lunch conntun Auxplccs mud LOL 234 120121 Barrie Hocronllbn Cnuncll an ounce all maiun Womens An In gommcncgng eydayLOcl 50 In CallILr sum Iurch recreation mam Instruct sl Mrs Jn cs Hnrvkn Phone 40 tor rolls rnunn 120 Barrie Hartlcunural Society wan Nghweqng Oct APATIIY DISEASE The number of nCtlflmflllUHl 1n unicipnl olncuonl lm ruched aching prapnruom and th par nnc vulcn rnllinl balluu been low In mm vnt conlnll cur no on Ill wny 11w dllcnlo ml mlkn umlclpnl polfllu won unremi lu mvlnclnl rum lnlcrnl flak vlrynnr mr um Mlulmu Iym Iy and Iowm rccolvrd durnu ulr rtconl bucgwmtnl IYU conllnucd lhllulmlulneu and findnul m1 many lrlcndl uran Mr Duyd May In hnwllnl 1d during Illl convalmccncc 110 IN APPRECIATION Mr and Mn Mmhnl Boyd vlnh lo mallgnaw Hefcn Cards of Thanks Vnnr My my mlh Ill dawn plynllnl Du Inlmu ml ha Inna any nun momm BULLOCK LOCATION No no llwy lcrmlnlc Market Munro llnrrle llcnter Lovtly nlnck lmlll Down hymn luy Wally Tll Phone 3184 and our to monmm wlll call at you own or Write Do Mmur zxmmzn HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS MOTORS LIMITED 53 FORD SEDAN FALL BARGAIN 4mm Suki mm 1250°° BORN Pol THE ENTIRE PAMILY CLOTHING wizoan Thorn Och counter Admls llilZOW CRAWFORDAL 51mm Manor on on Wednesday Oct 20 Andrew crawgord belov ed husband the hue Amelln Jean Perry In his son year Runny Hughes mull Hume Conknown rim setvlce Frlaly Och 22 130 pm Inter ment Thornmn Cmeluy Flow ers ratetully deellned ELDERFIELD Al the 10°F Home BunIE on Mnmlm Oct 18 M4 Ma Elderflzld beloved the late John Elderflald In her nam year Mann tn Jennen Funeral Hume nr Hc Funeral service Wednmduy 29 at 130 pm Intemnnt Barrie Unlun Cemetery HAUGHsuddenly result drownflng 1n chummh Town ship on Friday Oct 15 1014 Charm Otto Hluzn son at the late Chm1e and Man Hnuzh of Egbert In hit 540 year and his wire Bgrthn Louise pancr ldge beloved dnughlcr a1 Mm nmlerldxu and ma late wlulam Bulltrldge of Thornton and dour sister of Irene Mu Mel Howie BarflquIm Chnrlus armg and Mill Thornton In her 42nd your Ruling at me Huzhw Funeral Ham Cook lawn orrdnuhle uncrnl urvl cu rundny Oct rpm mannan Alllnon Unlan Ceme ery FFniMMERSqucnly Holphnl Ban1m on Monday 021 13 1054 Harvey mum Sharpe 1n hi 5an year He loved hunbnnd ol the lulu L1H Xnn May Whitney Ind dur ther ol Thelma Mn Mac nnln Barrie and brother Din Fllnl Mlchllnn and Bert Snull 5w Marla Art at Andcrmnl Funernl Home Ind my on Wcrlnudny 1lernuon ar nervlcc in tho aha on Thursday 02L 21 mm Lnlgnn Vlclorln Memorial Mra MncDonnhl Anni Jen nln 5mm Uncle Email and cmlsln Vulcy no DAY1n memory luv lnx liner and daughter ancu Helen Day who nued nwny tuddcnl 0c10 953 happy noan we once unwind Haw pwnl Inclr memoryalll But deulh has let loncllncn Thcuworldlcgy nexcr DAYIn loving memory of Fun can Dn who palm lwny luddenl ct 1953 May lhc 52y me ruined nlanz llfel hlu way 51 gunA 1r dlAhcnycn gt Mr and Mn Temylc Day and lamllyt 110 MEREDITHIn vrnud Ind loving mtmory at our dear Ian Tgr Howard Mrredllh whu av 1112 for Ma coumry 1n lllum Ocl ID 1944 Whulcvcr fly or rlnt be nun We will way lnk of you Dad Emim Eva nnrl Elmor Evcr remrmburcdx by Mom nu an Na Invlcrl In llallyllnllrd Church on Sunday Oct 10 awhu In nnnlwnuy luvlcul In numm AVrIIul Church Mllm II It how Thluyvnlx mu when1 nl Mu Muny Andrqu or bah Illnwrr or Mil chk KNI wui ml Wtlnmdly nlflIL Cun mu wero mloynl wlnnm lwlnv Mu Oulmm Iml Jur Krnwnll Wllvn Ind IIulllla Afl xlnwn luaulhl In mully derm alnl hulk lul wlll It whch Mn Irmm muum lho hunaml nm In upon Lunrh rnnclmkd lhe cvmlnl nAWNIn Invlnu memory dun rlcnd John Allan nnwn whu punml nway on 20 1032 map In hum he plume 01 luvur one laid urnu In memory mm shall kc llv Bugs Iwng on the 01 ovum uv Evcr lovingly renumbered by flurlel I20 nAWNIn lovln memdry dear tnlhcr Alan Rnwn who fund may suddenly Oct 20 951 Gone dnar Inher gone forever How We mln your amlllnl Inca But you left romvmber Nong on emu cnn aka ymg plnM nunu an um flnm¢mbcm1 by fluhy Innd Jlmmlr RAWNln lovln memory of our lair Inn nn brother Jahn Anon flawn who 1ch nwn Audmnly In an and NH Oct WM We Mule kmw when we wake HIM mom Thc wrruw hv tlny wnuld brlnl For 1hr hll Wfll Hidden Ihc Ihuck lame Tn pm with one we loved dear We wandtr why he Ild la file with put lg lnynuooabya vnmmn um Sdy mined by Mam ma Dad plum Creodn Ind Donnyi Clurlmd Vhlln Mrl Julmwn hm lur unch Arlhur Rhoda ol Cltw lumt 0M0 vhltln her Hutuulul Aunlvmuy Th InnIvmnry unit In Nully United Church on Sunday wen mum The mmoru Rev ll Bandm Churchill were much Ivnrrcm Illa llu muuir provldld by In Iolnlm Cook lml Mtlvllla Wllrl mule Plrlmmcr belavcd Ian at Glllnrd Ptrlmmnr and Florence McCu nw we mu month mm ml the Jenncn Funcml Home Barrio Funeral Iervlca manning Oct 20 1n nt rip Ulllnn gory sun or an nccldcnt oannndli 19 Am 1va 91 Park wufndlir lIllIMAy rum Illle lulmlou umlam IN MEMORIAM HOLLY 110 wnh the um shining we drove dawn 400 Hllhwu from Bnrfle wllhout another vehicle In any dhecuon We so put guard In Interchange II Barrie It seemed nlnnze that lhln modcrn hlzhwy lhnuhl be ihn one which Infleer he sienna damn In no norm Here It was with great channel cu across which we were going to ace AFTER THE WRATH OFHAZEL At the Mlh line mnmu than was barrier across oi snaw Inin cu closing the mind oil here Traffic wn tumod oil into one then crusaings which have barn ruled out as beinl dnnlcmus and mu bc nbnllshedMWu went around lhllmnd beiwncn me sec ond and third line the Aral wash nut wnsencquhlcred What had run cvnnbnen creek up to gnu storm had than and wiped out the cement culverl which was in carry nitlhn lop drainage and lack wilhira hlg section at the mad it had also hrouxht ziuwn quénlitiu 01 mils iram thanand lhey werc spread at hcyand the cut The makinz Wu Eaiiey bridm wen on wide to make lumpumry arming uver the cut In order gel mulh wn had 10 go of to 27 Highwnynnd back on he lawnllne from Cookuown Hume lull norlh at lhc new rel ilnurnnl was another brltlne wasth out IL hud lnkcn both Inc mndn um much of lhc pnvumcm Two mHllary trnckn were in tho hole an the narlhbound lane The trucks had been loaded wllh lolv dimI who Jumped ta solely when lhey all the mad gnlng out un der them The mend truck had been owed by the that and both are In he wk whlch nearly 20 eel deep The bl cement brldx 1yan In the bottom ll lestcd Ind hrokcn The work now will be bluenjcb him the firs ancrpllnn Two Bailey brldxu were being mmblcd lhcrc la bridge the gaps The truck wcrntlll lhcra one Halley bridge am much like lhe lap nelx that are ulven lo chlldren Chrlllmal They Ire mnde up Sn uectlonn nnd when hooked number and clamped on Dielr Ileel lunpom may can be mud carry any weight requir edqrhey can be erected very hulekly llflvwfll nnolhcr break In tho norihbound lane Jul near the mmurnm at Cooksluwn And al together I11ch were mid to be Acv ernl other further mum We am not lodown Handinl acmu to Mummy we lotntcd he owner at om the herd at calm which had been caught In In wnlm thu Not inwmnun rlvcr when ll xoxe no rm lhnt the whole bnfln flooded la depth ram lIx feel lo one not The Man an whlch the In ternational plow mulch wnx held In 19M and flu Inrml along Ihc river balln were all loaded Dur lnl lhc wnckml bnall hnd ruundm up many mum and mm remnved some lhc Alranded nnlmnll from ncrchrl thy had manager In nllmb In nah1y Some arm ll nml lhnlr fnmllu wcm nlw taknn nul by bnnL Mn and Mrn Dnvld Wnrm unq chlhl wllh ht lumlly mm were nmnnu lhrlc ll ml knnwn yr but how mzmy anlmnll were loll In the landed rlvm In Ihla MTIKL ntk nmmny wllh vhnm we Vllllld In the dhlrlcl had about 70 hand on ymum and may brought home nbnul 20 on the day we were lhm Further mmh around Imam when lh lame rlver allow in mm to me buy nmm nunu Mall ul Hue ham In Ihll 1va Ivlcl lullnml 1n loxnu way from me heavy MIMI IIIi lrldn cvtnlnlmonly Hu mlm vmm rum Imlllan Mill Erlglry lluN ul llam Illnn ll vrxulln marl Hm wllh hnr Inlhrr II Srllloy number of lllllu boyl on Salurdny nflernunn he uccnllnn 112an N4 My blth Mn and Mn flcnflay eMnr mncd numb nt irlendl Thun dny uvenlnx lho occnllon balm Mg umu blrlhdny nmlm ulntlanl Mn Wllllam Loxkhan whn trlrbrulta hrr blrflldny un Sunday Ilcr nmllv wrrc hllnlc lnr he nnnnlnn VII To Buccbrld Mrl Andcrwn WI vu MM lnuhvllc villlcd Ihc tannan mulb xr In Dmccbrldnu on Thundny Mu Dcnncu and Beverley rflum rd wllh lhem for ch may Enluuln WI Dllrlcl udlu Mn Klru cnlcrmlnld num ber of dmrm Indln on Tuudu tvrnlnl when lnlmwlck lnllllux met nl her hnme Bo um and lllmd lhc WI Eltcnllon Cauru nll Cunning Onlrlu room It Hnlly School on Thur Evnyonc Vllllm It Dynu on Sunday was Chum Dyer Crnwn lllll Mr and Mn Blwnr Ind Drll Toronto 0mm 1y lmolulmw many loll In the landed MTIKL here fluid to have been hund rch alcnltle on paflure and no one know huw many are mu Illve We law the cnrcnupi one an imal hanlinl In tree where the water had deposited ll These farmers have sutured terrific lane and will need to come in under he had relic plan which are being organized The ion road and bridge was nppaiiingi The iwn townshipsfif Essa and Tenumscih will have an enormous ink in replacing ihcsc WI took canoe and with the nssZJlnnce son alMr Ramsay wcm la small shedpnrlly env ered with water undcornercd In by ence when seven dead cut 111 were lodged There were olhnn strewn mu yan the nblds as the water receded MONEY COMING FOR MARSH noon VVICTIMS Indlvxddil donallunl total lln mn by mm were col leclzd rum mlflenll ln1he Cudxlnflfln sgreeLDlindnnlld Street ula or allan Mani Flood neljel Fund In oni lernnon byMn Muriel him alone whn uncram Murlzlx Beauty Hahn Ill numlomld 2mm Cummcnllp on the lponu Mn Johmlane J1 The 920 around here were All gm to helm lndividiil damflnm win he llnfed in later luun By elrly Tuelday memnnn domllnm Malling 118100 were hind In The Battle Examiner emu hr the Fund Donation Ire Illo lulu re ulved It all hankl the mnney being Iorwnrdnl to he Bank olCammeru at Bradlard Dnnaunm receivedal thln Milne were lollnwn Mn Ann 01 Brook Slrul 8500 Min Blair Burlan AV enue mm Blair on Burton Avamlt $20M Mn hull 115 Collier EllI $251M Mlu Edna Theninn Wonley Elna 3500 Harold Henry Owen stun $2500 Mn France 1hr neavu 55 Pu Strut 55MB Eamon Mukay 11 Mary Street 3500 Dan BIIflhJfl Cadvlnnon Blrnl 4500 El wood Gauley Baxter HIM Dont miss these wonderfulvBedroQni suites3aJQjfinest in quality most attractiVe désignanltil atjgiewgow prices monnnNmznnnum 131 INANEWDESIGN in If nmnmmu H4 DUNLOP ST EAST The lines or Atrium quartered mahogany veneers make this cxccptlonnlly Interesting aulw The cflecllvc drawer pulls and damn lnrz plus the big beveled mlrror glvc It much more cxpennlvc look ml 11mm mulnr piecesarc budget priced at only GRAB BAG SALE OF SIMMONS MATTRESSES CONTINUES Weather conditions prevented many buyers co ming along last weekend so we extendthis budget savlng sale of mattresses CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED ENSMITH 8L SON the lul Incluer name um um tlcklnxn alumnonn have Inclumnu nylon Thom lcklmm nrv In dlncomlnuod wlorn And are bought blu mvlngm m7 It In In Qunnuty llnmmL 26695 SAVE 10 lo 20 ON THESE Regular 421 gildéflyReclfiié Comforting Pet Has Heart Atfack The water wusflnnlly run away mm the flooded gram and lb Goldwater Rlvgr wgs 081115th aboyc tiLubrian level The flood according gsgvggnlz ob lllul vi Coldwéter Hit By Flood Rains During Weekend Considerable dpmagc was caused avcr wide arm in lhc vicinity Ooldwcm durlnu the weekend modlni andnil lnonly nuw 12an the vilragn use is calling we lhc menu at 1nd dcvnnmflnn numbcr at homes were my ed with 1510 twcteMoIvInILr wllh furniture nnd dreaman rulncd rlmbpbly 1h lrcmcs lb was sulfércd by Clfll Wnodro who lost uppmflmlblylaflo ofvh flock 475 turkeys Hls suph or feed was also ruined Cuwnns Mm wuavallo hard hi bx the ramwung waderaml mmi has the foldwater Lions Club turned out Suudnylo helpclear up he mtss er annn propri etor of the mill Wm unable let his ncw car ram 1pc propmty an Friday nlihl and In awhile it was practically aubmewurl by WM One unimar Endy rcporléfl have hm lhirly at hislfloék sheep Cow were owed lo blah ground by outboard motor hams on Saturday mnrnlnx Two pi owned byGIlbun Swalle that were nowhere in he found hr held of tho need turned up yes uniuy buried In the lop 01x ilmw mack nllvc Roads and hflhwny 1n thnmrna are Mill in bad Ihnpc today Ah one phcc on me Wgubaushone this of Highway 12 nsecfianvon Alhentlnhhblmnur Orlllh an FHAK 11th lacy l1 bl net hlG comnmy In Ills net nhlt comnmy alder dun WIIUI napkins dud of heart lunch murd ln to pollpe llh my in found in chalr lmlflo flimnbbfll pen on gaiuflii FURNITURE LIMITED Permission was named the Mmholland Orcheser Slmuu 1hold dancLS every chnesuny nlgm inrlhp Cnmmvnfly UalL Adamson huld Chev lnlorcst of present thn he dwwcd wZu ed Hum 01 ornamental and cum luee anddlsoipiclurcs at me paljlfi and animals at Springwaten hmFramTornnlo Mr and Mrs cum have rcturned nlurlqjen jhhe weekswilh friends 1d Mr Mrs dough 3an and gnugfi da de ol Malhcspm xctu éd Salter spending 1110 week wnhMrfi Oulmugh nomrol Im To Honor ladle SuflhllL Clamp On Tuesday evening lhe rrezulnr mcednz nl 1hcElmvaIe Board of dee was hold Ihe Palace Holel Superingundcng IL nmson at Mldhurst Forestry 51x tlniuy1ns Speaker 116 Board radc will sponsor bqnqqm and zdancc in honor at Elmvalc ladies sonball team m5 champions of Slmme Couan and name the Comm Tmphx Morp particulars Inter dam Mme ionto Mr and Mi RIMumnckwcrc jrccom vlfinlIavn wMIMr and Mrs EBlnc Kllchcnor vuum vim Mrs nucme rimmi the aweek wore Mr and MrsMunzy Rite Ind lamIly up onmm Mr anéers Ron gm chiefnndsan Jammie ol Tamnm gnne side Ihcpavcmcnt hadv brokcn cnmpletcly away omc rcad hadlluenchcs washcdiacrn lhunnnd should an almmzall lhe roadswnrn camplcgew gang in spam Fred Brown Coldwaler setup tomparary business on Saturday anemoonumwlnz cars acrnsi Hm Encd2d section of Highway 12 win his large truck 0pc mnumnc Iaclcr ln he CaldWflLcr fined as compared to some dlslricls nmundToxonlo was that me wzm ruse gradum Tm made passlble save gram dealol umlture andpr9nab1y prevmtcd muth more serious lmublv Mr and Mrs ma Lgngsmmnq lvureshy Supt Shows Sllfle PHONE 5551 New oftmale mu ammu muiqed Alter siting mauve In Toronto and Rocheslen mum Cindy orsz mm the weekend vllh Mr Ind Mn Wrikhlv Mm 61 Furiimse Aummfing t4 friendship hutJan imra end Mrs Ms day Mr and Mm nuuand Elrick and Jean visited on Sunday with 1an szleson Hmsdale George Stuhhl and his mace Miss Hume Furbcs of Hamillnn spent file woekrnd wit ncv Mrs gistubbs érs Elmno and Laurene arro kunm span Sundnywlth nlsrpar Gram Miami afid two unnum mls Mr amid113 Job Axnn1 Mn Qucsnellc Vlsllefl her daughter KlLnna Tomntd rthewcckend Ilolme FrnmIWeslenintlfflxi Mrs 121mm Mtg lliLchio and Mr My new gunned nflc Awning qusack and ran an sznnu Montrrhl apen wcckwflh mamaMrs Muvfi Into wing We itcnd vclcump andMH Afghanandsanv who moved trumtheqwnflnc to house on 51me Sheer he purchased trom1he estatnntrho Iale William Andrcw Mr and Mrs GordonLocluley nmmpgmi spam the weékend with Mr Ecorze Mchflgmnnd Mr aqd Mrs LlaydMcKhighlL Auendl ms int Mr and Mn Anc calde At Plowlnl Mitch Mr and Mrs Edgachammll and Mr and Mrs Enrl Parnell attended the plnwlnz mamh nl Brcslau Vlslled Behllvu 50 lo 86950 325 4950 IP21 II wnkwd with fluid In Tammi Mr Bards attended the Hydm Club banquet on Frill waning Mr Ind MrL Duncn m1 mam StanAer were the 5de um 01 Mrs RowL VII Western Onmlo Mr Ind Mm Vern Main numded lh plnwinz mach It Bnulau nndvislted Mr md Mm Molflson at Guelph WILEP Evzrywhcn On Friday evening mug the resldcnfl who have hummus were wry much worried after the any rain Many homes Au cred from rain healing in win dew and chimneys number of people were up most Inc nlxht pumping water tram scum One menchum railed the firemen lo pump out Ms bascmnru MW Allzhwnod Aqingimry Agoogb number from hem mncmd Allcfiwlnod mend itth 82nd annvemryaervicn Sun day morning In the Unucd urch GeorgnM Mmrlsnn Emmanupl Column Tumnln wa lhc prbachcr Thug suloist was 31th WhmicllL Ehuvnlc math or his stock 1119 wm covered bridgesnnd washed nu some $01311 ones but no sedans damage has been rmorlcd in me village 0n the nulsklru the villngc Archer had num ber of small pigs drowned Mrv Smnh lustegaw and two pigs hal were cauthn the ovexflnw rpm the river Byeaklm nqporttd Oclixnnrcsldem on Queen Sr discoverad in his raspberry bushesn quanlhy mm mm ngdmen which had hcun slalun mm Browns McllMarkel on Wehmsday mm 1954 Ford sedan owned by Mrs Doug Ins Naismith was 530ch ram her garnl= was dIscnvurcd when Mrs Nalsmilh won Kat her car l0 drive her son to school The carwas ound jn anunLo east end and waslakcnlo Shordnn Avcmw police slmian Mrs Nakhufil drove ll home an Salurdny St Andrews Church Szrvlce Thcm was Splnndld nuend ance at SL Andrews Prcsbytérlan ChurchSundhy mnrnlng In the absence 01 Rev Cooper the service was nunductod by Rev 11 Skene BA DD former Mad crntor ol the Ganoral Assembw H85 Sermon was mm John 11 fl Dhank Theo Ffllhfl The them was fOur Grateful Thanks The evqlnz scrchclhcmc was Ebundau n5 11cng um um ArruAchs BARRIII ww

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