Lrnshsnsk mmueimussoav OCT 20 1951 Personnel Changes Five New Couches In Junie liloll The old saying you cant tell the players without pro gram should be changed around to the coaches in the one lllllior circuit When the campaign opens Friday aigh Gilli Black Hawks the visitors in Barrie Arena no less than live at the eight teams will have new pilots Only Rudy Piloua at St Clitharines Charlie Cerre at own Hap Emms pick season serious blow to Hamilton Cubs considered strong contend ers tor the crown was the promo than at llnuay Skinner to Detroit Ilcd Wings ol the National Hockey League Skinner worked tireless fly onihe Cubs untlr resorts paid toll and guided the new entry in Lthird place and the OHA semi vflnals His work won him that Jconsideration to replace Tommy glvan who was appointcd general manager of the lowly Clncago Black Hawks Jimmys brother Duc Skins tner has taken over the coaching Join In Hamilton and packs lot ht pro experience into his advice Gilli Blnek Hawks who had eoaehlng problems last year have acqllired Gerry Ilrown who guid ed Quebec Aces lo the Quebec Hockey League championship last scason Brown wont be making debut into the junior circuit however as he coached Oshawa Generals two years ago and was 7slated tor the same post last year until that city lost its arena jthrough tire Guelph Bilimoroa were torced to sixth new coach when Allie Pike iwas slappod with it ancycar sus yllfnslllll in mittFebruary Swat Mann ï¬nished the season wth the Bills but Eddie Bush who met with tremendous coaching success ill Lnilingwocd was signed to pilot the liiadhatters The move meant that Bush returned to the city where he graduated lroin Junior Back Iniury TOMMY WILSON making it bid for berth with Sudhury Wolves oi the NOIIA senior suitered dislocated vertebrae during practice session He will likely be sidelined tor the season Wilson Joined the Flysrs late last cam palxn ram the Junior arm in Wlngham coal merit HOCKEY OUTFITS NEW lOW PRICES WITII EVERY Plin CIIAIiIl OI IIKAIINU OUTFIT liars Oiticlsi luch lIsiI Ill ol DIIII IIOYII IIAIiEIL IIIZTJI to 15M lililllt to Id WITII TENDON IlIAIII SIZE to II WM Sllllt to I1 MENS 7lll MENII to II mm to lo slut ivml TENDth lllAlill SIZES II to ID Ill to lo SIZM Hill lls FIOUIII OIIIIITR NOISE hllltillull 013M LADIES 00M Cl Ill LADIES 00M IWI In Mlillllll Till 46 Milli rnns IlI l1 36 Rayiieltl Si st Michaels College and our from where they left on last ranks Into professional company Toronto Marlboros bring the fabulous lat man onto the scene Walter Turk arodp long pnp ular netmlnder for Toronto Maple Leals succeeds Iicg Hamilton at the thm tor the Dukes arodd earned the promotion with agood coaching chorewith Weston Dukes and last year with Ottawa Senators at the Quebec League Kitchener Canucks never settled away with coachm last year will have an alltime great detanceman Black Jack who were ewart working 1an the bench Kitchener opened last year with Curly Davis but he was made manager is the team and iorrner Fiyer blucllner Startlangunable to play with Bultalo due to an injury was appointed coach Long got the heavcnho by the Ontario Hockey Asscciatlon torone year when he pulled his club ruin the Ice at Janquiere Kenny Reardon who headed the lam system of MontrealCanadiens at the time llnlshed the season Stewart owned and coached the Chatham Maroons oi the OHA sens ior bracket ior two seasons and this year shittcd his lranchse to Sarnla But employment was hard to and or the players and he was given oneyear suspension en the franchise There is always mass turnover in player personnel in the Junior group but this Seasons change in coaches is believed to be the larg est list in the leagues history few months Then rightwing The Flycrs didnt look impressive against the junior Owen Sound Greys coached by former Flyer Jaydee McArihur But the point collecting at Pollzlani and centre mate Bob Barlow at least gave Dmrns some sign LI olfcnslve threats The Flyers nipped the Greys 03 to keep their undcleated exhibition string intact with Polizlanl and Barlow euch picking up our points Harlow tallied twice and assisted two others while Pollzlani counted one goal and three assists The remaining goals were scored by Ken Stevens Merv King and llubert Ball the latter line pros pect tram Kingstons junior Vlcs The Flyers had to baitre all the way to atle the stubborn hustling cttorts at the Greys They picked up 31 lead in the iirst but were outplaynd in the middle chapter as each team scored once The visit ors narrowed the detlclt to 15 early in the third belarc the Fill ers wrapped it lip Bola OLcary Bill McDonald and Her Eralnard scared tor the Greys whosc output was goalaperiod pace six goalies were used in the time and live 01 them are attend ing the Flyers cam The Grcys used their local product Norm Land in the tlrst Bruce Madlll In the second and Ross Childs in the third The Flyers worked All Troiia Don ltlltazio and Ross Brooks Emms liked the work of Wib Burns who attended the camp and armed to the Greys In fact his play was so impressive Tudhope Vfélassic Still Dark As Interest Falls There is some question whether the annual Tudhope Cup track and ilcld classic will he held atall driestaxon nvtra postponed due lo weather conditions the district meat which brings tnscthrr the top Coliuzinte athletes Irvin Orillia Barrie ItIid land and Colllnflwmtl ll now II dead luue as tar as local sulllnr ltirs are concerned Physical director nt italrte Cui lruialc Dalton Nehbtli stated that Inlrrrtl hall Ialltn all now that lit lilltl weather Irevnlltd IlllI Ion til the schools truck train had rluppnl training or events ltllrl turned to me lridimn The rural will oltahltllly teller ulrd ior Collintrwuod but not Klttimdl tuvrwt pinipolullltnl ihrrc went IIIO It was rstcllttl lllrll or October IO and lrlltIwtrk rilltl Ioirrd It will ttt lilo grtllntls In Orlliltl Th Wreltrntl dlsani rous mills Whallttl it out again and now preparatiurla are or stand still Nesbltt Italth Ilc wnI sllpptlwl to receive wnrtl rlmdhy Inn has hcanl nothing lie is oi the opin iun that it it isnt held this month It will be washed out altogether lupit lilllrxtllmn ot rprlsll th HOMEMADE auruascllrul saunas 20° LIINCII AT RRYSOII ICE CREAM CANDY ls limos man wan yll Anuwa Pollzhni Barlow Elliot Punch Ils Flyers Beat Greys As Fridays opening junior game with Gait Black Hawks at Barrie Arena drew nearer Flyers Hap Emma grew tough er and tougher With the bundle of material salvaged from training camp he was wondering lust howvmuch work was needed to ready the colors for competition The material was green and Emms knew trom past ex perience that victories in competition would be slim tor or Danny Polizianl drove into the camp and donned practice uniform yesterday in time tor the tlnol proseason exhibition that it won him another look Fiyer proceedings The game was rugged in spots with Bill Hope and Ed McQueen attempting to take some oi the drive out at the visitors with ro bust checks on the bluellnei But there was no lilting the hustle mm the Greys who were lull oi deter mination to upset the Flycrs The game revealed plenty of weaknesses in the Flyers Emms is currently in search at another dc enceman and may pull John Ford back rem Brampton for Fridays opener Ford refused to play hockey because at his schooling and returned to the Regents Johnny McDonald returned to the Flyers camp utter missing the an nuaI intersquad contest and the exhibition with Orllllu Fontlacs lle Worked on right wing with Arnold Smith and lluhcrt Bull MISSIHE Wis onward George llaneiri who is thirslnu severny bruised tue The Flyers 1an depth too haul once Emms gets some working time under his belt with the newcomers the forward lines should become well balanced Slill impressing aro delenccrrlan Blake Ball and forward Jack Kane the latter lrom Peter horo EWImS hasnt made any decision on netmindcrs tor the opener and the tact that live at them are still camp illustrates the problem he as Cut from the roster yesterday were dcienceman Pcto lllason and forwards Ed St Louis nndan Mousscuu Bilimqres Look Revive Interest Guelph lllllmorcs who once played bctora capacity crowdu hut saw drastic dump in attendance last season look towards their new coach Eudlc Bush In revive the sensing lntcrclt The Billrnorcs finished in sixth and last playoii position last aes son but wcrc eliminated from the championship trail In the quarter ilnals by Hamilton Cubs Reports from the ho al Clt state that Bush hill lightincd the defensive tactics oi the Bilimores weakness that llllnne like ll bca can during the past years Iluslls viunrruls training methods and abundant enthusiasm have al ready tirlil rrllectcd in vxillbltlun roilietll and thtI tram appears taller allll Intckchrcklng ha been superinr in anything letn ill Guelph Ill the past two years The lillimnrel were llllplolcti to lose ItllWinn veteran IIII Mc Crrary Ii Vancouver II the Weal rrn Iliirkry League but he II All reported In the junior rnlnp onl er Iloltlchrl me while Glen llam sny llllrllecrnen lion 0le and Ken hichlreklmt and forwards Illil Ilrlc Itriln IIIIII Iitn chtl Ilny Ilttnnlstrr Illlll Itlrlttln Inill Mlullllali Illll Graham Eillllv shark and Ill llwnlncy Amalia tilv newcomen expected to gain birlllll on the Hills are lit tenetmen llny Crew IInlI llrln Mc hIlIlilll Cnlllnuwtlnll Dick th lrlit of Elmira Mill Deva lllrtllnrr ul Owlll lillllnti itllwarlil Frank lllltltr uI lltullil lorcllpllle lorry Kannall nl llsalnpton and Turn Irltlrn Iii Iarll The Mstlllslws recently nlr llllltLI hallo ltnn llnnnlcr hula nalt lllsrk llwkl II an alternate for IlAmm Plume 3050 SAND Boa QUINth 85 who electrified gridiron runs with sensational touchdown runlrom midfield gall lasheeonironts aswarm at hungry ldland tacklcrs The visitorsgot of the COSSA season to date neuroses JOHN cling right end despite frantic rlr tempura the hull ureupd arts tromrMidlandiacitlcrs as Junior Gridders Trip Midland Illgh Iii6 Remain lindeieuletl Barrie District Collegiate Jurliors plunged to their second Gosslirgrldlron victory in as many atilrts Tuesday uiternoon with 1043 verdict over Midland High School at Arena Park Tile will placed the local squad in hole possession ot iirst place but they race their toughest tank or the season Thursday when they journey to Coilingwooti Reported to be serious challengers and illustrated with 200 win over Orlllia Col llngwood remains the big hurdle between Barrie and the re talnlng or the group title Vpicrun halfback lollnny Christie plunged tor two touchdowns to pace llarrles victory while Bob Quinlan gulloped Irom mldAlluItI tor the other major and Jim Edward booted one convert la complete the total Midlallds only rem came In the third quarter on licautllul reverse that law Leo Copeland short hilt stocky hit race in yards nruuntl chI end lleillnd xuud blocking to ramp over slnntlinit up lrnn Nlcll oils cunvtr tI llarrirs tlricnllillg champion piltkrtl Illllll it Itlillwniloll llilti lIlr Ilrsl It Illllllllll tllu Kaine Chris tie tulllliltlell nII rnrly march in pluultllLrlll thronltll centre lnlnl re vrn yards out tor the names Ital srtlrt Iftlwartl convlrtrtl And lit Inlt lnr openinfl quarter ended Quinlan siluwrd llll truck Inn on an ntltntkle stnnsll lllnl saw Mill lnnti larklrra tell in his shirt Mllllhlllln delellrr illtlilrnrll up Illltrnlsly tlilcr illr opening rm still Ilurrins ptlwcriul ltntlllne met with Llillliiltlllll dittlcully lll trrtt lnlslnu Illlillinntldllvrl The Mix wlnlsllnc puma tlnwn allnpell rharsins and hlldlnilli iarklltl lur ltnlsly lit throilitll bull calrlrrs fur levernl inure There was no scor lull in llll srrtnltl quarter The bell wrnttlltl vi the nliclntmn shown try the vlsltllnl reverse run around the midi caught IInrlle nim plne in the third qullricr appar enliy content its lit with lilill tIII plot in Copeland showed excellent blln lug speed and llrtrptlon In 167 Shanty lluy Rd GARRETTS EAST END GRAVEL PIT ClllllIlIiD CONCRETE IllAVliI PIT RUN CONCIlIlTI OItAVSL CRUSIIEO IIOAD ORAN OYILL LOADED AT III Oil DELIVERED through centre withknees high away to bad start in the openinge iensive play the rest or the way to giv ArenuParlr Christie paced Lthe wln with it two touchdown elrort to keep Barrles undefeated string intact rounding two wal Idbe Dltrrlc tack lcrs behind ll block tar 30 yard run without hand luld lgpon hlrnl Nirholll converted and placed Midland wlihln tJuChdown up litllrsl the flame IdVorIiDitr Barrie were not Inuit In rising in the threat however and while Mid land sent their host attainst the local offense the puwcrlul pltlnltinll iuund ll way io the Midland live where Christie carried over lid snap tutlatl the convert liurrlc tlllint worms in winnintt illclr aorlal attack was noble and ball handling In lho bcklield slmv hesitnney lllcltll was uvltl rnl loll and had It not been Inr the qulcltupeiieu are speed was tinll tu IIlIVllIltI the defending champions wuuld have louketl Initthl pnmuh John Christie and Quinlan entl Alvin Nurruna were the pick of tiln lltlrri hackilvld with Quinlan play in Ill sunt powerful 00minute runlnll lhek lravuwne II tower at ltrcnitlll on the wlnullms and his liltitllnx was mainly respnnllbie It what atlnck his main showed IlAitilm tlnrlp imallwmnl utlnrlls IIIIVII Jackson tackles enlmnrly Kirkpatrick rhea Ilmli MrDtszll halves Quinlan Cllsilh ir Nmmm llylnii wing Wlllnlll tptllrler illlwnrd allnrllntol lilillar Money ltltilrlr Valley Within Ilill Walton tamer llruwn Inlls sell We Cows IIIIRRESS RACES Orr tulle Race lrat WILLIAM ROWE GIVEN NATIONAL PC PARTY POST The Progressive Conservative Party has appointed the ml of one or Its most distinguished members as national director The appointment at William nowc son at Han Earl Row only iurlllcr cabinet member or the l930a35 Conservative Government still active in Canadian politics was announced by lun George Drew itlr Rowe takes over his duties III the partys nutlllnal headquar ters today He illla neat last IllliI hy Ottawa lawyer ll Bell who returned his law lice In low mall ltCAl Veteran at World War it the Opposition new national director has combined iarmlng at Newton ilubinson with an active role in party organisational work Mr llowus lather now reprrs eniinu DullerInSllncac riding In Ihe Cnmmnnii wes rt member at the Bennett cabinet and lnlcr headed the Ontario IC lasiy CALL rllc leMlNlJl roe IIthTINCrIIlONB slll vslxlvlerson SEDAN all and eumtar elm lion llshts mill brand new car Law dawn ymsnt sIOSIl aboutuoml per week LLOCK MOTORS LIMITED Phone 6696 LOCATIONS Ne 90 Hwy at lorlllllllu lllarltct Square ltlurle SATURDAY OCTOBE 23 Podt Time I30 pan ii CLASSES IO IISATH ALL CLASSES FILLED WROERIIIII IIIIOWEII us urJvtm talletlaliavsIMJ VANCOUVER CWFarmers in the lower 110 mainland area are tightening their grip on available hay lupplltl in lace at an expected winter shortage Ontheiarm prl ces or hay rose tram all to sit ton early in October IlIIIIOERIIELO 65 COLLIER ST MllIltA llllMlllttt 57 Barrie their toughest meeting Elderly Mauls Believed Drowned During Weekend During hewcekend dragging operations were carried out on Getrrglsn Bay tor the body or Charles Stccklns oi Waubau sllene who was presumeddmwn ed when his boat was Iound ll ill ins on Friday night Mr Stetkins who was lla leli tor his ccltageat Mlnlcoiz ohmo Honey Harbor on Wednesday it is believed he ran out at lth and tell overboard few miles out at Wotlhaurhcnc SPECIALI OOLO TEST PERMANENT lIiAItANTIIIiIl 2990t GRAVES BROS 305 BAYFIEID ST BARBIE FREE LUBRICAIION WIIII EVERY WINTER CIIANGEOVEIL YES Sill ET US CHANGE YOUR Oil Transmission lliIIerenliuI Thermostat lnr vlnler drivin and you receive trea luhrliation This Offer Good For TWO WEEKS Only IIIONI NOW DONT MISS TIIIS OIIOIITIYNITY MOTORS LTO Chevrdlet Oldsmobile Cadillac Chev Truck Dealer llllll 2487 Ballet Shoes Toe Shoes Tap Shoes Dance Wear REPRESENTATIVE OF The Bernadette ilnspenier Shop TORONTO will Inc In hull In III III In at llama equipment Iriduy Ocloller 22 Item Nil The lounge at Sllosoplls Auditorium Illll to flood conditions us were IIIIDIR to have our sepsnutallyrin Illssle Inl wnh £uAI or 1541 ormaï¬uMiï¬hm has Iï¬vh sawmrasanhl