it PTE MEL ROCKWELL Calgary rifles the regimental mascot Pan and lends the col or party and members of the 2nd Battalion Princess Pacrlcms Canadian Light Inlnmry an the parade square or the Trooplng ol Mrs Harry Lynn Barrie with her sister Mrs Wilson 01 Parry Sound had slum visil wilh rclnlivu here manly Tam McAllNLr Tnmnlu was on business trip last week ml of Mnllun and Willluln Took Mrs Jack Mr am Mr Midland umurnn Iumlcsun was hnml for Inst werkcml xss anlun Alliï¬lnn ms hem visiting Mrs MrCulchnnn mv rvntly Nlullsmn llrldge Atrlllenl 0n uur Thanksgiving rclum mu from down London way we cnmr upun th nccidonl al Nlmlslnn OK I0 carvtruck cullisinn Ell thn v15 llll Mr mw brldgn One VISIT flaws of TIMIMon lIIlHHUNN ll NIIJILTFH FROM LEADING IIIUNIHIH HAMLIN HUI INIANTNT PIKETl MflllDE RENEW LTD 42 Dunlap St Phone 3134 MAUDE ARNEM LTD Ynur Nnme lmnrlnlrd Imnkx select rum WEHYMUUTHS MANUFACfURERS FE ThursdayFriduy Sulurduy 1inxs0NA1J Cowboy Soldiefleads Color PaflyinGérmany HOOK STORE 1N Dunlap NI FORMERLY THE KIDDIES SHOPP Isl QUALITY NYLON HOSE GIVEN Illllli WIIH EVERY PURCHASE AMOUNIINU To $291 OR MORE DUI PA See our Complele Range flcloher 212223 CHILDRENS WIMII roniinum righlly wander why here are accidents here when pnnsplcflous warning signs arr nl jcach and or Ihc bridge The drlvrr 01 the Woodswck car would surn 31y mum um um nncnmlng heav Hylnadcd truck or pnlatocs skmuld have me right way even ram me standpolm at courtgsy Dunn lsllngton nc cnmpn ml by Mrs Dunn and hair lwn duughlurx and son and Mrs Slciuhl spent Thanksclvlnz med Johnsluns Helpln Baxler Mrs Isaac Jcnnetl has been Baxter since last Sunday The late Jnhn Hallgh who was one 01 lhl ï¬ve drnwnnd on the Bcclnn mad last Friday evening was hrr hrmhcrlnlnw Munnlc Laflltn nght Mnnilohn Masonic Lodge No 23 Cnakslownheld lhcir nnmml Lad ira Nigm lust Wednesday Storm nemlndu Allcr lhc alarm with all its un explained rrwms nu dovasmlion and luss of 11 we are again It mindcdgthnl he Almigth rclgm Supreme Attend Plow Match Mr and Mrs Wilbur Dchsnn and Wallwin were nmnm 59m he dslricl people In nucnd lhr Inmnutlcml PInwlna Match 1N wcck nl nrcslnu CENTRE VESPRA Fall rmm lony Mmlor nonnn Camcmn had lhc INSUIAHCE COMIANV THE BEST JOBS an openla now will higher cdumlion You Ianlguarunlco carom oppommillm for you dulldlnn you plan or lhnlr cducullan now Iluough lilo Imuwnco the Colour prior 90 the arrival ofLady Fu mm Ramsay ColoanlnChlet of the Reg lman The 2nd Battalion PPULI ls pres ently serving with the lat Canadian Inlan try Brigade Germany mislorlunc last Thursday evening to lull on his pony down by $5 No culling Ihc lower part unc arm on the meal cmvm Ho wns taken In Barrie Royal Vic lorm Hospilnl where hel wound Icquhed 35 slilchcs uclose and he win be absent from snhaal or several days Best of luck and rucnvcry Dnnnle Miss Audrey Money spcm Ihe weekend with her cousins Elsie mm Marlene Wan Mr Nun of Funk has rqlurn ed lunmc ancr ï¬uundlng snme time here 717 Harder spcnz Thanksglvm weekend at his home In SL Cnlh nrlncs Irrlunl Iluel Hurricane flnlcl played hnvnc In Camre mm by taking out thI bridge on by Dobsons also th sldcrnadby Innk Hngs Your correspnndcnt was out during the 5mm and and quite mo mo trylm ï¬rst he Graham sidcroad whlch wns also washed out But guess we can be much more lhnnkful than so many more around 11ml mIl and en roulc to Tomnln Christ Church Servch Due 10 the slnrm and bad mad the service at Christ Chllrbh was cancelled on Sunday Unw evzr service will bu as usual pm next Sunday Mr and Mrs Thurlow Darrin were guests of Mr and Mrs Day last weekend Young Penpltl Ilnur On Sunnny owning OCL 24 nr or hc church nll yuunu people nr um community are mm mm in am Sunday Schnnl mom or fiendship hour Mr and Mrs Down uY Kinguon nre visiting Mr nml Mrs Ilnrry Marshall llera mm llcllevule Mr and Mrs Urucc lvncark Philip Ilohhy Harry nml usnn Ikllrvullu spam Thank Mr and Mrs Ruben lmmw Mr and Mrs Tnm anh um um onnln mum Mr nnd MN Nash llImLd in mm Mrs Vvul la prhurvsxlnu n9 wIll mu xpctlml mid nrrivml mum lhls lmleny irs Marklc and mu havld Tumulo wcn wrrkuml aural Ill Hr lid MIJ Hnlml Oruk Itnmmnen SH lnplk mm Mum Cmuu rnurlmnvd hLr Sunday Schnnl rluu puny SzmmLIy 0mm nu ma nrm mam mmn lhru won nnl mnny mm out as In um yours ml wrryunv mum ummlvu Inlly nu hmmlilul npzm mmlIIIL rlllnnwn mmu ul 7111 wrllknuwn lumhnnrk brithzr wvnl um qnrly my nmrnlng dur the Hum leny rvvnlnn mu mm much mum uucwllvm In he mm mu ndvmmmy urnlzmmhuz pumth wmn rrrnlh lhlclml mu unnm mm mm lw mnqu Work lmxmulnl Dummy Inn Man uninh Hun Ilanl Arlrl Himn nlw hm h1 lmlrhrll nml Tvmvy lull III on Hm vnv Rlarm Hamn Hm ulxlrnnr ml mum mam wllh lum um and 11 Mr vrvk mmd up nml dramu mll Ivvrylhlnz lmrrl mul mm Mr Hulls mm mm vulnnl nml III1 mu mum rmqu ILHI wny wm llsully hII lhry hnvv MIDHURST COLWELL in Owlnz the record brcnklnl ityrm with land lnmnny am the nllendnnce lhe murkn wru considcrnbly below par and some Alhose Mending hnd Iddcd mgms an Mr and Mrs Bouncyhad ï¬le crossing nlWandcr Valley which wns an under water tooling Mp lnr part or their car Others were alum because Hood troubles pn their ownlam The Bradford 5mm lmd wns trouble cnnulzh and Innxsm Slrcnt was closed Egg price were about on the same level ma prpvlous week with range tram pcuwees at 25 extra Inigo noc Chick ens too were reasonable 45 lo 502 for cholw rnasllng hire and we Ior owl Prices As Béfore Mrs Legnce wnsmbnr pnul after missing last week with good assqumcm Minna cukcl laxts cookies dam squares brand together wlgh olhcr vungors with smaller supplies Home Baking Vegetables Pnlnlcnchgnalncd nl 4n basket carrmsv bcels from 45 lo 50 and former prices also on squash clh mns pumnklns and other vcgci tables also sane savory nml dlll Apple Chnilc VDuchrxs and Tulmnn Sweets were we basket Fancy Work HandRuined goods were on snlc and also embroiqu pmow slips and nthcr flnc exammcs unnamran and mum bridges at Culwnll washch nut wntsc mu may have uxpemnum mr nvcr 70 years Dem Vmshuuu M03 the Alla mm Cnlwoil were out on Sunday to see who could ind the dccpcsl and biggest washout Miss Deny luwrcy was home from Pon Calbmnc during the holidays Mr and Mrs Llscumb had lhclr sunlnlaw and his lamlly visit them last week I4e arï¬ved REFRESHED nby bus Scull Sic Marin SI Louis Vancouver SATURDAY OCT 11 Mounluin climbing is no span or any amuleur bu slopovers or sighlsoclno In NH mounmin roglom are an cnioyublc calurt cl bus Imvcl mm Bus nmmn hom Ioonlo mum ms Slgllvolng um Maul loom Double nluMI Auk your Annm lor dolulll of Hill or am Futkunl Toun km my lnlavmulhn 15 DPYT$13PJO LOW ROUND TRIP FARES CALIFORNIA Package 1our Hum $2430 $3240 $9315 BLONDIE POGO ELSWORTH MUGGS AND SKEETEI vou omer as Juibp vou omer qr Vegas ng no mmmumm Mymnothingemnul WOULD Ir HURT to DO voure my 13 man 1K WHAT DO You DO row M5 Kn nut mamtxamnm nagging 26395445 guvn root comm mg For Pickup Dimer Bill 71 you DONr GO urxsmmo r09 MYY fllWEmj ByCHlck yddng By Wally th Kalli ll amt