Tilt nrllcle In the Herald Trib unn 1111 how Mrs Flanders has made her collection more Mn 90m xpeclmenx and variclles old songs and ballads To follow ballad backto ilssburce and nnle and recordills varlullons ls la llelrn llarlnoss Elnudcr more lhrllllnthan an nvllflllnn lu uaal lho Whltc llriu Evon at me Whlll House uhc lsalcrl lho posslblllly of adding her starrlmuso bf hllormntlon about bulludx and folk songs At reptlon uivnn by Pnsldcug nnll Mu IJscnhown tar dnlngms the mrotlnz heinlcrParlin montary Unlun she was ubscrvod ln nnlmntcd convcrsaunn vllh llm Honorable Palrick Hogan delegate rum Elm nuy wcrncomparlm lrlmmnd Nchanland version ol The Drnwnlng DI William Lenn lhe lrishvnrsion poor drowns in Hie lakes of The Na mshr were born and mm Cape Breton Island rpmrded ï¬ve folk songs for Mrs Flanders who has 1hr oulslanding nrivnlecollecunns nf ballads In hvr country They remember flue songs their Scottish gmndmmhcr used to sing and translated the marks the mugs for lhe cnll mar In Mm her In her bannd lmnllnl Mn Henry wlm formerlyjivod 1n HumImd Milne 1x pictured ln wrmwnsue the New York Hnmld Tribune wllh Mrs Flund are at rncordlng session whm she Wm writlng her new book Migrauon of Songs and Minds on Mar Life tumult of the hello mm her gmndmolhcr Iron the hlgh lands of Scutlind used to ting are heritage that Mrs JnmcsL McNell 125 Worsley Street rherhdm And these memnrlls and her knnwledge theaudrnt language have Ird In Mr glvlng assistance tn the wife at famed Unttsd SL3 senator In Mr quest for old songshnd ballads which sherecords and cancels fur her stnrshousent tntnrmatlnn Helm Marinas Flanders to 01 Senator Rgflptl Flanders of Vermont In dudes In one her banks of Inlk mugs Hm Cuckoo tapvd by Mrs Momu and her sister Mrs James Henry Washington DC wlth whom he Barrletresldonl wag dung the um any up fur any number nf tauJun mnynulnlrnly ï¬ml ymm nlltnlnllyIimlrlmlIImln why you would In Win In imlmlr Tuna Iiinulin lhnnm In your lifn in nummm whmwr vanilla Auk ynur bufrdrulinn Mm Aluml Imnyl ll hLu lWn lolnlly dicnbhLl cvrr yinrc He Inn 815000 Tunfcdrrm Iiun Li policy Hm rnniu lnlal Disahilily mm mull he nryim lrmllar manth cluqun urSlï¬U while many dinNed unlil muhn up Inï¬hiu 3150 ma imulunrr polity umllnms In full um and Cnnfnlrrminn pay lllr pmusnmI ll ho ill mum at nrlluï¬ will main 115000 in mh inrnmlu cm 3150 Momh And Free Insurance In11t9nyoungMnnlrulnltsnun Agor wifeml xrvrra hull nlmk IBm BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY 90 Fnr Fm Mud WM About MIAMI mill lllLl WIVUIIIIHVI kruhnn mm RENAL EUNIRAEINS RURIGKIAHON mmmmcowumm nilICIIIC APPllAIICESO HOSPIIALZ Iiiéiuiii him mmucmm am nmmqmmsmm nmmmm um AROUND TOWN By mm HWKIAIIOI In rlmr Ir lunrh wm IrrVNI by me IN In rhnrw MXJ IL Hm MtQuy Mn nrrulhrrl and Mn 11 rulluwhm humnrmu wnluL Mm McDmnnll unvr nu Inlnrmn llvr lnlk In llndluxn rtvlrwlnu lho dllcomy prudqu mrml In 1030 my yullnu Frrnrhmnn In llu NM Hm lel dhlvlll MI Ilrnnw mm lmlflc puwer Ind HA vnrmun nmllcul mu wrro IMNI An rxrrllrnl rmllnu on Huutlnnl ulllnn wnl mm mm 1mm and Klvm mrmhllu Mrs lmnrn Mdhrmuu nunru rr cllzvnshlp and rducallun um rhnrxll or the prnznmbv ulnnlmx wllh Ilngmnu Elrnnur and Inrqurllnc Hunting mm duct Mrx flrld and M15 Lornr Cnr rulhrrv who nllendId lhn mum cllnlc mwlinxz In Harrie lpnk mm nmd tar Cullcrr clernus and Inn Um nf mnllrlnl um In Ullm This work will hr Ilndmakrn lu Inn near rulurr Mn Hurry nunllnu anrlrd on 11 dlxmrl XVCHUVP xnerunu Illld jln conkuown Sommnmr and also gave dolnllrd man an round lama munmm cundmlrd hy Mu nmnuum ul lwoml In Conkelflwn llnllnwcen puly Inr dllH Ivy rouumnmy hvlllIflday rwnlnu 041 11 In cm all Th mcmnvrs wch reminded nf lm talk nu Cnnklnu Shonculs on Oct 22 110 pm by Miss Im mu Torunm ï¬lm wlll bx uwd fur ml program and n1 1nd lrs no communlly will be mad wrlcomr béiéguiu wm nppulmml ï¬rm canvznllon on Nov and In Dnrrlv The October medium or Ivy Womenx nslhulc was held at me home of Mrs Jack naming with members 1115an Mrs Ear IllId Ihe prcsukcnt conducted the meeunz lvy lnéfiture Names Delegates To Area Meeting often think of you mnsl gralc fully for helping me out reunr lnthP nfd songs In the nld tuna MmFlnndms has wrlllen Mrs McNeil am nhvnyu vnrkfnu to preserve them evnn though do luljnf other lhlngs Recently when friend heard Ihc Cuckoo Songynu andMrs Henry gnvc me laprirecordlnu lhnl friend snhi II that Is nchnrus wmu f5 lhc lune In the verse wish you would try 1n think of verae and if the hint is different him the chorusluno mu if nel nmr nf ynu know vorses lhnf shnuld gn win he sang Itl appro ciale If It you would nxk about among Iolhcr people whose aro huarscnme from Barrn to see if lhoy can recll more anhy her six volumen of null Oclollhalladï¬ llnd folk songs Ire knbwn In scholars lhrougllonl the world and the Helm Hanna Flanders Folk Muslc Cnllccllon Wlllchshc give to Mlddhbllly boller ml ls nne the onl ulandinz private collections In the country Colutidrnl wlul me ï¬lm Ilcaliolfl of her lalcleznnk Mid dlepmw Cnlloze Issued 1111 LP rev mam at eight bullnds sung by nnlbprufcslinnal singrul She EELS slrnngly HIM hnllllls nnd sang it the peoph belong me people 1an that It Is important thatIhls horilagc should run he lost but be gnlhqrnd and made nvnllubh Ihme now llean well as in future genrmlinns Far Ilmult quart nt can lury Mrs Flanders has been driv Inghcr cui over thnusands mum nll kinds mads lug glng lwr sixtypound recnrdlua muchlnc wherevar she could chase flnwu vnrluunn an old ball BuImdhum has as much excha mcnl Mr seeking aanuq furniture nr hunting wnd gm has for nthor maple She has to go whew slu can and thy singers lrndfllonal songs IJ hear Hu ballads from neu ups Just at my learned am by ear lrom some nowlnnggnne nneesloras Mrs McNeil and Mrs lIlnly lenrnod them by ear tram thllr zmndmnllwn Womens Institutes Iknow taachr IOOK Ill llll gr mull lh chll rummlh Jrnnul mum Jrnnm wlll hr 20 11 lhl Alvklrd by Mr ThI mulln nl Slrllud Wumllll lulllhllt lhll Ilmlllll II Curl um mm vurrnlly mm um llllnfl rnnnul wands 1m ruumur la rhlmur ho lhlnnl run nml lhr wlmum In muw lelrNur 11m ruslllullunn mn vmml Mr Knmubvll null Mu Cuwnn tlmruo nl ma pruxruvln mm wll rill Bradford Womens Insmule mcrllnu Hm home Evans und lhn program In Um llwlno Clmcnshlp nnd Hdw cullnnMuch wlsdnxu nflcn no wllh rwnn worth nnll call ll mun yuur lnl school lruclnr nml lllo Illnth nulnmlunc ml WISH Mm Immnun M15 Hr rkrn Mm Jurkxnn and Mrs Collg hum lhnrnlnu mewnn lnslllulu wtIll lmlm of Mrs Swmfl WHII Mrs Cunlllnulnull VJIN Jonnvll MM Jr mu Mm human Juhnsnu nml Rm Hull Hum hush$5M Null Null Ix mmmuuny nrlMly wllh vhhh Ilw hmnuu mmm holp The mnurnm nu onmmunlly urllvlllvl nml lnlbllv nlmlun IS brim run Vrmd by Mn ll Hrlxl Mm Hmwn and Mn Shrlchll mm Yfur he Ullhml Wom nln hmuule nflrnlnon Otlnlnr mulan Mrs Kcll The mnlln In Evcn ynu om hr Iluhl lnuk you wll Im Illll um ynu Maud nllll hy Mm NIllly Jr lhu nmwmru nl publln mum um cmmmmlly htlvllrl Mu llyko and Mn erlly 112 In rhunic lm pmflrum mm mu can rum mnn lmfllv vlnlnllnn Tth II smulnvr null Hrlmllnu um lhl dllmlluu Mm lhlu mu Mlt Iblmlm llnilrlm nn Mu Ilnnlwn Mrl lllvnn Snwycr MII Ilnllnll Mu Arvinr ullll MI MMHNWI Ivy Womens Institute hostess was Mrs Banunz and flu pmn gram home was Clllzenshlp and Edumlicn Mrs Hunting rc vlewed current events and lhol dnyx convcncr was MN McDonn nll 1011 ml was flequlrcmcnls of Good CleLIL Lunch husl vssts were Mrs Cochrano Mrs Davis Mrs Cnrrulhors and MM 13 Jenncll The ï¬chcdulc prugrnnu for me Womcns minutes at Suum Slmcoe durlng the month of 0cm bar has bccn n5 tollpws The next mecllng will be held the home of Mrs mum on Nov when the place lmd am for the birthday pnrly wlll be known Annourice Program Schedule South Simcoe Institutes Mrs ILB Sth reported ml the llrcclors meeting held It Elm ane and also read Ihe rcsolulions which were dlscussed Delegates were chosen to ntlena the mnvcn mm to be held Nov and nt Contra Unlotl Church in Barrie The morllnx closed with Ihc slnglngnl the nmlonal nnlhcm followed by mcInIpcrlod wilh dellcmux lunch Sncludlng he lovely downth cake very pleasant evening was en oyud by 24 India Who Were guesls of Mrs Cnchrnne or he Oclnbcr meeting or Centre Vesprn Wonggns Institute wllh Mrs Dawson presiding Alm the usual procedures Mrs Wnllwin described how to make cancer padsl speaker Russell Blaomflold gave Am nltracflvclumnnstrathn an cake decoration and wander Iul qu m1 cake making and load which all Iound very lnleremnx and enjoyabkx Demonstration Of Cake Making Delights WI FOREMAN LES MARTIN presean the former Joyce Hnn son with table hymn on behnll orhenmunv friends In motor product assembly at the Barrie Works of the Can adian General Electric Co Ltdf She became Mrs Ivan Clem mms In lam September Preséntaï¬bn Madejfo Autumn Bride The theme Allizlnn Women Inslllulc mcclhlg ll munlh is home economics mm the mono Wuhoul lave hnme 11 an im pammmy 1101qu 5v or pay and lunch hasxcsses Mrs Hnnccy Mrs Glbsan Mn Small Mrs C4 Gra ham and Mrs Aldcrson The htmp ncclnn Womens Insulqu this month home can nnmlc and wallll Miss Clnzlc as summer Thrmwlll be dam onsuauflfl by Mu Thnrnlnn and MN 14 Cnmplm wl ruvlLw cnrrun evrnls Roll call will be My Favorite Ilnbhyf and muun In Auxlr Improves anh lnu Except llw Arm Culs Duck Insmscs nu Mrs Cnmplln Mrs Wiuulnn nnd Mu CHIP Hollows Wmmnx Institute has nrlnhvr pnmrmn lnplc nut rulluro null Cullmlizul hiduslrlm Hvum ll host uml lln xun must thankful fnr gram convrnors an Mrs and Mrs Armstrong and the 110mm or lunch Bre lluL Mrs Andnws and Mrs Par 110ml Hum Womens Institute meets ml munlh at Hm ham Mrs Ereth wllh mll call Fisherx Comm WI mccls lhls mnnxh the home at Mrs liounsomc wllh Ihc mph com munily nullvllios and public rela llnns The mono la The your lam much that he day cannol knuw and roll call one step can take Inward world pcncc The commmee Ls composed Mrs Slurrs Mn Cnnncll er Slownrl and Mrs Turn The October mtoiing of Everett ancnn lnsliiuic is being held the home nf Mrsv Jim Kerr wllh roll tall Thanksgiving vuma lhc scripture reading vis lining given by Mr51 inifnry wllh Mrs Pearson as leudcxt Subject urcbning provided or lmprumplu speeches and the mm to ix BL thanklui or small mer mics by Mrs Beilclicn Com munlly Activities will be discussed by M1551 Cnlluy and here will be conlcsi on the WI Handbook conducted by Mrs Pearson Lunch Jimlnsu urn Mrs Mlddiebronk and Mrs Gnllauuhcn Fisheru Comm WI mccls lhls mnnih the home at Mrs liounsomc wllh Ihc topic com munily activities and public rein linns The mono is The your muil that he day cannol and mil call isone up Inmnus parsnn lum alwnys ml lnlrml Time Is LI sklt an the program entitled And So They umd the nosnluflnn and muslc and mum Hnstcssns um Mrs Boyd Mrs Martin Mrs Brady Mrs Spring and Mrs Dhlflch IIIII In IIIEMIy rquuHery Mum INM uh lnrlll Hull Illmllvl Illa IHVIHUHIHHWI Icrmn Mm lllvMINI Ull llvld pinyn rnnch mlmr rthumrlll nuu In my pmun permm ll Marv ml Ilvr Illm lrlnrh NI lulnlullk midi11min null nwurdml TI II II lhn llghl mllnI mo mummum mllnl whnrn Imllr ll mlrrly mumu Invl luv mam Iur muumrul Rn my play Ihnuld am hnm Ihn Mud nm 00 mmhvaw lunnlnl vlul In tau hum alum 1m wuvldu um lnu l1 wlvlrh wlll pull 010 mu IIIM on no nlflfllll lha poor my win up nlwaI In the mlddlr llul who llnI qllltr Ilul uhme dullmfl III hill drrepllvr vnlplur lum nu lnnh ml whm Ill IIWIAMI ol the mm Ill maulhulnl yeron nmm Mun It In olnl on to um In Out louxlldnwn mlxht luv lurn and In uhlll IWIHI Imamdamn Any nnlulhnlllm player or plnyru Ilull lw lmlmdllkly IllIller lmn hulk pmu mum In um um nm Inunl mnkn lmulmluwn mlhllnnllc NM um wny wr mul mm mm It mu lrnvu uu nflulrr murr Xm mm mlumrnl Wv mrnn lhnl Hlll rnnrrrnlnu lnvmlnn 1M plnylnn fltM Ivy ml unnulhmlud plum Mm umu mm hlx mm on muldrn Impulm mu mm down an nwmlnu vlnyrr who imp mn Mummeran by nu mnmrnl runnluu lrrn um um 11 um mm rlrnmul nml llrnnlln min at mu mmvhmrr mmml nu llnlnu nu npllmmlc mull wr mmrhuw rulnvd llw xnprrulnn llml nl lnu Hm CIlU hm uul Iwny hum lw lhmrmu nlle In 1m 0w mununn lu murrlnlmy nml Imd come my will hnnly lflhld lruhlnnun In Iul Ninthdawn rum ollrmrvl mumm htmmn Lmnpvllldly nulnuunr Immm Ivl Irnvlng he an In llk mlllllr Calmt ynunlfllhlul Ann happened hy Dome dlns mltluncr he um um urlulhllun the Iamtllln Ruxhy Unlan hh ulrrn Al night dmlnt the mum wnuhl In hurt by hnnld Ipertru um hMrmn ulnarnu For In any um nmuuunm xllulllon mm mam IF lulrnpldluuln thrnum nu llwlr nwn hut vl rnlu MIMI umrlalnly Invrm Hm urinal plzy calvett sham 7mm Wv mrnn lhn nllr unrfrnllrlu lqvnltlnn Innyml ncm anv ummnn Ind wnnflonl for NI alum will nka llmu Mn Im mm Van IL Immo MIIII MAIN DISTILLERS LIMITED Churchill Women Inalllulc ll bclng uddmacd his munm by Roy llickllnu The theme at the muting agriculture and ann dlan tnduslrlm and he mono Walnut 019 pan lrc that us llm change gem nol call is bird lhnl helps the farm and why Currcnl cvnnls are being rcvlcwcd by Mrn Kell and lhcrc will be muslcï¬n the program axioms are Mm Sluruoon Mrs Pruner Mrl Allan Mrl Bouncy and Mrs Slowarl Cauleown Women lnstlluu October krplc ls homo economic and henllh wlth mll all ï¬ne Work lec Evil In the Home The commlucc for me meeting It made up Mrs Coulis Mrs Parker Mrs MnycsMm Wheeler Mrs Donnell Mrs Brolgy and Min Irene McMasflr ann 15 lho Elevators are not runnnl cllmb he Mnln Roll What make good Iar mcrs wile and Mrs Wfllum convencr or the day The lunch committee Ix compostd Mn JneVornon an Mrs Sid eruhl The mcellng closed leth deï¬c loua lunch servcdby Mrs Fraser MissWendy IImxrne WW in charge the Comte SImtM Branch of Th6 Chlldrcnl Aid Sn nlely mm very dongqu and lnslruclivc talk on me work of the CAS In Enrrie about on Snlurday Octuber 91h IDS ltwohlrty oclock 11 he nflmnon In Angus Unhed Church Elev Flur encu Hunter pcrlormcdvthe cere many The mummy meeting the min Alumnae at the flvynl Victoria Hospital was held at the home at Mrs Fraser 09 Cumberland SL an Tuesday Oct l1 wflh the prnsldum Mrs Helen erldgc pre siding Tvnnlysevcn mcmbcr were In attendance bride was wenrlng arm of turn Disc blue with mnwhlnz ne cussnrlcs and corsn of pale plnk mm she was me and by her slslcr Mrs Orvllle Hill at Barrie whn was In teal hluc nndvwns wear lng mulching acccmnrics and 11 deep red COISBSC momma Iallawed at the name at Miss Agnes Carter Alter weddan trip in Algnn quln Park the caupleywlll be Innk lng their hnme New Lowfll Menlian rwns mndL he hnnnr bestowed upon Mlss Prlscllla Camp hall 317 graduate 01 the ï¬nal Vlcmrlu Hospllnl Mlsa Campbell has been nppolmed to ï¬le Dcmln ion Councll Health or Iperlod hrno years She replace Min Fldler of Toronto letter congratulnllnns was ll be onwnrd ed to Miss Cnnmblll on helm ml the nlumnnc by he secrclary Mlus Helen Anderson The mmhze Mu Doreen Elllne Walk daughter of Mn Blnlr Walker of Nuw Lowell to Ed ward Mpnonnld son of Mn Don Mr Kennedy ad Angus fwns groomxmnn Mrs Keith Benn 62 Nclsan SL member at flu alumnna was prr scnlcd vwflh nn engrnqu span prior lonvlnz slur Germany in Join her husband lherc MchnaHWalker Nwzals Held Angu Church Nurses Alumnae Congratulates 1917 Graduafe CALL 11W EXAMINER PRINTING PHONE IM RummageSalr Stock is Sent to Flood Victims Ehn rummage snlc held byï¬hr Sumal Gmup the Womans As soclntlan was wuhod out on Fri day evening and Saturday morn nlnu but nllJNasynol um Pm tically thc wholestock comprls lug mnhy carlamz was boxed up and sent dawn lo nrndlnrdto rc llnva the dBtrcss lherp the morning nnnlvcrsnrymcrvlcc lho mlulstcr Centrpl United Church ltev Cool Bren callnd on lhe congregation for dnnnflons of load for the flooded areas Bradford and Holland Landing II result truckload mm cut 1an on Sunday afternoon rmull 00 the Glrl Guldus Harrie In der Commlsslnner Mrs Muc Grcunr went out amlmndc armr The Wu nnnlvemry service were held Central United Church on Sunday large congre gations were In nllcndancc mam lnu nndcvenlng In spun of the Inc Ihnlllhe mcnlflood rakcdm quwlon tar time to whether there could be any scrvkg all on Suhdny Water came in the Toronto sx dnor and rose In the Instmom un til It nlmost submerged the urn nces Hnwcvcr nflgroup mm mm committee of slewartta arrlvcd on Saturday all the wa ter had receded hnscd the mud the floor and started the urn nces that all was ln rcndtnns fur the nnniversary scrvlcos ALSO AVAILABLE AT KNIGHTS DRUG STORE 74 DUNLOP ST NilSERVICE CLEANERS 14 HIGH ST TUMBLERS CALL 2471 FOR PICKUP AND DELIVERY MON beautflul blown glass Fm Polilhcd Nonchip odgo gm cvald color Bovcvogo Tumbler made by Anchorglau hmrnntrrd by flood Ilngwrkuplng HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Fast nnedny service EnsyernIIol rrqulrtmculn Up In 24 mnnllm lo repay Borrow will coniitlcnre from Cnnmluï¬ largest null mml recommended cam lllmfl ï¬nance company Call IIFC ladnyl NUTSE RV ICE $5030 $1000 orl your own signatuie 20 Dunlop sowm uan our phnnl 5529 IAlflll 0N1 mum Man um Funnu mu when you need it The children baptized were Judith Anne daughtur at Mr and Mrs Brent Murdle Randall mu Mr and Mrs Muvdlc Camp bcll Peter AILm sun of Mr and Mm Cncll Cook Erinn Milton mm or Mr and Mrs Dart Coullcr Jlll Large Nurriber Of Children Are Baptized Last Sunday morning Comer Street Unlkd Churdx number me chlldrEn lnmlllcs at the congregation were bnpllzed Quite few grnndpaunll and rehflve ltgmoulollown were presentlor the occaslnn the mnrnlng anniversary servlcc the mlnlster spoke on subject Valley 01 Dry Bums and at the evening service Cus umBuill Chrlsflanily Warren Mndmm mania and choir mnster Ind the chair in several thems Solns were sung by Alvln Thompson and Mrs My Bishnp Two benullful bray vase were dedicated in memory at Realty nr use In the sanclunr interest on the omminn nf Ccnlrnls Mlh blrthdny Lsthe tact that the ï¬rst hranch of the Young Peoples Group the Mclhudist Church was organized here 1889 The Epworlh league of Canada had lnunplldn when Cunlm Church now sLmds Ailcr lapse several years flour ighlngY Young Peoples Union has chn started nualn odmr canvass and 5101 Dyer whnlmlng mulls EXCLUSIVELY AT cQNIINUE To PRESENT With every $125 worth of Dry Cleaning NUSERVICE No limit 00 the numb oi Tumbl on you am How Evcvy mun mon carries supply of Tumb Ion Mn Dnvld Dyck Grqary Johï¬ um 01 Mr Ind Mm Flock lime Austin Ann otMr Ind Mm Eldon Greer 10 Donna Ion ox Mr Ind Mrs Donald Knowha Lynn Mule daugher of Mr mu Mn George Livlnmn James Douglll son Mr and Mn DfE Inwden Anlu Scott Ion of Mr and Mrs Mawhcrqonrshaun Marlin and Eric Mervyn arms at Mr and Mrs Mnndlcy Carol Lorraine daughterbfMr and Mn 14an Myers Margaret Alice daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Newton Gregory Keith gm Mr and Mn Catherlng adlumu qt Mr uni lag son Mr and Mn Ronald Reid Ruth Eicnnor daughter Mr and Mrs Shaw Dnuglas Frederick sun or Mr and Mn Fred Silk Barbara Lynn daugh lnr of Mr and Mrs WlllLIm West Jusr write nr telephone and say what you wish to lmy and an appllmuon form will cnmplcte details will he mailed you immulinuly CANADA SAVINGS 1an at rhc safcsr invmmem you can buy thcyrc ï¬lmy worth 100 cm on ll dollar aml you an EEK yllflf mnney lutk anytime you nch Wood Glimly Cnnumny Limit 36 King Street Wes Tnmnm Telephone EMpirc 44521 CANADA SA VINGS BONDS ï¬om Its Its easy to order your BARRIE