Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1954, p. 4

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81111 BABEIE mantra MONDAY emanatemi Assessment Up $10000 There are no Goldwater proper ties on the tax sale this year As sessment notices were sent out in Coldwuter Oct and property owners have until Oct 10 to En peol Session or the court of re vision will be held some time If ier that date Total Issement or 155 is up $0000 irom last year placing this years iigure at $453 71 Funeral at Markdale Among reLitives tram the dis triot atthe iurieral oi Thom Tuck at Markdale were Mr and Mrs Arthur Dunlap Mr and Mrs Frank Beotty Goldwater and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Dunlap Moon stone Mr Tuck was retired diuggist and ioriner municipal tierkl Hcwas the nintherinlaw oi Ankle Dunlapson olMr and MrsArthur Dunlap who formed law partnership at Markdale with the Hon Waller Harris Canada picsent finance minister Second tailteorlve Medal 21 Eplett was the second Cdldwator man to receive 50 your Masonic medal The late Dr BURNS Thanksgiving Services Beautifully decorated with hut umn leavesflowcrs and vegetables Burns United Church was crowded to capacity ior the annual Thanks giving services on Sunday The music lor the afternoon service was rendered by the local choir under the direction oi Mrs Allan Currigan and in the evening by the Alliston Glee Club under the direction at Mr Arnold with Mrs Cottan as accompanist The speak er Rev Wesley Hunnisetl DD Superintendent of the Fred Victor Mission Toronto delivered two very challenging messages to most appreciative audience Speak ing from the fourth chapter oi Luke Dr Hunnisctt pointed out how Jesus becamo stronger through being tempted and His lame and or want out through all reit lons about Him and we should profit by llis example and cus tom to be in Church on the Sall bath The minister continued with experiences in home mission work and urged his hearers to re member to be kind and lovable and to please those in our own hninul anti lilo would be so dit iercnt and we should give our church and religion it ionmost place in our lives Speaking can eernlng petty alas the statement was made Good habits build good characters We must not target to thunk God ior all ills muny blessings to us Evening Theme The theme or the evening mes sage Wisihc Church at Work and th speaker stressed the ihoughtthut God would belour guide even unto death Again as in the oilernoon sermon Dr llunnlJeti stressed the importance or putting our religion um it is not so important what church we belong to as long as we are sincere In our realtionship with God and with other people st our work nrld to ourselves We should act clmn example as We are our brothers keeper in many more ways than We realize The church is the greatest institution in the world you can iind the church in any part or the world While privato devotions are important they cannot equal meeting in church for worship was the opin ion of the minister mpiom Liquor hiilc Druiorlng the liquor lmiiic Rev Mr llunnlnett stated that three million dollars It raised in ycnr ior intcslnm in the United States as compared to swrn inlllion being spent in liquor in the same per iod One oi the worm evils oi drink is the social drinking which it the illart dowlwvord iur many in concluding his message the pcnkrr mimnomlcd the Woinenr Mluinnary Smirllm for their great work In foreign and home missions Considered Grnt Horror The local enngrvmllon donned it great honor to have nllch an irlltslandlng rpcaitir take time to leave his work in Toronto where he hill but in charge oi the Mis Boyd also was presented with one but itwu given to him in his home an the physician was umble to attend ceremony In the lodge hIIl United Anniversary Other United ohurehes ln the change cancelled service Sunday Oct l7 to permit congregations to attend anniversary services at Goldwater United Church Min istcr was Rev Creswell of Lindsay Took Charge Apple Day As Goldwater SeouLt aronot re organlrcd the Cubs under Cub master Max Sallows and assistants Winniired Hoyle and Patsy Love loce were in charge of the apple ilay in Goldwater on Saturday Oct l0 Fllsi Operation New Hospital Mrs Ed You all Waubaushene mother of Miss Theresa Yon oi Goldwater bank Itali is recovering tram kncc operation in Penelang General Hospital Mrs Yon was the iirst patient to undergo an op eration inthe new hospltol mlolon for 38 or its 00 years to come to Burn on Thanksgiving Sunday We trust that the inspir ntion gained or those special ser vices will remain with the people at Burns and that we will not only gather to give thanks on nnnIA versary Sunday but comennd en joy the iellowshlp that awaits each one every Sunday during the year Much credit is due to Mrs Butchers and Mrs Kerr who were in charge at decorating the church for the occasion llomc and School Burns Home and School As sociation held their first meeting 01 the all season last week with line attendance with Gcorgc Jotiray presiding the meeting opened with singing The Maple Leal allowed by the Birds Pray er in unison and Scripture reading by Mrs Fisher short business semen inllowed and planswere made or card party late in No vember The visitors were wol cmned and the pupils of Mist Boyds room won the contest ior having the most parents attending and were given treat at home made Candy on Friday provided by Home and School members Mrs Jaiiiray conducted an in teresting meeting on Citizenship which included vocal solo by Mrs Ross Williams and reading by Mrs McCague chal lenglnznalk Are You ll Living Citizen wasiglvcn by Mrs Pearson of Everett assisted by Mrs KerrA good citimri stated Mrs Pearson is the one we go to when there is something wrong and Its the little ox tros we do or other that count so much The meeting adjourned with the singing oi the national anthemiallowod by jsocial hour mayono The Baby Bend aiiiltated with Bums WMS held meeting at the home ui Mrs Roland Munroe last week with six mothers and about 15 prcSChOOl children attending Mrs Munroe was in charge at the worship service with Mrs Vandcr Zoag contributing the Bible story and Mrs James McCairue the Scripture reading games per lod was enjoyed by the children and reircshrncnu served Sick Folk Convaleulng We are gLill to report that the sick iblk are all convalescing Jav orably at their respmllve homes Rom Williams alter being coniin ed to Western llospilal in Toronto Dorothy and alter tonsillec tomy at AllLston hospital last Thursday ielcr Swltler altrr nn aitack 0i virlrl pneumonia Gunt Ior Sunday Rev Dr llunntsclt and his party irom Toronto were llursta at the home of Mr and Mrs Wood and Mr and Mrs Stewart Derith on Sunday Petrrborough nilaw Several llnlsleln brrrders ni Illblllil hndnttcndid the Cham pionship Show at ilirlbviolmh last Friday Mn llalbcrt bereaved Our sympathy to liai btri oi Alliston iunnrr ritildciit WALLACE of Montreal President at Standard Brands Limited was guest of honor at the seventh annual meeting or the ilrms Quarter Century Club Central Chlapter The business meeting reception and dinner were held at the Royal York Hotel Sept 27 Gold engraved wat ches were presented to Seven newmembers whovoompleted 25 years service with the company this year Standard Brands Quarter Century rter ClubHMASevenvNew Members rut ifT ouaur so 131 295 oi this community in the death of her mother Mrs Spears at Kil keelflrelarid last week Mrs lialr bert with Mr llalbcrt and Mar ion spent some time with her mother last summer Weekend Visitors Visitor at Mr nnd Mrs Henderson on Sunday and Thanks giving Day were Mr and Mrs ltuddiek and Mr and Mrs Men ary at Baxter and Mr and Mrs George McKnight oi Cayuga and Mrs Jennetl ni Thorninn Guests of Mr and Mrs Lorne Buyers on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Ed Devlin Bruce and Janet at Toronto and Mr and Mrs Halbert and Marian and Mr and Mrs Herb Shepherd oi Allistun Mr and Mrs Ron Plngle and iamlly Whltby were weekend guests oi ltlr and Mrs Swen son Brian McCague Guelph spent the holiday Weekend at his par entul home here Miss Marian Boyd spent Thanks giving weekend with her parents Mr and Muirsilo Boyd Men lord Guests 0i Mr and Mrs Fred Corrigan at the woetend and on Sunday were Miss Lena Riley oi Toronto Mr and Mrs Hunter 10b law and Josie oi Aurora and Mrs Corrtgan and Miss tirinth Corri gan oi Alllstan Mr and Mrs ilarald Gilchrist and daughters spent Thanksgiving weekend with Mr and Mrs Jackson Arnprior To Algonquin Park Mr and Mrs Elmcr Slnltl on aid and Anne motored through Algonquin Park at the weekend Iluliala Visit Mr and Mrs llelidersnn accompanied by Mr and Mrs lliiddick ni llaxirr it on Tuesday to spend iew days in llutialu Farriin Gathering Guest ni Mr and Mrs Wood hi inmily gatheringfln Thanksgiving Diiy wrri Mr and rs Nirnnnll Oliver Mr nnil Mrs Aldorsnn ltir nnil Mrs Marriott Mr and Mrs James Mur phy Mn Corrlnan Ml llannuh Corrlliail FIitEilil illlil lluv hilloil Iii Alllslon Ml Lillian Cnlhrnilll it unil Mrs Victor Dnle Miss Home Dale Friiilk Dilli Mr ililtl Mrs lrillil Mm llixmck Mrs Yuc linr oi lnriinli iiev Wilton til llumillnll ill Durwuril Mrs HISTORICAL PARAUE AT RCAMC SCHOOL Tlll FEMAIF NURSING ASSISTANTH Cinso naming tlli reviewing stand on tile Comniandailts lnmdc Oct 64 The suluto was taken by Col Cantu 0132 or Commandant tho lwltMC ilohool This ll Lora Tlirtit the tint parade or titdlllld in which iiinlo Nursing Analolairln lane takeil part in the turnaround are Lt Nii ME Vlll iicoyoo NB lll cllargc oi tho Company lt Ntl llrown and NB Comp iloriirn Cltimr UTOPIA Thanksgiving Visitor Visitors to enjoy the Thanks giving weekend wlth iriendt here were Mr and Mrs Edward Den ney and iamilyMrs Isaac Snell Mr and Mrs Frost Toronto with Mr and Mrs Jack Ehis George lligglnson and lenn Mc Carin OAC Guelph ith their parents Douglas McMasler Uni versity oi Toronto with hlr par ents Miss Joyce McCann Copper Cliii Mr and Mrs Howard and iamlly Guelph with Mr and Mrs McCann Mr and Mm Ewart Jennett and iamily Slroud Mr and Mrs Stan Jennett and iamily Barrie Mr and Mrs Cal vin Kirby and daughter Tomato with Mr and Mrs Borden Jennett Successful Anniversary Very successiul anniversary ser vices were held in Utopia United Church Sunday with many iorm er members or the congregation returning ior the day with friends The morning service was in charge at the minister Rev Florence Hun terrwith music byGleiliel Chair At the evening service Rev Bunt tormer pastor now or Mimico preached assisted by An gus choir Both sermons were very inspiring Everyone could truly say in the words or the Psaimlsl it was good for us to be he Langio and Miss lluichison courspNsuiiL Mr and Mrsi Brolcy slrnud spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs EverettrKncoshaw Surprise Party Couisons Hilt Junior Institute and communityiheld surprLse party and showet on Wednesday evening Oct ll iiir Mr and Mrs Robert Leonard tnec Amelyn llambly at their home Schom berg Manybeautilul and useful glits were received or which the bride thanked those present social evening was spent and lunch served Mrs stethoam Kneeshaw spent the holiday weekendwlth irlends In Toronto Holiday Vlllton Holiday visitors were Doris Kneeshaw ol Toronto at name Noreen Kneeshatv who is teaching in Scarborough at home Jean Knecshaw nurscainnraininz at Toronto Western Hospital at home Hamny and Douglas Hambly 01 Toronto at Joe llamr blys PatohcttBowen Congratulations to Mr and Mrs James Patchctt no Marjorie Bowers oi Newrmrkot who were married at the home oi the grooms parents on Thanksgivirrz Day Oct ll llev lll Sanders oi Churchill oillclatcd and Mrs Milne and Billy Weston Mr and Mrs liancey Mrs ltoss Williams and Mr and Mn Allan Corrilzan Mrs Margaret Dnic Toronto is an im mediate relative oi the lamiiy who was unable to be present because oi ill health The dinlhu hall wal btauliiully decorated with baskcll oi ilowers Rev Shllton aet ed its master oi ceremonies on the reslivr occasion NEW FtOS Mr and Mrs wtlliam Ogden and Brian at Toronto were week end viritnrs oi the Inllcrr brother ilnd allierInInw Mr and Mn Lloyd llawn nild iarnlly Mr and Mrs Jack Cameron were tea gucnln on rrunilny oi Mr and Mrs Daufl Martin and ilnnnlr Midland Mlm Marion llaII visited In ilnrrle with Mr anti Mrs Ilin Iiall ilcturn From Wut Sunday Virllora with Mr and Mrs Sieve itllWlI were their Illn inliiw and brighter Mr hrid Mrs AIliil Sinclair nniI Judy iii Ciri liillwotlil who inn rniunml Sol liriluy mm trip to Calgary niinli ailil olilrr points west nunkuivlng aunt Mrl ii Iain illlllvule iilltl Vll lIiIlll liuillioril llarlie were lhnllkalitvlllg llay vltttnrl at Mr and Mill Alcllln Wulllrrn lilltl lullllly Mrri lllnin rllllllilttd for in low tlflyl Mr and Mrs Waller Kerry nnvl Vlnlrt ui Tunmlo went lllr vcrk ml with Mill ilclnrlu aniI inmlly Min Audrey Whippa mm the Wtlhrllii willl relative Ill OrllIIi Slmcoe lcrnlly Gathering Mr nnil Mu Iarerlro Aiklmnn llllti lIIllIltll relrbrllril Thimbl givina at imnlly gathering at illl llllll til Mr Iillll Mrs ilorniil learsnll Alllnluvl Milt iiclrin Pickering clllilll wwtk and Min Ailillrl May Irlv ivlliil Toltllvill Halli1 nvor lbr lilillliay ll lilt llivilw oi their sitter Mu Airl Finlay wi ruwl Nupp unem Tlie Wlmleiln inotiiule lilwl nip vcr held at llllllll ikhml on Thin ilay evenlltl was it nulilri mo on lam number not down to lumnliiul must inllewlnl which til won program ll rungs lfltlliilll and routing ril ward IM hvronlnry King wnn un lucky draw consisting vi basket of rmerlen irw uliIilme mom with music by lock Camu tm and hhlvley Dulu concluded the warm WMS 50th Anniversary St Johns Presbyterian WMS Coulsons lllll celebrated the 50th anniversary on Thursday evening Oct Special smoker was Mrs Norman ui Orillia who gave very instructive and interesting address on The Power oi Prayer Mrs McLarnon or ScarborA ough sang two numbers Scrip lure lesson was riad by Mrs Lind ray Urnwn allowed by prayer by llnv hicLIrrlnn iormer minister bunch was served at the close ltcnovalo Service Station Mr and Mrs David Abbott nrc MOUNT ST tOUIS At Choir Fraction Dale and Karl Miller attended Junior Farmer choir practice at Waverley on Tuesday evening Social At School social was held at the school on Tuesday evening Mrs Miller showed some interesting pictures and Sills was donated towards expenses oi the swimming lessons at iiillsdale last summer Hobart Concert number from the wmxnunltv Attended the turkey supper and Concert at Hobart United Church on Wednesday evening Mrs James Miller and Donna oi Goward spent the holiday weekend at their home here Holiday Visitor Holiday visitors were Murray Todd Barrie at his home here llelon Barr Toronto with her mother Mn George Barr Shor man Erown Toronto with his mother Mrs Brown Mr and Mrs lienry Landry Toronto at The hile Kings Mr and Mrs Byrne Bolton Mr and Mrs llarry Burns and Jimmie Mr and Mrs Ernest Burich Mary and lla gina Frnwlcy and John Rumba at Frawleys renovating their Shell service sta tion to include lovely modeln store Not Progressing Well Sorry to report MrsW linin bly who has been patient in Toronto Western liospltal for some time is not progressing as iavombly as her many irienda would like At Plowinx Match Milton liambly and isobol Knee shaw nlltnIILd the pioWilIfl match at Drcsklu on Wednesday Mr and Mm llobcrt Leonard Schnmbcrg spent Thanksgiving Day with the lailera mother Mrs Whom llilmtlly Now on ralannr main or by inatnimeute at all bronchus of the Royal lion CANADA SAVINGS BONDS sure way to save lIlrnn llillliltt never loop In value They can lie illilltil for their full face value llllln iuirilril illiilill iit any time at any hunk They hear Illlcrcni al the ruin ulllMfi year Oniur ymir lmniia today at our nmrni Immth Jllll ToleIlium fymi like THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Barrie flrnnch li Finllrr Manager Branches also in Berton Cookntirwli llilil lntlcnlinnl mu extAsa Mr and Mn McCuIlg spent Sunday in Midland with Mr and um Thomas Currie Mr and Mrs Harry Smith Mary and Myrna Ipent Sunday with Mr and Mn Vernon Jerrrlett Thornton and attended Slludel Anglican Church anniversary scr vlce Min Esther Downer and Watson Downer spent Sunday in Thornton with Mr nd Mrsnbalton Banting Move To Pcnetang Mr and Mrs Bellamy moved to their new home in Pen etangulahene on Saturday Community Prcaeuuilarl Egbert community held social evening last Thuiuday in Woods School in honor oiMr and Mrs Bellamy They we pro sented with beautiiul mic and smoking stand Mr and rs Bellamy thanked the people for their kind thoughts Mrs Thomas workman has taken position at Edgar Mr and Mrs Frunk Ingham and sons at Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Cecil White sideoland Mr and Mrs New ton Mr and Mrs Allan Hopper of Quebec spent the weekend with Club inaugurated in 1948 now has worldwide membershlpoi li4ll representing 10 of the companys total personnel This yeart4 new members rrorn Canada were added to its ranks Ber Firman third from right in back ageroi Standard Brands Limited was in row at picture Barrie Man attendance on thisoocaslon lvv Mr and Mrs Jennelt spent Thanksgiving with Mr and Gemrnlll and Mr and Mrs ilili in Toronto Thanksgiving Visitors Mr and Mrs Jack Skilling and family at Sudbury Mr and Mrs Smyth and iamlly oi Ainx Mr and Mrs Bart Bellshaw oi Toron to Mr and Mrs Henderson at Toronto were visitors at the home oi MrsElsie Davis and Arthur over Thanksgiving hoildayl Wl Sponsor Cooking Till The women ailvy Institute in vita lhe people or the communlu to hear Miss Parteous oi Tor onto She is giving talk on short cuts in cooking demonstrated byr ilim This will beuhown in the Orange Hall on Oct 22 at 130 pm Mr and Mrs Bunting spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Dal ton Eaniina ln Thornton Herman Jennett and Arthur Cox worth spent Thanksgiving at Britt iiunt Camp Miss Margaret Jnnaett spent hol idays with her parents Mr and Mm Jenneti Illness anCommunity Sorry to ioarn oi so nluclt litk ncss We wish Ior them all speedy recovery especially Mn Melaneli who has beenconfined to bed for some time Allan lteid and Miss Andorran oi Parry Sound spent Thanksgiv ing with his parents Mr and Mn Earl Reid LEGAL nors SEAORAM ROWE Ammu rm minus uIIlI Clnv uousv 19 10A 0mm in In It Ilnie lllntb oilkr Iter COWAN OCOWAN In lollcllo Illhl noon in tu Monay to man lua cum MDNIY 10 wall It can unto on GLADSTONE canals Qt munr Ind Iolitillr Mum To to can am by panic at mi Ilnil DONAT MIGWENp In run Iulicinu lurk JOHN OTTON ILA il Notary own maul ma illllrrll Mcth ovnm Ilrculo no ml LAIYIWI mum in column In um am OPTOMETRY unsolic IAIII I113 unourmirrr anniv II loath to Innnu nu pantl pm on no or 00th IL DOME ormurnurr II Cllpnvten out emu land Iniuvsu Aitulul nm em IOIltltl ll HMITIT l0 omiumirr am in owl nu llllll um NOEL NTZPIIHNRON lo in Int lanto VETERINARY Ill illlAllN vmlmulau an cum mom an Gm LIFE INSURANCE Alnltn II new comma funnul Ind pm An nun oncv anl LI maul runnull ma van III ms unraoénslvumutai in os one Mr and Mrs John Church Mrs ll Anderson Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs William Leiich Charles Fleming Hamilton spent theweekend with MrsA Thomp son United WA Bazaar Dont iorget Egbert United Church WA bazaar Friday attor noon Oct 22 in the church room memoirs p17an BACK in ms the Danish Ickritixt Oerstzd produced lilo lint pebble or mciallic illu minant Hall century passed before technique was discov ered for turning out the metal in quantity Modem processing or bauxiio ore to make lowcosi aluminum uses llnlasiic quaniilies at power Thatris why Canada in one of the worlds maior alu minum Supplien in Quebec province Irntliers at Arvida lShawlninn Falls lllc Malltru Ind Bcauhamois last year used nearly onefiilh oi the countrys total electrical output Am in llrittsbColumbia new mum of mint power In feeding iho pot lines of the new smelter ai Kiilmltt Aluminum Company 0i Camila Ltd Alcoa ACCOUNTANTS ARMSTRONG MaoLAItEN 00 cumso ACCOthANTI Celilvr or nun a1 ham at Toronto mum new MaoLAn noon DA chzusrn mum Limorb MUNlCilAL nuomu MDGLIZY ruritio ACCO ANT II cant ms HERBERT F1lAltlllH 00 lurid Collillel ruth Accouniwu Toronto Ind aum Oiilll rol omen Dholll am iluliient mum is manhunt cu AllTllUlt POWELL cinnnnro accounrmr Dunlap In ROHE HAIMBON chainmm Acoovrrrmn nun on canon mt EA to cull nlml rmu ms Altnlllit rimm Amvnnnl and Aulltu marlinnoun AND MAhAllllfllfi uranvcranr timid rm Iwn =33 MUSIC LESSONS Krill nnvthN ruur nrmlrn or piano liuul and nlxour ruvtll mama luv Illminh tlonl I71 in maul Connluluy in mm man all tluilllll an can to rd II can Arte alum 21 WARREN MulJZAN omnII hum liem commit mum initial hnto CHIROPRACTOR MO IL limit Milli DIO HumI iun Iru nounu swim in you nun am DU lmlc ll rtlir it or nocm ovum Ir om uml mag mo XJIA low to com no ilmaw VKmill no Dtxflvl WIHOIIALTIO Nifliim In Ind sumfl OSTEOPATHY ailum WIllON oIvlonvuia rum Almlmo mum lltION ItiitDINO Illlil nwm It rare In AUIICI Iunocu Io rltlrnonl ml unwound mfgfimrc ids515sz hr

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