3594 Kw Roxy Theatre GRANADA FRIDAY SATURDAY CHRTMNS MATINEE MONDAY 230 pm GALA HOLIDAY THANKSGIVING SHOW MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY SPEAK TO THE SIARS IAKE MEMO TO THE MOON lOVE VDU DEARLY MEN BLUEBEllS 0F BROADWAY LUCKY ME HIGH HOPES PARISIAN PREnIES SUPERSHNGN SONG WANNA SING LIKE AN ANGEL CONTIN UOUS SATURDAY 230 MIL THURSDAY ENTERTAINMENT EVENING SHOWN AT US ILUH CARTOON LAHrrn lez Hlmw 111 Mo In AND REEL COMEDY SHOCKINGBEST SELLER NOW COMES TO OUR GIANT SCREEN For Movie MurryGarland Tun In CKBI 510 pm dglly PLUS ADDED TREATS FOR THE KIDDIES nous or HITSEIRST WITH THE nzsrm um STARTS AFTER SUNDAY MIDNIGHT 1205 pm ALSO mommy TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MATINEES mommy AND WEDNESDAY 230 pni HUNG EVE SIIOWS AT 650 5L pm ANGEL PLUS CARTOON AND OTHER TREATS ADMISSION PRICES EVENINGS ADULTS 75¢ TAX INCLUDED MATINEES ADULTS 50c TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25 TAX INCLUDED if uumuIInwl lulalln um Mimi kin MEIRMMIDCN mu mtuwuxmmvu INSIDE $10M BF SECHEI WES IN THE STRUGGLE FOR IMILlIflNS rv DUNNA RED mm r£v1zumwé my mjnmzvm mu HARRY 10E BROWN Wm cw BAILEYLYNN TMI um cmmm 4me CHE ALLEN ullh HUGH OBRIAHCAROLE MATHEWS Imusummu ACTION ADVENTURE ROMANCE THE MOST momma nova STORY EVER SCREENED ILUS CARTOON NEWS AND MOLLY BEE SINGS FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SATURDAY FROM 230 pm NEW mm or ENTERTAINMENT AN ALE LIVE Vlckm oi luv men cw 1M week Vicar Ham untold Wm Ll hm nah met luvln Ind xv1 flï¬lrï¬ï¬‚lflh Thanksgivingrbivxner 530 130 pm LilnchedélZljsopJhp SUNDAYAND MONDAY FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 242 Icedngciymd 0mm Piping Hut Cnnganmie Suup Du Juur mm mm lnm my mum TONIGHT Cr SAT WED Cr THUR MON TUES BED SKIES 0F MONTANA 51 DUNLOP ST SHOWS NIGHTLY SUBSCRIBERS PLAN AFTER SUNMY MIDNITE STATE PENITENTIHRY Loaded and in or 1mm on Cuncudan ll bclween mix 11 And night WYEVALE WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE Barrie llyers Hockey flssociulion 1954 55 Icedflelciylnd onm mm Im Cnhgamuxie Suup Du Juur 015 Young Tom mighty Sue slumng Ylmsi Pen Tumlw Cranberry Sauce Oibm Gravy Gram Sald wllh Drmlgk 1m Rullslqd Bunch rumpkln Pie and Bplléinxe KIDDIES ORDERS RICHARD WIDMAILK JEFFREY HUNTER NEWS CARTOON BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 100 pm snow STARTS at 130 ern HIQHMU HEIUK DAIHIMIA HUSH CARTOON JUMPING JACKS UHAN MAWILN JEIUIY LHWJH CARTOON DEVILS MASK ovalms 1101151 HURON NOW ON SALE Phoné 2424 94 norm sr EAST ALL SEATS s100 AND fRIDAY OCTOBER I954 EH12 mam Examimr OCT llII OCT 1314 OCT 89 53175 OPEN DAILY IOl 16 WED Cr FRI EVENINGS 79 COIDW Mr and Mm Waller Elphxck Detroit am on holidays with Mr Ind Mrs Frank Elphick andMrs Elphlck Sr Douglas McMaslnr University of Toronto spent the weekend will his pnrunu Enjoy Full an Farmers ngencral with me on their hands owing to continued wcl weather tonk Vndvnnuge the opportunity by enjoying the splendid all rtnlrs at Beaten and Earth durlng the past week Tnronib spent wZe on his pnrunu Mr and Mm Fred Mchnn Vls lted their daughter 1n vColdwatcr last week Birthday Plfly Miss Linda McMastnr enlerm tamed young lrlnnd birthday pug Monday uv sts Dorokhy Miller at the County Clerks omcc Barrie spent last week on huudays will her parents on lemon Ind Ill mall mud II the Post Olllw will be lumi ehedu uxuu No Ieller curler manual mile dcllvery servlce wlll be zlvtn Thanksgiviny Service At Post Office 0n ThankMn Day Mon day 09L ll the You Ofï¬ce wicket will In open for enl dzflvzry null Ind he ule order minum See UI FIRST For lnmnnce of ALL m8 Dunlap at min In llcwnplplu ma mnmlnu ucunly ln bund ell plus 9n haulevud STEVENSON INSURANCE BOY SCOUT CTOBEH 23 Paper Colleclion nvlnn bank unauqu street lefler UTOPIA SATURDAY AFTERNOON collee I40°° GIANT DOUBLE BILL FRIDAY SATURDAY DONT CARE GIRL DESERT RATS Tuesg Jul 12 pm SUNDAY MIDNITE SHOW 18 Numbers to be Called BINGO ALMA LEES TEAROOM 10 Games 15 Games Mmlnlon 35c IPONIOIKI KINIIMIN CM All HELP KIN SUNDAY 5m 730 MONDAY l2 to 730 ST JOSEPHS AUDITOKIUM Cnnm Clnppuwn Ind Cnlllcr sum nusmvmons mom 5133 igï¬onr iéPnées to I47 Tulkey or Chicken WITH THE TMMMINGS HELP KIDDIES