mn Mr Ind Mrs Owen French spam Tuesday with ML and Mrs Lloyd ch in éilision and Mrs Morris Darby and girls ML and Mls James Darby visited Wilh rclniivci In Whitby and Kingston WA Plan Turkey Dinner Unilcd Church WA held their Oclabcr mcuiing at Mrs Fireman Frenchs wiih good allcnunncc Final plans were made lor mv turkey dinner in acumen Live In Snskntchuvm Mr and Mrs Slcphcn French giant few days with Mr and Mrs Charles French below leav lnzior their home in Sirongiicld Saskatchewan Mrs Herb Hurnsby und girls spent Monday inanonln st Johns Anglican Guild The Ociubcr mceling ha Guiid oi St Johns Angllcln Church was held at lhe hume of Mrs Lalanvlilc with and ab lendancc sllver Wench Our 100 relatives and Hand called on ML Ind Mm Herb Homsby 0n xhc occalian mm 25 wedding annlvcmw Mr um his Irwin mum vim ed and Mn Monk McWanen 5mm Fans Miss mm Hornsby spent me wcckcnd in Hamillon Aflnnd lrcsbylerlll Seven members at the WA cndcd the scmlvannual ol the WA or Slmwc Prcsbylcrial on Tues day Oct Waubaushrnc Sunday visHors wflh Mr and Mrs Mu Finlay and family In eluded MnFinlays mother Mrs Gcargc Finlay and sislcr Mrs Bum Mldhursl MmAudrey Whlws spent the weekend home and attended Barrie air on Salurday Mr and Mrs Lloyd Rnwn and family Visited Mr and Mrs 01 lec nnwn Wasagn Beach on Sunday 5110 11mg was Ibrahim the day here last Week In spfle difï¬culties cncoummd wlm the min and mud all an lffléï¬d lluw Mrs Fred Vincy spent Thursday wllh Mrs Klrkpalrlckj dale Eill Vlncy lug on 1hr new bridge on me Mill Sunni Anlr Members lhn new Flo Wa mens lnslllulc and amines donl forget hu annual owl supper to be held In Hulhs School the oven mg of on 12 Bring your bas kcl dlshcs and cullcry Thorn will be lucky draw and Mrs Allen and MILL Allan Rnwn wlll be In charge ml the program WAVERLEY um The course an mfcn Foods at NEW FLOS We are pleased in sec Ouo Srlz lay home and cellng pretty well alter an apparidectomy in Ruyal Vklwria H05vhal Barrie Mr aum Mrs 13 Bentley and children lpcn Sunday Oct Tarnnto vlsillng the allcrs bro Um nnd slstcrAlnlnw Mr Ind Mrs Ivan Bates Dont mg WA and nnuse cleanan Holly Umlcd Church on Wednesday 13 Mrs Hunter will be huslef lumu Sympathy is amended to ma Peacock and family Strnud the sudden duath at his brnLher Rev John Peacock Battle Unlled Almlverury Anniversary services in Holly United Church on Sunday Oct lL wllh Rev 11 Sanders 01 Chur chill in chaï¬h Special mush wm be ovidcd Service at mm 3er 330 pm MOUNT ST LOUIS Brian Bentley celebrated hu seventh birlhdny last week by havmz party cntcminlng number 01 his lltdgtflcnd Dale Mulcr attended the Jun ior Farmer plawim compcmlan at Elmvalq on Mond2y lternoon huuvum vu MW Sid Clark and Oscar mnlorcd Haiibunon ad visited Mr Clark um ML nrl Mrs Leo Berthnlouc VIS Hud Tuesday with Mrs Bur mclnuc uwma Mr and Mrs Maurice Fllugcrald have moved xmo thnlr home on the farm Today Promise Sunny But Cool 25 Early This am Im Auuw Mr and Mrs Cllllord Miller Barrie Mr and Mrs Mbnn Mnunl Maldul and Mr and Mrs lord Midland visited recently whh Mr and Mrs Wllllnm Mnlcr Ilmpcnuuu luv dropped lhrough Ihl put week with low at 25 any ml mornln Mn ell II men an SIIMI Munday Mudy Ind Wellan dzy whzn turned to mew In the Iliumnon Thnmhy wn um many but cooL Tod promises mostly lunny Ind continued Mo llulhs Sghou la be Monday 18 cvcnlEg 79¢ uv and Mn Murray Pearson Tomntn are visiting Mrs Kirk palrlck and Ross Oct Oct Oct Oct mly HOLLY ugh pr THE MAN BEHIND THE PLOW Barries Mayor Hebe Smith hasnt taken up new protession hes just training to answer the challenge of the Ontario Plowmens Associa tionin the International Plowing Match at Bresiau in Water loo County on Tuesday Oct 12 His coach measuring the depth oi the furrow is Archie McNdbb oi stroud Mr Smith who had had his first training session yesterday altomoon intends to spendThonksgiving weekend plowing on Mr Mcv Nabbs acres The Stroud armor has already coached another piowrnan his own son to championship and Barrie citizens are hoping that their chief magistrate will come home with the challenge trophy of Thomas president of the World Plowing Organization that was won in 1952 and 153 by Ex Mayor Allan Lamport of Toronto The challenge to enter tho mayors class tractors sod two furrows at the match was presented to the Barrie mayor by member of the Provincial association executive in the iorm oi huge parchment scroll tied With red ribbon at the Junior Farmers dance following the Barrie Exhibition last Saturday night The competition will be staged at 245 pm immediately following the oiiicioi opening oi the match on Tuesday Each competitor will be Bumhy Villtau Visier at Mr Ind Mn Joseph Vernonl last Sunday were Mr WATER FOR OUR BIG SALE IN WEDNESDAY GET 13 PAPER Zellerl lelled lo Burl Loul Excluslve Farrier who mill Ind ulll hm only DIAL nepnlrlnx Ilunodclllni Call mum HAHONADLE PRICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WIGGINS FUHS HOLLOWS MuyofrSmitl1 Accepis Challenge For lawn Barrie BRING ALL YOU FUR PHUBLEMS BAIUHE uo Dunlap and Mn Harry Vernun 01 Strand Mr Ind Mn George Vernon Ind girl at Newmarket Mr and Mrs Sam Vernon And mm Holland Landing Mrwand Mn Babe Brawn Ind boy GHImd wnuam Vernon of Toronw and Mrs Norvnl Young Downl vlcw Miss Olive Young and Mr nvphcw Arthur Younu ol Wanna It Mr and Mn Hounwmea Mr and Mn Jack Penm and lnmlly ol mucwwn Mr and Mrs Elmer Thompson Talkn hnm were Mn and Mn William man1 William Dmprr and hed Drnpcr vlmed Mr and Mn any Whllcsldcl on Sunday Mn Chnrlcl Slnncr and non llumll and uranddnuuhlcr Lola Vhlu wcrc vlsllou at Mr and Mn Dowdcnl an Sunday Mr Doden rclurncd wlm them for cw dayl viIiL Qullc kllUna Iml hcrc Ewrylhlnu from ThLILWflI let on Thundly on 11 AN EXAMINEE WANT An mb required on piow tour rounds and will receive special prlze donated by the Ontario Plowmens Associatlon The County of Waterloo 15 awarding trophy to be won outright the woman mayofo plowing the best land Mr Smnh has plowed before but never with tractor he contesses ml BARBIE FRIDAY OCTOBER Amen me 11th product mu roses distilled Item spe chl vuhly lruwn Wm lacr Bunbul DOORS OPEN 900 mm FIRE ESCAPES tr LADDERS 11 HIGH STREET 11mm 0111361 DWI MORE nu llllMMflGE SALE mm mun wonxs Saturday October town 51 mum munch THIS IS FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Mule to meat qll Ipzcllluuum cmdlm um mm 15 pink llquld milk and cram per up It Kn 53 three pint mar um In 1951 FIRE ESCAPES Check Fires and Check Your Buildings For PHONE 5046 GROUP