THE TEACHING STAFF of Oakley Park Public School In the front row left to right are Miss Joan Fisher klndsrgarben tené char James MacLean prlnclpal and Dinggists Discuss Changes in Acts Meeting Here evenlyMn drunlm tom the dlrlc Itretchlng lrom 1h aut Eklrls at Toronm n1 lur nurlh n5 Pawnssan montly nncndlng meelln ln Barrle culled by George Caldwell representallvu an the faculty pharmacy councll the Unlvemlty Toronlo The mcutlnz whlch was the nm mi in teveml years wu called to explaln and discuss lhe chnngcl 1n the Pharmacy Act thee Opium nnd Narcnuc Au and the Pure Food Act all at whlch allot 1h dispensan pan druwum Frncllclnz pharmnclxl from an unlu Markham anlc King NLw mnrket Auram Clnrksburz Ind Thombury nr well as other cen tral attended the dinner nthmnz at Rlvcr Gardens just north lawn and heard number cul mndlnz speakers speaker 1mm Tlmmlnu was Percy Mainly who Ipnkc an lhu Canadian Pharmnctullcnl Associa llun Mr Moiselay vice uruldcm of the nauannl organiza llon Speakers mo lncludcd Greenï¬eld Tannin Incully inlpcclnr who cnrarm pharmacy Another Complétï¬Ã©clménltrad DENIS SHEARD LIMITED ï¬atMug 515 balde Péhrk Sghpol To the BarrierPublic School Board we offer our sincere congratulations on the opening of this latest addition to Barriesfine public schools We are honored and proud at having been selected as the contractors for this important work TM um wriel columns designed lu keep you up to dale an the Ground Observer Corps wark In the lawn of Battle Alter and down period through the summer manlhl the Filter Centre alarm the new training scamn with an exercise on Sept 21 Aiman mm the ulullons and Crawford Gould romu presldcnl the Drug Trading Co Hm largest drug house on lhc Nnrlh Amcrlnan conunan who was nmunz the head lnblc mm There WM good rcnrcscnlnlion local druggms the gathering Hope was cxprcmd bylhosc nt lcndlng Ihq dinncr hat the con nrencc would become an annual event Bl RDWATCHERS édlldergand Confréétors Mm Miriam Nell Back row left to rlght are Mrs Velmn Walker nncLMiss Marg aret Thomum RCA Station Toronto flew track throughout lhc nunhem area to help rain observers In the passmz message and he ldcntlflnntlun nhcrafl our will cummnncc Mundny cv cnlng Oct 11 oclock and person lnlcmlchn playing vnnl part In the Mr Demure Sys tem nrc raqucslnd 10 contact the Fum Centre by phoning 5915 or by vmtlng the Flltcr Centre at 129 Dunlop Street rralnlnr chm consist of 15 period of two hour each and are deplsned to ruin volumcm high stardnrcL Penqu whn mind the Giuund Observer Corp display at the Bar rlc Fah and who wish to com mence tralnlng Inunedlatcly are naked to contact lhc Flllcr Canlrn cllhcr Samrday or Sunday be tween Hie hour of am and FICTION POPULAR ST JOHNS mm CWTim Inca pubuc umry Man is by far the most popular ypc at reading among 0306 Idull mem be The llbmy hal 33220 bunkl Your help nccdcd now Join the Ground Observer Cary lo dny Tninlgg Fular Cyanvolun Situated in Féstéit Growing Area town New Oakley Park School Planned With Expansion in Mind Bllllel newcit school Oaklex Park Public 5th whldl wlll bu ductHy opened nextWednedey 11 mulled lnqne the fastest growing resldcnunr action tgwn the northeast end where anhoolpopulnflon has taken sudden jump in recent yenrs when Bank Public School Euard began planning or bulldlnl to meet future needs In lhc Fa Mintwas already nemn la relieve Ahu conflesï¬on Cad ringlon School and even ludn Codrlnglan hm us many pup had last Spring canted n5 is midway betwech Hillcrusl and Codrmzlnn schoolL Oakley Park has made pa ible oryuunger puplls mm klnder unrlcn to Grade to ruvel shorty or dlsmnce school nndJs solv ing the problem 01 increased cn rolmcm dnlg ough unly ï¬ve 01 Its slx classrooms will be in use tax thr prcscKtwflh the six beingused as assembly music and art roomH is expcctcd that lncrenscd enrolment by cmxscmn um will make necessary to open the ad dmanal room Bully Enlargerl The forcslghl of the board did gm end with the plannlng for slx clussmomfl huwuvcr Archllccu Coon 5L Son designed Oakley Park so lhal it may cnally be en larged lzclassmom school wllhoul bulldlnz any addltlonnl washroom nclmlcs and with comparallvcly simple Installment of duubn the pyescm huIlcr WW rm The mod fur the flaw schouI wan very evident last September when the school board prolectcd lhe Ichnol enrolment fur ï¬ve years In ndvnnee and found that by Fall 1954 there would be over hundred new nupllu lnklnx Into consldirntlon the heavy enrolment nt Cadrlnxlon the board decided that at least uur or ï¬ve mmnx would be needed by that lm Subsequently on top 01 the nur mnl Increase thls all nnnlhcr 10 new chlldrcn wen cnrullcd ln Scplcmhcrl Wllh 45 klndcrznrlcn chlldrcn roclxlcrcd nl Oakley Park nnd around 130 olhcr puplls he flvc menu out slx nnw operat lng nré jusl lnklnl care or the Increased cnrulmcnt Ideal Loullon The lucatlnn on whlch the nuw school bulll was 11 lo be deal by the boardplocnlcd as was in lhc nrcn whcr the lawn was dd velnplnu and mldwny bclwecn the other we now schoolu whlch wcrc opened In May and Seplnm her 1951 The new bulldlnu nclu ally rants on Duvldaon Street DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS WE HAVE BEEN FAVORED WITH CONTRACTS TO BUILD THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC AND COM MERCIAL BUILDINGS Barrie Public School Board llukloy Park School flurut Hydro otttcesr Unemployment Insurance otttce Simcoe District Iooperative Services new store and warehouse French Motors Showrooms and workshops Corby Motors How Buttock Motors Showrooms and Workshops Bond Hood Unttod Church and other important buildings SOME RECENT REMODELLING JOBS BY DENIS SHEARD ARE Macro Shoe Store Hunt Ltd Gmnadu Thonlro Nolll Shoo Store Stophanl Store For Man and many oIhuI Mnlop UL Went DENIS SHEARD LIMITED Tho pmpErWYil pm the amérmewlun Firm on which the Mwï¬ had pltked up lï¬abpllon The land appmxlmllcly 51x um 1n alluwn in mm sold as minimal which is now being put lhniuxh on phylnl decflby an 51 The chnlce of Ill mm xlda developed Iummcr phy xraund wal Ilsa Ianunule Duk lcy Parks pup have readmnde schonl ground with excellent Jpom lucilmel Ind hvcllcd ï¬iound Cast $138000 The total bsllmalcd cast wllhln whlch Oakley Park School is likely 10 he hulll was $133000 This ln cludcd nll achuol lurnllurg elm silé schuoH needs by me hoard lust Septem bur tummy approval was gained mm the Ontario Dcpnrlmenl of Education Ind the Ontario Mun clpal Board and um architect wad engaged on Dec The sketch Iplans were ready tor the board by Jan 24 and blueprints were ap proved In March Theboard ad vcrlIsLd or tenders and on April 21 the comma was awarded to Don Sheard Ltd of Pnlnswlck who submmcd lhc lowest lender on the bulidlng $121400 Debentures were sawed by In town In late May nnd conslruc ion was started in midJune The pplldlnl has taken ylnco within School Custodian HOWARD BUREIDOE our Ind lull Wimp mxddaed npideonmutuvn sontum Comm Th WWI will be submmm completed or the Buick open lnz nex week and will be Mly comle within the wcek with only ouLfld xndlnl nnd uphm inz mmlntnl ta be done Oakley Pnrkl xudenu with the umpflon klnduurtcn yup who occupiedde room the bexlnnln 1h Jth tenn moved in It the ï¬rst of II week on Mondly Oct Before hIL thay aflcndcd cusses held In Hm crest and Codflnzwn schools Eompnred with 9400111 191 Canadhh lawn12 produced 31400 egemxg p1 OAKLEY PARK SCHOOL The Public School Board of Bdrrie éxtefldsa cordial invitation to all OPEN HOUSE 25pmand 10 pm and lo lend the caremony pm at which mum covan PMNSWICK ONTARIO TELEPHONE STROUD SZRZZ MB SCOTT Pued will olliciully open the school Wednesday October 13 Gunn Street at Newton lluml Hydro nIlll Ulltlnpluymufl Insurance mch Principal New $ghool Has Taught Here Three Years James Mlcuan principal at the new Oakley Park Public 6th rccdvnd appalnhntnl I51 Sprint En he waluxvhw vicepmch Hkat Purr llc SchooL member of the Hm crest stall since 1961 ha had been made vlccorlndpal the mvgoul Septcrnber Born In Fun Carlinl Mr Mac Lean chd In North Bay 1nd Wauhaushene as youth and received his mndary school odu lullon wanna High School to inspeCt 21Mlles South of Barrie on No 11 Highway um he wemm uni Unlvufl Town am gauged hi1 EatJun 13 linden 050 Tracked College More mun to Burk he flaunt or two year It Whnney keén poruman he WI lmown ï¬gure in local baseball hockey and all circles Ha Ix an ardent ï¬sherman Mr Multan II munbcrflot the BInlc Lion Club Ind wax president me Barri Adult Shun Club last year VH2 is married to the farmer Joan Go4wln Bjrrie may In ï¬onibay is mm weight equivHem abnut 560 pounds umvv 2an