ll lo Speak Church Womenl Inlulute Modem Equipment Experienced Sta DMachlnés built ii your specification RADIO TELEVISION gNSWERVICE REPAIRS FBENIIH MOTORS IHlllS 259 INNlSlll ST 11 MUWASTER ST BARRIES FAVORITE USED CAR MARKET CIMYCO IA hadrmarl Im Chryslu Couwmllnn Canada Ude NRYCO PAIIS AND ACCESSORIES AR SOLD IV imam HILLan Have Your Metal YOUR DODGE DESOTO DEALER 15 Bradfordst PHONE 5971 mvmmmmmmmpcmg 1m CHURCHILL Work VDornrer EXPERTS Engine sluggish or gas mileAï¬e down7 Then drop In for free englne vacuumlest loday vacuumtest will spot engine ltoubles below they become SEIiDUS and costly FOR Exrmw 111mm worm WE PICKUP AND DELIVER YOUR PRESCRIPTION BIIIIIIIE WELDING MACHINE 00 CllllYHLlle PLYMOUTH PAIN TllUCKH Your FriendlylDA Drug Stow Barrie Television Experts 55 mmmr mm mumo amm 1m iuvmuswï¬ HG Bnyfleld Next to Mblnws DRUG STORE JREE ENGINE VACUUMJEST 01 14 ll pm The maker will be flay H1cklnlReeve Vupra Roll call to be An swcred with bird that help the armor and wh Tumulth Service Thanksgiving saxvice at the Unlicd Church Sunday evening Oct 10 730 Rev Frank Sluvlk ni Ccnirui Prubytorinn Church Oro will be the speaker Special music by IM chair CEYLQN TBA Tcn praducflun rcprbsenls 70 per com Industry Ceyxan and me people are unhappy nvcrum lrnducuon offwcslcrn mnugndm HAWKESTONE Dial 3537 PHONE 2429 BHRYBU ENGINE TUNEUP mm DIAL 3744 Rally my Rauy Day service at the cum munny Sunday Schml was well at lcndcd by 80 ndulxs and chlldrm Mr Fitzgerald as superintendent deligmad everyone win well plnnncd prnxram whichmcludcd flu mm Slayner sxngmg songs or he chlldrcn mcmgc lrom Rev Mr Pannnheker and an oblcck story by ME Shuntz of Slayner Mmmm to In Feud hem be good CHOOSE THE COLORS of your chin ahd wenve through the crocheted base for checked effect Mats urefrfnged ntflbqth cnds4 Glass jackets complete the sec and would make perfect Christmas gifts for the perfect hostessf If you would like Give llmn XL EXCEL Ellvul lat Enlra Profllll Foor feed bvlngx pour mqu Even ham grown wail nud Ihe added nulrlenls provided by XL EXCEl mens monoy In Menu balanced luxflng The economical XI EXCEL bill are boom produclion ava nlllt uvarylhlng may nead or peak perlonnunte low ml Herox haw For Dilly Com In produellon ann bag your wax bag XL EXCEI 24 Milkmaler Conmnun om bag yam grain ml hag xL EXCEL 32 Dally Con ennaln For Heel cIIlo Hm mlx bag your main la bag xv EXCEl use Baulmaku Continhh lo er OAKVIEW BEACH Iflfl WILSflN BELL COOKSTOWN UTOIIA Reusing gawk Tweed Place Mat andVGlass JackeftSet 71133 luwTr rifl lllONH m1 vmmmzmu AND unAn mzuvm mm ml mcIAust Boyx Gym muse Gym classes starlcd on nmdny evening at 015 nhlhe hall or hays 11 years Frank Keen ushted by ChilonDooIitlle has cpnsrnted to take over the buvs work The 23rd lem walvreciwd by Fairy Home and the commie books of Ike Bible by Waiter BertiMink The singing at Jesus anus Me by the beginmm and hymns by Ihn congregation com bined to make the service one long to be rcmcmhcredr Church Service All boys girls flfldyldu are invited to amend Sunday School every Sunday at pm and church Iu Colllnwood IlmpItIl We are sorry henr that Mrs FRIDAY OCT The Music Makers of Collingwood mzss AND LUCKY spows Modem and Old Tymo Dancing 930 to am Admlnion 50 Lunch Counter Gala Opening GUTHRIENQOMMUNITYMALL ol the superianchavacker our service acts as safe guayd or iamilies who am lnexperienced In unml menus Séikdur counsel 15kath as it Is ohmd ï¬blizknowledgé WM ll mum pull on unh Supcr SurcGrlpl du mule work pu lmur mm kn fuel In In mil wudlligqnl Lu chow you why III lull mm MIMI to make lhlssetdlrecflonssuggesllng red and white crochet maybe had by slinplysendlng ustximped selfaddressed envelopelo the wedlecratt department of thispnper requesting Tartan Place Mat Bet Leaflet Na CS 400 Wllch For Scam Wnlch his cnlumn far your current 10 al bowan scam and notes 01 Interval xmang 1he howl Welcome Newlywcdl Téd Buwlu nnd hll bride oLone week go good band when my werclntmduc¢d In the ks Inc bawllng Alley Ted 15 local IDA drugglst nuxx la Wheeleru Imw nrncnmln Execullve Elected New oxecque Included Presl dent Jlm Maxi vicepresident Jack McKinley secFulnryBeuY Mncklnsnn treasurer Ted Hawks Executive mcoLs Wednesdnymmhk to Iran out dclalLs and draw up Icnm Bowling Lcnxue Bowling got oil in gund siarl Becks Bowiodromc Dr ihEOak vinw League on Monday night group at 54 bowler eieciud inn new executive in tha ybar and ï¬nished oil with three games as has or league Ienmni Wcicumu In all Ihe new member who joined Monday night Mary Troll yaslmoved to Calllnlz wood hospital this week and hope her visit Ihnrc wll be brM FAST REEIEF FOR Mn burn Clmlhem id ugly ln Bgmtpnrdz Mr Ind Mu Willlum Mrï¬llll may and son acnrxe also Mn Farm at New Lowell vldled lha unnerllshur Mn lawn and hcl hmbalgd on Sunflny In of Hedihim mm the hdlel Ald Wednndny alter naon Brim Kitchlnz spent Thursday lnrfroronlror Doug Plunilre hl tenured pnnuon In Tornnla and It Mon dnl 013k up hi my dulol Mn wmlnm Bench Coldwnlcr visllcd hnr skiers Mm Cnrrulh er nndMr Charles Hounsomc roccmly Mrs Vannnklnrand cthrcn To mnto spcm Smurdny with 1hr lormcrl pnrcns Mr and Mrs Frank Wlsmcr inn mthifn End Mu CAImu are xpcndlnz cw day with Irlcndxln Toronla Mr and Mrs Amius Rnwn nnd family motored through Muskuka to enjoy the Cavalcade Com Mrs md Emr spent aJew mm at Old Fort with her daughter Mrs Inhn Dpllun who 15 HI The sympathy at the community 502 out to Mrs Frank Ruwn and family the suddnn passing her amen Mn Jnmst Paï¬cr Company lelted Operétcd by the owners of Dan gerï¬eld Mum Lhnlted 65 Collier St BanIo REASOSJABIIEV ALL 1959 CHEVROLET MODELS Phone 2772 FORVBVUSINESSOR PLEASURE RENT CAR New Lucallnn 182 Dunlap El Phnnu 2632 Repair Remodelling Storage and Clunln Rdlninz Smu repaln whuu you win IWYEBRIDGE Plclum by Fmra Bummeg lull photographer Lhn Ip peu In this nempnper lulllble In glossy prlnLL For full Intomallnn nbnul hn plflufl yen wmI Burris llriveflCur 1m luv AH m3 nmvw WHTAIIIJZD 11m cunpon In wnrlh $5000 on your oh ulnvo mun LOCAL FUIBIEB NBTE Phone 2414 hm Bnnie Examiner mumnm mu HUM PIrmu uaunues Onr lltymrlplullvu wlll all with lull pnrtlrulnrn ummn SEE THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING NEEDS mm lbr Buirie mm NAMI Annnmu mm mm gSEIWlEE For parficulursvconmclBruce Nesbitl HIII all In um unlv whllc mmnt Itch Ink Town lleliieiiés Bump Borden Edgar PHONE 5894 wiih disï¬ncï¬ve black wAmloo MoNfllM IDIDNVO fltlMflN One of the few really tuning grins in birddom Unlike mas geese the Snow Goose has bill with sawtoothed tuning edges its widely bordered gvinning palch 1an