1V ï¬x mbw 91 10 THE BABE EXAMINER FRIDAY00IOBER 195 Bylaw Appointi 1Clezk Allan lreton Follnwlna cansullatlnna helwcen Clurk Allan Caunclllor Cuok and Reeve Todd mntlon was pnssed ï¬rst to grant Salary IKMOO Allan at the pnslliun of clerktreasurer and an uddlllnnnl $4001ur cqunscs or wurk as buildlng inspector Thls was lullnwcd by mullun mecca lng the rcslznatlon of Allan In 20 as Counglllnr than armb xlnn 1n nypoint Allan Irelon as clerk and rclle ofï¬cer at salary SWOO annually payments In be made nn monthly mm Than bylaw was given three deinfls conï¬rming above in pnimmenls Ihr services 01 Mr Irrlun to cammence on Oct Beaches Association To MeetTwp Council Mr Farah chairman in the Xn nlafll Benches Association had been instructed by his commineo to make an appointment with ma townsiiip council in min um my mum discuss with them Scriuils error in lhu my In Mr pmsnnl yeari Mr Farah did not Wan to on large on the subject other than slate um hcy had been advised by competent authority ha there had been an error 91 as much 10 per cent overcharge 1n um levy required for ï¬le budafl as passvd Inr this years opumuons Council agreed that Jley would meet the spacial dcchann the 11I Fhcs Out In Seconds The new llrtlllhllnr xu chlornhmmomcflmne Cl been ndopml by he Cam vl Ind 19 Mr Forct Ilow ChmItal Product ILLSDALE noun FEED 1an Rumble NICOL FEED MILL Now pluyihg or mum 111081on God PASTOR PREACHINGAT BOTH SERVICES ll AM Thank you Hole AM Is cunudn Handing Iowaxds nunmm namsswn COLLIER STREET BAPTIST Aiilswu FELLOWSHIP OF EVANGELICAL BAPTISTS REV NUILMEYER PASTOR has Beaches madman nex Tuesday anemoon to hul their claims Asï¬essors Returns The minutes ravenlcd nm the return or the assnï¬ors roll wxll be now due the end October Instead of the ï¬rst Thls wt make the tlme orentering appeals due fourteen days alter the roll L1 returned Fbllowlng his there are annuals then the dntL the court amen will be Sal Parsons desiring to appeal thulr assessment Shuuld mnil thck slip which Is attached to lhu assess mfnt notice snun as they cclve it They le than be nati Hcd whanhe appeals will no hcard New Rutepuyerk ANendMeetiyg Grccnlmugh and Fair chud who have purchased proper on 010 Nth conccsslnn the III lLl the arm 01 Gears Fennel nnended the councll mneung Thny are ofllclall ol the MK Du Vilblss plant in Barrie We have camnv 10 live in his municipality andare dcsirnus taking an active interest in the nllalrs of he community so we felt we should come here and some of Mn Fnlrchnd told the count when zlvcn an opponunlly to spank Ile alsa nskcd aboulva lawnsth building bylaw which would prevan land development rum Incoming the sntc oI tar paper shacks He denied suggestion by Dep my Recvl McConkcy that he was Intending subdivide the am he had purchased am goxnmnbrccd some good Hercfnrd cattle can get ï¬ned bull he replied Cuuncillnr Cunk intimated that men was not bylaw on record that would cover the quality of the buildings Hat must be erect Mr Allan pnlnlfld out um lhe present bulldan bylaw only cov cred lhc occupatlon of lands Ilfl dld nut menllnn th bylaw sent In the Department or npprovnl which limlt he use 01 hulldlngs unless mcellmz cmaln requlrc mcnls In heir use between 0cm ber 31 an Aprll any year Thls bylaw it pul ln lame re qulrcs among num lhlngs mund Minn bclnw Irosl level and lnsul utcd wall and cclllngs nnd chlm My canslructed mm the ground level beyond the tool win de slzncdm prevent the use sum mcr counzcs without proper wlnl crizlng duxlng lhl wlmer mnnlha However ll will also nllect many mm humus whlch wlll mu qunllty under the rcquchmcms There has been no moman of thl dac umom havlng been murned n1 provcd so furl Pcdlavs Bylaw Approved The bylaw rcqucslcd by the merchanu lhc ownshlp design ed lo license 1hL padlnn comlnu me me dlslricl All Ice $100 pcr vehicle was relumsd approv cd It was lzlvcn sin rendan by Counpll and placed 1n the by law book There have Mammary low pay lmlr license cc this ycnr Mr Allnn ndvlscd wnul not no or bylaw again Dcpuly move McCankcy mm However II was nppmv ml was ï¬nally passed was 33 Sheep Killed Clarence llrflumn hall claim In SUNDAY mm and pm HERB HIM PLAY LBJ Htlisl Playch below our lale King George VI Played with the Navy Show Hus played wilhlcuding Night Clubs WM Thankofféring Meeting is Held A1 Collier Streef The Oclaber medlnl ol the Wo mena Mlninnlry Society Col ller Street United Church in held the Inn Friday of the munth l1 wan the lhnnkoumn media and good numherra India were allendanca The president Mn Mn wnLl opened with prayer Ihnnksziving and inilovdnl the usual reports announced me divisional meetings to he held Gen 25 in 1131 our Ellen north ol Orlllla Mrs Clnrkc look the chair for the devollnnal period and uk ed Lhe audience to sand and sing the lammar thnnksgivma hymn Comm Ye Thnnklul People Come The Scripture was read by Fred Snrleam and Mn Wnkh ledin prayer The medial musical number was piano sale Dance Neapolitan by Sydney Smllh phyed by Mn Chlsholm Oi Special intercsl was the sec and chapter or the study book The Church in India by Ml Bennett glvenfln an appreciative mannur by nevi am He congratulated the WMS On their study of banks at this calibre and apencd his study by pointinl out the act that Asia was changed mntincnt Ailer many years oi xiumbering she has awakened to the incl that her previous slate whs not necessary and so has re voltcd alainst imperialism against hunger and whit superiority India is the leading country in Asia undall eyes are upon her Her achicvomcnis in the modern way of living have been stupend ous but most important at all Lt the Christian contribution io thé New India The conuibutlon oLurly mls sionarles such as Swariz and Wil linm Carey has resulted in social reform advanced educaiinn and the general wallare the popula tion Social alarms suchas the abolltlun of the sacrifice cl wid ows child marriage and the un ionchnlrilliy problems have re sultcd in ï¬ve million people bc coming Christians v1 cmnms In the Held education many mhools have been established In the vlllnnes all through th lnnd Prlnttnfl and publishtng plants are numerous all thls has much to do with making India literate The Christian church has ac cepted he challenuc to preach thr gaspel and to lead through whtth than much impruvgd health slon huspitnls 214 dtspensaries 75 wnunrcl There an nnwszlt mks uo wnu The Christ an church has aci ccpmd he chaiienuc to preach hr gaspel and lead through whith man Is much impruvgd hnnilh sion huspilnls 214 dispensaries 75 weiiarLl There are nnw271 mis iopmsarlums 12 sanilnria orph nnues schools or dcni dumb and blind and he physicaily handi capped pubilc healih work Ind medicine ior lepcra Mrs Dohsan amounted the bank oi the month Missionaries Among Levers and Siressed the importance oi learning more nbou this wurk Maxwell dosed the meal lm wum Mrs Maxwell dosed mg win nu bencdmlon In or 13 hccp killed by days on his arm on he 12th line Hu had shot bunmast do and woundodannlhcr whlth were at me kllllnu They were scattered all over the farm Consmhlc oy Ferguson slntnd The dog as mahbor sald to be owned by neighbor Chic Blngg ldenllllcd he dot and an account or mm was ordered scm Ihc dog owner SI Andrewl Annlvernry Anniversary of Andrews Prosbylcrlnn Church 0m wlll bu nbservcd Sunday Oct 10 at am and 730 pm wlh Rev Frank Slnvlk In charm ol lhcmornlnx urvicc and Rev Leonard Wnrr 1n he cvemnu No Sunday School No Sunday School Oct 10 In to lhc nnnlvtrnry scrvltcs oip STATION were scattered Consmhlc 03 The dog as by neighbor cd he don am AnnlvernlY Anarcws 0m wlll bu Oct 10 at mun LOAVES OFBREAD Ire used every dnmn testing Barriemade automatic maï¬a511 thejocal works of the Canadian General Electric Co ma JeanBen puts the toasters through their paces Practican tests msure customer sntlgfnctlon dont um narrow pointed Ihbel In llyll Ihll ytlfl Im nun lnrlnl intyarn hell MUFFLERS AND PIPES Large Order For the Baker culvnouv culvlul nuclo UODGI nwoum foNIIAc loan Illvlom 101m Save UpTo 50 MattyMaster none mm mMoum IHuull uh mm mm mm yvll Iluly my nvn uni n4 um Mun vim Whlluvall Thu Chum TAIL AND EXHAUST PIPES Mu MUFFLERS In Allmu munmu mu an Annm My mm to 1149 mm mm mm mmuml my Jo mm my mu 98 Cubumar GumRM no an Pump Lubricant MORPDWER BATTERY um um unit on umy cl mum umn In mu mum km NILH pl In ll Gunman mm umy not In llfl In my nu mu pillul MOIWWII MAW no Input1 Mn hlu gm kn woo emu rm nu may mu Au on Ill llIl Mu mm bmmlm In lnulllilllvn alluvy Save 800 39 Plate BarriewFanciers Again Winners at iOakville Show number Barrle Kennel Club mcmbm wt wlnnerl at the Onkvlew Club Ihnw on Saturday Sept 25 The black cock mnlel Burn ndcam Tessa ny owhzd by Mrs Frank Buuy Lelmy won 15 Canadiande puppy Kn the ow conslslenrwlnner Nmople Handle Ann Labradm rchleveL owned by Mr and Mrs Frank Jams wokibcst of breed dunks wan an The Welsh terrier Mnnnnn $onnie Vcnlure awncd hyMr and Mrs Rny Black won the open class winners male and best opposllc sex Pcrhaps Canada has grown uule too fast and Canadlnna un becoypng 00 mg to thoir hm Until we are lot more Um 1y ambushed both at homurnnd abroad there ls nn tlme to rest on he om RADIO 0TELEVISION Every Insullatlon luptrvlstd by our lechnlclan REFRIGERATION CO DUNWP 513 Phone 2059 Ilunbndt $35k Juurnnl SPECIALIZED ALL MAKES 0F SERVICE Nuvy Duty lulu lluld hurll Illflnl huh llU IINIII 51 munmm am 98 iii SUNDAY carom l01954 ImFIlallnéés séxvlce 230 InnSn chuol And warm welcome nwans you at me Salvalian Army pnEvanulhlvle Semce BEV EL ILUNSTEAD Mlnker MIR HAROLD DWI 011an SUNDAY OCTOBER 10 1054 I5SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 nmEulnnen new 11 urnMORNING WOREHIP Subject THANKSGIVING ym Evtnln Wnnhlp ser rice LIB plmIlnlly Sunday Echonl pmrllolly Church Service Dunlap Ind Turnnla 5k Rev MILL menu PA Mr Wuren Mlcleln Orlllllfl SUNDAY OCTOBER lD 1954 1M5 huhJR INTER Ind BR CHURCH SCHOOL No nnd Na Hemloch Spruce md Plna lawyer noth ohmcud Dianna on like job by truck mlmen ind humy Ilaugh School and Nursery mm TREASURE FOR THE TAKING Are you lntcrcslcd ln hurled trun lurel Then you wlll wnm lo henr lhls umYoung reopldflflnellu Mornlnz Scrvlcc Broadcast Cm comm Er Major Inderl Cooper clanperlon Lumber 00 Part Loran Ontario rmmnnsrcnuncfl CLAPPmTON 51 AT WORSLEY REV LUCK BA n0 Mlnmer MISS CLOUGHLEY Omani MO umBUNDAY SUHOOL ALL AGE 11 ImVery Munbcr cummun Ion The Salvatioh Army Emafluenfly EVERYONE WELCOME Annllcnn 24 Collier Slut luv Mhn Ilufl ILA L111 Rev learn Hhrnlm m1 V11 Mn Bohem clnlr Dlmlu II urnllth COMMUNION HM LmFMlflnn Ind KinIn Prenchrr BUILDERS CONTRACT 0R5 0R FARMERS Sundly Oclobrr l1 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES THE EV FA EfllEIUUNO 79m EVENHONO NEMION ircnclwr THANKSGIVING AS THANKSLIVING CENTRAL UNITED BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY OCTOBER 10 1054 Tllll XVII BUNDAYv OCTOBER 10 10M Write 101 prices TRINITY CHURCH You Mr mnllnlly wmlmmr SLHndrews Preshyleriun Churcli REV JAMFI mmuuon 11L Mlnlnlor hm ANOUU 0053 Orgnnlal nnd Cholrmmlcr BUNDAY ocmmm 10 10M 11 munCOUNT mun IILEBBINGS NOT ï¬lllilil mun1 FOREIUNER 1mm TIIANIm ll tumTI CHURCH SCHOOL 11m Mlï¬lsw Both Bcrvlccn ET US OWE THANK THANKSGIVING SUNDAY NATIONAL THANKSGIVING Tim Imv mm THANKSGIVING SERVICES Owen nnd Woraloy Btu 200 Bnyllelfl 5L SUNDAY OCTOBER 10 1954 REV BRIGHT MoSunday School 1100 730 Preaching EVERYBODY quOME PreacherREV mum pantEVENING PRAYER ALLANDALE Rector mm NewtonSmith BA Iuo lamHOLY COMMUNION 1m InnMORNING mum mm scuoox Preacher mum Loyal Tm Blue Hg 29 man man nmuNdMINIsmn DETERIAOO THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 umJunlnr Senior and Inter mediate Depu ll ImrNnhery Klndeuarlen Prlmnry Depu SUNDAY OCTOBER 10 1954 ll LingMORNING SERVICE THANKSGIVING WhntJhc Bible Tnachcs AndLllu Proves About Gud and oursaMs luck 01 The Ten Command GOSPEL MEETINGS Sunday 730 pan Jesus Brings Dellverance to Soul and Body pulpEVENING SERVICE menu Universe 01 physical and mural law COLLIER ST UNITED Mlnlllcr Mn FRANK BUTCHER Orxnniu SUNDAY OCTOBER 10 1051 Thanksgiving Day Services 915 IMFCIIURCII HCIIOOL 1100 LinoNURSERY AndVIHNH Church decorationi by ca Enamirm acmmh 1m IanThu 1y Thankm mm umThe hhhlulnru nl ï¬nd nmadmn ovcr CKHID ltnluulal Ammbllu nl Clmh MULCAHTE NT IlAflIllF REV IL BURGESS IAHIOII SUNDAY OCTOIHM 10 ID to uni8nd Hchoal Ina mm II ILMORNING Woflflllll mo melnlpllln mm Nnvlro wad lnuMutn Ind mm may All nrvlm lelluwnhlp hour All wrlmmo Mlnlsler Rev Lcwls MA M1 orgn13 Ind ChnIHnslzr Lloyd Tuflord FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Allan ï¬eld 200 umEVEN SONG SAINT GEORGES lleuly nymn Slnxlnp REV MUIR ILA Belhel Ponlecoslul Church CHRIST CHURCH ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH VESPRA WELCOME