REAP Flyera outslugged Bradford 11711 Monday nlght at Agrlculturnl Park to deadlock thebestlnseven South slmcoe softball ï¬nals at one game aplede Bradlord wexkaned with the sldeflnh veteran hurler Pat Pol and lhrcugï¬ leg injury Med hard tamatch the viciousmoundlng the Flyers hafldzd Steve Simone They hailed righl mm the sun but couldnl catch uqfln IoosQYvlny ed contest 3mm EXAMINER WEDNESDAY OCI 85 The flyers cracked Simnne flar three runs in the ï¬rst Innlng on Pele Elleskis homer and Doug Louden blasted tworun circuit smah in the mend to aid auteur run sprint to 71 1239 BrraldmrdraVMEJnptrcd the rally in the ï¬lth with three runs shied by Joe Mazania triple wflh NWO Tile third shine at tï¬e series is 111in ior tonight at Agricul tural Park under the Headlights starting at 715 pm ln Mmchedash Bay blil wing and green 4wlng cal rpmdumlnalcd but than were cw black ducks and mallard Mostly blue bills were ropartcd 1mm Fesscrlon Flyers Thump Simone Deadlock Bradford South Simeoe Series COLDWATERTuronlo Hamil lnn and Oshawa and some Unilcd Slates sportsmen swelled the rank duck hunters waning the sea son in this district Saiurday Ac cammodation was In demand as the visiting hunters outnumbered Cold wnicr district nimmds 25 to Game Warden lloracc Sallows hns rccclvndmuporu that some shoot in has been done lrom boats The cuuscrvnllon 0mm pulnts out ml is slrlctly Illegal It ls contrary to law hunt or attempt lo hunt from motorboat Whlle travelling ln power boats guns mugl be unlnnd nd and dlsmantlcd of in cases or llm owners run the rlsk ol promu Manybqierlznccd hunters ob tained their 1m 01 ducks lion Mr Sallow has rcqucsled that any humus lindlng bands on ducks have them placed In his hands as soon as possible for record checkn Duck Hunters Invade Dislricj From Oulside Bauld Astounds Critics Ring Savvy Andre Baum lhu heralded new comer lhn Barrie Boxing Club conxlnucd ln nslnund ringside crit Ics nl Palace Pier Toronto wllh his uncanny boxing pmwm Bauld making his second start his career scand ll vicious but one sidcd unanimous decision over Lnr ry Finnegan an irish lighter mak lnz his Hrs slur in Canada Finnegan ha 1h cxpcr once but Dauld had he powcr and mm cndous 1m hnnd Already they any Andres lull 1m 15 one the has In mgauur buxlng Twice 1n Mondays lhrreraund bout the rrlcrrc was In the ncl Inllim lhc mulch Whm he be sounded Hauld In Finnegan wllh bndy bruled nnd puncd face and alrcady brnponcnls nrc dndulng mulchugwlth the BBC sensallon On HIE 5mm cnrd Burrles velvh In Paul Kenny won Ivemum 7pm drclslon avcr Billy Taylor Tnmntu Two Judge Invorcd Ken ny the flier uhd dmw It was chm Ixht nll Um way in lhu Hf whrn Krnny vul loose and hummrrcd Tnylnr rum rlnu rnmtr l0 rlnu corn TM ulock lightweight shnwml lrcmcnduus Improvunrm uvcr lulu Ixul oulnm Il lhl Inlncc Pltr slmwk Public Schools Hold Field Day Thursday Oct 14 Tm nmlunl mm mm swamp uhllc Schunl VIII lily wlll bl pgm Amm Im 11mmm Tm mm mm mm mm Ilc norm rwlll luwr lrmnllnu champion lerlnulnu wunhgm umHmm mm Klnu mwunl Mm 1mm nnmm Mnryn um Onklry rm mum Kllm Edward llnvr wall lhr Irurk allul llrhl llllc lullr llmru III Hm lehlycnr lmmmlllhm rl airy Club umnmml llllL fhvv uln Immlrd Vlrlmin lhlmul wrru lwlrn wlmurl whllu CmIvlllxMu HIM Yllncu Wnlu have HICII Wm ll mm New Service loi Barrio Morchunls BARBIE DELIVERY SERVICE For pbnlculau canlact Bmu Nolbjil Town Dlivexlns lump Bordon Edgar HOME 5894 aboard But when the 14m innings mlled around he Flyers had se cdgd imply jumpto ovgrhapl Byadfurd musl once again de pend upon Slave Simone to silence theiilyers Puland will be nut 01 actlgn or at luau another week duflnfle blow us the buys from Ho nd Marsh area have met wnh gr xpccess in uslng onetwo mo Ind punchjor each game mix Carter Steve Slmonc and Ednoy had qu nus each 01 Brad Iod gamma 010 250 nuZn Dhui Lame wllh loor hlls pac lhu lecrs Blloskl Allan and C1 Nslpr had two apiece RCAE Ncwmnmt Dixans caplurcd the Barrie district ladins soibball cham pinnship gnd the Edith are Mem orial Trophy Monday night when they doiqnlcd Oriilifl 2431014 11 Chgmpionship Ila The vxémy gave the Dlxuns he bestlnlive mic series three games 19 one Néllvmarket Claim Laclies Softball big sixrun sth inning wa the eLllng blew Orlllln were wry much 1n the running unul Nommrkct broke out in rash with the help at six errors In the lramG The now champions outhit their rivals over the nineinning ï¬aule with first baseman Barbara Watticndlng the way with three slngim McDonald poled lripie Ior cm 01 bur two hits Frulck with triple and single and Smith with two sinzies were wortHops in Oriilias otionsivc Thanksgiving Day Metal at Wasaga Boast Good Names The nndnl Thanksgiving Day hurncss meet at Wasnga Bench race rank Monday afternoon has some of Wm provinces top nnlrlus The nonrwin elm renmms lhrcc wellknuwu perturan Man nwncd by Jack Waplcs Ehnvalc Van Sllwcfnbyfowncd by Elmcr mum at Alllstan and Polar GralLln owned by Jack Rumble of umsdalc Peter Gmllan and JUL Mun shared heal wins in he nonwin circle at he recent Barrie lair Vnn Silver Buy rim Sccund 1n bolh heals DI the 21 Class Olhcr cnlrics on the bratrace card are iucll smndouL LS Penny Patch BHLDIrccl Wlllmols GM Dawn awnshy Hurvtsl Brook and Domlnlon Day Lad rarmm now before mm them how Inch mollan pol in Cm udlun chunls Cerunlnly It would aid hxmlmsunmly ll Micclnl chums could be rl up her nrcslum over by lnsumlm whose sole respons lbllily would bu ltnch In new nnlml rlxlldun lhc qugunKL uluxu mm undnrukhm mmn cxulnlnnllnn lhr Cunmllnn Wily UK Me What IxJuuhd In ncuon lo up mulunw mum of Inllruullnu va Cnnmllnnn In nlrad mlvnK lu lmllvldual schqu human Chuck Henderson product of Mldlnndl minor hockry ranks whn flarer fur Gllnlnh Blllmorcs or use mm wul plny rur Snsknloun Qunknrs he Wlvrll Huckty Longs IL Mason Lasl ynnr Hendmlm played th Kam locpx Elk in the Oknnnxnn of Brlllsh C0unan senlur lmckcy same group In lunlldun Vs 11nd mun New Yulk Hunger chime WITH SASKATOON NEW CANADIANS luuynNummln Im 010 250 nuZn 343 002 50x17 Suffers Broken Neck in First Senior Workout JACK wnn WENknown cvxv lrc Alur lenlinnl hullum um urnwr kvy pluyumkrr uu Mrm nrlnl Cup mm mm In 050$ mama Imnun ner nl mp In Hams ummnnr urncll ur lhr mun nlnlu Ilunmhl lllr mlflhl Hnr Ymk vhu nl Ir BILL MALCOMSONS entry from Cedar Rail Pony Farms over 122 hands at the recent horse show utBartle Fain cpptures firstplqce ribbon In the palr or names ponles Am La Ilu wmu ulmrk nuk nil1an mm dmlnu llw wurkuul hm lulu nml rlhv Inl THE PONY CLASS with one the largest entries 1n the history of the Barrie Fair horse Show is shown abovn in the THE SINGLE HARNESS roadstcrs proved Lhrllllng cv or the Saturday horse shovi The class of single hamcss cm to the thousands who jammed the bleachers and rulllng roadsters Ls shown nbovc THURSDAY OCTQBER lEVITS TRADING Mr lhr NOTICE Due to the HIGH HOLIDAYS Our Store be 1le wlmlv only lunly Im1 Illm ml llw ml lur hm or lhrrv HIHHHH qur mum mumu th llw Fly NM lhlvn Inn ml unlur rnlvy hc In Ifllllrmrl uwr lilklly Im 1m muly lnluo mum mun mny Excellem Showing light EHorsés Class Barrie Fair CLOSED llw Hum ALL DAY In lho ulIur nlnn wuvlnc mm mm nulllvml um mm Alwyn um mm lnhzntlunl um In Nuvu Smlln he cxlnulul Inn he nllly Munul The CI II Hm this kvvvs Hm nluunl mlrm nl HHIIIII Inaslhln hul anan lly In mum hnxmllnm upwlully In uuvlnculhal cum much In Hm lumlul Uh TIH EXAMINER HUNTING IIIUNY UNIFORM HIUNALH Krnlvllln Advrv llrmr Conlldulul haw main hm new Ill yltm Ian This Funny World judglng of pair of harness ponies lhll new ullool all but lnmnlhlng In HR prepare your cur or the sLmln winter drlvlux by ulvlnx Lhuruugh huumctlon lull nurvlrol cllon cumInn 60 mum sumo plus 1mm rmulrcd Ilulnly rmnmny llllipucllun unverhlu 32 pnlnL1 SDOU plun mm It rcqulmd Como Brudlord John Sls Phone 2449 SIMEOE Mlllllfl PRODUCIS DANEEB WINTER AHEAD lly prumllnx lhln ml you will mvn 13000 or 50 on MAKE YOUR CHOICE LIMITED Variable Today Cloudy and Cool Possible Showers Th week an hr hn been cloudy shuwtry Ind cooler bu wllh Iunny mm Monday man this mornlnr urly Ihowcd drop to II In Ill no out Ihuwn Mlncll lolnL muy lndlcales vulnhln can wllh poulblc nhnweru lempruturu ware 0c Ocl KL lllxh Low LADIES AFTERNOON LEAGUE Th ulemoon bowling sullen started Tuesday and FargeHfle Nuu broke in mm me nixteam mack with 14 victory over Dan dellnns Lllllan Gracey with 227 single and 602 triple was 1h main wcapon or the winners Elllle hibhla with 205 shame and 481 leu was 51 or the Dandyk The romalnlhg two chmul Hn lshed in Idcnlical scores Mumms cdxed the Aston and Pet unas squeezed past Marigold Ruby Smflh leI 250 single and 555 triple paced Mum whl Ethel Marshall wflh 244 slnzl ml 550 rlplu had Aster in ma blame all the way Helen Webb was lhc key to vic tory for Fflunlas 5hr roiled 238 sKnglc and 528 lrlplc to lend the pack Doris Blnnle was best for Marigold Ith 212 single and 485 ForgetMelNots Pctunlns Mums Aster Mnrlznlds Dnndnllnns Ierlc mgh sxï¬m Ethel Swain For gclMcNols 2m hlgh three Ethel Marsha Aslurs 558 noluxoLï¬ag maluon mo 791 Murdy Campbell 32d Brass and elemH 3mm m4 ma CGE 3Cllfl Brown CGEHuy Hobbs 243 659 Pele MLGKbbon 234 C1 Hmwn Steve Omhuck 274 699 2M 899 $6 ovsharpc 223 am WLbb BrnsDon Russell 231 74L KI 58 pint512 Deluxe 75rass Orghaï¬s zvimgms Evaw rccne 295 sn vexthorn 731 SupcrxcsLstu Hams us 660 SevenUp 5Copaca SevenUH Miller 293 Bob Thurlow 719 CommWilson 215 6TH Dell zTannlng Wright Cleaner Edgar Topper Barrie Tnnnln Cupnco ARI Dmnlnlon Auw Wrcc or CN Telegraph Rmcls Knighu oiColumbuL unun Plasterers Jackwn Molorl Union Cnrpcnlcn Smllha Fnrm Dalry BaliLarry 716mm may Scan 67A TanningG Campbell was um Deluxe Taxl llanle Tannhm Cl Brawn HEIC Orphans Copaco Bell Telephone ruck mid chekly mgi slngl man no him Glenn High slngle Murdy Ciï¬ï¬hcll Dnluxc 326 my three Bob Mal flow Deluxé 751 IHECathtt mm column Illalnry will run Hm IIImInf mu Hut mm llkely IInIn noI nIII oI um Ituonn warld lIutlIlll lulu IIIII III Iory wIII hnva anIe tlmr II um um In Ill you at me mu or drum ma nlnur ma unollunuely Ihe occulolul human lulu nounme nl mumm Inn dot lhe quInn cluulc Ihmblhll llInl Ulla IIEINI wlll Fromm nuuHur such HI bc Hulhl lllllKlIlflulll urslurc mlnllnfl It In cull III Chlrnuul Wllulry Flnltl In 1031 um lllcn luck homer Iluhl htrr Tum was unly our ï¬lm Rulh nnd II pullllll llrd wllh lllm II cuunlly douhlhIl IIInI IIIII yuul mm wlll nnnIuce lhal my hnxclmll unnulnlrd lllpll plnyI nn only Inc In Wullll 5cm Ilslnl look Ilnlc In Im IIIIII WM In 1020 SHIN plnyrd lItlurc mum Inn nI clmInmI wnII IIIxIIlIIIIrIl Inlc In um nmm ny Inc Inlllnns Ivcmul Inmmnn IIIII WnInIn fnnu wIm cuuulll Ilnc drive wIIn lwu Imam mnnm nn haw IIII ulrmlml nu mnna lllmlIl MIL Inmn he 1mm nllmrr nnnIIIn In lmll In III hulllmlu dnnh mm nInI Inna 11mm but lml hlllnry mm mm In nnnI cnxunl Inn wlll nnmnIm II lur hr llxumxslhlc umlllnu ul quanxnnnI nnmr II or no ulhrr MENS TOWN LEAGUE 0M lhrn rem Mullnl mum humanu Alllll 71rd HM Home Aux Illlnfl Ihe Alhlelln In IMI Ind Mme mm nun hay mm uul nuy nth wlnuln Iwn llnlrllnrllmt um Helm In um lluvw WM lunrhlxlul rim rnlrh III Juu lllflnuullrn HJhml dHVl lu llll hulech Mr In NH IDII mm ml wlll rrmnlu vrrvrr wllh lhum wm wllnuuvl ll Ilnlm Nuwnnm vlltllrll Illulml III Ml INnnd Ilnrl lI llu WI licrlvu Ur Hm mrllmnfl llll nï¬nlml Dunn Thru mt lhr pull n1 umy lhrw uhlkn wan mm mm drumer In which pirnnlllrll lhw Vllilrrl l0 WIII lhl In wln lllle Hm lullowlng day Amt my luck In Inn New lnvl Hlnll ml Mlnn IInI Nu wrm pun old Is IIIIer lluL II nu III llul Ima In mm two plum Immmm mm Manama mI manly Wood we the bill In In lenlh IIInu mu In low In IenIII mum muMI WnoIl In Mofll Ium pup In um ma Nnodum um II IIIn duvme It Mien mm In mm Calvert Insults ly on iGnnIp bundln Yaw summit and Ngyllflonl In hmn will In 1on Um hvaon Cult Mom You hurt GROUP POINTS éamï¬ww LDISIILLERS LIMITED MflIIIIUIU cumin Mar emu 51 Powtll 57 Mel 5mm 23 at Carpenter Mumhy 303 Kogfln ty am 50 Wright nckson30 ndcnon 320 73 CnMa Tannin Duncan Blmca 240 709MB Eadsh 53 Telegraph Mel Irvine 150i Kenningmn 253 Cogs Dnmni EEniamu ow max mu 719 BuHMk 77 xgrau SuIIOcRIilagnn 57m Krau Grilfllhx W32 nglyyslcr MRXCVEEI 251i 610 Hayï¬eld Reynolds mm naming 5gaky TaÃ©ï¬ Amximnx um 13X kanytycid ExaminerHoward Clarke 559 DairyBub Hndgcs 473 Baxbum 0Wcsloqs Samara6 ml 460 tonsBarry 250 621 Finlay ZKnnwclls FlnlaysTL ï¬cwlon 549 Westons ma Kenweus Plum Hayfield Frosted Foods Bullock Molnxs Barrie ExAnmxner wellsLD Darling 252 mi Chryslcm Finlnys Kmn Cunlamus BA Dairy Barbers commons nesmncu TRAIL EC iCPA fellowship grant at $1200 year has bun gmnled McMasicr University Hamillnnl by the Consolidated Mining and Smelling Company Similar leiiowship now are avail able al l0 Canadian universiliu to aid students and increase scien tific research nigh slngle Barry Westnn Bread 59 hlghlhrcc Hey nnlds Froscd quds 632 isronmraman The army petrol smallest at webnoted birds can run lightly over lhc wmer with hc Ild at its wings Weélg mm mm mm mug THANKSGIVING SPECIAL 49500 47 IJIIIJIIE SEDAN BUY WITH CONFIDENCE ul DunyerlieldMolors LIMHED USED CAR DIVISION BEADFDIID ET Dill II THE BIG DIFFERENCE IN THE BEST DEAL IS THE DEALER WIIO STANDS BB lIIND IT AND DANGER FIELD MOTORS LTD HIM COE COUNTYS LARGEST DEALER IS THE DEALER Gourl um mlo ah condll loan wanderlul buy Ullabrlét wnI lhv Immuu Ullnl mm mm ml mum 11qu and flu on Bqréy Vycslnns Ken 230 244 Pts WE it S5223