Notable Armiversary lnncd Nations Day on Oct 24 annivers my the ï¬ne its charter came into force in 1915 aimus chance gr stocktaking What with the cold war inf thé ï¬ghting wars sflnce the end of the Second World War perhaps the most signiï¬cant tact Is that the Unlted Nations still is in being It Is stlll forum or the nations even it the delegates dlvlde Into blocs when they get there True the IndoChlm ughung was stopped lay conference ln Geneva and when crlsls arlses llke the allure of the European Defence Community project hegotlutlons are sunted agaln by torelgn mlnlsters maklng the rounds of the vnrlohs cnpltals But the value at the Unlted Nntlons is summed up by General Romulo of the Phil lpplnes one of tlie most colorful personnl ltles at the UN in recent years In this lash Kill the Unlted Nations and you km the last orgnnlzation where the two sides In the world maintain daily diplomatic and polit Ical contact which 1n itself ls one or peace Kul the United Nntlons and you blow up dam that has already prevented our local waxs from spreadlnzKotea In donesia Kashmir and Palestineand could do the same In the future lon Kill the Unlted Natlons and you convince the milllons now recelvlng from lt medlclne mllk and plows that there Is no hope for the hungry and homeless except perhaps 1n communism Klll the Unlted Nntlons and you increase tremendously the chances that mnn will one day wipe hlmselt on the face at the earth That may seem an extreme vlew But Canadas external affairs mlnlster Pearson told the new sesslon the UN general nssembly As Lsee It one of the most vital of our purposes at the United Nations ls to keep open and to develop these channels com munications so that some day and may It be soon when both sides are wullng may may be used Mr concllmclon and eventual agreemgnh Everyone can echo thoscvwords may it be soon DQnT Advertise superstluous subscriber once wrote Mark Twain when he was edlmr of Mlssourl newspaper The subscrlber told that he had found spider in his paper and asked whether It was sign of good or bad luck Twain wrote the subscriber and printed the reply in his neWspapcr The letter rend Old Subscriber Finding spider in your paper was neither good nor had luck for your The spider was merely looking over your paper to see which merchant is not ndvcrtising so he can go to that store spin his web over the door and loud life undisturbed pence ever afterwards School Bus Makes Way The blg school bus ls pushlnglhe llttle red spnoolhousc on the Cunndlnn landscape ys the Owen Sound sunTlmcs Although many oneroom schools stlll remnln they are dccrcns In number every year School districts have been enlarged Mod ern steel stone and glass structures ouch housing hundreds pupils nnd mnny teachers nrc replacing the elementary class room when four or more grades Atudled and recited side by side Educators bollch advantages of consol ldnllon outwelgh the good palms of tho mm xcd schooln Progmss ln rond bulld lm and motor tmmporlnllon had made ll ponslblc to lllrc more nnd betterunmet lonchcrm Lnrucr bulldlnm oatr better lnclllllcs at lower com per pnpll The BunThurs contlmmn The onemom rchoolhoune ml whltc or the weathered rolor 0t hnnd hcwn low molded the curly tlunklnu ol lnllllona chlldrcn It was trequcntly nlcm teacher but In lntcr llla gonvmtlonu Cmmdlnnn built noalnlxlc mrumrlu Utah youth around lho hnrah chum the rectum bull or the Illlernnon drone recltlng puplln or the prank lhnt npollcd half hour ntny nlter nchooL Even WN Avenue rm ADC cumum mm Mmlm Tullnl Mirth Class Newspaper Published Monday Wednesday Friday WWW The WHan nunum rm om Bqumln1r1¢0nlrlnClnndl THE lIMlIlIE EXAMINER LIMITED WM lrnldrm CHITIICK VlceIruldanl IllVE1rn Mmhvlnl mm lvvmwu nl CMMI Ml Clanun Wally Hvuvllfll an mgrï¬g ï¬xamim mm mm In low um mu nml not In mama tun lelnmwl VAu In ABVAMEI Iv mil ouulnl cull IOKII Month ll mm Mann um no my Mum mun 6542 ï¬ï¬zsnn om the rod other hickory switch became symbol ofhnppy unspoiled days Perhaps wlth the increasing number requests for museum various mums the little red schoolhouse could be repalred nud returnlshed to house museum Whut could be more tlmng After all lt wont be too many years belore the red schoolhouse Itself museum place Editorial Notes The new paper currency issued at Ottawa hasvbeen duly admired The Fort Wllliam TimesJournal comments But in short time they will become as 1mm and solled as those bank notes which have passed before them They will be just as hard to hang on to no doubt about that wink is as good as nod to the wise Edward Lytton township in Muskoka district has gone into the Christmas tree business and one result is that land formerly worth one dollar an acre now brlngs fifteen per This mun icipality wlns two ways lncludlng taxes 0min Pocket Times The decision the CBC Board at Governor to award license or the operation ol televtalon station It Barrie is one which will have momentous resulis in Drillia and district In the ï¬rst place it means the frustration of hopes for In Orillin stationv which would have been operated in conjunction wilh our local radio out let This meanl not only disappointment for our local radio people but also deflnlta loss to the town at the prestige which such TV station would have Iddcd ii any TV stniion in be built in the area we would have preferred 10 have it built in Oriiiia rnther than in rivni community The chief element surprise was that the CBC should have sven ï¬t to award license or cam munlty at the size at Enrrlc It has always been nsxumcd that tclcvlslon statlun could only opeï¬ aIL proï¬tably ln lalge metropnlltnn area At that many statlons ln the lamest cltlus Ill stlll operatlng tn the red However we know less than nothlnl ahnut the operation at radio or TV staflon and the Bank expexlment will cemth be worth walnhlnz OPINIONS OF OTHERS No Orillia Television Probably rhe biggest element of new is mm Orilllans will soon have me TV channel which they can rercive night or day gnarl candilinru or bad This act undoubtedly will have lrnmnndous re percussion here It will stimulate the sale at TV set as nothing else to date hm ever done and it wiii convert Oriillu ovcmlgh from ring Im In ï¬rst rntMclevision reception urea Ccnalnly mln mnny viewpolms the CDC decl Man was momentous one or Orllllan Owen Sound SunTlmcx One more tow remnlnln pnvsscnzur servi at lha Gm Lnkcs has born dlsconunuld The famed 30000 Island Cruise at he Ens Shaw Ihc Georgian Bay IJ no In opcrnllon lhls season for me Hrs me in about 70 years The cruise ship Mldland City on the daily Iervlce between Mullaan ur Ponclang and Parry Sound being dlimnnllcd and the nmnllcr shlp Ull City Dovm Is lald up at Mldlnml scrvlco wlll lu unlcd nn lhl season by runVcrlcd subrlmcn In our at ï¬ve lslnnd resort uprrallng from Prnelanl and small rellhl ball will run lrurn Mldlnnd among lhc lalnnds Dul he lull day lrlp Nnnh Puny Suund in he talkmoon and he rclurn ulp he noxl ore Imun ll lhlng ol the pun leslng an lnvxldn Channel cnlllnu In all ma resorts Ind ms lnz lhruugh Tllo NIHown ll ha been one 1hr must plclunsquc shun lrlp an the Gran Lnku nnd nllrncled outlets from all over the Car lnrnl Colupcllllun motor rnvcl and Min mu ship upwnllom luavr mndn buslnm lnmnslnxly dlfllcull cunllnuo In recent years The dafly cnllsc has brcn carrlcd on ouch num mor 1mm Mlalnnd or lcnetnnz ln Parry Sound Ilnce the early clxmch The urvlcc was flrll commrncrd by he Mmkukn Ind Nlplulng Nnvlah ion Co whlch xlnmd Hm Ixmll unmer Chlcou lllnl ull llm rulllt nplnrlnz Iboul ID by HI Ildewllcclur Mnnlwu wax punchum by lu nld Hullh Shun Nvlnllun Cu In In and llloy lrplaml ll wllll Hm Slr Clly Tomnln nnullwl womlzn llunwhlclcr bulll ln Owen Sunni ln Ill Takul over by tho Nuilhcmvalullnn Co In 1803 wnu upland hr llm Ilctl alumcr Wluhlc bulll ln Colllnuwnad 1909 when the Norllum Navlullon Co Ilflldul In wllhdrlw mm 014 Georglnn Day nboul 1911 um lilo lllnu llnyllr mu nllnclnh lined the MldlmdClly on lhr qulv from MI llnd onlhrr willl II Clly Duvrr on rhurlrr ruulrl The Mlllllnd Comli my um um lu lrnvlanl Inmmu lhno or our yum no and tho but wrro um um lmrllnl mlll llm tlmr uf lhr IllLUll lflxl Cruise Discontinued Thn 30000 hlnnd CHAIM 1n the lxulde channel In lull hm major ullnacuun or lmulIu vllll 1n Hm Hull Ihurb curulan lily Ind lhrl wlllulmWIl Wlll he vlrwnl wlm krrn In by Nu lhoumndw who hnvn Imn mlvumul In Ink 1hr rlp nxul runny Ila braulu Ike 1mm Inland ruhm In lhu put rum unnum ml maï¬a II Iuvrrf um um mum 7mm mm mm warm Iumlnhnaunl vmu emum Much oi he infarmniion eun iained in ihls nrticlc was cam piled and published by Devin nDWOI Toronto Ills book The Elrds oi Simeon Couhty Ontario we published by the Royal Canadian Inflltutc in 1m 44 but ls now out oi print In the JulyAugust 19 issue oi Cah ndian FieldNaturalist new in lorrnntion was added nnd the list brought up to date In this nriicle Mr Devitt lave the number oi certain species recorded III 261 There were at least clght other specieswhich he cnnsidercd hypn iheilcal duei9 theuncertninly oi sllhl observations He also brought the list ni breeding birds up 140 species Much nithe credit for this large list of br ed ers must no Dr hut 1m ion who has spent mnny sum us at his eoiinlc at Wnsan Be ch Blrd records and lists were com Iributed by many other observers but the nuisinndinl ones werelthc mu Brereian Ussher and ML Devlit himself The Drereton Field anurllists Club named in honor oi Dr Brereion has been active in ihe urea rccenly BIRD RECORDS SIMCOE COUNIY Slmcoe County has in mi About 1002 square miles conlIang wide vumy of mum or bum rcsldem and mlmunu hlrdr from the rocky Inland of Georgian Bay the Increasingly cultivated n1 AL Mri Dev islx Include Pinc peeing which do not appear on the ROMZ lcldvchccklnz llshlni 1952 Thry nrcCommun Glossy lblx Pkarm lnicinelluxi Enllccl Ed in HE Longmed hour Siercornrlul innzlcluduli cni Iccied in 1013 and Smiihl Lon lpur Cnicflrlu Mm Wthhihll been oblcrvcd 1N1 nnd 1940 The Brnedlnl llll lnciudu 13 lptcltl never recorded in the hr ranlo mien They are Common Loon Gavin immcri Comxhnn Magnum Mcrlul mmnném Oaprey lnmllnn hnlineiun Yol low Rnl Coiurnlcapl novcbor ncnncis Wilsonl Phnlnrope Sin nnovus irlcolur 1an in Lam nrxcnialusi Unihilcd Gull Larul Dcluwnrenm lliun Tern Siurnn hlrunda ltr mii Tinth ilyinciuhi zuilnini Philadelphia inn Vino phila driphlcul Bincklhronlw Dlul Warblermcndrolcn Cncniluccmi Myrna Wnbier Drndrolcn coron Ila Ind Prllrie Wuhlcr Den dmita dlKolDr Tho ioliuwin Innnlntcd ilni raven he rpeclrs which hth betn corded lhrre Umll or in in lhn counly nr um 01 inirrui lu lama wny Amulun mi Cnlmrmdiul ni imn Na ion iiin laur al ihm wuih By uuon cmuui seemed like Such slim Mu but II EN ern wanderer were seen by Mr Nehnrdn at Toronto on or abnul October 53 The bird wore In marsh abom lwc mile south GHford Shovuller Anus clxpeatn An inlercsiinz observuion con cerning main this species was made on July 1953 by Mia lluxhcs in Barrie and Mrs Cnr man at Angus The bud was an clrcllnl in an agitated manner nver grassy minsh northwest of Anlux This is the ï¬rst summer record Ind may lndicnlc breed inl urea Americm Eider Somatcrin mul lisslmn female bird wns found by the writer on Nov 14 1951 at the ihead oi Kcmpcnicldt Buy and ms lntc seen by many other observ ers lncludinl James Baillie oi Tannin Although thu female King Eider vcry slmllnr and much more likely to occur the evidence point to the presenl species An attempt will be made ymn nu NW to collect hls bird The only othu loulhcm Ontario rccord is lpodmen liken on the Ninmra flflvcr nenr NflVy 151nm on Nov 1030 now In me National Mul cum collccunn AmIHCIn Ecoter Qldgm numqu aw All Mlmhener found lcmnlc of this species on Nov 11 105 This rtprcsunu hr lhlrd record for In cnunly lgfalcon Fulco ruslicolus Two more record Ma aprcm 1mm lhc coumy mun mm wnlw blrd was soon by MSlchcncr ll Collmuwaod on Dev 17 1952 nnd dark phflle lndlvld ual wn observnd at close range by John Wulmnn on Nov 1953 Iwoopcd Na poultry nnr flnrrlm Rea Phallrapa thï¬mpus lull cnriun An lndlvldunl m1 spcclol was Inn by Michcnor In um moulh he Notlawmnxn NV on OCL 10 1952 Nouns lhxllrnpe LublmI loh Mu Anolhnr mo lnlcrcxllnl morcblrdq Wnl Hm Men by wmmnn Krmptnitll Buy an Aul 105 hmuln Jnunr Slmnrnrlu pu nllllcuI 0n OBI ND Mu Wu Inln Wllchtd inrucr nmumlbly of Intel humd flock of Cnmmun Tum In Allin dllm Thur prevluun rrcordl ex lulu II II Iha cnle wllll Hm wn Ihulampu Cnrollru thn rhtybnmnu lul ovlclnnun Thu wumrn nonlmr mm In bu Ilendlnl llx Hnlo nnrnlwnm It 31 37v The socon qnd hfrd mealg or this species have been made re cenlly On May 12 this yelr 1953 Mrs Jr Wesiman found slnilnl blrd near her home out side Barrie Frnnk Munra sew the species during his any at Camp Bardcnlrbm lull in i953 Bluefly Guiana Puliopllln caeruien Miichener encaunlered one at hese iiiiie birds on May ll near Colllnlwnnd This represents ihe only record within ihe eouniy Goldenwlned erblrr Wank vom ehrysoplcrlb Four individuals were seen in summer nil in or near MIan Swnmpl Miss Huxhex um ihe wrlter mind ml 01 these blrd established nenr the Mnclraiiwny smlnnl They were again seen on June 14 by an FON regional nih erlng No attempt was made in obtain breedan mend Bremieru Warbler Vermivnr leueobrunchinils This nreiiy hybrid wu delecied by Munro on July Ill 1949 The bird wns perch in eh on the In the anlnwnsnga River near the Junction Plnc Elven 11 lnlcresung In note hat won the um hybrid ever seen In lhc count Tenneuao VArbler Vermlvorn pnrcgrinn The um summer record um spades was oblnlncd nn June 14 1953 on me FON rollonnl gather lng Hendrle Form Welter Mndnwlnk Slumciln mulcchn Thlq spmu can he pdded Ike cnumv 1m flunk to ls dlscovm on May 1953 Munro The blrd was about Ihrcevqumm mile west the Holly flora nn Concession It seomcd dblcndlnl unitary but no mm run men either mu ume or nlcr Grasshopper Sparrow Ammud rnnu mvunnnrum non cnnulninz tour is wu dllcuvzrnd by Munro Camp 101ch uncrn dlllnnl lurch on June 21 n1 hls yur Although mu packs hn bun mu 0ch donnlly ln lummtr no prcvloui hrccdlnl rerun mm Cllycolnrcd Rpmow Spilan pallldn Th first two bmdlnl meta Wm Mlnblhllcd by Munro 1n colony hnlwun Hm Camp Dor ucn nlmnh Indlnl laid Ind the Clmp Dordcndmmm hllhwly in WI he uw Ilnll bird an Mny 20 Slncu Hum lhuy have bu cnmo quite commun In In Inn On July L1 IO chhed ymm blrd jun able lly belnl rd by llrrnl hlrd Thu yu on July II he nunrl um nbovr llu round conlllnln our young blrdl DH llmmNN WTACII Wind Stu Not far long time have flower lovers ul Banl and djflflfl been treated to me least him WI displayed in Barrie Fair wuuid like to extend the thanks me committee in charge of this horticuilurai display 10 Ill win by their lnicresl enlhusiasm Ind helplulncfl made ll sugh sum ll anyone has any inflation to lmprnver next years flower d15 playover this years wnuld be pleased 10 receive mom or any crlllzlsms We know it could be slilibcller and we aim In make it have lefler before me ex tendan very kind lnvllollnn to memben of our soclety and um other flower levels to nllend the nnnunl Chrysanthemum and house plum dlsplay sponsored by Orllha Hortlculluml Soclely In OIlllln Communlzy Centre all pm Thursduy 0d 10 Since we will soon be enncemratlnx much our enemy on house plants lhls mlght be qulle an lnleresllni event Admlsslnn ls reel Show in cl colored slldcs wlll also be feature Thanks lp our nclgh borlnz snclely clnlnmn our program com mmec Fendley has an nouncad swap nllht will be held very snan Speaker or he even IORVALDSON QC of Winnipea who has been elected president at the Canadian Cham ber of Commerce at the natlanai business arganizntions 251i an nual meeting at iiniiiax Oct 47 Mrr Thorvaidson is senior partner in the Winnipeg law firm ot Thor vaidson Eszemon mum and Stringer During the past year ho has served as second national vice president or the Canadian Chum bar Commerce Active in corn munily and business uiiaira and Chamber at Commerce work Mr Ntorvaidson is past president of the Winnipeg Chamber at Com merce lie is also president International Loan Company North Canadian Trust Company director at number oi other ï¬rms and member oi iho Mani toba and Canadian Bar associa tions in law Mr Thorvaldsun has specialized in business and tax law He takes over from Barrie Vancouver farmer pres ident oi the Canadian Chamber of Commute of CPresident cm airman r0 PRINTING PHONE MIC BETTERVALUES FULLY GUARANTEED FREE INSURANCE Make Your Selection In Tho Seclullon of Our PRIVATE DIAMOND wy ROOM Specialists in Diamond Selling and Jewellery Restyllng Free Estimates REEVES JEWELLERS MlH MMIION CIIOWMX NEWIIY NEGRO HOVHHT loud fllnllnl iml llclnru EVERYONE WELCOME By JEAN Gm EVANGELISTIC ISERVICES THIS WEEK TONIGHT 1111mm Hum flï¬pm the manic nunsum Sociely GARDEN NOTES FIRST BAPTIST Vlllllllllflll CLAPIHIITON A1 WORSLHV Ill2V LUCK INL MINISTER Simcoe Countys Leading Watch and Diamond Merchants ESTABLISHED l890 of Barrie lnl will be Mr Fendleys lather florist ln Brampton wlm will flow colored slldes he took taxden an recent lrln 10 Eng land Wakh Cornlug Evenls enl umn carefully or lull delalls Later we hwpe have soda evening or members at ourioci My nndncixhhorlng mend with turkey dinner and all lhclrlm mlnls An Spidil new at lhx event WEth to have Floyd Lashley and John Clark and their wives tram headquarters In annnm Further dlLIHS will be given liter our lns hnxumuural execu tive meeting in was dmlded that our soclely plnnl ullps in lh three largellowcr beds on the new gore at No 11 lehway and Shanty Bay Rnnd Al lhc samn mecllng much discussion took place regarding the has mclhad nr storing Cannn llly buIbs frnm lhe0WEn SlrcuVGurc These are hunulllul henllhy plants and we wuuld like to kccp ham use again next Springs Has any mum hcr any suggestions about this We have 75 clumps and hey qulrc in space lhe name meeting consider able discussan took place nzgard in the udvlsabllhy or Barrie Horticultural Society sponsoring course or nmntcur gardeners Th course carried Ihrnngh wnuld likely run one night week Iur about eight weeks Plutnm by Flvero Examiner Ill pholnxnphu at up pelr In lhh newlplprr Illllblfl In may prlnln hr Inll lnlormnlnn mm at plclura yonwufl N0 The Danie Examiner Phone 2414 am