WI 5361 90th YearNo 15 Distrigt Governor Attends Rotary Here Thursday The Rotary Cluli Barrie on Thursday will he hpsl Basil rippc¢aovcrnnr at No 247 dldkrlc Rotary International Mr mm maklng his annual omnlal vlsll each 01 63 awry dubs in His région Mr Tipput is presidcm of the Howcll Forwarding Company Lim ned Toromo TippcIRlchardson Limited Tomnto and Oakvillu Canndlnn rreigm Forwarding Com pany Limited Montreal and MC Daugall hc Mover Limited Hamil tnn He was eluded Dislrict Governor Rotary Inlcrnallunfll for the 195455 ï¬scal ynar at the annual Rotary cnnvcnllun in Scnulc Wuhlnglon Ins Juno He is one of lhc district gnvcmors super vising um ncuvillcs of some 8300 Rotary clubs in 89 cuuntrlcs and geographical rcgiuns throughout the world Christian Island Indians to Get Hydro Chrisimas Indians on Christian Island nbom miles northwut at Punc lnngulshnnc in Georgian Bay staged an impromptu celebration Monday whcn Omar Hydro worker connnclcd the Island to Ihc mainland wnh 115001091 of cubic which will end power Islnnd humus by Chrlslmas This is 11 ms 01an In has hamch on th Leland Morris regional supurvlsor for he Indlxm Affairs Dcpanmcnh snld rm5c people have nnvcr had Christmas much In comA page with HOLSTEIN SHOW AT BEETON HAS LARGE QUALITY ENTRY WITH EXCELLENT ANIMALS LIAM mi in 70 island home now pmvldcd by coal 011 Ilu Hm maul Illd bLKl qualily Ilulshlu Hust lvvr nhl 1n Slmwc Cuunly lhc annual lack and While Slmw huh In con nrcunn wilh Hvrlnn Pxllr saw KXththH hrlnn mll luml of 1H mul knwull Ihrluu mertl lhc nul clmnurluu huIL mrr Slulll AIIIMIHL flu and chummuu lvmnlx rnm was mu LmnpAHunn lu mmulrr ex hlhllur ulnl pumiw Imnm mm on wllh lunlu Mdnmm hrlng pnmm rxmblhnr qu Mn 31mm runmxup whn Mflfnu va punmr lru and Cu wull nu rlmullnup Julluu llunlvn llrImulun whu mm mm numy cmmly nun HM Hmwx HHIIHRHHII nlmlu um your MM Xlu Julllnr tlnmu wnru llw mum Ilny man have jmluu mu yrnr Im mum yrmllnn hcilrr chm wuum lmvo Ium rmm mn Jur Ilmw lhmv lwinu nul um hullvlllunl mum llvu HIHn unnul 10 Any um turml Influx In Ill chi cuuhl have lmn II uuhlr vhmnmnn nl llmsl nmk mul Whllr my IIu wlmwr ml Jun lur hallnnlnn wui ilrnuflon HH uIlr irntv nu Itnmm duuulp ahuwn by Mdmzm In Mmml mm and Innuwmmnnmuh lu Im nnvo Junlur rlnlnmnu Ihlp wu llmulhuvru Innll Hum Hmkl mwrlln anl llnpr dnuulhl Jmlun lluhluu mnHHnlml nn llw rxhnm mum nml LImvl Inn nm wlmm nml nu In mm mm nun lulnlily hr nw nww mum FJIHII Mull klnml manual 1mm Mu Ihc wlnmm Hunyrs IIM llrnalml IAIVWI Jnhnmm Im Ilmmhlvr nu ma Mmkmmn and mmw nllnlmlln lwuw 1m ymv mm dcvrl 0pm mm rnw nmmmu ICIIP Hlnl mmlr Hnmï¬ um lllnlnxvlrm nw mm unlur nnvl rrxku mm dmnwlnn awn wvnl lo llw wlllnlllu IVIIIyrlpulll and Mn mw In mka Humlq Em lhnhlluu Hum muwn Ivy Hum Howl Allklml RIM ha urlllll IIAhy tummy nml INHIer AnulhIr llllllvfl ronlmdrr In lhe MM tllnmplmllhuv wll Bllllln wmnm mnkln WWWum IM Fndemc Dllknrxv who WHII on In wln HI boll mldnul emIr trophy In he hull hum Cruwelln AN mnlmmm NW IL TfllET Sawing row or Mum AND comm ov sumo Since 1855 Outstanding livestock Entries Throughout Various Divisionsf3 jliighlight 0i Barrie Fall The following are the rcsufls or he various classes whlch were Judzcd on Saturday utternoun llulslnlnx Competition was very close in his section De Jermcy Dame ad our firsts five seconds and two 11rd and won the award or grand champion female Harold Rnbcrlson Slroud and Cochranc Thornton tied each raking lhrcc ï¬rst two swonds nnd lhrcl thirds Brothel and Son Toncnhnm and Gordon Brothel and Suns Totrcnham alsu Mlcd each hklng two scconds and one third Gordon Dmth how uvcr won the award or the chum plan Holslcln bulL Camp bcll had on bird one second and nnc lhlrd whlle IL Foylson Mlncslng and George Holtv Thornton had one sccund each One the most features of mu Barrie Fall was the excellent showing cattleJn both the dairy andbth classes In the different dIVISlons nndaléothc other live stock classes Yearhnu Isl Brnlhct and Sons Tollcnham 1nd Julmay Barrln Bull two years Isl Cach ranc Thornton Buu mc Slmud Bull Junior call 15 Breth cl and Sons 2nd George Halt Thornton Caw three years or uvcr dry lsl Cochrane 1nd qulh on and Jermcy COW three ycafs or nvcr 1n mHk 15 Ucrmuy 2nd Cochranc 3rdV Harold Ruhcllsnn Cow two years dry or in milk ls Harold Rubenson 2nd Gor dun Broth Jcrmcy Wénrï¬nr yuan Campbell Jcrmgy 3rd in hoflcr Slroud 2nd Ju or ycaxlnx Cuchmnc 2nd IL Fuylson Mlncslmz 3rd Campbell Scnlur hulkr call lsx Jnrmcy 2nd Cnchranc 3rd on ï¬nitcr call Jnrmcy 2nd Harold no lson mum Mvuu uuv Junlnr htlfcl 53 131 MGM Robertson 2nd Campbell 3rd Cnchrunc Graded haul 151 Gordon Brem cl 2nd Jcrmcy 3rd Harold Ilnbcrlson Junlor herd 151 Jermcy 2nd 2er chanson Pmucny of dam 15 Garden Drclhcl 1nd Jermcy Gel sire Isl llnmld Ruben son 2nd Jamey 3rd Cachrnnc InllCunudiun sunlur ycnrllnu was was made mum and grand clmlnplml uflcr Imam nu wo ycnruld elm llc L4 llund Huvcn lluu Apple mmumm son Mnrkmmn and was mm and grand rhulnplnlu flw shuw mu Imu mphan hns dcvulnpvï¬ mu unsaqu ummm woycar mu ml wll mnkl slrnnu cmppclh Inn mum Inujur mw um mu nucmm um um uniur mm Ivu mm cmmmunmm on uruwmy dlrp unlnr yeah llnu Hmumm TruvxuulIr wnnu llu Hurer Junlnr clmnwlnn MLCIvuuu rlulry Glcnnnun my wlu hrmlrd um jlxnlur hull llu luuur la my slyILm mum lmllvhhml nnd was mm In chnkc we unmr rhumplun Tum wvn um nvw Ixhthnn um yrnr menuer Sum mum nuy Mm lulhnhnln mm mum mu mm Alllllun nll uivlnu gum man lhrmIdvu In llw unmps Jnmm IL Mr lumw um um wlnnlng Hulur up mm on Klulul by Mnnlvlc Ilnfl Amm Mmkmmn while I1 MKnmn hmk lunlur url on Hrnnhun Hlmruvcr nlul lluuvll lImd mu lhn wlnnhvg pmxuly lulu mum Hnmh rnmhy irullry IrlwuH INDer lhr ml min IIMINI IIIIII and Ii MLCnuur Illl wilmlnu Junlnr llrnl Mlnuvnur P2 MtCuuuu hnd mwll llrILI Hrrlllvl At Hum Tullrhham null Jnmr uuur Ihnr Ill Null ruwrll llunull llmnl am In Wu Hula HUI nm rClunHr Tlmmlnll no Ill It was Jorsoy WIIII numo rmhunummt up mull mm 14mm AM mml In tho rufllon ululvr Mnlu In III Ilnr Hlunnly In WI wlmIM VIM ehmuhm hull num lllh nul wu MI Hurmoy we mum run aennIlIy mm wlulrh in him null null Mmum pmvlma IMI ynr 1m III will an III III hunl nnllrIl Illa 1an ll lunl dlkrm scnlnr call 15 Jer an Harold Robertson wind an Inn hmmmlhmmswm Ayrshire In Hm Slmcoe Muskoka Region al Ayrshire Shnw Gram Jermey JInwkqstOnc had ï¬rsts 11 sec onds and three thflrdsr Dallun Jer mcy Goldwater had ll flrsls Live second and ï¬ve thirds Jcrlnéy Danlo had one Ulhd Russell Welr Collingwuod had two lirsls three seconds and am lhird Cumdon Strath Elmvnle had one ï¬rst une second and six lhlrds Glen McFarlanc Slayner hnd one ï¬rst and one eond ml wm Colllngwon 2nd Gran Jvrmcy Hawkcslonc Dullnh Jnmuy qudwn nun scmbr can 151 Grunt Jcr mgyl Junior champion andrnscrv0 malc 151 Gram Jnrmcy 2nd Russell Welt min one year lsLJmsscll Wclr Grand champlnn male 15 Grant Jcrmey 2nd Russell Well Rcscrvcgrand Champlon male 15 Gram Jérmcy 2nd Russell Wei lcr Junior call 15 Gordon Slralh Elmvalc 2nd Gram Jer mcy 3rd Daflon nggyi 5L chit ILL Gran Jermcy 2nd Dalwn Jcmnx 3m Jermcy Heller snnionycnrllng lslGranl Jermcy 2nd GrantJLrmcy am Daltojx Jermuy Junior champion male and scrvc Isl Grnnl Jcrmcy 2nd Gram Jermcy or ugh ycnrling Isl Dal tan Jermcy 2nd Grnnl Jenniy 3rd Dalton Jennay uInr ynar 1n inuk 15¢ Dalian Jcrmcy 2nd Gran Jur mey 3m Gordan swam Honor aflyeurs dry 15 Glen McFarlnnc Slayncr 2nd Grant Jermo 3rd Gordan Slrmh coin milk 15 Gram Jermcy 1nd Dal Inn Jnrmcy 3rd Gordan Strth may or wluvu uuu ng lhrcn or our yoarl dry 15 Dnllnn Jcrmcy Cuw year or ovir dry X51 Dallnn Jermcy an Dalton Jermcyzdflrd Gram Jermcy Cow1ve ye oruvcr mnk Dullun Jermcy 2nd Gordan Slrnlh 3rd Grant rm Caw any nze rbcord 15L Grunt Jcrmcy 2nd Dallon Jcrmcy 2rd Gnrdon Slmlll TWO PLOWING MATCHES WEEK SIMCOE COUNTY 4m mm mnlrlun um um um mrrk ilnunn mmly 1m luv Muuulnlu Innlrh wl hr mm nunmny on my Wyllr lluwlnnn nu wunly wall Inulh III lilnynrr mu Wyllr munu wuml mu Horlrlury Am rlnHutL Ihn lmlmurl WIH lmhl ll 5mm Uunnl mum rulu and Wm mum mnhll wlll lw hvhl lmlny lhr nun nl IImm Manuw mummi nwmhhr mum 0mm llllhwny 2a llvr lhlunlduluquna krwnlllw mm MI II the tummp lull Hmmldllr Comm numn an Mlnnluu 11 mm Hmruo rm mulch wlll nnl ln mm mm Thumlny 1110 Iuwmhlp mum mum My mm nu mm nlmuup pluwll mum Ileuled lur Rummy 21 Jun umlINIl mm Chmrhlll nmmry Krill Mclluu Amp Inn Praises Schools Excellent Times In Fire Drills Illlh pulse or In nthnnln lu Xarrle wu llven um mum IIII Ily FIT Chit II II lrwln Winn he nlulcd dub concerning the tlmu or uun me uhnol mm In drHl Ihll wtck hilfvelloul WII ward um Ivy um Chlcl In drmlbu Ille drlll which saw Inhl 12 hlldren Inchcrl Ind rurrlaktrl lflklnl part the Ilrllh IlllCl I51 It or nuyHI KL Jonephl Illlh Wheel rand let pflplln Mny new hon DI Itrondn er pflplln NL Muyn old uhool El urondn or puplh Iod llllun lHnlllll Mr puulh nun Izdwuu MIIIII In vuplln lllnu vl Wnlr Htlwol Itlondl or III puMII Ind III II Nehnol DI fond at MO IIIpIIl In Thlrl lrwln pulnln an ill III clmldulnl lime Ilmu ll mun bu mnem lmnl mu eryl mm lrIIDflI Klnl lldwml Iml Illnrr Wllu um Ill wo nluny Imlldnn line In in llfl lhl II only mmml um um no lllll wu unlcd nul In In How nrhonl hum MurL BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY 9c OBER Senjor chnmblqh male Ami rcscrvc IsL Pallonlermel Glen McFarlane Grand champion Iomalcn 15L Dalan Jermcyu Grim ï¬erdflst nauon Jur mey 2nd Gram Jammy 3rd Garden Slralh Juniorhe Isl Gran Jemiey 2nd Danon Jurmcy 3rd nussnll Wok Msorvc ngAlnd chumplon Icmaic 1le 6511131 chrfn Get 01 she 15 Dalton Jurmey 2nd Grant Jermcy 3rd Dalton Jammy Progeny dam lsl Dalton Jer mey 2nd Grant Jnrmcyi 3rd Grunt Jcrmcy Four céws any use lsLDnlton Jermcy 2nd Grant JBrmLy 3rd Gordan Strnlh lmeys The Slmcoe Counly Jersey Qiub parish show attracted fair num ber oi entries and competition was keen in this divislnn Final decision was very close between Bert Freneh Eimvnie who had eight ï¬rsts 10 seconds and iive ihirds and Oliver Shanty Bay who had eight ï¬rsts seven seconds and two thirds Tillman Churchillv had thrth iirsts three seconds and live lhir whiic the other entrant in the ivisinn Spreuie Smde had one ï¬rst two second and iour thirds Bull Junlor can Bert French Elmvale 1nd Tm mnn Churchill 3rd IL Sprnulc Strnud Bull snnlar can Ol lvcr Shamy Bay 2nd um French 3m ll Tillman Dumycamnz 15 116 Spraul Junla champ unship male 15L IL Sproule mscrvc Bcr French liuxljcanï¬nz 2ndflcn Frmch Bull two years Ollvnl 1nd 3rd Ben FrenclL licscrve male and mil maguauqwuuy nogcrvc scnlgr mmxflnnshh nude and reserve grand champion sh mnxcgu TIllmu suniné call French 2nd Ben French Hum scnlwr call Human 2nd Spruum 3rd llch Frcnth ucu mun Heifer Junior yelrllnl 15 Earl French 2nd Oliver 3rd Tllmnn Oliver 2ndV Ben French Ollvcr Cuw Into ytflrs uld dry 151 or French 2nd ncn French er Swank Cow mrcc year old mu Ollvcr 1nd Burl Frcm 1rd Cllvcr Hellcrtwo years old dry Bert French 1nd Ber French nu MW Heller two years old In muk 114 Oliver 2nd IL Suluulu 3rd IL Cow qur yum old and dry III llllman 2nd Ollvcr 3rd um Frrqch uuvcr 4w nu Cuw our ycnrl on and over In mllk rlbbum lur senior clmm Turn lo page seven plcnln no0 llm munmn Um ncwn mu TM Hurllr mumlnu mm Um Nurllurn Lluhu Inan crn qmcr mm but lhr nunms Iluy cm mu nnvrd In chnrsdly nwmlnu 5m 15 when Willlnm erllll Mldhum hmuuhl In MnywhuH nm lIny mum bul cvldnlly une wun mliurtn gum mm mmm nubully nlul urn nulllln nslmhlu vm xmau nml urucrlnlrlha mm In llu ulllcr dlnplnrll lhul Wm wuun Inuwn rulur ml llw luwk wllnprlvl1rry ercul am hmwn ur mm ml lumll Inn rmmm lnmllh an mm nu wm tllllrnla wth ur um and lnml mu wm 1va Mn nw mm pm 1mm nlvlhu Ihr mm knnxlnm on mu mlr hm mum vllur mm Ilw lmwmnm lhu Wu hm hm lmlvlblul huvlly 1m mo Hle mm nrrmrll nlunuer In mu mum ml Mm wndn uhml llw drpnllmrM unlrulhur Hm Imuul many all mm punIn In mm mul Imulghl Im umm mw rvru wm mm by lewnn luv nhulu amn mrnl vuuruullnllw mu mun urgent ull wml UM In HUI Hunk Lullvlllle Inmn hmwlmlgn ll Hull ulmvo IE rudivmunl brclusn ny um um MAI Wlwlr du rmmn Hill We mum wu In me am lllm winning In mm Mmull ur hunt nullruhle nnl mun lwm Ma Im lull wuwlnl mm In In Link ul ymm qumduy Th mun pale cum plum The Middle Column WThe Tale Of Mouse fly IIl scnlor Krand cum at ca Isl Ben Ollvcn 3rd and uvcr ln ll Tillman mmbaghw chnmplunshlp championship mufdry non French éï¬xamintr BARR ART CLUB MEMBERS are among the artists pre paring for the fourth annual simcoe County Art Exhibit ï¬chcduied to be held at the Midland Annoqu on Oct 15 16 had 17 under thesponsorship at the Simcue County Arts and anits Association Left to right at the opening meeting of the season tot theiocal urt group are Cutler Mrs David Garrick oi Shanty Bay and Thomas Mitchell MEGA who discussed works by the members The painting on the easel is study bi an oid log cabin by on Reeve who inst year Winnérs Barrie Farm Supply Dog Naming Contest Mnrum McVeigh 13 Pcnclanx Slrccl chose the name Iurlnka in Danlu Farm Supply Name Ihc Dog contest and she was given the cullln pup leash and harness and bun pf Purina Dun Chow Othtr winner rlcclvlnx 11 live pmlnd bu ul Purlnn Dou Chow were Barbara Andros MidhursL Cunlrlnkn Pg Nurma 30 Cumbfllund Sl Dlmbof Mun Grnlrix 0m Slzluun Pur Hugh Elrlck 1m Ihclyr lon Iccï¬y Kenneth Hrolvy Egbul was lucccsslul In nmwarlnx mm quuv Hon rckrrlnx to me Ivtdlnx ul Iwnw In lhc mm comm Upcn In hm lann mly nnd wun $15 wurlh or lurlnn Hog Chuws Nighl Class Registralion Heavy AI BDCI Courses Range tom Art To Sewing abinelmakingslyping Tlu mlmlmlly MmHu Ill nlflhl mwa lho mlulu hl town In re llrclrd In yrnru mun rmMg nunl umlvr mm pruunun lnr cvrnlnu rlnwn Um Illnle Dnhllfl follruhlr 1mluln Allnlml 300 rlulllrrml lult wrck and mm clam 1m umlrrwny lrlnclpnl lluwxnnu mm lhll mm 10 me 71w In lunn owned Inn uvru hm nml clam wlll hr mm nu Turnlny null Thumlny nvrnhuu mm In mum rum nu Mumlay nml Wrmmum nunlnnl unm DH Chum rrmrn lnr in mm mm ml Jun wullnulnu unlll Munh l7 wnh Ilm Innuul exhllvflluu wulk ulmlulrd lur Um mm mm nhuul cllulnl llwlrlmllnn In Ill wm In mum nllhmllll mm tlum wm be cxuml whm my me mum lewul huml 1mm 730 lo pm New vurn mw clm umlrr hl yurl mvï¬llm mum In vlrmlul work munlzrll by llm elrcnlul wmkun voyannlullun lo nulll Muir In amulxlul llmlr lypllll lerhHI mpru The Innlruclor wlll In lvlrclnl by llw unhi lnn ml rlwrl me upnlm tn undrer nm week with onllllve L5 mumm emanl 11qu will he lwu clum In ML lMImrlml by Mu Dlvlll Oullch and Mn lowmun lhll ynr TWIIIUHV llluau Iu wuk tot he alum11m vl mm In olln vi at Mon 67 Imfl clumulm unle ouu HIM Herulln pmlhnl whlch aulmln Rletired Minisfer Falls from Porch Qiesin Hospital new John lcacockrlï¬ re and Blpllll mlnlster Whu llvcrl 1M Bradford Street dled In Royll Vlctolh llolpllll Monday Iflemoon mm lnlur lu recelvtd when he all 15 feet mm Round unray porch his home on ï¬xtur day erlucotk wli sweeping the waur lrvm the porch Aller heavy nlnutorm whrn he léll l0 mrmm llndlnf on NLhuq ne luncnl tervlc wlll ha held thl allcrnoon It oclock from the human Funcnl Home Wflh Interment In El Jlmu Ctmeury strand Berrie ArfClpb Members Prepare for FourrhArinuafCQLnTyExhibit 1954 AnnUaI Canddian Chamber Of Commerce Meeting One Most Important to Be Held Because the many problems Iaclng buslnesshnd the role which buslne$smen and community lendem must play the future proï¬perlty of Canada 15 to be assured this years annual meeting of The Canadian Chamber of Commence Emmy well be one the most 1mpommt ever held stated Cm Welhnm SecretaryManager of the Bun1e Chamber of Commerce who now attending the 26th convention of Canadas national buslness orgnnlzdtlon in Halmxi0ct 47 flu The act hat the power sman and future lhe Chlmbcr of Com merce movement He In de vclnpmant at gran roots level wfll be hishllghlcd Bunlness and community 101ch mm mnnyol hu Canadian Chum bcrl clusc to 700 mcmbnr Board and Chamber across the nntlun are In nucndsnce Rcsnlulluns on such things trade lmmIzralton fret cntcrprlse communism tnxatlon submitted by the member Boards and Cham bcrs wll be ConlldlrBd and voted pan Elch Board and Chnmhor has veto at cqunl weight Inc pccllvc 01 In These resolution ndoplcd by the mutual mcctlng bccumc the policy or he Cnnndhm Chamber They are pxcscnkd lo Im Federal Gowrnmtnt and be came the hnnls the varlaus nub mlsxluns lo Ounwn and the publlc ILIlvmcnll ul lhtl Chlmber thruuuhoul lhc ycnr Theme me mum mccunx will be Cnnadul chl 15 Yuan Mm union will be devoted pmhlng lhe mum of Canada In many fllldl Among ollmr uplcs more wlll b1 dlucuulnns tunam hm the lulurc rulnllmuhlg ol buxh nhl In an nrl uxhlbll In the nu nual mum ncluml umu huuw nm ullmxr Um mum drvrlop nu lulrrnuuu and mvlul Imblly mum lhnn mum oumnml mu mum such clnuu unlu mpulurlly lhmuulwul Ihu um vlnvc Mu Huwmml will Im runccxh Irnllllfl IIIMly nu rlnnml III luml vmqw pulnllllu whfle MI inl Ilckl puvfll will In Illll IIXrI on An lnurl are le luluhly and lhllmlny BVtIIIlIII TwrulyleWMCH cullllduml wry Inrnmplrlu number mum lnrrd llI lhe Innlc Huflllnh IMMI l0 hrw inllmllunl whlrh will he llulhl In Mu MEIIHIIOH null lmw WH Ihrw clunrl um cullpglnln bum umer mum Ilnllhlnhlllllllllce In mw nnndlnnn In brrululnu rlllmnl tumula nn cnum rumhlnu III mlnnrnluy llmly hulln wlln lho luvnllmcnlnh of clilunlhl 11m lnllnlrluu plan clnu luvIn thu nlwcmnnl In In plruv Ilvlu In lhrl uwn Cunndllll lncnlllL ma cnd or mm Ihm Iludulln may WIN the Innlulu unmlnnumn lulmcu In um ruuuu ohlnln lhluulll lhe nammunuy Blurml much the Onllrlu warlth bluuflon clum hold 11mm Ind ThuMy uvenlnll cnemlnï¬y lur mum nmm dellTud lo mu Ihe tmmluu uqund In mum II Ihl Yul llmpllllhu unIA mlnpnughh mm In pm It Numb fulure and inOcrnlncnl uuu AM Jun in min had painting chosen for the OSA show at the Toronto Art Gallery this oil will be one of the paintings onviewnt Mid land Fred Finley 06A RCA director oithe department or advertising art of the Ontario College of Art will be the speaker at the opening ceremony of the county exhibit on Friday evening at 830plm Mr Finley an artist of note and widely travelled person will give demonstration at painting with voldnteer from the gathering as model Last year nearly 200 paintings werehung in the show of undo and ulurc rclnklnn 1h 01 Inngnï¬cmmr llccausu of lhc mnny pmblcm facing bunlneu and the Hill which buxlnmmcn nnd cummunfly lcnd tr must play It UH luturo prol pcrlxy Canudu l1 be muurcd lhll may well be nu ma Im Imxlunl mum In Cnnndlan humbrr 50 hr lhlkd Ircxldtnl imrrlo Amunu wallknown Ipcnkerl mm lhu World at bunlnmx labor nnd Knvumlllcnl who wlll luv Id nmxlng hr mocllnu nu II Home lnlldvnl Cnunflllm chl lnuhmue Cunumny leilrd rornylh QC IerdmL Dnmlnlun SIN Mld Cm Cnrpurulon Alm lm Ilerbvrl II Lunk Irmldlnl Dulunt Company Cnnndn Llln llrll LlIm lnlmnlml INIMEHL Clumxlm Cnmnmrt mu Unl NI ï¬lillrl I7r Ellflllu Funny Dlr vrlnr ul llnrnrch Cnumlnn Con urm of Labor Cum erph Jell rry CHE lrrlldrnt anlun In Innlmlcc Cnmpnny Munry IU Ihml lrnldrnl Jnnlor Chunle ul Cummcrrr Jonior Farmers Plowing School On Saturday In unlor Iva IV mlmnu In Ihu Junlar men of Hull um lhe Klwlnln Club ll memor lnl emsth uhonl In plmlnl In In huh mm of 0mm manta In onwa In mum Fire Prevention At Camp Borden Talk OVOI CKBB IPHIll Mold praxlnglul wlllrh rllw If In ml vamp navdm wlll Iv mu III nvrnlnl hy Ill lfhlol IIul llm our mm 110 Till Immrul mu Ihn pnuann not whkh II lull II VIII lnnnllul III WEHMM MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 5c ping copy Kiwanis Work Aids Attendance At Sunday Schodl An ovcrall lncmlsc in Sunday School attendance In Bank of vcr cam has hecn reported result the recent campnlgn pon sored by he Klwanls Club ln ca nï¬erallou wllh Hm Mlnlstcrlnl Al socllllon Ind Pub SthoolEond Newton oum Klwnnls Club and School Board mu that the Bank to Suqflay School movement was slnncdyln 1053 and 111151an mlrkcd results Now annther 34 mma lzvcwédedaw Checking an hc vnrluu schoolsj Mr Ncwmn ound ml the follow ln rcpum were zlvcn Codrlnx on attendant Sept 19 147 ll lendlnclz Scpl 224 52 pcrccnl Hlllcrcxt Sept 19 230 Sept 344 23 1m ccnl Prlnce Wales Sept 10 130 Stpl 22 23029 per cent Klng Bdwud Supt 10 Ill Sept 2d 255 40 pu cent Gunn Slrcnl Sept 10 ll Smll 58 per cnnL Mr Newton erndcd lhnnlu lo Kiwnnlans Mac Morrison ulï¬hlnn Clarkm Turn MchrmH andrNtll MnrDunnld 0m Sugpon Churches commluce to Barrie Examiner or ndnorlnl lho rcth tenchm and la Rev Ern on Lch Ind Rev Newtark Smllh of he Mlnlslurlnl Msncll AVM Lawrence Resigns CD Post Toronto and York I4 PagesZ Sections All VIEMAILRIAL IIWlllN lununly 0K Thorn lnll and Amp llnnlrn whu hu munml MI rulnmfllml Ml untran tuummuvr lur Tqrunlo nml Yuri 11m lllrrclur whn hrlvl hll mil Iur all Iurc yum In wm rulnlnl lyrrnuu lnlnu lullan 3w My wnmlrn muu nu mm mm mom In only mm any which an In uvrull no Ind on Innlllllun plan II Hut Mm tlvll Ihlrnu in my nplnlml II no bulnl mull nm of Muulrhulnlu hm and null In Illcrllly II WIUI uml xhor awn pm ml or an Mlvn an Ian lhm tom Haul um wul navur luv ho numlnrdlml and ellltlenl lI duflnm Vq 11w lml uuldlAu Mum Lu nuumlm llml Hm ulmlnrl munHun Imdor llnml MI mlrnllun UII elvll do mu ll nulunul drll Ind on In mmnnlhll larlndm Ihln Ind nnlnclll wm barmaid In lhl 01ml pltnlnd W111 9m nw luck In