155 mm mm mm omnmiuima Rumba Sm Oct at pm In OddIAUavu Temple Amman Beaver Blbeknh Lodge lfllllSF Euchre commencing In Onnxe Hall Allnndnle Lot 431 Saturday Oct starting at MS un 112113 Tea and sale at baking at Orange Hall Allandale Friday Oct 29 311 mm Ausplces at LA me at RT 113 St Andrews Evening Circle Thanksgiving tea and bake sale Oct SG pm Adults 25 school children 10c nomp Baznn and ten to be held 31 Eastern Star Hall 11 Owen on Octl7 from 36 pm under any plceyol DES Hflllfl Dancing in back In order at Cralghum Hall mm 01 IJIL Friday 09L Pete Waluans Bani Lunch Admission 5Q Rummage sale St GeorgeI Para Ish Hullv Salurday Oct ul am Ausplces St Georges Even ing Guild 110113 The lac that highway peed law arent really an by my clm nnc Mudy xafely but hut poem to be numbm pulled from ha buch upcclnlly npmmnl when ynu drlvt 0th lhe Us You may crux lwn or three mm in dly and find the speed limlx umnlnl up nnd down bolwtrn 90 55 and 00 The American Aulomubllc chlnllon nccnuy propoml nnw method or selling lulIhwny weed 11mm The ldvu In 10 mal urlm lhmnulvm drcldo what uh weed II dnnl like no many Ihhua hose dyl wilh ndnr The MA has Inund mu med umin flu Ipnd mmued bun xurccnl drlvrn an my pnnlculnr road So In AM ha naked lhnl stalewith provmlhwlde lpnd lan many mu un rrnllmcnlly law be ILUHIHHI In war lha would lb rndnr dcvlcu wow the usunl sum 01115 percent molmlm wny believed mml Mlhwny nrcldrnu dun hnwlu Mnh wilch lludy In Nahuku Mllblllhtd Inn 11 Much at rldrm occurrd an Inn Ihnn 30 mile III how when spud 11mm wm mm In thrnlkn accldmm wun redutod and the nur nc prrd the cm on Ihu hlxhwly dldnl than Ill width on wan lu wove drivru were Iunorlnz old ppm llmlln Inywny um drlvlnl what lhny moum wu uh mm You iuli Imv lu wucimln Kim mall drlvm An ordinary people with and ham mm We lhink no wu haw built an and mm in Hm um cnr huninru by giving yeavin ynraul vnlun and Lnllnhclluu Uiir but ndvrrllmnenl in im numb 90110 whov mm but lime In Him In buy can from The nnw Hrellghlln 3n chlorobromomzflnna CB has hm adopled by the Cm Govt Ind 15 Ah ForczA Dow Chemical Pradnd lllLLSDALE FLOUR Ea FEED Iluum ancml rctynlly nmwmlum angrily lo whn NICOL FEED MlLL Fire On In Seconds Ovuarlvo Irummmlon metallic muoon llnlsh one owner nlncu new vary low mlluu 1953 FORD TUBOR Jack Rumble Alllsmn nzm Bazaar umnoon lea bake 519 auspices Beaver Rebekah 4765210 be held lnOddIcllnws Temple Collier 51 Wednesday Nova 10 530pm 11111243125 The North Simcne Soil nnd Crop Improvement Asmclltlon Prune Thur will be Held nnFridIy Del surï¬ng Ike arm 01 Roy WEB M1dhurfl 9120 am Spelk ers Prnf Richards head of Soil Department OAC Guelph and Mr Mnrlln Ulrccï¬or Crops Branch Toronto All are welcume 113 Rummage Sale mnlty Parish Hall Frldlx evenhu Oct 15 Ind Saturdny mnmlnz Oct 18 Au mcu Nully WA mumm Dance In Usle Community Hull Friday Oct Modem and old llmc dannlnz by Music Mlkefl Proceeds for Llsle Baseball Cluba ll Illustrated Travelogue BENINi da Journey Calllcr St Unilgd Church 55 Room Wednesday Got 815 pm Admission 35 renl 113 Anniversary sprvlnm ZInn Pres bytnmn Church Sunnldnle Carn ers Sunday Oct 11 am and 130 pm Guest minister Revsa Carter EA 811 112113 Mixed dancing every Fxlday and Saiurdny Pine Crest miles north at Barrie on Highwny 27 or miles south at Elmvnlc Music hy Hopmnm Admission 50c 12¢wa Anniversary services will be held Sunday Oct in Guthrie Pres byterian Church conducted by Rev Rowland MC CD of York Memorial Presbyterian Church Toronioi Service at am and 730 pm Morning music by Jan Sleysor and home choir Evening music by Churchill Jun ior Farmers 10711 The nm meéiing at the Senior Citizens Club will be heid iii nm Wednesday on in the L1BIuil High St Mgmpmnip REAL HURRICANE Pucrlo Rim hurricane in 1928 rcglslcred wind velocity of 100 mile an hour before the measur In Instrument mllnpsnd BI this graup spbmnmi Sarcpï¬mlst Club me to men and wgmen 00 yeqrg at age nnd oven For ruIiher 1111051113 cl Ephune Mrs Llewelln Maclnncs at 2594 or Mrs Jane Campbell 4313 113114 Barrie Horflculturnl Society our around he Lake of Haw via Orll lln Cambridge Klrkfleld Mlnden ho dinner at Mlnden mn to Dorset Dwight ruurnlnx vin Huntsville BrncebrIdKn and Orlllln Chartered bu leaves Well lnxlon Hale comer mm Wed nesday Oct Tlcket $375 Din ner 3121 Anyone welcome Rep crvatlons phone Mm Bull 3355 or Mn Cable 4541 111113 The pfesent She canal bebwoen bu Mtdnermnenn and me Red wal opened in 186 suaz IAraw llear Mlulomry Smmldlle Sevenlecn members 01 Knox Ladies Md attendcd he WMS meetinx at Sunnldfln Corners and heard M13 Bessie MacMumhy Missï¬an Hospital Indore India Everyone 121mm had behomted grenllyby hearing her and enjoy ed the tea hour alien Miss Jean Barnes and mom of Toronto rwcekcnded with Ihe farmers parents Mn and Mrs Barnes Gordon Barnes spent 51 few days last Ween wiht Mend Vatlawn NonWax Speak At Knnx Those hearing Mrs McKee Nollawn n1 Knox Presbyler nu Church on Sunday were much Impressed Quite number of this commun My fluende the Colllnlwund Fair Mn and Mrs Wlnston 5mm Tuxmmv called on Mrs Poll and Mrs Allen Sunday 4511 Weddlng Annlvmary Conzratulmlnns to Mr and Mrs James Slmlh who will celehmla hclr 451 weddlna nnnlvmsary 5m 29 Mrfnnd Mn Russel McElwun Mrs Pan and Mrs Allun wefc In 0511119 on Friday imm no ma mum on 115 NtKu snow nu rnn nook Fund namu mun loo comm our mm VIII uuu NI um awn Hum Iuo ThI nmmn Tonal Inc Nun span scam and wmhu man aim and poems Inm uo mu Imama no on In mud no 1005 11m to memw bonmcuN George Cunningv Brillsh prime mlnlslur his death ï¬n 1527 wrote CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 123i mm luo um In Wm 11 no LEI Jun hr Imnl Ialh 1ch Th mun Dov InuInAV MI no menu Wulhu on Ammunan nutm nun county flour 3mm I30 mu Bunmn 3w oo annnm am nu In n1 no mm on no mu nmfllnu ma hrm Hull 11079 lanu mm III III no Nun Emma 15 mu nun mum mm Ilium Wlllhul no um 00 pm mm VariaBIe Today Partly Sunny ModerafelyWarm rim weermud with two may It turf Incl duly Sully Wu nudny wu me Improvement Ind yuhrdny nu Burl Full good Ikrl with mmlly clay IN witmar will 18 And ro mm um way an mm blfl with nln TmhyIlIlkd cloudy but Indicates clear or pm that Tcmpenlnrel we Phoné Number Wednesday Advt Was Incorrect Bent Sam Stpl Sept Sept Throth In In In 1110 Examer Idvullslnx dcpul mm the lolaphnm number lh new lelavllloll humans npened by TV George II Dunlap Shea Em nppeued 8121 In In lull page adver Ilsemml which appeared In chnexdlyt paper The car recs telcyhone number ahauld hnve been 6231 But Winter Driving Cost BATSTONESS mi mm 29 Maple Manna IAYUIDAV 1w CROSSLAND llunlop Snow Mud Tito MIK In FAMOUB mum mu mm 11m nu mm is Inn cum an my II My IN now 7mm Inn In lrMIn CMka IUNBAV uoa Inlmull In Knhnud um Mom PM DIM 711 on Dm Ind wmnu IUNDAV MI us am on Nu nu mum nvw ham mm L30 lo too Acwu an vuuy 145 nulanll wmrm no Ndhcpc Mm ms Pnhlnn 119 Ma mun rnr Thl on no mnonIly Your whn cm on ru Md To In mm mu Juhl mu nu nu chum mum Loo mm by manual us mum to him conMy mm spam Jo Nun Mn nunm land 71 nu vnxu 11ml um no Muunl mmqu 00 NI as mmxmu In mmx max monu un gqnn Om nm no gamma mm to lbs Special Grade Gradu Grade to lbs Speck Grade Grade Grade The oneac grand opera Caval xem Rusllcana by Pietro Magnum was llntparlormed Home 11 ml Over lbs 9291 Grade Grade Undir Snow Ii Mud Trend 1mm and 15 End MawL In Cnpom to out me than was POWL undo Over bmflll rouan Madby Hui Cooperlive grim 01 Ontario Bum IF YOURE not unch enouxn ylth nu tuddlcrl lunch In nulellnl his lmnnuenl with In Ippellut Put hlm near you In lunchIr Ind tulle hltutllzu in ma on hi In In hell hum gm up we piece on um no um be en mmn rm aul choklnt man In nous mm 3603 MARKET PRIQB RECAPPED Hova Your Worn TIRES POPULAR OPERA WIN mum cmcms Cmmunlly wanna spam noun Mama 5mm chum Tn mod may no in mu DO IMI Blvd fluid It Illflnllhi 1000 Th llul IIIIIOEII IUJD MAO any la hudu ILW HI lean nunum noun nu am on NIII Mun Mum mm on gnuml mu 5mm us 11 on menu no caunl mm mm mm no gum llmn an no mu 11 mm our 330 NH Utah 00 um Ill Al Th Tfll Null WI Mmlmbr ooo mm mm 5ka or III am Thu wnu Iurlatul till 50 NII 11m mm NIII manna no Tm hm mu NI on mum to mm um gm umlnl Mom 3922 No lMLenve Menard pm Arrive Allnndnle 120 connecllnz with No 14B 101 onlo Sunday nnly 10 MEAFOED PINHANG LINE No Mlnve Alllndlle Im arrive Panama 45 Mgndny WednesdAny Eddy Returï¬ limie Peï¬mng pm arrive Allnndnle pm Monday Wedncndly Friday meal Sunday Sept nu um um Dilly except Sunday No l51bmnlo Io Mldllnd Lelve Tommy 550 pm Arrive Alum1a am pm Leave Bar tIe 511 pm Dally except Sum Na utkm min 420 pm lAHandnl 440 pm Arrlvq Tnmnla pm Dllly may Sunday No lcsmveamie 729 hm Eleave Alllndalc 741 pm Arrive Toronto 945 pm Sundays nnly Nu uLeuve Mumford ME NH AnLVa Alllndde 410 pm dlfly gycept Sundny Connects wlm Na Nu BSLeuve Aunndaia 15 pm Amvu Mallard 1105 mm dolly excem Sunday Nu aoLeave Barrie 4mm Alggndnls 313 a11yt Na litLuv Burl 831 mm Mlanda1e 350 lmAlHVL Turontu 1045 111 Dally except Sunday and Manday FROM MEAFDILD Nu WLenve Mentnrd 845 Im arrive Allandnle 035 am Dally 2x cept Sunday and Monday Con nects with 42 at Allandale CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Ham Nu IlTamno la North Bay luu Tomato no am Arrive llaohlml Ange Barrie Leave ï¬mnla at 93 p31 nave Alllndule 1105 pmv Lave Battle 4111 um mu Except Sunday Nu jnanonto to Leave nmmlo ll Alhndnle 1213 mm Nu miï¬iomo ta km lnmnlo 1130 lIAahdIIa ML dully soumnomm Nu BhAnlve Barrie 41 uh have Album 423 am Dilly gap Tundny Na uiuva AlfFania 1145 am arflve Mentord 150 pm mm epLSugdny CNR and CPR The ï¬rst six months will to our to 31 mm lulu14w mumu luolmt cm nod No ErTqmnwA gr Sudhmyn 11m WILSON mom MIDLAND Time Table If pnuy pldurel But for you Ihm mun In prom In it loo Bonny bundm thou nll wm ï¬lm may Feed CALPPAH Ind lllatclxlmdl CAL Pl LETS from lo JD dlyl Prom Ivur mil lo le month old feed CALFADINE Cull Grown jun II It mntl Iwm lhe bu whh good hay mmu um um loo lll Ilmph Hull Ilakhfodl AIFADINE 011 Ohm Inum mulmum awlll Ind dm Mnmt Ramvmbvr Hum nm le mom run lnmm or lmm In munl wodtlmvo adly For lap production Ind 9mm ml IllIchhmll CI Oluwer In temple Md If you hm your mm min ma huntMI mu Mn hum mum CALPpiLLnTB Cookmwn IlAICNIOlDI 1m unJCnnunIrhl In an Vancauverx mm Arrive leave Battle North Buyt Arm enve Battle 1145 mun county rain or shine the CKBB Spcchl Event department has spent nbusy week zolnz 1mm one community tojnaflmn momaging to note that despite he rather inclement Mather most at the air date have turned out Ialrly welL Wlth Ill here and wlnlu In lhe email local spurts mm In gelling randy for new senlnn ol bockey bnwflng xlnlln later on curllnn Ind what hm nu Slmultancously of the 1pm depmmml are damn wlmwer we wan to alve all lacl nouns same recognlllon over he IIl wnvem lluwever we cant mi nbaul local sports events unleu we knw about them and wth In many lroup operating la aomellmu dlfllcult In hep track of every pm in every league no miter wlm the span in view of lhls luls twolulu maewrlurlncxgy nuld Ippreclnle local Iluenm land renders to keep us lnlormerl mm the ncllvllle thelr leuue or btiler sflll lee that someone L1 nppolnlcd lor 01 ml purpose leulnz scores lanlue lundlnu Ind nme hfllhllzhu Into the ma 111 event the weekend besides 319 Banl F1er which hsldu he Blnle hlr which Winds up pcuvmea on Salm dny Is the vludflnpe meal hedul ed lnr Calllnmaud an trauma in CKBB sporLr dewmm under the sponsmshlp The8ar tle Examiner will set up 11 um thespM microphone on the am In annual event and will brand mar ruults every half glhaur ihraunhaul Saturday Illemoo ulnnlna ucmc Amzw pmmm 15 minum duration goes on the alt ms wen ln at 745 The new McKee Shaw wm texture variety of wastng nnd hflLhmy muslc and came un der the sponsorship of lnrmlm plemem manufmuren The Baffle 1mm 01 the ACAD adlnn Leulnn IceleblfnRGSjfllï¬lh year at servcc to dishlat veleflm today and lmcommemornflona the event CKBBM pxrpnrndn Ipecial onehour braadcnshsnlu In the arxnnlznunn The braid cut will be heard rum nine 1m mu evenflna and has been madne ld by CKIBB prurum directur Bob McLean By FILFEABEE Whgtwmamlnyxznngnnall Mlulln an 10 931 Modlhnnm ml lam BEIJ Uloplo spam deputrnenL Well only be 00 happy them Tim second Winn In the cur rent Mother Puke1 Muslim My mrlu uric hlu the uk wave tomorrow evenlnz 739 Local Man can like pm In pm nm and perhlps wln vainNe pH by malllnl mules Mo Iher Irkefs Muslul Mysteries uric mm mumA CKBE Mar you time ndln mu mrlxmnrn Io ramma momswt 47 MERCURY In eicemnl enndlllon hum 1nd in llenlé LOCATIONS No10nwyM relname Market Square Battle FULLY GUARANTEED FREE INSURANCE mks Your Sclaéilon In The Secluslon of Our PRIVATE DIAMOND 3295 BULLOCK ROOM Specialists in Diaménd Setting and JeWellery Restyling Free Estimates lplafll Blochlo your OraIvy TV Dbhlhutnn in hip to pmenl uu uhedull at CBLI Pnlnm mm llmu wnkly in can nlenn vluwan In limit Ipd mum In 0mm It Wm EL 90th mum lln Mm lul wmd In Im mly to In lam mm In uni Alumna mum ml lulu Inl My 1mm Annum ul lefll wm lulu mrm mg 145147 Dunlap II Phouo Barrie am MOTORS LIMITED Wu um uo VIM IuI menu In chumv rum Inu BETTER VALUES mMnp 1mm 014 an Imu no no umm Ywn cm REEVES JEWELLERS Exclaim CIDSIH TV Dishihulm INTRODUCNG THE REVOLUTIONARY ALL NEW CROSLEY TABLE MODEL TELEVISION mms mm £08130 EMTTV Simcoe Countyis Leading Watch and Diamond Merchants Channel Toronto SATURDAY OCTOBER SUNDAY FRIDAY OCTOBER gag I01 my ESTABLISHED 1890 of Bairie In Baum Klnchl caplhl at Pakhbm Ivfll In an area 561 squire mllu when xu mule my plan is com plewd 0L INDva Th trade at wtem Canada wflh We Wes mum in damenlqlly Merl codlish we yeys 011 STARTED YOUNG Don Pedro Calderon flthmlury 51mm dramatlsL produced 1131 first way nl use 13 CTOBER Imm 1100 cm wruum Huhu Ihwflm Inc On In wnn mmm DONT THRow thaf BATTERY AWAY hecnuse of broken covu er case or post Have repnlrcd by an expéyt lug 7m mu AUTO ELECTRIC sgnvmzs 33 Hayfield 80 Barrie BBENNHNS fast or Slow IKECHARGING Exide Batteries PHONE 2464 MOST CODIIAUI FULL 17 TELEVISION EET EVE DEBIONED WEIGHT ONLY 58 L118 small enouuh to lmndll mm anuulh Infamy Plum