Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Oct 1954, p. 12

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aim umnmnmggnmnmmnkgyflc erkf Luelll Cnllhlon not only line autumn fll one Camdluiuding authors but 31 14 able to transmit the matter the problems or her trade to In Iudience At the Cnmdian Club on Wednesdny evening she inter spersed the story at her own dim cuities in getting words on paper wllh tales about nLhei authors and some particularly deliglnfui anecdotes Kubqu the American humorist Jarnus Thurber Mrs Ilélfihlon thlnkl 0113 ex pluslonsj are sum31han necessary to wrlmx and all nrklsls ma ls may must be ln an agony of coml munlcallon get something across to other people She Illustrnled ms polnl wlth the glory Thur bcrs first vlsl to Farll He went out and looked and lnukedand lucked ntnll the marvel of the Wonderful clty and than he went back to Ms hntel room Ind sat down In wrilc Pul3 new world he be Han and that wm as as he evc 521 If explndelj bunt Thurber always wished he could no to adeserl bland preferably In the south to live But he said that th anly lruubln was he would have to gn back every three month to see his oculisL The Womens Auxiliary to he Kiwanls Club heid its first meet ing at he season on Thursday Sept 23 at 130 p111 me home or Mrs Dccsley The meeting was in he ionn no luck supper convened by him Harris assisted by Mrs Kcah soy and Mr Phillips She made um autement not thatwnuld not occur to many people other than novelists and publishers This was the present day problum created by psycholog isu who have dealt very iclllng blow against he novel by explain ing away human actions to sucha degree that ii is hnpeles for the novelisl not to have her characters lunked at mm psychological point The president Mr Frank BoyLs chaired shnn buslhm meeting which opened with he roll cull answered by 46 members our nuv members and one gum Mrs McDowell id Hancock rend we mlnules the xezular and exec mpcllqg vzhprx were mm Mm Smllh reported the gmulylnn sum of $15M fix realized mm he ca held In me II the home 01 Mrs crlsun 51 Maple Ave Mn Newlon and Mrs Harris thanked the gathering or law an rcceivcd Thank you notes ware read from MN IL McKen 11 11ng min Mncdmo nd But it ls nonsense to say that the novel ix done as long pewpln will bond an ear you say Would you llke to hear good slory be Mrs Beesley Hostess for First Auxiliary Meeting Mrs Clarke and welcomed our new Mrs Armstronn Rage Mn Ollon Tribble workr durlng ray survry Mu Kcamy vniy fiffidmly Ihnnkml MIL flculcy or lulenK Illilndlrl In her homo inc mi Imelle win lm Ilvkl nu Tuesday OCL nl Cnmmunlly Home letter wnu rend rmm Wlen chnlrmnn at the nulxll and bualncss Mm commlllcn of hLI Kiwanis Club hunkan 121C mcmbnp gar nslsullng wllh clcngal fly unnnlmuus votc Thursdm Nnv was so or lhc rnllo hrldge wllh money nnd nnmN be 10 II Hogcrl xcnl cxlalc olflce Mrs Frank Boy Mrs Hancy Mn Frank Pmklm Mu 1cher mid Mn 11 Hnnwtk vnhmlcmd lo nuer the cancer mme mmlnh hLM Hn hlrsdny Scpl 28 III Trhllly Parish Hall lrlzufllér conlull were nwnrdrd If MIL THUMB Nigger dun Clarke mill All norm WA you can mnko cloculclly ply on on your arm so why delay unmyouhundwciahflooyourlocAlek aTorontomnnagornboulAanImpxovomenl Loam all ho 51AM oxplnln how you an lnmt 111ml memomenl Loan In clot umqun Ipplhncon oqnlpmcnl llvollook or Inn bulldlngn lo Impmo your um AROUND TOWN VCliikér lhlrndu HERES How vou CAN SAVE HOUSEHOLD TIME ANDWORK 51 MN mEcnt cheat DARIUE Little Mrs and lrL Van work hum hum with dual powr In llglmn and My yuur no In 5am yard and bovu mBAIletIQRONTO 111 um mecflnlol the Senior dazens Club will be held in the Loyal True Blue 1111 on High St on Wednesday Oct ti at two oclock inthe nttpinoon Mem benhip in this group which is spodsored by the Suioptimist Club is flee to ail men and women who are sixty yams at age and over and Baxrles sdnlor citizens are cordlaliy invited to turn out or meocning hhc Iseason cause what hlpptnl tohuman be Ingrh me most lnluesfinz thing Infillte hugnm beings Ml Further inhtmnfion about Uh club may he nhtalncd from Mrs Llewella Mulnncs by phoning 2594 or mm the club pruldenl Mm Jane Campbell whose tele phone number Is 4813 Entrles have hem comlng In last for the annual Snuth Slmcuc Arl lixhlblt the county recreation dlr cctor Mlss Loulse Culluy mentlon to us eh olhcr day The show ill all 01 sudden vexx closejust couple nl weeks 01 comlng up weekend alter Thanksglving 03315 1G and Ill Thls year for the llrst tlmc the me the all cxhlblt wlll he lldland where lhc Armoury ls ghing to provldc an excellent spat uuumy artists age belng allowed WM mm tn enter three paintings each and one black and whhe Skclnh The closing date for entries was yns crday but law man will he accepted as long as they are in the beginning 01 he week The 195 hznflnl committee LK hfadnd up by Darth arust Llew Elcavcr The exhibn commuter xalrman is Alex Docheny Mid nd and he and his commmen embers have been givenn great cal 01 support by the sacrclary at towns Chamber Commerce mm Ham Barrie Womens Institute will meet on Tucsdny 00L at 2301 pm4 19 the homr Mrs George Morris 22 Vospra St Harnesses are Mrs Mllflgan Mrs Pringlu Mrs Jacobo Mrs Carbon and Mrs CImphclL Barrie InSfiTUre Meets on Tuesday Tnerc wlll be flower and vegetable snlc Emlnosa will be followed program an the lhome or culturc by Mrs Ecclus The regular macan of TauWe Gwlll Immuc WIN held Hm home Mil Kny Ilarncr on Scpl 21 The roll call wu answered by Something you dislike to do in the home On the program or the even lnu he cummfllcn had new in umsllng subject on he toplu health and home cconomlcs which Wm Joined by everyone rnlallnl tome problem or qutsuon that lhcy had on the subject The ml of he cvcning wn spun ruling with the mnulnr business and 41¢chqu lunch wul enjoyed by all Health and Home Economics Topic ATWl Meeting Womens Institutes manygum mJumJAfii ALLANDALE Nubm by Agri 1m home in Edenvnle MR and MRS ALLAN DOUGLAS McNABB whose early fall nuptials were held in Trinity Anglican Church The bride is the former Laura Frances Lennox daughter of Mr and Mrs William Frances Lennox oi Barrie and the groom is the on oer and Mrs Wllllam Manbli of Edenviale After weddlng Lrlp around the Amerlcnn slde ofthke Erie stopping Ac Buffalo Cleveland and Delrolt they wlll be maklng thelr Churchill WMS Plans To Compile Church History The members Churchlll Unn cd Church Womans Mlnlonury Saclcw held their mcclinx at the home at Rev and Mrs San dcr on Thursday cvcnlng Sept 10 Mrs Russ Slewarl prcsldnd Twcnly members responded to the roll call by using the word lrulh In cum in varioul verse the Bible The ward for Oct ber will be Thanks Mrs Kcll led In prayer or he societys xpccial mksiohary Miss Peat Them wen 21 5ch talk and lhrce books read discussion Incoming the completing oi church history muk place commilicc Mrs King Mrs Ramon Mrs Lucas Mn Sanders and Mrs IL Sinclair Wu appointed lo help gnlhcr the necessary malcrlal Th commlilcn wul grcaliy up vrccinlu any item 01 inlcrcAl Mrs K011 road paper on Slcwnrdxhlp of Hospilallly Thch was 10th lllcn gmyrr In lncmory 01 beloved nmnhcr Mrs lleId Slcwnn who pan nwny vcry rcccnuy The October mcnlng will be held on lhu Nth Mrs Todd and Mn Kcn Slurgcon were appointed dele um In the annual menu held In Alllslun on 01 20 Wnlsml nnd hCr mun wrrc In charge of worshlp sur vlrr with Mrs Mac Conslnlvlc hiking he purl HI lrndcr The lhclm was anlnn mam Sud Ulfl In lvvnplr whose GUI is llu Lnnl Inrlln was ht 1m lctl lakln by Mm Kelly null Czlunlhl vy Mrs Im Mrs Al Umr anzml lnlrndurrd and gave Inc pmvlow Um new lludy hunk The Ihmth 1n lmlln by IL llrlgnrll Thr leuInA Amuchlllon hrld Ill mulan wllh Mrl ll Him In llu chair Mn llnlml Camp September Nupfials atiTrinity be 00k the lessnn lhnughls The Work Ourvliands The treasurer presented Inc report at prcsent finances stalan that the two bake sales at Innis ftl Park had been Verysucccsslul Plans were made tn ca2r or he plowmens banquet an Oct 23 In the cnmmuntty hntl The members plan to nails the mission band In us sale at Chrlil mas curds The meeting closed wuh hymn 37K and prnycr by Rev Mr San clan The hmlcssu snrvld lea wllh sandwiches and little cakes when bnlh sbclclits Jalned for me usual Mcndly haul Alltnd Full Fnln Quilt number rum lhc com munlly nllcndcd Cookslown and Colllngwood alts Inst wcck Rally Dny Servlee Rally Day was observed In Burns Church Ind took the farm combined Sunday School and church service wllh qulu good Cottys give you NOW with every cleaning order amount ing to $125 you receive beautiful qual ity tumbler free $250 order gives you tumblers fluality CleaningPressing Always Call CollyIs cleaners 2885 BURNS Free pickup Delivery Pretty AUfiirfih WeddingHeld at Sackville NB In SL rch United Church Slckvllle Ncw annllck new on Saturday Seolumer 25 list when Miss JaAnne my Crlxslnl 2r duth of Mr 3nd Mn Crlnlnztr Sr WII married In John Marlyn Cook only son of Mr and Mn Cook 01 Barrie Rev Guy Case penalmed the ceremony Ind Wilfred run plnyed the wedding music Large basket of bxnk and mum gludloll filmed the man 10 die Given in marriage by her ah er the bridg was wearing her grandmmhus wedding town of embroidch white voiic styled wiih handmade tinny lace bands inscricd in Am bodice elbow iennih shaves and threetiered skin Her elbowlength nyion veil was held in place by match ing lace cmwn while white carna flops and pink rosebud set in round lnce irili composed hbr bou quet The malmn 01 honnrpMJL Or ville Dabson smer oi the groom was wearxng gown at shrlmn neL tiered tromglhc Walsh with matching drnle hat velch bands and tiny pmx mums Her corsage was coral ladioll and small pink chrysanfilcmlunl Robe McPhee 01 Tomnto was lroomsman and the ushers were John Brown and Guy Reynolds Mount AlUsnn classmates ad bolh the bride and groom Mrs Cdsslnger the brides mmher In gold tone ruyon Kab ardlne dress won an oMlhehce brown velvet hat and corsale bronze chrysamhcmums Mn Cnok mmher 5mm wore an Eiysec blue antique tallela dress with small black velvet hat and shuuldcr gray or one ogthld gladlolus Mler luncheon at the brides home or the bridal pafly and Im mediate amny open Muse was held In the shaman congregatlon attending Shluqn was ch Outedtom guests attendlnz he weddlng were Mr and Mrs Jr Cook Mr and Mrs Orville Dob son and sun Edward Barrie Mrs Cflsslngcr Jr and daughter Sharon n1 Manhattan Beach Calm Ml Pllrlcln Devan 01 Ottawa Miss Margret Hamil Lon oi Durval Qua Miss Anne Mathcwsnn of Points Clalrofluc Miss Heather Mackay of Montreal West Qua is Gertr Parley Wm Hum mm mm Guoph Mb Pol Ems DI Chur Confiruwuuu Shluon was In chime Issisicd by Marvin Hand assistant superin cndem The story was read by Harold Henderson wwww MB Healhnr Ind Muster Bob by Slromc Camp Borden spent the weekend nl Cpl Ind Mrs Gardens Mr And Mrs Leighton McQuH lan spent he wcckcnd with reh uvr at Colllngwuod Mr and Mrs Dunald Gwen and sons Barrio were Sunday guest Mr and Mn Harold Gllchrlsl Mr and Mrs ll Swanson buy and Sharon spent the weekend we rein cs cg om In Western nomual nos Wmiam pollen Western Hospunlv Toronto and we wish for him speedy and cumplclc rccavery wun rtmuvca mm Mr and Mn George Jnflmy and mm and Mn 510111 were lh guests Mn and Mn Pearson Evenu on Sunday Mr is washa 2sz Inltelown FBI and Mr and Mrs Arthur Jervis and daughter Pquy can VI Que Mr mm Dob xon 01 Barrio remrnlng from the United Church of Canada General Council at Sackvllle NB unend ed the Hum The brldal couple lcll nr Mnunl Alllson Unlvcrslly where they will resume thclr ounh year dc greu courscs CUTTING THEIR WEDDING CAKE following cheirnup ilals in the Presbyterian Manse at Stnyner are Mr and Mrs John Earl Harvey Plant The bride is ihé iormerMary Jam Fleming daughter of Mr and Mrs John Fleming or Stnynerrand the groom is the son or Mr and Mrs Jack Plant or Barrie After wedding trip to Northern Ontario they will be making their home in Barrie Mildred Strofher Becomes Bride of Wallace Duggan Mls Mildred Luulse strum daughlcr oi the iatc Mr and Mrs Kcnnflh Slrolhm lnrmmy ol Barrie was maxfled In Grace ChurchonthcHnl Tamnlo lo Wullnce Rowe Duggsn gun at Mr and Mrs Robert Ernddy Duflgnn thop IL Beverley asslslcd b9 Dr Cram performed 1hr marrlagc cgrcmony Tho bride who was given in marriage by her uncle Frank Crcswicke wna wuaringan orig innl gown of satin brocade in colntrcau cream made with low neckline and bouiiant akin fall ing into cathedral train llcr long heirionm vcil wan gathered in clip and it curicd bouquei ol lilies slephannlh and yellow Maid of hvnor or her ilslnr was Mlsl Nancy Simmerv and he Icndnnu were Mrs Kenneth mmbull slnnr he groom Mmm Peter Gundcrham Mrs Thomas Harllnn Mu Roger Hutch lns Mammal and Mrs Jame nmmhu The attendnnw ware waltzlength drcxsu mldnlxh blue Iridescent bombalcnc with law necklnu and box plenud klrls They cnrrlcd whllc mum with yellow muu and blue corn fluweu Gruomsmnn or bralhcr was Broddy Duunn Jr and the ush er were Kenneth Tumbufl Pnul Cobble Cuf WeddingCaIe HenMk Jahn Mrd Donald Mc Clellandv Cnpol Emery Ralph 61b snn Peter Lumsdcn Ruben Gaby Charles McFeoly Jr Gross Polnkcy Mich Curtis Gould Philadelphia Kennth Forbes Mommal The rccepflonwas held at we Tomnla Hunt club STRAWBERRY JAM BEANS with PORK Inn Putin Added Clarkl All HAMBURGER RELISH IRISH STEW Hlm MARGARINE Run Brand WHITE BREAD Hum No mu or Ruby Nuw Clap Llral GRAPEFRUIT Clllnrnll No Wm Ip iidNEYoaw MELONS Jlb ulla Inn 15¢ llullm For InV Cm Cod Hi MEINTosu APPLES CRANBERRIES ROUND STEAK ROAST RUMP ROAST Row MINCED BEEF mu POT ROAST mum MILD MELLOW rm luullvl mm IIQ Och Chain 83$ng Asp ms 220mm Ann Pla bI09 l6ozln Funny mm SALMON PRODUCE SPECIALS 244 Ian JANE PARKER DELICIOUS BLICED wxm almanac sum PORK SHOULDERS ED BEEF um um ROAST Downs mu lmuhdnurna Ilomlnl Null IIylo lalld Mu Ivanmum Muns mm 5m hAch nunNS HEAD CHEESE huh Cnmhl LI 11 PERCH or mm mm Ily Tlu Wm BREADED SHRIMP SUPER RIGHT MEETS 9d nudy cm DEEP CUT PERTUHSS ED nLUI HAND BEEF lARGE EGGS Bunnylllld Cud BUTTER IIMMAMHWWVI OLD HEB Illvuhrook Flnl Grud KETCHUP Nlpvy Fluid MILK Amu Pm FALL F001 FESTIVAL Come one Come all Keep Fond am small Am 1934 BAKERY SPECIAL SI aomus ROUND IND APPLE PIE The only thing flu caniwarm some womens hearts is cold Ishays Hannah xou uoqu gums mm SAVE la JANE PARKER 11 mm SAVE In 2401 in 9t SAVE 2a 2001 Vim 3t HAVE lo 1570 lin 5t In IZax in 3t HAVE 25 66c In do Grud 61c 10 phi 59l Wita Inn 23 Ivlb pin 67 20411 fin lull 75c Ouon l6oz 33¢ Iln 35 411th 21c lb 53 lb 195 1545 hr 29 uth5 45

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