Fa3 Vacations Younvacauon mended You climb mm thecamnddrlve back home alonghlgbwayt cloggedlwlthahundreds of other vacationers You come backzm tha clty undrthe mid season heatwnve ls ln lull 71113 Xn nuv timevutnlltynuver torggtten abbut thrown health thavmountauw and you beglnvm wanderrwhethar the hunday has maxcumin youtweltï¬balngras holidays aresupposedntou do VImsmrtrwlm autumn vacationers have the adï¬ahwgevmecause therynre so tew ot than15 They can1pmkthnlr holiday spots without running up ngalns no vncnnoy signs mdlhét assuredï¬ of welcomev tram hooel nndresun oï¬emtors HSgliwayattalflc hnsrthlnned out There 15 seatlpmgmom on trains nndx buses once mnrenndurenchlng themight place at the right Ltmeisvbnckwllmmmheweulm ol possi hilltyL Fan slimmen its millennium The bracmm althas userfect on thetflsh as well thatangler Bass nndmusktesytoqlnzy t9 show more chnnpassflng Interestilnv lure during the dog days of July Imd August wake upvnndrgomnnu Ieedlng spree The Ixshlnrhules are free otbnthersandlnolay skménng putboardS oamm inns havea ï¬eld day Whatbet tex subjectlor color ï¬lm than autumn tal lhge It themrls nny drawback It 1125 In the ¢empnrumenb required bf the vncntloner He must bewr ruthej phllosophlcnl type pre pnfed to gamble on the marina autumn weather and equlpped with the fortitude to sit bucknnd wait through thesummer when everyonaelsels the country acquiring suhbugns He husk settléIIOrhlking through Irost palnted hillsides rather than recllnlnzon the sand lorsweaten rather than bathing suits for bloodred Octobersunsets lnstend at halmnyuly breezes Are therecompensntlohs lry ltnhdsee Auto Safety There has been much talk about ugnten mg up onlsngety laws Ior Onmno drivers hnd it is mnemowlfox some Mupn The 10point program presented by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce to select committee of the Ontario leglslalurc appears to hava great deal mm As thngs stand now person who for examplebpnrchased drivers license 20 or 30 years ago has never had to submit to another test provldlnghe or she kept re newlng every year llredo£11auli Tryku InlLvmglun The millionsoi cars on the roads the number has lncreoscd tremendously slncc 1945 make lt necessary to adopt stricter control or the lleonslng of drivers arm as other snicty mensuresl other good suggestions include Driver education or teenusers more thorough screening oi all applicants for drlvlng llcenscs recxamlnation oi all drivers por lodlually probably at ilveycar periods compulsory annual lnspcctlon oi on motor vchlolea anddirectlon slgnals as standard rqulpment Under Xurlhcr suggestlons driverlicense examiners would be employed on an annual salnry bum rather than on commlsalun Madamprone drlvcm would be con trolled by points syalcm thu present an mllcspcrhour speed limit would In remin cd but surveys mndu to sea whothur It might be lncrcMcd to ID mllca In aomn arcnu Increased snicly measures or nchool bu ca are also Mkudnnd It suugutcd mm It be compulsory on open highways Mtcr dunk or all bicycles to be equipped with white or umberlighted lamps 1n rum xmd redHum ud lump Mthorznr Motorlm planning tight or Innhnnd lurnu lrom oneway item would be required to lrnVLl tor reasonable dlnlnucc on the Aldo from which may plan to turn The recommendme on drlvrr rducntlon fluid that ncconllng lo alnllnllcn whllu only per cent of mo drlvlnu pomnnuon nre lnlho Iconum group these drlvm nll WEDNESDAY SEPT 29 195 responsible for some tinper tent otaccldénts in 11 provlnce The committee said ltdicinot intend ta magentaprogram which would Increase educatiqnai costs inany substantial degree bubithuped or Increased cooperation of educational authorities municipal bodies qndrespunsibie civic groups Editorial Notes Withlreuah wénwnit the impending fow1 supperseaaon Thete is nothingso good as the way they serve turkeyva all the trimmings In the country Thelovely sunnyweather of Mbnduy and Tuesdaywus welconievreuet mm the wet days orzlusc week Now lets =hope 1b keeps uptdrvBaxrle Fair Observation ls one of the most enduring pleasuresut llfeh uik Mowrlscs are beglnnlnalo enjoy the patches of color showlngr up now in the flees Maples have brlght shades erred Autumn Glory Week in Muskokn wlll be marvellous nmnctlon It is encouraging to read that RtHon Howe who speaks with much authority in matters of trade and commerce con siders Canadas futureprospectsnre Excal lent While some industries haveialien be hind this year vthe overall picture is very bright There me many reasons for optim ism Kibimuc aluminum Knob Lake iron or western all pipelinesynnd the st anrencn Seaway OPINIONS or 01ng Omngcvnlc Banner The nlhcrday uneofournadensuggmied we who an cdllurlalun the suhjczl farmer pumng Ihdr names on their minbum at the emmnte to their lnnemys Nenmured nur render we would mum da so as the subject has been in aur mindinr samu time but we had hesitated duing sn or the simple reasnn it would bizharping on an aid sub Jccl that has been written about man than once in the editorial columns this paper and other The averuu tanner may not rcaiizc Just how this matter oi having the awnurs name ieziaiy im prinicdon we painlcd mail box meanuto many people He may quilg rightly icui that the box is purciy recaptucin iur mail rcquirci no name an it and that in the last analysis it is nobody busi nus whusn box it LLilfld whose farm it belongs or in uthcr words his arm is his private property and as far as John Public is concerned he is not caiicd upon in print his name on his mail box more than he is required in print n1 name across his barn ar on his house and advertise hitmelt in assuming such an nltlludo the Iarmzr is permin within his rights never found the companion mm wns so compnmonable us solitude Name on Mail Box llnwovcn we would mum he pumng ol lhn names on boxes or two reasons Flrslly today In larger lawns and ln all clllm strecu are identiï¬ed by mumps and houses and plncc buslncsu wllh numbvlu so that they can mslly be lnund by pcr son seeking out dcnnlte hauretur bulldlryz How ever in uracllcnlly ull caunllvs mud um nol nnmcd and arms nrenol ldcnllncd by number plalmr Even to am fairly lnmlllnr wllh dlrlrlcl much me ullrn 11m locum farm even when you have the rlzht HM and It would be much simpler to locale arm ll Iho mnll box or the from ante p0 born the nnmu plate of mo owner Secondly pcopin from lhn urban cc ru lake drive lilruuuh the cuunlryside mm the people ml own Iroquumiy inkc lhrough lim couniry surrounding it and they oilcn wondur wim lives on MI farm at that aim Iomliiiy hey know lnrmer have met him and done inuinus wiih him iluw nice when out driving Iuddcniy cunn upon Tum Joncl Inrm and from the mum on the hux be able lo recoznllv it and any Wtii no iimla when Tom iiveL have dnnu uusinm WM him Inr ll numbar 0K ycnu nml hive ufllm wvnlllrrd 1qu who his arm wn Alain UH nvcrnxc urinn dwcllcr farm is qul much lrcalcr inimsi ihun clone ynclod imulc nnd norm and Incloriu wncn pgnpla moiur ihmuuhlliiu by yolda may mu lhelr mo and look over he lnrrnL nuyy nm II In lflfltrnnL Each one has ll own personality and an lull curlum rnuugh knnw who uperurs them The olhrr cvtnlnu wo dmvu down the nu llnc llll Culcdun Auulll rum Na lllnhwny Hm foul Um muunlnlxh Than Me numo lnvrly Inrml un lhl Hnrnml mlmy Imd lnllny mu wt wumlned wlm wuxkcd mum bul II la bu doubud HIM In lhr whnlo mllN wn ownd un Ml llnr um hrn lo 11 lulln mmlnx nurth on ma IOCOINJ llno lhnlLH llrnu dennlefl own nup by well pnlnlrd nndmmou mull ham Wr nnd lho mum munuon mm man 91 Inc lawn 5hlm nunoumllnOrnlmcvlllr Wu rumL ll ls llm Inrmoxn pcmunul nun whwlhcr lu mlvmhrv Io Ilm while In Ilrm or whrllvrr Iu dun nuL lluwrver wv In nu UNHIUH Inr um mum nlnltdlhuvc nml pou lth or some lrurr nnrl lhnl It II 11 um dun In do Meremh Thorenu Far unjust coupla week my fhnne has runglrequenfly wlth cqucsls Immunders thumb umn In Idvlceon varioul garden problem 10 me lime of ycnr when pevplu revamp lhdrpcren nlal border or plumnew one and know good many nreheinx mlde In our qwn by the ques tion asked renrdinx them new no few typical quexllanl now wide should make my bor defl WhM pemnnluls wnuld you ndvisn put In Haw far apart shauld theplums be pun Where can buylhcse plums Whul do need to do with my mm Them are problem every zurdcnnr mad when they smrtcdflm In no one need 1ch nlrnld to nsk fur ndvlcc The wldlh and the lens or the border will depend on several things mmer the size the 1m hc plnnu yuu have nwllume ur nreln position In nrmurl and most tmporlnnk thelmc and en ergy you will have lo propurly can for he bed once planted Too many people think hm anu you plum perennial mm hat you xlmuld hnvc nnmura work do for contlnucd bluom yen nner ycar Nothln could ha mm mm thn lrulh Perennluk must be wucrcd mll kw lanuned And wred rm and they mu be kept free Insects and ho dl ed every Kw yam wul toon all produce 001 blaoms xlva an L1 the narrnwul border wuuld nvur vhml and cum cc ccnnlnly not 00 wide It you can snnru lhu Ipaco Thll wlll alluw or lot space or plnnu lo devalup and and nunrlmcm wall To My to plum Iwo 1m nnnrt or arm om wan In rumor dmlcuu rclly drycndl on the plum you um anthlnn nu Helenlum peren nll nxxar Iml Sham dnlnlu lnrcml may uulrkly and icon bo tulnu wry lnrxc clumpl whllc tolbmblnn and pyrclhrum nnd Iuch rcmnln mell clump The bu flxlnl lu Ila Ll mnkn plan nlyouvbomurnrrvvvvr mlrr to make clunch um way than lo dln up your plum and mum lhrm II well 10 rommnbrr lo plnnl in clump I0 hm wlll be mun Hun lull suylnkllng mu mm mm plum hem and thrrv unly lump of lhrru In MIHI clrnl Ilrnnxly recommend an um nlcur gunkm vrry hulnlul put llcnllnn Um oul by lhp CMde lupunmnl of Mrlcuuuu ll clllvd llrrlmccnun lnrmllnh or Cllmdlln Mrdrnl by IL 01 lvrr II In mu anyone who uh lut IL Ildud Ihll haulflul wvrml yrm no Ind found ll wry mlpful In ll In lhld plum Accumlnl wlxhl mlor Maw at moan um Ilw Hulr mm mm Ind mm cammun IllV Ill II II Illa In dik tuund In lllll wbllcfllum AI hr in whrn in buy onnl lvlnu It cmunnL In run ny lmy rum nurmy or rower Whollrlunk mu Inn who numry In wmg 1m Ind wHult vhnll look mun Iml hullhy Ind wall umtn It poulble U1 yhnu bolomywmuy hem nmI um hick Inlentl In Puma Univ lo Ali 11 lluuld uy JEAN anle The Ennis Hoflicullnml Society GARDEN NOTES NewMembertfmthegsméidedW vim hi guden in see some duh ilu did andwu so surpriscï¬ i0 ind iuvciy allden in the Innkinx 1L bciong to 110 11 who lives In 185 TillinSIreM Retired from railroading he is making benyiy spot hat many peopie wiii view as they cross the bridg overhlghway 400 on Tiuin Swept Thu duo Inr our next tour has been sex This £5 no nur of gardens made by man but at the grant Inlrylnnd hat Is our nunh tnumry gubcdln lls uummn lre The dale ls Wednlsdny OcL 1an Tlckcts are $375 Our roule will he as follow Frum Barrie 0r ulIn and un tu Gamnbrldgo from here 10 Kirklield and on Io Miner Bay choconk Nnrlnnd nnd Mlndcn Warhope arrange or hot dlnner 1n Minden Then on 10 Dursd Dirkcndnle and Dwight hen lo Huntsville and Bruce hridlc und back In onum We wlll stop for muck hue and Ihere but than whn wish may take heir own Wllch or full dun In The EX nmlnor Cnmlnl Events or call Mrs Ba or Mrs Gable Thll lrln circle hc Lake my and II considered one at he most bcnumul mm arm can nke to see Hm noflh country In nul umn Anyone welcome unul our Hchnnll da Elmulu Vlclnr Clarke tnchlnu ngnln NH 15 Tiny Mln mule nnLl Mn Olnzcr are In Wycvnle The chock all paraded at Elmvnln Fulr Wyuvnlnx Dal wn lhu Slceplnl manly and Nu 15 had llcnccrSchnol 1m 15 ml Hlunun Hero Cnmpbtll nunqu unlu lnln In Tlny anmhlp now Vuer mm For Ilnnn We an urlnlnly mvlnx wel wrnlhnr nmlJnrmun my Iurcy warylcdovlr hnlr Mummy human hrlr mln cram lhnt ll The Inn lenyh Banla Iraq We WYEVALE ma Md mum mm Imu In mu in mm nu mar ThismFuhhy Wdrld Orillia Contractbr Starts Work New Federal Building 10mm Pnekel Times Work slnrtod Saturday mornlnz Inst on clemnadhe silo 10vi oc cupleo by the lawn new Federal $ulldng which will house the pan 0111c and other Domlnlon Govern ment offlcclr Contract for dcmollshlnan two buildings prcslnfly occupylnltho lle hn Men lto Tom Stevrm local contractor Mr Steven swung lnn notion this mornlnl wflhm ï¬lnlDl mnn and expects to hnv Job complelcd wmfln Iwa wcclu Two bulldlngm are in removed In make way or he chunl bulld lng on Peter SLnorflI immadlnw 1y snuth of the re Hull They In the Grant building and the ImnHLr shuclure lmmcdlnlely lo Ila nonh The demolishing proceedlni mm the Inside out Mr Slcvcru lnld mu both would be complex ly slrlpped Inside belore the Will Ire levelled and that all In mul ernl posslble would be mlvnxed 31min Em While iheyre Young Parcnl Tonehm Assoclnllon we well mlablllhed In moat cum unlllcs has days but so In no mm mm seriously propmed II Far fntBunkcrs Assnclnllon an that wouldnl serve useful purpusu hul lls doublful whether some punn1 would cum lo have the lo cal bunker cummcnllnl an melr klds bchnvlnr in the branch ur lvlce Vern However lheres one when when bank and parent cm In Ianum wuhom mlmndomnndlng nnd lhnll 1n helplnn boy and £1ku lrnm the flnnnc facts whnt rtmulm nflcr ho leIt at he nnny worm earlier In tho lelson Dlllvlcl lllflr school Allcmlinu Emvnlc Dlslrlcl mill School lhh your an nonunde lnr rnl Llln Hull Donna Lynm Pur olhy Canon PALHE ALARM ST JOHNS Nild CI Polka llnvr tonduclnd leanth for lvr mlsslnl pormnl durlnllhe lml mumh and In rnch tun lhn pn mn rolurnul lmmrvaurprlml Ihnl nyum mung wr Ilm Ithc My my red nu mam Far Patent Oily Any uflslylnl m1va which umny undertake and whlch adds to rlhe buntwaamomoIuvery worthwhile Planting bulb bum out duets Ind lndmm can be very happy coopcrauvc parent clllld venture Why not try II this swan FAMILY BULB PBDJECF ls lmportanl la buy bulln at good qualllycllher from flare or lnrlst or order them mm Seed Flrm or Nurseryl Tq avold delay ln planting they should be puchased early and planted uoon as posslble Slare ln dry canl place unlll they are putm he around Bulbs do well In nnlly lam lml now In any well amm sou Mental apreadla and bum erullur md Io are rolled leaves Care must vbo Iakzn wlth mama and lama camerchl cnlllgen no that illcy are mlxedr wllh tho wll anidu not come In tilled can at with the bulbs IIIII alrcnxlh Sana mind In wltlL heavy null help me dnlmle aadpreveuu the bulbs tram anaylnx Octnher usually lhélnvorltc mumhlor bulb planting although some varleum can be plantedcarlc 12 and some bulbs can be put In as late as Nuvcmhzr at early Dnc ember ll the weather canllnues to be mlld ls lmpartant to gel bulbs ln belore the Iron harden me around Du allow some time or roat grawth An approximate rulcmr plant lnzvbulhs is In Jplacn them in the soil at mm wlce deep thelr diameter and ntlow sufï¬cient room for the mature plant to have Elnnty ol sunshine Ballad and yacinths are both planted 51x chns apart and six lnchm deep Dnrwln and parrot tuilp are plac ed flve 0r six lnnhcs apart and the same depth but the smaller early tunpu am not need In be quite so deep The tiny bulbs such as cra cus grape hyacinths with snow dropu need go In nnly three ln ï¬lms apart and 1mm three inche zen In an ma where the null ream lurd It should be well covend durlnc the winter month wllh lelves udxured dawn wllh everneen bnuxlu or nlnw lhll mulch l3 remand when Iprln Imm Ind hp son Hound lhe bulb um weedcd Rock glrdema have become pnpum 1111 and here are many sullublu llule bulbs for them dwarf lullps paernarclssl mlnlnlurc dafludlu glary at me snow accuses amps hynclnths mun snow drops Bulbs come In so many colnm and no mnnyvnrlullel In mm on tho markel that l1 ls not easy lo maln cholccl This holds hand for bulbs or ndnor planting tom in brstm chause 1hr hardlcr varictlu which Ire zmwn must enxlly Pnplt lllc OM bcuklnl an hll luplc lhnta had on enlhuslastlc recep lon ls Flnnnclnl Tralnlng or Your Son and Daughter Pu out by the Royal Bank 11 turned 101 or lnvnmblu communl ac cardlnz lo Bud Fkhur lhe Raynlu local manager If wrlllcn by pnrcnl so the author really speaks rum cxperlencc The booklet doesnt 11 MW to become mllllnnnlre overnlgm but ll docs uhow how your buy or slrl can learn llabll Mimi and money mnnngemenl ll ynure lnlcrcslcd you um an copy at Inc local branch 7Wllisorn nulldlng Post Ofllcc Squurc Damn Tolephom 2293 After Hours Call 3649 or 5398 SCHEDULE IF OFFICE HOURS EFFECTIVE KEPT 105 Moman Allernonn livrnlnl Monday 9412 1305 Tuesday 912 1305 70 Wednesday 012 CLOSED Thursday 012 1305 012 1305 79 012 1305 Friday Saturday 9412 1305 912 1305 012 CLOSED 012 1305 Frldny 012 1305 Saturday 012 Lag5 When Maudy lInlldny emu wlll an Wtdnesdly Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday WILSON DSTEOPIITIIIC CLINIC hurl umunInlly Ind IIIwanllvfl hy modal rmva conch lmm Inn Tnmpovlnllnn Whellm II nan hochy um or vmhml In Munlml NIun Full or WIndm ynull Inch Inv MIIlnIllan qulrkh Ind ulfly In nmlnrlIlII EflflllllES F01 CHARTER EBEEHTMNSPIJRTHTIBNcom mun 5941 WIDE CLUB CHAPTER GROUP By Nancy Cleaver WIN WILSON 311 white narclnb an exceedingly easy In grow either In water wnhpeb bun antibmxnmpnnuaundï¬mn Hyacinth an be grown In water 1m mllps dalludlll and um Kmillur bulbs do has anlower pols But hnwevcr they mu grown bulbs need sufï¬cient time In dark coal spot In thc cellar ta grnw sturdy mu Clean unrrackcd pots wnrghy of Eogdbqlbsï¬hnulq be qseg Gun drninagc in pm Is essen llnl mm It lsxguamntem by 111 ng some pebbles or bruktn pieruv pu nycr the dralnnga hole Plan to have the bulbgmwhnz Hp prolrudlng sllghhy Fm Um p0 llizn with Ugh poroussuil hc depth at which the bullyx shnuld rest Place Hie bulb In Un pal nnd nu up around It with soil wlthln one halllnch hr rlm PM the soil down flrmly an wnler wclL Goodront ruwlh lakes llme and Ill best to set the pull away In cunl plain or ten weeks tulhree munths water ln ragulmly Do flannel thr xnll may nar let It Ilry am completely The ï¬rst law dayu ï¬ller thny have been braught from llm cellar the bulbs slmul be sllghtly ihnded and knptnl ternpcratun around as degrees Allcr lhut sunny window lJ the best locallon or the bulbs Once they have blnnmcd the lawn wlll lasl danger they are removed mm the dlrnct my lhc sun wnen lhc lower fades ll lhuuld br cut near the top or thw stern nnd the lenvcs should be allowed to remnlnl Place the bulb puts in cool dry an ln mu ccllnrfnnd wnler spnrlngly until the tollnge dleu down In the early Autumn rtmovo he hulhs and keep ln dry nily mnm unlll planted ouldann The leaves on lhe bulbs plnmnd in tho gnrdnn xhould he lrealcd ln slmllar way plnnlcd at proper dcpth Ihcy can be lclt In the around lmm scam to season and mnny at them not only cunllnuc to llnurlsh hm aLso mulllply Perhaps the poet lnlm Kenls was Ihlnkln the lovnllnesn ol lowers when he wrole thln ol heauly My lor cur lLI lovellnes Incrcues ll wlll naver pus lnto nothlnz To create fragrance and colur nnn bnnuly by planting bulm ls particularly happy lumlly vcnluw It pays blg dlvldcndv nu ma lu vemcnt lnwlmo and money ll you embark on bulb planllng enterprise you will want repnul this venture every year It ls such good tun Allernnnn 1305 1305 CLOSED 1305 1305 1305 Cnpyrlxhn day may my