Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1954, p. 8

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Women intending to register in the Barrie Recreation Committees fall silhouette course are reminded that there will be advance regis tration on Thursday evening Sep tember 30 at the Municipal Bulld lnl between the hours oi eight and nine oclock The committee ls anxious that all who are plan ninz to attend register at this time as minimum at iortycight wo men is required for one class and ii there are more than sev entydiive registrations It will be necessary to expand totwo classes Under the direction or Mrs Kathleen Wallis this new course tor the housewives and the bus iness and professional women at Barrie aims at keeping you lit and healthy and improvingyour figure and posture Danish gymnastics modern dance technique and rem edial exercises in similar mood to last spring popular sessions all promise to provide you with new silhouette if you follow the excellent guidance offered The classes will be held every Monday evening for elght consec utiva weeks and will be an hour anda halt in length Ideas ior foil and Christmas bazaars are what great many local women will be huntinl for In the next few weeks and thats what that woman many talents Mrs Kate Aitkcn passes on to you in her latest newsletter lwo oi her best ideas are for aprons ball fringe model and twill braid apron either one at which are likely to be the brightest pro duet on your bazaar table Her ball triage style requires twothirds of yard of red denim two and hall yards of White ball fringe thrcequarters at yard of red ball fringe two and two thirds yards oi one and halt inch white fallle ribbon and three quarters oi yard of red double fold bias tape At one raw cdga oi the fabric make threeinch hem Gather the other raw edge to measure 12 inches With the centre of the ribbon at tho centre oi the gath ered edge overlap the lower edge of the ribbon hall an inch on the right side of the gathered edge pin and stitch the ribbfil to the gathered edge To mltcr the cor ner oi the ribbon with the right sides together told the narrow edge titthe ribbon in half stitch then turn to the right side Stitch the iirst row of the white rings quarter Inch they the hem on the right side Stitch the second row oi white iringe one and ihrccrquarter inches above the lint raw Stitch row tit white iringe across the lower edge oi the ribbon at the waist and the red fringe across the top edge Siltehtwo small rows oi red iringe across both ends at the ribbon ties The twill brslrl apron takes only halt ayard of while denim two and thrcequartcrs yards oi red decorative braid and one and ones third yards of one and hall Inch green braid Mltering the two corners maku two and hall Ineh hem along the two short and one Ionl edit 01 the inbrle illit ering corners pin the red timid so that the outside edits of the braid covers the inner edge or the hem on the right side Stitch alongvboih sldcs ill the braid Mll or pin and stitch the arena braid to thav iabric an inch from the red braid Keeping the braid flat gather the on raw edge of the fabric to measure lwulv lncilrs Stitch tho lower edge of the braid to the gathered cltgc Do you know that the member ship oiwomens service organiza tions includes one out at every four pcrsonsin Canada close to tour million women In alli And womens iundralsing campaigns such as these bazaars are model of atlministrationweeonomy and efficiency oi pu ose St Marys PTA Holds First Fall Meeting TOmorrovv St Marys ParentTeacher Asso ciation will hold its first meeilnz of the all scaso tomorrow even ing Sept 211 in he school auditor ium when an invitation is extend ed to all bers and new mem bers to out and participate in most informative and Intel csttng program No representatives from the Archdiocesan Council of Parent Teaeher Associations will be pres eat to speak on the meaning and aims oi PTA Qucstions from the lloor will be answered Light refreshments and social gathering will follow the meeting which commences at815 oclock Womens Institutes Dr Ives Colored Slides Enioyed by WI The September meeting of Le troy Womens Institute was held In the community hall on Thursday evening Sept 10 The meeting opened with the singing of the opening ode toll owed by the Mary Stewart Collect The president welcomed the lad ies present from Coulaons Hill and Belle Ewart Thcrbraneh voted in send one dollar to defray expenses for the executive meeting to be held In Cookstown Mrs Allan Todd reported that woolleni had been sent away to be made into Woollen blankets and that tickets were being sold the draw to take place later this Fall committee was appointed to look aitor getting quilt ready for quilting to beheld in the hall In January committee was appointed to look alter the booth for the school fair it was voted to cater to the executive oi the school falrl board for the noon meal Mlu Alex Sauntet convenes oi historical research took charge at the program An institute rally song waa sung with hits Allan Todd leading the gatherin alo gan contest was eonductc by Mrs Allan Todd The motto tor the meeting was We are making his tory let as record it The roll call was answercd by an Item for the lwcedsmulr Book or inrielt The convrner Introduced the speaker Dr it lves of Stayner lloauilful ctllorell pictures were shown by Dr Ian as well as lic tures oi birds with recordings oi their song Tile meeting citlstd with Gull Save The Queen ItiIIthLtI by lunch INLAND 70UNTIIZH Tile only lnlanti counties oi Wales are lilonlunllleryahlrr Rad nDrlllire and ilrccknockshtre RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS Coops highly trained technicians are fully qllalliiell to service any radio or television set guaranteed to give ybu saliltfllctlon and COOP Barrio Television Exports save you alullly 259 IIIIIISIII ST PHONE 2429 WZflflfl ALLWool It ronlplrts selrrtlan of colors In all uuslitlts ItAhltlitIltlT I10 FAMOliit 11 la VICEIIOY 12 I4 50 1695 ItAlittiilliHi 12 at IItIlAI1I 12 1995 1350 1995 4115002 an rll Famous Paintings to Tour Canadian Cities EXTERNAL AFFAIRS MINISTER Hen Lester Pearson and Don Bliss us Minister to Canada view Franklin Arbuckl es Parliament Hill at the US premiere of sw as the worldcircling Seagram collection of Paintings of Canadian Cities The 52canvos collection is now starting its 18month tour of major Canadian centres sykesSallows Nuplials are Held Parsonage Setting Rev Ross Cumming officiated at wedding in Coldwater United Church parsonage at three oelock on the attcrnoon nn Saturday5ept It 1954 when Alma Helen Doreen Sailows youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Lorne Sallaws oi Coldwat or was united in marriage to Allan Clarence Sykes second youngest son of Mr and Mrs Clarence Sykes Victoria Ear our The bride wa gowned in white satin net with fingertip veil and carried bouquet of red roses and white murns The bridesmaid was Miss Nollie Sykes sister of the groom in yellow gown at satin net carrying bouquet oi yellow gladioli The groornsman was borne Pet ruii reception for 40 guests was held at the home at the brides parents following the cemmony ior travelling to Windsor and St Clare Michigan the bride chose blue taiieta dress Tho couple will reside In Victoria Har bout There were outoHown guests from Gravenhurst Niagara Falls Midland Wyobridge Hamilton and Toronto Assistant Attends Recreation School In New Jersey Miss FlorencLl IiICArthur of liar rie has Just returned from two weeks at the Eastern Iooperative Recreation School at Neicong NJ in the United States workshop designed to develop leadership training In the field oi recreation the Eastern Coopera iur proiesslonlll group workers and laymen alike in the belle that recreation can add richness to everyday living Miss Melir thur hopes to use many oi the new skills learned at Eastern School in her position as assistant director oi the Simclle County Recreation Service Films on India Introduce New WMS Study Book The September lllittinfl of the Central United Cllurlt was held In the church hall on Friday evening Stpi 17 pm Manlyr null vino present we wallnly welculllell hy the president Mrs Crrett who conducted the llltIIIlIi which was pram with slllgilll or the mill sItIllllry llyllln Jesus Saves ifll IOWtil by prayer Mrs ihlitidc was Ill charlie oi tilu IILVUtitJlilII opening with the lllliillt ni ltalln Do and con llllulllu with number III that prurnkllltr ltltllllliill on cunlll tin prevailing tmllll ut ll nilrout tllm 2a mlnlru lint lw ll urrat ilitficlllllls tilit IliII llllttii lllllrvrllous progress lur lluluu Ittil IIltil itii utill cuttullru lldl till who are llluielprivttruttt WIIIIUIII the ordinary necessities rvrryllny living mm In will as well all body Iitvollt claim with tltoytr that Christian amt WMS Wlllhcra may rm ellarty ll lullv Ilil Illllliall service in inlllu aulI nttltll nu rrstalllliblltly wa itlltjlll is it Introduction to the new sllllly ItIIlit llln Lhtlrcil lll III IIIn thI Illllls were shown lIIlti IlllIltl Ill llc llt urrat Interest The Illllls KlIIlI Valley Iilautlrsand llatlllal tlrsllty lll lIlllI lttlwrla Klltllatlll IIIIIa IIIlIIlinttlI the tires lllliI tllilur lttltltlu vi the Land Iirrllcs lltllu VIIInIn llto whirll Illistlauily IIM not yrt Millli amt where the llallvra still millilttl their IINIIIINI Knots were llltlll Illlrlrslllll Elmo are IIII tillla tlitllI Illl HINIIINII ale tanking Illlwolrl willl lllfWItI Ill lrml as llrry gr Oil in their new Iilllly illullt lipplrrlallllu In all asaistllll with the tIlNtIlll wsa uprrlml llv Mu lrmL The Ilyllln The Hunting Iillht II Itlcnllllg wal or null um lllertlul elnsrll villi prayer by Rev Illellll 11 mm uni will hetrt at the horn lli Mrs July TII IilallIurtl titlet on Thursday Oct II at 130 pm unit mntlai INVItlIllll la ulmli in all Iatllea ill the filnllrh lion to attend RomoCampbell Nuplials are Held Make Home Heréfi double ring ceremony was periormed on Monday September 1th 1954 at four oclock in the atternoon when Protessor Hardie of Pine Hill University unl ted in marriage Miss Jessie Kath erineCampbell daughter of the late Mr and M115 Campbell of Cape Breton to Charles Stew art Romo son of Homo and the late Mrs Romo at Halifax IhlI bride was charming in her navy suit with ice blue accessor les and corsago of red carna tlons Mrs 11 Hardie of Haitiax wps her attendant Greyson of Grecnock Scat land was graomsman small reception was held at Morris Lodge for close relatives For her wedding trip to Niagara Falls and other points oi interest the bride wore rose wool dress with matching hat and while accessories The couple will re sidefor the present in Barrie where the groom ls stationed with the Royal Canadian Army Servie Corps School United Allied LTB Presents Bride With Wedding Gift Sept 22 United Allied Wat True Blue Lodge No 137 had the plea sure of presenting Sister Miles the lormcr Mary Montgomery with lovely white chcnille bedspread as wedding gift Sister Miles thanked the members very graciously Refreshments were servod dur tlvc Recreation School In set up lng the enjoyable social gathering eA EARLY POST system at otflcllil couriers be On the evening of Wednesday RARE VISITOR WINDSOR CPI Windsor had an unusual visitor an Arctic tern found by Patricla Ruse 14 lying exhausted in neighbors garden It wore band from the United States Wild lite service tween Quebec and Montreal was cstabllshtd In 1721 carrying oitl clot and private letters CONNELLVAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Sept 74 list to Cpl and Mrs George Connolly Angus doughtcr CUMMINGAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sept 21 54 Mr and Mill Bruce Cummin so Sophia St West son FLEARAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sept 25 1954 to Mr and Mrs Karl Fleas ti Amelia St Barrie daughter Sharon Mario HOFFMANAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sept 15 1951 toMr and Mrs Alvin Hfidfman 1142 Bradiord SL so JACOBSAtrthe Royal Victoria Hospital Harrie on Sept 24 1954 to Mr and Mrs Jacobs 184 Bradtord St daughter McDONOUGHAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Sept 20 1954 to Mr and Mrs Don McDonnugtt as Burton Ave daughter SALTAt the Royal Victoria Hoo pltal Barrie on Sept 24 l954 to Mr and Mrs Stanley Salt to Theresa St daughter TAYLORAI the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrio on Sept 22 11154 to Mr and Mrs Vern To lor nee Barbara Churchill Angus son DIED HEARDAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday Sept 24 1051 Wilired Heard at 132 Tiiiin Sh Barrie beloved husband or the late laa Alex andcr and dear father of Regin ald brother of Mrs it Laekie Emily May Bert and Mrs ALWAYS IOOK snor s4 SOPHIA srfs William Vallicre Lidai in his 70 For small amount down and regular monthly warm on can have the yearround alarm to Oil Burner An Esso Oil Burner can be installed in new homeor individually engineered to El tour present heating system Esta burners are asked by an Imperial Oil Warnn1ywllh lion oi an MacDONALDAt St IMPERIAL 75th ear nesting at the Jen nett Eunerat Home Barrie Ser vice on Monday Sept 27 at an Interment Angus Ceme lose as Hos ital Toronto on Satu ay Sop Li 1954 Elite Ada Walton dearly beloved wife at Kenneth MacDonald or Third St New Tomato loving mother at Helen Mrs MacDonald Thelma Mrs Wlllllm Robinson both of New Toronto Kenneth Lakevicw and Bernard of Port Credit aloter of Alberta tMrs Thomas or York Restingat the Arthur Ridley Funeral Home 980 LatIa Shore Rd at 14th St New Toronto Funeral service in the chapel on Tuesday Sept 28 at 11 am interment at the Stayner Cemetery Slayner upon arrival of motors approx lmately 130 pm HAUGHNESSYAt Our Lady of Mercy Hospital Toronto on Sat urday Se 25 1954 Jeremiah Shaug ness tiormnriy oi Oro Township bcloven hiaband oi the late Marie Dunn and lather of Mrs Kent Gla Mrs Marshall ary Gerrard and Jack bro ther oi Mrs Lawrence Gibbons Rowei Your Guarantee or OUTSTANDING anuatN Quality Diamonds Minnie Host Bcdiord 15 llnlon ve eral on Tuesday to Blessed 5a rament church ior requiem mu am interment Mount St Louis Ontario All the Chapel of at Lascellu Biv PRIVATE DIAMOND noon FOR THE BEST You have up to YEARS 10 PA and low carryin ch rges on all run manufacturefromplele cheekup of burner emciencyteslseniceeailsand tree inspection Ask your dealer about an imperial Oil oneyear guarantee against faulty materials or Phone 3230 Barrio Evergreen Comm which guarantees your supply or Esxo Furnace Oil lino Furnace Oil eonlalnssa additive to help prevent rust and absorb moisture inside storage tanks in rsso Buttliilt DEAIER IMPERIAL 0II lIMITEIi AUTHORIZED AGENT BARRIE ELMVALE DISTRICT wattwul ELECTRIC RES I93 BAYFIELD ST litiiiNthl MIN illant to pound raparitl Itlltl laln to patented doulllu lfIIosl safety wslngrr All upmu run other than tub pvnlerirtl with Ilolklrsltr liuII rm uye 259 IIIIIISIIl STREET war Tho CLIMAX Agitotor IItla new aluminum agitator featuring lilo small Hurllnlt Vann at the watrs llllr lives the hal rst most rtflrlrslt wasltlllg action av ailable Nate or all wulrtnr HiANIltlill iilttillll ZOII tilml Io unl polrelallt unto oh tub and tall rover $110935 tlslnl rIIrnlne rtnlllcs IIIIIII Natlly stlllrr IIllIsllelI In White VIIII IIIMI tutl raparlty patented tinulllo action 31 rllamrl with IWIIIIIHI OP rorrrasrsnre Mallow lmms actall MODEL TO SUIT EVERY HOUSEHOLD NEED Tho CLIMAX Potent Sotaty Wringor Nrw 1y saIrty mm and Instantly ulraaea pressure rolls by slight push or pull on Ilanlly Innu liars lloll apnltly subtler tIlt altriarra pn sent an to rtotlllus IIIIlIIl Name Ilsrn inluvra as mow gsuommamkmuu nsutw hltiIiH ilIII ulnl Illll ANI llmzll mun loll Iilerllt late Illllg shill tlr Iii lnlnuie ll nu matte rum Mwilrlt allow ll ml mu Ioatt rm lmi lmh turns marlllllo Itull 315995 PHONE 2429 Wholo Parking Is No Problem gmfiWvnm 394 sen Angerdng csV

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