xom Moms taxman MON soninmost on Pallet colored mm mm Innisiil School Continued From Friday Seotlaal Liv Beei call grade helier or nice Botfay Giv ens SS ll Carolyn Beatty SS Selby Bowman SS 15 Bee call purebred inner or bull Elizabeth Beotty SS Ross Parker SS SIEII SERVICE msrmvs snow owns sum IAINTING namsnmo most murmur 5039 moo ESTIMAIIES transnational BOW llnlaun talcum mum nou eommmn an umur no your 0mm Owen tant Irsasa dime Ilarub outno or sun we WWI no annuals oownuocownx summ lollellou GIADSTONE UURIIIE QO lumen and lotleIlM with Mom auntn It Int amt vtrnu am DONALD MMLABEN 00 Iannosr munr aoe wan JOHN DTION RA Iarvlaesr summ mm on non It loom sauna SmnB hlroLEAN nun no Hull 6vitnu nnritï¬rcmu Immoralr as ourm ma am OPTOMETRY IAUIIDI usual run omuxmsr cum II out mm as lnmaoa last Lido Waldo Ila ram stun no 1nd or nullImus IL BONE omitsrain clasurtan st Ollie than Closed sstnmu artmun sum 4m sum BOBEBT SMITH ILD orrournuar only aunlu It Int Phone zsu NOEL STEPHENSON 30 omllrnus Dunlan at not lurk so or VETERINARY DR FLEMING VITIRIJIARIAN and corrosion mm It larria on sus DE SPEAKIN mnmalum LIFE INSURANCE ALFRED ll HARRIS ensno Lm anonrun PEYIUDII and Family Film Prosrammlnl Ind ntau Anllllll Clo Cumnllfln uroun my Ina Form VIIINIILV moon or Vounl lellNIUlGNCI ullnl hymn on rm nu noa n31 IMONI In Fair Winn Robert Bouiaton SSZ Showman ship beet ollt Selby Bowman Eggsï¬xer SSE Rm Park er ry ca purebred PaulCamwell SS IO Bob Long heed SS 12 Larry Cummingss in Dairy calf Douglas ClnwbellSS l0 Ross Campbell 55 in Robert laughed SS 12 Shotvmansoio dairy call Robert Inugheed SS 12 Iowa Till man 55 Paul Campbell 55 ii Ewe lambs any breed Tommy Lee 55 Ronald Parker SS floss Parker 55 Market lunb ewe or minor Itonald Parker SS Ron Parker SS Gary Sawyer ss Showmanship um Toml my Lee SS ti Selby Bowman SS in Gary Sawyer SS Pony ex MbilMl with hoy or lrlin saddle Mervin Wise sous one Tillman SS Pony exhibited with halter1 Mervin che so is ramrrlmmn ss section poultry Heavy breed hen Ronald Worker 55 Elizabeth Eeotty SS Jteta Omsk SS Heavy breed pullet Karl New SS 10 Beverley Smith 55 Janet Ayerst ss 10 Cnckerel any breed floss Parkar SS Earl New 10an Parker 35 ARMSTRONG sum 00 ottoman socousmtm coatr on mm Ynnav BL rorouto IAIIII toms MOM moan mom mamas Humorous amnion mommy nun II Eui Toiallaano 47s BERIIEET HARRIS 00 Oartltied roams Accountants minute and mm aarna ornu Wilson Building oat autos upon in Itaaidlnt rmr assaults on an POWELL mm It unmoumm owl rutohms 522a BOSE HARRISON cannmms nocomrmm mifuldyiiféï¬t com arms enur ms ARTHUR GILBERT lawman and Avalon onamznnotm AND madman tioltsvnm ma Phone aswaa MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BBYSON EMS nncuxa or runo airman and TlmixogYih guru gnoanotgor unsatu oaaru at mun Toronto nu arson liauucui anon Modern It anal ord It emu II WARREN MIcLEAN °éumxriï¬iiim uxhrféiimm Iavrla onum CH IROPRACTOR CEO ELSIE BURNS DIO ursnnd Drurius mumu llrclfldhlllldlo mom and nunloa Klaus hm husa not It most 110 Docton or armament 11 our arms one mo lutceslor to It Curru no JAMES VEITCII no Dacron or cruaormmo lay Appointment man ms to an load AllMala OSTEOPATHY WILIoN DITIDFAYMI AND Alfltllfltl CLINIC WIuoN IuILamo lulll an Kowm wuuou AM on aauru nuaoocx oo MOKI NH Yvonne Munster SSS noun Mummss Ooekelrel crossbred Haunt am 1ourryPopeSuGncehI unusaxo Section contemlRcclflllom graduIi Patsy Cooke SS Carol Middleton SS it Jean Spence SS Public unsound grades 56 Nora Jensen SS it Conan SS is Pubic rpeaklng grades 78 Andrew Cowon SS 15 Marion Jonah SS Solo girls Janet Westmlln SS 13 Bev Fearyk SS 12 Evelyn Jackson SS Solo boys unchanged voices Nell Sturgeon SS Dennis Corby 55 13A Bill Wamlco SS 13 Weed naming boys and girls Mary Coleman SS 10 Gary Brown SS II Ian Gru SS 15 lree nam ing boys and girls Reta Raincy SS Karol Coutur SS Gerald SmithSS 3A Nail driving boys Teddy Barron SS 12 John John ston SS ll Ronald MonachSS Ii Board sawing boys Leonard Carr SS Donnie Davis SS Ronald Parker 55 knitting girls Mary Durvinvorde SS ll Irudlne Letts SS Mary Cole mnn SS 10 BarrieExaminer Spec loi mov boys andgtrls lone Tili man 55 Nancy Wnllin SS 14 Billie Wylie ISA Judging team two from each sdlodl Tru die Slewsand Evelyn llioArthur Eilmboth Bentty and Joyce Smith 89 Colin Sutherland and Ros Comnbell 551W Seotion Woodcraft and sew inglBook ends Colin Sutherland SS it David Wchsier SS James Lang SS BA Any articlewood unpainted Ronald Parker SS John Wonless SS 10 Lonnie Dav is SS Dresser sooti embroid ercd hand sewn girls Trudene LottoSS Judy Dolllmore SS ll Karol Coulis SS Mural alntlnr open Sr pupils lnnlsiil Richard Rowe SS l7 Poul Stunden SS 17 James Imonard Special weed collection Colin Sutherland SS ll Russ Parker 532 Section pomDog any bread Marlon Falrchtlzi SS 14 Sharon Webb SS 13 David Pratt SS ll Ra hit any breed Allan Fairchlld ll Dorcne Boyd SS 10 Wesley Wilioughby SS 10 Any pet except dog or rabbit Catherine Thompson SS Carol Pope SS 15 Ernie Arnold SS ll Section aporislGï¬yard dash girls under years Barb Hughes SS Doreen liunter SS Bren Allan it 5ynrd dash ys undo it years Milton Reid SS lllcky Service SS Ricky Robson SS 50yard dash girls ti and years old Caroline Beatty SS Euda Schaly SS Gwcn lowery SS 10 50xnrd dash boys and years Donald Uddlard SS 10 John Wanltss SS 10Jim my Sheldon SS 75yamdnsh iris 10 and il ycnls Elizabeth ally SS Bessie Kennedy SS SA Marlon Jonah SS ii 75yard dosh boys 10 and ii ycan John Schaly Roger Graham SS 12 Glenn Iiarris SS 10 00yard dash girls 12 years and over Evelyn Jackson 55 Mournan Kinton in Mary Dulvinivoor den SS 11 loosynrd dash hoys 12 years and over ILod Small 55 13 Walter Killian SS 13 Billy Boys wheelbarrow Klninn and Rod Dill Pinur and Ito Tonuny bee Pinor SS race Walter Small SS ll land Corner SS SS Girh thr ieggcd race Shirley Jones on May Coleman 55 10 Janet Ayns and borrnlnc Constable 53 lo Trudan mm and Jackson SS Boys three lcggod race Bill Pinor and Greenhalgh SS Campbell and Colin Sutherland SS Ill Lid dinrd and Kooit SS l0 nig ofwar Painswick ss lrctroy ss Ilelay race am Pinor ss Rod Small so i3 Sharon 55 HISTORICAL uncur Oldtvt of its kind in Canada the Literary and liirtorlcal Society oi Quebec was Ioundcd In um Two Hundred EntrieszinrAnnuaI Flower Show at 0rd Fair Eaton Trophy is Won by George Moiiii One hundred and 15 entries in dult classes and 25 entries in dril betler grade Larry Encrick SS IM Gordan drens classes made the Ono BarsI lcultural Society annual Ilowlr tlower show held in multination with Oro Fair moot mull event Them was In walnut shower or bloom and interesting novelv arrangements hillllightodi the show George Mottit was winner oh the Eaton Trophy with all points Judge for the show was Cr 11 Eendiey oi Barrie Prlw Winners Winners in the various classes listed in order standing were as lollowrz Clasa Pansiencolleciia Mrs Shannnhan Mrs Res sallMrs ll diall Aster blooml Mrs Rattle Mrs Wright Mrs Pesrsall Scablosa ti blooms Mrs Damnall Mrs Wright Mrs Tudhone vSnnp dragon spikes MrsM Wright Mrs Milomlesan Mrs Craig Zinnia large blooms Mrs Sutton Mrs Hall Mrs Hesse Ziunlas small blooms Mrs Sutton Oates Mrs Hall MarigoldAtricon ti blooms Mrs Rattle Mrs Pears11 Mrs JamieSan Marigold French ii blooms Mn 11 Sampson Mrs Rattle 111 Oates Nas turtium collection Mrs Comp bell Mrs Peorsall Mrs Wright Cosmos stems Mrs Rattle Mrs Craig Moitit Larkspuro spikes Mrs Pear sail MrsHallMrs Craig Fotunins coilootlun Mrs Pear salt Oates Mrs Sampson Shadow Box Mrs Rattle Mrs Caldwell Mrs Ross Dahlia collection Mrs Crawford Mrs Wright Oates Gladiolus lspike GeorgeMoiiit Mrs Pearsall Mrs Crawiord Glad inlus spikes Moll Mrs Crawford MrsJ Pearson Glad Ioltls lZ spikes Mail Mrs Crawiord Mrs Wright Dec orative basket of Gladiolus with other toliage Moitit Oates Dining Table Centrepiece at Vegetables Mrs Rattle Mrs Ross Mrs Jamieson Cor sage Mrs Jomleson Mrs Vï¬ Ross Mrs Hall Vase Cut Flow Ers Mr Ross Oates Mrs Wri Basket Cut Flowers Moiiit Mrs Poarsall Mrs Jamieson Flower Girl Basket Mrs Roll Mrs Jamieson Mrs Pearanll Salpiglossls Col lection Motiit Sweet Peas Col leclion It Oates Mrs Jam Mothors Helper if ITS WONDEIIFUL Ill rnsny excitla new thinn you and your child can dad on the some old route around the blush you in her Ill tho pace no ready for say thinr root an ant to ateIo roller an abiret tor seri ous and possibly ironhy oh umtim Among the satisfactionsiof Ia BankiAccounii Its reassuring to watch savings grow to have your bank book record your progms Its oomlqrtlng EllM to Jun Duh on hand to opportunitls ommtmc so You fool mam ancuro with your mono sol and readily nvnllnblo whorl you nooyd it Multiply by 9200000 deposit accounts the satisfaction you enjoy from your bank account The grand total of comfort security and peace of mind ohown better than dollar totnl the essential voiuc ofn bani account More deposit accounts than then are adult Cnnndlnnl with new accounts opening every day reflects the conï¬dan oi thcnotitm in the chartered banks Tlil IANKS SERVlNO YOUR COMMUNITY iesoo Christmas Table Centre Mrs Ross Mrs Pearsall Mrs Rattle Arrangement with Driftwood Mrs Pearsall Mrs Caldwall MmMJamleaon Best Miamiislet Mrs Pearsali Mrs Crawford Collection ol Polted Plants Mrs Pesrssli Uladialua spikes all dliterent Mrs Crawford Motiit Mrs Pearsll Cla Children Naval arrangement of flowers In home made birchrbark basket or con tainer Sutton Sylvia Rattle Gloria Rattle Three varieties or lowers not listed on school Inlr arise list Jerry Walker Gil Sumo son Stay SampsonzVBouquet suit able for top at birthday cake Shiflq Compbell on rsnm aetty Caldwell auxaK 1W0de Thomsoxmo ring recently lntulled in Madison Square Garden can be knocked down almost in fast as somqflghters we could name This is impor tant to the Garden with its quickchange schedule of sports events from boxing to basketa hall to hockey and back to boxing again Made of light weight aluminum this ring promises to he more than match for the toughtst heavy weight Aluminum is constantly mak Ing news in our own sports world Anglers yachtsmen and other strenuous types go for the light strong nonrusting equipment made by Canadian manlineman from Canadian IlumiaualAIuminumCompany of Canada Ltd Alcoa IS eve Be readyanciable rto protectthe Freedomgyouemoy Vovr iomlly your hams you hutch lho sthool your lhlidlln altml yovr Iovomlu gromy slow tho rumor moriathote on you to unloylla up to you to ptotscl them let your lomlly and youmli ly setting one or two sisalnns week In tho Militia call by going on various werland uhmel you will be doing yaw slum In Inlplnu to prolort tho Iruriom er0 Mario she didnt But always swoop up whenever Ive ï¬nished job just like you help your Mummy hykccping your room tidy and always putting atyay your toys when youre through with them Making just that littleer cllort is part of the telephone job wnwr nv1I you 01 and wound in dotmt it It av lhnolanad Do it NOWI Conlott tha Mllillo unit oi your choke lhs Militia holnlnruoson begin in Soplomhu Iho training season starts this month 0W Mr In tho VUII lot Ht time my in training the Inls lot whlsh ylW IllUN Bell people everywhere go out of tIrcirway to he orderly courteous obliging You can see in the way they work theyre lgind to he of service It all adds up to hetier talc phone scrviccscrviccthat keeps on giving more and more value to the user IHE SELL TELEPHdNE COMPANY OF CANADA DeFence bodys busmess live Mum ilonnnl patiotil oi Ilulnlnu will in you quality mp by III to not nl nulnul rill rm soldier iliilo you on AA um Human an