Hay lnlMl IIWM wn lull qur In Innny way Tm mull mik In mulr lullm nl lump pmer ml mm mm wu Ihe wumlulu Ira nnmmm mad at Iumnc lrnm lunnln an hIdIIn NM Inc Ind hrldtvu Au Mull lml Inmlall or 1mm fll lnnll Ikplny Mm mi Ilnv llnr nnhnn lhrmu WI lrnvuulul Amul Mu Hullle Hull rxlllhlt rd alum wllll nalulr runyl wllllu llu lurry Turk pmhcl tollsL nl ml rxcvxlrnl lnmlrl ul mm Hurle pour mwlluull ul lummuu 5mm munwu Ihrmr Conwvnllm ml Ilw Farm vny vrll Illmmml Tm Klllylmuh liulluy wm ulna In unrthle llnvl hrllulllully mmmm unuhlllul mm munme mum mnpv mm In lhr mum wllh ner lrnvn mu rwvunfll 1mm lllwlrnlrvl lhnmuh mm and mumllmllruA Ilnnl lhv whnlr mum rn Ilvmml wm muner nl awn In Intermittent showers did not dumpen the enthusiasm of the school pupils oi Innisiii Tuwmhip on Wednesday as they presented their second unnunlwchaoi inir nt Churchill start ing oil with intrude between iownpours Three buildings Churchill Community Hall the curling rink and church stuble were used to house the vnrloun divisions oithc display umlthe lulr lllUitCtlld as scheduled in spite of thc wenther mun Nu mam Nwwhln um hr mmmm an plny 1er ulrnlu uml lrulnluu lwllvl mlmmnm mm uurm Immlmm uzlnml mm In um rmlilvu mm Amva nw mm mnmmmu wm pnmn ul 14mm 1mm 55 51 Chmy um IvaL mg lhvlnlul Mum 1L Knmk mm mm fxluml IIwn 10m mums lu um mm wm llw mm um uluml mm muhm mum my Mum 1l Mr mm llunld mp gun lu suoml quL III 1n wm mrly wu mmu lwlwrun un Hm lvwn Ilium ynrn1s uml 11le wrll us muM mlull mu luwn Illlp minmu ul whh In 1hr IWIWHKI unlum lllv um nx mm ALBERT MCKINNON 48 of RR Utopia wds taken to Royal Victoria Hospital inst night with injuries sustained when his car was involved in an uccldcm with truck on Highway 90 nt Hie corner Fcrndnio Road The driver the eastbound truck James Enrciny Toronto was uninjured McKin Innistil School Fuir Continues Its Scheduled Despite Afternoon Showers Over Thousand Entries 90m YearNo 10 SIrving THE TOWN OF AND COUNTY OF 5mm Since 1864 VIEW OF THE DAMAGED McKINNON CAR AFTER COLLISION WITII TRUCK Utopia Man lniured in CarTruck Accident Illr HIM WinM wnl UM ll Blmml man LLI 10 91 laul abut ï¬lth Imlmlzd nauuncm mee Inde low whllp AINIHA hum anl lhuwcd flu fluid In Bulely My mum wwwka model ml on mpmyn lmludvd 50 run suunu pin by mm In Rluml with um um Krup mm wmmnu mlflrulnrly lo urmm rmmmmwmm mm um mun mun Ahlrn Aun muu mm unmlm mm pirlul In mwu mmM ml nn mun mmhL Mm man nu up Ilspluyu 11 Hwy nl rmwl In Wulrr nlrlnl In mn mmmupvuuw mum at he lnlr Ivy Nnnlyr Uclmol IL wun mum nnvl datum mnklnu mlmlul mu nlmuumx llm away mm mm hy 11an mm nmnmxm Culwlun and mm mm mm Imam mm ulvuly mm an and rlrHIH whllu ansmxn lkluml hum dlwlny unruml mum Irma lhrnw nullmum anmllnlu lu pmlru ner unwm nulmuh Mu um nml drum nannml nu llwlny Holly mm mm nu mum 1mm han drop nunlrm whlrh wms llrntlla my nml mm mm nml wumlmu lrnvu huwm In In mum comm llu Knack lllrpllly lmlll on Imam lllrnw lllmlrinllng lnrlh 111 of uvuhllnu xmlm by kwan uwny Hum mwlmmlng mm runnu rnrnm fumln rlc The Mint1 lullll dImuy Wu cumml Iuml Um mlur Mluml wow lrn lullnu Hnlrblm mull ll IHIUNI llnys lllllllc MINA 111 ll WIIK man wvll ur rxy uuud tummy mm mm bmk equally wrll um Munml ï¬nerJuan non was tmvclllng west at the time of the accident Just herore pm He was taken to RVH or treatment nbmsluns to the che and arms and an undetermined chest 1n Jury Total property damage amounted to over $1500 whéiï¬arrie EXaminér 1a wure 11w WHHIIIII 1va Cup Awmlnl In II dump Ilvrdmk llluw mun wun by Ilhy numnm uI mum Imml whlle will lllII mqu won Hm wlm In um llunla mnnnnur rwmn may munII II ollwr wInnm In llIlI mm wIIIIon In um mun wrm Namy mm my InIuI Ikhmvl llllllr Wyllr IIA llelml erlvm lMIuwlIk ammn Mmyn Iumwu IhII Ianwl um CvIIII nuIImInmI IIImmI Ikhoul Cull Hullmlnml mm JIIIII llunud Wrnl Ulllullull Epoc lnl In which then we 11 th mnl wun iluv Inn rnmunn mm Unlnn nmn nu lllr nnnnnl wlnnhu nu mm rumu numhrr n1 poll Ionu Illlumu ul Cluny ka nnun nu unu 1mm 01 munnu Mum Wun lhu 4r Mun Cu wlnI nl lhu um um huy wlnnlng um mumu luunhrr pulnln luv lnlr and mm mm nhll uwIyu MrArlhur nr Kllhlmuh knmu wnn llm ml lmkhnrl nwuulrtl mun puylb nrnmng Illulml Um judg hm cmlxlnllumx Among lhc nwtlnl 1vaer nt 1h llllllrlll Fulrwna Io up hwndrd by dunlnnun vamulo lo the Khan Ilnvllvu Hm hinhul number pom prr pvaL wun by llclh IIdll Sflloul Ihv Innhlll Iollrd lltrrfunb Hny inthlluw prllt lu 1h nlxl wlnnlnu lhv ucuml mum nmnbvr nl pulnu wml Cum fault IIvlhern Scluml nnd lurry Creck munl won Hm Wuhan CuanIltlluh Sumxd prim Mhrml wllullnu Um mud mumu nmnlnr or mlnLl wr pup Illc IlIanlll Inllml lint rnulu IL Hlvnpkln pH Um lmy wllullng llw wwvml mumn mm Um lnlr was wuu Ivy Ilmulhl lnrhr ul mum Scllnul way Inlmwick School 5513 had many nl wrlllnu good hullh mum and wry no to lrcllolu by pupns 11mm on the farm One or ll 1mm nnd mml Mrlklnu dlmlny wul HIM 01 Le rny Srhuol SS Illuslruung uxmwny who percl IINIIHL llubblrh and Safely Hyeclnl 11er BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA urrllnlu ILIINI lI unit of llllul lug WNL Ill lullu mum Irlrhl 710p vmu MII IIIII FluwrrIYllrll Null HIIIIKIUII UN Mnrllllll Illlvr NI nu chr HI In tlmvhl lnluumllnle Nhnrnll LN Thlllrl PI Harlan IO Uuyln whcolrr lung 1m anln anlu wm In Trunk1m Mm mink gnu Inhmml womhrnfl unl vvwlnu mfllnn wnn Jurk errlln nuldnl hy Mm Mm HHWFIL IIIII mum mu ulnyul curb Inn Ink Inllhlluz Ihr wmll wrm rlmlul of Jack LVVHMMIIIL chllrv lull Jnvk Huh anmnn CHM mm mm Imkhan mm mm WIII mm In Ihr nmrnlvm Lhlllmnn nl Ilw uhmnl llwldlyl wnl Mn Lawrrmu lIln VIHIIHI Twp wlm winnm In llm vuluu urrllnlu ILIINI lI unit of llllul lug WNL lull mm Mm Mum lmullll Llwlml II II Dvnlllal likll as UIIIU mu In lhulnvwll IL Dlvlll IlnlL Ni Mn YXNIIIII IO OIIIUM ml 1m Ean UIIIIIJP mi 11 llnlml Dhnnuun In Mn Kali 11 Bwrll Cum ubvlvl lune Tlllmln an Hubby nun1L Tum 141 pm our plom ChuInmnu the Itkl amps vuflnlylu nml llawun suntan hr Mr nu dhplny In mo curllnl rlnk lullldnm wnn Krnth Inn on wllh Frank Cuwnn and Slrw IH Donnrlly Nuunluu mun hm VHIIDIH Nrw wnn clllllrmlll Um Ilvnlnck Mcllnn Judxrd and xlhphiyrd Iu llvnlock lxlrn wllll Humilll AIIIIII nIILl lluy Goudlrllnw mmmmrumrmlrrm Crnlll lllilll WM Nullrmnn the many Imllnn dlnulnyud In mu burn WI AIIIIII llllnn mullth mm Campbell wn rhnirmlm ho vunhst nLflmI hvld III llm umlllllully Inn llrr mmlnllllv mlllml In my Imm lwul lIHI Iurduu Illlltlilk School um bonnlmrmhom wrrc Roy Goodlolluw nnd Jack chflvn Ind IL 04 Simpkln ldcd publlt lly dinclor entries wllh Ross Parker of Beth mln Schuul plnclng accomL Ill Committee nm lulr was prrscnlud un der the nuwlm of the wheel boards at lnnlllll Tuwmhlp In cowcrullan wllh the publlc cllool llerclor and lho ngrlcul lurn reprcaommlvo or Soul Slm towV Ktllh Mcllurr Mnan the wmmlllco were Swank chnlnllln Frank Munflly Vlrc clmlrmnn malty Iccrclnry lrcnsumr Iloluld Allan Allan Imam Mrs Campbell nay Loughrrd Jnrk Collfllbll Mm LflWllllCE Norman Coulln Zlvwnrl Donnrlly Kcnnclh luls on Gordan lSrncrlck Mn Mac ylrwnrl Cran llunlcrv Slewrt MrKruwn Frank Cow1n and WH lam New llacrulllnl wlll Marl next week It Bulls Armoury or tho zen Armoured Regiment nCAC Orty Ind Simeon For uteri ClpC Hunk mud today An ofllter new Banlo lquldron wlll be on duy every nvmjng Mondly Ilunull Flldl to 1130 oclock Tum ls Jim week In the squadron up In menu md here II prlme opportunley lor Inen 1mm 18 sign uv In the liner Veteran the Armoured Conn In eu vesJaU mnled DMJJILN lnx MIT Include anyone In to him The pay land only one 111th week the odd Inlnlng weekend II Clmp Borden or Mallard Ind mere II Inc opportule 10 Intel plopln end enjoy coul nflgshlp ye Burl ixmanna In beln convuled rum Imm try lolrmonred Corp The new Inlnlng plan guru rllht Iller lhmktllvlnx fulurln drleng and mllntennncn on tanks Ilmlllfll lunnery wlrelcu All ranks wlll luv Ihn Mme uppnrlunlly to com mence my work lonlher ï¬n mlmem wm to Jump Borden or flrlnx pne ycu with rifle on Sunday Oct Recruiting Starts For GS Foresters le Hnulunll wcm Ilvlvlnl Ivulh nu lehwny 21 mu lruck lvnvul In umlll Wluvn Jlllck lumnl lu lhu nmllWIy rum llw Illln lhn ml lhv truck Iworvrd In nvolll hlllml Ml clr Ind 011 Mm wllh lhu unhml which The nruldml In Illkx lolllld um nlw lxlvvlvcd Ill Amrrlcun Sl hy Suntan nl Olull NV and MI Iull Dullnld ML Bunion univ 0000 for hll lluuxlu 11500 for lnlurln lo on Ind 11000 mopqty damn um lllhlll cnlc wrre In Tmuwnrlnllou Co Kllchonor lle drlvrrn llwlr lnlrk which wu lnvulvnl In 110 Mrldrnl Hllnlty lvull nml Alihur Illlrk at lllllll nun mlll ruulcr hnllLllnrl hr the ddolldlllll wnrn Hlnwml luch Mchk llnlrlm IInvrll Tllolmull 04 no liunmlu ulrd at Ihu and Tmuwmllllon Cm whllo Huck wru rrplurnlml by Illllll ODrl mu hmmlm nccenlly tumult Imnunllnl In 2000 were nwnrdnd hero by Mr Jlullru Slnwarl to an Alnerlc couple who wrm lnvnlvcd In car mldLnl II umn loumm un Illlhwny 21 about one monlh bcloro llm mllllnp mcnllonm Ibum thl undoubtedly murd xclllcmrnl In SImcou County nmounllnu In 343500 ww reached hm on the eve ll he htlrlnz rlvll ucllon at he Suprtmo Courl mulllnu mm cur nccld Lnl on Sum 20 1952 on mumy 211lulloulh Thornton Seme $435oo Auto Accident Damages Case Tuesdays henrlnu be he board Tomnlol Foster lIcwltI owner at smtlun CKFJL Ind 60 don Smllh owner of 0mm tlon ClOnH golh protested Mr Snclumves nppllcnlmn or ll cemc chlmimz lhcy needed more lime to submit nppllcnllons at mm Mixr lho humIna bolh Mr 1me and ML llvwlu Nmrlluhl Mr Snellrove an good pre enuilnn Amlmvul ha Aw Inn was announced noon wad ncsduy clcvlsmn slu llnn will In 12 lncludjnt oper ulors enmcrnmcn technician Ind announcers planned to hnvo same at me proscm am of radio unucn CIUJB do mm announc ark mrrGRBW Sixtyseven per um 01 the flock In CKBBTV wlll be Wine by Mr Snulzruve and his wile The CBC Board Governor ha approved power outnul 100000 wnlu video and 00000 wnlls audlo Mn Sm hope the Hm nod or the new television Iranzmmcr and studlb mm TV will be turned thls Inn The pmpmd bulldlnguwxu cost 3250 000 nqludl cm trans ml 101 seven hours daily twol hours which would be llvc shows lhn rcmalnlng flvc hour lh Lime being compon CBC mg mm CKBBTV wllh In Initial power nulput H000 wuu video and 7000 wan4 nudlu will give ser vice to an cstlmaled 250000 people in 00000 homes Mr Snelgrove pointed out um viewers withln l5 mlles the lransmlllcr at Barrie will be able to get glassclear picture on set without outdoor antennas Mr Snelgrovu explained with outdoor Antennae CKBBN will come in skong as museum at Thomhlll as at was as Lindsay far west as Thornbury Ind I5 lar noflh n5 Gravcnhuml Hr prcdlctm ha Toronto view ers with yagl antennas trained on Bultalo would be able to receive CKBBJV as good as boleV uon lg hit 75 CBC Governor Approve License Station CKBBTV OKEIHV the new Barrie cle hn stallon should be on the air by all next year and ema HVE opening date of Aug 1955 has been an This sinlcment from Ralph Snuigrovc owner at radio union CKEIL was made this week we the CBC Bnard oi Governors up proved his application ior lei viaion station here 11w Ilnmlur Clan rnula ContI1 Illfll lay an mu III umphh dalllh III want Ma II In In elm IM mull lo lumlnu mun II no umlmr mam run with In Intm uh wlll Ippul Now Crossword Cdnton Begins Todays Issue Thl weekend raven t0 shudlrd lune Ind you no ul vised lo Innn your cinch uni Witches BACK ouu 1101 at at 1201 mm on Smithy Sept Barri wtnI um yum nvln tlma on Sunday Aprll Int Ina bem one hour tut or Ive monlhl STANDARD TIME CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 24 r954 roumu flu Bldmps Inhom an IM lleni Irnnn um um neclor lundlnl balm tho mm mm mud lhg luluHang The munIVE urvlu It which the IM Duverleyy mum at anunlo olllrlmd nw our Ivnlhhlo ml In lh clnmh om vlml Mdluunll ml Ind la uer In If III In Imnn mthl Ihu Illll gonnalion Vlnlllru cm Mm mlnlmm ln null denomhu In ml In In mm mm mm ZAd Kin31110371 35a 21 mm by mka unll Attack On Materialistic World By Canon Moulton Toronto Trinity Rector Induction Service An nUnck on the mntcrlnllnuc world In which we Ilvo to dny mm nn onlllnc or now lnln wu hnvlnx dlmt attach on tho reduced numbm young men who were nnaworlnu the call to the mlnlslry of Hm Church wna made by mo Rev Cnnon Monlwn mm 01 mo Church of BL HlnnmthuApoallc Toronto when he vrcnchcd the tnlh unuon nnd Induction norvlco the Rev Mlnn hand In Hector Trlnlly Anullcnn Church Unrrle on Wednesday evening The inch that the fair one oi the must popular in the more nonheih pen of ihecounty became the haxdesi hit of any oi the county fairs this year 56 tar as inclemnt wea ther Ls concerned caused great deal of disappointment over wide urea 01 the county In nddluon the horse rhea were canccned due to he cundlunn at Lhz mck This wu rut dll appointment lo cumu pullcuhr ly as complete Ind exceuem card had been drawn for every event cnuc Clue The Judge were Iblu however In carry out Lbn Judging lhc mme cluscs In the shoflhorn tlflsl Judge MM 01 Banlo took ï¬ve Int prtzr and the chk Ritchie upcclul Iwnrd or bcsl hunt uhnrllzorm In lhn dull purpose Shonhoma Nobon Jnncl took every Hm prlze In tho chum II onlcred The only other unlrnnl wu Dab Grunlnw4 who took one llllnl Then Vvmc no Pollm Arum dun Despite the heavy rainfall which created chaos wSthall thelr planned arrangements animals of tho Ilos Township Agricultural Society Were able to announceyesberaaythat they had managed to reach the 1000 pald adrnlulonmark during their twoday fall Inlr helq on Tueaday and Wednes day otthLa week with Imumclem time batman theheavy rainfall any out nudging In the hprsu clam the oflldn and entrant agree that lhe oniy flung which could done Lu dledn th win money Imam mu cmpetllorp Rummy Vinny hldllx ï¬rst Ind tht John Laughed Lpechl Mr om Scotch Shun urn fauna He Illa plntd our ucond yflul Ind Lhrcu Ihlrds 112mm In ï¬le erbium elm Ed Gren lcr Mlannd ccnllnund to maln uln In 1m summon ho km mcl 1n he ulher ml llrl whlrh llch been heldmmund tho counly Ha hld acvtn lulu 111m rand Indwno 111d Green nw Ehnmd had one lint and Willim Vlncllu Shy ncr had one Her Cyril Cook Allnndnlo had one run our Itc ond and hrcu 1mm Elmvale Fall rair Hits Bvaain On Two Days DuringPast Week AlthoughAttendanceWas 1000 Prlnclpnl Bowman Ilsa makes one other Important pnlan hll report Nonnu caplclly our school ls I900 Ind you will note that we ghall be well over this enrolment next year The Board should run plan now or Addl tlanal nmoxmnodatlon or Septem ber 1956 School opened on Supt or registration and orzaniuuon and The reminder of Principal Bowmans report was an allows Otherwise éur achéol nrséhlzhuon lg reasonably satia 1acbory points out Bowman principal in 111 Septem ber report to the BDC Board Plan For EXtra AccemmOdatien Needed At BDCIByvSeptgl956 Principal Bowman Tells Board Enrolment at the Barrie Collegiate District Institute is greater this year the win anticipated and one direct result of this is that grade nine Masses average 11 pupils which is far too heavy classroom lead no enlrlu 0r lhu mummm 720 PagesThreeSecï¬on Mr and van than nmenlod wllh hl lbln Ind Book ol Com mon which ulved ï¬luhopl lzlmlnl fluentI10 ly Th bunnlllot at an Inn at lhl thumb wu lhen mldc bylwo dmrrh wlrduu Junu luprlllan Ind Mural Th Incumlgm VII mm mlvrl ml burial um 11mm II coo In 1h plied no wimp In hlnv honor dflllv Im chumII km lmlllullnn Ind 11mm wm le lay nu Rev lho nuul Dun ul llmco wm Calllnlwaud In the undo dulry mun Archer Cclwen oak ona Inc and Gordon 5mm look cnu Hut In the ride bcrl uulc Judn rmlo hld onu 11m Ind II Ewm Ihckulnn hld cm erL The mm 1th 834 French of zlmule like the am And mond will In wary sccllon uxctpt In one cue when Chyrlu Ilgwwn VIJuy placed um Chnrlvu mwxon VIJuy land he and with My sunlnr he or cllL alumna In the Homeln elus atl uon wu dlvldzd wacn Jnrmny nlrrle In Ankle cal wcll Vlclofll Huber Jennay look alx mu and hm uecondl Colwcll hld two mm mm up and and one third Charla Raw Ion had two mm Ind gnc Inond whll acorn Wrzhk CramMl had one second Ayuhlru 6mm Jennry Inwkqtane luck Ive mu twv Mandi and um Ith In in Aynhlru elm mmeY Darrin had Lwn In Milan Jammy Column hm two ï¬rm Ind lwo xecnndL Oor don 5mm Elmvnxe hmonn flu mm comb Ind lou mm The Juk Ruck rpedll 01 but held wrnt to Dillon Jamey The Earl Truce Lpeclll or he bull In dairy brucdl went to Grim Jer mury Thu Huwnm mum ape III or but Mml 11min dull brew Alan want In Oran Jenner whlla he lnlemlllonll mock food Ca muchIm man prlw wlnnlna cnlrm In dnlry breed and the Dr Windmn Ipeclll but mlry weycnrold wrnt to ullon Jammy All number our uu were ready for tha openlnl Thu rol Iowinn new teachers ware luiln ed me subjects indieted Mm Gflrdwocd History and En Huh Mm Mlcdonnld OerI PE Min Mark Home Economkrlnd Mnhematlcs Ml Primat French Mm Thummon French Mr Lemmon Commerchl Mr Parker Industrial Am Ind McQ gulp5 chm conï¬chui on Janey MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY wudml lad Ihn nclor Ind lhI Indiancon Simon lhl Vgn him In pl our vmu ruur at tho tlvu KPlClIlI dorm by Andaman Crculnnd wm won by Mr Anderwn hlmull Thu remalnlnl speclnl want In Cecil Trench mlnu vrIn Manet ll Mamya Bummer single copy 1h Sullolk clul nw ma alx 41m rim to Tanker Grunt Sllyn mm Don Wright Eun vnu clung up Lhm ucundL mm Bricwrldle took IE prim In thl Dam horned Thu mm or be but pan my weed went Kettle Ind the Emu Co Iveclnl far but pen flvn ewe lambs wu won by lasker Orlnl Ed Jones won the hyvey Mwlcy 11mm tar belt um llmbl BM Show mm we 15 emrlu In the ho cums competition And he mm or the 11m hreu phcu wue 1n fluent Guhn 2nd1 Howlrd 111qu Md yISprinu ï¬e chins the money Wu divided bobwun he memo Ioullry 1nd Peta Enlrlu warn very low In mu cllu Grlnl mum Elmvllo Ilvc mm Cccll French 2va hld our llrm Ind hxu ï¬nd Amman Cronllnd hm on um Ind lhne mondl Mn Dir Emu Hickman ind our Int4 Wlanm Elliott Elmvaln hm um mm and one neond Jan Wu woom vmom Huber had two mm Ind Andmv Fleminl mm vlo Martyo mm Sheepvclum Compellunn 1n the mm chm on was 11mm nefllzlblo In 1h Lekester much am Conn Elmv vale had thru my and two My undl Ed Jenn Mldlnnd in three ï¬rm thm munch In hm thirds Crawford tho only am hunt looki Ivory prize in Chi shrug cllfl Gordan Erotth And nl numbmuch only an trlnt hid every prlzu the OK ords Percy Reynoldl Ban Held was the same in In Soth awng xu 0nd XIII INT4 tYau will null that in intpbc to SCOWI survey nut znda IX ilues will continua to incmn for mlny vyem our expelian this yur indicated that th inure wu law In pinco oi 261 indiuiad there MT nboui 320 new Iiudenu in ma 1X Counu oi fludy were not ehlnled arm deal tor lhll yur Turn In pm two plans emmcx Mr wm Science Ind Azrlcunure Iour refluxanon mould be reunonnbly complete with mull liven 01 Sept 15 and mated WM 1949 AWN MD 571 wt