Damn Nesbitt head or the physical training department at Barrie trint Collegiate Institute predicts his track team will be amongst the top in Tudhope Cup competition this sea son Barrie has finished second in the event 101 three successive yenrs Prior to that they won the honors four straight times under NeSbitts leadership The door had Marcer swung open nr the new term when track and ï¬eld campefllon dunned ihe swan sullsund bcgah unlnlng for varlnus events Doug Mlle name which sun dots Lb Tudhone record boolm under Midland High School colors is handling hc coaching ol the track squads lhl BBB Hopelul Ill Winning Tudhope ExpectSlrong Entries In Grid mu The annual Cup competition wil be held In Colllngwoodon Satur day on with Barrie éxpccmd to play host tthe fall classic next mu The BDCI luld day is ulnled or Thursday September 23 but in case rain intervenes he alum uve date is Friday September 24 Head ng the local traék conun gcnt is Tom Pnppmun who crack ed the mtcrmcdlate Iudhope shot put record 1m year Pop pleton wfll be in the lZpnund sun Iar bracket this season and is mining Kn horns at breaking the senior mark Mike Bruwning last years in lcrmedinie champion is expecth in carry lhc brunt in the lung distance runs although he can show niasi in ihl sprints too The junior champion Alvin Noucna icpx up class this year and he is iikoiy to ï¬nd siifler opposition than he did in his freshman cam imign Grca hings are also expected the Miller brothers Jim and Bob in the pole vnulung Bob es lablflshed new Echnol record hut war and shuwed tremendous po lential at setting new marks or Tudhope events La WW The re ur Don Terry has brought smiles upon Ihe physical rainlng department Terry was Beaulllul black ï¬nish whlle WI res driven less Hun 12000 miles custom radlo and many nther extra BUY WITH CONFIDENCE DungerlieldMolors convnnlanv annoywhich II can you NHL 15 Illymld slmt 1mm Phoml 5m DRILLIA lZ Mllllfllfl Strut Elli 2nd Floor Phonu 350 OIIN lVlHlNGI IV APOINVMlNlHIONI IOI IVININO NOUI in mm nuMn hmul bunny tum men usm CAB DIVISION BRADFORD ET Dill I551 THE BIG DIFFERENCE IN THE BEST DEAL IS THE DEALER VIID STANDS BE IHND IT AND DANGER FIELD MOTORS LTD SDI LDE COUNTYH LARGEST DEALER IS DEALER WRESTLING 531m 845 TUESDAY SEPT 21 BARRIE ARENA 1953 CADILLAC no no um 51759 EXAMPLES OF LOANS SEDAN IWIEFIW TAG MO 756 has LARSEN FUNK he local ï¬eld day wm be wing ing to the annual elude Meanwhllev Ioolball squads are out ln lull Iorce under the coanh lng of Ntsbm and Blll Lemmun Senior and junior mm wlll ugnln he amend In the COSSA map and 01 have champlomhlps to de un The juniors very dramaucnlly cap¢ured the group honors last year delegllng mum on me last play of the game The scnlom won distrch Murals in man fashion The juninrs look like good but to repeat They have their sen sauonal running hull John Chris uu back In the told and such veterans as Bob Quinlan Mm Ed ward Allan Money Bob Mlllnr Ken Cromany Grahnmwllson Eon Butler Ken Jackson Jack Wilson Dan Scott and John Mc Dowel provxdu lnrrmc nucleus or second successive march The scntor entry should also be powerpacked machine with such notables as Ken Pratt Bub Thompson and Jim Harris to carry the mail wealth of experience is almost assurance that Barrie will he strung contender In the COSSA rnnks Jim Mlllar Frank wllcy Graham Creighton Mike Bruwninu Gerry Hannah and Don lelck are once again don ning the unflorm Nesblfl smlrs lhrcc newcomers George Cucullck Hugh Sundon and Mflkc McCann have Shown excell cnl promlsc in hr early workout and should be valuable memhms of the squad in defence of Ms scaauns title Fi wlll make up the junior league while unly three wlll compete in the senior scctlnn Mldlnnd and Ponclnnl are ï¬elding Junior teams unly whllc Barrle Cnlllngwuad and Drillln will nnld I233 junior and scnlur PM new executive of thc COSSA sccliuan Meldrum n1 Parry Snund pruldcnl An Wllsun Orll Ha VICEpresident and Reg Black smck Pickering second vlrcprm ldcnl and secrcmrykeasumr No schcdhlc has been released an the COSSA football but Nes bm belicvcs the opening gnmw will he shortly alter he annual ijhape Cup mccl Flash lllddcll owned and driv cn by on Fan awe of Newton Robinson wan bum has of me lwnycnrcld Iulurny at Weslcm Falr London Onlario Inst Wad ncsday The coll wcm lhruum hick mud ln record lmcs 239 and 2382 Rowe mddcll owned by Mrs Wray OI Schumhcri look all lhrcc hem of hrccycnr old tummy In 221 222 and 210 on tuh Inn quickly on Jviendly um the hole u1houundx In No mum mumy voguhud Rowe Colt Wins At Western Fair IVllF HIVICII Jun phuna nm to am In on lvlp Employed In And womm minim or In$lm wolcomo Wllfl or mm In Mal today for seasonal exbentex do pay up old bills Skncoe County teams lulled In survive the ï¬rst round In any Ontario Baseball Amdluon play duwns lhh year MidlandIndians were wand trimmed In jwo straight game by Whllby 1n the Intermediate race Creelmare Sox were eumlnaled on ma Md and cam mmee mom in Intermediate by Helen County Teams Fare Badly OBA Play Orono put Everett Muvle L031 out or intermediate and Camp belivllle dispflscd Alllston Leg Xannalres in intermediate Aub urn dclcalnd Beetnn hi Juvcnlle Only Allisinn in the midch 5min was sill in the running inst week Wellington won the lirsi game 42 and the next was iied 68 Allision woh 1112 third 94 Deciding game was slated or Alllsion last Saturday Eamon Alhlclic Association It mcnllng last week to discuss hockey decided to enter team agaln this season in the South Simeon League ErnlLI Lens was nppnintcd manager Beaten to Enter Three Ice Teams IL was also decided to dcland my OHA Junior He won last winter Gordan Hill was nam ed munagcr with Hnrry Cross assisting and Bill Cmnslon as coach There will be Juvenile cnlry 1n the OMllA with Johnny Ruth crlord as manager and Game Speck coach BEETON lADIES WIN TROPHY nectar has won the Imphy cm blcmnllc YorkSimcnu Indics sMLball 195 uhmnplonshlp defeat In Schombcrg In the ï¬nals mm games to one Ecclon captured lhe cup Kn its ï¬rst year INS Since hen Schumbcrg and Kcmnhy havehad monnpniy on unlll Decton recovered winnlnl wnys RCA Flyers ellmlnilcd Drud lord mm he Comma Trophy phydwwn with 103 vlflory Camp Dordcn RCAF Flyers Oust Bradford 103 The Flycra held scam 43 mar gln until he scv nlhwhcn hey talliedï¬ve run nnd mun addcd slnllc coumcr in the eighth Hour Tlme lelt McCartney wnh slngle and double and Bllcskl wilha qoublu and lrinlc paced the Flynn 15 Ml attack on madmrd hurlora Slutc Simone and Pa Pollnd Bus Curlnrs webase knock along wllh Joe annnls single bchlnd palr or walk accounted In Brndlards runs Newmarket Bea Orillia 51 In Ladies Opener Newmarkvl Dlxuns scored victory Orlllln Friday he menan at lhn bestLuuvc Bnrrlc dislrlcl lmllcs softball Inn nl Newmnrkcl Orlllln uulhit he UIxum 08 but were conslnnuy lurnrd Imck by cxcopllonnl mum llcldlnu on We pm HM DIXUM Newmmm wcru In um lend rum Mm to 11mm Nmy had 31 1m allcr mm mum mul munu lwo humm runs In Jhc mm Orllllu lulllcd nn unearned run lu scmlld which lpnllbd Surnll Hurlmlolln mutum bld out of Falls VS Ill he lend Nmy md II humus nml runs In Ihc WITH PAIR chumplunshlps to defend 1n OOSSA com pcmlon thls season Dalt Nesbm 1911 and E111 Lemrqon sur vay the grld talent on hand for early seasnn workouts Eame Colleglate juniors are delendmg group mle holders Whlle the lucul sen1yors are In defence of dlsmct honors BELKAS cunnv STEPPING OUT OF his gloriï¬ed rule as Barrie Flyer hoc key star Bub Whltc right recelves some advice from track conch Doug Kettle In preparation for an assault 1n Hume Colleglntcs nnnunl Huld day Thursday Bab intends com pete In truck and Hold events in hcpcs ol Wlnnlng spa on the schools Tudhope Cup team CAP Flynn edged Fenncm 75 FunnclLs In lhc mm Ind dcclll 1m name at rm mxlh Slmmc sen lur scuba icmlIlnnls Flyers Eliminate Fennells From South Playoffs The Flynn nnw ndvnncc nunlnxl Hmde ll bellInHvu nnnl nr lhc Soth Slmcoc nhnmplunhlp Wllh he ypunrr II Bradlurd Tuni uny mm Funnells nwny good 51 wllh luur run llle up mo Hm mm In My wmkm by mnl nnd Hruco Knmtmw mm Krlm Slluclnlr mu Flycnu hmk mlvunlnuc wlhlnrs ml the mu Hlnkv Gmnxnhlc munlvr wnn lhrvu 12er own In the lunlnu Everett Defeat Newmarket 41 Bittell Maple Leafs scum 44 Vlclory OVLr Nmmmknl Coun ty Tuwncu Saturday Evennu lo lnku ll 21 lend In lhc bcslanlvu Smith Slmuc bnwbfl champion Euhlp ï¬nals Nu am hm been ambushed or lhc fourth name ut Um wrlc slut ml or Ncwmurm Comlabia walked the 11m uur mu he cod Cummhlc cunllmlrd ll hurl mul ly bull nml III Illh lwAF rlnlmld Her wllllng rally on lllph horn Jim MkCuIlnry and hmnr run whlch nccuunlcd Int mm mm lllE BRIE MONDAY SEPT 20 1954 Chrll Balk Ind Blll Curry the precision lagteam Avonla ot the pmiosslonll wrumnu woxld meat one of their toughest challenges It Barrie Arena Tucsdaynlghtjn the perwnloi Herb Laï¬en and Dory Funk Lnrscn Ind Funk both sklllcd badmcn wha stop nt nothlng to um victory hay Julned 1am Larsen And FunkTéum Together In Search III TugTeam Glory DURHAM HUSKIES LOADED FOR HOCKEY SEASON Durham Huskies who defeated Eunko McDonalds Sundrmc Beavers In the OHA intermedmu Ilnnlx last spring 1001 stronlcr than ever or the comm homey season In nddfllqn to Stan Lang Xgrmer Bunla Flyer deinnnc stalwart Huskies have acquired winger Charlie Fryer Colllnlwnod whn played for Walkman lust wtnten nnd Jack Hauert Owcn Soundnoulc who was wth Mca ford 1n the past scnson Durham already hnve Duuz Decvcs tram the chumplon ctub so the team nns um um wuw 152mm Eddie Mlchanlk has damnsod but the Huskies have ac quired Paul Parker from Owen Snund Greys The mum of Doug Whitnay and George Falrchlld experienced players gives Dur ham qufle cup to delend the mph 1n 1mm7 EIGHT JUNIORS RETAINED BY BLACK HAWKS Chicago Black Hawks have re tnincd clmhl Junior graduates 1mm thLXr school one week al Pem broke for ht regular mlnlnzscs slon nnw In pmgrcï¬ under the dlrncuun new general manager Tommy Ivan and now much Frankle mam Immn mu These hopduls Include goalie Hunk Bassen from Calgary da lcncuncn Sandy Hucul and Gmrgc Ferguson mm the W051 and Bob Wlbon Norah Buy boy who play ed with Gall Black Han in las two seasons lurwards Hillary Menard exBarrflc Flycr Wally Blahdcll and Dave Duke 1mm lhe West 27 Among Ihepcrfoï¬ncrs son nut Chicago arm clubs were goalie Lo Blnkloy dclnnccmnn Plum Pflole fonwurdn Hcc Lalnnde John Slcavcr and Len Ihlstcnd EDMOMON cm Hycnr ald chronic runway is back hum here nfler 40Wch hilchhlkinfl 1er that ended Mcdlclne HM Mlcr 0an whhoul Iood for 36 hours the buy wchL lo the RCMP or meal and lhcy made sure he muer humc wn the boy lhkrd such Arlp in two years THIS IS IT BunieDriveHllin RENT CAR CONDITION REASONABLE RATES Phone 2772 FRANKIE HART MIKE McGEE FOR AB LITILE A9 $1000 DEPOSIT NEW CARS IN Al comrmv mmmm an Collltr HL Nul Hny Conch In an attempt to steal lame of the thunder Iway 1mm tha umphnm onslaught ot Bdku and Curry Aboul the only thunder they ma lle megacall 1mm ring sidm whoruerve such Ivor or such compcuwm Lnrsen who hails 1mm Hamlllon has been cnnsldercd qne 01 lb crucial per tnrmera In the ring nnd doesnt hide either Hh laxteam 51d Hck is not much bemr In the gentleman depargment Belka and Curry have hum themselves lnrgc tollowlng lhrnugh lhelr upcnsmanllke cun uct ln ytherlngl Bolh apply lghlyskllled holds In true selen lljlc wrestling manncr bu against such appnncnu as Larsen and Funk these mnnoeuvres can be nulllflcd by illegal use at the knec nsu Sometimes they xrc canlrantcfl wlth such devlccs as rapes boule cam and omgr such debris whlch can cause sen oui lnlury vu my The tag match will definitely be highlight on the show Pmmu tar Larry Knsabouki has pinch Govminuie time limit on ihe bout with he side winning wn of three fails the victors The opening bout brings buck Frankie Hit Holland who prnvnd In great tnvoriluvhere early in the season Him is pitlcd against newcnmcr Mikm McGee Cedar Rapids idaho well seasoned campaigner auaévutu u4y Only three more cards remain on this seasons prulcssiannl wrait llng show Ind this weeks buum are deï¬nitely Working towards glnrlous cllfnï¬x oï¬EKing mun 345 coLLmuwoon September 23 24 25 John Currie lrcnldcnt Huge Midway Horse Races Fireworks mm Redeem your valuable CANADA DRY coupons Great Northern Exhibition Dairy Cullle und Swine Judggd Friday Bee ï¬ullla and Sheep Judged Sulurduy Durham Girls Pipe Band 0mm Dry nommco mum le Mlnululnnd under mummy Cum nry Georgian Bay Dishicls Largest Fair Higgins Sighs With Trappers The senior have have been busy picka has of Int years to junior performer and max receql to Ink ntxac vim detenEHan Ink mum Higgins who siarred or St Calharines Memorial Cup winning chpecs inst year and previous in that played wilh $11 Memorial Cup Fiycrs Signed to pkg or North Bay Trapper of the ORA An nlher wellknown junior star goalie Mince Palic slumb ling black tor the defunct Quebec Ciladuls has also joined the Trap pens WIndsor Bulldogs of he OHA seniut group have plckcd up centre Jack Armstrong rem the Tcnpecs Bobby Brown from the armor Windsor Spitï¬res Steve Brklacich former Gueinh Em man who played wnh Manon Bar on the International League last year Billy Lee rum Chitham and George McLagan the dew tuncl Haman Tigers Ell wMnnngcr JACK HIGGINS