Ask Grant To Community Hall Tom Slough representing Big ior all races and creeds Cedar Point Association prcsented it briei In which he pointed out is and give to charity any surplus Noel Iraarsrn auras By con concern EYE CARE CONSULT OPTOMtETRIST Stephenson mm 10 that their community hall and parkwhich was assessed and tax ed war in fact place which the public used iorrccreatiorv purposes We operate on nonprom bas we have Idler enema Ire amt he ciIlmed lie felt thIt In View thin the him tIXeI telmed that lirauid he must to their unity hall Ask Again About Clearance of Roadwaty Nnmyr VPlrk whichhflve Ur some years back been asking that road allowance which ir line corn linuatinn at No 25 Eiderorld and which they feel mummy cleared up and made usable as park again presented pctitimr on the rcqacst Black allowed copy of motion hich had been foamedrby previ council and mtacted an and asked that eolincil again undertake to havethc bork done Council members felt that it was project that could be done by re licl help and that Itshpuld he left to be handled in this manner Fill which may be required being available ontrhe auhrdivision Mr Black felt that theroadvray would make available piece 01 land suit able ior park sea He was SUCCEShIi in having council pass the adoption of the resolution tat have thc wbrk carriedoul youth attire Manditrio to Barrie liter tiny had trolled disturbance in rant the hirer Ian Mr think proprietor ma before omde with complaint thIt better Iyflern at police pro tection bc pliable Theae lads when they were not held went way thinking it war bl Joke he toldcouncll He olIlmcd that he was unable to lo cItc the chic lnnirtilvpoliee and no others would take the re Iponribiiity layinu charge Council was at the opinion that lull report an the incident should be made Bech Todd Inflected that there memorandum 59 loilnathina extra at JBLonarrï¬ ehould be telephone In the police care so that the ohietcould be reachcd at Illtimel it war Stil aealed that when thenew olllce our available in Slroud some im proved system should be inaugur oted Ditchlieady Ratepayers Approval ihe township engineer Mr war tabled lhia report nnthc rHewiit ditch and asked that the rate traych attestedbe called toa meetinz THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY SEPT 20 I954 ll arrscarlet WNAT MAKES YOU WINK DONT Par Pickup Delivery am am YWJUSI GAVE IT ALLTO MEdSNTTHAl VROOF ENUJGH amucnsons Jarrccccns and ammonia FOB APPOINTMENT IDUNLOP encircle momma ONTARIO it Thought Brg Joke The CNN have large new steel culvert ready to place ln their crossin vcr this ditch myrtle nkey whose pro perty is crossed aakcd Mr Weir ilthobridgEinhISiBne would be replaced ME Weir suggested that this wash matter or the owners The meeting on this was held in Stroud community hall on Wed nesday evanlng Sept L5 Ask Township Properly Revert Ratepayers Assn The ratepayers oi the Belle Aire Association had delegation at council to ask about the piece at property on the lakefront which was deeded to the municipality learn the owners of the subdivis ion as park They dosirelhal this be deeded to their association ondthct they have vtheexciusivc use oiit at park At present some ratepayers are using this as rightolWay to their property but it was claimed that this was not necrsary Deputy Reeve McConlrey was named oneman committee toln terview the township solicitor to see Mrat action could be taken Reeve Todd was at the opinion that it was rightoiway it could not be changed Mr Mc Conkey was to report to the com mittee oi the association lhcse ratepayers also expressed their disapproval the order which requircd they remove dummy policeman which was placed on crossing when the children were going to and from the park to swim This helped ta save the children they claimed as there was no limit on the speed vehicles travelled We arc indebted to farmer newspaper person or the iollow ing notes as we left tor Windsor at noon The council mot as committce at the whole to discuss the no polnilnz oi new clerk The rc port was not tabled but held for further consideration Mincls Point Delegation Drr Webb and Mr ODonnell were present They pointedout that owners at summer cottages 1000 5100 had winterized and rented them owing lathe hilfh taxes This was likely to make the area low rentalrdistrict and bring In an un desirable populace and other com tributiog expenses They claimed that there wcre uncquolaueskncnt or some win llliltd cottages water inside were paying less taxes than out tazc tit tor summer use only Council assured that it the pinc cs were rcntcd in winter there would be an incrcase ln lnxcr No Jurisdiction Over Assosror ruu ravrsr in YOUR awn ruruna warn run our ill IIOME 00K GUESS ID BETTER GO HOME Following the taking at live arroar as T0 can mm You take ten dollar bill and buy saw some nails and hammer at one of llurlies hardware starcs Suppose the merchant makes net profit at one dollar $1000 5100 The Hardware man buy some drugs shaving crcum razor blades irom local drug store with the some ten dollar lrlll Thats The Drugglst buys groceries locally in the some amoun or xmu mm comma you $1100 5mm The Grocer buys gasoline and has his car greased and all changed at local iiiiing station So thats another $10231000 $1100 The titling station used the ten dollar bill to my some prlnttng and thats $1000 Tire printers wile takes the ten hunks owny irorn him anli hays pair oi shoes tram local store and thats $1000 Tire shoe man buys an electrical appliance and thats $1000 $100 $100 5100 The electric stores hookkeepcr gets the $10 in her salary and she buys some dry goods and thats MUGGS AND SKEETEK it The dry goods store in turn needs incl oil and there goes the same tendollar hill So thatsanother ten dollars spent locally 51000 10 The oil distributor buys tribes for his truck or some hard ware and the cycle slnrts all over again Nll wan tua $100 warm Rusrv FASTE 1000 5100 310000 $100 Dollar Circulating From Customer To Merchant To Wan Earner Adds Wealth livery Time it Changes ilanrls its Worth It Stack oi Dollars ldlc itr Safe Deposit Vault oar can Replying to petition signed by all the heudyot benches osrocia tions and presented by the chair man or the crnirai caroclnllun Mr Farrah which requested the arses mcni ritpnrtrnenl in Toronin be wired to auirt to adjust the as lusmcnt so as to establish levelling oil on buildings council him to page twelve please II Aszrwu our HERE cRAaoatIN youR DARE FEET weak Alidme our man ES ALI avsrcrz arbour OVER THIS arwnls ro Intanuch small amount down and regular monthly1 payments will give you the ycarround cumian of on lino Oil iiurncr Quicker cleaner more rclialrle heating rhatr what you get with on lino Oil turnerwith One Year Warranty irackctl lry imperial Oil Limited Your Vnmnry inciudcs lycarï¬uarantoa against faulty material anti manufacture complete checkup oi lrurncr ciï¬cicnty mt rervice cailr and free inrpctrion Ark your dcrlcr about imperial Oil Brcrgrccn Contrau which qurtntccr your supply of ifsro luruare Oil Ella lurrmc Oil cuntrim In additive to help prevent nut and dumb Mimi hum tturaga tankr Contcrlyovrmuullathrind ollha neuroticnlu oI AUTHORIZED AGENT BARRIE 8t ELMVALE DISTRICT WIILLWIN ELECTRIC SHOP 54 SOPHIA ST Phone 3230 Barrio RES 193 IAYFIELD 5T SuI rrAme coma our LOOKIN LIKE Wlild MUN DU Ilmli DRAW iT DRAW EDME IOU Ix THEN DCCIDG THING II carrying charges on your