Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1954, p. 1

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90th YearNo 108 lions and Guests Ehioy Gathering At Springwater Although me evanan was cool ere was good allcndnncn ur he unusual ye regular weekly mecllngol the Lions Club Bar th Springwatcr Park on Thurs day Fortunately the breeze was rum the cflsl and dld nul pcnclralc through In heavy lrcc gruwth to he paVHan and full jusllce wn dune la supper An nuldoof menu cum hcl dngs and plenty of come servcdup by Reg Aym Two inlercsllnz fllrns were Ihownthrauzh hc courtesy two firms McColeFronlenac on Co loaned bcnumul calor mm on the apple cuunlry Xn the State of lndlann and other npplc pro dune OI lhc VS Graham Davis 01 he local slnfl handled the projector Ind also 100k charge or the sccnnd lllm whlch wns 1mm the Fircalunn Tin Ca dcplcung also In colnr Ilu Homlclrln Hundred the speed car rues nl lndlannpclll This was lonncd lhmuuh lhc cuurlcsy Boyd Ganshurc The large pnvlllon was Men or Iqunrc nnd rounddnnclng Ind was enllvcncdby hn cnllln n11 Ayrcs The orchestra supplylnl Imnpy muslc was cumblnallon nf lrumch wxaphunu piano and rum with vlolln by Orval Fluv hnmlar the squares Olhcn the personnel were Harvey John Icn Hus Runnld and Mm Bund wny and with the cm wcnlher Ch zcncrnl mlnlun all anemi lnl was swull umc Harold Dnrch had much du will hu Irmngcmcnls TIIE 0N EARL ROWE MP for DullerlnSlmcoe ls seen here ntpp thepubllc address system traller when he officially opened the annual Cookstuwn Fall Fair on Frl day Although there was slight full of ram belore the lulr Ily KliN WAIJ ma yml hut mm mm Hm Mm mu kill uu rllnmu mm wnu alvvn mm rm mu plnlll mm For IIII Iu vrrh llu mmw Mlllllyn Ihll lm lmn much In uw nrwu um llw puhllu mu qu hwlvvdly lhn Inn mu mmllmx ln Imlhv huw Vurinu plumI nru lxyluu lulu lhr M1 by 1ququnmnuuon wlUI Mildly NHIHI my muva Ill quickly null nur Hm ImpmMun rvndluu The Daily Nuuu szI Ulnl hr Hvlln wvll nulhr ll rulrwny Hw mush Iluwuvnr lhry Ilvrli Wm mulln mm HAHN Hum lip lhvn Orn Hn lmkrl IIml Tim unlmnncvd tnluully llml Mmllyn hm nu mun lvhm we Mm uumlnn nrw 10090 Mun pull Hunk wr nw nul lwrn uhlv Hnmhm Km lmnmuv nzwnxmwr hml 51 Marilyn va11 um Iw mu um yrur In Ilm hilt rune bark t0 Mum and um Mnnlyu Mt 1m wvok wmk rm Ir mu Tclr pholw In 1mm wIlrm In In Ir Illclummd lllll w1llln 11w Slcrmlrle In Illnum In uru Hm manuu ma irnflrmnn hum lhll mvlmlulxlly 1mm Ilm Inlvnl nunlly Nu wnulvl like In uml Mm null Hunk lur llw lufl Inmumlvm mm ml lludllm kum 11 Dr Cvlqulon 11m cmm Tum in mu lwo plum Tho Fir Column AN mmm mum Sawing TOWN OF BARBIE AND COM BINGO ENTOMQL OGIST Hon Earl RoWeOpens Cookstown Fall Fair wr nw wry In Mr claim any UH yum Since 1364 5M also IM 1w th Former Town Unilgd Minisler Named Secretary olfieneral Council United Church of Canada former mlmstcr nf Colllcr Shecl United Church Barrie has been named Scerclary 01 he Gen and Council or The United Church of Canada succncdflnx the lale Rev Gordon 51500 DD Rev Ernest Edgar Loni DD minister or Humbercrcst Church Toronlo has been appointed chief cxccullvc nfllccr The Unucd Church Canada Rev George Darcy DD has been Aanx Secre lary slnCQ Hm death Dr Slscn Dr Long was born In Brighton England Ills lather Harry 01hr Lung rclldu In Wondslock Dr Long was educated at Wood stock Colleglnlc Insmutu Woud stock Dapflsl College Vic orln Cnllexc BA 1914 and lon Theological Seminary BD magna cum lnude 1021 Dr Lang was urdalncd by thc Lundnn Conference In 1920 15 paslnralcs include Avcndale Church TlllsUnhurK Collier Slrm Church Barrie Trlnuy Church Kirkland Lake FalrmoumSL Guns Church Momma and MS prcscm charge al Humbcrcrcst Church Toronto Dr Lang also snrvcd ln student missionary Held In Saskatchewan and Norlhurn Ontarln He has been chairman nI Emma Insbytcry and Mumer Presby lcry In 1952 served us Prus ldtnlul lhc Monlrcal and cum Conlcrcncc He hxu been mem ber of the Exccullvu ox iencral Councu mm 1033 lo um um 0ro Township Is Now Included In Simcoe East Part 0m lnSpectoraIe lhu rvuulnr lmvllnu of Um lnwmhln muutll wzu sun In lhr lnwn hull wllh mtmlwm prmm mm new 5mm unnpmu Hmu uxc wrn man nmnbrr nv lmuuunknflmu ppmmm Ilnnnnlu ml vavlmunrl Nubllwm Ml rml llunl 5cm Gilnml 0mm Im ury Lu Drunlmwnl ll Munlrhml Mum lluvlrl erl 1mm 51mm AuIMy lhnllh Unll mm mm Kry hmmm Nowmn llw wyrl Amuy mum Mmnu mum nu rrpnll um rmnlmllrr unnllnu um hm mm llCAF 5mm mrmd mu nuruuxl rmuuuvrn um mum wlu nt ullmmum will be nulme In null UMIIIIII quMy mp mm va wm Ivrlmlrl In 511mm ml leln IunMy 11 mm wrrhmnr mum ulmIII urcmm mm um nullity Ito wM vay pm nu mlwllvlnhm Jun or mun mm null rum 1rlI1nlI mn mm in mm nt wncruluu In Arup man ranum Immlwr hyllrh runlmdl wm mum mm wa mndo In Ilw hm Wham llnw mrnl Asnvvclnlhm mm mm mm Alnu wrlr wrmuru mm mm MM umva IVIVIIIINI MIMIHHIK ol Numth Iml Ir whqmwnl mmmn ml Iu mm mr pm no mm mm nl IUI rumruluu llnld In wvlnkwlIM 11 mm mm mwnmud rM Vi lnr wmk Mm lluvllvd Aunnl pay nhwlu Mr ww Mud um pm pm pnymrnl lemul mull llmllru WM nlln AIIIHHIHCIHNHI Irrrn null Iry luquuhvr Eacnu mth Mum Wurlnr lur 51mm 17m llr Impuhlmll II nnmrl ur lrmhm in HM thrlI IN yrar IMM nww In 11 hwhnk llvr namrI Hu IlnH In llw pullllv urlmull 1h nn wlmn Imn umIunIly er wllnllmrxl HIry urn IUHHWL IunInl Tuwmhlu Hellunl Am Nu mu lwlmdn Mu Hm Ylunm 5m lwlry Clmk mmlr mm Lenny nunnm IL Dullhrr Dnlolhy Dawn run Um SUMUL mm Mncwnnm Mu rm 1mm mum Dunnlll lmmhud Arlml nun khmh Mu IMIII nuum Im uuut Immnu nnnn Ewan MInlIy Imwm Mu mu Ken Mu Juyrp Munll Mu Mlnl lnllumll Mu IM lynv Wuum lnnlllll Tnnmnlp Hrhnnl Arup llydrn rmumu mum mun mum wm mum mm mldfl In Il DWI Wham llnw lmlll Asnwlnlhm mamanull nmmwhmmumn ammamzfixammpr got underwéy andskles remained oVercast practlcally all day some 2000 vlsltors attended thalalrpwhizm was de scrlbed us being one the best In the Societys history mm 1052 1pm It was armnn of the Com mlsslnn on Civil and Ilcllmous lecrlyulrpm 1054 mum The United Theoloxlcal Cnllcfle Mammal contcrrcd Doclmnlc 01 Dlvlnlly on Dr Lonl In 1052 Dr Long married loDorolhy Ellulmlll TOYD PhD Toronto The L0an hnvn lwo chlldrcn Dr ban married lo Ellubclll Toys PhD The Lcnfls hnvn lwo lvlLr II and Ellzabcxh EN DE ERNEST LON Hhup mum claim rccrlvrd mm ilnwlunl nmr lambs kmm nnd mu om Injured was unlvml mlvl ul lllr vlllulllmn Human SIVtrIIl Iuumnln ulru nulnm mm mm mlJmnIumnl math wuh um Inrcllnu xrl lur Orl leaching Stall Simcoe Cenire Public Schools BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY SEPTEMBER 20 1954 Amnng the first year sludenu unrulliml al unflvenllm and nlher places 01 higher Icamlnz th year are several 1954 graduate 01 ihu Barth Dislflll Collegiate 1n Bamz lute BDCI Graduates Enter Colleges medlél Jack Clcmmnns Ronald Kcast Russell Slnndcn Daflon Mnanl and Gary Dayllss have rcflstemd the llycrwn Insuulv Tech nulogy In Toronto nnd Thoma Hrownlvzy ha cnrnllnd the Royal Mlllmy College in Khul stun wth Gnrald Educ K5 tending Royal Roam Mllllnry Cul lm at Victoria nc Enrolling lunchcrs collnze his year are Donnn Knlshln Carole MacDonald Myrna Syn null Pnulcln McCann Len on Bowman Shirley Chur rlnfilcn Wilda Davidson Marnyn nslcll Tthma Pcnmll Jenn noleushlrlcy Rupert and Shirley Chrlsum 255 Klllykngh PIHCUI Jnrdnm 10Thnrnlun Donald Nlcholls lo Slmud Dora Marlln Mu Hose Loughccd John SamMl leKVIle Mu Eldn Shannon 12 Holly lclcr nnluk nulh Cllnnncn 12 Crlwlurdl Mrl Aud rey llnllynrd 13 Inlnlwlck Mn Inil Mnrlln Mrs Blanche Cumin IJA Mincll Mn Murlcli Jnmluun Mrs Hucl uwlmV Mrs Wilda Jnllnllun HI my Inlnl Anne Hukcr Lv Knock Mrs Tull Zuluen 11 St lauls Vlllnl Huhbcrl Vwn rawnuun mm Am Nn Cumllrs Mrl EHI MlllNl Umbull Orchard 7H IInr Jim Murder Mmlulrxl Mm Munnnrcl Nowwn Mn Iona Ilublnlon chnl Mm Lllllnu Nu mm 31 Frrlululv Mnrlnn WIENKIL Vlulu Wnrkunlln IZA Vlclnr IAuwvn L1 Ill how Wnllrr thun 11 Scc mul Lllw John lllrksru SS MlllllllllV Mll Lutllln Jun Mn Mnullu Vuunu USS 11 Hdtnvnlr Mnrlo Cullrrll U534 IUW IAh vllr Mu Ilene Park llllur II Aner MHlfi Mn Mnlld Mvicnlft ELi l9 Mlnulxll filnllunV Mn Nluu IL Walllu wm umnlmnury Tawmhlp erwul Aru llunkcnnn Aimmum mu Muml mm Halllc IuInl Dululhy mm rs mm Had hmun lumclr Mkllllelun mhylv NNl ml thrvn hunch Em llmwll ll Huwlu Mu Madr Htvn Mvwnll Mmml llrnuul mm Fruuum In Newlnu llulvlmvm luluI Irnmn Ilnknlun John II Allen oullml Mu Ulnvlyl KIrku III nllnwl Mu lulu Km III lilrrlnl mnrn llmcl Lamml In Mllunl Mu mm llnwyrhllk Illdlovd rum mm Cull mum runny1 Myvue mam Mm mu Mu mm mm Mu um um hunl Mn rumI Mypru Mmld 5mm um wowL Illnonnl MIuIn Nupflvlnu WIIIMI MKLMII IIIIQ IIul MKolvry AHIIlon VI hL llmn hIP Hindu mmul hu wlll In my NI lur Wont Mullmhury mm me clnumrm now Illulrr runInlcflvvn ll mmblelnl Quokstown Annual ran Fair fiAttrgcts Over 2000 Visitors Desnite OvercaSt $000000 This has been one of mi most successful all talrg we have eyer held sald Kenneth Crawford secretarytreasurer of the Cookstuwn Fair Socety1n describing the 915MB whlch wns hjeld at Cookstownfin Friday Desplle the Him 01 raln some 2000 yuppie 1mm various pm at the calmly were on hand when the Hand Earl Rowe MP or Dumrln lmcoe ofllclnlly opened the me Gcnurally onlrius showed an In crease uvur last year and judges were cdmmenung favorably on the fly qq ly the many and vulch exhlblti Heavy llamas In thclclydusdalc class Robert Slumy ni Elmvalu the anly 2n uant tank total our first prizes iur brand mare with colt by alda spring colt best animal on iinp pest teamin harness Puckean 01 Belgian Graham oi Barrie was the outstanding cxhlbltor in this ciam calicctinz tntal two firsts and hrgc Sflcnnds Sheldon Walker Sharon had two nuts and three thirds Hughm Bras nl Strnud had one first and one second while Kell Bros Churchill had one first Agricullural 0r Vllun Tap prizes in this ugcuon want In Fleming Son Elmvalc whu look Ohm firsts Spencer of Thornton had two rats and two sccnndu Wray Robsun Alllslonhad unc first and lwn lhlrds EL Ayers Goldwater had one firsLnnd one second whfle glfricMlflfldalc Dairy had one ISL The special or the bnsl groomed hcaVy drnn hursu want Shcldnn Walker Sharon wit Graham Barrie sccun Carriage Class Mlnn Mann Pelerbnmugh cnmplulnly swept the boud with him entries in this class taking total 01 five fllsls and three sce onds Mrs Wheeler Ilillsburgh had win thirds undam Class Umphrcy llawkestonc markcd up olnl xuvcn 11le npd one gec9nd 1n ihlf Tee hnd nnc ninrihmc umis and one thlrd lony Clm Th lions share the award In Ith class went to Dame en ranls Webb and Lowe lnok three um and one second Gar nct McEnchcrn had two firsts hm warmth and one third whlle Malcoan hnd lwo flrsU lwo Mean and mm third Drucvrch Slroud hud one first and one second cmlo Chnmnlon bull award Shnnhom class wcnl llarvlu unrlc who lwn nrsu one second lhlrd lllOlll MlTMN JOIIN Him Mil ufllcnr cmmnmumm ROM mnuon Camp Bordon In arcnlnylpg L110 Alr Fun wrcnlh AI uorucn fillllluylug hc apeclnl llnlllu oi Umnlu memorial nurvlco held the Cenotaph Hume yum any mumlnu Other wrcntm ln hlhulo lo lhnno who lust their nm were lnld hy tho In Memory of Battle bf Britain Heroes fin lhu Judge also had and one Champion cmalc nvlard went to William New Strand who also had 1mg first placing three seconds and lvyo hlrda SEroulc Slroud Iad re serve champion bull and reserve hampkzn female awnrdu plus two first prlzuplhrcc seconds and two lhids Awards in thls section were shared hewccn Barrie and Mfldland cnhy Ed GrcnlerMid land took first place wiih me grand champiunbull grand cham pion lemme Inur firsts Qwo sec ond and two thirdl Cook Harrie had he re serve champion bull and female hhc flrsLs one second Domains Brelhcl Tollcnham tank he awards Ior champion hull rcservc champion bull and champion malc He also had two first anu three suconds Cochranc Thurman ook the reserve champion female three lrsls and on tying Em ixench Cooksluwn had one first Aynhlrcs In this class Jermey Barrie tank first and sccnnd placings in each class he entered cakln the championship awards Ior bu rc exile hull Icmale and reserve te ma Jersey Bert French Elmvaic was top exhibitor in this class capturing the uhampiunship nwarda or mm and male and reserve champion or kmalc He also had three flrsls five seconds and hrce thirds Bab Spmulc Slroud had the rcserve champion bull one am lwu secondu andtww third IL Tilman Churchill had lhicc firsts Foiled Anm TL inncs Midland was the only cnirnnt in his clues in twaJcc titans champinn icmale uhd junior and senior hciiu cal The spcclal or best herd pure bmdhnel auln wcnl In Sprnule Second place wu taken by Wllllflm New and mm by Ed Grunler The spcclal far bull herd pira bml dairy came wan to Dm Ihel Second was Ben French and hhd Cochranu Show In the uncnnlulcd Oxford class Drcuwl Tulknhnm luck every class gaining the mm and second awards In the Soulhdawns Percy Reynolds Bond and who rook the nwnrds There were no alhcr mlrltu In Ihl Mr Mn Cruw 05K11595 cmmnt In the Shropsher chm also look all uwnrds flaxalum in thls section wuro Town nnmomu Royal Ganndlnn Armyv Dump Bordon MM Elation Edgar IlX Depot Imam tho nmm Army the Can ndlnn Lesion noynl Jamaaln Ben 0mm sum and Royal cunndlnn Mr cmm nar IIG In the Suffolk c1333 Mick Hllhsburgh took five inland tnurseconds Grant Slayner look one first and three seconds while Crawford had one fink Swine Carscadden Sroud hai our firsts three seconds and two lhlrds William Braden Allhlon tuck twn urns three seconds Ben Steers Bradford had one mm Ilfd three thirdl Th1 spam tvr bu herd of purebred nwlnc wgnl tn wnuam Braden The rpocml or bug saw ln show wen In Carscadden Graln Ind and Fall wheat 15 Mrs Gould Ecc tnn 2nd Wlllam Mllllgnn Cockl lown Barley lat Mrs Gould While oats lst Eertram Stew an Bullnn 2nd Mn Genrge Holt Thornton Alslke lat Ecrlrnm Stewart Red Clover lst Belram filew 2nd Mrsr George Hull Potatoes and knoll Early polgtocs 15 Mrs Earl Carr Cookstnwn 2nd Mn George Cafruthurs lvy Swede mrnlps vlut Ben Stetn Bradford 2nd Mn Ben Elects Swede turnip bronze tops Be Slag find Steam Mafigolds 12mg 15 Mrs Shess 2nd Kennclh Robinson Cooku tnwnfi Mingolds intermediate Isl Mrs Sumrs 2nd Ben Slcenl Sllnge cor lul kehnelh Rob hlson 2nd Mrs Genrge Hall Garden Vellum Hubbard squash Docior Weather Today Mostly Sunny Fresh Breezy The gnller mu at In wuek wu clnudy Ind cool wlfll nln on Montiy 1nd wcdnudu Ind In Im on Bumday Ind 2y Hnnrhy mnmlnl mm Ihnnder Num wm manly cool wllhln law 31h no troll hu hum nuled at Mlnaln lolnl Enn dny wu llnrlou will tong Ind nametlmu mm wut wlnd glvlnx ullnn Ihrlll Tod lndlulu clear Ind Innny but coal wllh fresh wlnd Sept Hem Seal BtnL BenL HIDL SevL Sept Temperlures wax euly c1333 Muck five mu and Grant SlaYngr um Loy uofibm wzonswr ad 5mm 5c sing copy 12 Pages Two 0th Six Polio Cases Reported During August Only case of pollomyeuul occurred In Slmcoe County dur ing Autuxc Whooplnl coth Ic tuully lapped the Hat of commun cable diseasu the areaecu lnu to the monthly report at county health unit Then were 13 cases ygporugl mpn tuberculash hennu Ullllnul vuv Squnsh any other kind Mm Earl Cm 2nd Mrs George Cn rmhers Parsnipst 152 Mm George CI xutherr 2nd Kenneth Bournem Pumpklns Isl Mn Bob Wen lnke Bradtordkznd Mn Ecmlca Leadm Cqérksrtmy Wnulc Bernlcgcnhmg In 10 Grahlm Cagklitngi uranlm anwwu Ciahhagc Mrs My Good allow Strand 2nd Mm Em Cur Red Clbhlge Kanneth Rob lnson Tomfloes 15 Mm Roy Goodm low 2nd Mrs Granary BI Tomfloes 15 low 2nd Mrs x1e um WMermelonn lat Mm Geotla Cnrrumgn 2nd Kenning Romy 7011mm low low Celery 15¢ KathlcenMumbel son Cuokslnwn White onions 131 Mr Grahum Yellow onlom Mn gory 2nd Mrs George Clnulhusv VPot onions Mu Em Curr lele been me Mrs Spen cer Thornton 2nd Kennem Rob lnwn Table umh Intermediate 1m Mr Borden Nlmn Cooknown 1nd Kennuh Roblnsnn Long canola Mn Earl Curr Sweet corn luL Mu Betty Do flay Amxlon 2nd Kenneth Rob VOtEer Snsdn very low with Mrs Goulfi Baton taking nve mu ma npple Iec tIon Ind Mrs Roy Gondtdlow mun one am In the puns Bury Pmth Mlple syrup Mrs Roy Goodtellow 1nd Mm Gaunt Eng whne Hull han Emmy Caakllnwn and Mn GCDrle Clrrmhum brawn Ihell Funk Broley 1nd Mm Gould Dumullo Balance White braid ht Mn MIX wcll Banla 2nd Mn Genus Hon Thurnton use him Mm lhrmln Corrlun 2nd Kennem nablnwm Ollmnl couklu Mn lnnk Mumbman Cookmwn and Mn Earl Cm Cookies Mm Gould Pomo nhd Mn Em Cur 2nd Mn Ben 8mm Herman COME aegrla llqll uuleu nu CDCDIIIM mucuaonl In Mu Gould 1nd Mrl Earl Curr Ltmon llru Ill Mu llzrmln Cumznn 2n Mn Burden lenn Butler hr It Mn Earl Curr 2nd MN llumn Cor Angelak2 slam 2nd Mn Borden leim Chchu bunr Mm Eul Curr 2nd Frull Clue4 Entrlu 1313 clause um mu mu um Decorltd birthday ill Mn um sum Ind Mr my anney Bun mufllnu lit MI Hanging Mrs clean erou lPDnli Ne Hrnnln Comm 2nd 2nd Mu uuum lumpkln mu Mn John Mun 1nd Mn lilnrl 2151 Mr 11de nun mu Humcmnde muly Mu Bm 5km 2nd Mfl Gould IJdItI Walk Cnnnnl Tamlow Mn 1an Cur 7nll Mrl 1901 Us Cnnnnl Tamlow Mn 1an Cur 2nd Mr mom Uol cnnmd pn Mn cram Nhum and MN Gcnrsn ClfluHh Ell Clnllml rum Mu nardrn lenu 1nd Mn llermln Conl Cumed nlrnwbnrlu lllfllll Cunlun 2nd 1th legn Illpbflllu lnL MII quld 1nd Mn 1er fumed chrnl III Dub Wnlflnkl Ind Mr lkmhu len Cnuml pruhu Ill Mm flor don Nhum 1nd MII loom llufl Clmml pun lL Mn 00m Ila mm Mw Gould Ellwbtrry hm den Nllun 1nd Jul Dor um mum um Imh mu Mu Ooul Mu llur nun Apia onyx Mu 00m llul 2nd Mn Ounu mlrm Mm 1110 1nd II urdln Nl an Cucumber ch chow In mm Down Ind Mn ma Nllvn Nlnl dly lull II Mu lull Elma um MN uuum Chill alum Mu Imam Iml Mn Karl Cm 5119 than ouul 1p Mn dnuln hollulr am slum In Mn flou law of MI Cherp IL IL Mn Don Elm Mrs My Goodm lal Mn Mn Mu MN hrl Mn Dur

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