Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Sep 1954, p. 7

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CHAS THORNTON Accused Auctioneer 1M lewnsh Street ORILLIA MamKn Supplied and Inslnned Frec Bllmflm Skrczy St Tenders vlll be rccalvad by he undenirned nnlll mm EDT September 13 1956 for Further inmrmalion and Tender Fnrms may be ubtalncd flu 01mm of 1110 Tuwn Engineer 24 Ruben St anost or any lender na necessarily accepted FLOOR COVERING WOLFENDEN DULLELI IUIVD Na collecunn In em Cmdn Bureau at Sumo County OArmntrdngs Flour Covering Llnoleums Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plaslic Wall 11 Phnne collect on auction In order to Orilua 6761 in mm in mm mm mu THE WILSON BUILDIN Tender will bb rcccivcd by me underslgnLd up to Friday eplcmbLr 17 or Stoker Coal me Mnsunlc Temple Building for me 195155 m4 Lowest ur any undcr nal necessarily accepted FOR STOKER COAL Henry Elrlck EBAY COACH LINES MANAGING AGENTS Owen St Barrie 10310 EARTH EMBANKMEN CONSTRUCTION ulnsa um 745 pm 845 um 1245 51010 pm To OWEN SOUND 1050 745 410 pm Moll pm cxcupl Sun um Sun 1101 sm Only oxccp sn Sun 1m SnL Sun an um nAvucnr TIMI1 Tlckfls and lnfnnnmlun BUS TIME TABLE 13 ciuilcr St Phone 5511 MISCELMNEOUS 1mm 19 NIAGARA Talk about What Is FEINSURED lOAN under yuu uh In Me lmuml my um ml on lun $1500 or Inn Our mmplny mm Mum lnlflllnc pqu to du III ah PM Impl uy you mnow 701 lmm Iln ah PM turan uy you mnow 701 lmm Iln llmI you buuuw will he llml yum lu plymem III pnymcnu ynu Illll on Nllnu covtud whl llhlmunnce uppylllll Innalm lm our nummm II In nouuuynpnylnu llulevuy llmc IIII Inlllllnu rompn nllu luu hm Im pol Imufl nu mu unumm Any hum 1hr wduld b1 mmull In In mun wnn um 41 In Ihlnl Illmmm ll him Illml mullnl loan pymcnu TIIII II mu lndkulun I7 VI 10 ImIlo ans In Iulp l0 yuym In lml IN hm punnula dull WI Illhnk 1111 In our ampy Io yml neul mom why yml nul Inn 70 In lulu In nu um um dmp In or plume TENDERS COLLECT IONS BUS TERMINAL to rncuhrlduc nnly lo Orfllin nnly FrL Sal Sun Hal only To IENETANG Terms nasonable Van In Elfect LEAVE BARIIIE Nut Hay Io Torah ciukTrcnsurerj 103104 CALDER 145 pm my pm 210 am Fiona 4131 mo pm no pm Phnnc 5135 599 240 pm 145 pm 45 pm 57574 mama EXCAVATING DEMOLITION 0F BUILDINGS 101 son on nu CUSTOM CUPBOAEDS TRIM WORK Modem bum1n cupboard sped nlly Call or in umu Phone 5081 An our floor Hubby mm nur In Speed Floor Sandu Ind refinish 11k new Reasonable mu All mm flour nnuhcs nvallabh Vinyl Ashrams Asphnlt Lina Rubber Styro Plague Wall IARD GOODS Unduflly Plywood Cuunm Taps HARDWOOD Lnld Finished CARPET SERVICE Mllerlal Supplied Installed TRUCK Lettering and Sign Painl Ing Phone 503 103108 WOOD CUTTING done In Barrio Ind dflslrm Phone 4170 5102103 BOYDB PAINT AND WAILPAPER I9 Clapperton St Ph 5206 5131 FERGUSONREID Floor Service TILE 5215 aim repairs Phch 57230 503104 LOCAL Truckan dune Jnc Carncy Orr prime 4336 ROOFING and well digging done Alsn chain naw work Hamid and Joe SM RR No On Smuon Ont 5103101 PLATFORMS anq Pack buillflfnflr FOR FURNACE nnd cmmney gunk on Robinson and FURNACE and chimney Clean lng Chimney bull or rcpnlrnd Cnll HamnDrlnkle phone 4082 59510fl DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promplb tor unitary d1 E051 Phone collect Banla am ordnn Younl Limited HIM thofiumd AND public Stenngrnnhy mm Buunzu can 80 Toronlv st BlnleflPhnnm 4824 Play Tie Al Alllslon Al the baseball game on Monday evnnlnl Everett or he nnnl plnyofl the score was Evereu New ancll One the lumen crnwds ever in assemble was on han to wilnnss the gnmv It was dccldcd the la xnmv would be de cldcd nl Alllsmn on Thursday evening Sept Schorol fair In Llsla Tomorunllu rurnl schunl lalr will be held Ll on Tllursdny Scpl Every Thurat It no Elmvnle Cammunfly Elle rcnn Phonn Whlllon 1M Elm vnlu 59H Thumlly Sepl MIThoma Frnsvr EV 10 Can Em Twp Alltliun Sale arm slock and Im plcmcnls Sale at pm anm EflJL IL MCEth Aucliunlcr In Unnlu 1mm Saturdny 5am Ibflucllcn xnlu nl humchulu lumlluru or Mu Donn ManIrul Slrtol Anuus Ttrma cashl LIN pm nhflrp me CommllnI Aucllunccr 102407 hnlnrday HEIIL IK The under lencll will sell hf public nuclun hum slack and mulrmrnhl pm Ecrly Lennard Vnnuxe Lo 12 un ll Towmhlr of Wu Cle mhury sun In pm Mm Cnlh Friv1 Smflh Aucllunrcn Ihum 171 Newmanan 103107 Hnlurdly Hull 15 Aucllnn mlr ur vnlunbh mm1mm urnlunju FLOOR SANDERS nrul mm Inr omnmc Ftlvl Iclur 5L Elmvnll Tenn rnflL Hula Ill pm Trnrr Amflmwun 10110th LOADING GRADING FREE ESTIMATE Phone 2813 or 19314 Lvy AUCTION SALES BRUCE CAMERON MISCELLANEOUS MITIHTR Hlllllllfifl Hnmhu HllrkInu ler lypmc Jnlnl IIlItr null lnpe lnlchllu lhulrr Me STEWART PHONE 0351 EVERETT SUNWORTHY SUNTESTED MASTERPIECE LANCASTRIA DECAL TIMNHI HUIHHZIIH Wall Paneling Kils Wilh inslruclion Book Come In Home he WORLDS FINEST In IINIH nlul cnlnrlng and on jobs phunv 4912 lek Ilmm vrr THE HOME OF FLOGLAZE AND COLORIZER 5m104 5400165 82 Dunlop St 4Bnrie 567ll WE SPECIALIZEilN PICTURE FRAMING 513st OATES 1105 1105 Ferndale on Edsehlll Drivc sum ha been made an new oneArnnm school whlnh will not be ready lar occupancy unul Oct ohur at the earnest ln Bgme the new Gunn SIer Schnnl ls reachlnz cpmpleflon other bundlng pmgrams are gn lng on In the surrounding area Al Wasnga Beach which js nnw oulsldc Mr snus area plans were submlllud to file department on Wednesday allernuon Jar oneroom school In No 19 Plus whlch now comes under Mr Ellls Inspectorate In the Village at Wusnxaq Beach in llie Slmcne West inspcclomln an afilliun is under canslrucllun and at Cnldwnter in the new In speclnmlo It Is understood mat the nuhllo school bonrdkls procnhd ing wllh preliminary plans In con nection wnh new bulldlngpm gram Oonflnued mm pie one lhmuaneu campleled 1nd clnssmom wax ndded and occuplefl at Mlncl Point ln Februlry new antmom uhool wlll opén on Sept on the filth side road of Innlsfll an flue um can cession lust below Lmle mu which wlll be qalled Crawlnrd School Nu 12A Inni Growth District Schopl Attendance New Inspectorate twhroom school ls now under cnnslruelion ut Warmlnster Population Growth The growth the school popul allon ln Slmcoc Centre durlng the past 10 years has been nothing short of spectacular Prior In 1943 then hnd been sllght change ln the inspeeloml enrolments Irom year 10 year but In the decade lmt followed the expanslon was rapid The enrolment or the school year HMS44 In the Inspect nrale as September was and Inr the last school day ln June 1944 2972 In Seplcmber 1953 he lntnl enrolment of all schools In the lnspcctnratc was 4398 an In crease of 1836 over the June ll ure or 1944 This increase represented 1018 pupils niicnding rural schools and 818 aiiending urban schools The urban increases wem Barrie i185 Eirwuln Pcnelnngulshenc Pru lcsmm swarm School 55 and the RCAF Sialion Schnal in Ed garr 57 The rurai increase was disltibuled as foiiows Innisiil 568 On 215 Vespra 131 Tiny in part 51 and F105 47 The es inbiishmcm oi twomom separ nic schpolin F105 in NZ alieclcd lhu difference in that uwnshipr As can scan rum these sta tistics the growth of Innlsil Orn and Vespra township has been most nniiccabln Buri Enrolment To Inspector Scoil he 1953 En rolment iigurcs inditale mm in the next uighi yum at least 25 additional teachers may be requir all in rural sections The overall picture showed 450 pup in Grad 381 in Grade 1n Grnde3 281 in Grade 31 In Grade 280 in Grade 158 in Grade and 248 in Grade Br mak in loial rural cnruimcnt ni 2572 as September 1953 This figure will increase lhl Sep lumber and he nurqber Grndc pupils is cxpccied in lake lcurrcsnunding rise Looklnx n1 lust years Hrs grade figures wnuld appear that cw year from now many uddlllonsl classrooms will be required In rur a1 arms mu Errch man or ward enrolled and ma number of beginners LION nDl decline Urban Enrolment Urban unrnlmunl gun show DIRECTIONAL LIGHTS BACKUP LIGHTS RADIOS WINDSHIELD WASHERS SMALL INSTALLATION CHARGE These sMcly nml comlorl accessories wlll add to your drlvlng pleasure nnuunnnm moms 65 COLLIER ST WALLPAPER SPECIALS CAR ACCESSORIES Phone 3270 ed the mind with ref Wm WE Mm and allows 291 mam a1 mam 211 mu 156 pupil Hunt dead lflru5 tenchen includinl iwn music superviser were argued in the inlpetiarate AI at Februlry 1931 here were 171 anthers including three itin erant music supervier one either home economics one industrial am Ind craltx twn ur ban music supervisor one part time our assistant teachers in ihe large urban schools one itinerant pmediai teacher and one township school urea supervising principal Ninflyihroc these were employed innimi schools Rural chmmm In September 1953 the 272 nuai schoni pupils in Simcoe Cen irc lnspeciorate were being no cummodatedin schuols wiih Bi nperating classronms Fillyiwo these clzssrnnms were nne teacher schools with all gradesNi were tworoom schnois two had threeclamoorns and One had live tehchern By February 1954 tour ndditinnai teachers had been on raged Just 10 years ngo ihis samg rural gqurnphic um accommodated Ihe pupils from these seeiinn in 51 oueinncher schools and seven twolteacher schoolv or total 71 classroom This inclem at 18 clmmoms all came into being over lnur 01 he2572 ruréll puplls en mlled In September i953 64 per rank or 1648 pupils were accum mndated in 43 clnsmmmswllh range of enmlmenls oxlendlng mm 32 54 wllh an average 01 38 per classroom decade ago only 24 per mm of the 1554 puplls 369 puplls were nccnmmndaled In 10 classrooms with enrnlmenu extending mm 82 to ahly 41 wllh an average at 31 puplls perelnss mum The slmln 01 heavy rural cnmlment of over pupll wns cnnnned only 10 otwhe 31 teachers engaged ln 34344 bul extended to some43 ol the 85 employed 1053M the 2572 rural nuplls enrolled In September 1953 36 per ccnl were unamodaled In 42 class rooms where he rank intol menl wasmore lavombln cxuznrl in as it did from eight la pupm whh nn nvcmle nl 22 per clnsranm Ten years ago 70 per cent of he ruralnpupns were he tng taugm In In classrnoms whh an average 19 enrolled In each Increuu Pronounud The Incrcnscs In rural school cnrolmenIs are most pronounced In those parts of InnlsIII nnd Ver prn Iownshlpl ndIncunl In Ihc Town Barrie The wInlcrIIInz summer cottages on year round resIdencps In the Iakerhnrn resort areas of InnIsIII cvpcclnlly In the Belle Ewart schlon was respon IN or consldnrane Influx new reIIdcnls and mum than pruporlIonIle Increase In school enrolments cnrmmunu Increases were uisn prnnnunccd in rural farm lands at Ora Innis 111 and Vespru inwnship border inx huhway landing lo Baric and along ndlnccnl cunnnssion lines and sidcroads bcinfl sub dlvidcd iar rcsidcniini purpnses Kenneth and Kulhryn Bowman spent low duy Inst week wllh their grandfather Pallerson And aunt Mlm Pauerson nl Men 03 Mrl Torn Bowman Sr vlsllcd Mr and Mm Tom Hamilton 1n Torpnln qngdnylnsl week lion nflcndcd hc Ilomenfl weddan In Toronlo on Snlurdny KNOCK DIAL 2481 ITIHIEH MIIHWHH $1450 $195 $6995 $815 WI To Maul Sept Churchlll Womens lnulllule wlll hold their regular meeting In he communlly hall on Thursday Sept II 1351 The lndlm Coul snns HI and Belle Ewlrl Insll lulcs have been Invited The speaker or the cvcnlnl will be Dr Ives Stnyner who lell Ehnw colored alldes blrds Ham flower Slmcoc Counly Roll call will be answered wllh un Item for me Twendsmulr book or lorlnll buxom med two chug one In hunter and the nth mu drlv nl Ill pl lhls mornhu puny lo autumn drivan but not gullly Io nunsllurhler Iccepletl by me men nicherdsnn employed Hydro worker we slandlnx Ii the rear eilydrp luck on the highway fiwiih lune other men when ihaDnsoinn vehicle came over ille truth hill Ind Weill uni of wniloi crashing lnla thorur oi the irllck The truck which welxhdd between men and eight tans moved lhree or iuur ieei under the impact oi in collision Wllluc Dunne Pentium wu sentenced Mflx mun lmyflnnmznb Ml Infill It the supreme cant at man wit here In plwllnx nflly tondnrxeot duller on driving Damn the driver car which Wu Involved In In wallan an nigh Burgh which Mumy flown wellknnwn Barrie horny player wzu 115d No avidznce 6v led by the pmsccuunn hut men Munr neyW fllnmlflofl 00 vlewzd the use bllrlly for Mr Juggle Shwm Rfiéflardson Fafal AQcident Driver Gets vSix Monlhs In Brrurlléfil on mm 1K in The Crown allege Hut Ih accused was goln It ngrosuly excesle speed and onuld nut control vehlcle Aald Mr Thfmpson Dmme was sentenced to fix munlhs deflnfle In lhe 0n urln nemnmlory and nix mnlllhl Indemrmlnalt In ul dlllon Jul npenlurl perm was upended or one vur CALL THE EXAMINER FOB HUNTING PHONE ull FARMERS Dont omit to heal your Siud FgHWheat We suggest CERESAN or GREEN CROSS for BUNT SMUT WE WWW Q11 LlLLLSfi 11 Real Lite Slow 01 Mike Ike The Sixleenlh Week PUHINH MIKE Mlku wrlxhrd ln nl 75 ll Iln In llmn MI tllnllnlxnr Iml nuw Mlkr II wny nhrnd WIUI muncan mmllng III lbl Irutlucwl II Iced cult pr ll HM mum wllh llu Mlvnmnnl Iml mm In um lhl flu you Iro Ill Kollhiu Illl IMNIAHHI rnnlrnl lkll bl lInHrm mu Inlan up um Ivmly the um mum In mu mu pulk nuw Incl Woll Fanl getting claw but wom pulling our ball on Mlku to win look or fuvlhov pom Ioon PUNY IKE Sen Tho DlHonnco Purina Make MARKET SQUARE PHONI len It mun It LII In HuhAl nth 13mm SUGGESTIONS FIJI THE FALL EHBDEN Apple Hampm and 6quavl Baskets in stock CHURCHILL SHURGAIN Fall Wheat and nounnu Bulbs tor mu quart Baikal plnmlng expected In about in stock ten dnys 3110er mm co LiMllEll Fertilizer BARRIE FARM SUPPLY COMPARE COMPARISON PROVES The Home null Mlke PHONE 5000 mmww My Av CARROLLAl the Rayn Victorin Hmpilai Barrie Sept 1934 to SgL and Mr Carroll Pro Camp $ordcn son COULSONAl the Royal V1 Orin Hospital Barrie Sept 1954 Mr and Mrs Donald Cuuison duughler Sandra Joyce ngal Victoria DAMERAl the Royal Vlctorln Hmplml Barrle Snpl 1954 LAC and Mrs Damur 70 Blake SL daughter Bar bum Ellnbeth HUEBERTM he Royal Vlclorln Hwnllnl Battle Sept 1954 In Mr and Mrs Alvln Hubberl Na Enrrle daughler HARRISA the Royal Vlclnrln Hospllnl Ban1e Sept II 1954 lo Sal and Mrs Hank RCAC Camp Borden son Paul Ausllm mm Haspnni 1954 to LAC Henderson 5a KENNEDYAt MADDOCKAl lam prnal 3954 an Maddcck Camp Burden unsni finger Tlmnthy MASONAl the Royal Victoria Hospflnl Barrie Sun 1950 tn Mr and Mrs Charles Mason 12 Main 51 son OLIVERAl Hie Royal Victorla Hos lul Barrie Sept 1954 EL and Mrs Flay Oliver 70 Run Road jaugmer PEIHTM the Rays Victlaogln Save your garden reluse sum 11 cpfnpost pile with use at ACTO or COMPO Your garden son will be greatly enriched Prepare your lawn now for all seedlng We suggest the following Iertlllzers SOGREEN SllUllGAIN MILORGANITE BONE MEAL SHEEP MANURE If your 5011 ls hard dlg In some Pent Moss Then use some at our No ann Grass Seed If starting new lnwn try our speclnl Mlxturc lttmnk as an excellent sad Kennedy 222 dauth mm Hbspnial gm Mr The nlory ynu allow THE BATTLE CONTINUES ma Barth Se and Mrs thn 51 son the Royal V1 Barrie St und Mrs cben Bradlurd 51 he Royal Vlc Barrie Sept any Mr ma nmmrzxnmmzn WEDNESDAY sax1 1954 fir and Mr Piny raumwm St sun lJnhn Laurence smdsgsM Eu mygl Vlc CpL Ind Mrs PAIR Mm els Poinl sum PARRYA the Royal Victoria flusmhl 35319 59111 73954 The second and nnnl lnslalment of me 1954 Taxes are due and gamma the ulficc at the Town Treasurer Municipal Building Cnlller Slroct Barrie an or am Friday September 10th Bunla Onlnrlo WYNESM the Royal Victnm Hospital name Sept 193 In Mr and Mrs Elwood Wyncs Ema Bond son Suplcmbur 3rd 1954 103104 tom Hmmul same Septffi mil to Mr and Mrs Gordon Sturzm RR No Utopia 1i YORK CHOICE CREAM STYLE EASY TO SERVE YORK AYLVIER IN TOMATO SAUCE DELICIOUS IIOT BREAKFAST QUICK COOKING SPECIA BOLOGNA BEANS Crnwn or Caron SEALEBS Man JARS Jelly Gnnu llled GOLDEN CORN owlmus SUSHI DEED BEETS TUMBLEBS doz 77c CULVEIUIOUSE CHOICE Ell 15¢ OFF ULMI llllCE LlflllYS CHOICE MIXED VEGETABLES HONELF PLATE 110le PLATE IIIKISKIIII MILD CURE LEAN lEh Liptons Orange Pekoe Tea Bags vka so 60 Al HMOKIZI Ell Il LUE HAND EIIORT mun5 cum canvas Vlifll BURST PUT ROAST CUTTHEE ROLLS BREAKFAST BACON mmnv iv mmcn lUNCHEON MEAT IMF PRIME BIB ROAST UV IT PK DISK Nll EXTRA CHAIN MONHHCH CAKE MIX DEAL IIILNT 0F IIIIZ REASON HSPHHHGUS CUTTINGS KLIIHIITA Fll TUNII rrrlnuamzm mqu 15¢ nltu TOan IL 25c VIIIIII lillunn nunum Illllly Inll Rllunhy Krqu IO OWNED AND IKIIATIII Ill DOMINION MUNICH Llfillllgl SPINACH BLUE GRAPES mad doz 10 bag mu daz CALDER CIcrkTrcn5urcn CHOICE Bulan Bmwnnd sL33 Cu 717 6711 IONIHION Ivalll Hum l69 83 FINISH UIIEIZH rmlun am LOW PRICED RINGS VINEGHH Rubber Jar Glass JAR RINGS sum Meml JAB TOPS Mnsl cconomlcfl Sulphnquln nxnllne all the market In Iii huge volume of sales Mnrkel Sauara ATTIICTHVILV NHCED STAMP fllll CflflfilfllflSlS IMTAW luuln EmuM SUPPLY BARBIE FABM THEJXOME OF IKE MIKE 4B OZPKO 20 OZ TINS 20 OZ TINS SPECIAL 11 OZ TIN 30c SPECIAL 20 OZ TINS pkg Dual 15 an Tina calla 12 at Tn 12 02 Thu II nnnnn sumw Gal SPECIAL dot doL PKG innla 33

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