Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Sep 1954, p. 2

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Ilewson Euptttros SecondSiroight Simone Bounty toll Championship list Powell Three 011 WIIIPIille Don Hewaon of Coilingwood on Labor Day at Bar to Coun Club retained the Bimcoe County mens goli mpiony ship which he won last year on his home course The 0year old University of Toronto mechanical engineering st dent member or the intercollegiate championgoli team last year became the first to score consecutive wins in the county clas sié Monday at Barrie liewson toured thiee rounds tor 27 mm total of 114 His first two rounds were each 37 one over yphr and 40 the last time His net was 10612 At that Hewson was only three strokes better than Barrie éhamplon Art Povtell who had three 39s for 117 bad start each round cost himseveral strokesorhe might well have finished on the top Since the county championship revived alter the war them as winners have been 1946 Art well Barrie 1917 Bill Dyment rrie 104E Emerson Creed Bar 1949 Bill Dyment Barrie 1950 oil Nixon Barrie 1951 Bun An to Orillla 1952 Bill Hack Mid lahd 1953 Don HEWSun Collin plood Weather was excellent and the course in perfect shape Hawson est abltsncd his claim as top goiter 1n the county by toptlight shooting tyli the way drives irons and puts onlyon the 27th when he had the lilram Walker Trophy in the bag did he slip over Pro Eddie Renick ot Barrie was nl iclal scorokeeper and Norm Bitu kin handled the ataniers chore with naisiance at sound system which connectedup the scoreboard with dressing rooms lounge and 51 tee This was by courtesy at can WestgorthTaylor 01 car and pbved big help Although later srting than anticipated the record try 0191 1011ch were all iinlsh bolero pm and the field was running smoothly all day For added and appreciated assist akce was course manager Charlie arscy ho operated Jack Nixons pep an hauled each weary tour me up the steep hill from green to tee six Among other things visitinz geliers from Orillia It idlnnd Collingwood Camp Bold and Lake St George enjoyed as the tine and and scrvrce pro 1deLl by the Barrie club stowards and Mrs Mike Magus The illram Walker Trophy was escntcd to Don Hewson oitcr din by sin Dyment company ins 1ct representative and its 1951 host plain county golf chairman in third lace was the 1952 veteroii aiii liock bi Midland iih 1117 Othcr ross prizes were gven as iollows girst nine hoies Gord Em riipns Orillla 35 Harry Reid Bar rie 39 Jack Callaghan Dorrie it ternoon 13 holes ilrst Iilght ller Varty Orillin 71 Jack Nikon Barrie 110 ilarry ltiotlatl Giulia at second night Gary llow sdn Coiiingwood iii Doug Dalglish Cgmp Bordon 84 Bob Gunning ohlllfl 85 516 Collingwood till Terry Harris 11 rrie Bil Waltcr Down Camp Ii rden 92 Net prim 27 holes iohn Ough Dorrie 100 John Henley Camp uordcn tootr Ray Weblcy Camp on 101 first nine holes Bruce II ynolds Barrio 31 floss Apple tu Barrio 31 Paul Mcgcr Barrie 12 Rev Hewitt Orillia 321 ai toniwn 13 holes Iirst flight Doug Iloltomlcy Orlilla 118 George Dans vrilcld llarrle 68 llon Armstrong Iiarric Don IturnbicI Darrin 70 strontl Illght IIollis ltoblnson Bar rie linzon Edge Barrie 71 Dr Ilnsicit Barrie 71 third ilight Ian Lovell Barrie Col Simpson Midland 71 I105 Pra ctick liarrlc 75 lion Stewart liar rit 75 Some other Barrie scores in the Iirst light were Wlilttcr Iluwcil 134318 or stress 105 not Jock Illlilgirs 154343 131 gross 110 not Gtnrgc Danueriloitl 424042 gross 1051 not IilI Ilutnblc 14045 1211 gross 1053 not lord thdlism grim 100 not lork Nixon tlHM lZl gross 112 itcl George Ktnhtdy iii4240 must 110 not litll Dyrncnt lltJle 1231 Itos 111 not llnrry Iloiti Ill4043 121 artist 107 lift Ntlilli Jointstiinr Ernst 112 not lark Cnilngtlnn emu 1001 not lloh Chlttlck Mlu NJ grout 12011 not award Illllllitle 14144 172 grim IN fltl laul Mom shown 11 Km 10019 mi lliiills Ilislillllntt nrnu 100 not limit Armstrong grout 10th not 434401 1211 121 110140 titUh 1111 4145 131 4141 1le John Ough Ill14 110 0th 100 not 49 OLDS ETIiI itIOMIII Maroon and trip Ilselirslly llomlnlon loyal Muirr tlm Itytllvmlllli tunmin slnn custom rsiilo IIUY WITII CONFIDENCE oi Dunuorttold Motors LIMITED Ilmn Cunlys largest Dealer VIII DWIJIOII Ill NMDOIU 1th third tiighi Charlie Cry Rogers 484447 139 gross 12291 net Hazen Edge 454250 137 gross 1051 net Icrry Hirris 524544 141 gross 111 not Jack Craig 4345413 141 gross 1121 net Bruce Reynolds gross 102 not floss Appleton 464949 144 grass 02 net Jack Lovell 5047417 1M gross 107 net Jack Currie 4104411 135 gross 114 not Tee Tales Jack rtixnn gets first unotliciai prize let the strangest shot of the day His tee shot all the sixth hit marker squarely and hounch 100 yards due backiyard into the creek running through the galley Then he shot another with two rolie pcnaity still made the par vc hole in six Fraleigh Crowe had another uniriue exper lence of the first tee his drive sailed majestically oil to the right artd over the road But down the airway there was his bail un mistakably the first shot Either it hit somethingand bounced or could someone possibly have picked up the hall and thrown it back on 404850 144 the course One prominent local goiter was unable to take part They tell us he assisted in trying toeapture runaway man key and hat bit in one arm Greniel WA sale of homemade baking and bazaar at the Barrie Market Saturday5ept 11 103 Reserveyour table early and dance at the Iolly Farmer Elm vale Saturday Sept 11 912 Ad mission 5Dcv 103 Thrctact comedy playI Zeke and Daisy ivy Orange Hail rri day Sept 10 330 pm presented by Thornton YPU Admission 35c and 15c 10 Mixed dancing every Friday Pine Crest filmlioa north oi Bar rte on Highway 27 or 7mlles south of Elmvole Music by Hep tonrs Admission 50c 132tin Dancing irom 9130 at Thorn tort Orange liall Friday Sept 10 Beattys Orchestra Lunch counter Sponsoredby 101 No 16 Ad mLssion 50c 103 Womens Auxiliary at the Air Cadets will hold their first meet ing at the all on Wednesday Sept 15 at the home at Mrs Wollenden Berezy St 103 Egbert United Chureh anniver sary service Sunday evening Sept 12 at 730 pm Special speaker Rev Kellogg Conlistown and music by Thorn ton Choir 103 Plus FREE 38 UAYFIIILD ST Trade pooilllll 5995 EXTENSION TABLE with Itrbnrlie Top vClIAIIlS plastic covered seats and backrest 21 pro BREAKFAST Strum SERVICE FOR FOUR with the purchue at any chrome set in our store T1115 OFFER 1001 FOR ONE WEEK ONLY iiont tiiiiiitsitiitos Terms oursrts vnntous 571MB PHONE 2114 Free Delivery iLL MOIDER DA BUM tony Onionlo hruvywetoht thallena who taught at Dyer IJOKOd by tovls Ions 19 ONE OF It iERlES PRESENTED BY BREWERS SINCE 17 uuiiuii Still in Hopes Fiyers Operate Ail attempts to keep sae Buflo Finn Hoeley Club in the 01 Junior circuit have sited but off lchl poorest are still in hopes that an arrangement unbo sisdo belore the next meeting olmrowloliocklv Alla clauon Court Rained Out ilhe exhlb1tlon softball game which icntured the King and Hi Court here Saturday against Bar rlelegton was rained out Ad Vance ticket files it is believed bedehtniled at the Barrie branch of the Canadian Legion on will Owen St et Senior Playoffs Delayed Through Club Refsusals The Iris district senior solt ball Iinals havecome to an abrupt halt aridfit appears the league executt will have to take action on Flcyoitidatesl Barrievieglon who playul Copaeotrotfity some last night and arcentcrcd in an Ontario Legion tournament Saturday 1e Iuse to play any night but Thurs day this week Canadian General Electric have requested Wednesday and Friday to keepithe series moving EMMYAt the Royal Victoria Hirspital Barrie on turdy Sept 11154 hose Barr daugh ier oi the late Sylvester and Elizabethlmrry oi betray Fun eral and interment took place It Belle Ewart Church and Cemetery Sept CARSONAt St Josephs Hospi tal Toronto on Wednsday Sept 1954 Herr Carson be loved huibsn oI Beatrice Len don loving other or Edna Jean Marion and Jack brother oi Mrs Chatterley Barthel of Toronto and Mrs Fred Richard Iron Laura Mldhurst in his oath year Funeral will take place from MeyerscElliott Fun eral Home 715 Dovercourt Road at Blooruat pm Friday with interment at Prospect Cemetery GAVINAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday Sept 1954 Robert Stewart Gavin beloved husband Eiizabcth YIlhornson and dear other of Margaret Mrs Quinlan Nancy Mrs Frederick Cooper Hassle Mrs Harald Cooper and lameSyot Barrie Service private Interment Barrie Union Cemetcr Sept dayi Sept 13 Campbell tNellie Beloved1 wife oi the lateneorge Smith tenth erly or Edenvhle sister2 etMrs H1shop Innisili Slimliarrie Mrs Knapp oi Thorntonnnd Mrs Robert Sirahaghsn 110 Blake St Funeral service ot 230pm Sept at Vancouver SPARROWAt onSunday Sept5 1054 Jean Wilson beloved wile oi Willlum Sparrow in her 47th year dear daughter at Mr and Mrs John Wilson and sister at Hatvie Roman Catholic Mary Ellen Kirkland Lake Wilson Barrio Arriving Wednesday morning at Lloyd and Sieckky Funeral Home Barrie Funeral service at Trinity Anglican Church at two oclockWednesdsY Se Interment Barrie Union trie trry MARRIED MARIONDAUIIIE In St Pai ricks Roman Catholic Church Halliax Joyce Daurte daugh ter at Mr and Mrs Clarence Dourte Mahone Bay and ABEMI Armand Marlon son oi Mr and Mrs Arthur Marion 15 Eugenia St Barrieon June 1954 The groom is stations aboard HMCS Magnificent IBINTING PHONE ms humour PeanuiSuttdtto LUNCII Ai ICE CREAMCANDY resinortnor smear wear room use ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Gordon Clark Shanty Bay announce the engage merit of their daughter Eileen to Mr Joseph McLean son at Mr and Miss Edgerton McLean RE No Barrie the marriage tole place It Guthrie United Church HAWKESTONE Thanksgiving services at Hawke slone UnitedChurch on Sunday Sept 12 with 11 am service tak on by Rev Mr Watr At the evening service at 730 Mr Watr cows1mm son will be assisted by Rev Dr Light bourn Special music by the cholr1or both services EXAMPLES OF LOANS roapxm looss hum mil FINANCE C0 convenient officeswhich is nearest you 15 Bayiield street 2nd Floor Misslsuga Street East and Floor cums APPOINIMENTIMONE rot EVENING hours Elfin 211 BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY 5m 19 pm 103 Mr Daniel Kay Shanty Bay wizhcs to announce the engsgc ment at his youngifit dsughicr Christina Margaurite to Mr Ray James Cuppage son at Mr John Cuppsge and the late Mrs Cup llage Hawkextone the marriage to take place at Dahton United Church September 25 test 103 Mr and Mrs John Henry hod gers 122 Sunnidaie Road announce the engagementh their daughter Anne Louise to Donald Norman Maxwell ran 01 Mr and Mitt llsr old George Maxwell Barrie the marriage to take place Saturday October at 230 pm at Collier fitreet United Church 104 September 21 1951 at 710 vfor seasonal expenses on pay up old bills Get cash loan quickly on tho isiendly basis ill mode the choice oI thousands list you Nu binhble security required IIKIF SEIVICH Jill phone first for II 10111 III on trip Employed men and women married or sin welcomo Write or come in to Ibuonal lodsyl Furniture orlulo um min to sn mm Phone 5931 Phone 3505 rrrmri employ It rus it 111111101131 IIEGU LAII BONDS 19th ANNIVERSARY is your opportunity to save as much as $1 on smartly tailored new Bond suitl Your suit will tailored to your individual measure by Bonds expert craftsmen It will it yon to perfectionguaranteed tq give you complete satisfaction And remember you get an extra pair of trousers for only 79 ccntsl Dont miss this tremendous value HUNDREDS OF ilEAUTIFUL FABRICS Your choice of this Falls newest shades and patternsyamdycd worstcds picnpics worsted flanncls scrgcs gabardincs and Dacron blends iAILOIIED so MEASURE 75 EfXTRA TROUSERS 29¢ you save $1321 LOOK AT THESE SAVINGS EXTRA TROUSERS you save $1321 $2121 No extra Chomo toy Oversltor Sollslotllon Guaranteed in Money Rolando LADIES limit will tailors suit in your iittliviilusl measure in your cliuitc 01 wide vstlrty ll beautiful stych It only slightly higher llrkl with sn IlXIitt SKIIII for cnll Saute clitilce ilI nitric IJIllVlRI IN IWO WIIKS if RIOUIRID CLIFF BBO BARRIE rcs 11pm 41 1C i391

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