BOTH CURRENTLY ON DISPLAY AT PHILCO 2302 LIST PRICE 1éK PHILCO 2105 LIST PRICE $47 mun PHIKO DEALERS IN BARRIE 147 Dunlap St East BARRIE EPLETTS ELECTRIC sums ELECTRIC CANADIAN NAIIIONAL EXHIBITION WILLOFFER YOU ATRADEIN ALLOWANCE or Phone 6441 556950 $47950 and run mm mm wumum common on THE PURCHASE or THE 1954 TELEVISION MODELS PHILCO HOME APPLIANCE SHOP HOME APPLIANCE SHOP 24 Dunlpp St West BARRIE Phone 5577 AS ILLUSTRATED native New Laws who hnd made his humo In Cannlnmun or he past 27 jean Ruben Mor ley Caner passed away Russ Mcmnrial Hospital In Lindsay on Monday Aug lfl 1854 Although he had been 111 er the past six months undergoing lwn major npcrnllona 1n lhal llmc his death came suddenly and was gran Home New Hallie In Alllstnn Mr and Mrs Leonard Hudgsnn and Ruth have moved mm Slant on where they have hncn llv2nr or he pm aw months to their new home In Alllston comm Wtddlnl Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Watson Ken 01 Alflxlon formerly of Mansfield who celebrated their golden wedding on Sunday at Ihclr New Lowell Native Robert Morley Carter Dies In 53rd Year lrlp Through Wen tMrs Gordan Jamlcson accomp anch her sisters Ind their nus bands MI and Mrs CHIlSynnoll and Mr and Mrs Luuls Homer lnglon on trip through Weslcrn Canadav returning on Thursdayol last wnck Caufllen anlly Gather The family 01 the late Mr and Mrs William Cauthers and chair children gathered on Sunday ml the home Mr and Mrs Alex Armstrong Mother And Slater Vb John Chappcl had vim rum his mmhcr and sister Mrs Nelson Chappcl and Lynn New York last wack Mrs Annlc Smythc Tumntu has been vlsltlng her Irlend Mrs Mary Anderson mum Al Sharldnn Bxlly Murphy since his Accident ha been holidaying with Mr and Mrs Alex Murphy It Sheridan 10L Succenlnl Dime DOL 784 had iucccssml dance at lhc hill on Frldny evening Tickets had been sold an telc vision net and the draw made xhat evening Mrs Reids mime was the lucky one drawn She 211 luwnd the sct to be auctioned and It was sold to Paul Gallnughcr Little Fay Hemyv daulhlcr 01 Mr and Mrs Neil Henry of Horn lnls Mills won hamper ox Kroc crlns also In draw Pmcccd were In aid of the buihling fund at the Hall PM Flu In On Wednesday evening and browd lllhered the Unhed Thumb to sea In turn prmm ed by Carl Myer or the WMS 01 he chum The picture ï¬lmed In Kentucky brought nut the ï¬n fluence or 00d chudrcn rzarcd In Chrisflln nrphnnage Ernlc Mayer played two solo on he trumpet MANSFIELD Cam In or our In bnokln wvlh lo your menu bmmh shuck lo the clllzcns Ma com munny Born at MW Lowe on March IS 1902 he was 1hr only son the late Mr and MM Robert Car wr and received his cducalicn New Lowell Public School and Crccmum High School In 1er he went to Toronto where he learned trade at mmor mech anics H1 later moved lo Coll ingwnnd nd men In January 31m to Cannlnmun hand me chanic In the Ford Garage In 1930 ML Carlcr took over the garage business of Avery and Luvc Tun years later He bull modern garage and lhls summer was presumed wilh dhlmnnd pm mm the Shell Cu remu nmon of lung business relauons Mlur golng In Cnnnlnglon Mn Cnrur idenllflcd himscllwilh many cnmmunlly acllvlucs He was In slzlunch member the Unllcd TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 DUNLOP EAST PHONE 2801 697l DUNLOPWEST PHONE 4946 Hardware China Gills Toys Where YouJBuy More For Less Above are all Rubbermnld Products IEDIGREE WALKING DOLLS WITH SARAN wrcvs 195 GOOD amen TO CHOOSE FROM DOLL CARRIAGES $495 $695 $995 MORN GLO SETS Blue Yellow Pink Green RRRRY and RRNRLR RRMSTRIIRG THE GREEN FRONT STORES r001 MILLS each $295 Matsher Rlcer and Drains Combined FOOD CHOPPERS $169 $350 $395 $595 $625 DECORATED WASTE BASKETS 45c 59c $100 5110 5135 DRAINEOABD TRAYS DUST PANS fled Yellnw Green R055 All One Price DISH DRAINERS He bids fair to grow wise who has discovered tharjle is not so Ynur NS Manager is good man knuw In Barri he Hancock an Inlm In MIN1 hula imp lie is survived by hLI widnw the lurmtr Violu Craig one son Craig and daughter Judith Alla surviving is listen Mrs Ntrb Hnrker Elm at New Lowell Twin ininnu Robert and He lack an enamel pan 1n the bulldan Canninglon Mcmurlnl Arena and served an lhn arena cammldslun Hc WM chairman ol the committee which annnIzcd lhe ouIsLandlnz parade lay the Cannlnzlon Old Dayx Rounlnn In 1953 He was also lormcr mem ber Brock Lodxc AF AM Church and served on the 0mm board nr many years He was tireless wnrkcr or the municipal Ity dudng he eight years ha nervcd councillor and tbok an ncllvn pm in lhc Lions Club which he was In past president and member on varlnux committees lGTHE BARRIE EXAMINERJVEDNESDAY SEPT 195 Im +he fellow Who couldn+ $298 $319 $193 mu save nickel can th lhc nmncy anylimc bul wlml lupin mc mm on lllc ISl lulu in Ihu gnaunlcn lull was die Imhlcnlylul nul planning on it mind numy uilc would gcl lhc full amount ufmy win pg thL if ml only pm in union olil Shcd gtl unylhiug nmuld hm um ll lhc cud of 50 umulln lll lec mml painlm my sunand gel lnmull lumw of You Ihouhl Icc my lnnk Iwuk nuw Do Jnu ml hrlp in mime ISI MM i1 fm Illll my Ihc luff II your uuml Hank nf Nuu Sunia hunch will be glnl lo dulwilh you aboul lSI Come in smm Vlul like Ilmul ISI in dual it form me lo Inc nignul mnlncl pledging Inylcll pul mull nuuuhly inllnlmcnl inlo my ISllccounl ï¬n nol going much Hm ISI money It hm lo pilc up far 50 mom uulil mch II mingtgml Ixc chum can th lhc nmncy anylimc bul wlm lupin mc mm on lllc ISl lulu in Ihu Ihcn came upon ISl booklet on tho counlu al The lhnlc nfNom Sculia Iuokcd good llul nérd about it with full II Illd Bank ISl tumcd out In be just Ihc kind of planllul nï¬ghl do liulc miracle far my and me My bank book wax flauu than nliccd dime couldnt go anywhtrc dn anything or buy much hal look Ial of culL Sim 751 SUPER HEALTH COOKWARE mm WEIGHTS NOW SPUNLITE CAST HEAVY CAST FOR BEST VALUES IN mums CHOOSE SUPERHEALTH Purchase one plate or maï¬y just as you please THREE POUND BAGS FIVE POUND BAGS ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS All One Price In This Sale noon SWEEPING COMPOUND CRYSTAL MAYONNAISE SETS METAL WAGONS mm FOR THE mums CORN BROOM SPECIAE $100 and $129 SONGSTER BIRD CAGES use and $750 BIRD CAGE STANDS $415 $595 $750 $150 $295 Funeral scrvlccs were conducted In the Summcrkldt Funeral Chn pnl on Thursday Aug 19 by Rev 11 MchmnV 11514ch by Rcv Gordon Carscaddcn of Kapuskm lng lrlund and former pnslur the dccunlcd Scofl Brandon sang The Holy City Inlnrmcnl was In the tnmlly plat sinner Pallbcnrcrs were mm ploy 05 or the deceased Len ivory Skwan McIntyre and Gurncl huh and Mnrvyn Nlchnlson Oar nex Woodward and Emcsl Ruberu Roberta predeceased their lather 11932 0n Srupt last year Mr and MN Carter had celebrated the 25th anniversary their weddlng Friends from Colllngwood New Lowell Crccmorc Duran an onlu Lindsay and Mcnlord anemi cd mu uncmL $259