Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Sep 1954, p. 1

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AN INDEHINDENI NEWSPAm MONDAY WEDNESDAY Serving The Town or Balms ano cormsv or cancel Since 1864 90th YeahNo l03 YESTERDAY WAS BACK to school day for well over three thousand Barrie children Hard at work already are these two Grade new as can elm Inn I1 emu Duomt mun students Judy Batstone eight or 83 Drury School inspector THE NEWLY APPOINTED pub lic school inspector for the new in spectorate or Simcoe Northwest Kenneth Hills is native of liirafttrd where he received his public and high school education Aflcr ntluulhn normal school in lintniitnn no started his teaching carver in OtVlli Sound where in has been on the public school staff ever sillcl ilr iIllls received his lslc of alLs degree from the Uni ity vi Western OnLlrltt in lotu lilii txpl in Lttlltpllic his wuik uu hit lrnhulnr nt nncrlunngy this yitil in taught in Owen Sound fur is total Ill 21 years it ytnlt lt printtrial nt Victoria Scltltul shutnu Nurlnwosl with htalltlualtrls ill itiitilllnll is his lust inlwtntulo llv tnti hill tvl an Owen Sound uirl who Is sister of Mrs hiurlannan nl llnrrin wile of the principal enurhnunn luilllc Srilmtl ntul lhrlr titycnruhl laughter Jay hope arttlc tnnn ill hiltllanll ltll tutu llllt hwn working in uutrll un luspllltvln putting since his ltili tit nl handling ttuttttl Vl runind lttowtn stunnt un ills pnnlnntinn JINIi nur litii ttltnnl Iii amintnlnnnt liw vttnu any Vlllt in ttlitr iilr lunrltlttu tnl uuaranl alt illlitl hm It thu tnnllu nr lllu linynl hlilltltly Actnlrtny htuul lnntt lnnlunt II II tiliiltiiN novulrlar ttmtlal lltntcl at mm tllmtnn pirating nu mm to rlwirtl nrw rialn nt tl tum Vll ll iiilmtn tnnnu tumm v4 Growth District School Population Necessiiaies Creation Additional Simcoe Public School lnspecloraie Announcement was made last week or the expansion of the Silncoe County area and some surrounding territory into tire public school inspectoratcs rather than four as pre vlously The new inspectorate created out of the shuffle Slmcoe NortllwestplncludeLthe public schools in Tiny Flos Me donte and Tay townships the villages of Elmvale Victoria Harbor Port MeNicoil Waubaushene and Goldwater the Town of Midland and the Protestant separate school in Pcnctanguisllelle The inspector or this new area whose appointment bccamc effect iv Sept at the an time as the announcement of the change is Kenneth Ellis former Owen Sound teacher Ovcrburdened inspectortea The clumpc in the system of srhuol inspectoratcs has been con sidered for some years with growth of school nttnulnunn liver burdtnlng inspectors particularly In Slmcoe South Centre and East The new lnspccioratc has been crcaicd within the boundaries of the old follrvway division anti consequently there are some changes in all inspcciuralLs The immediate llarric artn tilt Simone Centre insptviuraic nnlirr inspector Scott has lost the Townships oi Flea Titty and 0m ntnl Ellnvalc nntl lentillnu to the Simon East llltli Nultilwest in tectonics retaining its lormcr terlliory of Vrspra anti illlliiii townships twn rnpllily rxpunlllnit alerts and iliti Town of ilarrlt and acquiring West iwilllntinlly Township and llrllriitirtl from Slui Lut Slitltil lntncctnrntn Simult Exist iflrtlrtlitrilll Iltltitl insptvtttr Gillsull Ill Orlllill Itth IXiliiii ill the edge if tilu Town In iltrrlr having lllrl Me rnnu tnul Tny tuwtuhitn tn the new Illspttitlrlllr anti llrlyulrlng ilii tti rll Township illrliltiintl that part formerly in tile iillntut lttiii illsptrittrultl Shuttle Fall ltttw inrltnits lilairllrlinah tutti 0r illla lttwnshlps unit it Town of rillla iillli gutl tlvtr initt Oniurlt County in tnchnl italtta ilild Ann ltlwnrlllpl it it now kllnwn In DoViIbiss Canada Limited Executive Ahmmttmtt hunt and runner ut un Ann rt years riNtNl pmntrnt rntlncilll JltttuNnAitt wlln imll rcsignwl it Arlltsllttnl lruml nlm Sllncoc East and Ontario in part lnspcclorntc Simcoe South inspectnrale und er inspector Lipp of Allist on now includes the Township of chumseth Essa Tossnrontlo and Adlaia with the Town or Al lislon the RCAF and armyschools at Camp Burden and the villages of Dotton Tuitenharn and Cooks town The Shame West and Grey County in part Inspectorate under Inspector Gillie It Coiling Woott is the only district inspect ortttc remaining the same as it was brittru the summer holidays One at the main reasons for turkan tile chnnttr ln Slmcoc South was in case the burtlclt oi inspector Lapp which had be Cullic particularly heavy in rsrrni yrarn because of the ifruwth oi the school nunnluttnn at Camp lor tion lilplrf Expanolttll Ntlwhrrr has the expansion ill scllnnl plrplllatlttil anll lirttit been more rapid in tilt past few years than in tile Silllcur Centre inspect llratt iiiiiiLi Mr Scott inside the iiiftli tli illl new lnsptLtnritc there are no lcsy than new build ltllt ltluilrautx itl prnurrss Stunt ilro Ill stage if llillliilfilii iiilllil In the preliminary slantn iilltl nnnu Jun cntnplrtrrl All iliililtiltlltii clttarlmnl lint iiltli lttitltti ttl ltnlltl lltllt which has just rmnr inltt lllr lnIpotloratr itntl tiif llllUilCl was let tlurtntt tho nut week or new iwrvvrnnrn ltitlml llt Alttlna iitiltil new thiAlilillli rrlltntl at lltlllswitk is tlurn in rlvrn plrltsui ppointmonts rm li tillliliNllAlAi lltliluttrf tionl ruttnbttti ut er rlrma vltr4rui irretrillluit It nc ltNNitl Iotiriniystlrot tsARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER i954 Back toSchooi Daytor Barries Lane and Robert Dean nine or 16 Park side Drive Both are students at Hillerest Public School Ionicv ct unu guru ans min In chumo and FRIDAY single copy l6 PagEs Two Sections Grand lurySystem Important For Preservation Oi Democracy Says Mr iusticeStewart Here The Grand Jurys tent is not ritual of preserving an an TllE LONG SUMMERS OVER and it didnt seem long en ough for youngsters who love the long days in the outof doors Walking towards the entrance of Codrlngton Public School yesterday morning with somewhat reluctant step are three Grade registrants tlryearold Don Bloomfield of 123 St Vincent St left 12yearold Larry Guestof 32 Penetang at centre and Richard Agnew of 115 Napier Sb right Driver Charged Manslaughter in Fatal Accident Dick Eng of Minith Street Oriliil has bccll chart ed with motor manslaughter following the Iccidcnt on Wed nesdsy night In which Marlene Holmes 11 of North Street Drillia was fatally Injured The fatal accident occurred Just before midnight an turn way 400 Just ouuth or Crown lllll in its wild drive out of control the car travelled distance of 25 yards during which liliu llolmu wal thrown out of the car distance of about 20 feet into the ditch The flr struck the right hlntl ditch of the northbound Inna mun across the road went Into the boulevard where it rolled over three times travelled Irrostl the louthboulltt lute Ind swung back into the boulevard when it ramp in rent on Its four wheels tau who sustained only run nut ttmlnns nu earlier clumu nun autumn Irul rarclmt driving hllu Ilttlmrtt ruflrreti rmlnmt skull fractured collarituno and true turrtl hlw sh dird tn Ilnyal vntnrl Hospital oclock rhumny morning BOYVINJURED BY GROiN wouuo GUN DISCHARGES Nowai iiardwidsrtimflyurold son at Elmvaies police dillcf Fred llardwick was taken to Royal Vic toria llospltal yesterday after he had been hurt in an amidenial shooting Norval and friend Eddie Kim berley 13 were looking for school boolu in darkened room in Nor vals home While searching in tirawcr Eddie found la JR revol ver lying beside flashlight live munll was lying nearby and thinking it had fallen out of the revfivcr Eddie decided to replace the bullet As he did so the gun accidental ly discharged the ring hitting young llltrriwick in the groin Lat wt report is that the boys tortill tion is good FALL FAIRS Orillln Coldwaicr Dru Cunksittwn lillllla l7lmvll Ctrllingwotttl llrettlll Ulirilil stnt to Sept 1314 Srpt is born ltll7 Srrtt i7lli pi 202122 it 21m Sept suit an Oct l2 cient custom nor is an attempt to keep up form of court pageantry but it is most important service for the preserva tion of democracy stated Mr Justice Stewart when he spoke at the opening or the Fall Assizes of the Supreme Court of Ontarioiri Barrie yesterday afternoon For Mr Justice Stewart this is the first time he has presided at an assize here although in June he acted in temporary capacity through the illnm the then pre siding Judge Officially Welcomed nc was officially welcomed nn behalf of the Bar Association of the County of Stmcoe by Donald MacLaren QC in his reply Mr Justice Stewart said it was pleasure for him to be back in Barrie HE enioycd being home once more and he also felt one of the great advantages of sitting in Barrie was the assistance given by the members the legal Judiciary Answering point made by Mr MaeLaren with regard to new fur nishings in the judges retiring room Mr Justice Stewart said he had been very impressed with these lie had been in many other county towns and he could assure them that the Judges retiring room here was now one of the most com fantuble in the province Grand rury Charge in his charge to the Grand Jury Mr Justice Stewart referred to the origin of this body back in Great Britain around 1250 when system was established whereby the Justic as obtained the assistance of 12 of the better known citizens of the community to form what was or iginally an accusing jury They appeared before the Justices and in dicaied who ha committed oifences As the system developed they became also is protecting jury and that today wtu their main func tion to investigate an information laid by one person charging anoth or with an offence This democratic practise was dil icrent from what had happened in some other counlrles where the governments became oppressors and dictators It was the Grand Jurya fundamental duty to see that no ant was charged with an of fence without good reason One of the criminal jury actions which is listed for hearing during the sitting will be manslaughter and dangerous driving charge against Wallace Dusome or out of fatal accldgnt in wt Murray Richardson wellknown cal hockey player lost his tile while working near hydro truck near Bradford Criminal Jury Action Till othcr five cases listed for hearing in the criminal jury tian arc Regina vs Gregory Mc innis motor marulaugh or dunzer nus driving Regina vs iola ilarrls illegal operation two charges glrla vs Wilfred Thaycr rape glna Vs Charles Clackclt attempted ray it is cxprctctt that the Grand Jury will prcscnt their report when tilt Supreme hurt Open this morning at which time true bills or on bills will be presented in regard in these actions Civil Jury Actions nley les lit JohnFrancis and ll Trl port piaintlils Arthur lliiltk de Proiessional Wrestling Career Was Background Theological Studies New On Presbyterian Clergyltlan nk Sittvik nhn recently the nulhrln itetllylll inn cltarlir WM quite ttutrrnnl prrmnnilly in tho tym my puitllc few years huh lllt tnnty iiutlllartltnilurtt ritrgytllali nntnntnunl illtllt heavy weight wttsiltr Illttil lilll any WII wrli known in the Trnnnu wrestl in world wltm hr way unnnt un nt tllr unnlnu Lllalnpltttls at lulu hatk in nu iltttalrilr lays in lozlt ilttn yutmg Hungarian Mitt ltlttn us ltp Will tilllrilrti In litt ItWillprlr wutl on in ltrrtunn plttirai ll ill the titiitrti Sill ersllltlu ltiirtliiltiiliiy in Uninnn tnlt llltlsily In Mttnllml an uti littIllm and Tumor llnl im tluN ttnl lrrl thnl lhn rxprllrltt In turn anything hut ltrlpilll tit hn puunt vncnunn wtuller hr Itlllcvcl human nature In to raw ntli thl tall mm tutor nntlw slantliul ut prttpln and nut run ntnnu whnu it uttnrr in thc Illin fairy lu salmon in nmntur in was an tntirialttlilll atilirin Ill several nunr rlnntu lqu mun nunv than the avrlttgr Itl llltwlo rilvttgtil II was nn tho tsnptllnn iutntpllmsitlp lttgtltWar lrmn in tho cunnuunn rm nt mt Intl litt inllttwlnl year litrl list aur ltlrtl in weillti liillnl uul pinymi rmttr Alilsrlhnr iiil wrestling rnrrrr tuna hnnt right yuu from the ltlZV IitANK itilAViK lialt ll luatitl ill the YMCAI If ltttnniu ltir lllavlir rattle in Canada in tin ruin his unlit1 llulrllry with hi faintly uni sell in annutn lie in lllillfiPil in II Tttltmllt Ill and they have one rlIilli liounlll Funk ll lltlw ilautliy rattled ill the lrmltytrrltln mare In the village of 0m Malian 11M new lttinirlvrl Iriliue tannin have not all been in the world of sports lie was In nut Iinntiint Until Icilollr It the Uni thl to page eight pierwl Variable Today Mostly Sunny Moderately Warm Ninth the tint of Heptrmltrr tho wratltrr hrs hm mutter slot with no great utrrnlrr and high til l0 lrul low It Iill nln felt an Sept Id and this balance of the mantis in tmn minus anti pt wllntrr yrrtrnlly mom llld ml min lousy utth propert of mun motlrr uly wlrrn Temperturn wmt lllh Low ll sl so st to so it at to FLOS FARM FIRE CAUSES DAMAGE AROUND $10000 Damage estllllttirtl in rsrrcti 101110 was rnumi yestettlly whtu fllvtlcniltlytsl tth Ilnrlls tun lhl illan ttl Willi Furlong ill This lVJwridtlp Mr Furlong and his helpers worn illViitfl tilrlr luvtn maul when the hints was firltriuiltrd Twu ml 1mm tinnylt were Itlllimililrti to the acetic anti with litr help or nearly it volunteers nunmi to km llm file from rpmting lo tiltl frrm bottle rltlclun haul and garu The tin dulmna an orthttcirtt in head of collie Io well nits hunt smut ton of holed bar It large amount of frnn cqultfilrnt hrpl wt Hurt ito pt Horst ltoltlna vs Ralph ltiorlll fcndant Phel OBrien Phelan etal solicitors for plaintl Haines Thomson and Rogers solicitors for defendant motor accident Stanley Sanford and Donald San ford plaintiffs Stanley Puzit At Transport and Arthur Black dc fendants Stnwant listen and Mc Turk solicitors far plaintiffs Phelan OBrien out solicitor far Peszit and at llaines Thomson and Rogers $liclturc for Def Black motor accident nay Snyder and lna Snyder plaintiffs Waller Lanoski other wise known at Walter Lanoskvl defendant Smith and McLean so llciiors for plaintiff Okuioslri and Okuloski solicitors for defendant Guardian insurance Company of Canada Third Party Bell Grif fiths and Kiilaran solicitors for third party motor accident Edward George Gross by Wilfred George Gross next lriend and the said Wilfred George Gros pilin tlf Arthur Chapman defendant Boultan Marshall QC solicitor for plaintiffs Borden Elliott etal solicitor for dafcnda motor cldent William llurncs plaintiff Walt er Schaly and Maria Schaly dc fendant Boulton Marshall QC solicitor for plainti Stewart Est cn and Mclurk solicitans for de fendants libel and slander Ernest Taylor plaintiff John Miscarnpbell defendant Stewart Esth and lilcTurk solicitors for plaintiff Faskon Rdcertson eLal solicitors for defendant motor ac cidcnt McNamara Construction Comp any Limited plaintiff Denis Mor an and William Alford defend ants Phelan OBrien eial solic itor for plaintiff Bell Griffiths and Killoran solicitor for defendants motor accident Dcnrs Moran plaintiff McNamara Construction Company Limited defendant Bell Grlfiit etc so lleitorsforptainti Phciln Brien cinl solicitors for defendant motor accident William Francis Crawford Ad ministrator of Estate of Norman John Crawford plaintiff Canadian National Railway Compny defend ant Doulton Marshall 00 so llcitur for plaintiff It Durnctt QC solicitor or chcndrnt fatal accident at railway crossing VilliamFrancls Crawford plain tiff Canadian Nationa Railway dc fcndant Bouiton arshall QC solicitor for plaintllf Dur nett QC solicitor for defendant railway crossing accident Civil Action NonJury Mervin Jilly Slelck plaintiil Grace Allison Stelok and John Le roy Knoll defendant Evans and Evans solicitors for plaintiff nn dcfcnded divorce action Gordon lioilruon plainilif John Silllows and Donald Saliows dc lendanls lJoulton Marshall QC solicitor for plaintiff Alexander MR JUSTICE STEWART Forbes solicitor for defendants ac cidental wounding Una Dupuis plainthf Joseph Ed gar Dupuis and Catherine Christina Browndefcndants Charles On ley solicitor for plaintiff undcfend ed divorce action Morley Gammon and Melville Leigh plaintiffs Harry Shore trad ing as Harrys Place defendant Griffith Eingham solicitor for plaintiff Parkinson Gardiner etal solicitors for defendant contract to haul gravel William Russel Graham pialntiif Annie Pearl Graham and Kenneth Ferrier deiendants Albert Gloss solicitor fol plaintlft undcfcnded divorce action Mbry Margaret van Krallngcr plaintiff William Cornelius van Kralinger and Dorothy Hewitt dc fendanu Murgatroyd and Calllgh an solicitors for plaintlu undefend ed divorce action George Cook plaintiff Ruth Lil lian Cook and Kaiman George Jamlesorl defendants William McLean solicitor for plaintifi un defcnded divorce action John Adam Dickey Plaintltf Eva Bertha Dickey and Edgar Robinson defendants William McLean solicitor for plaintlrf undcfondcd divorce action Raymond Green plaintiff Marlon Grccn and Barry licmmaway dc fondants ltlactntren and Wilson 50 licitors for plaintiff Stewart Esicn and McNrk solicitors for doiend ant divorce action Frederick Earl Brown plaintiff Viola Alice Itin Brown and Fred Barrett defendants Lamont and Lamont for plaintiff undcfcndcd divorce action CANADIAN PACKINGIIOUSFB Canadian packlnehouscs em played 21804 people in 1052 com pared to 100 in Will Wach Ind sallrica paid totalled $7i313000 comparcd to iml09000 in 105 according to recent D115 re port Cort of materials mainly livestock in 1052 totalled $700370 000 while sales amounted to 3053 RDODOO Three Breakins in Town Keep OPP Detachment Busy Although no major acciden area during the holidaywcek month were kept busy coping anti ll number at breakills lltllte tnnn District liuliqutlrt crll itiiil have untirr ihvrstillallmi ilrrhkit lit the Elm liquor tiluro which was Itprnrtl durina tho iiillllliitf ilte litlrvrs cnlrml tilt prrntlscs by cutting little in tho rnnt they blow the nut and put Away with over 000 and some iluitiu nf liqu ur llrrlbinl ill Town lllrrr itrcakinr wcrc rcpurirtt in llarrie during the workran Time were It Uhrrlc Wclttillll and Much lilo ll Mulcnrtcr illrc rt Nu Servirc Cirufiflft it lllilil Street and at Wululcr liaitrllcl Llal llur iilll Avrlnlr At Wonder Ilakcrin the culprit nml tlitruglyrrrlnc on the door ut the rain but their attempt to open it Illlruccrsstui although thc door was badly tlanllgcll At Ilarrlr Woltilnl Ind Machine C0 illl tlliIVcl fit ill through It rear door lnli made right of tho trtflcr They Want tiiflltiIil rlli lms ioultti nullth in it Iiill loll Nulitlnl wrr rmtuvrtt Enlry to tile Niltlcwico CitAnna plant was gsitirti by way iif wound starry window Ittxmtilng tu pnlirc titc thievrl climbed up in it ny way of an outside nmml strainpitta which come from the imllrr loom Inti Hiller the iIIliltl Ittu between lhq tint and moral iloorl 11c lemurs rtll unmwi cult register but failed open it fiveCar Artidont 0n the accident urttc mmi conic worn taken to ftnyll Vklnrttt rtuqailli iurt hector midnight on Blittrdrry following tt tworat cnl listen on Wellington ntrcrl writ Ither ol lhr drivuc tlulmt LI yr affixed12x Earl Ls Were reported in the Barrie end police front both detach with numerous minor mishaps 11 of Concession Inninltl wrtr ilult It tiny extent astrngrrs ill the wltn wcrc illitlTiii were out iurr III ill 71 lliutl Slrrti llurlir wllu ittlti lncrrulllllis til the right All of tile are and ilttiil Guclinl with luui rtruniuslollto the iclt cllcrk ntul ill run lluwanl tuna hall MVrrcly ilruisrtl lurrlload ItII luuryelrulll inilttiilcr 0col glrllt will nui llllutrd Ullllllurrtl wru twu young child rrn III the thin car Marilyn ltntn lllti litutyl Thunlnl Accttttliutr to police the lltVIlOI rur was tmvcllltt rust on erllnl inn while the lit Car Will moving in if opposite direction It the little of the Mtitititi llltt rear of the latvtticr rar was right in tho llllrh whrll iiill vrlllrlrl rama in mi Tulal damgo iv both liltUl um tow lyrilrtg Militlfc 0a littntlay morning lvurgo inn slit at lillln tittont was ink on It Iluyai Viriorln littrpltal with ulrnslvr nlttnth lillllflll alter Ill hall Item in tnllilltnl while cycling with an oncoming lntttor EAT Acrnrtiim in when tho youngtor mu rltilttg chum ilttullnrti Btmt luwlllil ilurrlo whtn at the Victor iI litltfi lIllcrscrtlnu ill rulltlnrtly nun rlgitt nrrtuu iiit rtmtiwry to turn into Vlclttltr and hit the tnI rotulnr voltlrin driven by William Until 11 rtf iii no limit tilt laid the buy it hlu ilfld sainrt thI nuttrrurhl wltuluw on the driver side at the Ir dnti rdrgnon war uliwito the RV la citnit on the imyl mouth In drills in Idllliinu it In tainti ah It airralinn on till lllhl ritttt hi the lush uni genusl bod imtiru lfkl lacerations

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