Hmmyyn GM AUCTION SAIES The Followlng CATTLEReg Durham bull years old Durham holler bred In March Herelard cow lull Iluw Heremm cow due Sept Black cnw In full flow bred In May Hul sInIn brad June 17 HDISIEIII COW due OcL Holslcln cow ln lull low bred June 20 llolslcln cow due Oct llerclnrd cow due Nov Durham cow in full flow due ov Durham cow ln nll flaw In Dec liolsloln cow In lull due ln 06L Durham cow In In low due In Och Hnlsleln hull cr bred In July Hu slnln raw due Septr 25 red holler due In Nov black Jersey due Snpl 15 whlle cow lull llnw bred In July Hol sleln cuw lull flow due In New llplsleln cow due in 021 llolsteln cow due In 0a Ind halter due In UCL Homeln COW due In Och Holsleln hellcrs yearllngs vnc clnnlcd rod holler yearllng vac clnnlcd nrl slccr your Hal ulcln hellcrs months vacclnnlcd llnlsleln huIIurs ll months baby heel Vual calf PIGS29 plgs Cl munlhs old IMPLEMENTS Allls Chalmu IrnnlV WD Allls Chulmer balm er Mlu Chalmers oneway dukl Fleury dnubln dlsk lnlumnllonul ulnuer Inlcrnnllonal sued drlll manure sprLadnr Frost Wood sprlngloolh harrow Allis Chal mars sprlngloolh culllvalnr mnw ll Frost 51 Wood rubhcrlllrcd wax un and rack Gut harrowl RBI lulzhs Lwhocl lrnllcr hay rnku sol teaks 2000 lev on rollm gym HP molar MISCELLANEOUS 3000 balm my mixed 1100 bus mlxcd grain 500 bus barley set double harness wheelbarrow 500 ll ccdnr lumber qunnlfly lumber cream sopamlnr Lister cook rvu new McClary Royal Charm Ulnhcn buml kllchcn rnhlncl chmlcrflvld chish drawers kllchcn lnhlo kluhcn chnlm Olhcr anclc loo numerous In Olhcr nrlclc mnnnun Farm sold rm TcrmsCnsh CALDER Barrie Ontario ClorkTromumr Augusl 251b 1954 Sealcd 1cnders plainly marked Tender for Coal nndTendera for Fuel Oll will he recelved by the underslgncd unll 500 pm Friday September 17th 1954 or the supply of coal and fuel oil as requlrcd or the Munlclpal lldlngs Grades and mung lo smod ln lander Dawes tendur or any tender nnl necessnrlly acceplndl Fnr luhher funicular tnnlnct he undersigned Firm Spock lllnplemenls Inlay Sen SiThom tr lo Can Eu Twp mm 51 tum noel ImUmu plenum 51 It pm Tern 01h McEwenrAutllonecr 1n Bun1e 101103 Saturday Sam lawAuction tale haulehnm furniture or Mm Dean Margaret Street Anzul Term cm 130 pm nhnrp Jury Caughfln Auctioneer 102107 Im In nr rxthnniv 0n plvtvl mm Nu clvvlo wpmllhnL Nrw mlH hullcllug mw Dim ull clmlnr lullr lmw oluum IlerNM llyxlm walrr DHNUH lulu 3111M IuIHL ull fmmu loud humm Ill hull unly rlllnu mun lvlce mm or wm lhlnflfl lur mum and vquwnl lum IM AVI THOMAS FRASER EV Lot Con Essa Township To ull by Pub AucHun an QITO JOHANNï¬SON Realtor TENDERS P08 Cflfll and PUB 011 Thl undersigï¬ed has received Instrucuons irom 70 Dunlap HL Plume 0052 llllh proleln Ittd tonllln In vllamIm null Ill Herve nrulml Cerul AUCTION SALE Now Avlnlhle In Burl THURSDAY SEPT THE F000 BAH MILLET SESAME McEWHN Aucuanccr 12 Klnx CHSMM Wcshm FOR SALE FEEDMILLING nusmass 103105F UWKN IDUNIJ Hy Vlrluu wumnl mucd by me Ilrnvo lhu Towmhlp lunllnl under Im Mud and Ill the llfllll Curpornuun burln lulu mu 7m any at Jun lulu Inndl In umm or lum In Um Tuwmllln nl Innlnnl wlll bu held In no Cmmmmlly all Chmch Ill on Um DUI in clnbor WM ll lhv mur uclork In Hm Itlnmuon Magnum um and mu munrr ka Wall II lwruhy Ivan lhal Um lkl hm ur In lnr nvmrn or lam wrru pullllllml In Thn Onlulu luau ml Hm 3rd day Julf HIM lml Hm ruplu ul lho uhl Ill my hr had nl my olllcr AND TAKE runmm Norm mu llm Idjmlrlud ulo mm um mu llnur on In mm my ul tlohlr 51 nlcululy III uyï¬nmlun Tumep Inn HI Inlrmll In pulchue IIIY 11 nm lumll uumu or um unlu nm mu amuqu ul all um um mm muml mm the Illu lhrnnl IHmurorn Olllu IN July In Tu Wll Tendnr or anch Tuwnxxhlp VanniTenders will be rucolvnd by lhu undersiuncd up an 12 noon sum 15m or nppmxlmalcly 2000 cu yds run urnvol be spread un Can Vusurn mm mm on landan Tuwnlhlp Iruck vanl lupxlllcd by lhu Towmlllp In lwxlh Llno Work In In com pluled by pl JOIII Mmknd cmtu for 10 lender accum puny umu Full mrliculnru mum Mann and xupcrvlanr Cundks Grade to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade Under lbs Undo Over lbs bl Over lbu Under lbs Thomas Ward will be re sponsible or my debts Incurred by my wfle rum his dune Aug 31 311101103 nun suli Marriage Weiinre Specialist by mall Establishdd i906 OVcr 8000 clients rich and pour mmied ai rcady Scrupulous secrecy Sim muns Box 71 Dickens Fast Oiiice Winnipeg 3091 Owens 2c HAVE You pimplu personality Banish unslghtl blomshe Wm new chercx Ontmentand Soap Kimex drawn out Infection and restores the natural camplmdnmW All drugglsu 30102 an Maple Ave Take advnnuge of Khan mum Reg $500 cold wnve reduction on morning menu Reg $500 machinelesswave $400 Cold Weve reg $700 $61 now mm 2qu LL CAMERON RECWED and No Dlwlon wheat 8200 and 8100 Mend And No Dlwbul when Ind 3155 ezmered and No Flrmu wheaw $200 and 3130 New ru htued Genassc $230 and No Genem $100 All cleanadwnd treated with Ceruan and Anticarl Recleaned sack included Ivy Seed MllL Phon 25M loIWIM int Mun be combined Harman Ralney Lo 25 Can hug TREASUREWS SALE LANDS FOIL TAXES TOWPIHFp afï¬lnnitfil Hogs 2750 Permanent Waves am Specie quoted by Flm Coopermv Pucker 01 Ontario Elma no Mum Thursday Larze Mndflum Smnll EARL RICHARDSON Clark 10210403 Count Hlmcva TENDER lllONl Illl subav rm PERSONAL CHICKENS over the hova prices FOWL E003 Saws 1000 79IIJF Phone 435 SHIWF 7h any ALLAN CHEVH LET 19a 20 SMIer xchool bu wllh ply mm and ply muw fad rrar llrcx Could Ink loud halfInn ruck nn lnldu AD 1y Earl Mllep or hone 73 Cruzmum Onl llD Motursmii Alllslun 740 R50 SCHOOL BUS 49 pass cnmu cxccllvm condnlon nxsu brand now Inhmmlunul 4H pm nnucr school hm Phunc Onlllln 55w 1302103 ncgulné cu vmsun In sum TvrmJ numm duwn mm 1nqppsun 49 Ford Fordor Air Condition ing finished In two tone met nlllc green $75000 45 Pontiac Sedanette radio heater two tone Terrific buy at this price $07500 TOW Truck wllh pnwcr winch and hand winch Phone 556 137911 MARKET BARRIE SQUARE 5526 50 Ford Club Coupe excellent condition $82500 50 Meteor Fordor resembles now our $82500 LOCATIONS MARKET SQUARE PH 5520 and Hobsons Eur Ferndule Rd at 00 Highway For your Hstcnlng pleasure um In Cavalcade Music Sunday 539 1033 CHEV lwaAduor $90 rash Apply Elan RR Enrrlu Jim palm ind we mm mm down 220 landlord St QR CLEAN AUTOMOBILES BULLOCK MOTORS YOUR FORD MONARCH BULLOCK MOTORS 52 FORD un lruck In Al cun dlllany Phunc Sluyncr SZDer ISIOZIDIF FARM Hydra central or work ing at BanIn 0mm Radar $5 50000 Apply Box 5mm Ex nmlner Blofl $l APPLES FOR SALE Duchus all grades ply Flank 221 St Vlnccn St Phone 5057 and 2001102 GROSSTOWN MOTORS ASSISIING AT CNE Mr Ferluwn ol Barr vlslllng Toronto to mix the nzw Laura Secard Candy shop booth lnv thenew $1500000 Food Building at ht Canadian Nation Exhtbmqn VIN llllINII LOW ONT HZNULTK IIIIITAIVNII Vlllm Ill HIT All mm unwlh mum An nhnmlnnu mlnrull mumm Iml mun mmmw nu NTAlnlill IMIIIy mumm him Imp ylulr rml prr nu dmuL Inr lrun licnnmuy lllu llrul llnullu llnllpw Hu fonp lug lrmlucllnn lnmnun FRUIT VEGETABLES Limited FordMonarch Dealer BUY WITH CONFIDENCE From HONEST JOE WILLPAgug Highest Prices IT TAKEN UNI FOUND 00 lll NTAllnIll 11qu ll IUUNH IAIN Il IMI FARMS FOR SALE lOCAI NEWS WEEKS EEELIEE MARKETING Ioop Pig Slurler AUTOMOBILES Dealer laluisz Phone 5430 131510 134101102 FARAGHERMr and Mrs Hec tor Faragber wiuh to thank Mr Bert Boyd Mr Lloyd Johns Mr John Brnalu and Miss Belly Potter or lhnlr donatlom of blnod when Mr Farnghcr wm palm Roy nl Vlclorla Hospital BanIa 102 MncLACIlLANIn loving memory of dear mother Lnum Mac glnclhdg who passed away Scpl ROBERTSONIn loving mcmury dear husband and lather Fred Rubnrkon whu p1de away Sept um There Is link Lilnth cannot sever Love and remembrance last Inr DUMONTMr and Mrs an01 can Dumont and family wish lo thank the residents at am Bay Point fur hclr much needed and much npprccialcd nexp when their name caught lire and also the Barrie Red Crest lfl2 None know her bul In love her None nnmcd herrbul in praise 102 Evcr remembered By my PLAXTONAf Sl Michaels mm IAvArfln CONRADM the Rayl VlMarll Hogme Ban1e 24954 In pl and Mn Comd nee Mnlon sznn Centre sum daughter Hulher gum GODlNA Royl Vicer Hcsmual Barrie SepL 1954 lo Pie and Mn Jun Pnul Godln 81 King 51 Anuun daughter TIFFINAl the Royal vhfth Hasplml Barrle SepL 1854 In Mr and Mrs Arthur mun RR Shawl daughter TRAVISAt the Boynl Vlcmrla Hosplm Barrie Sept 1954 Mr and MnL Wallace Travh grcntwood daughter Patricia nne Toronto on Wednesday apt 1954 Gearge Gordan Plaxlnn QC dearly belnved hus band of Mom Grace Rawson dear father Eldred Mm Alan Foul Betty Mrs Jnok Bak er Ancnsm Durothy Mrs Ivan Tchapcmm Victors BC Ear bnra Mrs Juhn Henderson and Gordon brnther or Mr Jus tice Flnxton QC Frnnk Plnxton James Plaxlon Plnxlun Hugh Plaxlu Jessie 1M Frederick Muminn New York City and Georgie Mrs Airth Calgary Res Jng at his hume 240 Dunvogan Rani Toronto Service at Timothy Eaton Munorinl Church Friday afternoon two oclock Interment Maunr Pleasant Cemetery In on of Iowas donationsmay be sent Io Canadian Cnycer Socmy Cards of Thanks NOTHING 18 more lnIlllnl lo loddltr hm Ibo bl world oulslda yaur lrnnl door nod ldu lo In ml cancelled boll uul Ml ruch In he unl com um dun Ind In on unnu hnvlzed uwnlom Ihtn yanu bun dull ln lhu honc cnvmwuuu mm In IN MEMORIAM Mothers Helper Lvcr remembered by We and family EXTRA DIED PER PIG WEAN THAT IO lbs ING Branden no Ink an Inn in Cuhmv our low Tm My mm Nun mm runny hmnu um comm Unllrd chum IUNDAV non nmludt 12 15 Au nook 1mm non Jam tar War on Clmnh Cllen 100 In llama In TI on ruqm JD Counlr Cllwlnn us munud no llurm Hymn 11 no mo rn nn mm an no um on amen 900 mu lludllnu 900 In DIM 11m woo Minn Paint mumm um Numn nd spam 1045 Muonnlm ammu Tn mu an In Haul no at ma wan um um 1005 Wee 1200 Lunchicn mu was upon mm 121 Mum new 1110 Nun Loo nullaun laud 105 mm wnnm me Inmqu newum mu Tim L10 Rnulnd cmm ow Concert naux moo View 1030 Nnu Ind apert 11 spam nan Thu nnnmn Touch mm Nan Sven Beam ma Walther conld 1010 wzmm wn mm um mu Just for You ram 10 Thu awn Buck uu 130 wmun Pund zm Nun 105 Ellutdll 5mm nu Nan 100 cm mo 130 Nun unaunu 515 mm or Wm 530 Nut Mu mm on am on un mu mum £59 Indlnl Mon Music will beat inn regular summer Saturday evening mum on your community radio miioni ten oclock direct from Miner Poini Pavilion on the Allure Kempentek Bay lhe music of Bob Hunter and hi band provides rhythmic interlude inr bolh the connoixseur and the laymans ap prcdation of the dawnbeat tempo As ihé Great Saichmo once said when asked to give defin Jon of jazz cantdciine ii yqu just eel it 51 Freludl lo mum no Cmmu our Baum um NIII Mn nulknn lama 7011 Ll v11 much 00 NIl oa unnum Had Plum mu 13 um amm no ma mum am mm mm an CKBB PROGRAMS spam no New uudnnu v00 mu 991 gum ta Good county amu 15 spam 40 Nun 50 muleun Bond on Show ngrga Bum no 630 Sun on 610 NEW lltlflflnu Ind Pun unmt ROD mum Clock Neil Fun mm Rem Radon Wellhtr 11W wclnml In wllh HH lulvnnhlur NHI hll mm In llll II 117 lhl yml up llll urllllul In ï¬ll Illlvlulhlu mllul Iknn WW rl mun mu mun nml may rm nu nrx mum Ill ml mu wk Ix huw nc Wall Fanl Its golï¬ng clean but were putting our boll on Mike to win look for hmhor vopam upon Sue The DiHomnco Purina Moluu COMPARE COMPARISON PROVES human squum mom Im LI VI mum II un lulul Width mu Mlkn wvluhrd In nl 25 Mu lln Inn llmn hi cllnllrnlvr lull nuw Mlklv WM nlwnll WIHI Imnnclnu huIlllIIK mmlmrdnl Im Inl prr INK PUNY IKE JKE wllh Internll the Real Lile Story of Mike 8L Ike The Siiiieenlh Week Punmn MIKE Tummy urunnnv AM In BARRIE FARM SUPPLY Thejlanu Ike and Mlka Well mm1 Ilsa nu rimMn Touch woo mu span ucum Ind wpunr uuucu clue Nm on nuaunu mum mum um um Tuflnlloul um mum new cenm 1015 nm on ma Wuhan 1030 rnax PM man Nm nm Number mu Rnuna I711 11m oo Luncheon nm 1210 Eporu mm 1215 Mmet Report 1239 Nu 100 1111mm 1mm 105 nm mum 105 Rulonll Wuum Lao vn loll vmuu her forum 200 New 10 Tnmnn Tull an qur Bio no 00 5m m1 Emlyn Bhonmnl Eton no in an mun um mam mm Murder mannhc moo nu nmx uuuun 1an Nail 104w any mmblrda um Nun anon anon Ind Wulhlr sum 55 Cuth Ex coo Nan mun nm County Hnur nu 100 lvuru uo mu yuuuxn Dunn com um no man an mu 11mm Mum Report Muicll cm 15 New 100 New Hannal 715 Nun 710 new unnum 735 lum Mum new no nemnu wmm Mo New mm mm 5mm ago New Hudmlu 550 The am am v00 Nm ma 1mm Pul 930 nm mum an 34 Mm Manual 100 wulher rowan oa Exhlbulun unmask uu Tn rm an at New or mm J45 Punch 11 You no cxuu Mo New lludflnu 11am 5pm um 11 lupth Mavle mm Go 35 communm Wanna epon mumup Blah Muxln 70 Bummer Burnldl ume Mm mm no Nun 11 his am Gimme nzmzmher An Mull flan Inluau mum Momuv kl EX is one 01 sever Inteles programs pmvldcd by radio which people In kept posted on what taking plan at um CNE Even siltmoon anqu ï¬ve ï¬lly Alsco Barrie brings yuu thevoice of Gnrdnn SInclaIr Wllh flu Cmdhn Nlflml Ex luhmnn An lull twan at the Queen City radio and press are givmc extensive coverue an the many daytoday ucIIvme ukinz place Cnnndal grants and must col lair CAREFREE AT 1m The story you allow wllh Internal the THE BATTLE CONTINUES non Nul mmunu mn Lu ghgon um Inn lnoflI mm 15 1mm noon 1230 oo numun aura ma rum rmum Im mumI Wulhu nu nun mpuuu no human vuxmn us wumzr rumn no In no rnhxun 11 no gym nlnu mu 30 Red alum Show 45 vumn Munro nn mu Inn1mm In Immun Tm Bea9G mum on Nun Humme In Doqu unborn 930 In can mm moo vmu ma spam rm nnnnln Icuen 120030 span Scam and mum WIDKIIDAV nu ma J0 loo nuueun loud no jugnu mun moon mo Munul Bhupuln IDJD fyiaxSI PM 60 1105 am mu Bmlflcul in nu mmn Camr an Hound UD 11m DIAL 1230 chm use lcunld Clmu namm Euurll In 00 lend 59 mm Dnnu Pm 330 Nun Lulu 345 Fez0mm You 43 cluh mo roman amn no wmmr rman 00 hhlbnlun Nollbnnk JD gm an Wum uuo mm Pm 00 um nwnma mun mu mum nan Round 11m ruunnv um mumm nm Ehgon mu no 05 um rem n5 Rulnnu 131 rum Immu Wulhu Pamn oo Nun human 11 Your ï¬lo Im nu nu 00 watt PomIt 03 xmnmon Nmehock 75cm x015 out vim 515 rum to mum 555 cmrm rm um um Elldflnn am calm um um apcm Mum mn mum on 05 mdlnl rod ma anuan an ma unmml mue lIfnum um 700 Nun unann ua NIII us run Hum men 11 nu 17 mn 11 an Trading lawman program currently heard an CKBB Sunday nflcmoons mnelilleen Bourgeois Motors Ltd ovaidlInd bring Ilsanan 11 quarter huur of Up and sugges xlons guide for he prawnct lvu car buyer Mn and Mrs Fraser Miss Lena Fraser nndWllllnm Fraser Taronln vlsltud Mn and Mn Fmser over the weekend he dscflbel uh bukgrauna Ind unutunl happening um 10 nuke CAREFREE AT THE EX uncut must Mum Norm nay Mrs Read has reï¬ned in her home In North Bay after spending three weeks wnh Mr and Mrs mamas Fmser ML and Mrs Raymond Halt Tommi spent Samrday with Mr and Mr Mooney Mr and Mrs Kenna Enle THE Mann EXAMINER mm sanmnm 19511 In omn Wul Ht Baum um llnl mt rum MSlfl Dunlop SI Phone Battle 8442 Mr Clarence Duynnra LtColWWGDnangDSO ED Ontario manager IHELCHER TILIJEIHIES as ensure in un nounclng that Mr ClarenceE Dnynard hasbeen appointed uptick represenlnzlve or Minkoka mufï¬ns Eplzlln Eleclrle your Croalcy TV nlllrlbulon ma lumpy lo prtunl lhll Mean of CELT Fromm hm Ilmu weekly Ilu eun unlenM vlcwul In Barrie Ind mmm In Vllluld In cu mum Nu mo mac um cmmm clc ï¬lmhm lel mm wmmn Livlnl urn humm mu mo lmfll non Ln um mm human mmm wm no rum Tunmlo Hun 100 luv Mum no Lmnu man looking An no um us all In 100 wua um ma an 00 mu lhuv la CBLTTV Exclusive CBOSLEY TV Dislrlbnlon INTRODUCING THE REVOLUTIONARY ALL NEW EPLETTS ELECTRICI 74 117 CROSLEY TABLE MODEL TELEVISION New Melchers Appointment EGBERT Ehunnel9 Toronto WEDN ESDAY SEPTEMBER SATURDAY TUESDAY MONDAY SEPTEMï¬ER SUNDAY FRIDAY seams IPTEMBER PTEMBER rEPTEMBER First successful trade unlnn was urganlled at Philadelphia Sn 1792 by he shocmakcrs Sympathy lo Nay Flinle We axlend deepest sympathy to tha Ne lamlly Allister In the legs dear bmmcr Mr and Mrs Thnmns F0812 Nancy and Rulh Kalz of Hamilton spent the weekend with M11 Thompson Mr aim Mrs Arlhur Swm and Iamlly Tomnla spent Saturday wth Mr and Mrs Allan Newton and Thnxpeng12r Ammu Ind family and Mr and Mn WH lrtd Bmley and Bruce morn Sun day with Mr and Mr Alex H0011 Cockimwn no run lunl llrnnv no mu Dunu mer mum Sour1 n1n livn on Nu no um Town Ma lnur no no no r4 nuuu mm In Al Nnmv wan mm anmnk um Ah 7m wnk ucl mI llnnmull on fluunfl mm mm Ln much mu JD Mum lluuml In no cu ruim mo com um moo Cu Iud am 1vo no And man en all Nova 10 Mum The lwlna you want whm you want II 10 bale bnynnl Jusi arriv td In flock Ilnln FIml load gel ynurn now 333 960 COOP BELGIAN BHLES $735 $5 BALE FIRST TRADE UNION BINDER BALER FOR FALL BALING Phone 2429 Mum ellmlxll ln lmmllu mm moluh In curry MOST 1CIIAIT um 11 Iivmum 1mm 1mm 1mmme uvmmlr mm 53 ms BAIHHE Sour1 lel Phone 155 in nu