Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1954, p. 4

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Drys Power Dumps Orillia Series Opener Barrie Canada Drys opened the North Simm baxeball think an the fight nalc last night as they oulran Orillia Terriers for 96 victory at Agricultural Park The sncnndgamc In bmlnscven champlunshfip set will be playtd In 0er Tuesday Drill retired the Drys ln ntder ln the openlng three lnnlngs but ran lnlofirouble ln the qunlh when the local squad punch eel out 1th hiu mustered walk and captured 50 lead Doubles by Bruce Kerr and George Ran elxl and slnglcs by Dan Poland RanStewart and Doug Coulan layered lTflE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 195 Gerry Hinds angled hnmc Hawk Kuuppinen in the up the nth lo place the Terriers on the store Shoal hut thu Drys by scoring two runs in each of the Inn and slim held comfortabie 91 lead bcfnrc the visllors tried belated mfly The Tcmcrs hammered Johnny Bowman from the mound 1n the seventh and Ervinc Gmh relieved to hold Iheir run oulpul three but he allowed single runs in the eighth and mm 051 Banic up George Hana with double and tripIL Paced Egrxie whll Ladies 18Hole Final Tuesday New Comfortable Smith The annual lEholc ladies chum plunshlp linnl or the Harrie Coun try Club wlll lake place Tuesday afternoon stanan at 130 The final brings lngcther defend lng lltlnhnldcr Mrs Corby and nmwhllc challengcr Mrs Rwy Tms Nomsxm Abdamlml Supporter lmbudlu Ixm mm mm In NONASK mum uxh hwfllh Elimlnlltl Ifin Ind Iui nut Rupondl evuy mourn ndy nut mm Ipzdlfly nth in nu DI nbul Isz mezh pm mmm umlly cm Illn Allulidule Drugs an inn IHPDDHHI LIMITED KODAK DU HARRY TUSSY ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER If ya no Illlmlnl In IE lnllllln NlUnnll Exhlhlllomln Tumnm rhleln ht quurlnu com or at one our In model urn minutch In Ill condlllon Phone 2772 Phone 2832 BARRIE DRIVEACAR RBI1Y0 GOING lll THE EX ROCCO COLUMBO WE DELIVER All IIIITIIS DURING EXHIBITION 69 Miller Sine cht luGrny CuMII COMPANY LIMITED hils walk single by Hillel Wrighl and Parker along wlth tleldcrs chains tallied anothcr three runs wflkh was really munneed Aces Eliminate Slayner 50 up with vkdry su Dorothy Miller set the home flcu dawn on our lullemd mu In posan the maximdeath triumph whllc her main confined all their scoring tn the tomb and my Mm Sfiiyncr 111 Vélhapaco Trophy occ gaunt playoff m1an anllng only allowied the Ace ieven Mu but our 01 those were mtxed in the winning oulbumm Robbin lennox opened thelourth when struck by pitched ball sacrifice bum and singles by Dor ian Panker and Verde Wllson have Miller 24 Iéad Chuming the come with com lnghame round 40 Peter Rub inson Wednesday chalked up an 1841010 total 80 to camurn the Bar ric Couner Club junior champ Ionshlp Roblnson finished our slmkcs better lhfln hls nearest Enmpfllflor Bruce Dangerfield who finished with 90 to edge John McDowcil by one stroke lo second plgcc Hugh Currie wilh 100 was ourlh Sfrong Finish By Robinson Nets Honors McDawcll paced the field with 45 after the opening nine nnc stroke better than Rublnson 46 and twn ahead Dangerfield who poscd goingmut Eu Robin son scl bllstcrlng pace on the final nlnc to MShWllll remark able 40 Dangerfield made strong bid with linal 43 while McDow ell showcd mac change at 46 old of 15 £0an cnlurnd the lflholc cumpctluun or the CHI Brown Ltd shield and prilcs dnn aled by Gordon Roach mens shop the winners lnol Nut prize winners were Andy pymcnt Bob Rumble Ron Knig mn Jerry Murphy and Chas Snn don Low gross or handicaps 35 and over were Jukln 550 and Don Hodges while low not nr handicaps 35 and over were Mnrc rlshcr and Mike Murphy Bust dresscd gull was John Sam and most honest was Gary Pulmcr 1Mm pasted it 155 Burl 7mm Am ellmlnned Glide 10 ll 12 Ind 11 will raider Al mm oclock In Ihe morning and and wlll mm 120 pm 11m nnxemufl hu been nude due loflle lune numb Hr yur nludanI who wlll be mlllnl Iupllx wlm will be rellsler In the Barrie Dlxhinl Col legiate lmlltuta In tkllad to ilk noun 4h lollowlnl lnlurmlflon Ibmfl nllslnunn hauls Announce BDCI Registration Houfé Tuésday Phone 2772 cm cullcclcd nlnc mu Imglnn muund mu men Johnny Snuchc Com mm mm double In vnlh lnr lwn mm FABULOUS QUARTETFASTBALLERSIIIERE sAIunnnv wonurs GREATEST PITCHER T0 LEAD THE COURT Snachc 91ch well or three In nlngs but undoubtedly he lack of work caugln up to hlm CGE came 1mm bchlnfl 10 dcflcll wIIh two runs In the lourlh and Ah Dowcn lwurun homer In he fifth brnuflhl Cousc scumperlnz Irom Ihcr bull pen In rcllcl And whlle can nddcd twn In surance run In he lop In scvnnlh Leo Lablne needed no more than lhc counter pushed DV cr In Ihc fourlh IIc lircd brIlIInnl pluyafl bull Ilmlllnz Legion lo IVE hIIs lhrcc lhose In lhc scvcnlhl and MI sllnu whllc annlnz SEV cn and walklng only two Thu run chlnnrulllud In he scwnd Inning wu unearned but uptnnd lhc corlng Ted lhrdncru doubkd and while Ablm nnnnd lhc next two bullurl xhnrlsum Job Thurlow lhnw wlld to first 71 Herb Thompsons grounder la 31 luw the runner in score Lnblnc vndcd the mm by Innnlnx Wannmuklr with righihnnder Leo Lnbineback in the old ior probably his only game of the series Canadian General Electric re bounded or triumph over Barrie Legion Wednesday nggfgr Maéhafifcfinzcie night before large gathering at Queens Park and resparklc their hopes ior Barrie district senior softball championship Run1n Gnunrc WIUI Lvulun huldlnu null IHE run llnd CHI2 pnunud un Snnchc lm he WIIIIIIIIK ruml In lhc luurlll Hub lhurlow uprde wlm douch The Legion hoid edge In games in me besiinseven title Eat and remain hworites to cop the crown or the second successive season but 002 are expected to provide reni trouble with renewed spirit The fourth Mme ol the serch is anled or Queens Park elthLr Tun dny or Wednesday at next week League officials havenul cslnhllsh ed the exact evenln Legion mannucrxen Halkwlll nl lemmcd to give to Illrry Cause run from playoff acllnn Kn the lhlrdmcctlnz and seal 10 ny Snachc who has scan com auvcly Mule ncion this Season to lhc mound Leo Places BEE Back In Running ToSses FiveHitler In 61 Win soubnlls greatest pltchci EDDIE FEIGNER 01 Um has uuvc up lhl MV LEGION Klulc lpp rt In 31 Perry 1b llnrdncn IC ch11 2b Snnrhc Thompsun c1 Wan nkcr It Come and Rnycrnfl singled pcrlcclly execukd hunt by Graham Crasble bmugh home um run and Ray Brllls clutch single hc nlhcr Al Rulhcrlnrd Ind Bl Rnycrnfl wllh lwo hll much paced DGEI wlnnlnx Illnck Con Cook Ab Dow cn Bob Thurluw my Dr and Lu Lablm had one each 16 nulgr Bob Mulllcn Kth n1cld Around by movan Iluumrford lo slmnu and 111urlow lu shorl whlln hrlnulnu Cec Cook In from HIC uulllrld pallml lhlrd bnun XIII Cook 31 Hulmrlonl 2b AI Ruthcflmd opened ihc llflh nn Snachu with slnuln and Raw ens risan homer to centre pro vided comfortable margin and entice the trial lor5nche Legion lhreulcnnd lo ovnrcomc Ihc large dLHcll In lhc bollom of lho scvcnlh alter one was out Suc nive singl mu Cause The son and Wannmn er sack but Crmbie rescued Lablne wllh great calch on Don Kel lc In It Held and Ber Popp suucknul lo and ha amt Tcd unmnm Dandy scrum Hurry Cause Ilclb Thompson lmd IM Wannmnkcr accoumcd lor Lc Klonl file all thlnc 1kth cl 7nuu1uw mm ri Cm Cause Ahmed and rcll 21782 5110 In nrdcr In lhn lillh nndsixlh but saw up single Ccc Cook and double lo Rulherhrd 1n the seventh which propelled for Lworunl and me scoring cllmnx muncr mum MAquow Mum oimwm SHIRE MANAGER MAG MATCH Hulmrlonl 2b as Rnycmll Hy Will Umlm known throughout the North American canUnem the jKln and flu Court will Ippear at Agricultural Park Satumay even ing In an xhibmnn softball ume against Barrie Legion dLuric legion wamnlum This will not mark the unlque loudng tnursnmea first appear mac here but their remarkable can on th diamond aru expedcd to nurse one of the largest am ever wnnascd In th dismd The King Eddie Fqizner considered the conllnmts aromas hurlcr and his record more than ubslgnllal proof He rolled up 3054 muons 1151 season nzw record and losl unly 16 games in 179 exhlblLIons He also is pot ent figure at bat wk totalof 81 Nine runs nut of the 250 clrcu clnuls no team mumred last you on tour Over 18 yams of pitching the King has collected 102 perch game and 309 nohimn While pltdhlnl lndfoldcd one of d1 crent pit in sylcs he has post cd smkcouls out pos sbne 1475 The Iangem game he pllcmd was 34 innings In whlch he nllowcd nnly elghl hus lanned 73 and finally won 70 Eddie has only lhree players support Mm 1n the fluid Caichnr Moado Klnzer powerful hitter first baseman Jerry Jones and shorfislop Mike Mcillickc all whom can buasl better than 300 averages pl The xhlblllan mud lot pm folluwlng pccwec comm at the Agion mfincr baseball sys cm 6m Barrie Golfers Favored In Simcpe Cbunty The annual Slmcpc Counly 27 hulc chnmplunmlp nurnamcnl will take place Barrie Country Club Labor Dnyand 10m gun proicsslonnl Edd Ilcnlck predicts em 01 approximatelylw le vlc onhunors nv avnrllc be de Icndlnu chumplon Don llcwaon oi Colllnzwund Ilunl wllh hll hm lhcr Gary vclcrnn Unvn Tnylor and Tommy Watson AH mm the Hum clutL Watson who hu bvcn suflcrlnfl from back trouble may not cumpclc but he does wlll be slronlcnnundcr Blll Huck winner the min In 1052 and LC Mumll wlll curry Midland main hOIIH while Wln dy Vnrly and Chat lamb MU lcml Orllllnl nrunflusl blds 7Tb nponlng lccvolrla cxpcclui lo be 830 Monday anrllan Tm bcnlnnlng or Hrlllm 10mm unu can be umd the new Irmrl the IUm ccnlury Much oi ho mciinl plny spoi llghl will locus on An Powcllv local club champion who will he 5hflfluiig for Cnunly honnn No winner oi the Barrie ililu has ever clpiumd Slmcoc Cuunly inure in tho same your Powell will he am ihc 1W orllc in the licld along with 11m Dymcni and Jack Nixon nil whom nIVc broule Barrio prev ious Simeon Couniy honors An nihor local wiry who may ammo mm the rugged 21hoie grind vi loriou ll George Kennedy who indicnlcd In Iii0 bid mugd quifid Agmdxglerg EARLY NEWHIAIEIKH AOUT 01 FALLS N0 IHHQUAIJFIUAIIONH KHINIIII OUT FALLS mum LIMIT Alliston Sgucire With Maiilands Gain 105 Win Alllslun Athlcucs squared heir bmtlnsevcn OLA group finals at one game apiece last night with 106 vIcIury over Town Mall lands belorc the seasons largest crowd at Alllslnn Arenn The ther game lit the aorIcs wm be played an Scarbnru Arena Tum quy and the mm In Afltslon The Alhlcuu whu bum lead in the first quarter were nev or headed They neld 62 margin ak me half and were in Iron ghu end of In quarters Vclernn Her McKenzie conunucd to sparkle in lho Athletics attack as he paced Ihe win wllh three Koals Elmcr Hnrrls Colcm Whel an and E111 Gray cnch talllcd twice wllh flu2a Black counging sing Steve Knpas agnln led Mall lands wlm palr Ron Barton Ralph McCormick and lam camp he with slnglcs complclw mu vls llnrs scoringl Mr and Mrs Frank JnnLs have arrived hnme ulllr holiday ln Ollnwa Mnfcclcne Wnunn mum hr muckhfldrcm Mnlmlm lclcr nnd Jcnn Vulmn week Unflnl Church Hrrvlrr lltnuhr Acrvtce lu lhc Unllml Church In Sundny SrpL 130 Sumth Schuul 1010 Thr Inlr lowlnu Sunday Huru will un In El Mlchlell llnsnllal Sorry to mm Mnry Peacock who has been suffering rum pain was 11km by ambulance on nday In St Michaels Hospital Tnmnw She mny have visitors Mu ammo is visillng Her sisler Mrs Couux this week Molar TripCade and 15 M15 Elclnor Adamson hull daylng this week at her humc hm arm spendlnu in summer on mulur lrlp arms Canada She visllcd tar mm In Vnncouvnr mlurnlnu Vin Culilurnlanm ucruss In USA Mr and Mrs Lynn Gibson of Cooksvlllc vlsllcd Mldhursl mend lhls weekend Lynn Jr nnd Jnnlc mmmld wllh hum Attend Memnrhl Servlcc Mr and Mn John Slnrcy nl landed Ihc mcmnrlal scrvlrc the church an the Seventh Llnc nn Sunday Must Brute Baldwltk has lurncd nflcr hulldnylnu wllh fimndpannu ML and Mrs lhrb unldwlrk Cundlu thllunl VII Mn Arlununn ls vlslllnu In nuluul lll wcrk lllilflilllili AIIOINIFJ IH ONTHO ATHLI COMMISSION MIDHURST BENNY TRUDEL On Saturday evcnmgh Mr and Mrs Genny Cows ememlned the tarnIly cum mist on their lawn Tchlyone enjoyed the delicious corn Several neighbnrs this cam munlly called an ML and Mrs ORnnly on Sunday to commcmnr ate the 100m anniversary their hmcslcad large number of he oldtimers enjoyed the mmasiunv mncting Old Hands thchAadnt seen or years Present Gladlnll Midhursl East Forum and Fed crauon Agriculture presented Mr and Mrs ORcllly wllh beaullluX baskc filadlofl In re cngnlUnn 100 your at taming May the dmcndanls conunuc for another 100 your WA Mcelm Wnrk Bu The regular mccllnu the WA will not In hold on Tuesday Sepl but Instead In mnncctlén with work bzc the Unlkd Church some Ume nflnr UN painter has completed the floor Dale later WANTED MORTGAGE MONEY UP to $2300 Willing to pay Bonus and Interest ON NEW HOUSE LOCATED IN ANGUS ATTRACTIVE STONE WORK Intended varflel wrm BOX BAlelI EXAMINER JOHN PATER CO ALLISTON m3ch Centennlal Castle Stone oi Canada cunlum mm inulaed Iloue hum wnrrl who demum lhe hell For lnloriov or Exlevior Home Beauty PAPINEAU CURRY SOLE CONTRACTING Momma has nine miles of deep drnfl whart capahlc nccnm modating mo large ocean simmers St Helens Lancashln ls hu lluvcd to have been the Iucatlun he first canal England 1mm JONES speedy first baseman CAR RACES fizznwazm 2V H2 mamm Px2m 25 STOC Childfcn Wm WM MlENTS MONTREAL DOCKAGE livery HII 330 lull EARLY CANAL TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 845 pm PHONE 360

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