Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1954, p. 7

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4m luir 111E BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST 30 This wntful news abom new ash ions really extends mm up to toe according to new release um has Jun come into fihc amen Complete change is the order 01 um day says noted halr Stylist wha has jus returned rum Vlcw lug the Mum and Home collec tion The entire mood of iashinn in fabrics fashions in clothes and IashIaM in hair styles is complem ly dlflcrcnl he gloaLs The gam ln darling of yesteryear has he come as old but as It Happen Elegance disfinguishcd and sruincd is lhe keynote or fall llc predicts lhal an undulating line will be very Ivnmgarde his season Shml crcmlcd hair your fall from the days of he Poodle the ltallun the Gnmin and all the nthr crnppld hnlrdus wlll now be cumnlclnly unlashionnhlc The Edwardian Dandy is wiLh us now and he completely feminine snlgncn undulnling line will be the smart luck in hmr for all and winter says Not lung but to month and even lcnglh which will end in swnully curled enchanting emin lnu back hair Longlh will bu no longer than Lhe lip your cars the top of yuur cullnr ill bank Bu nthxcvn the mobility Iran low lng and uracclul necessary or lall haur must be of fine lcnzlh Even color shows change Blondts will be warm gold rm um than Ihn gray or platinum mm calmed lust ycan Brun tilts and bruwncucs have nai Iil affinity or the magnificent new ruds lEillHlCd by fashion land crs In the liailEL couture Blunch Will have in change the tone of Mir hair away from the ilvcry shades in warm llcnny bcigc wmr the new jrwnl colars with nplumb in his upiniun time In mw your hair hc Fur the llnl Um in its hIslurv hr Canadian Nnillmnl Exhihnum is showing limilcd numbcr of mmncur painhngs in special building adjoining the Fine Ar vnllcry In no mm the hch of Canada on Hm March thesw lat LIMITED 88 Bunlop SI Eusl Hume PHONE 5531 IIIIIISEIlfllD FINANBE $150 GALLON MIG Housewives Agree Our fianitone 5ervice is the Best Dry Cleaning in Town 7977 7004 and see for yourself iorfithings you need and want now $50 in SIOOO WIIHOUI BANKABLI SECURITY VENEGARS 66 qz$lZE HEiNZ BUY THE CONVENIENT CANADAS BEST SELLING OUAln ny Io mm nquinmcnu 1mm fan nn your own lignalum 24 nmnllu In my MIMI In human AROUND TOWN WRIGHT CLEANERS Dunlap SLW rand flow phonl 5529 IARIIL ONT cum mu uh and luv am ml nun munhys amn By JANII More than 140 mlntings will be hung ln groups under the general headings nl educalurs lawyers Bll clubs pharmacists professional engineers clergyman and doctorsl one Is northern lake done In ails by he A1Lorncy General of On larlo Dand Porter Another ls an all by Judge Frank Dcntonnl the York County sum To must1 lhu wide varicty lhcwnrks one is an uil at Bombardier done by Mrs Thel ma Ways pharmacist tom Sack vmc 1m while sccund Is surrealist watercolor by Mac Ni meck pharmacst from Edmon ton Anmng leur painters wm draw wide at tenllon from nrt lovers Ofllcals at lllc Flnc Art Gallery cxncct that if enough public inter est ls shown in lhls the first year or amnvtcur palnllngs aL the CNE an even larger sclccllon wlll he shown next year Saturday Bride Entertained AT Trousseau Tea Mrs 11 Mnxon cmcrlninrd at her home 170 Dunlop St West last Saturday huurnuoh and even ing at lmllsscau on In honor of her daughter whoco WNld mm ing lonk pa on Saturday aller Aug 221 Wu Hub Rucclving he over one hundred guesls who Called bctwccn the hours OI Me and five nclock in me aflcrnocn and seven and 10 uclock In lhccvrning were the bride and her mother Ind Mrs Carlton McMuHry Fort Erie mum of H10 gronm The rooms ut lhc Maxwell hum were ducomled with gladinli anz the dining room table was centred mm bouqucl 01 rest and other summer lowers on madicra cloth flanked by tall pink apers Mm Chums McCJnxcy mm mm num Ihc lbrldc and Mrs William Wiles prcsldcd the table durlnz the aflcmuan Mrs MAKING THEIR HOME ln Guelph following their recent nuptials are Mr and Mrs George Mchchan The brlde 15 the former Dorothy Stiles daughter of Mr and Mrs Wllllum Stllcs of mussels and mo groom is the son 01 Mr and Mrs John Mchchnn of Burma Followlng the ceremony the couple 1ch on wedding tip to Niagara Falls Wallhcw llubcrlson aunt HI rrjdc Mrs McMurlry and Mrs frank Maxwell aunt the bride poured Inn in Ihc cvnnlng Kxnung Um tea fiulsls was Mrs klllc Bowman of Oakland aunt of 1m groom Miss Maxwells murrluzc lo John David McMurlry of For Erlc look plum1 230 uclock In Collier Slnrl Unllld Churoh Dibpluylnu lhn brldcs lrnousscau were Miss Anne Rndgcrs Miss nix He Mulhnlland Strand Miss aniun Wibb Strand cousln ha bride Mrs Willlnm Lowe Mrs Ray Smith Miss Jean MocLunnan md Miss Susn Dobson Great Deal To Be Done In Field Of Public Health Iulllll IHullh LK nu found In zm mallh dopnrlmcnl but In um vlcnlnl nlliludus customs and mu vunm UK the pcuplc lmple um be cmucrncd with lhvlr umnulnlly whale Thu me mm lhc Juurnn nx lhc Amrrlcnn Mcdlcnl Assucmmn is nw mumm It nuulnn vlux um Slmcuc County mm mm the publl In um midsum lmr Npum Wurktm cwnpcmuvrly wlh unm mumy survlm nnd wLh ur IIuhIrl pIuhniunnl nnd lily unran III Nu cuunly wllh locnl mmnunmll lulnlllrs Ilullvlrlunl ml nnm hruuh unll prrsunmI pnhlic hrzlh mums IIH mlnnpl mu ln curly IIer shurc mm hhly 1n IIIHILUIIII In Mullh nr Itunlu um cuunly mm lhr null Whh rmmly null and rnnunuw Hv rmlprmlhm nu ouldnndmx mu um rvlnnly firm Ann ummmlmml In nnmml mg hmllh urnhmulnu Im mm luv wnlmu Illnm In our wuuly mumnm 4m wlml vnl mme mcnmplhhrtl cannot mw 4rl mnkx cnmnlntrnl 1m lhllv AH urrnl Ilul In he Anm UII IM nl HMIE hIIYIH mnllllllm Ilw mmL Sumo lhr mmnmnn rmmmmlrnhlc nww um lmn ulnaan nml lIH nmlvrlufl ml mum llrnlh rnll llw Huhx llw hrnllh mn mum um um be rnlucwl krrp pm wlh nlhrr rmmmlulllrl and mm In mumm mmlu nu Im pmllllvll nu mm mm runHui In um lrnlul mm mu vrmllur InHHrIl nnr mmn hmllh mum mwr vlluu ur mum mum and mum ulwrvhlnn 1mm mm mm ulhnllwn mull mm Making Their H6me in Guelph Weeks SewThriij rum lrvvr on me mum unwinw nlmm yuu Could Irvw Square nrrk huntwhod nunu IIIIII llnmullc nhan In buck my xuw uunn jun one pullvm pm mm buck plunum llnmullc mm In back my xuw uunn Il one pullvm pm mm buck nlllnmu wllh um wrluu um wnlxl nu llulllyuw mmmnu IIl4rn 47 Min Show 10 yum nnlurx mule Ihln palllxu rmy mu Alm pH In uw mm lnr nu mu cutlullrhv luxlnlml Ilulrurlllnl Simcoc Countys llllllly shunI MIV Hw llll Ffilllfll IIHI IHnllIIvl The lllml mm mull pm pm Ind mvm under your rulmull lwlll HumHf pwtlmn 1m mp1 wk Hum nml bunlllul nunr7 lw Illmlulv rmuurnurvL rhln mu rrrlurnu lhr lmmhor MHMIMH MIMI Mr HHIKIHK lml mnva vlrnll wmm IUIHIM luml mer Inu In ulll uvvvry IIHYIn Choice for WEDDING RECEITIONS BANQUETS DINNER PARTIES SMALL CONVENTIONS nu wiu munmuuy lumll uml lmHvleunlI an mm 10 mm nmm nlr 11mm uuv mun hrnnll In mu mnuxyf Staff Changes In Health Units Nursing Services There have been neva stat dhames In he nursing service at the sums County Hcauh Uni lhil smel Miss MNealon Duh lle heath nurse whohns been with the Amman nuke since Octo ber 1953 signed July 19 Ind the unit was pleased to welcome Mls McKinlIy of Havana whu Joined the p21 on Jqu 11 Miss McKinlzy graduate of the Unl versily Toronla he asumed duties In the Barrie nmce Miss Hunter who had been 4mm ofllce slenngraphcr In Barrle 51M February 1063 re signed and lull at the and of July married in Elmer McFadden The publlc health nursing ale he heallh unit nlsn cxlcndnd best wishes Io Dr Read medical owner of health who resigncd In July to conllnuc unhnr sudy ln Ann Mug Mlch Hls successor Dr Anderson Moll olncd the mu July Calls for End Of Fear Among Women Teachers Toronto Aug zsm the pun lng session the 36th annual meeting at Federation n1 Woman Tcachcrs Assnciallons Ontarinv Miss Allcc Ogden Sl CalharlncSv presidenloi lhc 15000 member gamlzaflunv called for an end in me tour which seems havc crop lnln the luachlng pmlcssiun Observing that clcmenlary and high school teachers have taken =Nrn armrer ct nnc annthcrs modes and pradlccs she asked the lundamcnlal reason was nm be lound in car Instead re snnlng In dnlcnsivc aufludcs when education comes under lre Miss Ogden called an every teacher to conduct an oblncuvc sclfcxnrnlna Hon TM will develop cnnlldcncc she chimed and will do away wllh lnc tar um springs rum lack sullundorslnndlnz ConVlll nu mm Ivflmlud on nounl film AUTHORIZED AGENT BARRIE ELMVALE DISTRICT SHOP 54 SOPHIA ST AlWAVS 100K TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST WHLLWIN ELECTRIC Meeting Lmlos Hill Comma ion Wmnen Insmuln was held an Aug 24 in Holly School Then were 19 members and lwn Visitor present The prcsldpnl Mr Brown was In charge Edible Oils Are Described to WI Members Mcellnx opened with the Open hlg Ode and Mary Stewart Collect Roll call was cannlnl him and Something 11 canned The resolution canvcnnr Mrs Leighton reported the the branch resolullun appeared to hn wages ul as lhc pouccman at lnmslil Park assured her that banks would nul be rnnlcd to children under 10 unless they had hate 1mm par ents or were nocompnnlcd by an ndu Mlnulcs an correspondence were read nut to become loachor This Is nnl snob polm vi but pracflcal polnfpf vlcw Mira Ogden said that he cm phasis In recrunnmuY should be upun the nppurlunlly nnd chal lenge lcachlng It shouhj be lvascd upan whulhcr or not young pcunlc have what It lakesm make good tenchers She cited one of the posmvc sup already lukcn by FWTAO In rccrullmcnl prolmm BursarIc nrq bclnn prnvidcd Ian dcsprving young women whu plan to make public schoul tcnchlng mm Hfus wurk During the threeday mccflnq Lununl pmhlcms ln teamingmnlh Dds rnlnliunShIp wltllreducnlional Hruupe and other Federation mm 1ch are being discused by dele galcx In 1953 Canadians boughl more nu wcnrs hun ever before 0881 up per cont ram 952 Mrs Kcnwell reportedan How WOmens Institutes 42 KING ST OSHAWA Phone 3230 Bnnln Boats 7700 um To mm BETTER 272 Yongn 354A Yanga 2874 Dundul FUR en run and cards It wu de cided 1mm Iowan Ind run to member at Um Institute Ind lhelr zammu Ind la send cards to rest at tha My Mn Yohmpn canvaner at his orlcal rcsearch pond on ex cavating and picture Mr Campbell huldlnl large Mall which she saw in the local paper Mu Klnl munsled ach donate her sample of canning be used laur It bake sale Mrs Downing program and Mn on the suecesshll Camp Mrs Furyk ii to find out if members in lhcarea wish have work she has mnda somemecllngs heldin their new The Queen and lunch conclud xchool ed the eveniqx The September meeting will be heldl SQL 78 in Holly School TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD mozcg wnrrm mooz Yum 52029 49800 BOATS 14900 TORONTO STORES BETTER FUR IMPERIAL 0Il LIMITED explained lhe Furyk reported Palnswlck Day unnn muum Own and reguur mumllly lmymvuu will ghc you ll yearmum wnllml an lino il llurncr Qultkcr lunar Imp rrliahlc liming lluu wlm ynu gel vllllan inn Oil Burnerwith Yur Varrdnly Imkul Ily llllpcrlll Oll Limiml Your Warranty hulmln lyur gunfimu ugaiml Milly moduli and manulflclult uuuplcu dinkup ol lmrnrr cflmicmy ml schice allV and re impculun Ak Imr lulu almul an lmpcrlal Oil livcrmrcu Innumnhkh guauulm your upply nl lruu Iunmu ll liuu lnruau il umuim an nlnlilive IU Irrlp prcwnl nul nml nlnurl Ila to BETTER Dresses 700 BETTER RES I93 BAYFIELD 5T Dresses 1298 lenswlck Institute mmflwfl will be guests The laplc hfldum flan under Mrs CollunL Roll all My anorllz Tucker um wm The lunch hostesses Mn Dyer Mn Gershzm and Mn Hawcmfl wlll be mlmd by Mn Moan Mn it huzhccd Mn El lau Shred Mn Lelzhlon Mn Lackie and Mn 11 Klnl The evenlan program was Home Econmdu under Mal Dyer Mn Prlca chemist spoke 91 cdlble ollx He explalncd the pans these all play In bikini 4950 and thrifty mothqu will head straight fér Walkers lhis week FALL WINTER Mn Dyer gave in talk on pre paring for homemaklng She had illushallons in wanderlul hand work she has mnda BETTER 13 DUNLOP ST BARRII BACKTO SCHOOL TOGS The balm kind at Ihvift pvicés Walker is the store to buy mnhluu lmixlc mug unkx

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