ANOTHER FIRST FOR RCAF CAMP BORDEN 15QUEENS MEDALIFOR THE RCAF1954 meunnnmuuumnun ton comrnmm Well folk in the previous cdiv lionoi The Borderline you all read at he RCAF Camp Burden Rifle Team and oi their successes the ORAMeet Micr snyinz Hello to the BLHer halfmresting awhile coi lcciing clennclothing the 12am consisting thi time FL Real we Warwick rs Marlin FS Richardmn 52L Sharp Team Captain Cpl Ralph Secretary and Cpl Fraser moved out Sai mday 7m August in niiend the Dominlon oi Canada Rlilc Assoc iation Meet Connaulhl Ranges 0Nan In order to appreciate the com petmnn that the Team mead read ers who have never partldpatqd in RiflgMeets should ï¬rst under stand hilt the DCRA Meet Is the most important annual Shoot hold in Canada Tcnms from every province are present team of Top Marksmen 1mm Great Eri Iain and usually 11 number In dtvidunl Tap Marksman from ï¬le USA also participate The Can adian Elsley team hnvinz return cd from the meet in England are nlso entered in Ihe various com poutlansr Match Competition Shunflng commence Monday morning and continues each and every day hruuflhout the week he linnl hot being fired In the 2nd stage me cévemar Fuyéhatch smurdny Afternoon Distances over which the competition take ll unmmmm JEWELLMIB Illa OHOMMIBIB In ADIOWINI Illwa mm HIGH MINI ONTAIIO 1n II rumv nm mIllmhnl ulmmuly um um bullonlmh Noel Sigpbgprson RO LAFF OF THE WEEK 00 PROGRESSIVE JHCKPOT mmqnxunnxmxms OPTOMETRIST EYE CARE CONBUIII Arriving at the Cnnnnuah Ranges members of the swim Team proceeded to TOMS allotlud and generally set up House Sunday proved to be day at flue weather candidon and var ious members DI the Station Team proceeded to ZERO rifles by en wring In Sweepstake Mamu cov erlng 200100 and 900 yards RE sults were satisfactory and all members were men ready or 1h mnln competitions winch were cnmmence Monday August Rifles having been caroruuy stared FL Real F15 Marlin su sump nrfd Gin Fraser inn place range ram 200 yards back to 1000 yards Strong chvanginc windshright suniizht and heavy storm rains are Just In law of the icnndiiions each Shooter must endmvor tn contend with There iare two Qategnries at shooting The first is Deliberate Iirlnl where cool caieuintian wind speed heat mirales changimz light steady nerves xnd Rifle Sling are necessary The and known as Service Conditions type shouting requires stamina good phyï¬iLai eonditinn or running gund eye for sighting iile tarzet quickly very good sense of tim ing particularly in rapid tire and strung steady hand because rifle slings are not permitted Neediess to my excitement runs high in all competitions or bath types or shooting and nerves became some what irnyed Th wnrnhmm 1an the Nil lunll Gram ln nnlnuwuud wm Humth ampmcd Tumlny when My Hum Wu and one le out make cullm hum hunnnm In Ihlmnull 0n lnrnllry nml Invrnlxaliun lhr make wnl ldr unm by mmInn nry Irnm Hnllh Amnlcn mnmnurr which yullonuu nml can mun drnlh wilhlxl hull hour This vufllculnr nprrir rummon In South Axncrlca Illd qulmulh hr blnmm nhlpmmll ln quvulnn Ilnvllll coma mm Inllrr It wns Xlrrmllmlrd luth Uulllln in nl Culllnu wml nu Tummy Atlrmuun Indulnu lllhl on curnu nt VlllllXIl Ind Nnnltr Shith whrn lu lml hl hnlnncc IN MI Illllnmn ml the around He mllnhml Hillhlzrn km an Iml lrnclun above In hum In In Irv Dr ll McKflY was mill uml Funk wu mnuv Wednesday nflcrnann The Quorns Mudal Scrvlcr Candl llans cansisllnfl of Ilrlnl Dollh lrnlc L1 000 yards allowed by FireVllhMavrmm mm 600 ydl In 500 400V 300 200 and 100 yards The MacDonald Tobacco Mulch was llrcd on Wednesday and lhn Team result were as allows W01 Worswlck lll FS Marlln llfl Sgt Sharp Cpl Fraser 116 lnlnl 461 m1 poslble 500 The mural 46 proved he only one pain behind the Wln nlng Tcnm plnclng RCAF Cnmp Dankn 2nd 1n he Tcnm PrIzc L151 Follqwlnz the Tyru Mnkh all members Participated in the Set vice Condition matches namely The Borden and The Sherwnud The former is ï¬red mm kneel ng or silUng position without slings lancr cnnsisled of Rapid Hm from prone posmcn Bmh Mancth were fired over dlshncg Richardson and Cpl ReIphmde the prize list far these mums Competiiions inciudcd in 1h Grand Aggrcute which consists oi ail main matches in which sling are permitted proceeded in earnest commencing with the Connnught Mulch W0 Worswick tied or first place with CAMS Draper Canada and Cpl Tctiow of Great Britain These three Sharrshanters the last two named being wn us two nl the leading Shots in me Gammon weaith Shutnit to decide the winner The large lump of spectators witnessed thrilling spectacle Euil aiter Bull was signalled when each of the three participants tired Unfor tunatciy W01 Wurswick was he first in be knockedmut but he put up game light again heavy odds Finally Draper knocked oui Teflow after 19 cansmutivc Bulls had been signalled Tuesday moman shnwnd signs detcrlnratlnx Weather condi llons culminating In terrific downpour at raln durlnz he flr Ing at the 2nd Range 500 yards 01 the McDougall Match this was lhu litginning of Ich trouble Munday dawned with cool windy wealher condition and the Tyromembers at the Team part idpntcd In lhc Tyro Match result lng In Real and FS Richard son making the prlze list at 300 We Ffls Marun Us ceeded to the Pistni itnnges A1 thnuzh this was that ï¬rst occasion MAF Camp Borden entered Pistol Team which included De liberate and Rapid iirn neverthe less the results although not at theyery but revealed that the potential high standard pf Pistol Shootinl iexists nmanx Team member 01 this Station Sgt Sharp obtained the highest score 01 the aforementioned team and made the priu list with nil other members nut far behind FALLH FROM LIGHT POLE Frunk Damn mrmlur ul lhr RNAKH IN Ixmru lokï¬ BINGO no IN 31° ST JOSEPHS AUDITBBIIIM an PROCEEDS KINSMEN CLUB OF BARBIE HELP KIN ELF KIDDIES on all loan mild1y all Illcndly lmll mu mdt Ihu dunk mmml ym No In In nanny mun4 Mr and Mn Dtnla Colic Vcrdun Que announce me en uagcmcn lhrir exam dauuhlcr 111mm chrulnn Mr Erncsl Edward MthIL rlilu son he lnln Mr nml Mm Albert Mchd Dnnln om wed dlng will like pLIu ml Stnlrmbor mm In an Andrnws Churrh In lhmie mo PM Ml Down mule Monlrvnl mtndlnl low dnyn lmllduys will her lulunu Mr and Mrl Illrlxnnl Slrrlc III In HM lml llnwllnl wlmw lhu Injured nmnhrr wnl llnrml In IL He will in hnxplullml or mm lmv cums vnl Iru mm flau urmy lllvtrlllll bl Inruvly uler plnrul Sorry Mar MIL XL SprlnuJ mllrm III llnynl VlllUrln Hm Mu The Commnnding Ofllcer we comed Ind congraluhllnd the whole team on helr splendid per onnnncc The CO lhcn called upun ES Marlin he Queens Medal Winner or the RCAF ll say few words FS Marlin though almos speechless gave very nflccly worded response Wlnz Commander Harvey then presented bouquet of roses in Mrs Marlin WD Evnm PMC of HM Sata Mon presench FS Mnrun wllh sllvnr mug canlcnu unknuwn Possibly due lo the long nrld chive mm Ollnwn ES Mnrlln was In men disappearan behind mu mug mm 1111 he Gun 01 now folks The REAP Camp Borden Rlilc Team arrived home Sunday ailer noon and was reeled by wel coming delegation headed by 60 Symc Commanding Owner and WC Harvey Prep ldeng RCAF Camp Borden Rifle and Revolver Association The Team was overwhelmed by he warmth and scope al the reception at he Main Barrier thu Station where all available personnel had assemblcd PS Mnrlln was escoer to he chulr by he C0 and the hcnrcr puny went Into ncHan Led by he Station Pipe Band he pm cnslon proceeded to the Sgu Mass or dklilhllul and Inform gmhcrlnz ufot noncoml omen do you up out bill nut mun Team consisting or RS Mum Sit Sharp Cpl Relph nd Cpi Fraser was en tered Thursday afternoon in ihu most popular team event the Cnalcs Coached Match Although this team Iaiied in winY results showed them in be nniy our points behind the winnusi Goad weather prevailed through ou Friday for The Chy uwa Makch ï¬red 200 and 900 yds but tricky wlnd candi mm floored many Shonlers however two RCAF Camp Bord en members made he prize list mm poslfluns prune kneeling and Houdini Ihen Rapid ï¬re and Snapshooting 300 yds resulted in PIS Martin 112an the very ï¬rst winner of the Queens Medal for the RCAF demonslrnunz anu again he nptnass the Statinn muuo Princlpm Thursday morning once Main brought bud wealher tondiiinns during which the 13 stage of The Governor Gencrnls Match was fired 200 ydsi 500 yds and 600 yds combination n1 deter ioralion rifle caused by rain inuling of barrels dampness in scope and poor lizht cnndiiions rosuiied in grnerai lowering ol waver FL Rea FS Maran and Cpl Fraser qualiï¬ed Inr the 2nd stage of lhs match and flu llnal results are not yet available ENGAGEMENTS 15 SPECIAL 50 GAMES gm 30016 IElEPHONE NUMBERS FL Irving 0C Arm Training Branch 01 11s hm been transferred In Dayton Ohio The immediaie result wan ihat he was seen driving new hardtnp I3er lira before leaving while his lar mer wagun remains with another Best of luck Ell Slalf Transfers FL Church nur and Accuunts Ofï¬cer has been trans ferred to Slalan MacDonald where he wlll be SAO The skeet shooters and Home and School Amocinllonl on lhls Slallun wlll mlss his sup port and we wlll all mlss hls cheery manner Boiler luck on the dollar bllls nexl llmc Hob Harvey Slallun Ad julnnl l5 poslcd lo Summcmldc PEI all course and then on to Greenwood NS Walsh Ihnt Moo lmad Lloyd SDmL pcnple claim thnt lhu makers were mlch up ln lhulr geography lhal noble unl mal when they named their pro duel Krrp lint olvuumlwrn you no liluIy In ull in our ml Qvul FL HAIWHY FL CHURCH DMlnra 1m Ilmmh rIde hum ARI The turn cllhlBrfllsh Wn men 011nm who are currenllv playan cxhlbillcn rnnlanx 1n Cnmldn bclnrc gain an In UK United sum tn ally In In Cuylh Cull lnlcrnatlonnl tanks and the U13 WUmKnl Nullnnnl lnurnn mcm will probably um new trend In span clulhcs The three lnlcrchnnnunblc nuulls am My each bruuxhl wllh them were do Ilgncll wllh vlcw human In well wcnrnbmly and cmnlnr Teddy TinllrllV whom Canlllmll wamen kncw he designed ul Gum Moranl lncy ennll mum chase varlcly Illth and uh ru nrhlLvc hlx purmxt Om mg Show and Dance Cooks mwn Community an Friday Sept music by Hank Star and the anlcy Ranch Days No pm 10 1230 am IMHO IRENE PUMP 22yearold pollo vlctlnl was on her wey to beecmlng helpless bed test lnvnlld in splteo her herolo eflorts nvold this Years of treatment and strug gle to become moblle were belng volded by further wenkenlng of her back surgery held out her only hope or escape from llte ln wheel chair and eventually ln bed Her hos pltnl plan would not cover the long months necessary for thls type of treatment but the March of Dlmes could and dld come to her nld From September 1951 to May 1952 she was hospltallzedl Reeupemtlon at home for gew months followed and In September 01 1852 she was ready to go back to work British Women Create Fashion For Golf Course We mmlhm here show how llMly Ibo mupï¬nln um Ilumlnum IM Ihe nmpmy Hut will In hml Innlvm Mon thin lhmluml llurnl fuluml lum LAnhll Ilu mlnum hm mylhi Iuml Illfumn In hairpin And lhey Iww nm In upwamm um or Immmlnl old can lMy tau Ilmyl all Man In help mu Ilnd Ilw IMWV Mu mluum Cummny ul Camdu IIdAhqn LAvm IHMIUI Ind newul lrchnlqunlnllumlmmlwrhNnI In rum on In nullan Indumy In Lllniu cunduglul hy Mummmm hhoulvlln Um LinKluumnllnnlmlimu nunnu Iumnm nml Mldm Illmd leuum Iml damnm lam luy Akln ltKllll upe rlllllll Vn9 fa Me WELDDMSSED Man lnlorewng nnchs he use he has made Tcrylcnc pnlyeflcr fib er recent and versaule mnnv made fiber soon to be available In Canada One he golfers skin is made at grey Terylenc and wool unolhcr pun whuc Tcrylcnuf Both are straighuml as good golï¬ng km Should hr And since Mr Tmllng hinks that lhcrc ls nolhlng wrong with bl ol cmlnlne fancy on tennis cums or go Ilnks he has nul THE BARRIEFXAMINEER MONDAY AUGUST 30 1954 EPLETTS ELECTRICI In OIIIIIA Wu Ronlh MMIIIIII II III In sum rm 145147 llunlop SI Phone Battle Mu tplew Elcclrlc your Crosley TV nlmlhmm my happy to pinch Ihll schedule CULT lrognms hue lIIlIrI wtthly or III cun nnltnr vlewus In Barrie and Distrch 14 cu Mumn rm ma by wmm uu um um vs mum Huh In cu rum 1m um no mm Exclusive CHOSLEY TV Dislribulors INTRODUCING THE REVOLUTIONARY ALL NEW CROSLEY TABLE MODEL TELEVISION CBLTTV channel Toronlo WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER VsquV l7 MONDAY AUGUST 30 TUESDAY FIVE SPECIAL Is10ovo GAMES useful lndependent member of soclcty and very happy to be so as her plcture Indicates Donation to the March or Dlmes wlll re peat thls story for many another young pollo Vlctlm whose healthy actlve mlnd ls belng lmprlsoned In body that wlll not re spond to hls wlll Such lmprlsonment 15 so often unnecessary thls ls one type of freedom that money wlll buy Send your dlmcs and dollars to the Cnnadlan March or Dlmes Box 10 Toronto on to the Pollo Cnmpnlgn ln Earrle belng held hubs Jun lorChnmber 01 Commerce to see that every one that can be rcclnlmed ls restored to uselul happy llvlngl In Bank mod the 1mm wllh sacks of wï¬ilc Tcrylcne ulmmad mm lacy cuu UGUST ammo no mu at nm cl nu on nu um um llyh um éni mo Adv 21 mm Iyman 1mm mm rm Bellini mud nw nun 7an to Even mm mm Ind hevul mam menu Immuvln Im ranIx ac New Ind vimamen wnm run run SAMPLE TMu 10va UTILITY DURAWEAH CO Wilma Buuciï¬n china mmo 55000 IN DAY Mom ConnMT in DESIGNED WEIGHT ONLY 51 Small menu In lmmllr glut rnuluh In rnlry Phone 135 HIS néflmm