llravlm plmlllu lmml mnmnny uv unw mm wm In flluwml mm mm lnlnl sump ILMIIWI lII hath wml ml ummrnlnl man we wanna In mu uumllm uumm yum mum mum Im aml um mu Muan In ma mum pail 1m mmnl Hmly 12 mm pukan no Ilmnmlul mum Illmu mmle mm vlml In llurh anunmn IIulu Mumum mph Whlln um lulnllml mwuxx and mm mm In mull mlmlml tlmlml lam mm MvInIImuullt hm Innlklnulur mnwn wrklad In And Knmlurml lluul IVHI IIPW mmy wink ur wmuw lvuul ONE IIIIZ PLEASANT FEATURES hr hrmkhml whlch wns served to the visit nm yvnlorllny was the prcmlluflon fresh Hum 41 1110 hulhu In the ncwupnpcr puny In Ilnilnmnph lnmvv Mlm Joxmnu Cnrr of llnanm ylmnu 1m pmvlnc ml In lMnhmnl Land nut Fulrlh Imhhrliu Mvrnuw hNn mumm In law ultimo du ltld Um rmmu mum Plantings Young Fish Completed In Lake Simcoo MEMORIAL CHAPEL DEDICATED AT GLEN HURON ON SUNDAY The new Mummile Chapel at Glen Hurun 15 miles southwest 01 Slayncr was dedicated on Sunday Aug 22 when was pcnplc lrom the surrounding cummumucs galhcrcd 1n the llllle glanur the occasion The sumo chapel is pm 01 lhrcnappoinhnem parish under the leadership of nev Downer mm or Simeoe Norm Dunlrnan and Slnghampion the other lwu uppuinlmcnls 1n the narish FortyMun yum ago this ap pnlnlmcm arlrd and um today Ihuy no church to war sth and have been using thu Orange Lodge Hall The new Chapel ks situated an the hunk of he Mad River oniy cw miIuslmm one Onmrios famous scenic spins Thn Devils Glen on Highway In the Blue Mountains The Venerable Archdeacon nghlbourn ODE MA DD dcdl calm the chapel asslsud by the mm Rev ll BuvcrleV MA DD Bishop Toronm the Hon Dunlnp EA LLD and Rev Adyc llqrzl Dean with ncv annur roclnr cunducllng hc sorviéc large 1cm wns pitchad mid Lhc chapel and summed mm sysum but mu crowd um came croded lhis accummndaum The rhnnrl can only buns mu continuous support and scrvlce ml 17 farmllos hul drew interns from us far as La Angelcs Callmrnln SIX ha nranal amines who 90m YearNo 99 Sewing ma TOWN or 3mm AND com or smoon AN ammum mu Since 1864 hm Nu won mm uupl In lhmn 1nwmhlp In nlarlo uunly whlrh pen 1mm WW NW 20 lutlunlve um um Ivmm In dmmu nl lmy nnuml Iml Mu kukn ulmdl 1mm Huv 20 mm In Tumuhm Mm Ind anl whim rhmlll Svlccruhll llnckhm and rrxluck hi lnku mu mom Illmrnlll nn Innubrr Hclml Inlallnfl ln 1M clumlnhun nl mp nmlrn nml Innluxlrnl rnvlmmvmnl Thr Iluulllul melnm rumd um In nulrnlnnn wllh Inlllmllmrlfl vlln Imlupml um Hm pm Mr yrnu am In mulnluluhm mum lyallIMM In llll Ih puyulnllun rs hultlLuhlng dulvnhln ppvrlrv In Ill ahln walru nml Inuknlnhlna mu nun Nuunm IIIIMNI ml In wlll hr Mrslrvl Ill Ih NI nwlul npnu In In dalu Ill llw Lair lilmum Illu lvlrl ll Illllmmvrml ï¬rmly vy lhl Mlnlllu ul Land ll Fm knkn win Mu and Cnunly wlm 41 thrwa lulluwwljlry Mm The admirable turnlsmngs the chapel were made possible by gen emus glfls many people and ar Eunimuons The land fur the 5111 was dunui ed by Hamliinn Gian Hum the ball by Jullan Fergusu MP for Simeon North the pulpit John Jnhnslfln Collingwnod he aiklr St Pauls Church Singhamp an the alLar hanglngs Clair Trait Collinuwood the nllar linen by the Chancel Gulid Toronto the hanging cross and qiiar stands were given by Edward Milncr Bright and lamliics oi Torunin he electric Hammond organ do nated by Charla Rashnli La An gclcs California the cnrpci Strauss Toronto Han and hymn boards Vni Jones Lisle Ont nrA gan music book Christ Church WA Dunimon silver vase and cnndlcsticks by Bernhardi T04 ronto calicciian plum Bishop Mnnoncy Toronto matched cnlorl ware presented by Lhc 221m Arm ourcd Corp Grey and Simone Forcslcrs and the Win Field Am bullncc Cnrpsi Ruv Mr Duwncr is padre or boih ihcsu rcgimnnu and served overseas in Wnrid War II wlih AhL Foresters Durlnz he dcdlcatlun service LLCOL Gnndlcr zmh HEEL nnd LLCol nllddlcbro placed wrcMh on the all In memory Alhe fallen In whose honor the memor Inl chapel was erected started the nmmlnlmcm 49 years ago are 511 Wrnscnmd In the 17 families now unending Wnrk nml Hwy Mulnllj WW Hamilton who mnploycd the new BA HCFVICO slnllon realman neon plnnlnx rose 1n plucn or Mm nuzzwll Shamr wife the publlxhcr of the Ulcnhcnn News Tri hunc hvflaarriéiExamimr Onlnrm LINN MKMIIKHMIII Mnlvlmllllp III Amtlun FedHun of Ller II mm mm 9500000 anlnllnu cluu In In Unllnl mum Melly by ml llulrhnx Chum nl Irol Mu Ylllk 1erth IIrklrlllu Fm wmmy ml wm Whllhy Counly utnvln and luwmhlm All Inln lrttumtrh and WM lwil llmhuty 1n ï¬lmmr fnuvuy Nuv III Fri Pill vaï¬lmlrr If Imkn 5qu Hllllrl HI lulu Arman Mnkul Mulch PL 1013 lluuvvn kl IN In 1953 mu Fur Nu rlnm STERN Ink Huv HA In Huv l1 IV In Amll Llndl leul had Iccompanled htr grandparean on llshlng trly to Barrle am It was named ymerdy um um young Ill became HI cw days up uni hecnmlnl Illrm ed her gnndplranu Ind an uncle dcclded to Ilka lo hosplul hm Allhoulll men zmcrnvncy treatment lllu Illlle girl ï¬led short llme liter Id mutarm Meanwhlle rum Tornnlu game word um mm no clung In In candlllon nl Mtlndy fllkhle nl Elmvnle She cnnlnclcd pollo law veclu no lml wu removed Toronlo when her condlllun bermn worse It undu nood um II lho present llmo she In In Iron Iunx Young American Girl Dies Here Believed Polio ynunl Americln Id In the Baffle In with her xrandpzrenlx died In Royal Vlclorla llospllal on Tuesdly nlglfl Ind lllhough the cause of dulh hu not yet bten of llclllly tunllrmed hospital lhnrluu said there war every lndlcallon III the chlld wu vlcllm ol bulblr polio She was Llnda Jun Price nineyurold daughter Mr And Mm Eunne Prime OH Clty Pennsylvanln story which calm out ol Clly Id Hill In Hula lrln hrnlher aevenyeIrold Chlrltl Ild dled than of Hollo Lsmu per day pvmrmm ML IIIWIN wnw clemenu Stun Jun 2L tlrnnul In In FMI In May BARRIE ONTARIO FRIDAY AUGUST 27 I954 Mn Mm Crwlll mumm Immu mmh him up NI 11mm Ind umnlml whn ma uhwlld and tumult llwmlwrl fur llwlr Wink Elu mm Hund Ilu who klmlly du nmd mm Mu Fux nlw mlnnuhml WWI pm HI wnmm Mu umpmn Ihlvvknl Mr rux Mr talk and Mn but In hrr mmlrl unnuman Hull wru rmnplhnrnltd on tlwlr may mud Munml qu ulmml Wlllmllfl Iluulule wnl pu llculnlly Immnenurtl lnr lln III play ml Hum mum men lmtkfllulllvl lcrrnnlnl Jordon Ihould lw wrll rulnvuml Mom Munung wan Mr run mlvlcr Uu mu clny land mu kw lnulr hn drclnrcd and on ml l0 wlh krrp It nmIAL lrmmm lxunlru Ihmlld 1m um wldr nml lluwrn nmwxul umrdlnllyv Irlrnnluln uh nul mm much unmlnll You nlmnl tullvnlc lnu much anml Mr Fox who pulnlul uul lhnl culllvnllnn Itll In UH HIM Ilnuulll Mr and wnlcr Ihll lrpcndn Hm mm your up um Mm numhrr yrurn may nun wlll xwm lllul mm In much mun In In known rm ycnrl Slroud Wumnnu In sluulc Flower Show bdufllcd mm undo wllh ill tx hbHun showan samples of bloom Held In Slruud Community Hull un Thuudny Aug 19 lhu shaw Mlmclcd large number um whn unjuycd lnlk on x011 and soil mnmvuuun nnd pmn nlal bordlu by an cxpcrl on lhc pmblwlll Fax 5m Um IHlntt 01 In mlmrd om lhu Mpcnkcr wlm rm phlultrd lhnl cvrlyllllnx lprlnnl mm lhr lull nnd nur back In lhc Ill There Inc tllnnlcnl cl mnnL Ill lull bu Hmc mo mull cuunllulnllmnn mum and rhumhurlc nclL Nllmml ImduLu NIL pnlnsalum hrunhy moan and dennccunflmlllng lulnllllrx am plmsphurlc ncld Ilaqu ur rulL onm she 15 reputed lo be the greatest and mvcllest sumarm In All Canada and need take second pllcc 10 mm on the Amulcan continent Jennne vPonucnyku qnly 17 years old when she sang lo pack ed hall at 1h Tomnto Conserva lory of Music In 1028 She thrilled audlcnccs 1n the allCanadn Sym phonySuriesihc allowan your mm In 1931 sung Carmen In Montreal Her debut fth the Tumnm Sym phony look place in 1932 Ind In 1933 she mnde hcr rlumphanl ddlzut with he San CHIn Open In the mic Gildn In 1330 She sizntd Conlmcl wflh he MumpalmmV Clnclnnau and CMcuzo opera mm panlu and In the yum that lol luwcd Ippnnrcd with lhe llulfaln Phllhnmmnlc lhc Delmll Sym Slroud Womens lnstilule Annual Flower Show Most Successful Wilh 112 Entries mm 21 Exhibitors vice 1n Cenlm United Church In ID53 the singer btgln her um year soloist at Timothy Eaton Mumorlal Chumh In To The bag the lower was uni canhed last Saturday In Lhr course general excavation work being baned on below ï¬le old oMlcers Thc noud Toronto soprann Jeanne Pcngclly will make In appearance in Barrie this coming Sunday August as solo is ha 11 he mamlng ser rm wlnnm Wlnnm In nu wlnua chum Noted Canadian Soprano to Sing At Central Church Marteilmer prodnct the Napoleonic wars formEd part or the fortifications which stood guard over the entrance to Penetunguisheneiharbmir mid British military and naval estaiuiishments there abtu one hundred years ago The bag the lower was uni quarters under the direction p1 WIi carihed last Saturday in Lin course red Jury Prwnssor at Indian Ar oi general excavation work being theology at the Universin of West barried on below 1he aid oMlcers ernOniariu Londunx INIERESIING HISTORICAL FIND TOWER NAPOLEONIC WAR IIME IOUND AT OFFICERS QUARTERS vmrranrmu Mn HIlva Mm hmflnll Iv Itm hlmmul Mn luluht Hnnmlrnunm cul llkflhll WIN Mm Ayn VIM Ilmnn Hrwrlllnll Mn erlflfl HulhulnluL Mu IL linen llnlllull lprrlmuil wlka Mn lurk Mrl Cumphnll llMull Umc mlku all IHHFIFHL lmldry Mn ll hark Huh ul Cul Flown Mm Innulhrll Mn MI llxvl Hmhnllml Mml Unuml lllnl pulled rul fwmplull MIL MIX Illc llun nut in lluwnl Mn momma Mll 11unnpum Cnllnllrm Milan Woku Mu FMI WIN Mr ben Mx ninth Doll Culleclhm ol Vnuhhlu Mu Clmpboll Mu Ayml Mn lAllIr Thomp F0 nm munl mlnhlun mnmmn lum Mada Ila Jun Andrew llluhm lnu nkl Mn Marlm Bulhulmllx CLASy AAslcrl mllecllun Mrs Cumpbdl Calenduln blooms Campbell Mrs John Cuwan lcllllllfl slnfllv col lecuun Mu Wlllnm and Mn Ildxnr Thompson Zlnnllu coll Illm 1n unc cnnlnlncr Mn luck Mrl Campbell leI nlnl ï¬lm 1119mm Mrl Lucnl Mrs John Cuwnn Cuunul IO hluumt MI luck Mn WlIllnm and lhlux Inmlnl cul lrcllon In nllc cnlflullwr Mm Cfllnlllll lhlux wlrllnlnl mllrcllnn In our cunulnrr MII human Mn Cowan Snap drnuon Iplkrl Chmphrll Swot PM wflh lullno In one tunlllncr Mrs Cullullwll Mn Thompson cul lrdlml Alx flflnkll lluwnrl In anlnlc cunlllmrl Mr Thmnp Iun MM ll lack Illdlnll hmkcl Ind mnlyrllllhmclll Mrl Wllllnln llnml Mrl Cnmp bell Glnxllull rullrcliunuf All Vulullrl Mn ll lack Mu Willlnm Hnml lnnsln I1 blmnnl Mu II Witt Mu lllnck DIIIImI lnhlv Ihuqurl Mn WH llnm mum Mu Lucn Mllunnl MIXM Fluwru Mn Camp brll Mu Wllllnm null ln urdcr morll were us fol lows She has sunz lawn mic wiih the Met well wnh Ihe Cin cinnnli Opera in Sun Curio Opera and Canadian Grind Opera Ind has been um unis with the Eu faio Philharmonic in Detroit Symphony And he Promenade Symphony well as Appearing sulois over American Ind CamdinnrndJo stations Ind with lhc Montreal Fellinis choir and orchestra and me Tomnio Men deiuohn Chair The dlscovery lends no llllle ImA pelus to the work excavating and possibly restoring the Pcnekan culshanc the and Barr rcsldenll Wll no doub XOHQW with Interim since the lorls supply route lay along the NlncAMIln Portage and lam lhe Penclnng Rom hum lend lnx 1mm Kumpcnlclt Bay The Inn Canndnnralncd shun lu juln 1h Metropolitan Opera Company Mls Pungclly has big richly colored voice that is very buumul bulb in IL nonzr and uller dynamic runlcs music tln rasourca Ind pawcr she has Mustang aohlcvnd nmv hulxhls at mls ry Well preserved example Vthese are it be seen at For Ullam Henry acioss Irom Klnistnn bul was not known hut any had been bull lurlhcr inland jhésï¬i and In Carnegie HnJll re cllll New York the Sunhn scvrvkté The Mnrteiiu tuwnrr were first used qiong the coasts oi Britain during lhc year that the island was in anger at invasion by Napoleon The tower was wnicalvin deslgn some 15 to 20 Eat in diameter and hnvinz flat molupon which canrmn was mounted There were variations at coursa some mm or ï¬ring through lovpholcs 1mm within Somn seven Inches beInw sod lev el was lound cIrcIc at masonry Icon ea In dInmetzr the walls lhnvlns lhlcknogs 16 Inches wooden floor was Indicated resting on tourIon IhIcknes of stone 0n the sIde overlooking the hur bor entrance an elshldnvl run way probath closed passage wny led In ï¬lauorm 28 test long and 1ch wide suggesung that the cannon emplacement some hmes located on Lhe flaI root of the Lower Was on the open plat lonn In IhIs case neg srfuwls wm conduct musmm vmomm tomblmllon pldlocl bu been mmqu wllh hullhln mlndy mm In nulnm Um lack lcunl Illek letting hur nu lumblu cum Among Ihnm wlm hulvvd wllh ner Ilmrl mwmnnnl wen erl Mn WIIIIP Mn ll Illuck Mlu Jun Wk Mu Fm Ntlnmlllml Mm Wllllnm Su lllulnul Mil IL tawny IL Iihupkln Mn llwl Mrl Ehnvr PM Mr And Mil ll rnl Cull um All Todd lllylh McConkU MINI nlon Tum Cunk Cmva Clnmm Fununn MOI Mnlln Mrl Allx Black MM Curmde Mu William ub Infl Mu ern Oman Mn um um Mac hndky SCHOOL HIlllN Allnll nunlun llrvnlvy Ayrm Zlfllllfll mrdlm vann lhvrrlvy Ayru Cullullllll WIM rm or Wnull ymln Sum 9mm Im wu our mnnbcu Imly wlulln awn Ham Mu hunplnll Mu McNubh lnlnhwu Mrs lumen Mu tmwm To lvulnrl Mn Ayrnl ucmw hm Mn Cnumbrll Mu mu Thumpmu Carmm Mn 11 Gmuldlluw Mm Cmnpbwll Onlum Mu Thumpwm Mm Cnuvplmll nmcunctn pm Hzlnlo Clllmm mum mmnm pmurum mmhmr music wlll mm 1le Sululny mnlnu 111 um urlock 5L Vlnccnl rm Undrr hr mmmm 1mm xnulrr Jon McNlec lhn mum wlll play mmmn hymnl mumm and on nuuxc lhr public nn lrmlmlud Um lpcclnl Sunday cvenlnu lUIlrM wlll lnkc plncc II wcckrnd Band Contert 0n Sï¬nday Evening in St Vincent Park Illl clr wn wrttked Ind he Inflated tram levnru Ihock polIII Inlemal anurlel Ind cut lull bull ha lea Ind lexl Pie Hired CIdelIi of the 5m lnluwfl any Yumsc Cnmp Borden ru scrloully Injured yulerdly morning when the cur lnwhlch ha wu drlvlnt nu lnio VIMDIIVU Torunlo lnln the HI now In bulde Fm Sicilian llllll wny 90 The lccldlm orcurrtd II 550 Im Winn lhc lnnln WI Juli pulling nut of Illa nlnflon It Wu lnvtlflnx lb0l Ihm Illllel In hnur when Cult car whlch mu wesllmumlnn law we ma coatth INJURED WHEN CAR RUNS INTO TRAIN AT ESSA ln llullhllr Um wn lelnl drlrfllu lump Ihq work at llu vlrloul lHVIIIrlII deplmnrnl Mr ermldu uld um homan Wu DIM at mm ImporlM nullm undu Ml ponlalla VA mud lmflullnn of HM um um Indqu at lhl Monk Onl lam Ihn wank provincul not no momum vm Wadi 1m and um am by 1M federal Went In ma Mr Wmmdu mu am Mr luulnml hy mu umvlnrlnl rmmrnl the unoclulvm 1111 Intqu muwnllon In rmmu 11n lml wukly WMinot II In uuml IntHum ol munlull mupln wllh lhe nlcll Dr anI cum munlly plnnninl um conanrvulnn In cunzorvullnm mnny wukly Mll ml hull upruhnded flu movnnnl Inward ulna up llhld llmnllu ollm workl lhl phu nlnl mlnlulr ch Thu unnclnllun nlm mnnml live 01 he munlry bmlJmawn wtck4 Xy nnwxpnpmurm wlm IN mun brnmln Tilly worn Illxlun llullnr Inc Arlhur Enlrmrlw Jnlm MIN Hm Wulchmnn Luthlnn Wllllmn Udall Um Ilrrnrdrr Hnlsuvnln Mnnlhnba Frnntll Julm llurlu ha Ktlll vllle lublllhlnu Cu MIL Kmlvillv Ind Chill Humor 01 llu lllwnck lwunu hllflwuckv Illi IhlIIon lllunhm and Dcvtlnpmrnl Mln Islnr Wunnnvlrr un Wmlnmlny ulshl luld lullnbtrl the Clumllfln wmuy Nawwwu AnnualHun Ill le pnyml an lnlnavnl lull In nu umru tummunuy plnlniuï¬ and mmvrvnllun work If hll dr lwlmml NJ mm llulnu The Ummpwn Cnluorvnwr won Krroud place In the Mason and Ammume clnssu whllc nu smn Currvnl Sun won 1mm plurll 1n Hm Mum and Davld wn Ham Strand mm In he mum wmxmlllinn wnnl lo Nlwmarkcl Em and Exvrul mm mm plus my Iml mm Wm In llu thcur llrlonnrn This was the mu Umc lhB Mld lnnd nowsmprr had been awarded the Dnvld Wllllnm Tmphy or bus cdllorknl page the lhlrd llmc for the Man Truphy or hm all round nvwrpupcr nnd lhu um or Ulr Axnhcnlhura Echo Sllllld for but will pm Durkng lhc nnnunl conven mm 01 Inc CWNA 1n Toronln wu Hum 11 Crunmn publisher to crivcd all mm awards lur Class mum The flrs clean sweep 1n the history of the Canadian Week ly Newspapers Association or papers of 3000 or more clr culuuon was made this year by the Mldlnnd Free Press Her nld MIDLANDFREEPRESS HERALD TAKES TOPNEWSPAPER HONORS CLEAN SWEEP THREE AWARDS MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Mm Munu chicl ludor wllh lhq Huxlmny Iuy Company mm the mu cumy mun no lnlexlnr at the bndor mnlnmln In mu IIIHIKRT ll ICOTT Munlrvnl mwly lflmllllld Ilmmhlp pu unlnr mrnc llIIKFI lhl ulmlllln rum lluwly lllll pnny numd II nun maul who lul Um Intr hall unlnry ul mvkz lu Um num Ihp nfllc bmllmu single copy Tva nnd lnhllclly Hnlslcr Crcllu mm the Mlluu um um wmkly lliwwupcr my mur nunh uuulrrshlp were mad oumng iphmxlmmly 317000000 lhc luwlnlernst pmvlnnlnl ICC ond mommys wcro nmorlizcd ovcr 20 yrars hul Mn Wnncndcr nld mm ncurly so pu mm the loan hm nlrcndy bccn prrpuld in lull 0n lmmlxrallun mu nhnnlng mlnlshr said that nbmll 500 lunch arx mm he Unllrd Klnlzdom wuuld he Hing what would havu barn vncunclcs In schnnl nan Ihi lull WWIUM NI sIIccflvc Xmmlxra Hun he Llld some classrooms wvllld have had In be Closctl or be uptrnlul In the mu mu mon nun In hul period wmc 15009 0an CPR Appointment l4 Pages2 Sections ymnr JbunNKr