brance at them BTflE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUG 25 195 For ParentsOllIy siill writilrlls By Nancy Cleaver silently one by one Tn the Ia iarthest lrom the handle seem to tinlie meadows oI heaven Blossomed the lovely stars the Iargetmernoia or the north Have you stood this summer and watched the stars appear on clear night when there Was no moon it Is an experience no adult and no child can iorgeii Emerson said it the stars should appear only once in thousand years men would be iievc and adoreand preserve for many generations the rflnom Bnt the stars are so common It costs us noth lng to gazeat their beauty and every public library has good books on astronomy Star hubby is happy choice iér family on vacation in the country or at cottage 1th is so much to learn about the heavens Fascinating legends oi the stars have been told by every race They have imagined ud ventures oi the giant tmï¬gln ary ilgures which march across the heavens There are eightynine constellations and each season there are over two dolen coaslellatloni which can easily be pielted but by even an amateur star gaxer It Is interesting to compare the Greek legends oi the eta with the star stories or our North American Indians Very low public school young stars study astronomy and so they can have the thrill oi learning something quite new and diiicrent as they star gale Few or them know that the SLHS are really suns Our sun around which the will revolves is only very minor star It is similar to the other iaint stars in the Milky Way galaxy at which we are part Planets are heavenly bodies revolving around sun and they shine with steady reflected light Our sun has nine planets Our moon which revolves around the earth is our nearest space neighbor but even it is 240000 miles awayi There is only one seemingly fix Cd star lolarls the Pole or North Star in our sky in any season For centuries sailors have piloted their ships and travellers have plotted their course by its light Polaris has ditiorcnt spot In the skyiior every latitude within that livinisphcro At the North Pole it is directly overhead while at the equator it is near the horizon Every child Should know how to iind the North Star so called because straight line drawn map It to ihchorizon shows the direction north it is the prightrst star it the Little Dipper and is the last star in its handle Two at the seven stars oi the Big Dipper in the bowl oi the Dinner CPR Introduces New Scenic Dome Lounge point to the North Star The Pole Star is like the centre at great Clock Face with the Pointer Stars forming the hour hand The Big Dipper seems to swing irom lett to right the pointers moving In it coniravclockwlse motion When one Dipper is upright the other is upside down their han dies stretching in pppuslle direc tions On clear night wiih no moon it is fascinating to watch their staier march across the dmnc oi the sky Because at the yearlyrnn Ilon oi the earth around the sun Iha stars appear lime iarther west attire same time on successive nights Thus they may be observed in the sky In the same position Iour minutes earlier each night Spring evening constellations diiter oldie is bit iron the Augmt stars Orton the on sling constellation oi the Will ter evenings mot be seen on summer evening The planets allow path some what similar to the sun The an cient peoples called this pathway the zodiac Diiiercnl planets are located in varying constellations each year There are live planets which can be seen with the naked eye Venus Mars Jupiter and Saturn and Mercury which is al ways close to the sun and can sometimes be seen in the West im mediately alter the sunset To stronglhcn national ddcnco many countries are recruiting Sky Watchers Who will be able to spot enemy aircrait In this age oi International distrust and the Hbomb it is important to retain as much peace and poise as possible Men and women boys and girls who are Sky Watchers looking at the stars have hobby which Is particularly satisiying Few people can look up at tho heavens an dark night and not echo the Psalmists exclamation oi wonder about tllc stars which are the work oi Gods lingers Copyright la the Mentor PaperCover Books can be ioundJew Hand book at the Heavens 500 in The New American Library The allowing are excellent standard books Starr by ll Zim The Stars for Sam by Max well Reed Beyond the Solar System by Hertha Parker Stars Their Facts and Legends by Gronilal Ho Thats Asirononlyl by it ilay Boiler 12000 POST OFFICES There are more than 12000 post oliiccsurban and ruralin Can alia HIlItllZH VIEWS oi the Canadian Ilchilo Iiailwnya now licelile tinillr lounge cnrll which will harm llllrl oi the it new alieillllllnrll niallllwl otoel mills ilow Ill order to replace existing equipment on the Irmlsconllnanttll mm between Montreal and Toronto and Vancouver Iil allow nllitvi Hidllieell cunt oi this type now being ilnpinycti in it lrlllmcmlllncnlni tour at Canada are Incluan In the mta $10000000 order tor Im new cars villuil will be put Into new on existing train all they are received irom the if Itemof toostem llolldaying in Village Mrs Bacon and children Camp Borden are on holiday with Mr anti Mrs Marwntxl Mr and Mrs Herb Nixon have as their uuesLs Mr and Mrs Walk er and children of Staynor Miss Marjorie Wilkinson Toronto is spending her holidays with her mother Mrs Wilkinson Miss Margaret Carr Toronto is visiting at the home oi her neph cw or and Mrs Carr Rev and Mrs Somciville Couriiand are sprnding few days wiih the laticrs brother Kenneth Crawford alld Mrs Crawford Thomas Williams Toronto is on Joyillg few Weeks vacation ai his home in town The Misses Marilyn Mdlastcr loruntu and Barbara Finley oi llunisvlllo are holidaying with their grandparrnls Mr and Mrs McMastcr William Sharp Pittsburg ls visa Iling his sister Mrs Atkinson Mrs May Wesscll Mount Den nis is visiting her sisier Mrs George Mayes and Mr Maycs Visitors with Mr and Mrs ll McKiliican during the week were Mr and Mrs John Quinn and lam ily Creighton Mines In llIlnLutllll lnscllh Mclllnslcr is visiting his niece Mrs Finley and Mr rin icy in liu svillo Vlslilng at Eugenia rails Mr andMrs IL ilarman and Mrs Mliler visited with Mr and Mrs ilert thrown on Tuesday last at Eugenio rails Cars On Transcontinentals llolldoylngat Mluden Canon and Mrs Chaperlln are spending vacation in llaltburton near Mindcn Motor Trip North Mr and Mrs Williams Mrs Alice Donnelly Mrs Michalchuk and Bruce Wesson enjoyed mo lor trip to Erneebridgc and other points north last week Weekend Visltlll Mr and Mrs Wes Hindle und Mr and Mrs George Whyto were recent Sunday visitors with Mrs Whytcs parenis Rev and Mrs Lewis at Panotangulshene Robert Evans and Garry Amen returned home irom an enjoyable bicycle trip to Niagara Falls and Burlington 0n Iiolldayx Miss Violet Graham Toronto with her mother Mrs Graham iromiown are citioying hoiit day at Conn Hamilton and other points west Mrn and Mrs William Cornish Bolmnnt and Mr and Mrs James Boer lngersoll were visitors on Monday with Mr and Mrs McFadden Mrs litid North Bay was re cent weekend visitor oi Mrs lltrb lctzb Miss Mabel Edwards Tomato was guest of Mrs Atldnsup Weekend visitors at Mrs bun ling and Mrs McMastcr were navld MeMasttr ir and Mrs George Snyder Toronto lteiuniul irons llnspltal llerb Jebb who has been In the Illliiilim the lludd Company of Philadelphia during lilo next your The Ilrni oi the new scenic dume care In hlllml ill the centre above while top pilulo given all ldrli til now Inluldna exhilarating stilltty will llt viewed by Canadian lnciiic travellers oi the future bottom toll is photo oi the cars exclilng lItIlIItI lounge with lllllroi decorililuil all original oil painting executed by it lending Canadian or tilt lll background bottom right is MHli lil cars lounge allowing olllvlllg stairway up to laconic damn unmasksat Piloto by chmy Newmarkel thpiiai returned home Saturday and is convolcscing Purchased Home Mr and Mrs Vause have purchased Mr and Mrs Archie McLeans residence on Church St and will take possession as soon as ihc iine new home o1 Mr and Mrs Mclmm on Wellington Street is completed Workot New Restaurant Thirtysix citizens of Cooks town have secured positions at the new restaurant on Highway 400 Vlalton In Town Mr and Mrs Keith Cause son Miohael Mr on Mrs lack Kidd and son David Toronto were visitors during the week with MI and Mrs ll Kidd Mr and Mrs William Lawrence and Joan Toronto were Saturday ViiStOlS at their home in town name Irom West Mrs Nellie Stupu has returned home litter spending several months in the Western provinces Community Meetings The September méeting oi the Institute will be held in the town hall ohmursday Sept This meeting is on public relations and community activities The commit tec oi Mrs Lcmnlon Mr Walker Mrs ll Glass Mr Copeland Miss Slight Mrs Williams and Miss Audrey Mapes have made plans for an interesting meeting Everyone welcome and new members are urged to Join Frasbylerian WA meeting will be held on Tuesday Sept at th tome oi Mrs Archie maul The United Church WA meet ing will he held at the United Church rehuulranxn on Tuesday Sept The ccrrtmiitec is Mrs Glass Mix Paterson and Mrs 11 Jilll Flower committee lur Sculllabor Mrs Condo and Mrs Mchiaster Dies Suddenly Minnie vab dird suddenly on Saturday Aug It at her residence llul Concord Alenuc Minnie nub wile at tile iaie Villliilll lcbll and mother hi the Gordon ltbls llvsliilg at the Edriu nlllut Funeral no 745 iltivuitilliri lluad Mum arial rvid wlls conducted in the clinich on Tuesday Aug l7 at pm by ltov ltnsa Cameron interment ialk Lawn Cemetery ninlr Social lzvrnlng On Tuesday cvrnlni the mem bers oi the choir oi pi Jtillnh Church held it slcllll cvtning at up home hi lllr nnd Mrs Frank llroiley Io Itilnilr Mr and Mrs Spiny wlio ion on Aug ii in make their lIOIIIl Ill Itii An utilich was read by Mrs Ltm pulp and lovely llylnil hook wits prrsrllitii in Mr Simiry Ilsek tram urnp lelsur nrr rtiunwd homo imn lhlys cunp at iurlnun om wwn he was runnstliur Tile npnp it sinillsnrcil by to nullify Kiwanis and YMth at Kingston lrasrr ht dirttrill nibruling ridership rrniulin Cram at line Drimrlllltlli ui ihlutulluu nl liaik inkr lronillllt Uni ilhowrr or Ilrliielolih pleasant ltillliil tVIill wot spent last Thursday IVtilillti Anti lit lit the town lliilI Ill llllliur ill Min to watertommentary Woo Champlnluhlp Warminaier won the lust East Simone lIurili League soithsli championship last week with nine point to three in the playoffs against Sturgeon Bay The title winners took the ilnal game II to ti Warminster also emerged ss league wInnbrs lost season in the semifinals Warmtnster put out Victoria Harbor and Sture geon Bay eliminated Goldwater lruisierring Location Penny who operates Jewellery shop and does watch clock and Jewellery repairs ls pre paring to transier his location irmrl the Millard block on Main Street to the Elliott building across the street He expects to be moved by Sept I5 Mr renny who has been occupying an aportment in Lhe Tipping building will also have living quarters at his new locar tIon Crop Estimate lmal farmer estimated crops in Coldwntcr district were gener ally abouttwothlrds what they have been usually in threshing at Jack Tcskeys Medante farm on measurement by cubic ieet in bushels there were 950 bushels oibaricy threshed in our hours Morrie Whileher layman oi Calvary Baptist Church Midland will be the speaker at the 10 am service at Coldwater United Church and at 11 em at Wau haushene United Church on Aug 29 Birthday Party birthday party for Mrs Cor nell and son Arthur whose natal days are close together was held at the Cornell summer cottage ltobineli Dodge Gloucester Pool on Sunday Attending were Mr and Mrs Yarnes Greeniaw Mr and Mrs JlILk Greenlaw Mr and Mrs Ed Watson son Bruce and daugh tcr Palsy all 04 Toronto Mrs Cornell Mia Edna Walker and Arthur Cornell oIl of Coldwatcr and William Leone oi Port boring Recent Vlsitorn ilccent guests at Mr and Mrs James Lazonby oi Goldwater were Mr and Mrs Paul Robins daugh ler Gayle and twin sons Kelvin and Christopher at Harrie Mrs Robins Oro Station Mrs Harold Gilday daughter Linda and son Horold in oi King 0nt Mr and Mrs Cooper and Mrs Mur lei Addison Toronto and Mr and Mrs Ernest Miller at Barrio Name IIarards lsIr Judges Most oi the Judges ior lluronia Fair at Coldwatcr Sept 13 and it have been engaged Cat lloy at Fair Grounds llay on the air grounds Is be Ing cut and burned Catch leia Trout stSevem Lake trout are being caught in the Severn River This is the tirst time catches or lake trout have been reported lince llngurlings were placed In the river Make it Dr Jenkins Unionvilie Will be Judge 01 the light horses service he peniorrned here In 1950 Albert Webster Oakwutm ii the new Judge oi the heavy horses Daliy ootile Judge who has been acting In that capciiy tor the past our yeafl will again bew Owen oi Barrie New Strand Judge hero several times will Judge the sheep and swine Judge is still cattle Warnica at Siroud who has acted as Judge in iormer years will he in the United States when Goldwater Fair is held Mrs Gibson of Midland will again judge domestic science and dairy produce exhibits Needlecratt Judge will be Mrs Roy Hewson ottCoiiinzwood it is expected Stainton oi Midland will judge IlowerstruiLs vegetables and grain School Fair committee will arrange for their own Judges heeded or beat Mothers Helper THE OLDFASHIONED pacifier is approved by many pediatricians today tor lussy babies who seem to need the extra sailsiylng comIort It supplies lie sure to buy one that cant he pulled or spelled apart You can boil it with babys liot tla utilities Copylighill5lll1ItalIii Trihvne in ALMOST ooooce Tile number oi licensed radio listeners in Norway now is more thann 909000 compared to 476000 in 39 Soldier Apprentice Plan all young men of to bright future llIItOli HOW Training begins Still is the candles Armys Soldier Ap prr llalnlag Plan It ranluiiy planned promoter to halp young in oi lo ta pupal lhlmuivol or Illl tutor and SUI In the Annylo dmlup menu had local nil discipline add build Ilaag healthy pmandlily Ar Soldiev Appuniiu young mannill gal thorough trade training in on at military ilniiaramdoml training in unit ruinp at pllylltl thanhny digbra and Englishu annual mliilar training at the Canadian Snidisr will ba living and working ulnnglldo nihuilartir happy Corlv adlanl his own up whila patting tenblnuliun nI military training schooling elm at leaallan and up trad training will iiglpl iarall Anny tarptill Including ao days annual Ie will vacIv hull npular Army pay nhil id and an in mh birthday will draw Iutl pay in be eligible young nun mull to years at up but nut yet l7 und mull have minimum at Glad adurauun For an inlanulug booklet with new Internlotion on do Soloist Appnn Plan write an or vilil the Army Recruiting Culli nunn yau Do now training begins September lath on your applirallbn In right away RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS Coops highly trained technicians are lully qualified to service any radio or ielevision set guaranteed In give you satisfaction and save yrni money COOP Barrio Television Exports 259 lIIIIISFli 51 real meal 1th serve Coke Steaks cllops spare ribs gloriï¬ed by charcoal dishes seasoned to perfection and icccoid CocaCola Ail theres mcaii The Frosty goodness of Coke points up the taste of food WARNING iicllei have plenty pr everything good including Coilei Handy cottons make it so cosy Ihlril ltlliit ylluilgrhl daughter Mr lIIIItV Mrs llui Mum VAlilï¬i rilrpimirliliiti illiiilliltfl tn iiilry llullywniiti itilrrll il It lakl yilitt rurly til ilitnr Ilnrlllg thn owning Ii till llnun win oolril Ill Llliilll rilllott nu Mn Roll lllr Wiltl ilIil nil liltliifl which illilitillrti the oxtlrlillilll of good wisilel lnun tun unnuhly and tllllr til imatitillli llllstrllallcllliv gilt was lrtlerlllrit In in luhlr Iqtlt llulh thrill and Gary IX pyresud lilltr hypirtlntlhn lilld Riillllilllt or tlllv tlltlil Kill tililltllilllt ililwll will lllVltl nliil tile unnulinirr nl lhu munu spent in dallrlilti In Vllllrr llIIIllYI tilllltne tlll itlltltllunity Hymlulhy ZIIln mtuuunlly ritual in llrrll rn rynlpalhy in MI and Mia Jinllol lannu alul inmlly In the nnulrn and haul death lhrlr ii lighter and aplrr Lynn inwna win lllml Illilsllay Aug in iHElPéttShi VtIi IIlolIln M1 and Mill llltltlil Mltlry Itrpmhn WII hliu ilrnrgn liuln rritlnll Ttiitmtu Mu Wlillnlll lnylo Inli Mil Kenny 0i lllr tin viilell their hiptller Inhh Marley MUFIIAI noose llulh iv an ilailan wldli rntan Jur In sum hum ltle Illllvu nteula uselllllleme In list Tliiti Avtlmltvit ICIIIM el Cotnloll undo onlttltl with CoioCelo PENIiTANG BOTTLING CO LIMITED hustling Ontario in untoward PHONE 242 7¢ aim hlnd hlu IIlontl It